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Leading Comprehension:

The Same Old Figurative

Joel Toledo

Yes, the world is strange, riddled with difficult sciences

and random magic. But there are compensations, things we do

perceive: the high cries and erratic spirals of sparrows,

the sky gray and now giving in to the regular rain.

Still we insist on meaning, that common consolation

that every now and then makes for beauty. Or disaster.

Listen. The new figures are simply those of birds,

the whole notes of their now flightless bodies snagged

on the many scales of the city. And it’s just some thunder,
the usual humming of wires. It is only in its breaking

that the rain gives itself away. So come now and assemble
with the weather. Notice the water gathering on your cupped

and extended hands—familiar and wet and meaningless.

You are merely being cleansed. Bare instead

the scarred heart; notice how its wild human music

makes such sense. Come the diving

can wait.
Let us examine the wreckage.
Guide Questions:

1. What images are presented in the poem and where can these images be found?
2. What contrasting objects and concepts are illustrated in the poem? What message do
these present?
3. What do you think is the author’s purpose for using the image of the rain in the poem?

Understanding the Text:

1. What message does the poem convey about the present condition of human life?
2. What are the causes and effects of this present condition? Why does the author say
“But there are compensations, things we do”?
3. What is the symbol of the rain in the poem? What allusion does the rain present?
4. What contrasting and universal concepts does the archetype of water provide in the
poem and in other literary works?
5. What is the author’s invitation at the end of the poem? Why did he make such an
6. What do you think is the “same old figurative” in the poem and in real life?


I. Studying Philippine history and contemporary issues, do a research about one

persistent problem that the people are dealing with. List down at least three (3)
causes of this problem.

Cause Cause
1 3

II. Upon exploring one problem that the Filipino nation is dealing with, create a poster
and slogan advocating solutions to help address, respond and overcome this problem.
In addition, promote the values of empowerment and resilience among the Filipinos.
Draw the poster in the box and write the slogan on the underline.

Sample Output:

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Most graphics are in
Graphics are all in focus and the Most graphics are in focus focus and the content is
Many graphics are not clear
Graphics -Clarity content easily viewed and and the content easily viewed easily viewed and
or are too small.
identified from 6 ft. away. and identified from 6 ft. away. identified from 4 ft.
Several of the graphics used on One or two of the graphics The graphics are made
Graphics - the poster reflect a exceptional used on the poster reflect by the student, but are No graphics made by the
Originality degree of student creativity in their student creativity in their based on the designs or student are included.
creation and/or display. creation and/or display. ideas of others.
All graphics are related to the
All graphics are related to the topic All graphics relate to the Graphics do not relate to the
topic and most make it easier
Graphics - and make it easier to understand. topic. Most borrowed topic OR several borrowed
to understand. All borrowed
Relevance All borrowed graphics have a graphics have a source graphics do not have a
graphics have a source
source citation. citation. source citation.
Several items of
All items of importance on the Almost all items of importance importance on the
Labels are too small to view
poster are clearly labeled with on the poster are clearly poster are clearly
Labels labels that can be read from at labeled with labels that can be labeled with labels that
OR no important items were
least 3 ft. away. read from at least 3 ft. away. can be read from at
least 3 ft. away.
Required The poster includes all required All but 1 of the required
All required elements are Several required elements
elements as well as additional elements are included
Elements included on the poster. were missing.
information. on the poster.
Student can accurately
Student can accurately
Student can accurately answer all answer about 75% of Student appears to have
answer most questions related
Knowledge questions related to facts in the questions related to insufficient knowledge about
to facts in the poster and
Gained poster and processes used to facts in the poster and the facts or processes used
processes used to create the
create the poster. processes used to in the poster.
create the poster.
Content - At least 7 accurate facts are 5-6 accurate facts are 3-4 accurate facts are Less than 3 accurate facts
Accuracy displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. are displayed on the poster.
The poster is exceptionally The poster is attractive in The poster is acceptably The poster is distractingly
Attractiveness attractive in terms of design, terms of design, layout and attractive though it may messy or very poorly
layout, and neatness. neatness. be a bit messy. designed. It is not attractive.
Title can be read from 6 ft. Title can be read from 4 The title is too small and/or
Title can be read from 6 ft. away
Title and is quite creative.
away and describes content ft. away and describes does not describe the
well. the content well. content of the poster well.
There are 2 errors in There are more than 2 errors
Capitalization and punctuation are There is 1 error in
Mechanics correct throughout the poster. capitalization or punctuation.
capitalization or in capitalization or
punctuation. punctuation.
There are more than 2
There are no grammatical There is 1 grammatical There are 2 grammatical
Grammar mistakes on the poster. mistake on the poster. mistakes on the poster.
grammatical mistakes on the

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