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ANNEX 9 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Project Title: Stakeholders’s Forum


Problem Statement: There is a low stakeholders’ participation and support to school

programs, projects and activities

Project Objective Statement: To increase stakeholders’ participation in school programs,

projects and activities

Root Cause: The school has very few programs and activities intended to meet,
communicate school needs and recognize the contributions of stakeholders.

Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

Date of Person Budget

Activity Output Budget
Implementation Responsible Source

List of stakeholders Principal and
stakeholders May 2019 Php 2000 MOOE
with complete profile teachers
from various
Working Committee
Creation of
and their action plan Principal and Canteen
working June 2019 Php 2000
teachers Fund
committees and
presentation of
action plan

 Distribution of
invitation and
Implementation letters Principal and
of proposed  Purchase July 2019 working Php 2000 MOOE
plan Orders commttee
 Venue
 Program

Principal, MOOE,
Stakeholders’ teachers, Canteen
stakeholders’ August 2019 Php 50,000
Forum stakeholders Fund,
and partners Donation

Note: Please record also the date of monitoring per project

Please attach this form to the AIP template

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