Cloud Computing Goals Issues SOA Integrated Techno

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Ambient Science, 2016: Vol.

03(2); Online
Vol. 3(2):Online
Published by: National Cave Research and Protection Organization, India
Year 2016


Cloud Computing : Goals, Issues, SOA, Integrated Technologies and

Future -scope
V. Madhu Viswanatham Abstract
School of Computing Science and Engineering , VIT University, The expansion of networking infrastructure has provided a
Vellore, India 632014 novel way to store and access resources in a reliable,
convenient and affordable means of technology called the
Key words: Cloud Architecture, Business Cloud. The cloud has become so popular and established its
Intelligence, Mobile cloud, Cloud dominance in many recent world innovations and has
Storage, Services highly influenced the trend of the Business process
Management with the advantage of shared resources. The
ability to remain disaster tolerant, on-demand scalability,
flexible deployment and cost effectiveness has made the
future world technologies like Internet of Things, to
determine the cloud as their data and processing center.
However, along with the implementation of cloud based
technologies, we must also address the issues involved in its
realization. This paper is a review on the advancements,
scopes and issues involved in realizing a secured cloud
powered environments.

Introduction: method of delivering technology. This shows it is not a

The increasing levels of trust on cloud-oriented recently emerged technology. The cloud computing f inds
technologies are proved by the mass migration of the small it roots in early 1950’s. The cloud architecture should
and medium-sized (SME) business process and recent possess the ability to be scalable, flexible, highly abstract,
world technologies to the cloud Infrastructure This is due reliable, on-demand, remote handling, and metered usage
to the promising scalable, reliable and affordable nature of and secure (Marston et al., 2011; Whaiduzzaman et al.,
the cloud technology. The cloud technologies are very cost 2014). The cloud is a service that has three branches
eff icient in terms of maintenance The Hardware and popularly called IaaS model, PaaS model and SaaS model
software technologies are well utilized by the shared (Buyya et al., 2008;2009; Oliveira et al., 2014; Jula et al.,
resource pooling mechanism, where the user pays for the 2014).
service based on the metered usage or in some cases the IaaS: The Infrastructure as a service includes Virtual
service is offered free of cost. The cloud technologies are Machines to access the remote hardware or to access the
disaster resistant. The worst disaster has affected Chennai operating system services hosted in the cloud
in the months of November and December 2015. The environment. This is facilitated by the means of an
unexpected, abnormal and over poured rainfall has Application Programming Interface. The Infrastructure
affected the city of IT with severe floods. In spite of such a as a service includes Database as a service, Data as a service,
calamity, the IT industries were able to continue their Privacy as a service, Information as a service and Firmware
business without any hurdles. This facility to store, as a service (Marston et al., 2011; Bruneo, 2014).
retrieve, process and handle data anywhere and anytime is
only because of the emergence of cloud computing PaaS: Platform is a medium that provides facilities to the
technology (Ahmed et al., 2015; Oliveira et al., 2014; Jula et client to make eff icient use of the cloud technologies. The
al., 2014; Zhan et al., 2015). The NIST (Mell & Grance, 2011) Client could develop his own applications and deploy in
describes the cloud as a ubiquitous computing model with the cloud using the Cloud platform. The PaaS provides
shared and reliable resources. The resources in a cloud Simulation and testing of the user programs as a service.
could be a hardware, software or data that is pooled for SaaS: The Software is the integrated program that is
access. The ENISA describes cloud computing as a novel meant to provide service and interface between the user
*Corresponding Author:

ISSN- 2348 5191 (Print) & 2348 8980 (Electronic)

Ambient Science, 2016: Vol. 03(2); Online
DOI:10.21276/ambi.2016.03.2.rv01 REVIEW ARTICLE

end and the service provider end. These are developed and the combination of the utility computing, grid computing
hosted by third parties, which can be accessed by the and distributed computing, to produced increased levels
means of billed usage or for free. Cloud business insight of flexibility and convenience at reduced ownership cost.
was basically the area of startup merchants offering The Characteristics of the cloud
Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud BI's potential 1. On-demand Serviceability
advantages are like those offered by distributed 2. Broad Network Accessibility
computing innovation when all is said in done.decreased 3. Shared Resource Pooling
server farm and IT administration costs, quicker 4. Elasticity
arrangement times, expanded adaptability as business 5. Metered Service
needs change. By and large, however, cloud BI
organizations are still moderately low-end in nature On-Demand Serviceability: The cloud has the ability
of self-service to the user end with the automation of
provisioning resources on demand.
Broad Network Accessibility: Cloud computing is
totally based on the Internet Infrastructure. The Internet
Iaas Paas SaaS is the gateway to exploring the world of cloud. A seamless,
high-speed and reliable internetworking infrastructure is
Amazon an essential characteristic to realize a reliable cloud
Ec2 technology. It enables the interoperability among the
heterogeneous devices involved in the cloud. The client
Figure-1: three Service models in Cloud Computing. Source: platform is characterized into two based on the workload
Branch et al., 2014
as a thin client, which takes a little load and dumps another
All these service models are developed to stand as an process to the server and the fat client , which loads the
interface between the Service provider and client end. The maximum task in itself and approaches the server on
high speed reliable Internet infrastructure counts to its requirement with less workload. There are various
performance. The Four Deployment models are standard mechanisms introduces to pull almost all devices
1. Public Cloud with open access to all into the web-based computing. There are mobile phones,
2. Private Cloud with restricted access to an authorized tablets, PCs, wearable devices etc., enabled by the Internet
individual organization/person Infrastructure. Thus the cloud computing is formed with
3. Hybrid Cloud with the combination of distinct clouds these devices as the medium of access.
facilitates the load balancing mechanism.
Shared Resource Pooling: The concept of Multi-tenancy
4. Community Cloud with restricted use among a group
is possible due to this characteristic of the cloud
of people who belong to an authorized community.
technology. A resource at the other end can be accessed
With all these features the cloud computing
from anywhere and anytime with high reliability by
establishes a new paradigm in the era of digitalization.
multiple users on the shared basis, using the Virtual
There is no doubt that the future smart cities and smart
Machines. The resource could be a data, software or
innovations would have the contribution of cloud
hardware service available at a remote end, accessed on
computing, to f ind stability (Mell & Grance, 2011).
authorization and authentication.
Elasticity: The ability to expand the services and
capabilities rapidly, on requirement is termed as Elasticity.
Metered Service: The services offered by the cloud could
Deployment be metered based on the parameters like Bandwidth, Data
Models Storage, Processing etc. This is a measure to establish
in the Cloud transparency between the client and the serveron resource
consumption. The services offered are in free to use or pay
for use .

Figure-2: four Deployment models in the cloud computing Challenges in Cloud Computing:
The Workflow Scheduling challenge is characterized as
Cloud Goalsand Characteristics: the most critical challenge due to its impact on the System
The Cloud computing shows a fast growth in the world of Architecture, Quality of Service and the functionality of
technology. The major goals of this well flourished the Cloud system. The Cloud based WFS is based on the
technology lies in the Service oriented Architecture, by system model and the service driven model.
Ambient Science (2016) Vol.-03(2):online
Ambient Science, 2016: Vol. 03(2); Online
REVIEW ARTICLE DOI:10.21276/ambi.2016.03.2.rv01

Table-1: Various WFS algorithms and their features

No WFS method Functionality Type of Environment Features
1 Market Oriented Assurance of Suitable workflow QoS for Cloud Meta- QoS requirement is satisf ied
Hierarchical Scheduling user-presented WFS functions. Robust Heuristic at low cost of WFS
Strategy MOHSS optimization procedures to reduce the
cost of the systems running cloud work
-flow methods.
2 Multiple QoS of Multi- Multiple workflows are scheduled Cloud, Heuristic Scheduling success rates are
Workflows (MQMW) which are initiated at any time by prominently enhanced. It is
considering the QoS requirements. designed for several workflows with
various QoS requirements
3 Business Grid Quality Matching QoS of business applications Grid Business Directed to mainstream business-
of Service (BGQS) with characteristics of heterogeneous Oriented oriented applications, key features
grid resources and adjusting if necessary include: the facility to allow the
during execution to maintain agreed Grid Resource Consumer (GRC) to
service levels request QoS at varying levels, e.g.
time, cost, CPU or RAM; dynamically
calculated metrics for measuring
QoS such as reliability; matchmaking
and monitoring to establish whether
Grid Resource Providers (GRP) can
deliver a suitable level of QoS to the
GRC; and reallocation of resource
during execution
4 Cost optimization and The Gridbus broker is employed, which Cloud Market The computational capability of
time optimization acts as a broker at the user-level, hires Oriented local resources is enhanced by
scheduling policies resources from Amazon Elastic Compute obtaining resources from IaaS
(COTOSP) Cloud (EC2), as the provider of IaaS. providers to attain the deadline
within the budgetary constraints.
5 DAG-LOSS & A fundamental framework is used for Grid Heuristic Budget constraints are satisf ied
DAG-GAIN workflow applications modeled like while time in general is optimized.
DAGs, and heuristics that enable
scheduling of DAG nodes or workflow
tasks onto the resources are examined.
6 Multiple QoS based Cost is incurred when a task is executed Grid Computational Acceptable scheduling is provided
Resource Scheduling by breaking down the cost of the task economy- for real-world workflows in three
Algorithm (MQRS) into two parts: (i) computation resource based dimensions: (i) cost; (ii) deadlines;
cost; and (ii) bandwidth resource cost. framework and (iii) reliability.
7 Mixed-Integer Non- Individual application details are Grid HoltWinters Workflow deadlines are satisf ied at
Linear Programming abstracted but the global cost optimi- method lower cost and higher utilization of
(MINLP) zation problem and scheduling of the underlying grid resources to improve
entire grid workload are focused on. failure rates and turnaround times.
8 Optimized Resource Scheduling Parameters Speed,Resource Cloud Multiple Speed of the IGA is almost twice the
Scheduling Algorithm Utilization & Request allocation problem instances traditional GA 2.The utilization
(ORSA) rate of resources is high.
9 Innovative transaction Execution cost and time Workflow with Cloud Batch 1.To minimize the cost under certain
intensive cost- large number of instances Mode user-designated Deadlines. 2.
constraint scheduling Enables the compromises of
algorithm (ITICCSA) execution cost and time.
10 Particle Swarm Resource utilization, time Group of Cloud Dependency 1. it is used for three times cost
Optimization-based tasks mode savings as compared to BRS 2.It is
Heuristic for used for good distribution.
Scheduling (PSBHS)
11 Time and cost- Dynamic, shared and autonomous Grid Extended Less completion time and lower cost
constrained scheduling resources are adopted in grids. critical meet requirements in practical
strategy (TCCSS) activity applications, which can effectively
meet users' needs.

Ambient Science (2016) Vol.-03(2):online

Ambient Science, 2016: Vol. 03(2); Online
DOI:10.21276/ambi.2016.03.2.rv01 REVIEW ARTICLE
No WFS method Functionality Type of Environment Features
7 Mixed-Integer Non- Individual application details are Grid HoltWinters Workflow deadlines are satisf ied at
Linear Programming abstracted but the global cost optimi- method lower cost and higher utilization of
(MINLP) zation problem and scheduling of the underlying grid resources to
entire grid workload are focused on. improve failure rates and
turnaround times.
8 Optimized Resource Scheduling Parameters Speed,Resource Cloud Multiple Speed of the IGA is almost twice the
Scheduling Algorithm Utilization and Request allocation instances traditional GA 2.The utilization
(ORSA) problem rate of resources is high.
9 Innovative transaction Execution cost and time Workflow with Cloud Batch Mode 1.To minimize the cost under
intensive cost-constraint large number of instances certain user-designated Deadlines.
scheduling algorithm 2. Enables the compromises of
(ITICCSA) execution cost and time.
10 Particle Swarm Optimi- Resource utilization, time Group of Cloud Dependency 1. it is used for three times cost
zation-based Heuristic tasks mode savings as compared to BRS 2.It is
for Scheduling (PSBHS) used for good distribution.
11 Time and cost-
constrained scheduling Dynamic, shared and autonomous Grid Extended Less completion time and lower
strategy (TCCSS) resources are adopted in grids. grid critical cost meet requirements in practical
activity applications, which can effectively
meet users' needs.

WFS Metrics: the three service models of the cloud and the service-
The Quality of Service of the various algorithms is studied driven architecture. The service-driven architecture
based on the three categories system functionalities and includes the Client and utility provider. The System
the System architecture. The scheduling of the Cloud architecture of a WFS includes the hardware and the
workflow involves the cost aware approach that considers intensiveness of the system. The Hardware-aware WFS
the prof itability level of the consumers and the service deals with the multiple core awareness models of WFS
providers. The QoS deals with the budget, Deadline, whereas the System intensive models concentrate on the
Reliability, Availability, makespan, SLA, and Security. object, data, communication and the ability for multiple
There will be interaction among the various QoS factors to workflows .The System functionality includes the time
decide the cost of the cloud-based systems. complexity, rescheduling, resource utilization, resource
Budget: It is the threshold of the amount spent on a allocation, load balancing and task estimation challenges.
Deadline: It is the threshold of the time for Work Flow
SOA in Cloud Computing:
Cloud Computing comprises of a Service-oriented
Architecture than an application oriented Architecture.
Reliability: The ability of the system to be readily The distributed Computing has laid the foundation for this
available on demand for independent allocation of the advancement in the cloud [11]. The RPC is the f irst SoA in
cloud resources. the network based systems. The key concept of Service-
Av a i l a b i l i t y : T h e Av a i l a b i l i t y i m p r o ve s t h e oriented architecture is a component based approach. In
maintainability of the resources. This has an impact on the service oriented Architecture, the client requests and the
ability to test the resources in a workflow scheduling serveroffer the service on demand. The SoA determines the
environment. workflows. The service is provided as soon as the request is
Makespan: It def ines the overall time taken for the received or in some cases, it could be processed in allotted
completion of a workflow Schedule in the Cloud time. The fault tolerance, audit, data aware and process
Environment. aware service delivery are the characteristics of a SoA
architecture. Characterizes the Component-based
SLA: It is a legal agreement, mutually accepted by the approach by this given factors- i)Ability to reuse, ii)
client and the service providers that def ine the parameters Ability to replace or substitute, iii) Ability to extend, iv)
of Quality, Payment, and limitations. Security: It deals Ability to scale, v) Ability to customize features, vi) Ability
with the level of trustworthiness of a cloud-based service. to Compose functional solutions, vii) Ability to be reliable
The conf identially is also a part of security which should and available, viii) Ability to provide security, ix) Cost of
ensure highly conf idential execution of the workflow. services.
These factors of the QoS have a direct impact on
Ambient Science (2016) Vol.-03(2):online
Ambient Science, 2016: Vol. 03(2); Online
REVIEW ARTICLE DOI:10.21276/ambi.2016.03.2.rv01

Table- 2: Analysis of QoS challenges in WFS on various algorithms

2 MQMW X X X X - X X Dos
Security Attacks
3 BGQS - - - - - X
4 COTOSP - - X X - X X Load Balancing
5 DAG-LOSS - X X X - X X
6 MQRS - - - X - X X Potability
8 ORSA X X - X X X X Back-up
9 ITICCSA - - X X X X X Figure- 3: the main issues in Cloud computing
10 PSBHS - - X X X X X
11 TCCSS - - X X X X - The workflow scheduling is always represented
Abbreviations: I-Budget; II-Deadline, III-Reliability, IV-
using a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) that connects the
Availability, V-Makespan, VI-SLA VII-Security components that are loosely coupled with the components
that are tightly coupled (Abrishami et al., 2013; Jain et al.,
Table-3: Qos based on System functionality of various algorithms 2014). Virtualization is also a part of the SoA that provides
the portability between the higher and lower ends of
computing. IBM mainframe stands as the pioneer for the
1 MOHSS - X X - X Client
concept of virtualization that has been widely deployed in
2 MQMW Provider X X X X - Service
all forms of the computing (Buyya et al., 2008; Zhan et al.,
3 BGQS X X X X - Client
4 COTOSP X X - X X Client
5 DAG-LOSS - X - X X Client
& DAG-GAIN Components
6 MQRS provider X X X X - Service Reusability, Workflows
7 MINLP provider - X - - X Service substitability,
8 ORSA - - X X X Client Extensibility DAG
9 ITICCSA - X X X X X Scalability, Service
10 PSBHS - - X X X Client security Oriented
11 TCCSS provider X - - X X Service
Abbreviations: I-Time Complexity, II Resource utilization,
III-Resource allocation, IV-Load balancing, V-Task estimation, in cloud
VI-Prof itability

Table-4: the Frequencies of the Qos Challenges are calculated Virtualization

and they are tabulated as follows
Memory, processor,
Frequency(in %) Challenge
Budget 15 QoS
Deadline 27 QoS
Reliability 7 QoS
Availability 5 QoS
Figure-4: Service oriented Architecture in cloud computing.
makespan 31 QoS
SLA 6 QoS Adoption of Cloud Computing in Emerging
Security 9 QoS Technologies:
Object intensive 16 System Functionality ‘Push all in Cloud and Access with Internet’ is the trend set
Data intensive 37 System Functionality by the cloud computing Technology. The cloud computing
Communication 16 System Functionality
is described as the realization of the cyberinfrastructure
Multicore aware 21 System Functionality
along with Virtualization, Grid Computing, Distributed
Multiple workflow 10 System Functionality Computing and Utility computing. Data is the basic
Time complexity 28 System Architecture element in the world of Internetworking (Abolfazli et al.,
Rescheduling 18 System Architecture 2015). The Data protection, processing, and storage are the
Resource utilization 16 System Architecture most concentrated areas of research in today’s world. The
Resource Allocation 16 System Architecture Data storage devices face several drawbacks (Bruneo, 2014;
Load Balancing 10 System Architecture Dong et al., 2014). The processing of large amounts of data
Task estimation 12 System Architecture
Ambient Science (2016) Vol.-03(2):online
Ambient Science, 2016: Vol. 03(2); Online
DOI:10.21276/ambi.2016.03.2.rv01 REVIEW ARTICLE
accounting to petabytes could not be solved by an ordinary the Internet of Things, the structural technologies
physical machine. Hence, there is born an idea to migrate involved are embedded systems, networking protocols
these important tasks to the cloud. The term big data was and infrastructure, cloud computing and big data
introduced, and the three important milestones namely analytics. However, the research issues involved in these
Protection, Processing and Protection are achieved. The technologies are effectiveness in security, load balancing,
advancement in Digital Electronics has also laid a path to scalable and interoperable environment development.
the technology, which is estimated as the Technology of
future with its enormous growth and extensive
The cloud and the integrated technologies are facing a lot
application. The Internet of Things is a combination of the
of issues in spite of its effective application. The security,
embedded systems, integrated networking technologies,
integrity and conf identiality triangle is considered as the
mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, data
basic quality for any medium that involves data
Processing and storage (Wang et al., 2014; Aazam et al.,
communication (Bacon et al., 2014). Hence, a secured
2014). The mobile computing technology has also
cloud principle should be designed with a ability to check
integrated with cloud and it gave birth to the technology
any present issue. We insist on the development of cloud
called MCC (Mobile Cloud Computing) with offloading
security, because all the future world technologies have
facilities (Ahmed et al., 2015). Let us discuss a few emerging
adopted cloud as their medium of storage and processing,
technologies and how they are integrated with the cloud to
due to its provisions like scalability, fault tolerance,
offera wide range of services.
flexibility and utility model. We predict the cloud
The technologies will integrate and diffuse at a
computing will dominate the future world of computing
stage to form a powerful integrated Technology. Internet of
with increased ability, powered by the upcoming high
Things is expected to become the super powerful
speed internet technologies. We predict there would be
technology of the world in forthcoming decades. This
maximum migration of technologies to cloud
ability is possible only because of the cloud computing.
Environment. Hence, the cloud will bloom and partner
The Table (1) clearly shows the dominance of the cloud
with all the technologies, because the Internet of Things
computing in the emerging technologies. Many of these
has itself adapted to cloud environment. As long as these
technologies still remain in their infancy due to the
integrated technologies are widespread, the cloud
security, load balancing, cost of computing, fault tolerance
remains stable and established.
and reliability issues (Wei et al., 2014). We can expect these
riddles to be solved by the experts in the future. Coming to

Table- 5: list of emerging technologies integrated with the cloud computing

No Technology/ Proposed by Major area(s) of ApplicationKey Features Integrated
Sector Influence Methos Technology
1 Mobile Cloud Ahmed et al., 2015 Data and Network OMNet++, 5G, Application Migration in runtime, Mobile
Computing Khan et al., 2014 Centric Performance emotion aware offloading, considers various network Computing
Abolfazli et al., 2014 analysis, Decision computing parameters for Analysis. Overcomes and Cloud
Yegui et al., 2014
making in migration the issues faced by Application computing
Chen et al., 2015
Aminzadeh et al., of Application, Execution Frameworks
2015 heterogeneity

2 Manufacturing & Buyya et al., 2019 Diffusion of Innovation Factor Analysis, SME (small and Medium Enterprises) SME and
Service Sectors Marston et al., 2011 (DOI) Technology conceptual Analysis, Cloud
Organization Environ- Multiple Regression Computing
ment (TOI) analysis
3 Bigdata Analytics Marston et al., 2011 Ubiquitous Computing, No Sql based Data Exascale analytics, Audit Scientif ic
Branch et al., 2014 Virtualization of Storage & Access and business
Sookhaka et al., 2015 Processing the data data analysis,
Mehdi & Singhal,
with cloud
4 Vehicular Cloud Whaiduzzaman General Computing for VANET and MCC Smart and Safe vehicles. MCC, CC and
Computing et al., 2014 vehicles embedded
Bitam et al., 2015 systems
5 Healthcare Jula et al., 2014 Healthcare Wearable and Ability to monitor health time to time. Wireless
Technologies Chen et al., 2015 implanted sensors Alert mechanism. Reliable healthcare Sensors, Cloud
Sultan, 2014 Computing, IoT
6 File Management Gupta, 2015 Private, Public and Amazon EC2 cloud Provision to store data, Cloud based Cloud Storage
community basis VPS, FTP

Ambient Science (2016) Vol.-03(2):online

Ambient Science, 2016: Vol. 03(2); Online
REVIEW ARTICLE DOI:10.21276/ambi.2016.03.2.rv01

7 Internet of Things Wang et al., 2014 Automation, Monitoring & Sensors, actuators Establish inter-operability, remote Wireless sensors,
Aazam et al., 2014 controlling from remote end and embedded monitoring, communication and aut Knowledge base,
system omation of devices with internet Protocols, actuators,
Cloud computing,
big data analytics,

Mobile Data Vehicular Home

SME Healthcare Governance
Computing Analytics Networking Appliances

Internet of Systems
Education Cloud Things
Computing Infrastructure


Mobile Big data Virtual

Computing analytics Storage

Figure- 5: cloud computing and Integrated technologies

Acknowledgements: augmentation in mobile cloud computing: Taxonomy,

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of ambient science.” augmentation in mobile cloud computing: Taxonomy,
approaches, and open issues. Simul. Model. Prac.Th., 50: 96-
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Ambient Science (2016) Vol.-03(2):online

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