11 KV VCB Panels - Tneb

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Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.







( Through NIC Platform)




Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Instructions for Online Bid Submission:

The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the
CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below
are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids
in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be
obtained at: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.

1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central
Public Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by
clicking on the link “Online bidder Enrollment” on the CPP Portal which
is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a
unique username and assign a password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile
numbers as part of the registration process. These would be used for any
communication from the CPP Portal.
4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital
Signature Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key
usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g.
Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the
bidders are responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to
others which may lead to misuse.
6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their
user ID / password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.


1) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders
to search active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could
include Tender ID, Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is
also an option of advanced search for tenders, wherein the bidders may
combine a number of search parameters such as Organization Name, Form
of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to search for a tender
published on the CPP Portal.
2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they
may download the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders
can be moved to the respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the
CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is
any corrigendum issued to the tender document.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

3) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each
tender, in case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the
1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender
document before submitting their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document
carefully to understand the documents required to be submitted as part of
the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have
to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and
content of each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations
from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as
indicated in the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in
PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF/JPG formats. Bid documents may be scanned with
100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the
scanned document.
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard
documents which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a
provision of uploading such standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy,
annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders.
Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other Important Documents’’ area
available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be
directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and
need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the
time required for bid submission process.

1) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that
they can upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time.
Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other issues.
2) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one
by one as indicated in the tender document.
3) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee /
EMD as applicable and enter details of the instrument.
4) Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in the
tender document. The original should be posted/couriered/given in person
to the concerned official, latest by the last date of bid submission or as
specified in the tender documents. The details of the DD/any other
accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally with the details available
in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time.
Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

5) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their
financial bids in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If
the price bid has been given as a standard BoQ format with the tender
document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the
bidders. Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and
complete the white coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective
financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other
cells should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder
should save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the
BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
6) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be
considered as the standard time for referencing the deadlines for
submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders
should follow this time during bid submission.
7) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted
using PKI encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The
data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of
bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured
Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data storage encryption of
sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is
subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric
key. Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using
buyers/bid openers public keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents
become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid

7) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender
opening by the authorized bid openers.
8) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (ie after Clicking “Freeze
Bid Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid
submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no.
and the date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
9) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of
the submission of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry
pass for any bid opening meetings.
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions
contained therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for
a tender or the relevant contact person indicated in the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries
relating to CPP Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


1) Tender Specification No. CED/CSR/E. 665/2018-19
2) Name of the work E-tender for PROCUREMENT OF
3) Quantity 11 KV SINGLE BUS 25 KA, 1250 AMPS, INDOOR
i) Transformer : 6 nos.
ii)Bus coupler control : 3 nos
ii) Feeder : 16 nos. and
with all accessories and auxiliary equipments
4) Method of Tender e-Tender System
(Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid
and Part II - Price Bid and Through M/s. NIC)
5) (a) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD Rs.129540 /- (Rupees One lakh twenty nine thousand
five hundred and forty only)

Or (b) Permanent EMD Tender Value

(I) Rs.10,00,000/- Up to Rs.10,00,00,000/-
(II) Rs.20,00,000/- Up to Rs.50,00,00,000/-
(III) Rs.50,00,000/- All tenders exceeding Rs.50,00,00,000/-.
6) URL for online bid submission for https://tntenders.gov.in
7)Last date for submission of EMD 12.00 on 19.09.18 (Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque
towards EMD (or) the proof of Permanent EMD Holder
(or)SSI registration certificate with original undertaking
in lieu of EMD and as per clause 13&14 of Section -I to
be received at the office of the CE/Distribution /Chennai
South Region before 12.00 hrs on date of closing of
submission of e-tender .
8) Date of closing of online 19.09.2018 @ 12:00 Noon
e-tender for submission of Techno
Commercial Bid & Price Bid.
9) Date & time of opening of 19.09.2018 @ 03:30 PM
tender electronically
If the due date for opening of e-tender happens to be a declared holiday, then the hard copies will
be received on the next working day and the e-tenders will be opened on the next working day.
10) Specification at website The tender specification will be placed at
TANGEDCO web site (www.tangedco.gov.in)
and TN Govt. Website (www.tntenders.gov.in)
The prospective bidder may download the same.
11) Documents to be uploaded by the Schedules A to G and Annexure I, II, III&IV and other
Tenderers during e-submission documents whichever is applicable
12) Clarification to be sought for from Chief Engineer/ Distribution/
Chennai South Region
5A Block , Ist floor,802,Anna Salai
13) Place at which tenders will be opened O/o Chief Engineer/Distribution/ Chennai
Region/South,5A Block,
Ist floor,802,Anna Salai, Chennai-2.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19





















Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



1) Tenderer should pay the specified amount towards Earnest Money Deposit as
follows: Earnest Money Deposit : Rs.129540 /- (Rupees One lakh twenty nine
thousand five hundred and forty only)
2) The Earnest Money Deposit specified above should be a
DEMAND DRAFT/ BANKER’S CHEQUE for the above amount from any of
the Nationalised/ scheduled/ Foreign Banks with branches in India
payable to the Superintending Engineer/Chennai Electricity Distribution
Circle/South-I/ TANGEDCO payable at Chennai. The DEMAND DRAFT/
BANKER’S CHEQUE should be received at Office of Chief Engineer/
Distribution/Chennai south Region on or before 12:00 Hrs on
3) Tenderers who wish to pay the EMD amount in cash may do so at the Cash
counter of Superintending Engineer/Chennai Electricity Distribution Circle/
South-I/ TANGEDCO, 110/33 KV K.K.Nagar SS Complex, Anna Main Road,
K.K.Nagar, Chennai-600 078 and submit the receipt in Original or before
12:00 Hrs on 19.09.2018.

4) The Tenderers who are having valid Permanent EMD with TNEB/TANGEDCO
for an amount of Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lakhs only) and above are
exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit and are eligible to
participate in the tender.
The existing PEMD holder for Rs.10,00,000/- are eligible to participate in the
tender only for the value of tenders not exceeding Rs.10 Crores. The existing
PEMD holder for Rs.5,00,000/- are not eligible for participating in the tender
unless they pay the differential amount for the new PEMD slab.

If the Tenderer desires to become a Permanent E.M.D. holder, he is advised to

deposit the required amount with the TANGEDCO as Permanent E.M.D. well in
advance, obtain a certificate from the Financial Controller/Purchase and upload
copy of the same along with the tender.

4) The EMD will not carry any interest.

5) The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers on

application to the Chief Engineer/Distribution/Chennai Region after intimation
of the rejection/ non-acceptance of their tender is sent to them.

6) Cheques will not be accepted towards EMD and the tenders shall be
rejected if EMD is not paid in the prescribed manner.
7) (i) The following categories of Industries are exempted from payment of EMD:
a) The Small Scale Industrial Units located within the State and Registered with
the Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation.
b) The Small Scale Industrial Units Registered with the National Small Industries
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

c) The SSI Units holding Acknowledgement issued for Entrepreneur

Memorandum Part-II obtained from the District Industries Centre in respect of
those items for which the Registration Certificate/ Acknowledgement has been
d) Departments of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
e) Undertakings and Corporations owned by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
f) Labour Contract Co-operative Societies.
g) Tiny Industries classified under S.S.I. registered with the State of Tamil Nadu
and registration Certificate issued by the Department of Industries and
Commerce/ Government of Tamil Nadu in respect of those items for which the
Registration Certificate
h) Small Scale Industrial Units located outside the State and such of those units
registered with National Small Industries Corporation in respect of the those
items covered under Registration Certificate.

7) (ii) SSI units having provisional registration certificate are not eligible for
8) Those tenderers who are exempted from payment of EMD shall upload in lieu
of EMD an undertaking in a non-judicial Stamp paper of value not less than
Rs.80/- (Rupees Eighty only) in the form as per Annexure-I to the effect to
pay as penalty an amount equivalent to EMD in the event of non-fulfillment or
non-observance of any of the conditions stipulated in the contract consequent
to such breach of contract. The State Government, Public Sector
Undertakings who are exempted from payment of EMD/Security Deposit
should also pay as penalty an amount equivalent to the amount fixed as
Security Deposit in the event of non-fulfillment or non-observance of any of
the conditions stipulated in the contract.

9) Conditions for Liable for rejection of bids:

b) Tender will be rejected if the undertaking is not signed /
authenticated in all pages of undertaking.
c) Signature of witnesses should be affixed at the end of undertaking
along with details of name and address.

10) Small Scale Industries registered with the Tamil Nadu small Industries
Development Corporation or with National Small Industries Corporation or
holding Enterpreneur Memorandum Part-II or acknowledgement for
the Enterpreneur Memorandum Part-II issued by DIC, for small scale
industrial unit for subject materials specifying capacity for which they are
permitted to manufacture and the period of validity of the certificate shall
upload attested Photo copy of Registration Certificate/ Acknowledgement as
proof of eligibility for exemption from payment of EMD.

11) Others viz. Central and other State Government Departments/ Undertakings
and Corporations other than those in Tamil Nadu shall have to pay Earnest
Money Deposit and Security Deposit.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

12) The tenderers shall upload the audited attested copy of Profit and Loss
account/ Balance Sheet along with the proof for exemption from payment of
EMD in order to ensure the SSI status of the firm based on the investment
held in Plant and Machinery for extending exemption from paying EMD.
In case the investment held by them in Plant and Machinery as per
their financial statement of Accounts exceeds Rs.5 Crores, the General
Manager, District Industries Centre concerned will be requested to verify the
SSI status of the firm. Till receipt of confirmation from General Manager /
District Industries Centre concerned, the exemption from paying EMD for SSI
Units shall not be extended.

13) The following should be uploaded by the Vendor during

submission of Techno-commercial bid for payment of EMD
failing which the offer will be SUMMARILY REJECTED.

i) The proof of Permanent EMD Holder.

ii) The proof of exemption of EMD with an undertaking in lieu
of EMD and documents in support of investment held in
plant and machinery.

14) Besides online submission of scanned copy of above documents, the‘EMD

Cover’ containing the Original Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque (or)
The proof of Permanent EMD Holder (or) The proof of exemption of
EMD in complete shape i.e. attested copy registration certificate,
undertaking in lieu of EMD in a non judicial stamp paper of value
not less than Rs. 80.00 and attested audited Profit and Loss account and
Balance sheet shall be sent by post /courier in person so as to reach
the Office of the Chief Engineer /Distribution/Chennai South Region/
TANGEDCO,5A,Block- 1stfloor, 144, Anna Salai , Chennai-600 002 on or
before 12.00 hrs on the due date for closing of submission of
e-tender .

15) The Earnest Money Deposit/Permanent EMD made by Tenderer will be

forfeited after e-tender opening if:
(a) he withdraws his tender or backs out after acceptance.
(b) he withdraws his tender before the expiry of validity period stipulated
in the Specification or fails to remit the Security Deposit.
(c) he violates any of the provisions of these regulations contained
(d) he revises any of the terms quoted during the validity period.
(e) in the event of documents furnished with the offer being found to be
bogus or the documents contain false particulars, the EMD paid by
the tenderers will be forfeited in addition to blacklisting them for
future tenders/contracts in TANGEDCO.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

The Bidders shall become eligible to bid on satisfying the following Bid
Qualification Requirements and uploading of the required documentary

(i) Tenderers shall be the “Manufacturer” of the tendered material.

(ii) The bidder shall submit type test certificates along with type test reports
for 11KV Indoor breaker panel as per the relevant IS/IEC standards of the
latest revision 11KV VCB panel from any of the Govt. authorized
laboratories/NABL accredited laboratories. The type tests certificates
should have been dated within 5 years prior to the date of tender opening.

(iii) The bidder should have supplied a minimum quantity of 6 nos. of 11 KV

indoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers or 33KV indoor Vacuum circuit Breakers or
higher rated Vacuum Circuit Breakers during the last ten years to any State
Electricity Boards/ DISCOMs/Government undertakings during the
preceding ten years as on the date of tender opening.

The Tenderers shall furnish the details of various purchase orders for
(iv) tendered materials or higher size placed on them by S.E.B./ DISCOMs/
Government undertakings and executed during the preceding ten
years as on the date of tender opening along with the tender. Copies
of such orders shall be enclosed along with the tender.

3 nos. of the 11KV indoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers or 33KV indoor Vacuum
circuit Breakers shall be in satisfactory operation for a continuous period of
two years

The bidder should furnish the documentary evidence and the Performance
certificate from the end users in support of the above Bid Qualification
Requirement along with the bid documents.
(v) The Annual turnover of the tenderer shall be more than Rs.33 Lakhs
during any one of the last three years (ie. 2014-15,2015-16,2016-17).
Proof for the same should be enclosed in the tender (i.e) attested copy of
Balance Sheet and Profit & loss statement/ NSIC enlistment certificate
/STCC/Income Tax return filed by the bidder etc., containing turnover
details of the bidder for the respective period.

The documents have to be self attested/attested by a gazetted


(vi) The main contractor shall only be considered for satisfying the experience
criteria specified in Bid Qualification Requirement. The experience as a
Sub-Contractor shall not be considered for qualifying the experience
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

criteria specified in the Bid Qualification Requirement and the offer of such
tenderers shall be summarily rejected.
The offers of Tenderers not satisfying above ‘BQR’ will be summarily

Note : If the bids are received through consortium, the same will
not be considered and the bids will be rejected. Tenders received
from Agents / Dealers will not be considered.

The offer of the bidders who have stated to be previous suppliers to

TNEB will be considered for further evaluation, even if they have not enclosed
copies of purchase orders, after ensuring with concerned purchase orders placing

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


I. Tenders will be SUMMARILY rejected if

a) The DD towards EMD is not received before the due date and time.
Details of DD / any other accepted instruments physically sent do not
tally with the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission
and the E.M.D. requirements are not complied with,.
b) If the bids are received through Consortium or Joint venture, the same
will not be considered and the bids will be rejected. Tenders received
from Agents/Dealers will not be considered.
c) Not satisfying any one of the Bid Qualification Requirement items as
stipulated in Section II.
d) The tenderers have not quoted for a minimum quantity of 10% of
tendered quantity in schedule-F.
e) If any of the Bidders indicated price in Technical Bid, the bid will not be
read out and will be summarily rejected.

II. Tender is LIABLE to be rejected, if it is:

a) not covering the entire scope of supply of materials.

b) If the declaration as specified in Schedule D is not signed and

c) With validity period less than that stipulated in this specification.

d) Not in conformity with TANGEDCO’s Commercial terms and Technical
Specifications (Section - V & VI).

e) Received from a tenderer who is directly or indirectly connected with

Government service or Board Service or services of local authority.
f) From any black listed Firm or Contractor.
g) Received by Telex / Telegram / E-Mail/ Fax.
h) From a tenderer whose past performance / Vendor rating is not
i) Not containing all required particulars as per Schedule A to G.
j) Questionnaire as per schedule-F is not duly filled up and properly
signed by the tenderer.
k) Documents furnished by the Tenderers along with their offer being
found to be bogus or contain false particulars.
l) Received after tender opening.
m) The offer of bidders who have not furnished the GSTIN Number in
the offers.
n) SSI Registration certificate without attestation

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



1.0 Tenders in two part System (a) Technical Bid with commercial terms
but without Price Bid and (b) Price Bid, will be received through e-tender
for and on behalf of TANGEDCO herein after referred as TANGEDCO so as
to reach on or before the due date prescribed. All the tenders shall be
prepared and submitted strictly in accordance with the Instructions set forth



1.1 This tender will be processed as per the provision in the Tamil Nadu
Transparency in Tender Act 1998 and Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders
Rules 2000.


2.1. The Scope of supply (described in Schedule-A) includes design,
manufacture, inspection, testing, packing, forwarding, and delivery of the
materials detailed herein, at TANGEDCO stores anywhere in Chennai South

2.2. The quantity indicated in schedule of requirement is approximate. The

quantity finally ordered may vary to the extent of 25 % either way of the
approximate quantity indicated in the Schedule of requirement.

Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Act 1998 and the Tamil Nadu
Transparency in Tender Rules 2000 and subsequent amendments
thereof are applicable to this Tender.


3.1. The tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, Schedules and
Annexures detailed in the Specification and submit the Schedule of Prices
and other required particulars in the Schedules and Annexures called for in
this Specification, only as per the formats prescribed herein.


A Questionnaire is appended as Schedule-F in this specification for
Bid Qualification Requirements, Commercial and Technical details.
It is obligatory on the part of the tenderer to furnish all details as
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

per the "Questionnaire" . In case, this is not filled up and signed at

the bottom of each page of the questionnaire and enclosed with
the offer, the Bid will be liable for rejection.


4.1.1. The Tender Offer consisting of Schedules-A to G should be filled up and
signed by the Tenderer or any person holding Power of Attorney
authorizing him to sign on behalf of the Tenderer before submission of the
Tender. The date of signature should invariably be indicated and submitted
through on line.

4.1.2. In the event of tender being submitted by other than a firm, it must be
signed by a partner (copy of partnership deed should be enclosed) and in
the event of the absence of any Partner, it shall be signed on his behalf by
a person holding a Power of Attorney authorising him to do so, Certified
copies of which shall be enclosed.

4.1.3. Tender submitted on behalf of companies registered under the Indian

Companies Act, shall be signed by person duly authorised to submit the
tender on behalf of the company and shall be accompanied by certified
true copies of the resolutions, extracts of the Articles of Association, special
or general Power of Attorney etc to show clearly the title, authority and
designation of persons signing the tender on behalf of the company.

4.2. Modifications/Clarifications to Tender Documents:

4.2.1. At any time after the commencement of e-Tender and before the closing of
the event, TANGEDCO may make any changes, modifications or
amendments to the tender documents and same will be intimated to the
concerned Vendors through corrigendum which can be downloaded from the
Vendor login .
4.2.2. In case any tenderer asks for a clarification to the tender documents before
48 hours of opening of tenders, the Chief Engineer/Distribution / Chennai
South Region/ TANGEDCO, Electricity Avenue, 5A block, 802 Anna Salai,
Chennai -600 002 will clarify the same.

4.2.3. If any tenderer raises clarifications after the opening of the tender, the
clarified reply issued by the Chief Engineer/ Distribution / Chennai South
Region, TANGEDCO, Chennai- 600 002 on the clarifications will be final and
binding on the Tender.

4.3. All tender offers shall be prepared by typing or printing in the formats
enclosed with this specification.

4.4. All information in the tender offer shall be in ENGLISH only. It shall not
contain interlineations, erasures or overwritings except as necessary to
correct errors made by the tenderer. Such erasures or other changes in the
tender documents shall be attested by the persons signing the tender offer.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


4.5.1. Rates should be quoted figures i.e., integers only.

4.5.2. Offers giving lumpsum price, without giving their breakup as per details
required in the attached Price Schedule-A shall be liable for rejection.
Supplier's printed terms and conditions will not be considered as forming
part of the tender under any circumstances.


Tender, which is incomplete, obscure or irregular is liable for rejection.


In the case of ambiguous or contradictory terms / conditions mentioned in
the bid, interpretation as may be advantageous to the purchaser may be
taken without any reference to the Tenderer.
4.9. The tender offer shall contain full information asked for in the
accompanying schedules and elsewhere in the specification.

4.10. Tenderers shall bear all costs associated with the participation in the e-
Tender and the purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for these

4.11. No offer shall be withdrawn by the Tenderer in the interval between the
deadline for submission and the expiry of the period of validity specified /
extended validity of the tender offer.

4.12. ONLY MANUFACTURERS MUST QUOTE. Tenders received from Agents/

Dealers will not be considered. If the bids are received through Consortium,
the same will not be considered and the bids will be rejected.

The Tenderers are requested to furnish the exact location of their factories
with detailed postal address and pin code, telephone and Fax Nos. etc in their
tenders so as to arrange inspection by the TANGEDCO, if considered necessary.
The tenderers are requested to furnish the GST REGISTRATION
Nos. in their offer.


The prices quoted should be on FOR Destination basis for delivery anywhere
in Chennai South Region.


The Tender offers except price Bid will be opened electronically at

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

15.30 Hrs. on the date notified at the Office of the Chief Engineer
/ Distribution / Chennai South Region, TANGEDCO, 5A block, 802
Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002, through https://tntenders.gov.in


The date and time of opening of Price Bids shall be later notified
through registered e-mail to the Bidders who fulfill the BQR
criteria and whose bids are found to be commercially and
technically acceptable.


6.1. In the process of examination, evaluation and comparison of tender offers,
the TANGEDCO may at its discretion, ask the Tenderer for a clarification of
his offers. All responses to requests for clarifications shall be in e-tender
portal only and to the point only. No change in the price or substance of the
offer shall be permitted.

6.2. The TANGEDCO will examine the tender offers to determine whether they
are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether
required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been
properly signed and whether the offers are generally in order.

6.3. The Tender offers shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately

after they are opened and until such time official intimation of award /
rejection is made by the Tender Accepting Authority to the tenderers.
6.4. The Tenderers shall not make attempts to establish unsolicited
and unauthorized contact with the Tender Inviting Authority,
Tender Accepting Authority or Tender Scrutiny Committee after
the opening of the tender and prior to the notification of the
award and any attempt by any tenderers to bring to bear
extraneous pressures on the Tender Accepting Authority shall be
sufficient reason to disqualify the tenderer.

6.5 Mere submission of any Tender offer connected with these documents and
Specification shall not constitute any agreement. The tenderer shall have no
cause of action or claim, against the TANGEDCO for rejection of his offer,
except as mentioned in Clause-4.19 of Section-IV. The TANGEDCO shall
always be at liberty to reject or accept any offer or offers at its sole
discretion and any such action will not be called into question and the
Tenderer shall have no claim in that regard against the TANGEDCO.


7.1. The tenders will be evaluated strictly as per the Tamil Nadu Transparency
in Tenders Act, 1998 and the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tender Rules,

7.2. The tender offers received will be examined to determine whether they are
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

in complete shape, all required Data have been furnished, properly signed
and generally in order and conforms to all the terms and conditions of the
Specification without any deviation.
7.3. For the purpose of evaluation of tender offers, the following factors will be
taken into account for arriving the evaluated price:
 The quoted price will be corrected for arithmetical errors.
 In case of discrepancy between the price quoted in words and
figures lowest of the two will be considered.
 The rate of CGST, SGST, and IGST as applicable both in
percentage and amount shall be indicated in the offer along with
HSN code.
 The evaluated price shall be arrived in compliance with the
provisions of GST on the Transaction value i.e. (Ex works price
+ P&F+ Freight and Insurance) + GST. In case of import of
goods would be treated as inter state supplies and would be
subject to IGST in addition to applicable customs duty.
 Since GST is enacted wherein all taxes & duties are subsumed,
price evaluation shall be inclusive of applicable GST in all cases,
i.e. even if the bidders are only within the State or bidders are
within the State and outside TN.
7.4 Evaluation for the capacity of material /equipment will be done

7.5 The rates quoted by the eligible lowest tenderer in the open tender Rate
Contract Scheme shall be compared with the prevailing market rate and
the rates of previous period and if the Tender Accepting Authority is of the
view that the quoted rates are too high, the rates will be negotiated and
the rate will be determined. All eligible bidders who accept the rate shall be
7.6 Evaluation will be done for the whole package.

7.7 The tenderers shall mention the quantity in Questionnaire - A. The tenderers
shall quote the minimum quantity of 10% of tendered quantity. The offer of
the bidders who have quoted for lesser quantity than the minimum quantity
prescribed shall be summarily rejected.
In the event of procurement of more items of similar materials of various
sizes or ratio etc. the cumulative 10% of the aggregate quantity of various
items will be considered for arriving at minimum quantity.

8.1. The tender offer shall be kept valid for acceptance for period of 180 days
from the date of opening of offers. The offers with lower validity period are
liable for rejection.
8.2. Further, the tenderer shall agree to extend the validity of the Bids without
altering the substance and prices of their Bid for further periods, if any,
required by the TANGEDCO.


9.1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Specification, the TANGEDCO
reserves the rights :
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

a) to vary the quantity finally ordered to the extent of 25% indicated in the
Tender document.
b) to split the Tendered Quantity and place orders on one or more than
one firm as per the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tender Rules 2000
since the tendered material is so vital in nature and the failure in supply
would affect the public interest.
c) to recover losses , if any, sustained by TANGEDCO, from the supplier
who pleads his inability to supply and backs out of his obligation after
award of contract. The security deposit paid shall, be forfeited.
d) to cancel the orders for not keeping up the delivery schedule.
e) to vary the delivery period based on the requirement and contingencies
at the time of placing the Rate contract.
f) to accept the lowest eligible tender.
g) to reject any or all the tenders or cancel without assigning any reasons
h) to relax or waive or amend any of the conditions stipulated in the tender
Specification wherever deemed necessary in the best interest of the
9.2. The purchaser reserves the right to request for any additional information
and also reserves the right to reject or accept the proposal of any tenderer,
if in the opinion of the purchaser, the qualification data is incomplete or in
the opinion of the TANGEDCO the bidder is found not qualified to
satisfactorily perform the contract.


10.1 The tenderer shall furnish, any deviations in the technical/commercial terms
in schedule-B1/B2 annexed. If no deviations are furnished it will be construed that
the tenderer is accepting the technical specification and commercial terms.
Similarly if any deviations are furnished in the specified form it will be construed
that these are the only deviations and the tenderer is accepting all other terms of
the specification and the offer will be taken for evaluation accordingly.

10.2 The offers of the Tenderers with Deviations in Commercial terms and
Technical Terms of the Tender Document are liable for rejection.

10.3 No alternate offer will be accepted.


Save as otherwise provided in the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tender Act,

1998 no order passed or proceedings taken by any officer or authority under this
Act shall be called in question in any court and no injunction shall be granted by
any court in respect of any action taken or to be taken by such officer or authority
in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

1.0. SCOPE:
1.1. The scope of supply of the material includes for design, manufacture,
inspection, testing, packing, forwarding and delivery of the materials
detailed herein, at our stores/yards anywhere in Chennai Region.


2.0 It is not binding on the Board to accept the lowest or any tender.
TANGEDCO reserves the right to split and place orders for the items with different
tenderers and for revising the quantities at the time of placing the orders. The
TANGEDCO reserves the right to vary the quantity finally ordered to the extent of
25% either way of the requirement indicated in the tender documents.

2.1The award of contract will be issued to the successful tenderer with all
TANGEDCO's terms and conditions, duly indicating the approved unit rates and the
quantity allotted to them.

3.0 PRICE:
3.1The Tenderers are requested to quote FIRM price only.

3.2 The prices quoted shall be per unit.

a) All-inclusive price including GST as applicable , Packing and
Forwarding, Freight and Insurance for Delivery of the complete
materials and all its accessories at TANGEDCO Stores anywhere in
Chennai South Region. The split-up details of price as per Schedule-A
shall be entered online in the appropriate boxes provided.

b) GST. (Percentage and amount)

4.0. Unloading the materials at destination Stores should be done by the supplier
at his own cost.
a. Unit Ex-works price
b. Freight and Insurance charges
c. GST as applicable
d. The Freight & Insurance Charges shall be applicable for delivery
to any stores of TANGEDCO in Chennai South Region. The above
breakup details should be clearly indicated in the BOQ, in the
absence of which the offer shall be liable for rejection.
4.1. All Tests specified shall be conducted at TENDERER'S COST.

4.2 The tenderer should quote their rates taking into account the (Input
Tax Credit (ITC) relief available to them on account of GST already paid. A
certificate to this effect may be furnished along with the tender.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

5.0 Goods and Services Tax [GST]:

i. Goods and Services Tax [GST] as a modern law, has been brought
after Article 366(12A) of the Constitution as amended by 101 st
Constitutional Amendment Act, 2016. GST is an indirect tax system,
commonly used by both the Central Government and the State/UT to
final consumption with credit of taxes paid at previous stages
available as set off. In a nutshell, only value addition will be taxed
and burden of tax Governments on goods and services. GST is a
destination based tax on consumption of goods and services. It is
proposed to be levied at all stages right from manufacture up is to be
borne by the final consumer. GST has been rolled out w.e.f.
01.07.2017, across India.
ii. The GST to be levied by the Centre on intra-State supply of goods
and / or services would be called the Central GST (CGST) and that
to be levied by the States/ Union territory would be called the
State GST (SGST)/ UTGST. Similarly, Integrated GST (IGST) will
be levied and administered by Centre on every inter-state supply of
goods and services.
iii. Any supplier of goods and service Provider of services who makes
a taxable supply with an aggregate turnover of over Rs.20 lakhs
in a financial year is required to obtain GST registration. In special
category states, the aggregate turnover criteria are set at Rs.10
lakhs. In simple words every business whose taxable supply of
goods or services under GST (Goods and Service Tax) and whose
turnover exceeds the threshold limit of Rs. 20 lakhs / 10 Lakhs as
applicable will be required to register as a normal taxable person.
iv. GST Registration Number: TANGEDCO has migrated into GST regime
on 15.06.2017 by duly uploading various mandatory data as required
by the GST portal. The provisional ID issued to TANGEDCO is
33AADCT4784E1ZC. The details are also posted in TANGEDCO web
v. GST Registration Number or GSTIN is 15 Digit identification
number which is allotted to each applicant who applied for GST
Registration. GST Number is completely based on the Pan
Number and State code. First two digits represent the state code
and another 10 digit represent the PAN number of the client, one
digit represent the entity code (Like proprietorship or partnership
etc), one digit is blank and last one is representing check digit.
vi. Transaction Value: The value of supply of goods or services or
both shall be the transaction value, which is the price actually paid or
payable for the said supply of goods or services or both where the
supplier and the recipient of the supply are not related and the price
is the sole consideration for the supply. Sec 15(1) states that value
of supply of goods and service shall be the transaction value i.e. the
price actually paid or payable.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

The conditions for accepting the transaction value are-

a) Supplier and the recipient of the supply are not related.
b) Price is the sole consideration for the supply.

vii. Composition Scheme: Composition scheme specifies that registered

person whose turnover in the preceding financial year is below
certain specified limit (Currently RS.75 lakhs) may intimate the
proper officer to pay in lieu of tax payable by him an amount
calculated at such rate may be specified.

Eligibility for composition scheme: Sec10(2) of the central Goods and

Services Tax Act, 2017 states that the registered person shall be
eligible to opt under sub- section (1), if-
 He is not engaged in the supply of services other than
supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of
Schedule II;
 He is not engaged in making any supply of goods which
are not leviable to tax under this Act;
 He is not engaged in making any inter-State outward
supplies of goods;
 He is not engaged in making any supply of goods through
an electronic commerce operator who is required to collect
tax at source under section 52; and
 He is not a manufacturer of such goods as may be notified
by the Government on the recommendations of the Council.

viii. Supply of Service and Goods: When there is a combined supply of

many goods / services, it has to be determined whether it is a
Composite supply or mixed supply of goods or services

(a) COMPOSITE SUPPLY: A composite supply is one where all the

goods or services or a combination has to supplied together i.e.,
naturally bundled and there would be a Principal Supply that could
be identified (Ex. Supply of Machinery with packaging, insurance
and freight – the principal supply is machinery). In this case, the
rate of principal supply will be applied on entire value.

(b) MIXED SUPPLY: A mixed supply is one where the goods or

services or a combination thereof which could be individually
supplied (like Pizza and Coke) but sold together at a single price.
In this case, the highest rate to the good in that mix is applied
on all the goods. The GST shall be applicable at appropriate
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

prevailing rates as notified by GST Act. In the event of delay in

execution of contract, the GST rate prevailing on the scheduled
period or on the actual date of execution, whichever is less only
will be admitted.
The bidders should have registered under GST Act and furnish
GSTIN. In the event of contractor is within TN, SGST & CGST shall
apply and if the contractor is outside TN, IGST shall apply.
5.1 Goods and Services Tax:
5.2The Goods and Services Tax will be paid extra as applicable. The
amount of CGST, SGST, and IGST as applicable shall be indicated in
percentage payable and amount separately in the tender offer.
5.3 The TANGEDCO has been registered as a dealer under GST Act
2017 (Registration No. 33AADCT4784E1ZC)
In case of delayed delivery, the GST prevailing on the date of despatch
or on the last day of the contractual delivery period whichever is LESS
will be admitted. For both the cases, the supplier shall furnish
documentary evidence while submitting the bills for payment.
It is the responsibility of the tenderer to make sure about the correct
rates of duty liveable on the material at the time of tendering. If the
rates assumed by the Tenderer are less than the current rates
prevailing at the time of tendering, the TANGEDCO Ltd will not be
responsible for the mistake. If the rates assumed by the tenderer are
higher than the current rates prevailing at the time of tendering, the
GST prevailing at the time of tendering will only be paid.
5.4 Any increase in GST consequent to the suppliers coming into
different duty slab during the execution of the contract shall have to be
taken into account and the all inclusive firm price shall be quoted
accordingly by the Tenderers. Any Variation in GST due to statutory
Variation within the contract delivery date shall be considered by the
5.5 In case of delayed delivery, the GST prevailed on the date of
actual delivery applicable on the date of contractual date of delivery
whichever is less shall be admitted.

Contracting firms shall arrange insurance for the equipment and all its
accessories being supplied by them, through any of the Nationalised Insurance
Companies. The equipment shall be insured to cover transport (from Warehouse)
and 60 days storage risk at site. The damages, if any, during transit will be
reported within 30 days of receipt of materials. It will be the responsibility of the
supplier to replace the defective/damaged materials and make good the shortages
and other losses in transit, free of cost, lodge and recover claim from
Insurance, Under-writers/Carriers.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


The equipment and all its accessories shall be securely packed and despatched,
freight paid, duly insured, at supplier’s risk and cost. The packing may be in
accordance with the manufacturer's standard practice. The supplier is responsible
for ascertaining the facilities that exist for Road Transport to site. Each package
shall be clearly marked and contain detailed packing list, such as gross weight,
net weight etc., the supplier is solely responsible for any loss or damage during
transport. The despatch of materials shall be only after the approval of test
certificates by the Board. The Equipments/Materials shall be unloaded at
destination store/ site by the supplier at free of cost.

Each consignment shall be accompanied by a detailed packing list containing the

following information.
Name of the consignee.
Details of consignment
Total weight of consignment
Handling and unpacking instructions.
Bill of material indicating contents of each package.

The supplier shall ensure that the bill of material is approved by the purchaser
before despatch.
The supplier is responsible to make sure about the facilities that exist for
Road and Rail transport to site, the maximum packages which can be
conveyed by the railways and crane lift available at the destination railway
station. The supplier is also responsible for any loss or damage during transport
and storage for 60 days.


8.1 Payment for the supplies will be made by E-banking on any one of the
Nationalised Banks/ Scheduled Banks approved by Reserve Bank of India in
Tamil Nadu. The Bank charges involved in making the payment will be to the
account of the Tenderer.
8.2 Payment to the suppliers will be made through public fund management
system (PFMS) portal from the dedicated account maintained with a nationalized
bank, by Head quarters, TANGEDCO. The bank charges if any involved in making
then payment will be on the account of tenderer.
The tenderer has to furnish the following details of the bank account to
which the payment be credited:
1. Name of the account holder
2. Name of the bank
3. Branch
4. Account Number
5. IFSC code of the branch

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

8.3 Payments will not be made for materials damaged during transit. All
defective materials shall be replaced by the supplier free of charge.
(a) For the materials delivered within the contractual delivery period:
100% of the All-inclusive price (including GST Tax) of the materials of each
consignment will be paid within a reasonable time after receipt of materials
and submission of bills with required documents after deducting recoveries,
if any.
(b) For the materials delivered beyond the the contractual delivery period if
accepted by the purchaser..
100% of the all-inclusive price (including GST) of the materials after
deducting the appropriate amount of LD of each consignment will be paid
within a reasonable time after receipt of materials and submission of bills
with required documents after deducting recoveries, if any.
8.4 For the delayed payments, if any, TANGEDCO will not pay any interest on
any account.
8.5 In cases of delayed supply, the materials will be accepted subject to the
following conditions.
a) There should be no declining trend in prices.
b) Payment will be released as per the recent purchase order rates or lowest
rates obtained during the recent tenders opened subject to levy of liquidated
damages for belated supplies
c) TANGEDCO reserves the right to accept or reject the delayed supplies
without assigning any reason there for and take action as per the other
terms and conditions of this specification.
8.6 The bills for payment will be passed only after the approval / acceptance of
the following:
i) Security Deposit cum Performance Guarantee for 5% value of the
ii) Test Certificate.
iii) Undertaking towards jurisdiction for legal proceedings.
iv) Guarantee Certificate.
v) Supply of approved drawings, Instruction manuals etc, as per section
VII Technical of this specification.

8.7 The supplier should despatch only after getting despatch instructions from
the Chief Engineer/ Distribution/Chennai South. If the supplier despatches
the materials without the prior approval of the purchaser, then the
purchaser shall not be responsible for any demurrage or wharfage or both
and only the supplier should bear any expenditure arising out of such
unapproved despatches.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


9.1 The Successful tenderer will have to furnish 5% of order value (All-inclusive
price) of as Security Deposit cum Performance Guarantee (including Earnest
Money Deposit remitted) in the form of DD / Banker's Cheque / irrevocable
Bank Guarantee.
9.2 The successful tenderer will have to furnish the Security Deposit cum
Performance Guarantee within 15 days from the date of receipt of award of
Rate Contract Order. The security deposit Cum Performance Guarantee will
not carry any interest. The TANGEDCO also reserves the right to accept the
belated payment of security deposit Cum Performance Guarantee by levying
penal interest at the rate of 22% p.a. from the date of expiry of 15 days
time limit till the date of actual payment of Security Deposit cum
Performance Guarantee. The same will be recovered from supplier’s first bill.

9.3 Failure to comply with the terms regarding Security Deposit Cum
Performance Guarantee set out in the contract order within the stipulated
time by the successful tenderer will entail in the cancellation of the contract
without any further reference to the supplier.

9.4 The Security Deposit Cum Performance Guarantee will be refunded to the
supplier after the expiry of the guarantee period ensuring that defects/
damages during the guarantee period are rectified /replaced. If the
purchaser incurs any loss or damages on account of breach of any of the
clauses or any other amount arising out of the contract becomes payable by
the supplier to the purchaser, then the purchaser will in addition to such
other dues that he shall have under law, appropriate the whole or part of
the security deposit and such amount that is appropriated will not be
refunded to the supplier.

9.5 In case of delay in supply, the BG should be extended suitably. The Bank
Guarantee should be a single Bank Guarantee and should be furnished
within 15 days from the date of receipt of purchase order.

9.6 The Bank guarantee shall be extended for its validity without break in
period till completion of project.


“The drawing should be submitted within 15 days from the date of receipt of
purchase order. The entire ordered quantity supply shall be supplied within 3
months from the date of receipt of drawing approval”.
If the guaranteed delivery period is not kept up, the liquidated damages
specified in Clause - 12 will be enforced.

10.1 TANGEDCO reserves the right to cancel the quantities not supplied as per
delivery schedule.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

10.1 TANGEDCO also reserves the right to cancel the order if the delivery
schedule is not kept up, without any further notice to the supplier.

10.2 To ensure sustained supply without any interruption, TANGEDCO reserves

the right to place orders among more than one tenderer.
10.3 The TANGEDCO will be at liberty to cancel the contract if the supply is not
made as per the delivery schedule specified in the indent, not withstanding
its right to claim liquidated damages for the belated supplies and the
quantity outstanding to be supplied as on the date of cancellation. The
defaulting contractors will be liable to pay to the TANGEDCO in addition to
the liquidated damages for delay, the actual difference in price whenever
the TANGEDCO orders the delayed quantity to be supplied / executed by
other agencies at higher rate.

10.4 The actual date of receipt of each material with all accessories will be
reckoned as the date of delivery for the purpose of calculation of liquidated
damages in respect of that material.
10.5 It is the responsibility of the supplier to give 15 days advance information
for inspection, despatch of materials and other obligations under the terms
and conditions of this contract in order to deliver the materials within the
contractual delivery period quoted /agreed.

10.6 The delivery period will not normally be extended. Hence all efforts shall be
taken to deliver the materials within the contractual delivery period.

11.1 The authorised representatives of the purchaser with REC officials shall have
access to the supplier's works at any time during working hours, for the
purpose of inspecting the manufacture of the materials and for testing the
selected samples from the materials covered by the specification. The
suppliers shall provide necessary facilities for such inspection. The entire
cost of inspection shall be borne by the supplier.
11.2 Tenderers are requested to furnish in their tenders the exact location of their
factory with detailed address to enable inspection by TANGEDCO Officers.

11.3 Not less than 15 days advance intimation shall be given about the quantity of
materials that will be ready for inspection by the TANGEDCO's officers/ Third Party
Agency authorised by the TANGEDCO. The arrangement for inspection shall be
made by suppliers in such a way that the delivery schedule is kept up. The
materials shall not be despatched without instruction from TANGEDCO.

11.4. The materials supplied for DDUGJY will be inspected by the authorised
representatives of the purchaser with REC officials to the supplier's works at
any time during working hours, for the purpose of inspecting the manufacture of
the materials and for testing the selected samples from the materials covered by
the specification. Inspection is to be carried out the scheduled date and time as
finalised by PIA(Project implementation Agency) No Variation in quantity, date and
venue shall be allowed. If the material is not ready on the scheduled date of
inspection then the inspection call shall be treated as fake call and penalty of Rs
50,000 /= shall be imposed on the contractor towards deployment of inspector.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


12.1 The delivery as specified should be guaranteed by the supplier under the
Liquidated Damages Clauses given below:

12.2 If the supplier fails to deliver the materials within the time specified in the
indent or any extension thereof, the purchaser shall recover from the
supplier as liquidated damages, a sum of half a percent (0.5%) of the All-
inclusive price of the undelivered Materials for each completed week of
delay. The total liquidated damages shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of
the All-inclusive price of the materials so delayed. The actual date of delivery
of materials with all its accessories at destination stores will be reckoned as
date of delivery for this purpose. Liquidated damages will also be recovered
for the quantity not supplied as is done for the belated supply. It is the
responsibility of the suppliers to arrange for inspection, despatch etc. in time
to keep up the delivery schedule.

12.3 If supplies to be rendered against the Rate Contract Order are made by the
supplier beyond the period of delivery stipulated in the indent and if they are
accepted by the TANGEDCO, such acceptance is without prejudice to the
TANGEDCO's rights to levy liquidated damages for the delay in supply.
12.4 The TANGEDCO will also be at liberty to cancel the order if the supply is not
made as per the delivery schedule specified in the indent, notwithstanding
its rights to claim liquidated damages for the belated supplies and quantity
outstanding to be supplied as on the date of cancellation.

12.5 The suppliers are liable to pay the amount of loss sustained by the
TANGEDCO in the event of non-execution of orders, if any placed on them
either in full or part to the satisfaction of the TANGEDCO under the terms
and conditions of contract and in the event of placing orders for such
quantities on some others at a higher price.
12.6 Tenderers not giving clear and specific acceptance to the above clauses are
liable for rejection.
12.7 If there is any downward trend in prices on account of belated supplies, the
tenderers have to accept the same with the levy of liquidated damages, for
belated supplies.

12.8 The defaulting contractors will be liable to pay to the TANGEDCO in addition
to Liquidated Damages for delay, the actual difference in price wherever
TANGEDCO orders the delayed quantity to be supplied by other agencies at
a higher cost.

12.9 Equipment/materials will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its
component and its accessories are also delivered. If certain components
and accessories are not delivered in time the whole equipment will be
considered as delayed unless, the missing parts are delivered. The
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Liquidated damages will also be levied for the quantity not supplied
as is done for the delay supplies. If supplies effected in part which
could not be beneficially used to the TANGEDCO (due to such
incomplete supply), liquidated damage will be worked out on the
basis of entire contract price of such materials which could not be
beneficially used and not on the value of delayed portion only.

12.10 If the ordered materials are not delivered, the purchaser shall recover from
the supplier, as liquidated damages a sum of TEN PERCENT (10%) of the
contract price of the equipments/materials undelivered besides forfeiture of
security deposit.

13.1 The supplier shall not be liable for delay in performing his obligations
resulting directly or from any force majeure conditions herein defined as:

(a) Any cause which is beyond the reasonable control of the supplier or
purchaser as the case may be
(b) Natural phenomena, such as floods, drought, earthquakes and epidemics.
(c) Act of any Govt. Authority, domestic or foreign, such as wars declared or
undeclared quarantines, embargoes licensing control on production or
distribution restrictions.
(d) Accident and disruptions such as fire, explosion, increase in power cut with
respect to date of tender opening, break down of essential machinery or
equipments etc.
(e) Strikes, slow down, and lockouts.
(f) Failure or delay in the supplier's source of supply due to force majeure
causes enumerated at 'b' to 'e' above shall be considered, provided the
supplier produces documentary evidence to show that there were no other
alternative source of supply available to him or if available the lead time
required was likely to be longer than the duration of the force majeure at
the normal source of supply. All the provisions of this clause shall apply
whether the disruption cause is total or partial in its effect upon the ability of
the supplier to perform.

NOTE: The cause of force majeure condition will be taken into consideration only if
the supplier notifies within 15 days from the occurrence of such
eventualities. The purchaser shall verify the facts and grant such extension
as the facts justify. For extension due to force majeure conditions, the
supplier shall submit his representation with documentary evidence for
scrutiny by the purchaser and decision of the purchaser shall be binding on
the firm.

13.2 Provided that if the performance in whole or part by the supplier on any
obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reasons of any
eventuality for a period exceeding 60 days, the TANGEDCO may at its option
terminate the contract by a notice in writing.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

13.3 The Power cut shall not be considered under force majeure condition. The
period of extension shall be decided only by the authority who placed the
order, after verifying the evidence for the cause of delay.
The entire equipments should be guaranteed for satisfactory operation and good
workmanship at least for a period of 36 (Thirty six) months from the date of
receipt of materials at site in good condition.
Any defects noticed during this period shall be rectified free of cost to the
TANGEDCO within 2 (Two) months from the date of intimation of defect/failure.
Irrespective of number of failures and repairs, the suppliers are responsible for
free replacement of the defective materials. Such replaced components shall
serve for a continuous period of 12 months from the date of re-commissioning
and this shall be in addition to the guarantee provided for the equipment.

A written guarantee guaranteeing the TANGEDCO against defects in the materials

supplied, either in materials or workmanship, should be furnished to the
Superintending Engineer/CDC/TANGEDCO along with 100% bills and got
approved by him. The guarantee shall be operative for a period of 36 months
form the date of receipt of materials at site in good condition.

The incidental expenses, transport and freight charges for the replacement of
defective materials within the guarantee period shall also be borne by the supplier
till such time it serves a continuous period of 12 (Twelve) months as said above.
The Supplier shall guarantee among other things, the following:
(i) Quality and strength of materials used.
(ii) Safe electrical and mechanical stresses on all parts of the equipments
under all specified conditions.
(iii) Performance figures given by the tenderers in the Schedule of
Guaranteed technical particulars


The supplier should despatch the materials only after getting dispatch
Instruction from the Chief Engineer/ Distribution/Chennai South .If the supplier
despatches the materials without the prior approval of the purchaser, then the
purchaser shall not be responsible for any demurrage or wharfage or both and
only the supplier should bear any expenditure arising out of such unapproved


16.1 External damages or shortages that are prima facie the results of rough
handling in transit or due to defective packing will be intimated within a fortnight of
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

the receipt of the materials. Internal defects, damages or shortages of any integral
parts which cannot ordinarily be detected on a superficial visual examination
caused by bad handling in transit or defective packing would be indicated after
inspection on receipt of the materials at stores. In either case, the damaged or
defective materials should be replaced free of cost to the TANGEDCO within 60
16.2 If during the period of supply, it is found that goods already supplied are
defective in material or workmanship or do not conform to specification or
unsuitable for the purpose for which they are purchased, then it will be open
to the purchaser either to reject the goods or repudiate the entire contract
and claim such loss that the purchaser may suffer on that account require
the supplier to replace the defective goods, free of cost.

16.3 Similarly, if during the guarantee period any of the goods found to be
defective in materials or workmanship or do not conform to specification or
are unsuitable for the purpose for which they are purchased, it will be open
to the purchaser either to repudiate the entire contract and claim damages
or accept such parts of the goods that are satisfactory and require the
supplier to replace the balance or to claim compensation for the entire loss
sustained by the purchaser on that account.

16.4 In the event of supplies being received damaged or any shortages at the
destination stations, the cost of such materials, Excise duty and VAT (if
payable) and other charges payable thereof will be paid only proportionate
to the value of materials received in good condition, unless the damaged
goods or short supplies are made good free of cost by the suppliers.

16.5 For all legal purposes, the materials shall be deemed to pass into the
TANGEDCO’s ownership at the destination Stores, where they are delivered
and accepted.


17.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in the above Liquidated Damages clause
when the whole or part of the materials supplied by the supplier are found
to be defective or damaged or are not in conformity with the specification,
such defects or damages in materials supplied shall be rectified within two
months from the date of intimation of defects/ damages either at the point
of destination or at the supplier's works at the cost of the supplier against
proper security and acknowledgement. In the alternative, the defective or
damaged materials shall be replaced free of cost within two months from the
date of receipt of the intimation from the purchaser. If the defects or
damages are not rectified or replaced within this period, the contractor shall
pay a sum towards liquidated damages clause given above, for the delay in
rectification/ replacement of the defects or damages.

17.2 If even after such rectification or replacement of the damaged or defective

part, if the equipment/materials ordered is not giving the satisfactory
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

performance as per the contract, then it will be open to the purchaser

either to reject the goods or repudiate the entire contract and claim such
loss sustained by the TANGEDCO.

17.3 Notwithstanding any other remedies available, the purchaser shall be

entitled to dispose of the defective/damaged materials in “as is where is”
condition without further notice, if the Contractor/supplier fails to rectify the
defect and/or replace the damaged materials and / or fails to remove the
defective/damaged materials within such period as may be notified by the
purchaser through notice and their sale proceeds of such disposal shall be
appropriated towards the dues to the TANGEDCO such as Liquidated
damages, ground rent etc., as may be determined by the purchaser.

The tenderer is responsible for safe delivery of the materials at the destination
stores. The tenderer should include and provide for packing and secured
protection of the materials so as to avoid damages or loss in transit.


19.1 Contractors failing to execute the order placed on them to the satisfaction
of the TANGEDCO under the terms and conditions setforth therein, will be liable to
make good the loss sustained by the TANGEDCO, consequent to the placing of
fresh orders elsewhere at higher rate, i.e. the difference between the price
accepted in the contract already entered into and the price at which fresh orders
have been placed. This is without prejudice to the imposition of penalty under the
Liquidated Damages clause and forfeiture of SD for the breach of contract.

20.1 The supplier shall not assign or transfer the contract or any part thereof
without the prior approval of the Purchaser.


21.1 Any loss, arising due to non-fulfillment of this contract or any other contract,
will be recovered from the Security Deposit held and / or any other amount
due to the supplier from the TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO from this Contract as
well as from other contracts.


The Board is empowered
i) to recover any dues against this contract in any bills/Security Deposit/
Earnest Money Deposit/Permanent Earnest Money Deposit due to the
contractor either in this contract or any other contract with TNEB/
ii) To recover any dues against any other contracts of the contractor with
TNEB/ TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO, with the available amount due to the

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

contractor against this contract.

It is the responsibility of the tenderer to make his own arrangement to
procure the necessary raw materials required for the manufacture.
24.1 The tenderers should furnish the permanent Account number issued by
Income tax Department with the Tender.
24.2 The tenderer shall furnish the GSTIN Number of the firm along with the
proof in the tender.


The tenderer should be ready to submit the returns as per GSTR1,2, and GSTR3 for
each transaction.
NOTE: The successful tenderer should submit the latest copies of STCC after
receiving the order.


26.1 The TANGEDCO will not accept any arbitration in case of disputes arising in
any respect under this contract. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall
not be subject to arbitration under the provisions of Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996 in the event of any dispute between the parties.


27.1 The intending tenderers shall furnish the documentary evidence with details
of Rate Contract Orders executed during the last ten years in the proforma
enclosed in the Tender Specification as per Schedule-C.

27.2 The details furnished by the tenderers shall be in complete shape and if it is
found that any information is found omitted, suppressed, incomplete or
incorrect, the same will be taken note of while dealing with the tenders in


28.1 The tenderers shall furnish necessary documents evidencing their legal status
of the firm along with their offer.

29.1 No suit or any proceedings in regard to any matter arising in respect of this
contract shall be instituted in any court, save in the High Court, Madras, City
Civil Court at Chennai or at the Court of small causes at Chennai. It is agreed
that no other court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceedings
even though, part of the cause of action might arise within their jurisdiction. In
case any part of the cause of action might arise within the jurisdiction of any
other Courts in Tamil Nadu and rest within the jurisdiction of courts outside the
Tamil Nadu, then it is agreed to between the parties that such suits or
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

proceedings shall be instituted in a Court within the State of Tamil Nadu and
no other court outside the State of Tamil Nadu shall have jurisdiction even
though any part of the cause of action might arise within the jurisdiction of
such courts. The successful Tenderer shall furnish an undertaking as per
Annexure-II in a non judicial stamp paper of Rs.80/-agreeing to the above
Performance Guarantee will be released on expiry of guarantee period
after ensuring that defects/damages during the guarantee period are


30.1 All materials, equipments and spare parts thereof shall be new, unused and
originally coming from manufacturers’ plant to the destination stores. Those
including used, rebuilt or overhauled materials/equipments will not be

30.2 All the materials shall be of best class and capable of satisfactory operation
in the tropics with humid atmospheric condition. Unless otherwise specified,
they shall conform to the requirements of appropriate Indian Standards.
Where these are not available, IEC and American / British Standards shall be

30.3 The design shall incorporate every reasonable precautions and provisions for
the safety of all those concerned in the operation and maintenance of
equipment/ materials.

30.4 The materials should be designed to facilitate inspection and repair and to
ensure satisfactory operation under atmospheric conditions prevailing at site
and under sudden variations of load and voltages as may be met with under
working conditions in the system including those due to faulty synchronizing
and short circuits within the rating of the apparatus.

30.5 All the equipments should operate without undue vibration and with the
least practicable amount of noise.


At the time of issuing indent for supply of materials, TANGEDCO reserves the
right to allocate the quantity after ensuring the manufacturing capacity,
ability of supply, quantity offered and past performance.


The materials are for use in Chennai and should be satisfactory for
operation under tropical conditions in Chennai.
a) The ambient temperature will be within the range of + 10 Degree
Centigrade to + 50 Degree Centigrade.
b) The altitude is approximately 3M above M.S.L.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

c) The Ambient air temperature

a. Maximum dry bulb : 45 degree C
b. Minimum dry bulb : 15 degree C
c. Maximum daily average dry bulb : 35 Degree C
d. Reference temperature for design
of electrical equipments : 45 Degree C
d) Rain fall : 650mm in a year (average)
e) Climatic conditions : Hot, humid, dusty, salt laden and conductive to
f) Tropicalisation : All equipment supplied against this
specification shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment
in view of the severe climatic conditions prevailing at site as
prescribed above.


Tenderers should furnish copy of type test certificates for the offered
package in full shape as conforming to relevant IS/IEC Standards of latest issue
obtained from a Government/ Government recognised Laboratory, along with
offer. The above type test certificates should accompany the drawings of the
material/equipments, duly signed under seal by the Institution who had issued the
type test certificate.
The above type test should have been conducted within five years (5 years)
as on the date of Tender opening, in a Government Laboratory/Government
recognised Laboratory.
The details of type test should also be furnished in the Schedule – G.
In the event of any discrepancy in the test reports i.e. any test report not
acceptable due to any design / manufacturing changes ( including
substitution of components) or due to non – compliance with the
requirement stipulated in the Technical specification or any / all
additional type tests not carried out , same shall be carried out without
any additional cost implication to the purchaser.


The test certificates in triplicate for the materials furnishing the results of
the tests as per latest issue of IS/IEC shall be forwarded and got approved before
the materials are despatched. In addition to the tests called for in the specification,
the purchaser reserves the right of having such tests as he desires carried out at
his own expenses to satisfy himself that the materials conform to the requirement
of this specification. The materials may be rejected if the test results are not

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



1.0. SCOPE
1.1 The scope of bid envisages the Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Stage
testing, Final Inspection and testing before supply, Supply and Delivery at site, so
as to be a protected switch gear, feasible to be integratable towards remote
monitoring and control using local HMI SCADA and also to be compatible to the
existing/proposed SCADA in TANGEDCO. The system will transmit data to
Chennai DCC SCADA system on real time with IEC 60870-5-101 protocol. Sub-
station equipments like energy meters, relays etc which may have MODBUS, DNP
3.0, IEC 61850 protocols with Optical/RS485 port. Station Controller shall also
support ABB’s RP570 protocol and IEC 61850 to communicate with Master
Station. This specification also provides for packing and delivery F.O.R.
(Destination) of 11 KV Single Bus 25 KA, 1250 Amps, Indoor Vacuum Circuit
Breaker (VCB) panels suitable for Feeder, Transformer and Bus coupler control
with all accessories and auxiliary equipments and mandatory spares described
herein and required for the satisfactory operation at any location in and around
Chennai city and also other places in TAMILNADU for TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO.

1.2 The Switchgear Panel shall conform in all respects to high standards of
engineering design, workmanship and latest revisions of relevant standards at
the time of offer. The purchaser shall have the right to reject any work or
material which in his judgment is not in full accordance therewith.

1.3 The breakers should be as per the guaranteed technical particulars furnished
in annexure.


The Breakers and Instrument Transformers shall conform to the latest revisions
and amendments thereof of the following standards.
1. IEC-62271-100 Specification for alternating current circuit Breakers.
& 200
2. IEC-60298 Metal Enclosed Switchgear and Control Gear for
Rated Voltages up to and including 36 KV
3. IEC 2331 High voltage porcelain bushings
4. IEC-60 High voltage test techniques
5. IEC-71 Insulation co-ordination
6. IEC-270 Partial discharge measurement
7. IS-3427 Specification for metal clad high voltage switchgear
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

8. IS-2147 Degree of protection provided for enclosures for low

voltage switchgear and control gear
9. IS-9582 Specification for Single phase Electric motors for definite
10. IS-375 Marking and arrangements for switchgear bus bar, main
connections and auxiliary wirings
11. IS-2099 High voltage porcelain bushings
12. IEC 60044 -1 Specification for Current Transformers.
13. IEC 60044 -2 Specification for Potential Transformers.
14. IS-2629 Recommended practice for hot dip galvanised iron and
15. IS -2071 High voltage test techniques (part1&2)
16. Indian Electricity Rules
17. IEEE80 (2000) IEEE Guide for safety in AC Substation grounding
18. IEEE80 (2000) IEEE Guide for safety in AC Substation grounding
19. IEE 693 Seismic disturbance

Equipment meeting with the requirements of any other authoritative standards,

which ensures equal or better quality than the standard mentioned above shall
also be acceptable. If the equipments, offered by the Bidder conform to other
standards, salient points of difference between the standards adopted and the
specific standards shall be clearly brought out in relevant schedule. Two copies of
such standards with authentic English Translations shall be furnished along with
the offer.

The H.T. switchgears shall be suitable for operation on three phase, three
wire, 11 KV, 50 cycles, A.C. System. Every current-carrying part of the switchgear
including Circuit Breaker, current transformers, conductors, bus bars & bus
raisers in case of transformer control panel shall be capable of carrying its
specified rated normal current of 2000 A continuously, connections and joints
shall be capable of carrying its specified rated normal current of 1250 A
continuously and in no part shall the temperature rise exceed the values specified
in relevant IEC Standards at ambient temperature. Assistance from any forced
cooling to maintain IEC rating is not allowed. Every part of the switchgear shall
also withstand, without mechanical or thermal damage the instantaneous peak
currents and rated short-time current of 25 KA (3 sec.) pertaining to the rated
breaking capacity of the circuit breaker.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


The Indoor VCB panels should be suitable for operation on the following
auxiliary supply systems.
a) Power Devices like drive Motors 415V, 3 Phase 4 Wire 50Hz, AC
of rating 1 KW and above neutral grounded
b) Alarm, Lighting, space heaters and 240V single phase, 50Hz, AC
fractional KW motor neutral grounded

c) Control and protective devices 110 V /30V DC

The above supply voltage may vary as below and all devices shall be suitable for
continuous operation over entire range of voltage.

i) AC supply : Voltage tolerance (+10%) or (-20%) acceptable

Voltage varies between 160 V to 250 V. Frequency +/-5%
ii) DC supply : Voltage (-) 15% to + 10%; Isolated two wire system


Sl No Item Requirement

1 Rated voltage 11 KV (rms)

2 Highest System Voltage 12 KV (rms)
3 Frequency 50(Hz.)
4 Neutral grounding Solidly earthed
5 Continuous current rating for bus 2000 A
6 Continuous current rating for 1250 A
Type of switchgear VCB
7 Mounting Inside a steel cubicle of thickness not
less than 2.5 mm suitable for floor
mounting and free standing. Non load
bearing member shall be 2mm thick with
Aluminium – Zinc steel cubicle for load
bearing member, the sheet steel is so
formed that the total steel thickness
shall be 4mm (2mm + 2mm) suitable
reimbursement is also acceptable.
8 Number of Poles 3

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

9 Type of operation Gang Operated Poles

10 Spacing between the Bus bars As per type tested design. Capable of
between live part to live part and live withstanding the appropriate power
part to earth frequency test voltage and internal arc. Size
and spacing shall be as per typed tested
(Phase to phase 125 mm and Phase drawing. Epoxy moulded bus bars are
to earth 90 mm preferred) preferred. Right angle boot of reputed make
shall be provided inside cable chamber

11 Operating mechanism Universal motor operated spring charged

– (Motor / Handle operation for spring
12 Auto reclosing duty Three phase

13 Rated operating duty cycle O-0.3s-CO-3 min-CO as per IEC & O-

0.3s-CO-15S – CO is preferable.
14 First pole to clear factor 1.5
15 Type of tripping Trip free
16 Maximum closing time 75 (ms)
17 Maximum total break time at rated 50 (ms)
breaking capacity
18 1.2/50 microsecond impulse with- 75 KV peak- to Earth
stand voltage (dry) 75 KV peak -Across the open contacts
with impulse on one terminal and power
frequency voltage on opposite terminal
19 One minute power frequency 28 KV( rms)
withstand voltage (dry)
20 Rated breaking current 25 KA
21 Rated Short circuit withstand 25 K.A.
current for 3 Sec.
22 Peak short circuit making current 62.5 KA (peak)
23 Rated cable charging breaking 25 A (Test conforming to Class C2 as per
current IEC 62271-100)
24 Mechanical Endurance Test conforming to Class M2 as per IEC
25 Max. acceptable difference in the 10 ms ( Between poles)
instants of closing/opening of
26 Short time current carrying 25 KA (rms) for three seconds
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

27 Rating of auxiliary contacts 15 A (110V/30V DC) Shall be 4A at 110V
DC & 8A at 30V DC may be accepted.
28 Breaking capacity of auxiliary 2 A DC with the circuit constant less
contacts than 20ms at the rated voltage.
29 Noise level at base and upto 50 140 dB (max.)
30 Seismic acceleration 0.3 g
31 Protection IP 4 X for HV compartment & IP 5 X for
LV compartment


Sl Description Quantity TR- B/C- FR-Panel

No per LV Panel
panel Panel
1 Circuit label 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
2 Mimic diagram 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
3 Ammeter Analog/Digital 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
4 Voltmeter Analog/Digital 1 No. yes -- --
5 Static Trivector Meter compatibility 1 No. Yes -- Yes
with SCADA and TNEB HT metering
6 Ammeter selector switch 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
7 Voltmeter selector switch 1 No. yes -- --
8 Window/ring type Current 3 Nos. Yes Yes Yes
9 Line type Truck mounted Potential 3 Nos. Yes -- --
10 Isolation Transformers (440/230 V) 1 No. Yes -- --
11 Numeric IDMT Relay (3OL + 1 EL) 1set Yes Yes Yes
with test block similar to
MMLG/MMLB of Areva make
12 DC Supervision Relay 1 No. Yes -- --
13 a) Master Trip Relay (Breaker) 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
b) Master Trip Relay (Transformer) 1 No. Yes -- --
c) Auxiliary relays for transformer 1 set Yes -- --
14 Trip Circuit Supervision Relay 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
15 Annunciation Relay 1 No. Yes -- --
16 Anti–pumping Relay in built 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
17 Annunciation Facia 24 window 1 No. Yes -- --
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Hooter with Bell for DC failure 1 Set. Yes -- --

18 Alarm with Bell 1 Set. Yes Yes Yes
19 Test/Accept/Reset Push Button for 3 Nos. Yes -- Yes
20 Local /Remote Switch 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
21 TNC Pistol grip Switch 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
22 P.T. Supply Indication 3 Nos. Yes -- --
23 P.T. selection switch with phase 1 No. -- Yes --
sequence indication
24 Breaker ON/OFF indication 2 Nos. Yes Yes Yes
25 Spring Charge indication 1 Nos. Yes Yes Yes
26 Fault tripping indication 1 Set. Yes Yes Yes
27 VCB Truck 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
Service /test position indication Yes Yes Yes
28 Earth Bus 1 No. Yes Yes Yes
29 3 nos. Bus bars to carry rated 1 Set. Yes Yes Yes
30 PTC Heater with Hygrostat 3 nos Yes Yes Yes
31 Illumination Lamp with door switch 3 nos Yes Yes Yes
32 Interlock to defeat racking in when 1set Yes Yes Yes
the Control circuit Plug detached
from the VCB Truck
33 Interlock to defeat the movement of 1set Yes Yes Yes
the Breaker when ON & in service
34 Stud type terminal block 1set Yes Yes Yes
35 Disconnecting Link type terminal 1set Yes Yes Yes
36 Cable termination kit 1set Yes -- Yes
38 Cable gland plate of non magnetic 1set Yes -- Yes
39 Line indication 3 nos. Yes Yes Yes

7.1. All similar materials and removable parts of identical equipments shall be
interchangeable with each other. The VCB truck in particular should easily be

7.2. The panels should be suitable for easy extension on both sides by addition of
panels of same make.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


The following features should be incorporated in the Indoor Vacuum Circuit

Breaker panels so as to be compatible with the SCADA system.

Sl No Feature Provision to be made available

1 On –Off position of the Breaker2 NO- 2NC Contacts of the auxiliary switch
wired upto the terminal Block
2 Local / Remote Switch position Two separate NO contacts ; one for Local
and other for remote , which becomes NC
on selection of a particular position
3 Spring charge / Discharge position One set of NO contacts in the limit
switch closes when the spring is in
charged condition
4 Fault Tripping of the Breaker One set of NO and one set of NC Contacts
of the Master / Tripping Relay wired upto
terminal Block
5 Voltage 3 Phase Potential Transformer out put
6 Current Voltage across the shunt resistance of the
7 Transfer of Data from the RS 485 port with DNP 3.0 DLMS compliant
Trivector Meter / or IEC 61850 Protocol. Should have
either an OPTO Coupler or a Potential free
contact to translate the energy
transmitted through the feeder to SCADA.
NOTE: There should be terminal blocks specifically marked for SCADA systems.
Wiring should be made for the availability of the above data’s in the terminal blocks.


9.1. Transformer panels:

Each transformer panel should consist of:

(a) 11 KV, 25 KA, 1250 Amps, triple pole indoor VCB, with provisions for both
Manual & Motor operated spring charged closing mechanisms.
(ii) 3 Nos 11 KV window/ring or bar primary type, indoor resin cast, three
core Current Transformers with the following specifications. In addition to the
above 3 Nos CT, one no CT per LV shall be supplied as mandatory spare, at free
of cost.

a) Ratio : 900-600/1-1-1A

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

b) Burden : 5VA for Core I and 30VA for core II

c) Accuracy : Core - I – Class 0.2S (metering)
: Core – II – 5P20 (Protection)
: Core –III– PS Class (Differential Protection)

The CTs shall have 3 cores on secondary with following specifications.

Metering - 0.2S accuracy class with 5 VA burden, protection - 5P20 with 30 VA
burden (7.5 VA burden is also acceptable) and PS class. The magnetizing current
and the knee point voltage (Vk) shall be as per the requirement of the relay

The CT protection accuracy should take care of the fault current and fault MVA or
whichever is higher.

d) Short time current rating : 25 KA for 3 Seconds

e) Insulation level : 28 KV /75 KV peak.

iii) Ammeter : 1 No. (To read: 0-600-900A)

iv) Ammeter Selector switch : 1 No. 5 position (R-Y-B- neutral and OFF)
Additional Disconnecting terminal Block for R,Y,B Currents with loops may be
Provided to connect External Transducers to be provided by TANGEDCO.

v) 3 nos 11 KV single phase indoor resin cast PTs: Shall be of draw out type PT
on line side (Preferably truck mounted draw out from front side). Mounted on
rear side of panel inside cable compartment may be accepted 1) based on the
position of CT so that panels can be erected in the existing substations without
modification of cable duct. 2) If floor mounted, trolley for easy transportation is
to be given.

a) Ratio : 11 KV/Root 3/ 110 V/Root 3

b) Burden : 50 VA
c) Accuracy : Class 0.2

The compatibility of PT and its burden shall be ensured for all the measuring/
protection devices.
a) Protection fuses to be provided for LT
b) PTs shall conform to IEC-60044-2 / IS 3156 of the latest issue
c) For the PT Primary HRC fuse shall be provided

The PTs shall have isolating features, current resistors etc. with indicating lamps
for each phase. The primary of the potential transformer should be connected
with the main supply through a plug type arrangement. The PT shall be of draw

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

out type with self locking arrangement with HRC fuse on HV and LV side and
shall be of plug in type. The potential transformer supply should not be disturbed
by jerking of the PT. Neutral of the potential transformers should be brought out
externally and earthed separately to facilitate isolation during testing at site.

Wiring shall be done from cable termination for voltage indication and voltmeter
reading so that phase voltage is read when the power transformer is energized.
vi) Voltmeter : 1 No. To read: 0-16 KV
vii) Voltmeter selector switch: 1 No. 7 position

viii) Relays: As per clause 10.6

ix) All the relays and accept/reset push buttons shall be situated at height
approximately 5 feet for smooth and easy operation for the operator. More than
5½ feet is not acceptable.

x) The power consumption of tripping coil & closing coil shall be 250 ± 25 W.

ix) 3 Nos. 80 Watts, PTC (Positive Temperature co-efficient) heaters with

Hygrostat shall be used. One near the cable entry and the CT mounting, another
in the breaker chamber and the third one in the Bus bar chamber are to be
provided. Heater circuit healthiness indication lamp is to be provided in each
panel. The heaters are to be connected through a common switch and a
Hygrostat for automatic cutting in and cutting out so that the panel humidity
should be always 10% less than the ambient humidity to avoid condensation.

x) 3 nos. 11 KV resin cast insulated solid round copper bus bar suitable for
highest system voltage is preferred. Panels with equally insulated rectangular bus
bars may also be offered. The area of cross section of the bus bar shall be such
way to carry the rated current of 2000 A with a current density of 1.6 amps per
sq.mm. No tolerance shall be permitted. The bus bars and jumpers shall be
housed in a totally enclosed compartment without barriers between the adjacent
panels. The bus bars shall be supported on specially designed cast resin
insulators at short intervals keeping adequate clearance between bus bars and
earth. The bus bar chamber is to be located on the back side of the circuit
breaker chamber. The bus bar chamber shall be provided with inspection covers
and bus bar shutters. Provision shall be made for future extension of bus bar and
switch board. The busbar joints shall be insulated by preformed insulation and
shall be detachable type suitable for inspection of bolt tightness at joints. The
insulating material used shall be capable of withstanding the heating effects of
the rated short time current without permanent deformation or deterioration.
Provision shall be made for future extension of bus bar and switch board.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

xi) Spring charge mechanism for charged position indication. 2 Nos. spare contact
wired upto (SCADA) terminal block.

xii) Local/Remote switch with separate contact for indicating the position to
SCADA wired upto terminal block.

xiii) Alarm with Bell.

xiv) Stud type terminal block for controls and disconnecting link type terminals
for CT leads.

xv) Static Tri-vector meter with specification as set out in clause 10.7.

xvi) Isolation transformers of suitable 440/230 V for AC controls shall be supplied

additionally for each HV panel so as to cater the load of 6 panels. All panels shall
have suitable surge protection for DC controls at the DC source point. (If any
other schemes is proposed the same shall be got approved from TANGEDCO).
Provision shall be given to isolate the DC load of the SCADA system at a single
point. The complete details of such protection shall be clearly indicated in the
drawing. The same shall be got reviewed by PURCHASER testing agency.

xix) Annunciation fascia with 24 windows.

9.2. Feeder Panel:

Each Feeder panel should consist of

i) 11 KV, 25KA, 1250 Amps triple pole indoor VCB with provisions for both Manual
& Motor operated spring charged closing mechanism.

ii) 3 Nos. of 11 KV window/ring type or bar primary indoor resin cast, two core
Current Transformers with the following specifications.

a) Ratio : 300/1-1Amps
b) Burden : 5VA for Core I and 30 VA for core II
c) Accuracy : Core I – Class 0.2S (metering)
Core – II – 5P20 (Protection)

The CTs shall have 2 cores on secondary with following specifications. Metering -
0. 2S accuracy class with 5 VA burden, protection - 5P20 with 30 VA burden.
(Core II of CT with burden > 7.5VA may be accepted provided the CT is not
saturated due to heavy fault current. For that, magnetizing current shall be
<40mA (Vk/2)) and PS class. The magnetising current and the knee point voltage
(Vk) shall be as per the requirement of the relay manufacturer.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

The CT protection accuracy should take care of the fault current and fault MVA or
whichever is higher.

d) Short time current rating : 25 KA for 3 Seconds

e) Insulation level : 28 KV/75 KV Peak
iii) Ammeter : 1 No. To Read 0-300 A
iv) Ammeter Selector switch : 1 No. (5 position) (R-Y-B- N-and OFF.)

The feeder panel shall be provided with line indicators using capacitor divider
circuit along with provision for checking phase sequence. PT selection switch for
energy meter reading with phase sequence indication shall be provided such that
in case of failure of one of the PT supply to all energy meters are extended
without interruption. The above selection shall be manual.
Additional Disconnecting terminal Block for R,Y,B Currents with loops may be
Provided to connect External Transducers to be provided by TANGEDCO.

vii) Relays: As per clause 10.6

viii) All the relays and accept/reset push buttons shall be situated at height
approximately 5 feet for smooth and easy operation for the operator. More than
5½ feet is not acceptable.
ix) The power consumption of tripping coil & closing coil shall be 250 ± 25 W.

vii) 3 Nos. 80 Watts, PTC (Positive Temperature co-efficient) heaters with

Hygrostat shall be used. One near the cable entry and the CT mounting, another
in the breaker chamber and the third one in the Bus bar chamber are to be
provided. Heater circuit healthiness indication Lamp is to be provided in each
panel. The heaters are to be connected through a common switch and a
Hygrostat for automatic cutting in and cutting out so that the panel humidity
should be always 10% less than the ambient humidity to avoid condensation.

vii) 3 nos. 11 KV resin cast insulated solid round copper bus bar suitable for
highest system voltage is preferred. Panels with equally insulated rectangular bus
bars may also be offered. The area of cross section of the bus bar shall be such
way to carry the rated current of 2000 A with a current density of 1.6 amps per
sq.mm. No tolerance shall be permitted. The bus bars and jumpers shall be
housed in a totally enclosed compartment without barriers between the adjacent
panels. The bus bars shall be supported on specially designed cast resin
insulators at short intervals keeping adequate clearance between bus bars and
earth. The bus bar chamber is to be located on the back side of the circuit
breaker chamber. The bus bar chamber shall be provided with inspection covers
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

and bus bar shutters. Provision shall be made for future extension of bus bar and
switch board. The busbar joints shall be insulated by preformed insulation and
shall be detachable type suitable for inspection of bolt tightness at joints. The
insulating material used shall be capable of withstanding the heating effects of
the rated short time current without permanent deformation or deterioration.
Provision shall be made for future extension of bus bar and switch board.

ix) Spring charge mechanism for charged position indication. 2 Nos. spare contact
wired upto (SCADA) terminal block.

x) Local/Remote switch with separate contact for indicating the position to

SCADA wired upto terminal block.

xi) Alarm with Bell.

xii) Stud type terminal block for controls and disconnecting link type terminals for
CT leads.

xiii) Static Tri-vector meter with specification as set out in clause 10.7.

xiv) Indication for fault tripping linked to the common audio

9.3 Bus Coupler Panel with suitable adapter:

The Bus coupler panel should consist of:

i) 1 No. 11 KV, 25KA, 1250 Amps triple pole, Indoor VCB with provision for both
manual operation and motor spring closing mechanism with suitable adaptor for
separating different feeders and transformers.

ii) 3 Nos. 11KV window/ring type or bar primary indoor resin cast, three core
Current Transformers, with the following specifications.
a) Ratio : 900-600/1-1-1A
b) Burden : 5VA for Core I and 30VA for core II
c) Accuracy : Core - I – Class 0.2S (metering)
: Core - II – 5P20 (Protection)
: Core –III– PS Class (Protection)

The CTs shall have 3 cores on secondary with following specifications. Metering -
0.2S accuracy class with 5 VA burden, protection - 5P20 with 30 VA burden. (>
7.5VA may be accepted provided the CT is not saturated due to heavy fault
current. For that, magnetizing current shall be <40mA (Vk/2)) and PS class. The
magnetising current and the knee point voltage (Vk) shall be as per the
requirement of the relay manufacturer.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

The CT protection accuracy should take care of the fault current and fault MVA or
whichever is higher.
d) Short time current rating : 25 KA for 3 Seconds
e) Insulation level : 28 KV /75 KV peak.

iii) Ammeter : 1 No. To read : 0-600-900A

iv) Ammeter Selector switch : 1 No. 5 position (R-Y-B- neutral and OFF)

Additional Disconnecting terminal Block for R,Y,B Currents with loops may
be Provided to connect External Transducers to be provided by TANGEDCO.
v) Relays: As per clause 10.6

vi) All the relays and accept/reset push buttons shall be situated at height
approximately 5 feet for smooth and easy operation for the operator. More than
5½ feet is not acceptable.

vii) The power consumption of tripping coil & closing coil shall be 250 ± 25 W.

vi) 3 Nos. 80 Watts, PTC (Positive Temperature co-efficient) heaters with

Hygrostat shall be used. One near the cable entry and the CT mounting, another
in the breaker chamber and the third one in the Bus bar chamber are to be
provided. Heater circuit healthiness indication Lamp is to be provided in each
panel. The heaters are to be connected through a common switch and a
Hygrostat for automatic cutting in and cutting out so that the panel humidity
should be always 10% less than the ambient humidity to avoid condensation.

vii) 3 nos. 11 KV resin cast insulated solid round copper bus bar suitable for
highest system voltage is preferred. Panels with equally insulated rectangular bus
bars may also be offered. The area of cross section of the bus bar shall be such
way to carry the rated current of 2000 A with a current density of 1.6 amps per
sq.mm. No tolerance shall be permitted. The bus bars and jumpers shall be
housed in a totally enclosed compartment without barriers between the adjacent
panels. The bus bars shall be supported on specially designed cast resin
insulators at short intervals keeping adequate clearance between bus bars and
earth. The bus bar chamber is to be located on the back side of the circuit
breaker chamber. The bus bar chamber shall be provided with inspection covers
and bus bar shutters. Provision shall be made for future extension of bus bar and
switch board. The busbar joints shall be insulated by preformed insulation and
shall be detachable type suitable for inspection of bolt tightness at joints. The
insulating material used shall be capable of withstanding the heating effects of
the rated short time current without permanent deformation or deterioration.
Provision shall be made for future extension of bus bar and switch board.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

viii) Spring charge mechanism for charged position indication. 2 Nos spare
contact wired up to (SCADA) terminal block.

ix) Local/Remote switch with separate contact for indicating the position to
SCADA wired up to terminal block.

x) Alarm with Bell.

xi) Stud type terminal block for controls and disconnecting link type terminals for
CT leads.

xiii) Indication for fault tripping linked to the common audio.

10.0. GENERAL:

10.1. Switchgear Panel:

a) Each VCB Panel shall be housed in a fabricated housing made of bolted/ CRCA
sheet steel or Aluminum-Zinc sheet of thickness not less than 2.5 mm for all load
bearing members and 2 mm for non load bearing members. Non load bearing
member shall be 2mm thick (with Aluminum – Zinc steel cubicle for load bearing
member, the sheet steel is so formed that the total steel thickness shall be 4mm
(2mm + 2mm) suitable reinforcement is also acceptable). Adequate stiffeners
shall be provided for top cover so that minimum two persons could walk on top
of the panels simultaneously. Minimum four number lifting hooks shall be
provided at the top to lift the panel with the VCB truck inside using crane during
transport and erection. Floor mounted type breakers are preferred. If trolley
mounted VCB truck is offered the supplier shall supply adequate number of
trolleys as requested by TANGEDCO.

They shall confirm to IS 12063 and of IP 4X class.

b) Each VCB panels shall be supplied with 3 nos. 11 KV resin cast insulated solid
round copper bus bar suitable for highest system voltage is preferred. Panels
with equally insulated rectangular bus bars may also be offered. The area of
cross section of the bus bar shall be such way to carry the rated current of 2000
A with a current density of 1.6 amps per sq.mm. No tolerance shall be permitted.
The bus bars and jumpers shall be housed in a totally enclosed compartment
without barriers between the adjacent panels. The bus bars shall be supported
on specially designed cast resin insulators at short intervals keeping adequate
clearance between bus bars and earth. The bus bar chamber is to be located on
the back side of the circuit breaker chamber. The bus bar chamber shall be
provided with inspection covers and bus bar shutters. Provision shall be made for
future extension of bus bar and switch board. The busbar joints shall be insulated

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

by preformed insulation and shall be detachable type suitable for inspection of

bolt tightness at joints. The insulating material used shall be capable of
withstanding the heating effects of the rated short time current without
permanent deformation or deterioration. Provision shall be made for future
extension of bus bar and switch board.

6 Nos Isolating plugs – 3 Nos. for the Buses and 3 Nos. for the line with
necessary sockets along with automatic safety shutters, bus bar jumpers, etc. are
to be provided in each panel. The bus bars shall be of 99.9% electrolytic copper.

c) The flower/jaw contacts are to be provided on the truck side and free from
atmospheric effects.

d) Separate handle positioned at operational level for manual operation of the

circuit breaker during emergency.

e) The maximum temperature in any part of the equipment shall not exceed the
permissible limits as stipulated in the relevant standards.
f) The L.V equipments like relays, meters, indication lamps, switches and
accept/reset push buttons shall be mounted in the L.V. chamber at the panel
front, at a height not more than 5 feet so that they can be operated easily
without any steps. More than 5½ feet is not acceptable.

g) The VCB preferably of floor mounted type, with isolating main contacts for
isolating the VCB. The Circuit Breaker compartment shall be suitable for
accommodating the VCB truck. The breaker compartment is to be separated
from the bus bar and cable compartment by Fiber Glass reinforced epoxy
plate/MS plate. The shutters are to be operated smoothly and automatically by
the movement of truck and the shutters shall be of solid closing type that close
automatically when the truck is withdrawn and the shutters cannot be pushed
open inadvertently when the truck is removed. The breaker is to be operated
both Manual/Motor spring charging mechanism. In case, the breaker truck is
withdrawn, there shall be a cover supplied to make it vermin proof if doors are
not provided.

h) 7NO + 7NC breaker auxiliary switch (2 NO + 2 NC to be wired up to control

cubicle terminals for SCADA) shall be provided. 150 mm x 150 mm. gland plate
for entry of SCADA and other control cables shall be provided preferably at the
front side of the panel.

All panels shall have suitable surge protection for DC controls at the source point.
(If any other scheme is proposed the same shall be got approved from

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

TANGEDCO). Provision shall be given to isolate the DC load of the SCADA system
at a single point.

The individual compartments are to be provided with explosion vents at the top
of panels to let out gases under pressure generated during unlikely event of fault
inside the panel.

When the breaker is in service position, without closing the door the breaker
should not be closed.

Window/ring type CT shall be mounted such a way that while replacing the cable
termination or terminating the cable there should not be any need to remove the
CT and its associated wiring. The CTs shall be of draw out only.LV and Bus
coupler the ratio shall be 900-600/1-1-1A.

The Panel illumination with 3 no 14 W CFLs is to be provided in the Bus bar, L.V.
chamber and cable compartments.

The offer should include provision for wiring of annunciation equipment like
hooter, bell, and reset push buttons for the Sub Station.

The distance between the cable termination to CT (the termination lug) and cable
clamping shall be 700 mm. To obtain this cable pan of maximum depth up to
400mm may be used.

Adequate accessories required for fixing the panel such as foundation bolts and
nuts as well as attachment bolts and nuts shall be provided along with panel. For
every 2 Nos. of breakers, breaker operating rod, door opening key, interlock key,
spring charge rod etc., shall be given.

Separate entry for control cable (open with cover) shall be provided preferably in
the rear side bottom separated from the power cable entry for Transformer and
Feeder panels.

Trip circuit healthiness indication, auto trip indication and breaker ON/OFF
indication shall be in DC supply. All other indications shall be in AC supply ONLY.

Copper Bus bar joints should be covered with 11 kV class FRP shrouds without
any gap or any other flexible material.

There shall be suitable MS channel with adequate holes for cable clamping
arrangement in all Feeders and Transformer panels. Transformer panel shall have
provision to connect 2 X 3 runs of 1 X 630 sq. mm. aluminum UG cable per phase
and the feeder panel shall have provision to connect 3 X 300 sq. mm. cable.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

In all the panels, the accept/reset push button shall be provided and the
annunciation shall be extended from the common alarm.
Each VCB shall be housed in a fabricated sheet steel enclosure with the following:
(a) Vertical or horizontal isolation, horizontal draw out circuit Breaker truck with
VCB, its mechanism, auxiliary contacts and interlocks.
(b) 11 KV, single phase, twin core/triple core, resin cast window/ring or bar
primary type indoor CTs.

(c) 11KV, single phase, resin cast, truck mounted type PT to be provided for
Transformer panel.

(d) Air insulated Bus bar chamber fixed main contacts, automatic safety shutters,
bus bar, jumpers etc.

(e) Ammeter, Voltmeter, relay control and selector switches.

(f) The breakers shall have provision for terminating required no of cables along
with aluminum gland plate, suitable housing heaters (PTC type), indicating lamps
and illuminating lamps etc.

(g) 1 No. fabricated housing made of bolted steel/Aluminum-Zinc sheet not less
than 2.5 mm for load bearing with 4 lifting hooks at the top to lift the panel along
with VCB truck by a crane during transport and erection.
(h) One set of mechanical interlocks to prevent moving of the switch gear truck
unless the circuit breaker is in the open position.

(i) One set of mechanical interlocks to prevent the movement of the breaker from
service position of the Breaker, when the breaker is in service position and in
closed condition.

(j) One set of mechanical/electrical interlock to prevent the closing of the Breaker
when the Breaker is in service position and the control cable plug is not inserted
in the VCB truck

(k) One set of mechanical/electrical interlock to prevent the closing of the

Breaker when the trip circuit supervision relay had been activated.

Following interlocks apart from the already given above shall be ensured.

1. Racking in/out when VCB is on

2. Closing of VCB in intermediate position
3. Racking in/out when the door is open,
4. Opening of door when VCB is in service,

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

5. Closing of VCB without secondary plug & socket in position connection

6. Movement of the switchgear truck from service to test position shall be
possible only when the breaker is in OFF position.
7. Auxiliary plug and socket shall not be opened unless VCB is brought to test
8. Rear cable chamber cover shall not be opened unless and otherwise the
breaker if OFF and in test position. (Rear cover shall be box type with
mesh protection)
9. The movement of the switchgear truck should be defeated when the rear
covers are not closed.
Emergency push buttons to trip the breaker as well as close the breaker manually
shall be provided on the front door of the panel.

Provision shall be given to isolate the DC load of the SCADA system at a single

All indication lamps shall be of LED cluster type. Lamps must be replaced from
the front end instead of the rear end.

Not more than two wires must be connected to one terminal

All the VCB panels should be suitable for easy extension on both sides by addition
of similar panels. Bus bar end covers shall be supplied as required by
TANGEDCO. End covers to cover bus bar chamber (both right hand side and left
hand side) shall be supplied as required by CDC wing of TANGEDCO.
10.2. Switchgear Truck:

The breaker truck is to be horizontally drawn out and shall be preferably of floor
mounted type. If trolley mounted VCB truck is offered the supplier shall supply
adequate number of trolleys as requested by TANGEDCO. The service and test
positions shall be distinctly marked. In the service position, the isolating contacts
should fully engage each other. The breaker should lock out after the flower/jaw
contacts have made full contact with the bus. The control wiring from the breaker
to the control equipments on the L.V. Chamber shall be made through minimum
24 way plug and socket arrangement. The plug is to be interlocked in such a way
that the breaker truck cannot be pushed into service position until and unless the
control plug is inserted in the correct place. The full isolated position is to be
achieved in the test position by removal of the control plug. The insulated fiber
glass connecting rods wherever used shall be sturdy and shall not break during
the entire life period of the breaker. The shunt close/ trip coils shall be fed from
110/30 Volts station battery for closing/ tripping purposes and shall consume 250
± 25 watts. The current taken by the coils shall be limited to 3/10 amps.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

DUTY CYCLE O-0.3s-CO-3Min.-CO or O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO as per latest


All the equipments should operate without undue vibration and with the
least practicable amount of noise. The breaker truck should be inter-changeable.
This should be ensured. Operating handle, circuit breaker drawal handles are to
be supplied at the rate of one set each for two panels supplied. Wherever the
panels will be erected as single unit with other make panels, additional set has
to be supplied at free of cost , as and when required by the TANGEDCO based on
the site condition.

All mating contacts shall be of flower/jaw type only and free from
atmospheric effects. Any other type of mating contacts shall not be accepted.
They shall be mounted on the truck side only. Contacts shall be designed to have
adequate thermal and current carrying capacity for the duty specified and to
have a life expectancy so that frequent replacements due to excessive burning
shall not be necessary. Provision shall be made for rapid dissipation of heat
generated by the arc on opening. If arcing contacts are used they shall be first to
close and last to open. Tips of arcing contacts and main contacts shall be silver
plated or made of superior material like graphite/tungsten copper/copper
chromium. Breakers shall be so designed that when operated within their
specified rating, the temperature of each part will be limited to values consistent
with long life of the materials used. The temperature shall not exceed that
indicated in latest IEC under specified ambient conditions.

Interchangeability of VCB truck should be ensured at the time of testing at the

supplier’s premises and at site. If the above is not ensured at site, the breakers
should be replaced with the above facility.
Any device provided for voltage grading to damp oscillations or to prevent re
strike prior to the complete interruption of the circuit or to limit over-voltage on
closing shall have a life expectancy comparable to that of the breaker as a whole.
The inside operating or insulated fiber glass connecting rods wherever used shall
be sturdy and shall not break during the entire life period of the breaker.

10.3 Interlocks:

10.3.1. The movement of the switchgear truck should be defeated when Breaker
is in service position and is in ON position.

10.3.2. The process of racking in of the Switchgear truck should be defeated if

the control plug is not plugged in on to the VCB truck and breaker should set
tripped if the control plug is removed when the breaker is ON.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

10. 3.3. The closing of the breaker either electrically or mechanically should be
defeated if the breaker is not locked in the service position fully.

10.3.4. Secondary Plug (Truck Plug) and socket interlock shall be provided.

10.3.5. Limit switch shall be given in such a way that after spring charging only
the closing pulse can be given to the breaker.

10.3.6. One set of mechanical interlock to prevent moving of the switchgear truck
unless the circuit breaker is in the open position.

10.3.7. One set of Electrical/Mechanical interlock to prevent the closing of the

breaker when the breaker is in service position and the control cable plug is not
inserted in the Vacuum Circuit Breaker truck.

10.3.8. Movement of the switchgear truck from service to test position shall be
possible only when the breaker is in OFF position.

10.3.9. Front door of the switchgear compartment shall not be opened unless
breaker is tripped and brought to test position.

10.3.10 Auxiliary plug and socket shall not be opened unless VCB is brought to
test position.

10.3.11. Rear cable chamber cover shall not be opened unless and otherwise the
breaker if OFF and in test position. (Rear cover shall be box type with mesh

10.3.12. One set of mechanical/electrical interlock to prevent the closing of the

Breaker when the trip circuit supervision relay had been activated.

10.3.13. The movement of the switchgear truck should be defeated when the
rear covers are not closed.

Detailed drawings on the operation of the interlocks shall be provided

along with the Technical offer.

10.4 Current Transformers:

Current transformers shall be located on the feeder side of the circuit breaker
and on both sides for bus section Bus coupler breaker and shall be part of panel
assembly. CTs shall be encapsulated and protected from the adverse effect of
atmospheric conditions. Generally, the cores for measuring instruments shall
have accuracy class of 0.2S or better and saturation factors below five (5). Cores
for relay shall have accuracy class of 5P as required. For unit protection schemes,
the C.Ts shall have class PS accuracy class according to IEC 60044-1. The C.Ts
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

shall have the same short-circuit ratings as that of the switchgear. All secondary
shall be wired to terminal block in LV compartment to facilitate easy ratio
changing. Adequate interposing CT’s are to be provided in case protection/
measurement/SCADA are fed from the same CT core.

Facility and accessories, if any shall be provided to facilitate easy primary

injection testing. Each current transformer shall be capable of providing the
necessary output to operate the related devices satisfactorily at the connected
burden and accuracy class. Each current transformer shall have a rated
continuous thermal current of at least l20% of the rated primary current of the
associated equipments.

All different CT ratios terminals shall be wired upto terminal block in LV

compartment to facilitate easy selection. The CT ratio selection shall be possible
without disturbing CT wires and on load. Terminal boards shall have shorting,
disconnecting and injection facility to allow testing with the circuit in service and
on load. It shall be possible to carry out primary injection testing of the CTs when
the switchgear is fully assembled, or retesting of the CTs during the service life of
the switchgear without interruption of supply to adjacent circuits.

The secondary windings of each set of current transformers shall be capable of

being open circuited for one minute with the primary winding carrying the rated
current. All current transformers shall be installed with the P1 terminals adjacent
to the busbars. The polarity of the primary and secondary windings of each
transformer shall be clearly indicated at the respective terminals and in addition
labels shall be fitted in a readily accessible position to indicate the ratio, class and
duty of each transformer. The current transformer particulars as specified in IEC
60044-1 shall be given on an accessible plate mounted external to the current
transformer and on the switchgear cubicle. CT mounting shall be separated from
bus bar compartment and there shall not be a need to avail bus shut down to
replace CT.

10.5 Voltage Transformers:

Voltage transformers shall be of electromagnetic type. All voltage transformers

shall be single-phase inductive type dry units and they shall be of the draw out
carriage mounted type with plug-in contacts. Means shall be provided for locking
the voltage transformers in the service or withdrawn position. Shutters shall be
fitted to the spouts, which shall open and shut automatically by the insertion or
withdrawal of the voltage transformer and means shall be provided for locking
the shutters in open and in closed position. The secondary winding and carriage
earth connection shall be made before it is possible to make the primary
connections. The spout shutters shall be pointed YELLOW or RED depending on
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

whether they are connected to the circuit side or the busbar side the circuit
breaker. The Voltage transformer truck, if provided for draw out type, shall be
earthed separately. All voltage transformers shall have windings of required (but
with min. specified) VA output, 50 VA. The neutral point of the Primary star
connected windings shall be solidly earthed in an accessible position and shall be
easily isolated for insulation testing. The neutral point of the secondary star
connected windings shall be earthed separately via approved removable links
mounted in accessible positions. Voltage transformers shall have a rated voltage
factor of 1.2 continuous and 1.5 for 30 seconds. Labels of approved type shall be
provided showing make, serial no., type, ratio, accuracy class, output, maximum
continuous thermal current. Suitable measures shall be provided to ensure
protection against ferroresonance effects. Facility and accessories, if any, shall be
provided for easy disconnection of voltage transformers during HV DC testing of
the cables. It shall be arranged that replacement of one or all the voltage
transformers can be carried out in situ, without complications. If, any handling
devices or fixtures are required for this purpose, then one set shall be supplied
within the quoted price of the switchgear.

The neutral side of all voltage transformers shall be earthed. In Voltage

transformer secondary, miniature circuit-breakers shall be provided as close to
each voltage transformer as possible and shall be labelled to indicate their
function, phase identification, etc. For single-phase voltage transformers,
secondary windings shall be brought out to insulated links. Each neutral lead shall
be connected together at a single earth point in the LV compartment.

Earthing of the VT HV winding shall be through a link separate from the LV

winding. Voltage transformers shall be capable of carrying continuously without
injurious heating 50% burden above their rated burden and shall withstand 1.9
times rated voltage for 8 hours.

10.6 Numerical Relay:

All relays shall be triple pole numerical only with 3 OL and 1 EL with
instantaneous tripping feature. The burden shall be very less. All relays shall be
installed with Test block of LLGO type similar to Areva make MMLG/MMLB type to
facilitate relay calibrating/testing/replacing without any interruption of power
supply. The relay should be well protected from Electromagnetic interferences,
surges and communication signals.

All the relays shall have the following characteristics:

i) Numerical type with true RMS measurement

ii) Rated for CT secondary of 1 A and with a burden less than 3 VA.
iii) The relay shall be suitable for auxiliary supply voltage from 28 – 185 Volts DC.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

iv) Shall have independent protection characteristics (IDMTL and Transient free
High set) for each phase. The IDMTL characteristic of the relay shall be 1.3 secs
at 10 times set value of the current with time set at unity.
v) The following characteristics should be able to be set at the site.
IDMTL – 5% to 200% for OC.
2% to 80% for E/F.
High Set – 50 % to 2000 % for OC
20 % to 800 % for E/F.

Selection of curve shall be 1.3 secs. Instantaneous setting for O/L shall be 20.
For E/L it shall be 8.

vi) The Time Multiplier setting shall be 0 to unity continuously in steps of 0.01,
variable for each phase and for both IDMTL and high set separately.

vii) The relay shall have the following provisions:

1. To store minimum of last ten fault data with date, time and current.
2. Alpha – Numeric LED display of minimum 12 mm backlit.
3. HMI for programming the relay.
4. Shall have self diagnostic features.
5. Shall have one set of NO and 1 set of NC potential free contacts.
6. The relay should operate satisfactorily at ambient air temperature ranging
from 10°C to 50°C.

viii) The relay should have inbuilt characteristics of blocking unscrupulous

tripping of upstream breakers.

ix) The relay should have communication port (RS 485) compatible for IEC
61850 Protocol. The relay should have communication port (Ethernet) or FO
port compatible for IEC 61850 protocol. Acceptable provided the relay has
communication port to connect a Laptop enabling MRT to down load later.

x) The relay should confirm to the latest IS/IEC.

xi) The relay shall have suitable provision to take care of surges and inadvertent
high voltage due to fault.
2 no tripping relays one for transformer protection and another for overload and
earth fault protection shall be provided for transformer panel. The contacts of the
relay shall be wired up to the terminal block for SCADA. Provision should be
made for connecting up the transformer differential relay in one of the protection
core of the CT.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Upon TSR (trip circuit supervision relay) activation, there should be an alarm. The
permissive command to close the breaker should be disabled (i.e.) the breaker
should not be closed when the trip circuit is unhealthy.

To avoid loss of DC simultaneously in all the breakers, an under voltage relay

shall be provided. If the DC voltage of batteries is less than 90% or there is loss
of DC simultaneously in all the breakers, there shall be an alarm with indicaton. If
it is less than 75 % all the breakers should be made to trip and should not be

Only Areva/Siemens/GE/ABB/Easun/CGL/Ashida/C&S make relays are preferred.

The type of relay proposed by the vendors are to be got approved by
PURCHASER testing agency if any other make of relay is proposed.

10.7. Static Trivector Meter ( DLMS COMPLIANT METERS):

10.7.1 3 Phase 4 wire 110V 1A 0.2S Accuracy class CT/PT operated fully Static
and AMR compatible Trivector Meter with automatic and manual scrolling facility
to read KWHr, RKVAHr, Voltage, Current, Power factor and instantaneous KW
with optical port for downloading the load survey for 35 days and with MD reset
push button and test block (link type terminal block) preferably below the meters
for isolation during testing. The meter should be compatible with the trivector
meters used by TNEB for HT metering. Necessary software compatible with
SANDS CMRI for the same shall also be included in the scope of supply. Only
Elster, Secure, L&T and Lyandis Gear make of the meter shall be accepted. Any
other type of the meter intended to be used by the supplier shall have to be
accepted by the MRT wing. RS 485 port compatible for MODBUS/IEC/D NP 3
protocol shall be provided. Opto coupler or one set potential free contact to
translate the energy transmitted through the feeder to SCADA shall be provided.

10.7.2 Applicable Standards:

IS: 14697 /1999 (reaffirmed 2004) Specification for AC Static Transformer

operated Watt Hour & VAR-Hour meters (class 0.5S);

IS-15707 Specification for Testing, evaluation, installation & maintenance of

AC Electricity Meters-Code of Practice

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

10.7.3 General Technical Requirements:

1 Type AMR Compatible Static, 3 Ph, 4 Wire Tri-Vector
Energy Meter (In substation on Incoming/ Outgoing
HT Feeders)
2 Frequency 50 Hz ±5%
3 Accuracy class 0.2 S
4 Secondary Suitable for operation from 110V Ph-Ph or 63.5V Ph-
voltage N
5 Basic current- ib -/1 Amp
6 Maximum 2.0 Ib; Starting and Short time current shall be as
continuous per IS-14697
7 Power i) The active and apparent power consumption, in
consumption each voltage circuit, at reference voltage, reference
temperature and reference frequency shall not
exceed 1. 5 W and 8 VA.
ii) The apparent power taken by each current circuit,
at basic current, reference frequency and reference
temperature shall not exceed 1.0 VA
8 Power factor 0.0 Lag -Unity- 0.0 Lead
9 Design Meter shall be designed with application specific
integrated circuit (ASIC) or micro controller; shall
have no moving part; electronic components shall
be assembled on printed circuit board using surface
mounting technology; factory calibration using high
accuracy (0.05 class) software based test bench.
10.7.4 Quantities to be measured & displayed:

The meter shall be capable of measuring and displaying the following

electrical quantities within specified accuracy limits for polyphase balanced or
unbalanced loads:

a) Instantaneous Parameters such as phase and line voltages, currents,

power factors, overall kVA, kW, kVAr, power factor, frequency.
b) Block Load Profile Parameters such as kVAh/kWh/kVArh
(lag/lead)/Maximum Demand (MD) in kW/kVA/power factor/phase and line
voltages/currents etc (minimum 5 parameters.
c) Daily Load Profile Parameters such as cumulative energy kWh
(import/export)/cumulative kVAh (while kW- import/export)/cumulative
energy kVArh (quadrant-1/2/3/4)/reactive energy high (V>103%)/low

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

In addition to above the meter shall also record the Name plate details,
programmable parameters (readable as profile), occurrence and restoration of
tamper events along with the parameters.

10.7.5 Communication Capability:

The meter shall be provided with two ports for communication of the
measured/collected data, i.e. a hardware port compatible with RS 485
specification with multi-drop connections, which shall be used for remote access
through suitable Modem (GPRS/GSM/EDGE/CDMA/PSTN/LPR) and for exporting
data to substation data logger/ DCU/ Computer and server and an Optical port
complying with hardware specifications detailed in IEC-62056-21. This shall be
used for local data downloading through a DLMS compliant HHU. Both ports shall
support the default and minimum baud rate of 9600 bps.

Tamper details shall be stored in internal memory for retrieval by

authorized personnel through either of the following:
i) HHU.
ii) Remote access through suitable communication network.

Minimum 200 numbers of events (occurrences & restoration with date &
time) should be available in the meter memory.

10.8. Annunciators and Indicators :

The annunciation fascias with a minimum of 24 windows shall be provided

with auxiliary relays, flasher, hooter / bell for indicating tripping of the feeders
and discontinuity of the trip circuits. All the panels shall have the inter connection
for accepting / resetting the alarms from the respective panels. LEDs shall be
utilised for various Indications to be provided. All indication lamps shall be of LED
cluster type. Lamps must be replaced from the front end instead of the rear end.
Separate DC wiring shall be provided in the annunciator panel. No looping is

10.9. A.C and D.C. Distribution Arrangements:

Each control and relay panel shall be provided with necessary arrangements for
receiving, distributing and isolating of A.C and D.C supplies for control, signaling,
lighting and heating purposes. The incoming and sub-circuits shall be separately
provided with switch fuse units/MCBs. Fuses provided in the potential circuits
shall protect metering.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

All fuses shall be of HRC cartridge type confirming to IS2203 mounted on the
plug in type fuse base. Fuses shall have fusing indication and the fuse base shall
have imprints of fuse rating and voltage. All fuses and links shall be mounted
with sufficient space between each row of fuses and rows upper or below and
should have a minimum of 2 cms space between live terminal of the fuse/links
and metal parts.

Separate fuse control shall be given for close, trip and indication in DC Circuit and
for spring charging motor, annunciation and heater for A.C. Only Universal AC
spring charge motor shall be accepted. DC motor with rectifiers will be summarily
10. 10. Panel Wirings:

The wiring should be as per IS 5578/1984 and amendments thereof. The wiring
shall be of high standard and should be able to withstand the tropical weather
conditions. All wiring shall be provided with 1100 volt Grade single core
multistranded copper conductor wires with P.V.C insulation and shall be flame
retardant low smoke type. The minimum size of the stranded copper wire shall
be 1.5 Sq.mm

The wiring shall be carried out using 4.0 Sq.mm. PVC insulated multi-strand FRLS
copper wire of 1100V Grade for entire CT circuits, 2.5 Sq.mm. PVC insulated
multi-strand FRLS copper wire of 1100V Grade for entire PT circuits, AC Power &
DC Control. Suitable coloured wires shall be used for phase identification and
interlocking type ferrules shall be provided at both ends of the wires for wire
identification. Terminal should be suitably protected to eliminate sulphating.
Connections and terminal should be able to withstand vibrations. The terminal
blocks should be stud type with suitable spring washer and lock nuts. The studs
shall be minimum 4 mm dia and made up of brass.

Flexible wires shall be used for wiring of devices on moving parts such as
swinging panels or panel doors. Panel wiring shall be securely supported, neatly
arranged readily accessible and connected to equipment terminals, terminal
blocks and wiring gutters. The cables shall be uniformly bunched and tied by
means of PVC belts and carried in a PVC carrying trough.

All front and internally mounted items including MCBs shall be provided with
individual identification labels. Labels shall be mounted directly below the
respective equipment.

24 Pin type socket shall be given in all the breakers irrespective of the type of
breaker with identical type of wiring for the purpose of interchangeability.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

The position of PVC carrying trough and wires should not give any hindrance for
fixing or removing relay casing, switches etc., Wire termination shall be made
with solder less crimping type of tinned copper lugs. Core identification plastic
ferrules marked to correspond with panel wiring diagram shall be fitted with both
ends of each wire. Ferrules shall fit tightly on the wire when disconnected. The
wire number shown on the wiring shall be in accordance with the IS.375.
All wires directly connected to trip circuits of breaker or devices shall be
distinguished by addition of a red color unlettered ferrule. Inter-connections to
adjacent panels shall be brought out to a separate set of Terminal blocks located
near the slots or holes to be provided at the top portion of the panel.
Arrangements shall be made for easy connections to adjacent panels at site and
wires for this purpose shall be provided and bunched inside the panel. The bus
wire shall run at the top of the panel. Terminal block with isolating links should
be provided for bus wire. Bus wire for voltage from the bus PT shall be provided
with wiring diagram. At least 20% of total terminals shall be provided as spare
for further connections. Wiring shall be done for all the contacts available in the
relay and other equipment and brought out to the terminal blocks for spare
contacts. Color code for wiring is preferable in the following colours.

PT supply Red, Yellow, Blue for phase and Black for neutral
CT circuits Similar to the above
DC circuits Grey for both positive and negative
250V AC circuits Black for both phase and neutral
Earthing Green

The wiring shall be strictly in accordance to the wiring diagram for

proper functioning of the connected equipment. Not more than two wires must
be connected to one terminal. Terminal blocks shall not be less than 1100V grade
and shall be piece-molded type with insulation barriers. The terminals for control
circuits shall be rated for 10 A and for power circuits shall be 15 A.
Two separate earthing terminals shall be provided in each panel.

The terminal shall hold the wires in the tight position by bolts and nuts with lock
washers. The terminal blocks shall be arranged in vertical formation at an inclined
angle with sufficient space between terminal blocks for easy wiring. The lowest
terminal shall be atleast 450 mm above ground level. Steel plate shall be
provided 150 mm below the lowest terminal block to fix the cable glands.

In all the breakers, the reset push button shall be provided and the annunciation
shall be extended from the common alarm.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

10.11. Cable Box:

Cable pan shall have suitable MS channel for cable clamping arrangement for all
Feeders and Transformer panels. Cable Termination should be provided with
support Insulators.
Each feeder panel shall be supplied with 1 No. termination kit suitable for 11 KV
3x300 sq.mm XLPE Aluminium cable. Each transformer panel shall be supplied
with 12 Nos. termination kits suitable for 11 KV 1x630 sq.mm XLPE Aluminium

10.12. Heaters:

3 Nos. 80 Watts, PTC (Positive Temperature co-efficient) heaters with Hygrostat

shall be used. One near the cable entry and the CT mounting, another in the
breaker chamber and the third one in the Bus bar chamber are to be provided.
Heater circuit healthiness indication lamp is to be provided in each panel. The
heaters are to be connected through a common switch and a hygrostat for
automatic cutting in and cutting out so that the panel humidity should be always
10% less than the ambient humidity to avoid condensation.

There shall be 3 push buttons with one lamp to test the healthiness. Wiring shall
be separate. No looping is permitted.

10.13. Earthing:

All panels shall be equipped with an earth bus securely fixed along the base of
the panels. When several panels are mounted adjoining to each other, the earth
bus shall be made continuous and necessary connectors and clamps for this
purpose shall be included in the scope of supply. The size of the earth bus shall
be of 25mm x 6mm tinned copper flat. Individual earthing may be 25 mm X 3
mm tinned copper flat. Provision shall be made on end panels for connecting the
earth bus to the earth grid. Necessary terminal clamps and connectors shall be
included in the scope of supply. All metallic cases of the relays, instruments and
other panel mounted equipment’s shall be connected to the earth bus by
independent copper wires of size not less than 4.0 sq.mm.

Two separate earthing terminals shall be provided in each panel.

The color code of earth wire shall be green. Earth wires shall be connected on
the terminals with suitable clamp connectors and soldering shall not be

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

10.14. Labels:

All fronts mounted equipment as well as equipment mounted inside the panels
shall be provided with individual labels with equipment designation engraved.
Labels shall be made of non-rusting metal or 3 ply lanced. Labels shall have
white letters on black or dark batch ground. The size of the labels shall be
width- 1.5 cms and length - as per the length of the inscription and the letter size
shall be 0.75 cm.

11.0. TESTS:
11.1. Acceptance and Routine Tests:
All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the latest IEC- shall be carried
out by the supplier in the presence of purchaser’s representative. Only on getting
the inspection report to the effect that the inspection was carried out
satisfactorily, dispatch clearance shall be issued. The supplier shall give minimum
10 days advance intimation to the PURCHASER to enable them to depute their
representatives for witnessing the tests. All assistance shall be given to the
inspection team to carry out the inspection.

11.2. Additional Tests:

The purchaser reserves the right for carrying out any other tests of reasonable
nature at the works of the supplier/laboratory or at any other recognised
laboratory/research institute in addition to the above mentioned type, acceptance
and routine tests at the cost of the purchaser to satisfy that the material complies
with the specification.
The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture.
The supplier shall grant free access to purchaser’s representative at a reasonable
time when the work is in progress.
Acceptance tests inspection will be witnessed by 2 persons nominated by
TANGEDCO. The entire cost towards travel, stay and other expenses in
connection with that inspection shall be borne by the supplier.
Inspection and acceptance of any equipment shall not relieve the supplier of his
obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance with the specification and shall
not prevent subsequent rejection if the equipment is found to be defective. The
supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about the manufacturing
program so that arrangement can be made for inspection. The purchaser
reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/routine testing of the
bought out items. No material shall be despatched from its point of manufacture

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

unless the material has been satisfactorily inspected and tested /unless the same
is waived by the purchaser in writing.

All drawings shall conform to relevant international standards Organisation (ISO)

Specification. All drawings shall be in ink and suitable for micro filming.

The tenderer shall invariably furnish following information alongwith his offer,
failing which his offer shall be liable for rejection. Information shall be separately
given for individual type and current rating of circuit breaker/CTs/ PTs/Panel
mounting & accessories.

i. Statement giving information about names of sub-suppliers, list of testing

standards, list of tests normally carried out for bought out item.
ii. Copies of test certificates in respect of following bought out items.

a. Vacuum Interrupter.
b. Insulators
c. Bus Bar Material
d. Instrument transformers.
e. Terminal connectors

iii. List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspection are normally
carried out by the tenderer for quality control and details of such tests and
iv. List of testing equipment available with the tenderer for final testing of
breakers visa-vis the type, special, acceptance and routine tests specified herein.
The limitations in testing facilities shall be very clearly brought out in Schedule-E
i.e. schedule of deviation from specified test requirements.
The successful tenderer shall submit the routine test certificates of bought
out accessories at the time of routine testing of the fully assembled breaker for
the goods manufactured within purchaser's country. The supplier shall also
submit the central excise passes for the raw material at the time of routine
testing of the fully assembled breaker.

14.0. TYPE TEST:

Following Type tests as per latest IEC must have been performed and the
certified copies of test reports shall be enclosed along with technical bid. All the
tests should have been conducted within five years from the date of opening of
technical bid.
Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

1) Basic short circuit test duties 1-5

2) Single phase breaking capacity test
3) Short time withstand test for 25 KA for 3 secs.
4) Temperature rise test at 2500 A & milli volt drop test – (The offer
with temperature rise at 2000A will be evaluated in the tender
process. However, successful tenderer shall conduct the type test
for 2500A rise at CPRI and the same shall be submitted before the
1st inspection call.)
5) Lightning impulse withstand test
6) Power frequency withstand test (dry)
7) Cable charging switching test duty - (C2 Class)
8) Mechanical endurance (M2 class)
9) Internal arc fault withstand test on cable, main bus and breaker chambers
– As per relevant IS/IEC - 25KA/1 sec

The bidder shall submit dimensional general arrangement drawings of the

equipments, illustrative and descriptive literature for various items of switchgear,
etc. including

i) Instruction manuals
ii) Catalogues of spares recommended with drawing to indicate each item
iii) List of spares and special tools recommended by the supplier.
iv) Type Test Certificates as per ISS

Bidder shall also have to furnish the drawings for

(i) Principal dimensions of the 11 KV switchgear,
(ii) GA for 9 panels (6 feeders, 2 LV & 1 Bus coupler with adaptor) including main
bus as well as link bar arrangements, its foundation details etc.,
(iii) Drawing clearly showing the interlock arrangement provisions specified in the
(iv) Schematic drawings of control, metering, protection and SCADA circuits in
respect of feeders, LV & Bus coupler with detailed write up. The schematic shall
include wiring details of individual components and terminal arrangements with
ferrule details,
(v) Drawing showing height and arrangement of 11 KV bus bars including design
calculations & loading data for its support insulators,
(vi) Vacuum interrupter drawing and
(vii) Name plate drawing along with the technical offer.
5 copies of printed and bound volumes of operation, maintenance and
erection manuals in English along with the 3 copies of approved drawings and
type test reports etc., shall be given at site on receipt of panels.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

The spares for the breakers ordered under scope of the contract should
also be supplied along with the initial supply of breakers. It should be noted that
if the above conditions are not fulfilled, the payment will not be released.


Each circuit breaker shall be provided with a name plate legible and indelibly
marked with at least the following information.
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Type, design and serial number
c) Rated voltage and current
d) Rated frequency
e) Rated symmetrical breaking capacity
f) Rated making capacity
g) Rated short time current and its duration
h) Purchase Order number and date
i) Month and Year of supply
j) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
k) D.C. component of current.
NOTE: 1) The word rated need not appear on the name plate. Recognised
abbreviations may be used to express the above particulars.

2) Whether the circuit breaker is fitted with closing/tripping devices

necessiating an auxiliary supply shall be stated either on the circuit breaker name
plate or any other acceptable position.


All the materials shall be of the best class and capable of satisfactory
operation in the tropics with humid atmosphere conditions. Unless otherwise
specified, they shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate ISS/IEC.
The workmanship shall be of the best grade and the entire construction in
accordance with the best modern practice.

The equipment shall be designed to facilitate inspection and repairs and to

ensure satisfactory operation under atmosphere condition prevailing at site and
under such sudden variation of load and voltage as may be met with under
working conditions in the system including those due to faulty synchronizing and
short circuit within the rating of the apparatus.
The design shall incorporate every reasonable precaution and provision for
the safety of all those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

All the equipments should operate without undue vibration and with the
least practicable amount of noise.

The breaker truck should be inter-changeable. This should be ensured.

For every 2 Nos. of breakers, breaker operating rod, door opening key, interlock
key, spring charge rod etc., shall be given. Operating handle, circuit breaker draw
out handles are to be supplied at the rate of one set each for two panels
supplied. Wherever the panels will be erected as single unit with other make
panels, additional set has to be supplied as and when asked at free of cost.

18.0 Mandatory spare parts to be supplied for every 10 panels is as


(i) Vacuum interrupter – 1 no.

(ii) Feeder CT – 2 nos.
(iii) Trip Coil – 2nos.
(iv) Close Coil – 2 Nos
Recommended make of materials are as follows
1. Breaker control switch : Kaycee/Recom/Alstom
2. Selector switch : Kaycee/Recom/Switran
3. Ammeter/Volt meter : AE/Meco/IMP
4. Push buttons : Kaycee/Alstom/Vaishno
5. LED lamps : Kaycee/Alstom/Vaishno/Technik
6. Terminal blocks : Connectwell/Elmex/Allen Bradely/IMP
7. Termination Kits : Raychem/Denson/3M-M-Seal.
8. Panel wiring : Finolex/Pcko/Phoenix/Havells
9. Hooter/buzzer/bell : Anchor/Kaycee/Alan
10. CT/PT : Kappa/Crompton Greaves/Jyoti
/Siemens/Concord/Vishal Emmess/ /Plastofab
11. Trivector meter : Elster/Secure/L&T/Lyandis Gear
12. Relays : Areva/Siemens/GE/ABB/Easun/CGL/Ashida/C&S
13. Vacuum interrupter : BHEL/Westing House/ Crompton
14. Annunciator : Alan/JVS/Pradeep/Proton/Minilec
15. CFL : Philips/CGL/Bajaj
Note :
Other than recommended make proposed by the tenderers shall
be accepted on approval from the TANGEDCO testing authorities.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


Quantity tendered:

Name of Material Quantity Ex- Freight & Packing & GST All
offered works Insurance Forwarding amount inclusive
in Nos. price charges charges and price
per No. per No. percentage per No.
Rs.p No.
Rs.p Rs.p Rs.p Rs.p Rs.p

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

11 KV,1250 A,
25 KA Indoor
Vacuum Circuit
Breaker suitable
for transformer.
11 KV,1250 A,
25 KA Indoor
Vacuum Circuit
Breaker suitable
for Bus coupler.

11 KV,1250 A,
25 KA Indoor
Vacuum Circuit
Breaker suitable
for feeder.
SPECIAL NOTE: The bidders are requested to quote the rates as per


NOTE 1 : Rates quoted shall be both in Words & Figures
NOTE 2 : In case of discrepancy between prices quoted in words and in figures,
lower of the two will be taken for evaluation.
NOTE 3: While quoting the rates the bidder shall indicate the HSN Code and
Account Code for all the tendered items as per GST Act.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


All technical deviations from the specification shall be filled in by the Tenderer,
Clause by clause, in the Schedule.


The Tenderer hereby certifies that the above mentioned are the only
deviations from the TECHNICAL Specification and the tender confirms
to the specification in all other respects.





Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

All deviations from the commercial terms shall be filled in by the Tenderer, Clause
by clause, in the Schedule.


The Tenderer hereby certifies that the above mentioned are the only
deviations from the Commercial terms of the Specification.





Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



(To be filled in by the tenderer)

Sl Name & Address of Name of the P.O. No. Qty. Value of Scheduled Actual
No. the Organisation material & Date In order in Date of Date of
Nos Rs. completion completion
Lakhs of order of order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



(To be signed by the tenderer)

Strike off, whichever is not applicable:

802, ANNA SALAI, CHENNAI - 600 002.

Dear Sir,
Having examined the above specification together with the accompanying
schedules etc., we hereby offer to manufacture and supply the equipments/
materials covered in this Specification at the rates entered in the attached schedule
of prices.

1. We hereby guarantee the particulars entered in the schedules attached to

the Specification.

2. In accordance with the Security cum Performance guarantee clause-9.0,

Section-V, of the specification, we agree to furnish security cum performance in the
form of DD/Bankers Cheque/Bank Guarantee to the extent of 5% of the order
value (All-inclusive price) of each and every indent issued during the contract
period till the expiry of the Guarantee.

3. Our company is not a potentially Sick Industrial Company or a Sick Industrial

Company in terms of Section-23 of Section-15 of the Sick Industrial Companies
(Special Provisions) Act, 1985.
Yours faithfully,


Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


(I) Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars for 11KV ID VCBs

offered by
Sl.No Description
Manufacturer’s Name and Country of
origin (*)
2 Manufacturer’s Design / type Ref
3 Frequency
4 Rated Voltage
5 Highest system voltage
6 Rated current
Short Circuit current rating with
Certificate or report of short circuit type
9 Rated operating duty cycle
10 Short Circuit Breaking Current :
(a) Symmetrical
(b) Symmetrical at rated voltage
(c) Asymmetrical at rated voltage
(i) Per Phase
(ii) Average
(iii) D.C. Component
Arcing time (at rated breaking current)
in ms.
12 Opening time
13 Total break time in milli sec.
(a) At 10% rated interrupting capacity

(b) At rated interrupting capacity

14 Breaking Current
(a) Rated out of phase current
(b) Rated cable charging current
(c) Rated kilometric fault level
(d) Rated capacitor breaking current

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

15 Make time in ms.

16 Maximum temp. rise over ambient
(a) Main contacts
(b) Terminals
Rated re striking voltage at 100% and
rated capacity
(a) Amplitude factor
(b) Phase factor
(c) Natural frequency
(d) R.R.R.V. (Volts/Micro Sec.)
Dry 1 minute power frequency
withstand test voltage
(a) Between line terminal and Earth KV
(b) Between terminals with breaker
contacts open
1.2/50 full wave impulse withstand test
(a) Between line terminal and Earth KV
(b) Between terminals with breaker
contacts open
Spacing between Busbars (Live part to
live part)
21 Spacing between Live part to Earth
22 Vacuum Interrupter Make
23 Contact separation Distance
24 Type of main contacts
25 Contact pressure
26 Contact Resistance
Life of the Interrupter (In no of
(i) Tripping at Rated current
(ii) Tripping at maximum fault current
(Allowable maximum erosion 3mm)
(iii) Mechanical operations

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Details of main contacts making

28 contact with the Breaker truck with the
29 Control Circuit Voltage AC / DC
Power required for Closing Coil at 30 V
/110 V
Power required for Tripping Coil at 30V
/ 110V
32 Whether Trip free or not
33 Whether all the interlocks provided
34 Overall dimensions
Gauge of the MS sheet used for the
fabricationof the cubicle
36 Total weight of one complete Breaker
Whether truck lifting/lowering
37 mechanism provided if the breaker
positioned in the panel at a height

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

(II) Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars for 11 KV Current

offered by
Sl.No Description
Manufacturer’s Name and country of
origin (*)

2 Manufacturer’s design Ref / Model

3 Applicable Standards

4 Type

5 Rated Primary current

6 Rated secondary current

7 Rated frequency

8 Transformation ratios

9 Number of cores

10 Rated output

(a) For Core I

(b) For CoreII

(c) For core III

11 Class of insulation

12 Class of accuracy

(a) For metering

(b) For Protection

Short circuit current rating and its
14 Secondary resistance at 70 Deg.C

15 Continuous over load (percentage)

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

One minute power frequency dry

withstand voltage

1.2/50 micro sec. impulse withstand

test voltage

One minute power frequency withstand

test voltage on secondary

19 Instrument safety factor

20 Type of primary winding

Literature/leaflets pamphlets about the
current transformer offered


Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

III) Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars for 11 KV Potential

offered by
Sl.No Description
Manufacturer’s Name and country of
origin (*)

2 Manufacturer’s design reference

3 Applicable Standards

4 Type

5 Ratio

6 Rated Primary voltage

7 Rated secondary voltage

8 Rated frequency

9 Class of accuracy

10 No. of phase and method of connection

11 Burden

One min. power frequency dry flash

over voltage
1.2/50 micro sec. impulse withstand
test voltage

14 Class of insulation

15 Insulation level

16 Min. Creepage distance

17 Rated voltage factor and time

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Temperature rise at 1.2 time rated

voltage and burden

19 Variation in ratio and phase angle error

Max. ratio error with rated burden and

5% normal primary voltage.
Technical literature pamphlets about
the PTs offered


Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

(IV) Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars for Numerical


offered by
Sl.No Description
Manufacturer’s Name and Country of
origin (*)
2 Manufacturer’s design Ref / Type

3 Applicable Standards

4 Current setting range for

(a)Over current



(b) Earthfault relay



5 Details on IDMTL characteristics

6 Whether High Set is Transient free

Whether separate Time setting for
7 IDMTL /Instantaneous Elements
Whether Relay senses True RMS
Accuracy for different settings and
limits of errors
Whether settings site selectable and
HMI provided

11 Whether Alpha Numeric / LCD Display

Whether Compatible for auxiliary
supply voltage from 28 - 185V DC
Whether Compatible for 1 A CT
Whether Self diagnostic features

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

Whether Communication Port RS 485

15 Compatible for MODBUS / IEC /61850
Whether Blocking characteristics
16 available for blocking the unscrupulous
tripping of Upstream Breakers
17 Whether draw out type unit or not

18 Types of case

19 Reset time

20 Burden of relay
Maximum and Minimum operating
ambient air temperature
Whether technical literature pamphlets
offered. for the Relay


Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19


(a) Strike off, whichever is not applicable.
(b) Separate sheets should be used, wherever necessary:



Sl.No Particulars Bidders’s

1. Name and Address of the Firm/Company
2. Address of the Registered office, Phone Nos. etc
3. Address of the Factory/Works, Phone Nos. etc.
4. Fax No. for correspondence
Name, Designation & Address of the person
signing the tender
5. (a) Confirm whether the tenderer is a
manufacturer of the tendered material Yes/No
(b) If yes, whether documentary evidence is
(c) If so, list the documentary evidence
6. Whether the bidder is old supplier to the TNEB Yes/No

7. Whether the copies of orders executed during the Yes/No

last ten years in respect of materials tendered to
State Electricity Boards/DISCOMs enclosed.
8. Whether performance certificates from the end Yes/No
users enclosed
9. Annual Turn over of the Bidder for the last three
10. a) Whether documentary evidence produced for Yes/No
the annual turn over.
b) If so, whether certificate from auditor
furnished or copies of audited annual statement of
accounts furnished




Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19




(i) Amount Rs.129540 / -
(ii) Mode of payment Cash receipt/Bank Draft /
Banker’s Cheque,
Permanent EMD /
(iii) If exempted, state whether the Undertaking
bidder is SSI unit of Tamil Nadu/SSI
unit registered with NSIC/
Unit of Government of
(iv) If SSI unit state whether copy Tamil Nadu
of duly attested Permanent Yes/No
Registration Certificate enclosed
(v) Whether the material tendered
is included in the certificate Yes/No
(vi) Validity of the permanent
registration certificate Yes/No
(vii) Whether undertaking on a non-
judicial stamp paper of value not Yes/No
less than Rs.80/- (Rupees eighty
only) enclosed in lieu of EMD
2. Whether the offer is valid for a period of Yes/No
180 (One hundered and eighty) days from
the date of opening of commercial/
Technical bids
i) Whether quoted firm price valid for the Yes/No
entire contract period
ii)Whether the quoted price contain the Yes/No
following breakup price
a)Unit ex-works price Yes/No
b) Unit Freight and Insurance charges Yes/No
(c)Unit GST applicable (Percentage and
amount) Yes/No
iii) Confirm that the price quoted is after Yes/No
taking into account of the CENVAT benefit.

iv) Whether the tenderer is agreeable in Yes/No

case of delayed delivery, the GST
prevailing on the date of actual delivery or
the GST applicable on the date of
contractual delivery date whichever less
shall only be payable.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

viii) Confirm that Freight and Insurance Yes/No

charges quoted are applicable for delivery
to any of the TNEB stores in Chennai
South region including the unloading by
the supplier.

4. Whether the tenderer is agreeable for the

following clauses specified under Section V
of the specification.
i) Payment terms Yes/No
ii)Security Deposit cum Performance Yes/No
iii) Delivery Yes/No
iv) Liquidated damages Yes/No
v) Guarantee Yes/No
vi)Jurisdiction for legal proceedings Yes/No

5. Quantity offered.

6. Whether Income Tax Permanent Account Yes/No

Number (PAN) furnished
7. (i) Whether copy of Sales Tax Yes/No
Clearance Certificate enclosed.
If so, indicate the date Sales Tax
Clearance certificate

(ii) Whether registered for GST

GST No. :

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19




Sl. Particulars Bidder’s

No. Response
Whether the material offered is exactly as
per technical specification of the TANGEDCO
If not, give details of technical deviation in
the deviation schedule B1

2. Whether all testing facilities for conducting Yes/No

of Routine tests and Acceptance tests as per
relevant IS or of the latest revision are
available in your factory or not.





Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

(To be filled in by the Tenderer)

Name of Test Name of Lab Date of Test
01. Short time current withstand
test and peak current withstand
02. Lightning Impulse voltage with-
stand test
03. Short Circuit current making and
breaking tests
04. Power frequency voltage
withstand test (dry)
05. Temperature rise test for 2500A
06. Mechanical Endurance Test
confirming to class M2 of IEC /
62271 – 100
07. Capacitive current switching test
confirming to class C2 of IEC
08. Measurement of the resistance
of the main circuit.
09 Internal arc fault withstand test
on cable, main bus and breaker

Yours faithfully,




The type test certificates for the above type tests should have been
conducted in a Government/Government recognized Laboratory or NABL accredited
Laboratory and dated within five (5) years as on the date of Tender Opening as
per latest IEC.

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



(To be furnished in non-judicial stamp paper of value not less than Rs.80/-)

THIS DEED OF UNDERTAKING EXECUTED AT----------------------------ON

THIS THE------------------------DAY OF---------------------------------------TWO
THOUSAND ……….. by M/s.------------------------------------------------------------------
hereafter called “Tenderer” (which expression shall where the context so admits
mean and include their Agents, Representatives, Successors-in-office and Assigns).

TO AND IN FAVOUR OF ----------------------------------------------------------------------

THE TANGEDCO , a Body Corporate constituted under the Electricity (Supply) Act,
1948 (Central Act LIV of 1948) having its office at 1st floor, 5A block,144, Anna
Salai, Chennai – 600 002, herein called the “TANGEDCO” (which expression shall
where the context so admits mean and include its successors in office and Assigns).

WHEREAS THE tenderer is required to pay Earnest Money Deposit of

Rs--------------------------for participation in the tender for supply of---------------------

--------------------------------in terms of specification No-----------------------------

AND WHEREAS the tenderer is exempted by the TANGEDCO from payment of

EMD in the form of cash, subject to the tenderer executing an undertaking to the
value of Rs……….(Rupees…………………………………………..) representing the amount
equivalent to the amount of EMD specified to be paid to the TANGEDCO in the
event of non-fulfillment of breach of any of the conditions of the tender by the
Tenderer as mentioned hereunder.

AND WHEREAS in consideration of the acceptance by the TANGEDCO of the above

proposal, The tenderer has agreed to pay to the TANGEDCO the said amount
of Rs----------------------------- in the event of:-

(1) Withdrawing his tender before the expiry of the validity period, OR

(2) Withdrawing his tender after acceptance, OR

(3) Violating any of the conditions of the tender issued by the competent

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

NOW THIS UNDERTAKING WITNESSES that in persuance of the said agreement

the Tenderer hereby doth covenant with the TANGEDCO that in consideration of
the “TANGEDCO ” waiving the condition of payment of EMD in cash in terms of the
said specification, the Tenderer has agreed to pay to the TANGEDCO
Rs………………………………………….. only) in the event of :

(i) Withdrawing his tender before the expiry of the validity period.

(ii) Withdrawing his tender after acceptance.

(iii) Violating any of the conditions of the tender issued by the competent authority.

NOW THE CONDITION OF THE above written undertaking is such that if the
tenderer shall duly and faithfully observe and perform the conditions specified as
above, then the above written undertaking shall be void, otherwise it shall remain
in full force.

The tenderer undertakes not to revoke this guarantee till the contract is completed
under the terms of contract.

The expression, `tenderer’ and the ` TANGEDCO’ hereinafter before used shall
include their respective successors and assign in office.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF THIRU------------------------------------------------------------

acting for and on behalf of the Tenderer has signed this deed on the day, month
and year herein before first mentioned.




In the presence of Witnesses:

1. Signature

Name & Address

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

This undertaking executed at ......on this
.............................. ..................
................. ......... (Month) Two Thousand
and seventeen by M/s.
............................................. Registered under Companies Act, 1956
having its registered office at
.......................................... hereinafter called the contractor

(which expression shall where the context so admits mean and include its successors in
office and assigns) with the TANGEDCO a statutory authority, a body corporate constituted
as per provision of G.O.MS.No.100, dt.9.10.2010, having its registered Office at No.144,
Anna Salai, NPKRR Maaligai, Chennai - 600 002 herein after called the purchaser (Which
expression shall where the context so admits means and includes its successors in Office
and assigns.)
WHEREAS the contract is for the supply of ............................of terms of the Rate
Contract Order No......... dated ....................................
ofthe above said P.O. certain
AND WHEREAS in accordance with Clause .............. terms
were stipulated for the above supply.

AND WHEREAS in accordance with Clause........ of the above mentioned Rate Contract
Order the contractor has to furnish an undertaking that no suit or any proceedings in
regard to any matter arising in any respect under this contract shall be instituted in any
court other than in the High Court, Chennai City Civil Court of Chennai or other Court of
small causes at Chennai, as the case may be.

IN CONSIDERATION of the TANGEDCO having agreed to accept the undertaking the

Contractor hereby undertakes that no suit or any proceedings in regard to any matter
arising in respect of this contract shall be instituted in any Court, save in the High Court,
Chennai City Civil Court at Chennai or at the Court of small causes at Chennai. It is agreed
that no other court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceedings, even
though, part of the cause of action might arise within the jurisdiction of any of the Courts
in Tamil Nadu and rest within the jurisdiction of Courts outside the Tamil Nadu, then it is
agreed to between the parties that such suits on proceedings shall be instituted in a Court
within the State of Tamil Nadu and no other Court outside the State of Tamil Nadu shall
have jurisdiction even though any part of the cause of action might arise within the
jurisdiction of such Courts.
INWITNESSWHEREOF of Thiru.................................................................................... of
M/s. .............................................................................. hereby put his hand and seal
for due observance of the Undertaking in the presence of the following witnesses.



Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19

(Name and address of the
selling Dealer)

It is hereby certified that the goods listed below are purchased by

us for use in generation, transmission and distribution of electrical

Sl. Invoice No./ Description of

Qty. Value (Rs.)
No. Date Goods

(Rupees only).
Place : Date :

Name :
Status :
Seal of Office :

Spec. No. CED/CSR/E.665/18-19



To be signed with company seal on letter head and uploaded in the

technical Bid


(To be given on Company Letter Head) Date:



Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender.

Tender Reference No:------------------------Name of Tender/Work

Dear Sir,

1. I/We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above
mentioned ‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely:

As per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).

2. I/We hereby certify that I/We have read the entire terms and conditions
of the tender documents from page No.------ to --------(including all documents like
annexure(s), schedule(s), etc.,) which form part of the contract agreement and
I/We shall abide hereby the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.

3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/

organization too has also been taken into consideration, while submitting this
acceptance letter.

4. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above

mentioned tender document(s) corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.

5. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated, then your
department/organization shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at
liberty to reject this tender/bid including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money
deposit absolutely.

Yours Faithfully,

(Signature of the bidder, with official Seal)


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