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Nick: Hi, Phong.
Phong: Oh, hi. You (1)__________ me up, Nick.
Nick: But it’s ten o’clock (2)__________. Let’s go (3) __________.
Phong: No, count me out. I (4) __________ I will stay at home and (5) __________ Zooniverse on
my (6) __________.
Nick: What? It’s such a (7) __________ day. Come on! You already got enough (8) __________. Let’s
do something outdoors – it’s (9) __________.
Phong: What like, Nick?
Nick: How about going (10) __________? Or cycling? They are both really healthy.
Phong: No, I don’t feel (11) __________ it.
Nick: You sound down Phong. Are you OK?
Phong: I do feel kind of sad. I eat (12) __________ food all the time, so I’m putting on (13)
__________ too.
Nick: All the (14) __________ reason to go out.
Phong: No, Nick. Plus, I think I have (15) __________. I feel weak and tired. And I might get
sunburnt outside.
Nick: I won’t take no for an answer. I’m coming to your house now.



Nick: Hi, Phong.
Phong: Oh, hi. You (1)__________ me up, Nick.
Nick: But it’s ten o’clock (2)__________. Let’s go (3) __________.
Phong: No, count me out. I (4) __________ I will stay at home and (5) __________ Zooniverse on
my (6) __________.
Nick: What? It’s such a (7) __________ day. Come on! You already got enough (8) __________. Let’s
do something outdoors – it’s (9) __________.
Phong: What like, Nick?
Nick: How about going (10) __________? Or cycling? They are both really healthy.
Phong: No, I don’t feel (11) __________ it.
Nick: You sound down Phong. Are you OK?
Phong: I do feel kind of sad. I eat (12) __________ food all the time, so I’m putting on (13)
__________ too.
Nick: All the (14) __________ reason to go out.
Phong: No, Nick. Plus, I think I have (15) __________. I feel weak and tired. And I might get
sunburnt outside.
Nick: I won’t take no for an answer. I’m coming to your house now.

Complete the following words
1. o_td_ ors 3. _e_ _th_ 5. j_ _k fo_ _ 7. _e_gh_ 9. s_ _bu_ _
2. _e_s_n 4. _ _tsi_e 6. w_a_ 8. co_p_ _e_ 10. s_ _k_ess
Translate these words or phrases below into Vietnamese
1. play computer games: ......................................... 6. eat junk food:.........................................
2. avoid getting sunburnt: .......................................... 7. go outside: ............................................
3. stay at home: .......................................... 8. wake me up: ..........................................
4. count me out: .......................................... 9. have flu: ..........................................
5. get enough sleep: .......................................... 10. put on weight: ..........................................
Translate these words, phrases, and sentences below into English
1. dị ứng: .......................................... 3. cảm cúm: ..........................................
2. nổi mụn: .......................................... 4. bị ốm: ..........................................
5. đội mũ: .......................................... 6. rửa tay thường xuyên:....................................
7. Bạn đã đánh thức tớ dậy đấy. .......................................... ..........................................
8. Hãy ra ngoài làm gì đó đi, nó sẽ khỏe mạnh hơn. .......................................... .....................................
9. Cả bơi lội và đạp xe đều rất tốt cho sứa khỏe. .......................................... ..........................................
10. Bạn nên tập thể dục đều đặn. .......................................... ..........................................


Complete the following words
1. o_td_ ors 3. _e_ _th_ 5. j_ _k fo_ _ 7. _e_gh_ 9. s_ _bu_ _
2. _e_s_n 4. _ _tsi_e 6. w_a_ 8. co_p_ _e_ 10. s_ _k_ess
Translate these words or phrases below into Vietnamese
1. play computer games: ......................................... 6. eat junk food:.........................................
2. avoid getting sunburnt: .......................................... 7. go outside: ..........................................
3. stay at home: .......................................... 8. wake me up: ..........................................
4. count me out: .......................................... 9. have flu: ..........................................
5. get enough sleep: .......................................... 10. put on weight: ..........................................
Translate these words, phrases, and sentences below into English
1. dị ứng: .......................................... 3. cảm cúm: ..........................................
2. nổi mụn: .......................................... 4. bị ốm: ..........................................
5. đội mũ: .......................................... 6. rửa tay thường xuyên:....................................
7. Bạn đã đánh thức tớ dậy đấy. ......................................... ..........................................
8. Hãy ra ngoài làm gì đó đi, nó sẽ khỏe mạnh hơn. .......................................... ......................................
9. Cả bơi lội và đạp xe đều rất tốt cho sứa khỏe. .......................................... ..........................................
10. Bạn nên tập thể dục đều đặn. .......................................... ..........................................
- Let’s + V: Let’s do something outdoors.
Let’s meet in front of the school-gate.
- How about + V-ing: How about going swimming?
How about playing football?
- What about + V-ing: What about cycling?
What about singing a song?
- suggest + V-ing: He suggested going to the library.
The doctor suggested washing your hands regularly.
- Why don’t we + V: Why don’t we go fishing?
Why don’t you + V: Why don’t you getting up and going outside?

Put the verb in brackets into the correct form

1. Let’s (go) __________ out. It (be) __________ a beautiful day.
2. What about (skate) __________ in the afternoon?
3. He suggested (have) __________ a birthday party at a restaurant.
4. There (be) __________ a new film at the theatre. Why (we, not go) __________ to see it?
5. How about (go) __________ (fish) __________ and (swim) __________ at weekend?
5. You (put) __________ on weight. Why don’t you (do) __________ more exercise?
6. She (like) __________ (read) __________ books. I think you should (give) __________ her a book
for her birthday.

Translate into Vietnamese

1. Hôm nay là một ngày đẹp trời. Chúng mình cùng đi cắm trại đi.
2. Thế còn việc điêu khắc vỏ trứng thì sao? Nó rất sáng tạo đấy chứ.
3. Tôi đang tăng cân vì ăn nhiều quà vặt. Bác sĩ gợi ý là nên tập thể dục thường xuyên.
4. Hôm nay trời nắng. Sao chúng mình không cùng đi leo núi nhỉ?
5. Sao bạn không làm vườn? Nó sẽ giúp bạn thư giãn.
6. Muộn rồi, hãy dậy đi. Ra ngoài làm gì đó nhé?
Health problems

Fill “have a, have, or feel” in the blank, and then give the meaning of these health problems
1. _______ tired: ................................ 7. ________ flu: ..................................
2. _______ sore throat: ............................... 8. ________ headache: ..................................
3. _______ toothache: ................................ 9. ________weak: ..................................
4. _______ cough: ............................... 10. ________stomachache: ..................................
5. _______ sick: ............................... 11. ________ earache: ..................................
6. _______ temperature: ................................ 12. ________ sunburn: ..................................
Complete the words for the health problems
1. st_ _ _ _ _ache 2. e_ _ ache
3. t_ _ _ _ache 4. h_ _ _ache
5. b_ _ _ache 6. c_ _ _ _
7. s_ _ _ th_ _ _t 8. s_ _b_ _ _
9. s_ _ k 10. f_v_r

Health problems

Fill “have a, have, or feel” in the blank, and then give the meaning of these health problems
1. _______ tired: ................................ 7. ________ flu: ..................................
2. _______ sore throat: ............................... 8. ________ headache: ..................................
3. _______ toothache: ................................ 9. ________weak: ..................................
4. _______ cough: ............................... 10. ________stomachache: ..................................
5. _______ sick: ............................... 11. ________ earache: ..................................
6. _______ temperature: ................................ 12. ________ sunburn: ..................................
Complete the words for the health problems
1. st_ _ _ _ _ache 2. e_ _ ache
3. t_ _ _ _ache 4. h_ _ _ache
5. b_ _ _ache 6. c_ _ _ _
7. s_ _ _ th_ _ _t 8. s_ _b_ _ _
9. s_ _ k 10. f_v_r
Unit 2: HEALTH
I. Divide these words by pronunciation of the underlined parts
Foot, first, Friday, give, seven, have, five, love, move, after, off, coffe, offer, very, vowel, laugh, cough,
photo, river, travel
/f/ /v/

II. Speak:
Give advices

English Vietnamese
1. What’s matter with you?
2. Are you OK?
3. Do you care about your health? How?
4. Do you suffer from headaches?
5. Do you have regular medical check-ups?
6. Have you ever donated blood?
7. How often do you visit a dentist?
8. I have a headache.
9. I have a temperature.
10. You should do more exercises.
11. You should eat healthy food.

Advices to have good health

English Vietnamese
1. brush your teeth regularly
2. have regular medical check up
3. take some medicine
4. go to the hospital
5. go to see a doctor
6. go to see a dentist
7. do more exercises
8. sleep more
9. eat heathy food

III. Reading: Read and answer the questions

1. Do more exercises
Stay in shape is our most important tip. You can play football, or even go for long walks. It’s OK, but
make sure it’s three times a week or more.
2. Sleep more
Getting plenty of rest is really important. It helps you to avoid depression and it helps you
concentrate at school. You’ll also be fresher in the mornings.
3. Eat less junk food
You are what you eat! So make sure it’s healthy food like fruits and vegetables, not junk food. It can
help you to avoid obesity too.
4. Wash your hands more
It’s so easy to get flu. We should all try to keep clean more. Then flu will find it harder to spread.
5. Watch less TV
There are some great things to watch. But too much isn’t good for you or your eyes.
6. Spend less time playing computer games
Finally, at number 6, we all love them, but many of us need to spend less time playing computer
games! Limit your time to just an hour or two, two or three days a week, or less!
Answer these following questions
1. How many ways are there to keep healthy? ………………………………………….
2. What does the writer mean by “staying in shape”?………………………………………….
3. Why do we need to sleep more? ………………………………………….
4. What should we do to avoid getting flu? ………………………………………….
5. Should we watch TV much? ………………………………………….
6. Is junk food a kind of healthy food? ………………………………………….
7. According to your opinion, why shouldn’t we sit in front od computer screen much?
IV. Writing
1. Rearrange the following sentences
1. you/the/what’s/with/matter?
2. suffer/do/headaches/from/you?
3. a/throat/I/sore/have.
4. medicine/I/take/should/some?
5. I/twice/year/dentist/a/a/ visit.
6. more/should/exercise/do/you
7. late/not/stay/you/should/up
2. Write a short passage (from 8 to ten sentences) to give an advice for healthy life
Name: ............................................ English 7
I. Look at the picture and write related diseases

1. ............................................. 6. ...................................................

2. ............................................. 7. ..................................................

3. .............................................. 8. ..................................................

4. .............................................. 9. ...................................................

5. .............................................. 10. ................................................

II. Put the words or phrases in the correct column
- walking - sleeping too much - swimming - playing computer games
- drinking wine - playing sports - cycling - eating junk food
- watching TV all the time - eating fruits and vegetables
- washing hands regularly - staying up late
Healthy Unhealthy
............................................. .............................................
............................................. .............................................
............................................. .............................................
............................................. .............................................
..................................................................... .....................................................................
..................................................................... .....................................................................
III. Read the passage and do the task followed
Keeping Our Teeth Healthy
How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He
can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check
that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache
before they see the dentist.
Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least
twice a day – once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks
to clean between our teeth after a meal.
Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish,
brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables, and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes
are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they stick to our
teeth and cause decay.
Answer the questions
1. How often should we visit the dentist?
2. How often should we clean our teeth?
3. Why do we use toothpicks?
4. Name three kinds of food that is good for your teeth:
5. Name three kinds of food that is bad for your teeth:
IV. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suitable linking words “and, but, or, so, because,
1. The black man has won many prizes. He doesn’t know many tricks.
2. I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to drink, too.
3. I ate too much chocolate. I have a toothache now.
4. You can take the blue one. You can take the red one.
5. She eats a lot. She doesn’t put on her weight.
6. It’s raining hard. I cannot go to school.
7. I love pandas. They are very cute.
8. It’s very cold outside. We go out for a walk.
9. I didn’t do my homework. My parents punished me.
10. I need to go to the store. I’m feeling sick to drive.
11. I want to go to the circus. I want to ride a pony.
12. She went to visit her friends. They weren’t at home.

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