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Development in Asia

Science and technology in Asia is varied depending on the country and time. In the past, the Asian
civilizations most notable for their contributions to science and technology were India, China and the
West Asian civilizations. At present, probably the most notable country in Asia in terms of its
technological and scientific achievement is Japan, which is particularly known for its electronics and
automobile products. In recent years, China and India have also once again become major contributors
to science and technology. Other countries are also notable in other scientific fields such as chemical
and physics achievements.

Aryabhata, आआआआआआ (IAST: Āryabhaṭa) or Aryabhata I[2][3] (476–550 CE)[4][5] was the first
of the major mathematician-astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian
astronomy. His works include the Āryabhaṭīya (which mentions that in 3600 Kaliyuga, 499 CE,
he was 23 years old)[6] and the Arya-siddhanta.

For his explicit mention of the relativity of motion, he also qualifies as a major early physicist.[7]

Direct details of Aryabhata's work are known only from the Aryabhatiya. The name "Aryabhatiya" is due
to later commentators. Aryabhata himself may not have given it a name. His disciple Bhaskara I calls it
Ashmakatantra (or the treatise from the Ashmaka). It is also occasionally referred to as Arya-shatas-
aShTa (literally, Aryabhata's 108), because there are 108 verses in the text. It is written in the very terse
style typical of sutra literature, in which each line is an aid to memory for a complex system. Thus, the
explication of meaning is due to commentators. The text consists of the 108 verses and 13 introductory
verses, and is divided into four pādas or chapters:

Āryabhaṭīya, Arya-siddhanta
Explanation of lunar eclipse and solar
eclipse, rotation of Earth on its axis,
reflection of light by moon, sinusoidal
functions, solution of single variable
quadratic equation, value of π correct to 4
decimal places, diameter of Earth,
calculation of the length of sidereal year
What did aryabhata discover about space?
Astronomical Work. Aryabhata also did a considerable amount of work in astronomy. He knew
that the earth is rotating on an axis around the sun and the moon rotated around it. He also
discovered the position of nine planets and stated that these also revolved around the sun.

What is aryabhata famous for?

Aryabhata was an acclaimed mathematician-astronomer. He was born in Kusumapura (present
day Patna) in Bihar, India. His contribution to mathematics, science and astronomy is immense,
and yet he has not been accorded the recognition in the world history of science. At the age of
24, he wrote his famed “Aryabhatiya”
What did aryabhatta discover?
Aryabhatta was the first of the major mathematician-astronomers from the classical age of Indian
mathematics and Indian astronomy. He is the author of several treatises on mathematics and
astronomy, some of which are lost. His main works are Aryabhatiya and Arya-siddhanta.

How did Aryabhata invented zero?

Aryabhata, Inventor of the Digit Zero. Aryabhata is the first of the great astronomers of the
classical age of India. He was born in 476 AD in Ashmaka but later lived in Kusumapura, which
his commentator Bhaskara I (629 AD) identifies with Patilputra (modern Patna).

Bhāskara[1] (also known as Bhāskarāchārya ("Bhāskara, the teacher"), and as Bhaskara II to

avoid confusion with Bhāskara I) (1114–1185), was an Indian mathematician and astronomer.
He was born in Bijapurā in Karnataka.[2]

Bhāskara and his works represent a significant contribution to mathematical and astronomical
knowledge in the 12th century. He has been called the greatest mathematician of medieval
India.[3] His main work Siddhānta Shiromani, (Sanskrit for "Crown of Treatises")[4] is divided
into four parts called Lilāvatī, Bījagaṇita, Grahagaṇita and Golādhyāya,[5] which are also
sometimes considered four independent works.[6] These four sections deal with arithmetic,
algebra, mathematics of the planets, and spheres respectively. He also wrote another treatise
named Karaṇa Kautūhala.[6]

Bhāskara's work on calculus predates Newton and Leibniz by over half a millennium.[7][8] He is
particularly known in the discovery of the principles of differential calculus and its application to
astronomical problems and computations. Bhāskara was a pioneer in some of the principles of
differential calculus. He was perhaps the first to conceive the differential coefficient and
differential calculus.[9]

Bhaskara II is a famous Indian mathematician. He also goes by the name of Bhaskara or

Bhaskaracharya, which means Bhaskara the Teacher. Bhaskara is famous for a number of
innovations in mathematics. His knowledge of solving equations and number systems were at
such a high level that it would take European mathematicians hundreds of years to attain this
level. Bhaskara is viewed as one of the greatest mathematicians of medieval India and his work
has influenced both Indian and Islamic mathematicians as well as European ones.

His Writings

Bhaskara wrote a number of books but the work that has had the most influence in the
mathematics field is the Siddhanta Siromani (Crown of Treatises). The book was written in 1150
A.D. when Bhaskara was thirty-six years old. It has 1450 verses and is divided into four parts;
although, sometimes the books are viewed as separate books. The titles of each section are
Lilavati, Bijaganita, Grahagaṇita, and Goladhyaya. Each section deals with a different area of
mathematics and astronomy.

What is meant by Ayurvedic medicine?

Ayurvedic medicine (“Ayurveda” for short) is one of the world's oldest holistic (“whole-body”)
healing systems. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. It's based on the belief
that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

What can Ayurveda treat?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine which began about 5,000 years ago. It is not
just one treatment. It is a way of diagnosing illness and using a wide range of treatments and
techniques. Ayurveda is an Indian word.
It helps to:

 increase energy and wellbeing.

 decrease stress.
 prevent and cure disease.

What is Ayurvedic medicine?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine which began about 5,000 years ago. It is not
just one treatment. It is a way of diagnosing illness and using a wide range of treatments and

Ayurveda is an Indian word. Ayur means life and veda means knowledge.

Ayurvedic medicine can include:

 advice on diet and special diets

 taking specific Ayurvedic medications
 herbal medicine
 massage
 meditation
 yoga, breathing and relaxation techniques
 bowel cleansing


 Ayurvedic medicine uses a range of treatments and techniques

 Some techniques might help with the symptoms of cancer or its treatment
 Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for cancer is not backed up by research
 Some of the treatments might have severe side effects

Who performed the first surgery?

1,2 in 600 B.C. 'Sushruta Samhita'(Sushruta's compendium) which is one of the oldest treatise
dealing with surgery in the world indicates that he was probably the first surgeon to perform
plastic surgical operations.

Who was sushruta And what was his contribution in the field of surgery?
Sushruta, a practitioner of ancient Indian Medicine has made significant contributions to
various branches of medicine. He is glorified as Father of Indian Surgery. He performed
surgeries in the era when no diagnostic facilities were available.

The definition of an ideal surgeon according to the great surgeon Sushrutaa is “A person who possesses
courage and presence of mind, a hand free from perspiration, tremor less grip of sharp and good
instruments and who carries his operations to the success and advantage of his patient who has
entrusted his life to the surgeon. The surgeon should respect this absolute surrender and treat his
patient as his own son.”

How are seismographs used?

A seismograph, or seismometer, is an instrument used to detect and record seismic waves.
Seismic waves are propagating vibrations that carry energy from the source of an earthquake
outward in all directions. They travel through the interior of the Earth and can be measured with
sensitive detectors called seismographs.

What devices are used to detect earthquakes?

seismograph. A seismograph, or seismometer, is an instrument used to detect and record
earthquakes. Generally, it consists of a mass attached to a fixed base. During an earthquake,
the base moves and the mass does not.

What are the 4 great inventions of China?

Papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the compass are four great inventions by ancient
Chinese people that have had a huge impact on the entire world.

 Paper Making. Cai Lun, inventor of papermaking. ...

 Gunpowder. Cannon. ...
 Printing Technique. ...
 Compass.

The art of papermaking was first invented by the Chinese Han Dynasty
two thousand years ago
Sometimes, silk was also considered for writing purposes, but it was too expensive to use it frequently.

China was the first nation to invent paper.

What Chinese dynasty invented the compass?

Han Dynasty
The magnetic compass was first invented as a device for divination as early as the Chinese Han
Dynasty (since about 206 BC). The compass was used in Song Dynasty China by the military
for navigational orienteering by 1040–44, and was used for maritime navigation by 1111 to

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use various
mind and body practices (such as acupuncture and tai chi) as well as herbal products to address health

What are the three main philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

The Five Essential Substances in Traditional Chinese Medicine Philosophy. Wood, fire, earth,
metal, water — you are no doubt familiar with these elements in a variety of contexts.

Why is the Canon of Medicine important?

Avicenna left many works, among them the especially popular Canon of Medicine. He paid
great attention to the prevention of diseases rather than their treatment, which is important
today. In his works he gives advice on the use of herbal medicines and biologically active points
for various diseases.

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