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250 Yearbook of Agriculture 1956

To obtain best results in treatment, Because drugs do not cure all infec-
an adequate concentration of the drug tions caused by some of the bacteria
must be maintained in the udder for and yeasts, the danger exists of intro-
a period of time. Best results are ducing these resistant micro-organisms
usually obtained when the drugs are into the udders while treating for
administered once or twice daily over another type of organism and of allow-
a period of 2 to 4 days, depending ing a more severe form of mastitis to
upon the causative agent and the develop. Faulty technique in prepar-
nature of the case. Most staphylococcal ing the teat for injection and contam-
infections must be treated longer than ination of the instruments, drug, or
streptococcal infections. Clinical cases vehicle may be to blame.
must be treated longer than cases not In treating acute mastitis, it is desir-
showing symptoms to produce a cure. able to have the drugs administered
Many of the antibiotics are available intravenously or intramuscularly, in ad-
in various vehicles, such as ointments dition to infusing them into the udder.
and water-in-oil emulsions, that are Frequent milking of the quarter and
designed for infusion into the udder. application of icepacks at the begin-
The vehicles aid in maintaining an ning of the attack often are helpful in
adequate therapeutic level of the anti- preventing excessive swelling until vet-
biotic in the udder for about 24 to 48 erinary treatment can be obtained.
hours after i injection. Because anti- After the cow no longer shows marked
biotics can persist for several days in the symptoms, the application of hot packs
udder, the milk from the treated cows to the udder, along with gentle mas-
should not be marketed during the sage, may hasten recovery.
period of treatment or for at least 72
hours after the last treatment. The R. W. BROWN, JR., project leader of
antibiotics interfere with the growth Mastitis Investigations at the Animal Dis-
of the bacteria necessary for the pro- ease and Parasite Research Branchy Agri-
duction of cheese. cultural Research Service^ Beltsville, Md.,
The drugs are administered by in- has been engaged in animal disease research
fusion into the infected quarter since ig4y. He has been with the Depart-
through the teat canal. First, though, ment of Agriculture since igji. He is a
the teat must be washed thoroughly native of Pennsylvania and received his
and the teat orifice cleansed with a degree of doctor of veterinary medicine from
pledget of cotton wetted with alcohol. the University of Pennsylvania in ig4§.

Ketosis in Cattle

KETOSIS in dairy cattle is not a blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) ;

specific disease but a metabolic dis- depletion of liver glycogen (glucose
order. It is an imbalance between the stores) ; mobilization of body proteins,
nutritive intake and the nutritive re- as amino acids, to the liver for new
quirements of the animal. production of glucose (gluconeogene-
The lack of balance is indicated by sis); mobilization of storage fat; fatty
several associated disturbances: Low infiltration of the liver; increased pro-
Ketosis in Cattle 251
duction of ketonc bodies; increased adrenal cortex such as cortisone and
ketone })odies in the blood and urine; 17-hydroxycorticosterone.
loss of body weight (emaciation) ; lower The important physiological effects
milk production; and dehydration. are an increased mobilization of depot
One may compare ketosis to a bank fat and fatty infiltration of the liver
account. At the beginning one may and an increased mobilization of ama-
assume that the account is in balance no acids from body protein to the liver,
and the reserve is big enough to draw in which some are converted to glucose
on in an emergency. If the income and glycogen. Fatty infiltration of the
falls below the expenditures and if the liver tends to produce a temporary
emergency is prolonged or is severe, increase in kctogenesis (the production
however, the condition may become of ketone bodies). Glucose or glyco-
serious. gen tends to prevent it.
Small doses of these hormones of the
THAT GENERAL REASONING may be adrenal cortex may cause a temporary
applied to the high-producing dairy increase in ketogencsis. but as the
cow, which is metabolically a delicately glucose production by the liver is suffi-
balanced milk-producing "machine." ciently increased, ketogenesis is checked.
At the time of calving and onset of Glucose acts to prevent ketogenesis
lactation, the animal's nutritive and from fatty acids by the liver by main-
metabolic requirements are increased taining a small supply of "oxalacetate,"
about 100 percent—partly because of which has to combine with fatty acid
the loss of sugar, protein, and fat in the fragments if they are to be oxidized.
milk and partly because of the in- If fatty-acid oxidation in the liver is
creased metabolic work associated with blocked by a deficiency of oxalacetate,
the production and secretion of milk. the metabolism of fatty acids is incom-
For every 20 pounds of milk pro- plete and kctogenesis may occur.
duced, approximately i pound of glu-
cose, 0.8 pound of fat, and 0.7 pound A SECOND FACTOR that may lead to
of protein are withdrawn from the the development of ketosis in dairy
animal. Those withdrawals are from cattle is the unique nature of rumen
the animal's available resources. If digestion. The microbial fermentation
the dietary intake is adequate, the of carbohydrates in the rumen leads
animal remains normal. If the diet is to the production of large amounts of
too poor to maintain approximately the lower fatty acids, A high percent-
normal levels of blood glucose and age of them is ketogenic, and about 20
liver glycogen, an imbalance in metab- percent—propionic acid— can be con-
olism develops. verted to glucose by the animal body.
This upset is indicated by the exist- The true dietary intake of carbohy-
ing anorexia (loss of appetite), hypo- drate, compared to that of carnivores,
glycemia, and depletion of liver gly- therefore is relatively small, and the
cogen. In response to these disturb- intake of potential formers of ketone
ances, compensatory metabolic ad- bodies is large. If, however, the blood
justments are initiated and tend to glucose and liver glycogen levels can
correct the imbalance. be maintained, both glucose and fatty
The adjustments are triggered pri- acids are oxidized and ketosis does not
marily by the hypoglycemia via spe- occur.
cific physiological mechanisms. Some On the contrary, when the blood
of the mechanisms are nervous in glucose is low, the carbohydrate stores
character. Others are linked to hor- in the liver tend to become depleted
mone actions. The hormones include in an attempt to maintain the level of
primarily AGTH and possibly growth blood glucose and, in turn, the carbo-
hormone of the anterior pituitary hydrate requirements of other tissues.
gland and hormones produced by the Ketogenesis and ketosis tend to develop
252 Yearbook of Agriculture 1956
under those conditions. An abnormal secretory deficiency, or both, usually
amount of ketone bodies in the blood, develops.
body fluids, and tissues characterizes The hormonal mechanism for stimu-
ketosis. lation of the adrenal cortex by a speci-
The liver is the principal organ in fic hormone (AGTH) from the anterior
which kctonc bodies are produced. pituitary may induce an enlargement
They are normal intermediary metab- and increase in number of cells of the
olites, associated chiefly with the adrenal cortex. Within wide limits, this
metabolism of fatty acids under con- is a physiological process; if it were fol-
ditions of relative deficiency of the car- lowed by cellular degeneration or com-
bohydrates. The intensity of the ketosis plete exhaustion, however, the results
is directly related to the level of the might be fatal. That occurs rarely.
Ketone bodies cannot be metabo- VARIOUS CLINICAL CLASSIFICATIONS of
lized further by the liver but are passed bovine ketosis have been used.
into the blood and to the other tissues, Lactation ketosis includes cases that
where they can be oxidized. Ketosis sufl'er from a simple imbalance be-
develops only when the rate of ketone tween the nutritive intake and the nu-
body production (ketogenesis) exceeds tritive requirements to maintain the
that at which they are utilized. There increased demands of the lactating ani-
is no inability of the tissues, other than mal. This type occurs most frequently
the liver, to oxidize either glucose or 14 to 28 days after parturition, but may
ketone bodies under those conditions. occur as early as the seventh day and
Although the concentration of ketone as late as 40 to 70 cUiys after calving.
bodies in the blood is high, only a The cases often are classified as uncom-
fraction of those produced is excreted plicated, primary, and digestive ke-
by the kidneys, the mammary glands, tosis, which occur in most countries
and expired air. where ketosis is prevalent. The terms
"small-farm acetonemia" (in which
KETOGENESIS and ketosis are not due the nutrition may be inadequate) and
to an initial or absolute deficiency in ''estate acetonemia'' (in herds appar-
the hormonal secretory capacity of the ently in good nutrition, but in which
anterior pituitary or adrenal cortex— the acetonemia is frequently severe)
in fact, such deficiencies would make are used in the British Isles.
ketogenesis nearly impossible. Complicated or secondary ketosis
Because of the increased metabolic may occur in varying intensities in lac-
requirements of the animal under the tating or nonlactating cattle—even in
stress of high milk production, starva- steers—and include cases in which the
tion, disease, and other single or mul- metabolic disturbance is precipitated
tiple conditions, the anterior pituitary or aggravated by infections, exposure,
and adrenal cortex and various avail- foreign bodies (hardware) in the rumen
able body resources are mobilized to orreticulum. (traumatic gastritis), per-
meet the immediate metabolic require- itonitis, mastitis, cystic ovaries, vagini-
ments. The resources include the mo- tis, displacement of the abomasum, in-
bilization of depot fat and muscle pro- digestion, and starvation. The treat-
teins as amino acids. The former is as- ment and correction of the complicat-
sociated with fatty infiltration of the ing factor or factors in such cases is
liver. The latter leads to an increased imperative if the animal is to recover.
conversion of amino acids to glucose in
the liver and an increased urinary ni- DIGESTIVE KETOSIS INCLUDES the cases
trogen excretion. Both lead to emacia- we listed that do not develop the
tion of the animal. so-called nervous symptoms.
Under those conditions, a relative In nervous ketosis the animals usu-
anterior pituitary or an adrenal cortex ally are reported to be excited and
Ketosis in Cattle 253
show signs of neuromuscular incoordi- all ages, but is more prevalent during
nation. They keep looking around and the years of greatest milk production—
are disturbed if someone enters the after the second, third, and later lac-
stall. The condition is occasionally de- tation periods.
scribed as a semiconscious state and A million cases of ketosis occurred in
one indicating a depression of the cor- 1950 among the 24,577,000 milking
tical nerve centers of the brain. The cows in the United States, an incidence
manner of walking of the animal is of approximately 4 percent.
often staggering, swaying, and more or Mortality from ketosis in dairy cattle
less pare tic and listless. Other symp- is low, ranging from i to 5 percent.
toms are frequent licking of the stan- Lactation ketosis is rarely fatal even if
chion walls, sucking, biting, salivating, untreated—not more than i or 2 per-
and hyperesthesia of the skin. Those cent. Reports for '^estate ketosis" indi-
disturbances probably are due to a cate a somewhat higher death rate.
progressive depression of the higher Statistics from the ambulatory clinic
nerve centers in the brain, which in of the New York State Veterinary Col-
turn progressively releases the sub- lege for the year that ended July i,
cortical centers in the brain stem. 1950, showed only 6 deaths out of 284
Nervous symptoms of ketosis have treated cases, a little more than 2 per-
been produced in fasting pregnant cent. Appreciably greater financial
ewes by relatively severe hypoglyce- losses from ketosis in dairy cattle arise
mias and in normal ewes and cows by from the associated drop in milk pro-
the intravenous administration of iso- duction and removal of animals from
propanol (an alcohol). Isopropanol the milking line to be slaughtered pre-
is present in appreciable amounts in maturely.
rumen liquor, blood, and milk of
ketotic ruminants. The isopropanol UNDER CONDITIONS of ketogenesis,
concentration is greatest in the rumen, the primary metabolic defect in the
and is believed to be formed from ace- liver (the principal organ of ketone
tone by the ruminai micro-organisms. body production) is a deficiency of
The combined effects of hypoglycemia oxalacetate. This metabolite must be
and isopropanol may act in an addi- present so as to combine with the two-
tive or synergistic manner to produce carbon fragments of fatty acids and
the effects. Similar effects occur in other ketogenic substances in order
various species of animals under in- that they may be oxidized to carbon
complete anesthesia and in intoxicated dioxide and water. In its absence, the
persons. fragments are converted to acetoacetic
acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, and
KETOSIS IN CATTLE occurs in practi- also acetone—the well-known ketone
cally every country in which dairying bodies. The main metabolic sources of
is practiced. Only a few cases occur in oxalacetate are from carbohydrate and
some regions, but in others its inci- glycogenic amino acids.
dence may be 15 percent or more.
It develops primarily in high-pro- PREVENTION of ketosis in dairy cows
ducing dairy cows and seldom in low- is the ultimate objective. We know of
producing cows, steers, or bulls, ex- no perfect preventive regime, but the
cept those suffering prolonged starva- following suggestions may help:
tion and protracted diseases. In many Be alert to recognize conditions of
areas the number of recognized cases infections, disease, injury, exposure, or
of ketosis has increased greatly since disturbance that might subject the
1940. The first described case of keto- animals to unnecessary stress.
sis in cattle in the United States is re- The diet should contain enough of
ported to have been in 1929. the right kind of nutrients for mainte-
Ketosis may occur in dairy cattle of nance and lactation.
254. Yearbook of Agriculture 1956

A marked decrease in the intake of than glucose for alleviating ketosis.

feed just before calving is not advised. These two sugars are metabolized simi-
Stimulate the appetite by suitable larly in the animal body, but fructose
rations. The addition of molasses or metabolism is independent of the ac-
glucose to the ration frequently in- tion of insulin, while glucose is not.
creases its palatibility, stimulates the The specific identity of these sugars is
appetite, and increases feed intake. lost in the metabolic pathways.
The reliability of the practice of feed- Propionic acid, as sodium propio-
ing molasses or sugar to augment the nate, gives good results when admin-
blood sugar and liver glycogen has istered with the feed or by drench. This
been questioned. acid is a normal end product of rumi-
Feed an adequate quantity of high- nai digestion and when absorbed can
quality hay and roughage. be converted to glucose by the liver.
Assure the maintenance of a proper The intravenous administration of so-
balance between roughage and grain. lutions of glucogenic amino acids or
After calving, it is desirable to bring solutions of glucose and glucogenic am-
the cow up to maximal grain feeding ino acids combined (Aminosol) by
as rapidly as seems justifiable. methods similar to those for glucose
The metabolic requirements of pro- also gives good results.
tein for the lactating cow should be Gloconatc or lactate may be used in
met. The glucogenic amino acid con- the same way.
tent of the dietary protein is important. Similar to sodium propionate, glyc-
The silage, especially if it is grass erol or propyline glycol is satisfactory
silage, should be checked for its con- when administered orally in the feed
tent of butyric acid, which, if high in or by drench.
concentration, would tend to increase Frequently lactation ketosis in high-
the incidence of ketosis. producing dairy cows can be success-
Increase the facilities for comfort, fully treated by an increase in feed
ample pasture, exercise, and ventila- alone, especially the grain ration.
tion for the animals. The feed intake of cows just before
calving should not be limited, as some
SEVERAL PRACTICES have been used dairymen do with the aim of checking
successfully in treating ketosis in dairy edema.
cattle. Any existing complicating disease,
The administration of glucose, pref- condition stress, or disturbance afílict-
erably by the condnuous infusion meth- ing the animal must first be treated
od or by repeated intravenous injec- and corrected if the usual method of
tions of 50-pcrcent glucose soludons at treating the accompanying ketosis is to
relatively short intervals of 2 or 3 be effective.
hours until the animal responds, has AGTH (adrenocorticotrophic hor-
given excellent results. Unless fre- mone of the anterior pituitary) and the
quently repeated injections arc made, so-called glucocorticoid hormones of
the liver glycogen is neither increased the adrenal cortex have been adminis-
appreciably nor is maintained for a tered with good results. AGTH has no
sufficient time to correct the oxalacctatc direct effect on carbohydrate, protein,
deficiency. The amount of oxalac- or fat metabolism and ketogenesis; it
etate required is not large at any given acts by stimulating an increased output
time, but these small amounts must be of adrenal cortex hormones. The
maintained if ketosis is to be cured. specific corticoadrenal hormones in-
Intravenous injections of fructose in volved are cortisone, 17-hydroxycorti-
the same manner and for the same costerone (compound F), and corticos-
purpose as that of glucose are also terone. Their specific responses are the
satisfactory. Some investigators have mobilization of amino acids from body
reported fructose to be more efi'ective protein and fatty acids from depot fat
Shipping Fever 255
to the liver. The interaction of growth ketosis is produced by an increased out-
hormone of the anterior pituitary and put of hormones of the pituitary and
corticoadrenal hormones is necessary adrenal cortices and not by a deficiency
for body fat mobilization. As we stated of one of both of these systems. Ketosis
earlier, the primary functions of these can be experimentally terminated by
hormones are to mobilize the body re- removal of the pituitary or the adrenal
sources to meet the metabolic needs of cortices.
the animal body. They thus serve as a
compensatory mechanism. JOSEPH A. DYE received the degree of
Ketosis, with or without complica- doctor of philosophy at Cornell University in
tions, increases the metabolic require- ig2§ and since has been a member of the
ments roughly proportionately to the teaching and research staff of Cornell. Since
magnitude of the combined stresses as- ig^o he has been associated with the Depart-
sociated with lactation and other dis- ment of Physiology, New York State Veteri-
turbances. nary College, His publications include some
Because of the increased require- 50 scientific papers in the fields of endocrinol-
ments, the animaPs own pituitary and ogy, hormone action, intermediary metabo-
adrenal mechanisms have been brought lism, and the physiological basis of ketosis in
into increased functional activity, but dogs, sheep, and cattle,
the mechanisms may be unable to cope ROBERT W. DOUGHERTY was trained
with the physiological needs. A relative in animal husbandry at Iowa State College
pituitary or corticoadrenal insuffi- and in veterinary medicine at Ohio State
ciency then exists. Supplementary ad- University. He was on the staff of the De-
ministrations of commercial cortico- partment of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon
adrenal or ACTH hormones are indi- State College for ^ years. From ig^s to ig^G
cated and have been found to be good. he served in the Army and was physiologist
Functional exhaustion of the anterior in the Chemical Warfare Service and was
pituitary or of the adrenal cortex has the veterinary officer in an Army medical
not been satisfactorily demonstrated. laboratory in the Philippine campaign. Later
That the latter is not exhausted or de- he was chairman of the Division of Veteri-
generated is indicated by the fact that nary Science at the State College of Wash-
ACTH is effective when administered. ington, School of Veterinary Medicine, In
Furthermore, exhaustion of the pitui- 1^48 he joined the staff of the Department of
tary would tend to eliminate ketosis. Physiology, New fork State Veterinary
Experiments have demonstrated that College, at Cornell University.

Shipping Fever

BOVINE shipping fever is an infec- for at least half a century. In some

tious respiratory disease. It is some- years it probably has caused the death
what comparable clinically to influ- of more young cattle than any disease.
enza in man, but it has a longer incu- Yet, because its primary cause has
bation period and is primarily a not been determined, it has never
disease of the lungs. been given a fully satisfactory name.
It has been a major disease of cattle Shipping fever, or the shipping-

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