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Cold Regions Science a nd Technology 12 4 ( 2 0 16 ) 6 7– 7 6

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Cold Regions Science and Technology

journal h omepag e: ww w . e l se v ie r . c o m /l o c a t e/c o l d r e g i o n s

An experimental study on the influence of cooling rates on salt expansion

in sodium sulfate soils
Yuanming Lai a,c,⁎, Xusheng Wan b , Mingyi Zhang a
State Key Laboratory Frozen Soil Engineering, Cold and Arid Region Environmental and Engineering Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610513, China
School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This experimental study examined salt expansion in sodium sulfate soils. The results indicated that salt expan-
Received 1 May 20 15 sion was caused by t he crystallization of sodium sulfate decahydrate w h e n t he supersaturation ratio of the
Received in revised form 4 December 2015 sodi-um sulfate solution in t he soil reached a maxi mum value. The maxi mu m supersaturation ratio of t he
Accepted 31 December 2 015
sodium sulfate solution decreased as t he sodium sulfate content increased, and t he supersaturation ratio
Available online 2 4 January 201 6
decreased as crystals continued to precipitate. The total amount of crystal generation was related to t he
crystal growth rate. The rate of crystal growth decreased exponentially as te mperature decreased. The
Sodiu m sulfate saline soil formation of crystals was in-fluenced by the rate of cooling. When mirabilite began to precipitate, t he
Salt expansion supersaturation rate was reduced ver-sus t he rate of cooling, whereas t he salt expansion rate of t he soil
Supersaturation ratio increased. When t he salt content of sodium sulfate was less than 1.5%, salt crystals began to form after t he
The r at e of crystal growth phase change of t he solution from water to ice, but salt expansion did not occur. Whe n salt content of
Phase change sodium sulfate was less than 0.7%, t h e precipitation of salt crystals was minimal or did not occur.
Qinghai–Tibet plat eau © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction salt heaving of the soil will occur, and sodium sulfate decahydrate or
heptahydrate is formed as the sodium sulfate combines with either
Saline soils cover 2% of the total land area in China, and are widely ten or seven water molecules, respectively (Steiger and Asumssen,
distributed in Sinkiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and 2008). Very few studies have discussed the influences of the rate of
other locales (Luo, 1980). These soils are problematic to the develop- cooling on the supersaturation rate of sodium sulfate solutions when
ment of farms, and also to the construction and engineering of roads, crystals initially precipitate at low temperatures.
channels, and airports, because of the swelling of salt crystals when Most studies concerning salt expansion from outside China have ex-
the sodium sulfate soil freezes. Studies on salt expansion in sodium sul- amined the supersaturation rate of solutions in brick, concrete, rock, and
fate soils in China have mainly focused on measuring the expansion ra- other building materials, and have discussed the salt heaving force gen-
tios of soils with different salt contents (Chen et al., 1989; Wang et al., erated when different salt solutions begin to crystallize (Robert, 2002;
2006; Zhang and Gao, 2010). Factors that affect salt expansion include Steiger, 2005; Espinosa et al., 2008; Koniorczyk, 2010). However, few
water content, salt content, the initial dry density, and the overlying studies have investigated the initiation and growth of salt crystals in
load (Gao et al., 1996; Gu et al., 2009). The calculation of salt expansion natural soils, and when soil has been involved, salt expansion has only
and the precipitation of salt crystals in soils are usually based on the been studied at room temperature (Mokni et al., 2010). Salt expansion
phase diagram for the corresponding solution (Niu and Gao, 2008). at lower and negative temperatures remains uninvestigated.
However, the calculation by Niu and Gao (2008) may have had a Sulfate saline soils are widespread in the western cold region of
lower degree of accuracy because there was little discussion of the China. The damage to roads caused by salt expansion and frost heave re-
solution's properties in the unsteady-state, and no consideration of the mains an ongoing problem. Research on sulfate saline soil in cold re-
metastable phase. In addition, there was very little investigation into gions faces urgent questions due to the large temperature variations
the process and timing of salt crystal precipitation. When the supersat- in these environments, such as: at what supersaturation rate will salt
uration rate of the sodium sulfate solution causes crystal precipitation, crystallization occur in soils, how does the maximum supersaturation
rate of solutions in soil vary at different cooling rates, and what influ-
ences will salt crystallization exert on salt expansion? This paper focus-
⁎ Corresponding aut hor at: State Key Laboratory Frozen Soil Engineering, Cold an d Arid
es on the influence of different cooling rates on salt crystallization and
Region Environment al a nd Engineering Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou,
Gansu 7300 00 , China. Tel.: + 8 6 931 4967 288; fax: + 8 6 931 827996 8. expansion in sodium sulfate saline soils, which can cause serious
E-mail address: (Y. Lai). damage to infrastructure on Qinghai–Tibet Plateau.
0165-232X/ © 20 16 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
68 Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76

2. Experimental design USA. It supports complex applications with many sensors, so the test re-
sults could be stored in CR3000. The experimental setup is shown in
Silty clay from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau was sampled in the labora- Fig.2. After installing the experimental apparatus, the temperature
tory. The measured plastic and liquid limit for this soil was 16.4% and chamber was held at 25 °C for 30 min to eliminate measurement errors
27.9%, respectively (Bin and He, 2011). The sample was desalinated, caused by any temperature differences of the samples. The temperature
dried, and pulverized. Then, five samples with 18% gravimetric water was then decreased at a rate of 0.02 °C/min and then held steady at 0 °C.
content and different salt contents (the ratio of the mass of salt to the
mass of water-free soil) (0%, 2.1%, 2.6%, 3.2%, 3.8%) were made and 3. Crystal precipitation in sodium sulfate saline soil at
sealed at room temperature for 24 h for uniformization. Next, the sam- positive temperatures
ples were placed in plastic cups and compacted in five layers to make
samples of 6.3 cm in diameter and 7.5 cm in height. The dry density 3.1. Supersaturation ratio of sodium sulfate solution
and porosity of the desalinated samples were 1.711 g/cm 3 and 0.37,
respectively. The experimental data were analyzed to describe the internal
A Stevens Hydra Probe (SDI-12) (Fig. 1a) manufactured by Stevens temperature variations of the soil samples (Fig. 3). One sodium sulfate
Water Monitoring Systems, Inc., accurate to ± 0.0014S/m, operating molecule and ten water molecules combine to form sodium sulfate
temperature: − 3 0 ~ 65 °C and measurement range: 0.01 ~ 1.5 S/m; a decahydrate when the supersaturation ratio of the solution reaches a
thermistor with ± 0. 01 °C accuracy, and a NS-WY02 displacement maximum value. When crystals began to precipitate, the temperature
sensor (Fig. 1b) manufactured by Shanghai TM Automation Instru- increased, due to the exothermic nature of the precipitation reaction.
ments Co., Ltd., accurate to ± 0.001 mm and measurement range: This caused small increases or ‘jumps’ in temperature along the cooling
0.001 ~ 50 mm, were installed into the soil samples to monitor varia- curve (Wan et al., 2015), which were less pronounced at lower salt con-
tions in conductivity, temperature, and displacement. The thermistors tents (Fig. 3). We considered the point at which the temperature rises
and Stevens Hydra Probes were inserted into samples encased by as the initial temperature of salt precipitation. Therefore, the initial pre-
waterproof plastic sheets, and the displacement sensors were set to cipitation temperatures of different solution concentrations were deter-
contact the top surface of soil samples. A programmable ultra-low tem- mined. The experimental results showed that as salt content decreased,
perature chamber (manufactured by Dongguan Terchy Test Equipment the initial precipitation temperature also decreased. It is commonly the
Co., Ltd. in China, Fig. 1c) was also used to vary conditions to simulate supersaturation ratio of the solution that determines the range of meta-
the temperature regime of cold regions. The data acquisition system stable solutions in which salt crystallization may occur. The differences
was a date taker CR3000 (Fig. 1d) with intervals set to 10 s, which in the maximum supersaturation ratios observed when solutions with
was manufactured by Campbell Scientific headquarters, Logan, UT, different salt contents begin to crystallize are discussed below.

a) Stevens Hydra Probe (SDI-12) b) NS-WY02 displacement sensor

c) The programmable ultra-low temperature d) Date Taker CR3000


Fig. 1. The diagr am of test sensors a n d equ ip me nt .

Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76 69

—sodium sulfate saline soil, —plastic cup, —soil sensor, —displacement sensor, —beam(be used to fix
displacement sensor), —programmable ultra-low temperature instrument, —plastic sheet, —temperature sensor,
—closure plug, —date collection system

Fig. 2. Sketch of exp er imental apparat us.

The supersaturation ratio of the sodium sulfate solution is defined According to the initial concentration of sodium sulfate saline soil,
as: Eqs. (1) and (3) can be used to calculate the maximum supersaturation
ratio of different concentrations of sodium sulfate solution. The relation-
c ship between the initial concentration and the maximum value of
S¼ ð1Þ
sat supersaturation ratio is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen from Fig. 4
that the higher the initial concentration of the sodium sulfate saline
where c is the actual concentration of salt solution and c s a t is the soil, the lower the maximum supersaturation ratio becomes and,
saturation concentration of the solution. hence, the possibility for salt crystals to precipitate increases. The
The following formula can be used to calculate the solubility of volume of sodium sulfate decahydrate is 3.1 times that of anhydrous
solution when the temperature is below 32.4 °C (Xu et al., 1995): sodium sulfate (Chen et al., 2006), so the salt crystallization and expan-
sion leads to soil deformation (Fig. 5). The timing of initial soil displace-
η ¼ 4:4943 1:0773T ð2Þ ments corresponded to the temperature jumps on the cooling curve,
confirming that salt crystals begin to precipitate at those moments
where T is the temperature (°C), and η is the solubility, defined as the (Figs. 3 and 5). In the cooling experiments, it was also found that the
mass of salt (g) that can be dissolved by 100 g of pure water. The displacement values were larger as salt contents were higher. Fig.5
relation between the saturation molar concentration of sodium sulfate also shows that initially, the displacement of the soil samples changes
and temperature can be obtained from Eq. (2): very quickly, and then decreases. This means that the rate of crystalliza-
tion is initially faster, and slows subsequently.
csat ¼ 0:3165 1:0773T ð3Þ The soil conductivity is closely related to the water and ion content
in the soil. The conductivity reflects the degree of ionic activity when
the water content in soil is constant. The measured soil conductivity

F ig . 4. The relat io nship b e t w e e n t h e m a x i mu m sup er sat ur at io n rat io a n d t h e initial

Fig. 3. The cooling curve of sodium sulfate saline soil at cooling r at e of 0.02 °C/min. concentration.
70 Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76

where SEC is the conductivity, f is the frequency (50 MHz for the Hydra
Probe), ε 0 is the vacuum dielectric constant, and Ei is the imaginary
part of the soil's dielectric permittivity.
The influence of soil salinity and water content on conductivity is
significantly larger than that of the other factors (Rhoases et al., 1999).
Relations between soil conductivity, solution concentration, and water
content were examined using regression to obtain a more precise
measurement of the solution concentration in the soil.
Four soil samples with water contents of 15%, 18%, 20% and 25% were
prepared as described in the experimental design above. The salt probe
was then completely inserted into the soil samples, and an average
conductivity value was recorded once the readings had stabilized. The
relations between soil conductivity and solution concentration for the
samples of different water content are shown in Fig. 7. The relation
between the solution concentration and conductivity can be described
by a third order polynomial function:

c ¼ f 3ðθÞSEC ðθÞ þ f 2ðθÞS2EC þ f 1ðθÞSEC þ fðθÞ ð5Þ

Fig. 5. The displacement of sodium sulfate saline soil at cooling r at e of 0.02 °C/min. where SEC is the conductivity, and f i (θ) is a function of water content.
The calibration data show that conductivity can only be determined at
was essentially constant before salt crystallization began (Fig. 6). How- low solution concentrations when the water content is higher, because
ever, once the salt began to precipitate, the concentration of the sodium higher concentration values are beyond the measurement range of the
sulfate solution and water content in soil decreased, reflected by the de- instrument. The influence of water content on conductivity is reduced
creasing trend in conductivity (Fig. 6). Conductivity decreased rapidly when water content is less than 18%, and the variation in concentration
early during salt crystallization, but the decrease was reduced as the attenuates as the conductivity increases.
precipitation of salt crystals subsequently stabilized (Fig. 6). For the four samples, the polynomial functions derived from Eq. (5)
Although the salt content remained unchanged before and after are:
crystallization (the salt content is defined as the proportion of the
f 3ðθÞ ¼ 294:57θ−21:73; f 2ðθÞ ¼ −192:93θ þ 17:747;
mass of salt to the mass of dry soil), the concentration of the salt solution
varied during the whole process. It is therefore important to investigate f 1ðθÞ ¼ 28:377θ−1:197; fðθÞ ¼ −2:4067θ þ 0:2331:
the variation in concentration of the solution during salt crystallization.
The relation between the solution and soil conductivity is discussed in Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to measure the varia-
the following section. tion of water contents of the soil samples under different temperatures,
because the soil water content sensor employed would have been dis-
3.2. Calibration test of Hydra Probe SDI-12 turbed due to the high ion content of the soil. The same water contents,
salt contents, and dry densities were used as in the previous experi-
The soil conductivity was measured using the Hydra Probe SDI-12. ment. The soil samples were put into a test tube and kept at the temper-
This three-parameter sensor determines the dielectric permittivity by ature of 25 °C in NMR. The cooling regime was:
analyzing the signal response of radio waves propagated through the
25 C—20 C—15 C—10 C—5 C—1 C—0 C — −1 C — −2 C
soil. The soil electrical conductivity is calculated from a temperature-
corrected imaginary dielectric permittivity Ei using the following — − 3 C — −4 C —−5 C — −8 C—−10 C—−1 5 C—−20 C:
The temperature was kept constant for 3 to 4 h at each step and the
NMR signal values were transformed into water content values so that
SEC ¼ 2πfε 0 E i ð4Þ

Fig. 7. The relationship b et w e e n solution concentrat ion of sod iu m sulfate saline soil a n d
Fig. 6. The conductivity of sodium sulfate saline soil at cooling r at e of 0.02 °C/min. soil conductivity.
Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76 71

the relation between water content and temperature was obtained

(Fig. 8). The water contents in the soil samples with salt contents from
2.1% to 3.8% decreased due to the precipitation of aqueous sodium sul-
fate crystals when the temperatures were above 0 °C (Fig. 8). However,
for samples with salt contents between 0% and 1%, the water contents
began to decrease at negative temperatures when water changed
phase from liquid to ice. The water content variation in sodium sulfate
saline soil could be obtained from the temperature points of crystal pre-
cipitation at the cooling rate of 0.02 °C/min.

3.3. Salt crystal precipitation

The variation in concentration of the sodium sulfate at different tem-

peratures was determined by substituting the measured values of con-
ductivity and water content into Eq. (5) (Fig. 9). The concentrations of
sodium sulfate in the soil are always greater than the saturated concen-
tration of the sodium sulfate solution at the same temperature. The
greatest variation occurs as the precipitation of salt crystals initiates,
similar to the variations observed in conductivity and water content. Fig. 9. The variation of solution concentration of sodiu m sulfate saline soil u nd er different
The concentration change slows until it nearly reaches the curve of t emp er at u res at t he cooling r at e of 0.02 °C/min.

the corresponding saturated concentration (Fig. 9).

It is thought that the driving force of salt crystal growth results from precipitation itself. The parameter of process p can be represented by
the supersaturation ratio of the solution in silty clay. The rate of crystal the function:
growth in the supersaturation solution can be described by the non- rffiffiffiffi

equilibrium Freundlich isotherm (Koniorczyk, 2012), the degree p¼ ð7Þ
of saturation of the precipitated salt Sc can be expressed as: 0

where c 0 is the initial concentration of the solution, and c is the actual

¼ Sw KðM s c−AM s c sat Þp ð6Þ concentration. When p = 0, the reaction has terminated.
It was assumed that the crystal growth interval is in accordance
where K is a rate constant, p is the parameter of process, and A is a pa- with experimental date acquisition interval, which was set to 10 s,
rameter for primary crystallization A ≥ S. When salt crystals are present and that the temperature in this time interval was stable. Eq. (6) can
in the soil pores, further crystallization occurs when A ≥ 1. c refers to the be rearranged to yield:
concentration of sodium sulfate solution, while c sa t represents the satu- p
ΔS c;i ¼ S w;i K i M s c i −A i M s c sat;i Δt i ð8Þ
rated concentration of sodium sulfate solution. Ms is the molar mass of
sodium sulfate, and S w is the degree of saturation of the liquid phase. where the subscript i is the order of a certain period of time (e.g. 1, 2,
The supersaturation ratio of sodium sulfate solution in the soil in- 3 … ), S w,i is the degree of saturation of the liquid phase in i-th period
creases as temperature decreases, and when it reaches A, salt
of time, and the other notations in the equation are these defined in
crystals rapidly begin to precipitate by the largest volume, which Eq. (6) in i-th period of time.
will then slow down because of the decrease of the concentration In the process of temperature cooling, the crystals' growth of ten
caused by the
water sodium sulfate causes the change of displacement of the soil
samples, so the change in the salt expansion rate can be described by
the following expression:

Δn ¼ Δnc −Δnl −Δ na ð9Þ

where △n refers to the change of salt expansion rate, △nc stands for the
change of porosity made by precipitated salt, △nl represents the change
of porosity generated by liquid and △na refers to the change of porosity
induced by air. The soil is deformed due to the pressure generated in the
salt crystallization process. Since the volume of the pores occupied by
the salt crystals is very small, the change in air porosity in Eq. (9) is
not considered in this paper, and we assume that the volume of sodium
sulfate solution is approximately equal to the volume of pore water. The
relation between porosity and saturation degree can be expressed by
the following formula (Zhou et al. 1998; Koniorczyk 2012):

n j ¼ S jn ð10Þ

where nj refers to porosity of the j-th phase and Sj is the degree of pore
saturation with the j-th phase(j = c, l, a-precipitated, liquid, gas). There-
fore, changes of both the saturation degree of precipitated salt (S c ) and
the supersaturation ratio of the sodium sulfate solution (S N a2S O4 ) under
different temperatures can be calculated using experimentally-obtained
F ig . 8. The relat io nship b e t w e e n w a t e r c o nt e nt of sodiu m sulfat e saline soil a n d values of the salt expansion ratio, water content, and concentration of
t e mp er at ure. sodium sulfate solution (Fig. 10). The supersaturation ratio of the
72 Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76

sodium sulfate solution in the soil increases as the temperature de-

creases early in the cooling process. When the supersaturation ratio
reaches a maximum value, crystals of ten water sodium sulfate begin
to precipitate and the saturation degree of precipitated salt rises from
0. As the salt crystallization occurs, the supersaturation ratio of the
solution decreases, and the crystal precipitation and rate of increase in
saturation degree of the precipitated salt decrease (Fig. 10). Fig. 10
also shows that the higher the salt content in the soil, the earlier the su-
persaturation ratio reaches a maximum value and the earlier the salt
crystallization occurs in the soil solution. When the cooling terminates,
the saturation degree of salt crystallization reaches its maximum value.
Since the temperature is assumed to be constant in each time inter-val,
the crystal growth rate remains unchanged. However, the crystal
growth rate is considered to be influenced by the temperature and
can be calculated using Eq. (8). Fig. 11 shows the relation between the
temperature and crystal growth rate calculated from Eq. (8). The crystal
growth rate decreases as temperature decreases. There is a distinct in-
terval in which the crystal grows dramatically; the onset of this interval
is typically within 7–8 °C of the temperature at which salt crystallization
begins. The initial crystal growth rate is higher for solutions with higher Fig. 11. The relationship b et we e n crystal growth r at e an d t emper at u re.
concentrations. The crystal growth rate is associated with the reaction
process, and its relation with temperature can be described by:
under the cooling rate of 0.02, 0.1 and 1 °C/min, respectively. The
K ¼ AeβT þ k0 ð11Þ displacement/salt expansion ratios of other soil samples also decrease
as the cooling rate increases. The conductivities show a little change.
where A is an empirical coefficient, dependent on the initial solution For sodium sulfate soil with 3.8% salt content, the conductivities are
concentration, β is related to the medium of crystal growth, and k 0 is a 0.218, 0.208 and 0.204 at the cooling rate of 0.02, 0.1 and 1 °C/min,
correction factor. respectively, which means that the solution concentrations increase a
little as cooling rates increase. Also, we can judge the initial crystallizing
4. The influence of the cooling rate on crystallization temperature of salt by temperature jumping points on the cooling
curves, and it can be found that the initial crystallizing temperature
Additional soil samples with the same salt (0%, 2.1%, 2.6%, 3.2%, 3.8%) decreases as the cooling rate increases. Therefore, the cooling rate not
and water contents (18%) as those in the above test were formed, the only affects the maximum amount of salt expansion, but also the initial
size dimension, dry density and porosity of soil samples are the same supersaturation ratio of solution, which was calculated at three different
as the above test, and the cooling rates were set to 0.1 and 1 °C/min, re- cooling rates of 0.02, 0.1 and 1 °C/min, respectively (Fig. 14). The effect
spectively, in order to study the influence of different cooling rates on of the cooling rate on crystallization occurs because with the cooling
crystallization and salt expansion. The temperature, conductivity, and rate slowing, the supersaturation ratio of the solution decreases at the
displacement of the samples were measured during the cooling period same temperature, and crystallization then occurs more readily. In
as in the above tests. The experimental setup is also the same as the ex- addition, the supersaturation ratio of solution will increase as the initial
periment mentioned above (Fig. 2) and the experimental results are temperature of crystallization decreases, implying that the crystalliza-
shown in Figs. 12 and 13. When the salt content of sodium sulfate soil tion of a supersaturation solution at low temperature is more difficult
is 3.8%, the final salt expansion ratios of soil are 1.542, 1.205 and 0.511 than that at higher temperature under the same cooling rate.
The linear relation between the supersaturation ratio of crystalliza-
tion and the initial temperature of crystallization under different cooling
rates can be represented as:

S0 ¼ λT 0 þ χ ð12Þ


χ ¼ 0:0349 ln þ 1:927

where S 0 is the crystallization supersaturation ratio, T 0 represents the

initial temperature of crystallization (°C), λ is a constant related to soil
properties, which can be founded from Fig. 13 that the value of λ is
around 0.03, and χ is a function of the cooling rate dT/dt.
Because the salt expansion rate is related to the saturation degree of
salt crystals (S c ), and the crystal growth rate is a function of tempera-
ture, the crystal growth rates under different cooling regimes are equiv-
alent at the same temperature. Eq. (8) indicates that in the same time
interval, the crystal growth rate will decrease as the cooling rate in-
creases, causing a decrease in the saturation degree of salt crystals. As
a result, the salt expansion rate decreases. In addition, the decrease of
Fig. 10. The supersaturation ratio of sodium sulfate solution a nd sat urat ion deg ree of salt supersaturation ratio will make the salt crystals precipitate more easily
crystallization change u nd er different t emper at ur es. to approach the saturation of solution. This means that as the cooling
Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76 73

a) Temperature b) Displacement

c) Conductivity
Fig. 12. The variations of t emperat ur e, displacement a nd conductivity of sodiu m sulfate saline soil versus t ime at t h e cooling r at e of 1 °C/min.

rate decreases, salt crystal growth changes from an unsteady state to a experiment above. The experiment was held constant at 20 °C for half
more stable state (in Fig. 15). an hour, then decreased to − 2 0 °C at a cooling rate of 0.02 °C/min,
From Fig. 15, it can be found that the metastable interval of sodium and all the samples were kept under this temperature. The changes in
sulfate solution increases as the cooling rate increases, when the cooling temperature, conductivity, and displacement of the samples are
rate is very small, the phase change curve of sodium sulfate solution will shown in Fig. 16.
be close to its saturation curve. The increase of metastable interval raises In Fig. 16a, region A is considered to be the region of initial phase
the supersaturation ratio of the solution, and it is more difficult for salt change between water and ice, where substantial heat is released, caus-
crystals to precipitate. ing a perturbation in the temperature curve. The shape of temperature
According to Eq. (12), the absolute value of λ increases as the rate of curve for the sample with 0.5% salt content is similar to the curve of
cooling increases and the influence of different rates of cooling on crys- the sample with no salt content, implying that there is no salt crystalli-
tallization at low temperatures is apparently strengthened. The degree zation in the sample with the lowest salt concentration, or that the heat
of supercooling depends on the rate of cooling, implying that greater generated by any salt crystallization is too limited to cause a noticeable
supercooling limits salt crystallization. Although crystallization at change to the temperature curve. For the sample with 1.0% salt content,
positive temperatures has been previously investigated and discussed after the phase transition occurs, salt crystallization was apparent at
in this paper, it remains uninvestigated at negative temperatures. − 3 . 7 °C in region B, and the heat released from salt crystallization
Therefore, an experiment on low-concentration sodium sulfate saline caused the temperature to stabilize for a short time. However, the
soil was performed at negative temperatures (note that when the phase transition to ice only happens after salt crystallization at 0.05 °C
temperature decreases to 0 °C, the concentration of soil solution with (region C) for the sample with 1.5% salt content.
high salt content will decrease). The changes in conductivity shown in Fig. 16b also support the inter-
pretation of the above observation. Free water freezes first when the
5. The crystallization of sodium sulfate saline soil at phase transition from water to ice begins in the sample with no salt con
negative temperature -tent, leading to a rapid decrease in conductivity with a steep
slope. When the free water has frozen, additional freezing of adsorbed
Four soil samples were used in this experiment. Their water contents water occurs more slowly, due to the constraint of the free energy of
were all 18%, and their salt contents were 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%, respec- soil par-ticle surface toward the bound water and the slope of the
tively. Their height and dry density are the same as those in the conductivity trace begins to decrease. When most of the bound
water has been
74 Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76

a) Temperature b)Displacement

c) Conductivity
Fig. 13. The variations of t emper at ure, displacement a nd conductivity of sodiu m sulfate saline soil versus t i me at t he cooling r at e of 0.1 °C/min.

frozen and there is cooling in the soil without latent heat, the conductiv- amount of water will be carried out, and as a result, the conductivity
ity decreases exponentially. The change in conductivity of the sample slope of P 2B (through analyzing the temperature curve, P2 B is consid-
with 0.5% salt content was similar to that of the soil with no salt content. ered to be the conductivity when the salt crystallization and phase
For the sample with 1% salt content, the conductivity decreased when change between water and ice are co-existing) remained basically the
freezing initiated. However, due to the phase change from water to same as prior to the phase change. The precipitation of crystals occurred
ice, the concentration of sodium sulfate solution increases gradually to at 0.05 °C in the sample with 1.5% salt content. This was reflected by the
the extent that salt precipitation begins to occur, during which an range of P1C on the conductivity curve. In this process, water molecules

F ig . 14. The relati onship be t w e e n ma x i m u m sup er sat u r at io n rat io a n d t h e initial

precipitated t e mp er at ur e u nd er different cooling rates. Fig. 15. The effect of cooling r at e on t he solubility diagram of sodium sulfate.
Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76 75

a) Temperature b) Conductivity

c) Displacement
Fig. 16. The changes of t e mp er at ure, displacement a nd conductivity of sodium sulfate saline soil versus t ime at cooling r at e of 0.02 °C/min.

are carried by sodium sulfate (due to the decreases of both the concen- temperatures of soil samples. The data acquisition system was also
tration of sodium sulfate and water content), leading to a rapid decrease CR3000 with intervals set to 10 s. The thermistors were inserted into
in conductivity. In the post rang of P1C, the variation in conductivity is samples encased by waterproof plastic sheets. The samples were put
mainly caused by the phase change between water and ice in the soil into the cooling bath at a constant temperature of 25 °C for half an
and a small amount of salt crystals precipitate, which causes a relative hour, then the temperature was decreased to − 2 0 °C and the samples
decrease in the slope of the conductivity curve. were kept at this temperature for 2 h. The experimental results are
It can be seen from Fig. 16c that, as crystallization began in the shown in Fig. 17.
sample with 1.5% salt content, the displacement of the soil began to Salt precipitation occurred in the samples with salt contents be-
increase and the air volume decreased. During the phase change, the tween 0.8% and 1.4% at low temperature. The samples with greater
soil porosity decreases as water is transformed into ice crystals, causing salt content had higher temperatures of crystal initiation (Fig. 17). Salt
the displacement to decrease. In the stage of bound water freezing, the crystal precipitation occurred at the same time as the phase change
displacement increases under the forces of salt expansion and frost from water to ice in the sample with 1.4% salt content. The dashed
heave. Finally, the displacement stabilizes once most of the adsorbed line in Fig. 17 represents the initial salt crystallization at low tempera-
water has frozen. tures for the samples. But for sodium sulfate saline soils with the salt
The precipitation of salt from the unsaturated sodium sulfate saline contents from 0.5% to 0.7%, no obvious salt crystallizations appear at
soil below the freezing temperature did not cause salt expansion low temperature because the heat released from crystallization is less
when the salt content of the soil was low (0.5%–1.0%), and salt crystal- than that from phase change between water and ice, which is the reason
lization only occurred as adsorbed water froze (Fig. 16c). In this case, that there are not obvious jumps or changes of temperature on the
the temperature at which initial salt crystallization occurs decreased cooling curve.
as the salt content of soil decreased. Since the temperature point of For saline soil with low salt content, if salt crystals want to
initial salt crystallization can be observed on the cooling curve, addition- generate, the supersaturation ratio must reach the maximum at
al soil samples with different salt contents were prepared for another corresponding temperature. The ice–water phase change continuously
temperature cooling experiment to illustrate this. The salt contents occurs to increase the concentration of solution, and the salt crystals
were between 0.5% and 1.4% and the cooling rate was 1 °C/min. generate. And the supersaturation ratio increases as salt content of soil
The cooling bath with a temperature accuracy of ± 0.0 1 °C was decreases, so it is difficult for saline soil with low salt content to crystal-
used to cool samples. Thermistors were used to measure internal lize, especially for saline soil with salt content below 0.7%.
76 Y. Lai et al. / Cold Regions Science and Technology 124 (2016) 67–76

This research did not consider the effect of salt migration during the
cooling and crystallization process. Salt migration may cause local salt
accumulation in the soil, and could affect crystallization and the
resulting soil expansion, so further studies on sodium sulfate saline
soil are suggested to account for these potential effects.


This research was supported by the National Natural Science

Foundation of China (41230630), the Western Project Program of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-XB3-19), the National Key Basic
Research Program of China (973 Program No. 2012CB026102), and
the foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering


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