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Programme Stage: 2 Semester Number: N/a

ECTS Credits: 10 NFQ Level: 7
Module Status: Mandatory X Elective Group Elective

Co-ordinator: Audrey Henshaw, Ethna Quigley Date August 2014


N/a N/A
 To facilitate a deepening of each group members personal process through experiential learning in
the live group
 To establish a safe and challenging group environment and learn how to confront others in a
constructive manner
 To engage with group process and identify group dynamics in the here and now
 To expand learners theoretical knowledge of group development
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
1. Demonstrate awareness of personal process within the context of group experience
2. Relate understanding of interpersonal learning and relationships and group as a whole
3. Outline stages of group development
4. Recognise the impact of group process on personal and professional development
5. Demonstrate a willingness to work through conflicts rather than avoid them
Teaching & Learning Strategies

As per Diploma Year 3


Modal/Delivery Status: Full-Time: Part-Time: X Distance Learning:

Delivery Schedule Refer to timetable
Total Contact Hours (per Module) 30 hours
Learner Independent Learning Workload 170 hours
Indicative Content %
1. Evolution of a group – Gerald Corey DVD, Schutz, W.J., Fundamental Interpersonal 20
Relationship Orientation Model (FIRO)
2. Group Process – Examine and recognise the value of dealing with conflict situations. 60
Explore patterns of defensiveness. Identify family re-enactment in groups. Promote
group cohesion and further development of group norms.
3. Reflect on self and interpersonal relationships and the group process 20

Total Percentage 100

ICPPD: Module Descriptor Page | 1

Type of Assessment Detail of Assessment Outcome % of Assessment
Addressed Total Date (week)
Learners are required to submit a 2,000
word assignment titled “How my
Learning on the Group Process Module
has Impacted on my Personal and
Professional Development”

Guidelines for learner – in your essay

make reference to :
 CA Assignments 1-5 100%
Your Journal
Your personal involvement in the group,
what did you learn about yourself?
How you saw yourself as a group
member; were you typically a listener,
did you take risks?
Linking theory to practice: How did the
group form, how was trust established?
 Reflective Journal
 Portfolio
 Project
 Practical/Oral
 Other
 Total 100%
Essential Reading
Book Title Author Publisher Year
1. Theory and Practice of Group Counselling Corey G Brooks Cole 2008
Supplementary Reading
Book Title Author Publisher Year
1. The theory and practice of group Yalom, ID Basic books 2005
2. Creative Process in Gestalt therapy Zinker J Vintage 1978
3. Group Techniques second edition Corey G, Brooks Cole 1992
Corey MS,
Callanan P,
Russell JM
4. Working More Creatively with Group Benson, J Routledge 2001
Other Resources (Journals, Internet, etc.)
1. DVD: Groups in Action: Evolution and Change - Corey; Corey; Haynes
2. DVD: Understanding Group Psychotherapy - Yalom, ID
3. Irish Journal of Psychology
4. Counselor Education & Supervision (Journal) Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK
5. Journal of Counseling and Development - Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,
Alexandria, UK

ICPPD: Module Descriptor Page | 2


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