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Tel Aviv University - Python for engineers course

Summary of Python 2.7 Commands

Basic commands
Command Example Explanation

type type (‘123’) Returns the type of the expression

If, else, elif if condition1: Used to execute statements conditionally

elif condition2:

for for element in iterable: Run over all the elements of a given iterable
statement (such as list, string)

while while condition: Used to repeat the same instructions until the
statement stop criterion is met

break for i in [0,1,2,3]: Terminates the nearest enclosing loop,

print ‘the number is:’ i skipping the code that follows the break inside
If i >= 0: the loop. Commonly used for getting out of
break loops once a condition is met.
>>> the number is: 0

continue for i in [0,1,2,3]: Continues with the next iteration of the loop
if i % 2 == 0 :
print i
(it will print 1,3)

import import math Imports a complete module of functions.

print math.sqrt(10) Functions are used by typing:

int int(“x”) Converts x to an integer

str str(x) Converts object x to a string representation

float float(x) Converts x to a floating-point number.

list list (s) Converts s to a list.

Arithmetic operators
Command Example Explanation

+ x+y Adds x to y

- x-y Subtracts x from y

* x*y Multiplies x by y

** x ** y X to the power y

/ x/y Divides x by y

% x%y Computes the remainder of dividing x by y

+ x+y Adds x to y

Comparison operators
Command Example Explanation

Less than x<y true if x is less than y, otherwise false.

Greater than x>y true if x is greater than y, otherwise false.

Less than or equal x <= y true if x is less than or equal to y, otherwise

to false.

Greater than or x >= y true if x is greater than or equal to y,

equal to otherwise false.

Equal x == y true if x equals y, otherwise false.

Not Equal x != y true if x is not equal to y, otherwise false.

Logical operators
Command Example Explanation

and x ​and​ y If both a and y are True, return ​True​,

otherwise: return ​False​.

or x ​or​ y If either x or y is True, return ​True​,

Otherwise: ​False​.

not not​ x x is False -> ​True​, x is True -> ​False

Command Example Explanation

Instantiation s=’ABCDEFG’ Creates a new String object

len len(s) Returns the length of string s

indexing s[0] Returns the character in position 0

slicing s[1:3] Returns a new string containing positions 1

(inclusive) to 5 (exclusive) of s

split s.split(‘,’) Splits the string into tokens using the

specified delimiter, returns a list of strings.

strip s.strip() Will remove white spaces from both sides of

the string
s.strip(‘abc’) Will remove any instance of the specified
characters from both sides of the string

rstrip/lstrip rstrip(“ abba “) Removes all trailing whitespace of string/

Removes all leading whitespace of string

+ s3=s1+s2 Returns a concatenation of s1 and s2

* s*2 Repeat

in 'a’ in s Membership test (returns True if substring is

part of string, False otherwise)

not in ‘a’ not in s Returns True if substring is ​not ​part of string,

False otherwise.

% “%s %d” % (s,i) Used to generate a string that combines text

and values of variables.
In the format string appearing between “ “, %s
is used as a placeholder for string and %d is
used as a placeholder for numeric or decimal
The placeholders are replaced by the values
of the variables specified after the format

format "Check {}self before {} Replaces the curly brackets in the original
wreck string with the specified parameters.
"you", "your")
>>>Check yourself
before you wreck

find s1.find(s2) Returns the lowest index of substring s2

within s1, -1 if s2 is not within s1.

lower s.lower() Returns string with all characters being


upper s.upper() Returns string with all characters being


title s.title() Returns string with all words beginning in


join s.join(lst) Returns a combined string containing all

objects within iterable lst (list or tuple, for
instance) with string s separating them.

replace s.replace(s1,s2) Returns string s with all substrings s1

replaces with substrings s2

startswith/endswith s.startswith(s1) Returns True if s starts/ends with substring

s.endswith(s1) s1, False otherwise.

Isalpha, isdigit, s.isalpha() Returns True if all characters within s are

islower, isupper s.isdigit() letters/digits/lowercase/uppercase.

min/max min(“python”) Returns the min/max alphabetical character

from within the string.

center Returns s centered in a string of length ​width

Command Example Explanation

Instantiation l=[1,2,3] Creates a new List object

len len(l) Returns the length of list l

indexing l[0] Returns the item in position 0

l[0][2] Returns the item in row 0, column 2 of a two

dimensional matrix (list of lists)

slicing l[1:5] Returns a new list holding references to

elements 1 (inclusive) to 5 (exclusive) of l

Lst2 = lst1[:] Using slicing to duplicate lst1. Now lst2 is

an exact copy of lst1 but they point to
different objects in memory thus changing
lst2 will not affect lst1

range range(x) Returns a list of numbers spanning from 0

to x-1

range (2,6,2) Returns a list of integers from 2 to 6-1 using

2 as the step (==[2,4])

List [i**2 for i in range(10)] Creates a new list based on the specified
comprehensions rule. For ever i in the range add i**2 to the
new list.
Returns [0,1,4,9,16,...,81]

append(item) l.append(x) Adds object x to the end of list l

extend(list) l.extend(l2) Adds the items of list l2 to the end of list l

pop([index]) e=l.pop() Returns last object in list l and removes it

from the list. If index is specified, removes
item in location index.

remove(item) l.remove(item) Removes item from the list l

del del l[3] Deletes an element from the list

sort l.sort() Sorts the list l in place

count l.count(x) Returns number of occurrences of x within
list l

index l.index(x) Returns first index of x within l. Raises

ValueError if not present.

Insert l.insert(i,x) Inserts object x into list l before index i

reverse l.reverse() Reverses list l, replacing original list

sorted sorted(l) Returns a new sorted list containing all

items in l

sorted(l,reverse=True) Returns a new sorted list containing all

items in l, in reverse (descending) order

sorted(lst_of_lst, Returns a list that is sorted based on the

key=my_function) output of the function ​my_function
def my_function (my_function will be activated on each one
(member_in_list): of the list members)
return member_in_list[4]

max lst=[4,5,2,3] With a single iterable argument, return its

max(lst) largest item.
>>>5 With two or more arguments, return the
largest argument.

lst=[‘a’,’B’] ‘a’ is returned here because lower letters

max(lst) appear after upper letter in lexicographic
>>>’a’ order.
max(lst,key=str.upper) Specify a function name with the ‘key’
>>>’B’ parameter for the max/min/sort commands
in order to use ordering that is based on the
values returned by the function when
applied to each one of the list items.

min list=[4,5,2,3] With a single iterable argument, return its

min(list) smallest item.
>>>2 With two or more arguments, return the
smallest argument.

remove list=[4,5,2,3] removes the given object from the list


map list=[‘1’,’2’,’3’] Convert all the strings in the list to int ,

list=map(int,list) can work in the opposite way (from int to
>>>List string), and with other classes


Command Example Explanation

Instantiation t=(1,2,3) Creates a new Tuple object

tuple() tuple=tuple(list) tuple() takes a list as an input and turns it into

a tuple with same ingredients

len(tuple) t1 = (1,2,3) Returns the length/maximum/minimum of the

max(tuple) print len(t1) given tuple
print max(t1)

print min(t1)


Command Example Explanation

Instantiation s={1,2,3} Creates a new Set object

s=set() Creates a new empty Set
s=set([1,2,3,3] Creates a new set object based on a list

Command Example Explanation

Instantiation D={‘Moshe’:5,’David’:4} Creates a new Dictionary object

accessing D[k] Returns the value to which ​k​ ​is mapped in D

get D.get(k, [d]) Returns the value mapped for key ​k​ in D, if k
is not in D, returns ​d​ (default: None).

has_key D.has_key(k) Returns True if D has a key ​k​, False


items D.items() Returns a list of all dictionary items as

2-tuples of (key, value) pairs

keys D.keys() Returns a list of D's keys

values D.values() Returns a list of D's values

pop D.pop(k, [d]) Removes the specified key ​k​ from D and
return its value. If ​k​ is not a key in D, returns
d. Raises a KeyError if ​k​ is not in D and d ​ ​ is
not specified.

update D.update(D2) Adds dictionary all items in D2 (key-value

pairs) into D. This function does not return

sorted sorted(D) Returns a new sorted list containing all keys

in D. Equivalent to sorted(D.keys()).

sorted(D.keys(), Returns a new sorted list containing all keys

reverse=True) in D, in reverse (descending) order

sorted(D.keys(), Returns a new list containing all keys in D,

key=D.get) sorted by their matching values in D.
Key​ is an optional parameter to the function
D={"first": 1, "third": 3, sorted. It specified a function to be used as a
"fourth": 4, "second": 2} key for the sorting.
sorted(d, key=d.get)
>>>['first', 'second',
'third', 'fourth']

Basic IO (Input/Output)
Command Example Explanation

print print i Prints to the screen the value of variable i +

new line

print i, Same, without adding a new line

raw_input str = raw_input(‘Enter Reads a line from standard input and return it
your input : ’) as a string

“\n” New line character

“\t” Tab character

File IO (Input/Output)
Command Example Explanation

open f=open(‘input.txt’,’r’) Opens a file for reading, returns a file object

f=open(‘output.txt’,’w’) Opens a file for writing, returns a file object

f=open(‘file.txt’,’a’) Opens a file for appending, returns a file


read Reads the entire content of file f, returns a


readline s=f.readline() Read the next line from the file f, returns a

readlines s=f.readlines() Reads all remaining lines from the file f,

returns a list of strings

For line in f: for line in f: Reads line by line from file f, line holds the
print line current line

close f.close() Closes a file to free up its resources

write f.write(‘abc’) Writes a string to a file.

writelines f.writelines([‘abc’,’ab’]]) Writes a sequence to a file, where each

element in the sequence is translated to a line
in the file. Only works for a sequence of

Command Example Explanation

def def Defines a new function that receives two

func_name(param1, parameters (arguments)
param2 = 0) The second parameter is assigned a default
value of 0 (which means the function can be
called without supplying a value for param2)

return return x Stops the execution of the function and return

the specified value (x) to the calling code

global global a Define “a” as a global variable rather than a

local variable (a will persist in memory after
the function ends)
:(Exceptions - ‫טיפול בשגיאות זמן ריצה )חריגות‬
:‫ תפיסה וטיפול בשגיאה שקרתה באופן בלתי צפוי‬.‫א‬
Explanation Example Command

‫ ובמידה ונתקל בשגיאה‬Try ‫​מריץ את השורות שלאחר ה‬ try: Try:

‫ הוא מבצע את שורות הקוד‬Exception‫מהסוג שצוין ב‬ X=50/0 …..
.‫ ולאחר מכן סוגר את התוכנית‬Exception ‫שלאחר ה‬ except ZeroDivisionError: Except
Print "Error!" Type-of-Exception:

‫ אפילו אם‬.‫תוספת של מספר פקודות שיבוצעו בכל מקרה‬ f=open("txt1.txt",'r') ​Finally:

‫נוצרה השגיאה‬ try: …..
except ValueError:

:‫סוגי שגיאות נפוצות שכדאי להכיר‬

0‫שגיאת חלוקה ב‬ try: ZeroDivisionError

except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Error!"

(‫שגיאת ערך )בדוגמא – מנסה להמיר מחרוזת למספר‬ Try: ValueError

except ValueError:

‫ניסיון פניה למשתנה שאינו קיים‬ try: NameError

Print X+Y
except NameError:
Print "Y is not

‫שגיאה במידה ולא קיים הקובץ לפתיחה‬ try: IOError


except IOError:
Print "The file does
not exist"

‫תופס את כל סוגי השגיאות‬ try: Exception

except Exception:
Print "Error!"

‫ ניסיון לביצוע פעולות כאשר הטיפוס אינו‬-‫שגיאת טיפוס‬ try: TypeError

‫מתאים‬ num=2
Print ’2’ + num
except TypeError:

‫פקודה התופסת את כל השגיאות ומחזירה הודעה‬ except Exception as e:

‫שמסבירה את השגיאה הספציפית‬ print str(e)

:(‫ זריקת חריגה באופן יזום )כשקוד שאנחנו כותבים נתקל במצב שלא מאפשר להמשיך‬.‫ב‬
Explanation Example Command

‫​זורק חריגה באופן יזום מהסוג‬ If a==0 raise TypeOfException

.‫שמצוין‬ Raise ValueError
‫ניתן גם לרשום הודעה בסוגריים‬ … raise TypeOfException​(any
If a==0
Raise ValueError​("a is 0, please
change number")

‫פונקציה רקורסיבית היא פונקציה הקוראת לעצמה‪ .‬כאשר כותבים פונקציה רקורסיבית צריך להגדיר את‬
‫תנאי הבסיס ואת צעד הרקורסיה‪.‬‬
‫דוגמאות פשוטות‪:‬‬
‫תנאי הבסיס הוא ‪n==0‬‬
‫צעד הרקורסיה )‪n*factorial(n-1‬‬

‫תנאי הבסיס הוא ‪n<2‬‬

‫)​ )‪fibonacci_rec(n-1)+fibonacci_rec(n-2‬‬
‫צעד הרקורסיה‬

‫אלגוריתמים למיון רשימות‬

‫‪Merge Sort‬‬
‫אלגוריתם מיון משופר‪ ,‬מפלג את הרשימה המקורית ולאחר מכן ממזג את תת הרשימות לרשימה‬
‫ממויינת‪ ,‬בצורה הבאה‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬הגדרת מקרה בסיס‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬חלוקת הרשימה המקורית לשתי תת רשימות ומיונן בצורה רקורסיבית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬מיזוג שתי תת הרשימות הממויינות‪.‬‬

‫לא נלמד הסמסטר ‪Bubble Sort‬‬

‫אלגוריתם מיון הבנוי מלולאה בתוך לולאה‪ .‬האלגוריתם מחליף ‪,‬אם צריך‪ ,‬בין כל איברים צמודים ברשימה עד‬
‫שהרשימה ממוינת‪ .‬משמעות המילה בועה בשם האלגוריתם הוא שבכל ריצה של הלולאה החיצונית האיבר הגדול‬
‫ביותר הוא כמו בועה שנעה למקומה המתאים‪ .‬שקול בזמן הריצה לאלגוריתם מיון נאיבי שגם הוא ‪)O(n^2‬‬
‫)‪Time complexity- o(n^2‬‬

‫‪Counting Sort‬‬
‫באלגוריתם זה בונים היסטוגרמה‪ -‬מילון המכיל מפתחות שהם הערכים השונים ברשימה‪ ,‬וערך כל מפתח הוא מספר‬
‫המופעים של מפתח זה ברשימה‪ .‬בעזרת ההיסטוגרם האלגוריתם בונה רשימה ממוינת‪.‬‬
‫חשוב לציין שהפונקציה מקבלת את הערך ‪ max_val‬המקיים שכל איברי הרשימה קטנים או שווים לו‪ ,‬ושאיברי הרשימה לא‬

‫‪Time complexity- o(n+k); n=len(lst). k=max_val‬‬


Creating new arrays

Command Example Explanation

np.array a=np.array([1,2,3) Creates a new Numpy array from a list

a=np.array([1,2,3],dtyp Creates a new Numpy array from a list and
e=float-pyt’) convert to float

np.zeros Creates an array filled with zeros

np.ones Creates an array filled with ones

Reduction Functions
Command Example Explanation

np.sum a=np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
s=np.sum(a) Returns the sum of all elements in a
s=a.sum() Same (the method version)

col_sums=a.sum(axis=0) Returns a vector containing the sums

col_sums=np.sum(a,axis=0) of each column in a

row_sums=a.sum(axis=1) Returns a vector containing the sums

row_sums=np.sum(a,axis=1) of each row in a

np.max mx=np.max(a) Returns the maximal value in a



np.mean mn=a.mean() Returns the mean(single value) of a’s

c_mn=a.mean(axis=0) Returns the mean of a’s columns as a
r_mn=a.mean(axis=1) Returns the mean of a’s rows as a

np.all r= a.all() True ‫ אם כל המטריצה היא‬True ‫מחזיר‬

‫‪np.any‬‬ ‫)(‪r= a.any‬‬ ‫‪Returns True if exists at least one‬‬
‫‪True value in array a‬‬

‫‪Arg Functions‬‬
‫‪Command‬‬ ‫‪Example‬‬ ‫‪Explanation‬‬

‫‪np.argmax‬‬ ‫)(‪a.argmax‬‬ ‫הפקודה תחזיר את האינדקס של האיבר בעל הערך‬

‫המקסימלי במערך‬

‫)‪a.argmax(axis=0‬‬ ‫תחזיר רשימת אינדקסים של האיבר המקסימלי בכל‬


‫‪np.argmin‬‬ ‫)(‪a.argmin‬‬ ‫הפקודה תחזיר את האינדקס של האיבר בעל הערך‬

‫המינימלי במערך‬

‫)‪a.argmin(axis=1‬‬ ‫תחזיר רשימת אינדקסים של האיבר המינימלי בכל‬


‫‪np.argsort‬‬ ‫)‪np.argsort(a‬‬ ‫תחזיר רשימת אינדקסים כך שאם נסדר את המערך‬

‫לפיה‪ ,‬הוא יופיע בסדר עולה מהאיבר הקטן לגדול‬

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