CHAPTER 3: Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

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Personal Development

CHAPTER 3: Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

TOPIC/LESSON NAME Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

The skills and tasks appropriate for middle and late adolescence preparatory to early

Make a list of ways to become responsible adolescents prepared for adult life.

The Learners shall be able…

LEARNING 1.1 Classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage.
COMPETENCIES 1.2 Evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same age group.
1.3 List ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

The learners can……..

SPECIFIC LEARNING 1.1 Classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage.
OUTCOMES 1.2 Evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same age group.
1.3 List ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction: Question and answer.
2. Motivation: line Game
3. Instruction and Delivery: Group Discussion

Evaluation: Role play, Journal Writing

Resources: A Walk through Adolescence by Mark David C.

Personal Development by Ricardo Rubio Santos

INTRODUCTION ( 5 mins) Teacher Tips

The teacher will ask a question to the students that can lead to the topic
 As an adolescent, what are the skills and tasks that you possess?

MOTIVATION (10 mins)

Line Game

Play the line game as class. The learners will be instructed to go near the line
located at the aisle of the classroom if they possess certain skills and tasks
appropriate on their age which will be projected in front. The skills and tasks
are as follows:

- Sense of Independence
- Able to achieve new forms of intimate relationship.
- Able to manage finances.
- Establish key aspects of identity.


 Discuss the different Developmental Stages

 Group discussion
- Each group must have a sharing about the skills and tasks that they
possess and do.
 Group reporting
 Lecture about developmental tasks appropriate to middle and mid

Genogram with rubrics
20 minutes
ENRICHMENT The teacher will present a situation related to the
Case Study family orientation that affects their decision
5 minutes making in chosing life career.
EVALUATION The teacher will instruct the students to craft a 2-
Spoken Poetry with rubrics minute spoken poetry about their decision making
15 minutes in consideration with the family’s orientation that
will make them firmer and gemtler to each
member and to others.

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