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LABOR LAW REVIEW The term shall not be limited to the employees of a particular em-

Codal Provisions ployer, unless the Code so explicitly states. It shall include any
individual whose work has ceased as a result of or in connection
A. Elements of Employer – Employee Relationship; Labor with any current labor dispute or because of any unfair labor prac-
Code: Article 97 (a), (b), (c), (e); 167 (f), (g); 212 (e) & (f); tice if he has not obtained any other substantially equivalent and
Civil Code: Article 1700 regular employment.

Art. 97. Definitions. As used in this Title: Article 1700. The relations between capital and labor are not merely
contractual. They are so impressed with public interest that labor con-
(a) "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corpora- tracts must yield to the common good. Therefore, such contracts are
tion, business trust, legal representatives, or any organized group subject to the special laws on labor unions, collective bargaining,
of persons. strikes and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working conditions, hours
(b) "Employer" includes any person acting directly or indirectly in the of labor and similar subjects.
interest of an employer in relation to an employee and shall in-
clude the government and all its branches, subdivisions and in- The Manila Hotel Corp. v NLRC, 343 SCRA 1 (2000)
strumentalities, all government-owned or controlled corporations Jo v. NLRC 324 SCRA 437 (2000)
and institutions, as well as non-profit private institutions, or or- Canlubang Security Agency Corporation v. NLRC, et al
ganizations. 216 SCRA 280 (1992)
(c) "Employee" includes any individual employed by an employer.
(e) "Employ" includes to suffer or permit to work.
Villamaria v. CA, (GR No. 165881, April 19, 2006)
ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. Nazareno (GR 164156,
Art. 173 [167]. Definition of terms. As used in this Title, unless the
Sept. 26, 2006)
context indicates otherwise:
Phil. Global Communications v. De Vera (GR 157214,
(f) "Employer" means any person, natural or juridical, employing the
June 7, 2005)
services of the employee.
(g) "Employee" means any person compulsorily covered by the GSIS Chavez v. NLRC (GR 146530, January 17, 2005)
under Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred eighty-six, as Angelina Francisco v. NLRC (GR 170087, August 31,
amended, including the members of the Armed Forces of the Phil- 2006)
ippines, and any person employed as casual, emergency, tempo- Orizco v. Fifth Division of the Court of Appeals, 562
rary, substitute or contractual, or any person compulsorily cov-
SCRA 36 (2008)
ered by the SSS under Republic Act Numbered Eleven hundred
sixty-one, as amended. Social Security System v. Court of Appeals, 348 SCRA 1
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions.
Insular Life v NLRC, 179 SCRA 459 (1989)
(e) "Employer" includes any person acting in the interest of an em- AFP Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. v. NLRC, 267 SCRA
ployer, directly or indirectly. The term shall not include any labor
47 (1997)
organization or any of its officers or agents except when acting as
employer. Tongko v. Manufacturer’s Life Assurance Company (GR
(f) "Employee" includes any person in the employ of an employer. 167622, 29 June 2010)
Singer Sewing Machine v Drilon, 193 SCRA 270 (1991)
Mafinco v. Ople, 70 SCRA 139 (1976) purposes of Book VI of the Labor Code where employee has been en-
Besa v. Trajano, 146 SCRA 501 (1986) gaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or desirable
in the usual business or trade of the employer, except where the em-
Tan v. Lagrama, 387 SCRA 393 (2002) ployment has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking, the com-
B. Classes of Employees; Arts. 278, 280-281; Rules, Book VI, pletion or termination of which has been determined at the time of the
engagement of the employee or where the job, work or service to be
Secs. 5-6
performed is seasonal in nature and the employment is for the dura-
Art. 293 [278]. Coverage. The provisions of this Title shall apply to all tion of the season.
establishments or undertakings, whether for profit or not.
(b) Casual employment. - There is casual employment where an em-
Art. 295 [280]. Regular and casual employment. The provisions of ployee is engaged to perform a job, work or service which is merely
written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of incidental to the business of the employer, and such job, work or ser-
the oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to vice is for a definite period made known to the employee at the time
be regular where the employee has been engaged to perform activities of engagement: Provided, that any employee who has rendered at least
which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade one year of service, whether such service is continuous or not, shall be
of the employer, except where the employment has been fixed for a considered a regular employee with respect to the activity in which he
specific project or undertaking the completion or termination of which is employed and his employment shall continue while such activity
has been determined at the time of the engagement of the employee exists.
or where the work or service to be performed is seasonal in nature and
Notwithstanding the foregoing distinctions, every employee shall be
the employment is for the duration of the season.
entitled to the rights and privileges, and shall be subject to the duties
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered by and obligations, as may be granted by law to regular employees dur-
the preceding paragraph: Provided, That any employee who has ren- ing the period of their actual employment. (As amended by D.O. 10-
dered at least one year of service, whether such service is continuous 97, 30 May 1997)
or broken, shall be considered a regular employee with respect to the
Section 6. Probationary employment. - There is probationary em-
activity in which he is employed and his employment shall continue
ployment where the employee, upon his engagement, is made to un-
while such activity exists.
dergo a trial period during which the employer determines his fitness
Art. 296 [281]. Probationary employment. Probationary employment to qualify for regular employment based on reasonable standards
shall not exceed six (6) months from the date the employee started made known to him at the time of engagement.
working, unless it is covered by an apprenticeship agreement stipu-
Probationary employment shall be governed by the following rules
lating a longer period. The services of an employee who has been en-
gaged on a probationary basis may be terminated for a just cause or (a) Where the work for which the employee has been engaged is
when he fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with rea- learnable or apprenticeable in accordance with the standards pre-
sonable standards made known by the employer to the employee at scribed by the Department of Labor and Employment, the period
the time of his engagement. An employee who is allowed to work af- of probationary employment shall be limited to the authorized
ter a probationary period shall be considered a regular employee. learnership or apprenticeship period, which is applicable.
Section 5. (a) Regular employment. - The provisions of written agree- (b) Where the work is neither learnable nor apprenticeable, the pe-
ments to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the oral riod of probationary employment shall not exceed six months
agreements of the parties, employment shall be deemed regular for reckoned from the date the employee actually started working.

(c) The services of an employee who has been engaged on probation- In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the wages
ary basis may be terminated only for a just or authorized cause, of his employees in accordance with this Code, the employer shall be
when he fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with jointly and severally liable with his contractor or subcontractor to such
reasonable standards prescribed by the employer. employees to the extent of the work performed under the contract, in
the same manner and extent that he is liable to employees directly em-
(d) In all cases of probationary employment, the employer shall make
ployed by him.
known to the employee the standards under which he will qualify
as a regular employee at the time of his engagement. Where no The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate regula-
standards are made known to the employee at that time, he shall tions, restrict or prohibit the contracting-out of labor to protect the
be deemed a regular employee. (As amended by D.O. 10-97, 30 rights of workers established under this Code. In so prohibiting or re-
May 1997) stricting, he may make appropriate distinctions between labor-only
contracting and job contracting as well as differentiations within these
The Peninsula Manila v. Alipio, June 17, 2008 types of contracting and determine who among the parties involved
Rowell Industrial Corporation v. CA, March 7, 2007 shall be considered the employer for purposes of this Code, to prevent
ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. Nazareno, September any violation or circumvention of any provision of this Code.
26, 2006 There is "labor-only" contracting where the person supplying workers
Kimberly Clark Phils. v. Secretary, November 23, 2007 to an employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the
Benares v. Pancho, April 29, 2005 form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among others,
Hacienda Bino/Hortencia Starke v. Cuenca, April 15, and the workers recruited and placed by such person are performing
activities which are directly related to the principal business of such
2005 employer. In such cases, the person or intermediary shall be consid-
Filipinas Pre-fabricated Building Systems (FilSystems) v. ered merely as an agent of the employer who shall be responsible to
Puente, March 18, 2005 the workers in the same manner and extent as if the latter were di-
St. Mary’s University v. CA, March 8, 2005 rectly employed by him.
Poseidon Fishing v. NLRC, February 20, 2006 Art. 107. Indirect employer. The provisions of the immediately pre-
PLDT v. Arceo, May 5, 2006 ceding article shall likewise apply to any person, partnership, associ-
Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corporation and Rene ation or corporation which, not being an employer, contracts with an
independent contractor for the performance of any work, task, job or
Cabati, GR 186439, January 15, 2014
C. Independent Contractors and Labor-Only Contractors Art. 108. Posting of bond. An employer or indirect employer may re-
Labor Code: Art. 106-109; Department Order No. 18 - A, quire the contractor or subcontractor to furnish a bond equal to the
Series of 2011; Department Circular No. 01, Series of 2012 cost of labor under contract, on condition that the bond will answer
for the wages due the employees should the contractor or subcontrac-
Art. 106. Contractor or subcontractor. Whenever an employer enters
tor, as the case may be, fail to pay the same.
into a contract with another person for the performance of the for-
mer’s work, the employees of the contractor and of the latter’s sub- Art. 109. Solidary liability. The provisions of existing laws to the con-
contractor, if any, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of trary notwithstanding, every employer or indirect employer shall be
this Code. held responsible with his contractor or subcontractor for any violation
of any provision of this Code. For purposes of determining the extent
of their civil liability under this Chapter, they shall be considered as of the employer or as an ostensible independent contractor.
direct employers. (c) "Contracting" or "Subcontracting" refers to an arrangement
whereby a principal agrees to put out or farm out with a contrac-
tor the performance or completion of a specific job, work or ser-
Series of 2011
vice within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of
OF THE LABOR CODE, AS AMENDED whether such job, work or service is to be performed or completed
By virtue of the power vested in the Secretary of Labor and Employ- within or outside the premises of the principal.
ment under Articles 5 and 106 to 109 of the Labor Code of the Philip- (d) "Contractor" refers to any person or entity, including a coopera-
pines, as amended, the following regulations governing contracting tive, engaged in a legitimate contracting or subcontracting ar-
and subcontracting arrangements are hereby issued: rangement providing either services, skilled workers, temporary
workers, or a combination of services to a principal under a Ser-
Section 1. Guiding principles. Contracting and subcontracting ar- vice Agreement.
rangements are expressly allowed by law and are subject to regula- (e) "Contractor's employee" includes one employed by a contractor
tions for the promotion of employment and the observance of the to perform or complete a job, work, or service pursuant to a Ser-
rights of workers to just and humane conditions of work, security of vice Agreement with a principal.
tenure, self-organization and collective bargaining. Labor-only con- It shall also refer to regular employees of the contractor whose
tracting as defined herein shall be prohibited. functions are not dependent on the perf or completion of a
Section 2. Coverage. These Rules shall apply to all parties of contract- specific job, work or service within a definite period of time, i.e.,
ing and subcontracting arrangements where employer-employee re- administrative staff.
lationships exist. It shall also apply to cooperatives engaging in con- (f) "In-house agency" refers to a contractor which is owned, man-
tracting or subcontracting arrangements. aged, or controlled directly or indirectly by the principal or one
where the principal owns/represents any share of stock, and
Contractors and subcontractors referred to in these Rules are prohib- which operates solely or mainly for the principal.
ited from engaging in recruitment and placement activities as defined (g) "Net Financial Contracting Capacity” refers to the formula to de-
in Article 13(b) of the Labor Code, whether for local or overseas em- termine the financial capacity of the contractor to carry out the job,
ployment. work or services sought to be undertaken under a Service Agree-
Section 3. Definition of terms. The following terms as used in these ment. NFCC is current assets minus current liabilities multiplied
Rules, shall mean: by K, which stands for contract duration equivalent to: 10 for one
year or less; 15 for more than one (1) year up to two (2) years; and
(a) "Bond/s" refers to the bond under Article 108 of the Labor Code 20 for more than two (2) years, minus the value of all outstanding
that the principal may require from the contractor to be posted or ongoing projects including contracts to be started. [Refers to the
equal to the cost of labor under contract. The same may also refer formula set out in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Re-
to the security or guarantee posted by the principal for the pay- public Act No. 9184, or An Act Providing for the Modernization,
ment of the service of the contractors under the Service Agree- Standardization and Regulation of the Procurement Activities of
ment. the Government and For Other Purposes.]
(b) "Cabo'' refers to a person or group of persons or to a labor group (h) "Principal" refers to any employer, whether a person or entity, in-
which, in the guise of a labor organization, cooperative or any en- cluding government agencies and government-owned and con-
tity, supplies workers to an employer, with or without any mon- trolled-corporations, who/which puts out or farms out a job, ser-
etary or other consideration, whether in the capacity of an agent vice or work to a contractor.

(i) "Right to control” refers to the right reserved to the person for to perform the job, work or service on its own responsibility, ac-
whom the services of the contractual workers are performed, to cording to its own manner and method, and free from control and
determine not only the end to be achieved, but also the manner direction of the principal in all matters connected with the perfor-
and means to be used in reaching that end. mance of the work except as to the results thereof;
(j) "Service Agreement” refers to the contract between the principal (b) The contractor has substantial capital and/or investment; and
and contractor containing the terms and conditions governing the (c) The Service Agreement ensures compliance with all the rights and
performance or completion of a specific job, work or service being benefits under Labor Laws.
farmed out for a definite or predetermined period.
Section 5. Trilateral relationship in contracting arrangements; Soli-
(k) "Solidary liability" refers to the liability of the principal, pursuant
dary liability. In legitimate contracting or subcontracting arrange-
to the provision of Art 109 of the Labor Code, as direct employer
ment there exists:
together with the contractor for any violation of any provision of
the Labor Code. An employer-employee relationship between the contractor and
It also refers to the liability of the principal, in the same manner the employees it engaged to perform the specific job, work or ser-
and extent that he/she is liable to his/her direct employees, to the vice being contracted; and
extent of the work performed under the contract when the con- A contractual relationship between the principal and the contrac-
tractor fails to pay the wages of his/her employees, as provided tor as governed by the provisions of the Civil Code.
in Art 106 of the Labor Code, as amended.
In the event of any violation of any provision of the Labor Code, in-
(l) "Substantial capital” refers to paid-up capital stocks/shares of at
cluding the failure to pay wages, there exists a solidary liability on the
least Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00) in the case of corpora-
part of the principal and the contractor for purposes of enforcing the
tions, partnerships and cooperatives; in the case of single propri-
provisions of the Labor Code and other social legislation, to the extent
etorship, a net worth of at least Three Million Pesos
of the work performed under the employment contract.
(m) "Trilateral Relationship" refers to the relationship in a contract- However, the principal shall be deemed the direct employer of the
ing or subcontracting arrangement where there is a contract for a contractor's employee in cases where there is a finding by a competent
specific job, work or service between the principal and the con- authority of labor-only contracting, or commission of prohibited ac-
tractor, and a contract of employment between the contractor and tivities as provided in Section 7, or a violation of either Sections 8 or 9
its workers. There are three (3) parties involved in these arrange- hereof.
ments: the principal who decides to farm out a job, work or service Section 6. Prohibition against labor-only contracting. Labor-only
to a contractor; the contractor who has the capacity to inde- 1s hereby declared prohibited. For this purpose, labor
pendently undertake the performance of the job, work or service; only contracting shall refer to an arrangement where:
and the contractual workers engaged by the contractor to accom-
plish the job, work or service. The contractor does not have substantial capital or investments in
the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among
Section 4. Legitimate contracting or subcontracting. Contracting or others, and the employees recruited and placed are performing
subcontracting shall be legitimate if all the following circumstances activities which are usually necessary or desirable to the operation
concur: of the company, or directly related to the main business of the
(a) The contractor must be registered in accordance with these Rules principal within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of
and carries a distinct and independent business and undertakes whether such job, work or service is to be performed or completed
within or outside the premises of the principal; or

The contractor does not exercise the right to control over the perf the term of the Service Agreement, unless the contract is divisible
of the work of the employee. into phases for which substantially different skills are required
and this is made known to the employee at the time of engage-
Section 7. Other Prohibitions. Notwithstanding Section 6 of these
Rules, the following are hereby declared prohibited for being contrary
Refusal to provide a copy of the Service Agreement and the em-
to law or public policy:
ployment contracts between the contractor and the employees de-
A. Contracting out of jobs, works or services when not done in good ployed to work in the bargaining unit of the principal's certified
faith and not justified by the exigencies of the business such as the bargaining agent to the sole and exclusive bargaining agent
following: (SEBA).
Engaging or maintaining by the principal of subcontracted em-
Contracting out of jobs, works or service when the same results in
ployees in excess of those provided for in the applicable Collective
the termination or reduction of regular employees and reduction
Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or as set by the Industry Tripartite
of work hours or reduction or splitting of the bargaining unit.
Council (ITC).
Contracting out of work with a "Cabo”.
Taking undue advantage of the economic situation or lack of bar- B. Contracting out of jobs, works or services analogous to the above
gaining strength of the contractor's employees, or undermining when not done in good faith and not justified by the exigencies of
their security of tenure or basic rights, or circumventing the pro- the business.
visions of regular employment, in any of the following instances:
Section 8. Rights of contractor's employees. All contractor's employ-
Requiring them to perform functions which are currently being
ees, whether deployed or assigned as reliever, seasonal, week-ender,
performed by the regular employees of the principal; and
temporary, or promo jobbers, shall be entitled to all the rights and
Requiring them to sign, as a precondition to employment or con-
privileges as provided for in the Labor Code, as amended, to include
tinued employment, an antedated resignation letter; a blank pay-
the following:
roll; a waiver of labor standards including minimum wages and
social or welfare benefits; or a quitclaim releasing the principal, Safe and healthful working conditions;
contractor or from any liability as to payment of future claims. Labor standards such as but not limited to service incentive leave,
Contracting out of a job, work or service through an in-house rest days, overtime pay, holiday pay, 13th month pay, and sepa-
agency. ration pay as may be provided in the Service Agreement or under
Contracting out of a job, work or service that is necessary or de- the Labor Code;
sirable or directly related to the business or operation of the prin- Retirement benefits under the SSS or retirement plans of the con-
cipal by reason of a strike or lockout whether actual or imminent. tractor, if there is any;
Contracting out of a job, work or service being performed by un- Social security and welfare benefits;
ion members when such will interfere with, restrain or coerce em- Self-organization, collective bargaining and peaceful concerted
ployees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization as pro- activities; and
vided in Art. 248 (c) of the Labor Code, as amended. Security of tenure.
Repeated hiring of employees under an employment contract of
Section 9. Required contracts under these Rules.
short duration or under a Service Agreement of short duration
with the same or different contractors, which circumvents the La- (a) Employment contract between the contractor and its employee.
bor Code provisions on Security of Tenure. Notwithstanding any oral or written stipulations to the contrary,
Requiring employees under a subcontracting arrangement to sign the contract between the contractor and its employee shall be gov-
a contract fixing the period of employment to a term shorter than erned by the provisions of Articles 279 and 280 of the Labor Code,
as amended. It shall include the following terms and conditions: the employers' share and employees' contribution to the SSS,
ECC, Philhealth and Pag-Ibig.
(i) The specific description of the job, work or service to be per-
formed by the employee; (vii) The term or duration of engagement.
(ii) The place of work and terms and conditions of employment, The Service Agreement must conform to the DOLE Standard
including a statement of the wage rate applicable to the indi- Computation and Standard Service Agreement, which form part
vidual employee; and of these Rules as Annexes “A” and "B".
(iii) The term or duration of employment that must be co-exten- Section 10. Duties of the principal. Pursuant to the authority of the
sive with the Service Agreement or with the specific phase of Secretary of Labor and Employment to restrict or prohibit the con-
work for which the employee is engaged. tracting of labor to protect the rights of the workers and to ensure
compliance with the provisions of the Labor Code, as amended, the
The contractor shall inform the employee of the foregoing terms
principal, as the indirect employer or the user of the services of the
and conditions of employment in writing on or before the first day
contractor, is hereby required to observe the provisions of these Rules.
of his/her employment.
Section 11. Security of tenure of contractor's employees. It is under-
(b) Service Agreement between the principal and the contractor. The
stood that all contractor's employees enjoy security of tenure regard-
Service Agreement shall include the following:
less of whether the contract of employment is co-terminus with the
(i) The specific description of the job, work or service being sub- service agreement, or for a specific job, work or service, or phase
contracted. thereof.
(ii) The place of work and terms and conditions governing the Section 12. Observance of required standards of due process; re-
contracting arrangement, to include the agreed amount of the quirements of notice. In all cases of termination of employment, the
services to be rendered, the standard administrative fee of not standards of due process laid down in Article 277(b) of the Labor
less than ten percent (10%) of the total contract cost. Code, as amended, and settled jurisprudence on the matter [King of
Kings Transport, Inc., Claire dela Fuente, and Melissa Lim, vs. Santi-
(iii) Provisions ensuring compliance with all the rights and bene-
ago O. Mamac, G.R. No. 166208, (29 June 2007}; and Felix B. Perez and
fits of the employees under the Labor Code and these Rules
Amante G. Doria v. Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Company
on: provision for safe and healthful working conditions; labor
and Jose Luis Santiago, G.R. No. 152048, (7 April 2009}, (en banc Deci-
standards such as, service incentive leave, rest days, overt
sion)], must be observed. Thus, the following is hereby set out to clar-
pay, 13th month pay and separation pay; retirement benefits;
ify the standards of due process that must be observed:
contributions and remittance of SSS, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig
Fund, and other welfare benefits; the right to self-organiza- I. For termination of employment based on just causes as defined in
tion, collective bargaining and peaceful concerted action; and Article 282 of the Code, the requirement of two written notices
the right to security of tenure. served on the employee shall observe the following:
(iv) A provision on the Net Financial Contracting Capacity of the (A) The first written notice should contain:
contractor, which must be equal to the total contract cost.
(1) The specific causes or grounds for termination;
(v) A provision on the issuance of the bond/s as defined in Sec-
(2) Detailed narration of the facts and circumstances that will
tion 3(m) renewable every year.
serve as basis for the charge against the employee. A gen-
(vi) The contractor or subcontractor shall directly remit monthly eral description of the charge will not suffice;
(3) The company rule, if any, that is violated and/or the cess shall be deemed complied with upon service of a written no-
ground under Art. 282 that is being charged against the tice to the employee and the appropriate regional office of the De-
employee; and partment of Labor and Employment at least thirty days before the
eff of the termination, specifying the ground or grounds for ter-
(4) A directive that the employee is given opportunity to sub-
mit a written explanation within a reasonable period.
III. If the termination is brought about by the completion of the con-
"Reasonable period" should be construed as a period of at
tract or phase thereof, no prior notice is required. If the termina-
least five (5) calendar days from receipt of the notice to
tion is brought about by the failure of a probationary employee to
give the employee an opportunity to study the accusa-
meet the reasonable standards of the employer, which was made
tion, consult a union official or lawyer, gather data and
known to the employee at the time of his/her employment, it shall
evidence, and decide on the defenses against the com-
be sufficient that a written notice is served upon the employee
within a reasonable time prior to the expiration of the probation-
(B) After serving the first notice, the employer should afford the ary period.
employee ample opportunity to be heard and to defend him-
Section 13. Effect of termination of employment. The termination of
self/herself with the assistance of his/her representative if
employment of the contractor employee prior to the expiration of the
he/she so desires, as provided in Article 277(b) of the Labor
Service Agreement shall be governed by Articles 282, 283 and 284 of
Code, as amended.
the Labor Code.
"Ample opportunity to be heard" means any meaningful op-
In case the termination of employment is caused by the pre-termina-
portunity (verbal or written) given to the employee to answer
tion of the Service Agreement not due to authorized causes under Art.
the charges against him/her and submit evidence in support
283, the right of the contractor employee to unpaid wages and other
of his/her defense, whether in a hearing, conference or some
unpaid benefits including unremitted legal mandatory contributions,
other fair, just and reasonable way. A formal hearing or con-
e.g., SSS, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig, ECC, shall be borne by the party at fault,
ference becomes mandatory only when requested by the em-
without prejudice to the solidary liability of the parties to the Service
ployee in writing or substantial evidentiary disputes exist or
a company rule or practice requires it, or when similar cir-
cumstances justify it. Where the termination results from the expiration of the service agree-
ment, or from the completion of the phase of the job, work or service
(C) After determining that termination of employment is justi-
for which the employee is engaged, the latter may opt for payment of
fied, the employer contractor shall serve the employee a writ-
separation benefits as may be provided by law or the Service Agree-
ten notice of termination indicating that: (1) all circumstances
ment, without prejudice to his/her entitlement to the completion bo-
involving the charge against the employees have been consid-
nuses or other emoluments, including retirement benefits whenever
ered; and (2) the grounds have been established to justify the
severance of their employment.
Section 14. Mandatory Registration and Registry of Legitimate Con-
The foregoing notices shall be served on the employee's last
tractors. Consistent with the authority of the Secretary of Labor and
known address.
Employment to restrict or prohibit the contracting out of labor to pro-
II. For termination of employment based on authorized causes de- tect the rights of workers, it shall be mandatory for all persons or en-
fined in Article 283 of the Labor Code, the requirement of due pro- tities, including cooperatives, acting as contractors, to register with
the Regional Office of the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE) where it principally operates. tractor in the performance or completion of the job, work or ser-
vice contracted out. In addition, the applicant shall submit a photo
Failure to register shall give rise to the presumption that the contractor
of the office building and premises where it holds office
is engaged in labor-only contracting.
A copy of audited financial statements if the applicant is a corpo-
Accordingly, the registration system governing contracting arrange- ration, partnership, cooperative or a labor organization, or copy
ments and implemented by the Regional Office of the DOLE is hereby of the latest ITR if the applicant is a sole proprietorship; and
established, with the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) as the cen- A sworn disclosure that the registrant, its off and owners or prin-
tral registry. cipal stockholders or any one of them, has not been operating or
previously operating as a contractor under a different business
Section 15. Requirements for registration. The application for regis-
name or entity or with pending cases of violations of these Rules
tration as a contractor shall be filed at the DOLE Regional Office in the
and/or labor standards, or with a cancelled registration. In case
region where it seeks to principally operate. The applicant shall pro-
any of the foregoing has a pending case, a copy of the complaint
vide in the application form the following information:
and the latest status of the case shall be attached.
The name and business address of the applicant and the areas
The application shall be verified. It shall include a DOLE certificate of
where it seeks to operate;
attendance to orientation seminar on these Rules and an undertaking
The names and addresses of officers, if the applicant is a corpora-
that the contractor shall abide by all applicable labor laws and regula-
tion, partnership, cooperative or a labor organization;
The nature of the applicant's business and the industry or indus-
tries where the applicant seeks to operate; Section 16. Filing and processing of application. The application
The number of regular workers and the total workforce; with all support documents shall be filed in triplicate in the Regional
The list of clients, if any, the number of personnel assigned to each Office where the applicant principally operates. No application for
client, if any, and the services provided to the client; registration shall be accepted unless all the requirements in the pre-
The description of the phases of the contract, including the num- ceding Section are complied with.
ber of employees covered in each phase, where appropriate; and
Section 17. Verification inspection. Within two (2) working days
Proof of compliance with substantial capital requirement as de-
upon receipt of the application with complete supporting documents,
fined in Section 3(1) of these Rules.
the authorized representative of the Regional Director shall conduct a
The application shall be supported by: verification inspection of the facilities, tools, equipment, and work
premises of the applicant.
A certified true copy of a certificate of registration of firm or busi-
ness name from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Section 18. Approval or denial of the application. The Regional Of-
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Cooperative Develop- fice shall deny or approve the application within one (1) working day
ment Authority (CDA), or from the DOLE if the applicant is a la- after the verification inspection.
bor organization;
Applications that fail to meet the requirements set forth in Section 15
A certified true copy of the license or business permit issued by
of these Rules shall be denied.
the local government unit or units where the contractor operates;
A certified listing, with proof of ownership or lease contract, of Section 19. Registration fee. Payment of registration fee of Twenty-
facilities, tools, equipment, premises implements, machineries Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) shall be required upon approval of
and work premises, that are actually and ?1rectly used by the con- the application.
Upon registration, the Regional Office shall return one set of the duly-
stamped application documents to the applicant, retain one set for its A list of contracts entered with the principal during the subject
fi and transmit the remaining set to the Bureau of Working Conditions reporting period;
(BWC) within five (5) days from registration. The number of workers covered by each contract with the princi-
Section 20. Validity of certificate of registration of contractors. The
Proof of payment of remittances to the Social Security System
contractor shall be deemed registered only on the date of issuance of
(SSS), the Pag-Ibig Fund, Philhealth, Employees Compensation
its Certificate of Registration.
Commission (ECC), and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) due its
The Certificate of Registration shall be effective for three (3) years, un- employees during the subject reporting period and of amortiza-
less cancelled after due process. The same shall be valid in the region tion of declared loans due from its employees; and
where it is registered. A certified listing of all cases filed against the contractor before
the NLRC and DOLE.
In case the contractor has Service Agreements or operates outside the
region where it is registered, it shall request a duly authenticated copy The Regional Office shall return one set of the duly-stamped report to
of its Certificate of Registration from the registering Regional Office the contractor, retain one set for its file, and transmit the remaining set
and submit the same to the DOLE Regional Office where it seeks to to the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) within five (5) days from
operate, together with a copy of its Service Agreement/ in the area, receipt thereof.
for purposes of monitoring compliance with these Rules.
Section 23. Grounds for cancellation of registration. The Regional
Section 21. Renewal of registration. All registered contractors shall Director shall, upon a verified complaint, cancel or revoke the regis-
apply for renewal of their Certificates of Registration thirty (30) days tration of a contractor aft due process, based on any of the following
before the expiration of their registration to remain in the roster of le- grounds:
gitimate service contractors. The applicant shall pay a registration re-
Misrepresentation of facts in the application;
newal fee of Twenty- Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) to the DOLE
Submission of a falsified or tampered application or supporting
Regional Office.
documents to the application for registration;
Copies of all the updated supporting documents in letters (a) to (e) of Non-submission of Service Agreement between the principal and
Section 15 hereof shall be attached to the duly accomplished applica- the contractor when required to do so;
tion form, including the following Non-submission of the required semi-annual report as provided
in Section 22 (Semi-annual reporting) hereof;
Certificate of membership and proof of payment of SSS, Phil-
Findings through arbitration that the contractor has engaged in
health, BIR, ECC and Pag-Ibig contributions for the last three (3)
labor-only contracting and/or the prohibited activities as pro-
years, as well as loan amortizations; and
vided in Section 7 (Other Prohibitions) hereof;
Certificate of pending or no pending labor standards violation ea-
Non-compliance with labor standards and working conditions;
sels with the National Labor Relations Commission (N LRC) and
Findings of violation of Section 8 (Rights of contractor's employ-
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The pendency of
ees) or Section 9 (Required contracts) of these Rules;
a case will not prejudice the renewal of the registration, unless
Non-compliance with SSS, the HDMF, Pag-Ibig, Philhealth, and
there is a finding of violation of labor standards by the DOLE Re-
ECC laws; and
gional Director.
Collecting any fees not authorized by law and other applicable
Section 22. Semi-annual reporting. The contractor shall submit in rules and regulations.
triplicate its subscribed semi-annual report using a prescribed form to
Section 24. Due process in cancellation of registration. Complaint/s
the appropriate Regional Office. The report shall include:
based on any of the grounds enumerated in the preceding Section Any motion for reconsideration from the Order of the Regional Direc-
against the contractor shall be filed in writing and under oath with the tor shall be treated as an appeal.
Regional Office which issued the Certificate of Registration.
Section 25. Appeal. The Order of the Regional Director is appealable
The complaint/s shall state the following: to the Secretary within ten (10) working days from receipt of the copy
of the Order. The appeal shall be filed with the Regional Office which
The name/s and addresses of the complainant/s;
issued the cancellation Order. The Office of the Secretary shall have
Name and address of the contractor;
thirty (30) working days from receipt of the records of the case to re-
The ground/s for cancellation:
solve the appeal. The Decision of the Secretary shall become final and
When and where the action complained of happened;
executory aft ten (10) days from receipt thereof by the parties. No mo-
The amount of money claim, if any; and
tion for reconsideration of the Decision shall be entertained.
The relief/s sought.
Section 26. Effects of cancellation of registration. A final Order of
Upon receipt of the complaint, the Regional Director shall direct the
cancellation shall divest the contractor of its legitimate status to en-
contractor, with notice to the complainant, to file a verified an-
gage in contracting/subcontracting.
swer/counter affidavit within ten (10) calendar days without exten-
sion, incorporating therein all pertinent documents in support of Such Order of cancellation shall be a ground to deny an application
his/her defenses, with proof of service of a copy to the complainant. for renewal of reg1strat1on to a contractor under the Rules.
Failure to file an answer/counter affidavit shall constitute a waiver on
The cancellation of the registration of the contractor for engaging in
the part of the respondent. No motion to dismiss shall be entertained.
labor-only contracting or for violation of any of the provisions of these
The Regional Director or his duly authorized representative may con- Rules involving a particular Service Agreement will not, however, im-
duct a clarificatory hearing within the prescribed ten (10) calendar pair the validity of existing legitimate job contracting arrangements
days within which to file a verified answer/counter affidavit. the contractor may have entered into with other principals prior to the
cancellation of its registration. Any valid and subsisting Service
Within the said ten (10) calendar days period, the contractor shall
Agreement shall be respected until its expiration; thereafter contract-
make the necessary corrections/rectifications on the violations that
ing with a delisted contractor shall make the principal direct employer
are immediately rectifiable upon its own initiative in order to be fully
of all employees under the Service Agreement pursuant to Articles 106
and 109 of the Labor Code.
The Regional Director may avail himself of all reasonable means to
Section 27. Effects of finding of labor-only contracting and/or viola-
ascertain the facts of the case, including conduct of inspection, where
tion of Sections 7, 8 or 9 of the Rules. A finding by competent author-
appropriate, and examination of informed persons.
ity of labor-only contracting shall render the principal jointly and sev-
The proceedings before the Regional Office shall be summary in na- erally liable with the contractor to the latter's employees, in the same
ture. manner and extent that the principal is liable to employees directly
hired by him/her, as provided in Article 106 of the Labor Code, as
The conduct of hearings shall be terminated within fifteen (15) calen-
dar days from the first scheduled clarificatory hearing. The Regional
Director shall resolve the case within ten (10) working days from the A finding of commission of any of the prohibited activities in Section
date of the last hearing. If there is no necessity to conduct a hearing, 7, or violation of either Sections 8 or 9 hereof, shall render the principal
the case shall be resolved within ten (10) working days from receipt the direct employer of the employees of the contractor or subcontrac-
of the verified answer/counter affidavit. tor, pursuant to Article 109 of the Labor Code, as amended.

Section 28. Retaliatory measures. Pursuant to Article 118 of the Labor Section 31. Tripartite implementation and monitoring of compli-
Code, as amended, it shall be unlawful for the principal, contractor, ance; Use of registration fees. A region-based tripartite monitoring
or any party privy to the contract or services provided to refuse to pay team on the observance of labor standards in contracting and subcon-
or reduce the wages and benefits, and discharge or in any manner dis- tracting arrangements shall be constituted as a subcommittee of the
criminate against any worker who .has filed any complaint or insti- Regional Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (RTIPC) within fifteen
tuted any proceeding on wages (under Title II, Book III of the Labor (15) days from the effectivity of these Rules. It shall submit a quarterly
Code), labor standards violation, or has testified or is about to testify regional monitoring report to the DO LE Secretary and to the National
in such proceedings. Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (NTIPC). The Bureau of Working
Conditions (BWC) shall ensure the implementation of this provision,
Section 29. Enforcement of labor standards and working conditions.
and shall conduct capacity building to the members of the regional
Consistent with Art 128 (Visitorial and Enforcement Power) of the La-
tripartite monitoring team.
bor Code, as amended, the Regional Director through his/her duly
authorized representatives, shall conduct routine inspection of estab- For this purpose, a portion of the collected registration fees shall be
lishments engaged in contracting arrangement regardless of the num- used in the operation of the region-based tripartite monitoring team,
ber of employees engaged by the principal or by the contractor. They including in the development of an internet-based monitoring system
shall have access to employer's records and premises at any time of and database. It shall likewise be used for transmittal of the monthly
the day or night whenever work is being undertaken therein, and the report of all registered contractors to the Bureau of Local Employment
right to copy therefrom, to question any employee and investigate any (BLE), and in generating labor market information.
fact, condition or matter which may be necessary to determine viola-
Section 32. Oversight function of the National TIPC. The National
tions or which may aid in the enforcement of the Labor Code and of
Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (NTIPC) as created under Execu-
any labor law, wage order, or rules and regulations issued pursuant
tive Order No. 49, Series of 1998, as amended, shall serve as the over-
sight committee to verify and monitor the following:
The findings of the duly authorized representative shall be referred to
Engagement in allowable contracting activities; and
the Regional Director for appropriate action as provided for in Art.
Compliance with administrative reporting requirements.
128' furnished the collective bargaining agent, if any.
Section 33. Collective bargaining and/or Industry Tripartite Council
Based on the visitorial and enforcement power of the Secretary of La-
(ITC). Nothing herein shall preclude the parties in collective bargain-
bor and Employment in Article 128 (a), (b), (c), and (d), the Regional
ing agreements (CBAs) to determine the functions that can or cannot
Director shall issue compliance orders to give effect to the labor stand-
be farmed out or contracted out to a legitimate contractor, including
ards provisions of the Labor Code' other labor legislation, and these
the terms and conditions of the workers’ engagement under the ar-
rangement, provided the provisions of these Rules are observed.
Section 30. Duty to produce copy of contract between the principal
In industries with established Industry Tripartite Councils (ITCs), the
and the contractor. The principal or the contractor shall be under an
tripartite partners may agree, through a voluntary code of good prac-
obligation to produce a copy of the Service Agreement in the ordinary
tices, on the functions or processes that can or cannot be contracted
course of inspection. The contractor shall likewise be under an obliga-
out to a legitimate contractor.
tion to produce a copy of any contract of employment when directed
to do so by the Regional Office Director or his/her authorized repre- Section 34. Financial Relief Program; Tripartite Co-Regulation En-
sentative. gagement. A Financial Relief Program or Unemployment Assistance
Fund shall be established for employees under a Service Agreement

or employees in transition from one Service Agreement to the next. governed by these Rules unless expressly provided otherwise.
For this purpose, the National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council
Section 37. Prohibition on DOLE officials or employees. Any official
(NTI PC), upon the effectivity of this issuance, shall constitute a Local
or employee of the DOLE or its attached agencies is prohibited from
Service Provider Tripartite Working Group (LSP-TWG) composed of
engaging or having any interest m any contracting or subcontracting
representatives of the stakeholders in the industry. The LS P-TWG
Section 38. Non-impairment of existing contracts. Non-diminution
Recommend the mechanics and details in setting up the Financial
of benefits. Subject to the provisions of Articles 106 to 109 of the Labor
Relief Program or Unemployment Assistance Fund with pro-
Code as amended, the applicable provisions of the Civil Code and ex-
posed funding sources before end of June 2012: and
isting jurisprudence, nothing here shall impair the rights or diminish
Draw-up the terms of a Tripartite Co- Regulation Engagement in
the benefits being enjoyed by the parties to existing contracting or sub-
ensuring full compliance with labor laws for approval/endorse-
contracting arrangements.
ment by the NTI PC, including a proposed Table of Progressive
Rate of Increases in the minimum capitalization requirement at The effectivity of Certificates of Registration acquired under Depart-
reasonable intervals to ensure that only legitimate contractors can ment Order No. 18, Series of 2002, issued on 21 February 2002, shall
engage in subcontracting arrangement. be respected until expiration.
Section 35. Enrollment in DOLE programs on improving compli- Section 39. Supersession. All rules and regulations issued by the Sec-
ance with labor standards. For purposes of ensuring compliance with retary of Labor and Employment inconsistent with the provisions of
labor standards, the principal and subcontractors covered by these these Rules are hereby superseded.
Rules are encourage to enroll and participate in the DOLE Kapatiran
Section 40. Separability Clause. If any provision or port of these
Work Improvement for Small Enterprise (WISE)-TAV Program (De-
Rules are declared void or unconstitutional, the remaining portions or
partment Advisory No. 06, dated 07 March 2011) and/or in the Incen-
provisions hereof shall continue to be valid and eff
tivizing Compliance Program (Department Order No. 115-11).
Section 41. Effectivity. This Department Order shall be effective fif-
Section 36. Contracting or subcontracting arrangements in the Con-
teen (15) days aft completion of its publication in a newspaper of gen-
struction and Other Industries. Contracting or subcontracting ar-
eral circulation.
rangements in the Construction Industry, under the licensing cover-
age of the Philippine Construction Accreditation Board (PCAB), shall Manila, Philippines, 14 November 2011.
be covered by the applicable provisions of these Rules and shall con-
Department Circular No. 01 Series of 2012
tinue to be governed by Department Order No. 19, Series of 1993
Clarifying the Applicability of Department Order No. 18-A Series
(Guidelines Governing the Employment of Workers in the Construction In- of 2011, to
dustry); Department Order No. 13, Series of 1998 (Guidelines Governing Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO)/Knowledge Process
the Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry); and DO Outsourcing
LE- DPWH-DILG-DTI and PCAB Memorandum of Agreement-Joint (KPO) and the Construction Industry
Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2011 (on coordination and har-
monization of policies and programs on occupational safety and 1. Purpose. This Circular is being issued in response to queries on
health in the construction industry). whether firms or companies in the Business Process Outsourcing
In industries covered by a separate regulation of the DO LE or other (BPO) or Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and in the Con-
government agency, contracting or subcontracting therein shall be struction Industry are covered by Department Order No. 18-A,
Series of 2011, or the Rules Implementing Articles 106 to 109 of the
Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended. agency, contracting or subcontracting therein shall be gov-
erned by these Rules unless expressly provided otherwise.
2. Existing Rules under Department Order 18-A, Series of 2011.
2.3. Section 2, subparagraph 2.5 of Department Order No. 19, Se-
2.1. In the implementation of Articles 106 to 109 of the Labor
ries of 1993. or the Guidelines Governing the Employment of
Code, as amended, Department Order No. 18-A, Series of 2
Workers in the Construction Industry provides:
011, states in Section 3(c) that contracting or subcontracting is
"an arrangement whereby a principal agrees to put out or "Contracting and subcontracting. - The practice of contracting
farm out with a contractor the performance or completion of out certain phases of a construction project is recognized by
a specific job, work or service within a definite or predeter- law, particularly wage legislations and wage orders, and by
mined period regardless of whether such job, work or service industry practices. The Labor Code and its Implementing
is to be performed or completed within or outside the prem- Regulations allow the contracting out of jobs under certain
ises of the principal”. conditions. Where such job contracting is permissible, the
construction workers are generally considered as employees
Additionally, it defines trilateral relationship in Section 3 (m)
of the contractor or subcontractor, as the case may be, subject
to refer to the relationship in a contracting or subcontracting
to Article 109 of the Labor Code, as amended."
arrangement where there is a contract for a specific job, work
or service between the principal and the contractor, and a con- 3. Applicability of the D.O. 18-1, Series of 2011 to BPO.
tract of employment between the contractor and its workers.
3.1. D.O. 18-A Series of 2011, clearly speaks of a trilateral relation-
There are three (3) parties involved in contracting or subcon-
ship that characterizes the covered contracting/subcontract-
tracting arrangements, the principal who decides to farm out
ing arrangement. Thus, vendor-vendee relationship for entire
a job, work or service to a contractor; the contractor who has
business processes covered by the applicable provisions of the
the capacity to independently undertake the performance of
Civil Code on Contracts is excluded.
the job, work or service and the workers engaged by the con-
tractor to accomplish the job, work or service. 3.2. D.O. 18-A Series of 2011, contemplates generic or focused sin-
gular activity in one contract between the principal and the
2.2. Further, Section 36 of D.0.18-A, Series of 2011, provides that
contractor (for example, janitorial, security, merchandising,
contracting or subcontracting arrangements in the Construc-
specific production work) and does not contemplate infor-
tion Industry, under the licensing coverage of the Philippine
mation technology-enabled services involving an entire busi-
Contractors (Construction) Accreditation Board (PCAB), shall
ness processes (for example, business process outsourcing,
be covered by the applicable provisions of these Rules and
knowledge process outsourcing, legal process outsourcing,
shall continue to be governed by Department Order No. 19,
hardware and/or software support, medical transcription.
Series of 1993 (Guidelines Governing the Employment of Workers
animation services, back office operations/support). These
in the Construction Industry Department Order No. 13, Series
companies engaged in business processes ("BPOs") may hire
of 1998 (Guidelines Govern the Occupational Safety and Health in
employees in accordance with applicable laws, and maintain
the Construction Industry); and DOLE-DPWH-DILG-DTI and
these employees based on business requirements, which may
PCAB Memorandum of Agreement-Joint Administrative Or-
or may not be for different clients of the BPOs at different pe-
der No. 1, Series of 2011 (on coordination and harmonization
riods of the employees' employment.
of policies and programs on occupational safety and health in
the construction industry). While other industries covered by 4. Applicability of D.O. 18-A, Series of 2011 to the Construction In-
a separate regulation of the DOLE or other government dustry Coordination with PCAB-CIAP.

4.1. Licensing and the exercise of regulatory powers over the con- Meralco Industrial Engineering Services v. NLRC (GR
struction industry is lodged with the Philippine Contractors 145402, March 14, 2008)
Accreditation Board (PCAB), which is under the Construction
Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP), pursuant to the
Manila Electric Company v. Benamira (GR 145271, July
provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1746, Series of 1980, and 14, 2005)
not with the Department of Labor and Employment or any of Dole Phils. v. Esteva (GR No. 161115, November 30, 2006
its regional offices. Sonza v. ABS-CBN (GR 138051, June 10, 2004)
PCAB registers all contractors, whether general or subcon- TAPE v. Servana (GR 167648, January 28, 2008)
tractors, in the Construction Industry and regulates the same Vinoya v. NLRC (GR 126586, February 2, 2000)
including ensuring compliance with DOLE Department Or- Rosewood Processing, Inc. v. NLRC (290 SCRA 408)
der No. 13, Series of 1998 (Guidelines Governing the Occupa-
Alviado, et al v. Procter & Gamble, and Promm Gemm,
tional Safety and Health in the Construction Industry) and DOLE-
DPWH-DILG-DTI and PCAB Memorandum of Agreement- GR 160506, 9 March 2010
Joint Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2011 (on coordina- Philippine Airlines v. Ligan, 548 SCRA 181 (2008)
tion and harmonization of policies and programs on occupa- Industrial Timber Corp v. NLRC, 169 SCRA 341
tional safety and health in the construction industry). Babas v. Lorenzo Shipping Corp GR 186091, 15 Decem-
Thus, the DOLE, through its regional offices shall not require ber 2010
contractors licensed by PCAB in the Construction Industry to New Golden Builders v CA, GR 154715, 11 December
register under D.O. 18-A. Series of 2011. Moreover, findings 2003
of violation/s on labor standards and occupational health and
safety standards shall be coordinated with PCAB for its ap-
Garden of Memories Park, et al., v. National Labor Rela-
propriate action, including the possible cancellation/suspen- tions Commission, et al., GR 160278, 8 February 2012
sion of the contractor's license. Polyfoam-RGC International, Corporation and Precilla A.
5. Effectivity. This Circular shall take effect immediately after its Gramaje vs. Edgardo Concepcion GR 172349, June 13,
publication in a newspaper of general circulation. 2012.
Manila, Philippines. 13 March 2012. Vigilla, et al., v. Philippine College of Criminology, GR
200094, 10 June 2013
MERALCO v. Quisumbing 302 SCRA 173 (1999)
Coca cola Bottlers v. Dela Cruz, et al., GR 184977, 7 De-
cember 2009)
Temic Automotive Phils v. Temic Automative Phils Inc.
Employees Union – FFW, GR 186965, 23 December 2009.
Philippine Airlines v. Ligan (GR 146408, February 29,
San Miguel Corporation v. Aballa (GR 149011, June 28,
Labor Relations (b) To promote free trade unionism as an instrument for the enhance-
INTRODUCTION ment of democracy and the promotion of social justice and devel-
A. Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 8; Art. XIII, Sec. 3. (c) To foster the free and voluntary organization of a strong and
ARTICLE III united labor movement;
Section 8. The right of the people, including those employed in the (d) To promote the enlightenment of workers concerning their rights
public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies and obligations as union members and as employees;
for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged. (e) To provide an adequate administrative machinery for the expedi-
ARTICLE XIII tious settlement of labor or industrial disputes;
Section 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and over- (f) To ensure a stable but dynamic and just industrial peace; and
seas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and (g) To ensure the participation of workers in decision and policy-
equality of employment opportunities for all. making processes affecting their rights, duties and welfare.
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collec- B. To encourage a truly democratic method of regulating the rela-
tive bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, in- tions between the employers and employees by means of agree-
cluding the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be enti- ments freely entered into through collective bargaining, no court
tled to security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living or administrative agency or official shall have the power to set or
wage. They shall also participate in policy and decision-making pro- fix wages, rates of pay, hours of work or other terms and condi-
cesses affecting their rights and benefits as may be provided by law.
tions of employment, except as otherwise provided under this
The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between Code. (As amended by Section 3, Republic Act No. 6715, March
workers and employers and the preferential use of voluntary modes 21, 1989)
in settling disputes, including conciliation, and shall enforce their mu-
tual compliance therewith to foster industrial peace. Art. 290 [275]. Tripartism and tripartite conferences.
(a) Tripartism in labor relations is hereby declared a State policy. To-
The State shall regulate the relations between workers and employers,
recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of produc- wards this end, workers and employers shall, as far as practicable,
tion and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns to investments, be represented in decision and policy-making bodies of the gov-
and to expansion and growth. ernment.
(b) The Secretary of Labor and Employment or his duly authorized
B. Labor Code, Arts. 218 [211], 290 [275], 219 [212] (a,b,c,d)
representatives may, from time to time, call a national, regional,
Art. 218 [211]. Declaration of Policy. or industrial tripartite conference of representatives of govern-
A. It is the policy of the State: ment, workers and employers for the consideration and adoption
of voluntary codes of principles designed to promote industrial
(a) To promote and emphasize the primacy of free collective bargain-
peace based on social justice or to align labor movement relations
ing and negotiations, including voluntary arbitration, mediation
with established priorities in economic and social development.
and conciliation, as modes of settling labor or industrial disputes;
In calling such conference, the Secretary of Labor and Employ-
ment may consult with accredited representatives of workers and

employers. (As amended by Section 32, Republic Act No. 6715, (i) "Company union" means any labor organization whose for-
March 21, 1989) mation, function or administration has been assisted by any act
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions. defined as unfair labor practice by this Code.
(a) "Commission" means the National Labor Relations Commission (l) "Labor dispute" includes any controversy or matter concerning
or any of its divisions, as the case may be, as provided under this terms and conditions of employment or the association or repre-
Code. sentation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing
(b) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Labor Relations and/or the Labor or arranging the terms and conditions of employment, regardless
Relations Divisions in the Regional Offices established under of whether the disputants stand in the proximate relation of em-
Presidential Decree No. 1, in the Department of Labor. ployer and employee.
(c) "Board" means the National Conciliation and Mediation Board es- Art. 259 [248]. Unfair labor practices of employers. It shall be unlaw-
tablished under Executive Order No. 126. ful for an employer to commit any of the following unfair labor prac-
(d) "Council" means the Tripartite Voluntary Arbitration Advisory tice:
Council established under Executive Order No. 126, as amended.
(d) To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere with the for-
C. Common Terms mation or administration of any labor organization, including the
giving of financial or other support to it or its organizers or sup-
Labor Code, Art. 219 [212] (e, f, g, h, i, l), Art. 259 (d) [248 (d)]
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions.
(e) "Employer" includes any person acting in the interest of an em-
ployer, directly or indirectly. The term shall not include any labor
organization or any of its officers or agents except when acting as
(f) "Employee" includes any person in the employ of an employer.
The term shall not be limited to the employees of a particular em-
ployer, unless the Code so explicitly states. It shall include any
individual whose work has ceased as a result of or in connection
with any current labor dispute or because of any unfair labor prac-
tice if he has not obtained any other substantially equivalent and
regular employment.
(g) "Labor organization" means any union or association of employ-
ees which exists in whole or in part for the purpose of collective
bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning terms and
conditions of employment.
(h) "Legitimate labor organization" means any labor organization
duly registered with the Department of Labor and Employment,
and includes any branch or local thereof.
RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION (a) "Abstention" refers to a blank or unfilled ballot validly cast by an
eligible voter . It is not considered as a negative vote. However, it
A. Concept & Scope: Arts. 253 [243], 257 [246], 292 (c) [277 (c)] shall be considered a valid vote for purposes of determining a
Omnibus Rules, Book V, Rule I-Rule II, as amended by D.O. valid election. (As added by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
40, series of 2003 (b) [(a)]"Affiliate" refers to an independent union affiliated with a
Art. 253 [243]. Coverage and employees’ right to self-organiza- federation, national union or a chartered local which was subse-
tion. All persons employed in commercial, industrial and agricultural quently granted independent registration but did not disaffiliate
enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or educational insti- from its federation, reported to the Regional Office and the Bu-
tutions, whether operating for profit or not, shall have the right to self- reau in accordance with Rule III, Sections 6 and 7 of these Rules.
organization and to form, join, or assist labor organizations of their (Par. (b)-(ss) are as renumbered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
own choosing for purposes of collective bargaining. Ambulant, inter- (c) [(b)]"Appeal" refers to the elevation by an aggrieved party to an
mittent and itinerant workers, self-employed people, rural workers agency vested with appellate authority of any decision, resolution
and those without any definite employers may form labor organiza- or order disposing the principal issues of a case rendered by an
tions for their mutual aid and protection. (As amended by Batas Pam- agency vested with original jurisdiction, undertaken by filing a
bansa Bilang 70, May 1, 1980) memorandum of appeal.
(d) [(c)]"Audit Examiner" refers to an officer of the Bureau or Labor
Art. 257 [246]. Non-abridgment of right to self-organization. It shall Relations Division of the Regional Office authorized to conduct
be unlawful for any person to restrain, coerce, discriminate against or an audit or examination of the books of accounts, including all
unduly interfere with employees and workers in their exercise of the funds, assets and other accountabilities of a legitimate labor or-
right to self-organization. Such right shall include the right to form, ganization and workers' association.
join, or assist labor organizations for the purpose of collective bargain- (e) [(d)]"Bargaining Unit" refers to a group of employees sharing mu-
ing through representatives of their own choosing and to engage in tual interests within a given employer unit, comprised of all or
lawful concerted activities for the same purpose for their mutual aid less than all of the entire body of employees in the employer unit
and protection, subject to the provisions of Article 264 of this or any specific occupational or geographical grouping within
Code. (As amended by Batas Pambansa Bilang 70, May 1, 1980) such employer unit.
Art. 292 [277[. Miscellaneous provisions. (f) [(e)]"Board" refers to the National Conciliation and Mediation
Board established under Executive Order No. 126.
(c) Any employee, whether employed for a definite period or not,
(g) [(f)]"Bureau" refers to the Bureau of Labor Relations.
shall, beginning on his first day of service, be considered as an
(h) [(g)]"Cancellation Proceedings" refer to the legal process leading
employee for purposes of membership in any labor union. (As
to the revocation of the legitimate status of a union or workers'
amended by Section 33, Republic Act No. 6715)
RULE I (i) [(h)]"Certification Election" or "Consent Election" refers to the pro-
DEFINITION OF TERMS cess of determining through secret ballot the sole and exclusive
Section 1. Definition of Terms. representative of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit

for purposes of collective bargaining or negotiation. A certifica- (r) [(q)]”Eligible Voter” refers to a voter belonging to the appropriate
tion election is ordered by the Department, while a consent elec- bargaining unit that is the subject of a petition for certification
tion is voluntarily agreed upon by the parties, with or without the election.
intervention by the Department. (s) [(r)]”Employee” refers to any person working for an employer. It
(j) [(i)]”Chartered Local” refers to a labor organization in the private includes one whose work has ceased in connection with any cur-
sector operating at the enterprise level that acquired legal person- rent labor dispute or because of any unfair labor practice and one
ality through the registration with the Regional Office in accord- who has been dismissed from work but the legality of the dismis-
ance with Rule III, Section 2-E of these Rules. sal is being contested in a forum of appropriate jurisdiction.
(k) [(j)]”Collective Bargaining Agreement” or ”CBA” refers to the (t) [(s)]”Employer” refers to any person or entity who employs the
contract between a legitimate labor union and the employer con- services of others, one for whom employees work and who pays
cerning wages, hours of work, and all other terms and conditions their wages or salaries. An employer includes any person directly
of employment in a bargaining unit. or indirectly acting in the interest of an employer. It shall also refer
(l) [(k)]”Conciliator Mediator” refers to an officer of the Board whose to the enterprise where a labor organization operates or seeks to
principal function is to assist in the settlement and disposition of operate.
labor-management disputes through conciliation and preventive (u) [(t)]”Exclusive Bargaining Representative” refers to a legitimate
mediation, including the promotion and encouragement of vol- labor union duly recognized or certified as the sole and exclusive
untary approaches to labor disputes prevention and settlement. bargaining representative or agent of all the employees in a bar-
(m) [(l)]”Consolidation” refers to the creation or formation of a new gaining unit.
union arising from the unification of two or more unions. (v) [(u)]”Grievance” refers to any question by either the employer or
(n) [(m)]”Deregistration of Agreement” refers to the legal process the union regarding the interpretation or implementation of any
leading to the revocation of CBA registration. provision of the collective bargaining agreement or interpretation
(o) [(n)]”Department” refers to the Department of Labor and Em- or enforcement of company personnel policies.
ployment. (w) [(v)]”Improved Offer Balloting” refers to a referendum by secret
(p) [(o)]”Election Officer” refers to an officer of the Bureau or Labor ballot involving union members on the improved offer of the em-
Relations Division in the Regional Office authorized to conduct ployer on or before the 30th day of a strike.
certification elections, election of union officers and other forms (x) [(w)]”Independent Union” refers to a labor organization operat-
of elections and referenda in accordance with Rule XII, Sections 2- ing at the enterprise level that acquired legal personality through
5 of these Rules. independent registration under Article 234 of the Labor Code and
(q) [(p)]”Election Proceedings” refer to the period during a certifica- Rule III, Section 2-A of these Rules.
tion election, consent or run-off election and election of union of- (y) [(x)]”Inter-Union Dispute” refers to any conflict between and
ficers, starting from the opening to the closing of the polls, includ- among legitimate labor unions involving representation ques-
ing the counting, tabulation and consolidation of votes, but ex- tions for purposes of collective bargaining or to any other conflict
cluding the period for the final determination of the challenged or dispute between legitimate labor unions.
votes and the canvass thereof. (z) [(y)]”Interlocutory Order” refers to any order that does not ulti-
mately resolve the main issue/s in a dispute.
(aa) [(z)]”Interpleader” refers to a proceeding brought by a party or for any legitimate purpose other than collective bargaining reg-
against two or more parties with conflicting claims, compelling istered with the Department in accordance with Rule III, Sections
the claimants to litigate between and among themselves their re- 2-C and 2-D of these Rules.
spective rights to the claim, thereby relieving the party so filing (hh) [(gg)]”Lockout” refers to the temporary refusal of an employer to
from suits they may otherwise bring against it. furnish work as a result of a labor or industrial dispute.
(bb) [(aa)]”Intervention” refers to a proceeding whereby a person, la- (ii) [(hh)]”Managerial Employee” refers to an employee who is
bor organization or entity not a party to a case but may be affected vested with powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute man-
by a decision therein, formally moves to make himself/herself/it- agement policies or to hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, dis-
self a party thereto. charge, assign or discipline employees.
(cc) [(bb)]”Intra-Union Dispute” refers to any conflict between and (jj) [(ii)]”Med-Arbiter” refers to an officer in the Regional Office or in
among union members, including grievances arising from any vi- the Bureau authorized to hear and decide representation cases, in-
olation of the rights and conditions of membership, violation of or ter/intra-union disputes and other related labor relations dis-
disagreement over any provision of the union's constitution and putes, except cancellation of union registration cases.
by-laws, or disputes arising from chartering or affiliation of un- (kk) [(jj)]”Merger ”refers to a process where a labor organization ab-
ion. sorbs another resulting in the cessation of the absorbed labor or-
(dd) [(cc)]”Labor Organization” refers to any union or association of ganization's existence, and the continued existence of the absorb-
employees in the private sector which exists in whole or in part ing labor organization.
for the purpose of collective bargaining, mutual aid, interest, co- (ll) [(kk)]”National Union” or ”Federation” refers to a group of legit-
operation, protection, or other lawful purposes. imate labor unions in a private establishment organized for col-
(ee) [(dd)]”Labor Relations Division” refers to the (1) Labor Organiza- lective bargaining or for dealing with employers concerning
tion and CBA Registration Unit and (2) Med-Arbitration Unit in terms and conditions of employment for their member unions or
the Regional Office. The Labor Organization and CBA Registra- for participating in the formulation of social and employment pol-
tion Unit is in charge of processing the applications for registra- icies, standards and programs, registered with the Bureau in ac-
tion of independent unions, chartered locals, workers associations cordance with Rule III, Section 2-B of these Rules.
and collective bargaining agreements, maintaining said records (mm) [(ll)]”Organized Establishment” refers to an enterprise where
and all other reports and incidents pertaining to labor organiza- there exists a recognized or certified sole and exclusive bargaining
tions and workers' associations. The Med-Arbitration Unit con- agent.
ducts hearings and decides certification election or representation (nn) [(mm)]”Preventive Mediation Cases” refer to labor disputes
cases, inter/intra-union and other related labor relations disputes. which are the subject of a formal or informal request for concilia-
(ff) [(ee)]”Legitimate Labor Organization” refers to any labor organi- tion and mediation assistance sought by either or both parties or
zation in the private sector registered or reported with the Depart- upon the initiative of the Board.
ment in accordance with Rules III and IV of these Rules. (oo) [(nn)]”Rank-and-File Employee” refers to an employee whose
(gg) [(ff)]”Legitimate Workers' Association” refers to an association of functions are neither managerial nor supervisory in nature.
workers organized for mutual aid and protection of its members (pp) [(oo)]”Regional Director” refers to the Head of the Regional Of-
(qq) [(pp)]”Regional Office” refers to the office of the Department of away shops of the employer, as well as the immediate vicinity ac-
Labor and Employment at the administrative regional level. tually used by picketing strikers in moving to and fro before all
(rr) [(qq)]”Registration” refers to the process of determining whether points of entrance.
the application for registration of a union or workers' association (zz) [(ww)]”Strike Vote Balloting” refers to the secret balloting under-
and collective bargaining agreement complies with the documen- taken by the members of the union in the bargaining unit con-
tary requirements for registration prescribed in Rules III, IV, and cerned to determine whether or not to declare a strike in meetings
XVII of these Rules. or referenda called for that purpose.
(ss) [(rr)]”Related Labor Relations Dispute” refers to any conflict be- (aaa) [(xx)]”Supervisory Employee” refers to an employee who, in the
tween a labor union and the employer or any individual, entity or interest of the employer, effectively recommends managerial ac-
group that is not a labor union or workers' association. tions and the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or
(tt) ”Re-run election” refers to an election conducted to break a tie be- clerical but requires the use of independent judgment.
tween contending unions, including between ”no union” and one (bbb) [(yy)]”Term of Office” refers to the fixed period of five (5) years
of the unions. It shall likewise refer to an election conducted after during which the duly elected officers of a labor organization dis-
a failure of election has been declared by the Election Officer charge the functions of their office, unless a shorter period is stip-
and/or affirmed by the Mediator-Arbiter. (As added by D.O. 40- ulated in the organization's constitution and by-laws.
I-15, 7 Sept. 2015) (ccc) [(zz)]”Union” refers to any labor organization in the private sector
(uu) [(ss)]”Run-off Election” refers to an election between the labor un- organized for collective bargaining and for other legitimate pur-
ions receiving the two (2) highest number of votes in a certifica- poses.
tion or consent election with three (3) or more choices, where such (ddd) [(aaa)]”Voluntary Arbitrator” refers to any person accredited by
a certified or consent results in none of the three (3) or more the Board as such, or any person named or designated in the col-
choices receiving the majority of the valid votes cast; provided lective bargaining agreement by the parties to act as their volun-
that the total number of votes for all contending unions is at least tary arbitrator, or one chosen by the parties, with or without the
fifty percent (50%) of the number of votes cast. (Par. (uu)-(vv) are assistance of the Board, pursuant to a selection procedure agreed
as renumbered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015) upon in the collective bargaining agreement.
(vv) [(tt)]”Secretary” refers to the Head of the Department. (eee) [(bbb)]”Voluntary Recognition” refers to the process by which a
(ww) “Spoiled ballot” refers to a ballot that is torn, defaced, or contains legitimate labor union is recognized by the employer as the exclu-
markings which can lead another to clearly identify the voter who sive bargaining representative or agent in a bargaining unit, re-
casts such vote. (As added by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015) ported with the Regional Office in accordance with Rule VII, Sec-
(xx) [(uu)]”Strike” refers to any temporary stoppage of work by the tion 2 of these Rules.
concerted action of employees as a result of a labor or industrial (fff) [(ccc)]”Workers' Association“ refers to an association of workers
dispute. (Par. (xx)-(fff) are as renumbered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. organized for the mutual aid and protection of its members or for
2015) any legitimate purpose other than collective bargaining. (As
(yy) [(vv)]”Strike Area” refers to the establishment, warehouses, de- amended and renumbered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
pots, plants or offices, including the sites or premises used as run-

COVERAGE OF THE RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION All other workers, including ambulant, intermittent and other work-
Section 1. Policy. - It is the policy of the State to promote the free and ers, the self-employed, rural workers and those without any definite
responsible exercise of the right to self-organization through the es- employers may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and pro-
tablishment of a simplified mechanism for the speedy registration of tection and other legitimate purposes except collective bargaining.
labor unions and workers associations, determination of representa- (As amended by D.O. 40-C-05, 7 March 2015)
tion status and resolution of inter/intra-union and other related labor
relations disputes. Only legitimate or registered labor unions shall S.S. Ventures International v. S.S Ventures Labor Union, 559
have the right to represent their members for collective bargaining SCRA 435
and other purposes. Workers' associations shall have the right to rep- B. Special Groups of Employees
resent their members for purposes other than collective bargaining.
1. Managerial & Supervisory Employees: Art. 255
Section 2. Who may join labor unions and workers' associations. - [245], 219 (m) [212 (m)]; Omnibus Rules, Book V,
All persons employed in commercial, industrial and agricultural en- Rule I, Sec. 1 (hh), (nn), (xx), as amended by D.O.
terprises, including employees of government owned or controlled 40
corporations without original charters established under the Corpora- Art. 255 [245]. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any la-
tion Code, as well as employees of religious, charitable, medical or bor organization; right of supervisory employees. Managerial em-
educational institutions whether operating for profit or not, shall have ployees are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor organization.
the right to self-organization and to form, join or assist labor unions Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for membership in a labor
for purposes of collective bargaining: provided, however, that super- organization of the rank-and-file employees but may join, assist or
visory employees shall not be eligible for membership in a labor union form separate labor organizations of their own. (As amended by Sec-
of the rank-and-file employees but may form, join or assist separate tion 18, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
labor unions of their own. Managerial employees shall not be eligible
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions.
to form, join or assist any labor unions for purposes of collective bar-
(m) "Managerial employee" is one who is vested with the powers or
prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies
Alien employees with valid working permits issued by the Depart- and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign
ment may exercise the right to self-organization and join or assist la- or discipline employees. Supervisory employees are those who, in
bor unions for purposes of collective bargaining if they are nationals the interest of the employer, effectively recommend such mana-
of a country which grants the same or similar rights to Filipino work- gerial actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely rou-
ers, as certified by the Department of Foreign Affairs, or which has tinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of independent
ratified either ILO Convention No. 87 and ILO Convention No. 98. judgment. All employees not falling within any of the above def-
For purposes of this section, any employee, whether employed for a initions are considered rank-and-file employees for purposes of
definite period or not, shall beginning on the first day of his/her ser- this Book.
vice, be eligible for membership in any labor organization.

RULE I have the right to organize and to bargain collectively with their re-
DEFINITION OF TERMS spective employers. All other employees in the civil service shall have
Section 1. Definition of Terms. the right to form associations for purposes not contrary to law. (As
(ii) [(hh)] "Managerial Employee" refers to an employee who is vested amended by Executive Order No. 111, December 24, 1986)
with powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute manage-
ment policies or to hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, discharge, Art. 276. Government employees. The terms and conditions of em-
assign or discipline employees. ployment of all government employees, including employees of gov-
(oo) [(nn)] "Rank-and-File Employee" refers to an employee whose ernment-owned and controlled corporations, shall be governed by the
functions are neither managerial nor supervisory in nature. Civil Service Law, rules and regulations. Their salaries shall be stand-
(aaa) [(xx)] "Supervisory Employee" refers to an employee who, in the ardized by the National Assembly as provided for in the New Consti-
interest of the employer, effectively recommends managerial ac- tution. However, there shall be no reduction of existing wages, bene-
tions and the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or fits and other terms and conditions of employment being enjoyed by
clerical but requires the use of independent judgment. them at the time of the adoption of this Code.
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 180, June 1, 1987
Cathay Pacific Steel Corp. v. CA, August 30, 2006
Pepsi Cola Products v. Secretary of Labor, 312 SCRA 104 CREATING A PUBLIC SECTOR LABOR-MANAGEMENT
San Miguel Corp. Supervisors and Exempt Union v. COUNCIL, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
Laguesma, August 15, 1997 In accordance with the provisions of the 1987 Constitution, I, CORA-
Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union (SCBEU-NUBE) v. ZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, do hereby order:
Standard Chartered Bank, April 22, 2008 I. Coverage
3. Security Guards Sec. 1. This Executive Order applies to all employees of all branches,
Manila Electric Co. v. Secretary of Labor & Employment, 197 subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies, of the Government, in-
SCRA 275 cluding government-owned or controlled corporations with original
4. Members of Cooperatives charters. For this purpose, employees, covered by this Executive Or-
Benguet Electric Cooperative v. Ferrer-Calleja, 180 SCRA 740 der shall be referred to as "government employees".
5. Members of the Iglesia ni Cristo
Sec. 2. All government employees can form, join or assist employees'
Kapatiran sa Meat and Canning Division v. Ferrer-Calleja, 162
organizations of their own choosing for the furtherance and protec-
SCRA 367
tion of their interests. They can also form, in conjunction with appro-
6. Government Employees:
priate government authorities, labor-management committees, works
Arts. 254 [244], 291 [276]; Executive Order No. councils and other forms of workers' participation schemes to achieve
180, issued in 1987 the same objectives.
Art. 244. Right of employees in the public service. Employees of gov-
ernment corporations established under the Corporation Code shall Sec. 3. High-level employees whose functions are normally consid-
ered as policy-making or managerial or whose duties are of a highly

confidential nature shall not be eligible to join the organization of IV. Sole and Exclusive Employees' Representatives
rank-and-file government employees. Sec. 9. The appropriate organizational unit shall be the employers unit
consisting of rank-and-file employees unless circumstances otherwise
Sec. 4. The Executive Order shall not apply to the members of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, including police officers, policemen,
firemen and jail guards. Sec. 10. The duly registered employees' organization having the sup-
port of the majority of the employees in the appropriate organiza-
II. Protection of the Right to Organize
tional unit shall be designated as the sole and exclusive representative
Sec. 5. Government employees shall not be discriminated against in
of the employees.
respect of their employment by reason of their membership in em-
ployees' organizations or participation in the normal activities of their Sec. 11. A duly registered employees' organization shall be accorded
organization. Their employment shall not be subject to the condition voluntary recognition upon a showing that no other employees' or-
that they shall not join or shall relinquish their membership in the em- ganization is registered or is seeking registration, based on records of
ployees' organizations. the Bureau of Labor Relations, and that the said organizations has the
majority support of the rank-and-file employees in the organizational
Sec. 6. Government authorities shall not interfere in the establishment,
functioning or administration of government employees' organiza-
tions through acts designed to place such organizations under the Sec. 12. Where there are two or more duly registered employees' or-
control of government authority. ganizations in the appropriate organizational unit, the Bureau of La-
III. Registration of Employees' Organization bor Relations shall, upon petition, order the conduct of a certification
Sec. 7. Government employees' organizations shall register with the election and shall certify the winner as the exclusive representative of
Civil Service Commission and the Department of Labor and Employ- the rank-and-file employees in said organization unit.
ment. The application shall be filed with the Bureau of Labor Relations V. Terms and Conditions of Employment in Government
of the Department which shall process the same in accordance with Services
the provisions of the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended. Ap- Sec. 13. Terms and conditions of employment or improvements
plications may also be filed with the Regional Offices of the Depart- thereof, except those that are fixed by law, may be the subject of nego-
ment of Labor and Employment which shall immediately transmit the tiations between duly recognized employees' organizations and ap-
said applications to the Bureau of Labor Relations within three (3) propriate government authorities.
days from receipt thereof. VI. Peaceful Concerted Activities and Strikes
Sec. 8. Upon approval of the application, a registration certificate be Sec. 14. The Civil Service laws and rules governing concerted activi-
issued to the organization recognizing it as a legitimate employees' ties and strikes in the government service shall be observed, subject to
organization with the right to represent its members and undertake any legislation that may be enacted by Congress.
activities to further and defend its interest. The corresponding certifi- VII. Public Sector Labor-Management Council
cates of registration shall be jointly approved by the Chairman of the Sec. 15. A Public Sector Labor Management Council, hereinafter re-
Civil Service Commission and Secretary of Labor and Employment. ferred to as the Council, is hereby constituted to be composed of the
1) Chairman, Civil Service Commission Chairman and those without any definite employers may form labor organiza-
2) Secretary, Department of Labor and Employment Vice Chair- tions for their mutual aid and protection. (As amended by Batas Pam-
man bansa Bilang 70, May 1, 1980)
3) Secretary, Department of Finance Member
Republic Planters Bank v. Laguesma, 264 SCRA 637
4) Secretary, Department of Justice Member
5) Secretary, Department of Budget and Management Member C. Acquisition and Retention of Membership: Union Security
Agreements: Art. 292 (c) [277 (c)],
The Council shall implement and administer the provisions of this Ex-
ecutive Order. For this purpose, the Council shall promulgate the nec- Art.[292] 277. Miscellaneous provisions.
essary rules and regulations to implement this Executive Order. (c) Any employee, whether employed for a definite period or not,
shall, beginning on his first day of service, be considered as an
VIII. Settlement of Disputes
employee for purposes of membership in any labor union. (As
Sec. 16. The Civil Service and labor laws and procedures, whenever
amended by Section 33, Republic Act No. 6715)
applicable, shall be followed in the resolution of complaints, griev-
ances and cases involving government employees. In case any dispute Liberty Flour Mills Employees v. Liberty Flour Mills, Inc., De-
remains unresolved after exhausting all the available remedies under cember 29, 1989
existing laws and procedures, the parties may jointly refer the dispute Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers Union, 59 SCRA 54
to the Council, for appropriate action. Santos-Juat v. CIR. 15 SCRA 391
IX. Effectivity Manila Cordage Co. v. CIR 78 SCRA 398
Sec. 17. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of June, in the year of Our
Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven.

Acosta v. CA, G.R. 132088, June 28, 2000

7. Employees of International Organizations
International Catholic Migration Commission v. Ferrer-Calleja,
190 SCRA 130

8. Non-employees: Art. 253 [243]

Art. [253] 243. Coverage and employees’ right to self-organiza-
tion. All persons employed in commercial, industrial and agricultural
enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or educational insti-
tutions, whether operating for profit or not, shall have the right to self-
organization and to form, join, or assist labor organizations of their
own choosing for purposes of collective bargaining. Ambulant, inter-
mittent and itinerant workers, self-employed people, rural workers

Omnibus Rules, Book V. Rule I, Sec 1 (d,t) as amended by D.O.

Section 1. Definition of Terms.
(e) [(d)] "Bargaining Unit" refers to a group of employees sharing mu-
tual interests within a given employer unit, comprised of all or
less than all of the entire body of employees in the employer unit
or any specific occupational or geographical grouping within
such employer unit.
(u) [(t)] "Exclusive Bargaining Representative" refers to a legitimate
labor union duly recognized or certified as the sole and exclusive
bargaining representative or agent of all the employees in a bar-
gaining unit.

San Miguel Corp. v. Laguesma, 236 SCRA 595

University of the Philippines v. Ferrer-Calleia, 211 SCRA 451
Golden Farms v. Secretary, 234 SCRA 517
Mechanical Department Labor Union sa PNR v. CIR, 24 SCRA
Philtranco Services Enterprises v. BLR, 174 SCRA 388
Philippine Scout Veterans Security and Investigation Agency
v. Secretary, 224 SCRA 682
International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing, GR
123619, June 8, 2000
De La Salle V. De La Salle University Employees' Association,
330 SCRA 363

LABOR ORGANIZATIONS with a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement within five (5)
days from its submission.
A. Definition & Types: Art. 219 (g, h) [212 (g, h)]
The Bureau or Regional Office shall assess the employer for every Col-
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions. lective Bargaining Agreement a registration fee of not less than one
(g) "Labor organization" means any union or association of employ- thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or in any other amount as may be deemed
ees which exists in whole or in part for the purpose of collective appropriate and necessary by the Secretary of Labor and Employment
bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning terms and for the effective and efficient administration of the Voluntary Arbitra-
conditions of employment. tion Program. Any amount collected under this provision shall accrue
(h) "Legitimate labor organization" means any labor organization to the Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund.
duly registered with the Department of Labor and Employment, The Bureau shall also maintain a file and shall undertake or assist in
and includes any branch or local thereof. the publication of all final decisions, orders and awards of the Secre-
B. Registration of Unions: Art. 237 [231], 240 – 249 [234-240], Re- tary of Labor and Employment, Regional Directors and the Commis-
public Act 9481, effective June 15, 2007 sion. (As amended by Section 15, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21,
Art. 240 [231]. Registry of unions and file of collective bargaining
agreements. The Bureau shall keep a registry of legitimate labor or- ART. 241 [234]. Requirements of Registration. A federation, national
ganizations. The Bureau shall also maintain a file of all collective bar- union or industry or trade union center or an independent union shall
gaining agreements and other related agreements and records of set- acquire legal personality and shall be entitled to the rights and privi-
tlement of labor disputes and copies of orders and decisions of volun- leges granted by law to legitimate labor organizations upon issuance
tary arbitrators. The file shall be open and accessible to interested par- of the certificate of registration based on the following requirements:
ties under conditions prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and Em- (a) Fifty pesos (P50.00) registration fee;
ployment, provided that no specific information submitted in confi- (b) The names of its officers, their addresses, the principal address of
dence shall be disclosed unless authorized by the Secretary, or when the labor organization, the minutes of the organizational meetings
it is at issue in any judicial litigation, or when public interest or na- and the list of the workers who participated in such meetings;
tional security so requires. (c) In case the applicant is an independent union, the names of all its
Within thirty (30) days from the execution of a Collective Bargaining members comprising at least twenty percent (20%) of all the em-
Agreement, the parties shall submit copies of the same directly to the ployees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to operate;
Bureau or the Regional Offices of the Department of Labor and Em- (d) If the applicant union has been in existence for one or more years,
ployment for registration, accompanied with verified proofs of its copies of its annual financial reports; and
posting in two conspicuous places in the place of work and ratification (e) Four copies of the constitution and by-laws of the applicant union,
by the majority of all the workers in the bargaining unit. The Bureau minutes of its adoption or ratification, and the list of the members
or Regional Offices shall act upon the application for registration of who participated in it. (As amended by R.A. No. 9481, June 14,
such Collective Bargaining Agreement within five (5) calendar days 2007)
from receipt thereof. The Regional Offices shall furnish the Bureau
ART. 242 [234-A]. Chartering and Creation of a Local Chapter. A Proof of the affiliation of at least ten (10) locals or chapters, each of
duly registered federation or national union may directly create a lo- which must be a duly recognized collective bargaining agent in the
cal chapter by issuing a charter certificate indicating the establishment establishment or industry in which it operates, supporting the regis-
of the local chapter. The chapter shall acquire legal personality only tration of such applicant federation or national union; and
for purposes of filing a petition for certification election from the date
The names and addresses of the companies where the locals or chap-
it was issued a charter certificate.
ters operate and the list of all the members in each company involved.
The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges of a le-
ART. [246] 238. Cancellation of Registration. The certificate of regis-
gitimate labor organization only upon the submission of the following
tration of any legitimate labor organization, whether national or local,
documents in addition to its charter certificate:
may be cancelled by the Bureau, after due hearing, only on the
(a) The names of the chapter's officers, their addresses, and the prin- grounds specified in Article 239 hereof. (As amended by R.A. No.
cipal office of the chapter; and 9481, June 14, 2007)
(b) The chapter's constitution and by-laws: Provided, That where the
ART. 247 [238-A]. Effect of a Petition for Cancellation of Registra-
chapter's constitution and by-laws are the same as that of the fed-
tion. A petition for cancellation of union registration shall not suspend
eration or the national union, this fact shall be indicated accord-
the proceedings for certification election nor shall it prevent the filing
of a petition for certification election.
The additional supporting requirements shall be certified under oath
In case of cancellation, nothing herein shall restrict the right of the un-
by the secretary or treasurer of the chapter and attested by its presi-
ion to seek just and equitable remedies in the appropriate courts. (As
dent. (As amended by R.A. No. 9481, June 14, 2007)
amended by R.A. No. 9481, June 14, 2007)
Art. 243 [235]. Action on application. The Bureau shall act on all ap-
ART. 248 [239]. Grounds for Cancellation of Union Registration.
plications for registration within thirty (30) days from filing.
The following may constitute grounds for cancellation of union regis-
All requisite documents and papers shall be certified under oath by tration:
the secretary or the treasurer of the organization, as the case may be,
(a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in connection with the
and attested to by its president.
adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or amend-
Art. 244 [236]. Denial of registration; appeal. The decision of the La- ments thereto, the minutes of ratification, and the list of members
bor Relations Division in the Regional Office denying registration may who took part in the ratification;
be appealed by the applicant union to the Bureau within ten (10) days (b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in connection with
from receipt of notice thereof. the election of officers, minutes of the election of officers, and the
list of voters;
Art. 245 [237]. Additional requirements for federations or national
(c) Voluntary dissolution by the members. (As amended by R.A. No.
unions. Subject to Article 238, if the applicant for registration is a fed-
9481, June 14, 2007)
eration or a national union, it shall, in addition to the requirements of
the preceding Articles, submit the following: ART. 249 [239-A]. Voluntary Cancellation of Registration. The reg-
istration of a legitimate labor organization may be cancelled by the
organization itself. Provided, That at least two-thirds of its general 3) the name of all its members comprising at least 20% of the em-
membership votes, in a meeting duly called for that purpose to dis- ployees in the bargaining unit;
solve the organization: Provided, further, That an application to can- 4) the annual financial reports if the applicant has been in existence
cel registration is thereafter submitted by the board of the organiza- for one or more years, unless it has not collected any amount from
tion, attested to by the president thereof. the members, in which case a statement to this effect shall be in-
cluded in the application;
Art. 250 [240]. Equity of the incumbent. All existing federations and
5) the applicant's constitution and by-laws, minutes of its adoption
national unions which meet the qualifications of a legitimate labor or-
or ratification, and the list of the members who participated in it.
ganization and none of the grounds for cancellation shall continue to
The list of ratifying members shall be dispensed with where the
maintain their existing affiliates regardless of the nature of the indus-
constitution and by-laws was ratified or adopted during the or-
try and the location of the affiliates.
ganizational meeting. In such a case, the factual circumstances of
RULE III the ratification shall be recorded in the minutes of the organiza-
tional meeting(s).
Section 1. Where to file. - Applications for registration of independ-
ent labor unions, chartered locals, and workers’ associations shall be B. The application for registration of federations and national unions
filed with the Regional Office where the applicant principally oper- shall be accompanied by the following documents:
ates. It shall be processed by the Labor Relations Division at the Re- 1) a statement indicating the name of the applicant labor union, its
gional Office in accordance with Sections 2-A, 2-C, and 2-E of this principal address, the name of its officers and their respective ad-
Rule. dresses;
Applications for registration of federations, national unions or work- 2) the minutes of the organizational meeting(s) and the list of em-
ers' associations operating in more than one region shall be filed with ployees who participated in the said meeting(s);
the Bureau or the Regional Offices, but shall be processed by the Bu- 3) the annual financial reports if the applicant union has been in ex-
reau in accordance with Sections 2-B and 2-D of this Rule. istence for one or more years, unless it has not collected any
amount from the members, in which case a statement to this effect
Section 2. Requirements for application.
shall be included in the application;
A. The application for registration of an independent labor union shall
4) the applicant union's constitution and by-laws, minutes of its
be accompanied by the following documents:
adoption or ratification, and the list of the members who partici-
1) the name of the applicant labor union, its principal address, the pated in it. The list of ratifying members shall be dispensed with
name of its officers and their respective addresses, approximate where the constitution and by-laws was ratified or adopted dur-
number of employees in the bargaining unit where it seeks to op- ing the organizational meeting(s). In such a case, the factual cir-
erate, with a statement that it is not reported as a chartered local cumstances of the ratification shall be recorded in the minutes of
of any federation or national union; the organizational meeting(s);
2) the minutes of the organizational meeting(s) and the list of em- 5) the resolution of affiliation of at least ten (10) legitimate labor or-
ployees who participated in the said meeting(s); ganizations, whether independent unions or chartered locals,

each of which must be a duly certified or recognized bargaining The local/chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges of
agent in the establishment where it seeks to operate; and a legitimate labor organization only upon the submission of the fol-
6) the name and addresses of the companies where the affiliates op- lowing documents in addition to its Charter certificate:
erate and the list of all the members in each company involved.
(a) The names of the local/chapter's officers, their Addresses, and the
Labor organizations operating within an identified industry may also principal office of the Local/chapter, and
apply for registration as a federation or national union within the (b) The chapter's constitution and by-laws Provided, that where the
specified industry by submitting to the Bureau the same set of docu- chapter's constitution
ments. (c) And by-laws are the same as that of the Federation or the national
union, this fact shall be indicated accordingly.
C. The application for registration of a workers' association shall be
accompanied by the following documents: The [genuineness] and due execution of the supporting requirements
shall be certified under oath by the secretary or treasurer of the lo-
1) the name of the applicant association, its principal address, the
cal/chapter and attested to by its President. (As amended by D.O. 40-
name of its officers and their respective addresses;
B-03 and further amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008)
2) the minutes of the organizational meeting(s) and the list of mem-
bers who participated therein; Section 3. Notice of change of name of labor organizations; Where
3) the financial reports of the applicant association if it has been in to file. - The notice for change of name of a registered labor organiza-
tion shall be filed with the Bureau or the Regional Office where the
existence for one or more years, unless it has not collected any
concerned labor organization's certificate of registration or certificate
amount from the members, in which case a statement to this effect
of creation of a chartered local was issued.
shall be included in the application;
4) the applicant's constitution and by-laws to which must be at- Section 4. Requirements for notice of change of name. - The notice
for change of name of a labor organization shall be accompanied by
tached the names of ratifying members, the minutes of adoption
the following documents:
or ratification of the constitution and by-laws and the date when
ratification was made, unless ratification was done in the organi- (a) proof of approval or ratification of change of name; and
zational meeting(s), in which case such fact shall be reflected in (b) the amended constitution and by-laws.
the minutes of the organizational meeting(s). Section 5. Certificate of Registration/Certificate of Creation of Char-
D. Application for registration of a workers' association operating in tered Local for change of name. - The certificate of registration and
the certificate of creation of a chartered local issued to the labor organ-
more than one region shall be accompanied, in addition to the require-
ization for change of name shall bear the same registration number as
ments in the preceding subsection, by a resolution of membership of the original certificate issued in its favor and shall indicate the follow-
each member association, duly approved by its board of directors. ing:
E. A duly-registered federation or national union may directly create (a) the new name of the labor organization;
a local/chapter by issuing a charter certificate indicating the establish- (b) its former name;
ment of the local/chapter the local/chapter shall acquire legal person- (c) its office or business address; and
ality only for purposes of filing a petition for certification election
from the date it was issued a charter certificate.
(d) the date when the labor organization acquired legitimate person- (b) the amended constitution and by-laws and minutes of its ratifica-
ality as stated in its original certificate of registration/certificate tion, unless ratification transpired in the merger convention,
of creation of chartered local. which fact shall be indicated accordingly.
Section 6. Report of Affiliation with federations or national unions; Section 10. Certificate of Registration. - The certificate of registration
Where to file. - The report of affiliation of an independently registered issued to merged labor organizations shall bear the registration num-
labor union with a federation or national union shall be filed with the
ber of one of the merging labor organizations as agreed upon by the
Regional Office that issued its certificate of registration.
parties to the merger.
Section 7. Requirements of affiliation. - The report of affiliation of The certificate of registration shall indicate the following:
independently registered labor unions with a federation or national
(a) the new name of the merged labor organization;
union shall be accompanied by the following documents:
(b) the fact that it is a merger of two or more labor organizations;
(a) resolution of the labor union's board of directors approving the (c) the name of the labor organizations that were merged;
affiliation; (d) its office or business address; and
(b) minutes of the general membership meeting approving the affili- (e) the date when each of the merging labor organizations acquired
ation; legitimate personality as stated in their respective original certifi-
(c) the total number of members comprising the labor union and the cate of registration.
names of members who approved the affiliation;
Section 11. Requirements of notice of consolidation. - The notice of
(d) the certificate of affiliation issued by the federation in favor of the consolidation of labor organizations shall be accompanied by the fol-
independently registered labor union; and lowing documents:
(e) written notice to the employer concerned if the affiliating union is
(a) the minutes of consolidation convention of all the consolidating
the incumbent bargaining agent.
labor organizations, with the list of their respective members who
Section 8. Notice of Merger/Consolidation of labor organizations; approved the same; and
Where to file. - Notice of merger or consolidation of independent la-
(b) the amended constitution and by-laws, minutes of its ratification
bor unions, chartered locals and workers' associations shall be filed
transpired in the consolidation convention or in the same general
with and recorded by the Regional Office that issued the certificate of
registration/certificate of creation of chartered local of either the membership meeting(s), which fact shall be indicated accord-
merging or consolidating labor organization. Notice of merger or con- ingly.
solidation of federations or national unions shall be filed with and rec- Section 12. Certificate of Registration. - The certificate of registration
orded by the Bureau. issued to a consolidated labor organization shall bear the registration
Section 9. Requirements of notice of merger. - The notice of merger number of one of the consolidating labor organizations as agreed
upon by the parties to the consolidation.
of labor organizations shall be accompanied by the following docu-
ments: The certificate of registration shall indicate the following (a) the new
name of the consolidated labor organization; (b) the fact that it is a
(a) the minutes of merger convention or general membership meet- consolidation of two or more labor organizations; (c) the name of the
ing(s) of all the merging labor organizations, with the list of their labor organizations that were consolidated; (d) its office or business
respective members who approved the same; and
address; and (e) the date when each of the consolidating labor organ- In case of cancellation, nothing herein shall restrict the right of the un-
izations acquired legitimate personality as stated in their respective ion to seek just and equitable remedies in the appropriate courts. (As
original certificates of registration. amended by R.A. No. 9481, June 14, 2007)
San Miguel Corporation Employees Union-Philippine ART. 247 [239]. Grounds for Cancellation of Union Registration.
Transport and General Workers Organization (SMCEU- The following may constitute grounds for cancellation of union regis-
PTGWO) v. San Miguel Packaging Products Employees Un- tration:
ion-Pambansang Diwa Ng Manggagawang Pilipino (SMP-
PEU-PDMP), September 12, 2007 (a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in connection with the
adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or amend-
Eagle Ridge Golf and Country Club v. CA, March 18, 2010 ments thereto, the minutes of ratification, and the list of members
who took part in the ratification;
Samahang Mangagawa Sa Charter Chemical (SMCC-SUPER) (b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in connection with
v. Charter Chemical and Coating Corp. March 16, 2011 the election of officers, minutes of the election of officers, and the
list of voters;
Yokohama Tire Phils. v. Yokohama Employees Union, March (c) Voluntary dissolution by the members. (As amended by R.A. No.
10, 2010 9481, June 14, 2007)
C. Local Unions and Federations RULE XIV
MSMG-UWP v. Ramos, GR 113907, February 28, 2000
Phil. Skylanders v. NLRC, GR 127374, 31 January 2002
Section 1. Where to file. - Subject to the requirements of notice and
D. Cancellation of Registration; Arts. 245, 246, 247 [238-239]; Rule due process, the registration of any legitimate independent labor un-
III, Omnibus Rules, Book V, Rule XIV-XV, as amended by D.O. ion, local/chapter and workers' association may be cancelled by the
40-03 Regional Director upon the filing of a petition for cancellation of union
registration, or application by the organization itself for voluntary dis-
ART. 245 [238]. Cancellation of Registration. The certificate of regis-
tration of any legitimate labor organization, whether national or local,
may be cancelled by the Bureau, after due hearing, only on the The petition for cancellation or application for voluntary dissolution
grounds specified in Article 239 hereof. (As amended by R.A. No. shall be filed in the Regional Office which issued its certificate of reg-
9481, June 14, 2007) istration or creation.

ART. 246 [238-A]. Effect of a Petition for Cancellation of Registra- In the case of federations, national or industry unions and trade union
tion. A petition for cancellation of union registration shall not suspend centers, the Bureau Director may cancel the registration upon the fil-
the proceedings for certification election nor shall it prevent the filing ing of a petition for cancellation. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct.
of a petition for certification election. 2008)

Section 2. Who may file. - Any party-in-interest may commence a pe- The affiliation of the rank-and-file and supervisory unions operating
tition for cancellation of registration, except in actions involving vio- within the same establishment to the same federation or national un-
lations of Article 241, which can only be commenced by members of ion shall not be a .ground to cancel the registration of either union.
the labor organization concerned. (Added by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008)

Section 3. Grounds for cancellation. - The following shall constitute RULE XV

grounds for cancellation of registration of labor organizations: REGISTRY OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS AND
(a) misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in connection with the Section l. National Registry. - The bureau shall be the national regis-
adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-laws or amend- try of labor organizations and collective bargaining agreements. As
ments thereto, the minutes of ratification, the list of members who such it shall:
took part in the ratification; (a) maintain a national registry;
(b) misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in connection with (b) within the month of March following the end of the calendar year,
the election of officers, minutes of the election of officers, and the publish in the Department of Labor and Employment website the
list of voters; lists of labor organizations and federations which have complied
(c) voluntary dissolution by the members. (As amended by D.O. 40- with the reportorial requirements of Rule V and delinquent labor
F-03, 30 Oct. 2008) organizations;
Section 4. Voluntary Cancellation of Registration; How Made. - a (c) publish a list of officers of labor organizations with criminal con-
legitimate labor organization may cancel its registration provided at viction by final judgment; and verify the existence of a registered
least two thirds (2/3) of its general membership votes to dissolve the labor organization with no registered collective bargaining agree-
organization in a meeting duly called for that purpose and an appli- ment and which has not been complying with the reportorial re-
cation to cancel its registration is thereafter submitted by the board of
quirements for at least five years. The verification shall observe
the organization to the regional/bureau director as the case may be.
the following process:
The application shall be attested to by the president of the organiza-
tion. (Added by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008) 1) the Regional Office shall make a report of the labor organiza-
Section 5. Action on the petition/application. - The petition/applica- tion's non-compliance and submit the same to the bureau for
tion shall be acted upon by the Regional/Bureau Director, as the case verification. The Bureau shall send by registered mail with re-
may be. In case of a petition for cancellation of registration, the formal turn card to the labor organization concerned, a notice for
requirements, processes and periods of disposition stated in Rule XI compliance indicating the documents it failed to submit and
shall be followed in the determination of the merits of the petition. the corresponding period in which they were required, with
(Renumbered by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008) notice to comply with the said reportorial requirements and
to submit proof thereof to the bureau within ten (10) days
Section 6. Prohibited grounds for cancellation of registration. - The from receipt thereof.
inclusion as union members of employees who are outside the bar- 2) Where no response is received by the Bureau within thirty
gaining unit shall not be a ground to cancel the union registration. The (30) days from the service of the first notice, it shall send an-
ineligible employees are automatically deemed removed from the list other notice for compliance, with warning that failure on its
of membership of the union.
part to comply with the reportorial requirements within the
time specified shall cause its publication as a nonexisting la-
bor organization ln the DOLE website.
3) where no response is received by the bureau within thirty (30)
days from service of the second notice, the bureau shall pub-
lish the notice of non-existence of the labor organization/s in
the DOLE website.
4) where no response is received by the bureau within thirty (30)
days from date of publication, or where the bureau has veri-
fied the dissolution of the labor organization, it shall delist the
labor organization from the roster of legitimate labor organi-
zations. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008)

Mariwasa v. Sec. of DOLE, 608 SCRA 706

E. Rights of Labor Organizations: Art. 251 [242], 292 (a) [277 (a)] benefits, welfare fund, strike fund and credit and cooperative un-
Art. 251 [242]. Rights of legitimate labor organizations. A legitimate dertakings. (As amended by Section 33, Republic Act No. 6715,
labor organization shall have the right: March 21, 1989)

(a) To act as the representative of its members for the purpose of col-
lective bargaining;
(b) To be certified as the exclusive representative of all the employees
in an appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of collective bar-
(c) To be furnished by the employer, upon written request, with its
annual audited financial statements, including the balance sheet
and the profit and loss statement, within thirty (30) calendar days
from the date of receipt of the request, after the union has been
duly recognized by the employer or certified as the sole and ex-
clusive bargaining representative of the employees in the bargain-
ing unit, or within sixty (60) calendar days before the expiration
of the existing collective bargaining agreement, or during the col-
lective bargaining negotiation;
(d) To own property, real or personal, for the use and benefit of the
labor organization and its members;
(e) To sue and be sued in its registered name; and
(f) To undertake all other activities designed to benefit the organiza-
tion and its members, including cooperative, housing, welfare
and other projects not contrary to law.
Notwithstanding any provision of a general or special law to the con-
trary, the income and the properties of legitimate labor organizations,
including grants, endowments, gifts, donations and contributions
they may receive from fraternal and similar organizations, local or for-
eign, which are actually, directly and exclusively used for their lawful
purposes, shall be free from taxes, duties and other assessments. The
exemptions provided herein may be withdrawn only by a special law
expressly repealing this provision. (As amended by Section 17, Re-
public Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)

Art. 292 [277]. Miscellaneous provisions.

(a) All unions are authorized to collect reasonable membership fees,
union dues, assessments and fines and other contributions for la-
bor education and research, mutual death and hospitalization

MEMBERSHIP; RIGHTS OF MEMBERS: Art. 250 [241], 289 [274], (f) No person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral
228 (b) [222 (b)] turpitude shall be eligible for election as a union officer or for ap-
pointment to any position in the union;
Art. 250 [241]. Rights and conditions of membership in a labor or- (g) No officer, agent or member of a labor organization shall collect
ganization. The following are the rights and conditions of member-
any fees, dues, or other contributions in its behalf or make any
ship in a labor organization:
disbursement of its money or funds unless he is duly authorized
(a) No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall be required of the pursuant to its constitution and by-laws;
members of a legitimate labor organization nor shall arbitrary, ex- (h) Every payment of fees, dues or other contributions by a member
cessive or oppressive fine and forfeiture be imposed; shall be evidenced by a receipt signed by the officer or agent mak-
(b) The members shall be entitled to full and detailed reports from ing the collection and entered into the record of the organization
their officers and representatives of all financial transactions as to be kept and maintained for the purpose;
provided for in the constitution and by-laws of the organization; (i) The funds of the organization shall not be applied for any purpose
(c) The members shall directly elect their officers, including those of or object other than those expressly provided by its constitution
the national union or federation, to which they or their union is and by-laws or those expressly authorized by written resolution
affiliated, by secret ballot at intervals of five (5) years. No qualifi- adopted by the majority of the members at a general meeting duly
cation requirements for candidacy to any position shall be im- called for the purpose;
posed other than membership in good standing in subject labor (j) Every income or revenue of the organization shall be evidenced
organization. The secretary or any other responsible union officer by a record showing its source, and every expenditure of its funds
shall furnish the Secretary of Labor and Employment with a list shall be evidenced by a receipt from the person to whom the pay-
of the newly-elected officers, together with the appointive officers ment is made, which shall state the date, place and purpose of
or agents who are entrusted with the handling of funds, within such payment. Such record or receipt shall form part of the finan-
thirty (30) calendar days after the election of officers or from the cial records of the organization.
occurrence of any change in the list of officers of the labor organ- Any action involving the funds of the organization shall prescribe
ization; (As amended by Section 16, Republic Act No. 6715, March after three (3) years from the date of submission of the annual fi-
21, 1989) nancial report to the Department of Labor and Employment or
(d) The members shall determine by secret ballot, after due delibera- from the date the same should have been submitted as required
tion, any question of major policy affecting the entire membership by law, whichever comes earlier: Provided, That this provision
of the organization, unless the nature of the organization or force shall apply only to a legitimate labor organization which has sub-
majeure renders such secret ballot impractical, in which case, the mitted the financial report requirements under this Code: Pro-
board of directors of the organization may make the decision in vided, further, that failure of any labor organization to comply
behalf of the general membership; with the periodic financial reports required by law and such rules
(e) No labor organization shall knowingly admit as members or con- and regulations promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the
tinue in membership any individual who belongs to a subversive effectivity of this Act shall automatically result in the cancellation
organization or who is engaged directly or indirectly in any sub- of union registration of such labor organization; (As amended by
versive activity; Section 16, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
(k) The officers of any labor organization shall not be paid any com- membership meeting duly called for the purpose. The secretary of
pensation other than the salaries and expenses due to their posi- the organization shall record the minutes of the meeting including
tions as specifically provided for in its constitution and by-laws, the list of all members present, the votes cast, the purpose of the
or in a written resolution duly authorized by a majority of all the special assessment or fees and the recipient of such assessment or
members at a general membership meeting duly called for the fees. The record shall be attested to by the president.
purpose. The minutes of the meeting and the list of participants (o) Other than for mandatory activities under the Code, no special
and ballots cast shall be subject to inspection by the Secretary of assessments, attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or any other extraor-
Labor or his duly authorized representatives. Any irregularities dinary fees may be checked off from any amount due to an em-
in the approval of the resolutions shall be a ground for impeach- ployee without an individual written authorization duly signed
ment or expulsion from the organization; by the employee. The authorization should specifically state the
(l) The treasurer of any labor organization and every officer thereof amount, purpose and beneficiary of the deduction; and
who is responsible for the account of such organization or for the (p) It shall be the duty of any labor organization and its officers to
collection, management, disbursement, custody or control of the inform its members on the provisions of its constitution and by-
funds, moneys and other properties of the organization, shall ren- laws, collective bargaining agreement, the prevailing labor rela-
der to the organization and to its members a true and correct ac- tions system and all their rights and obligations under existing la-
count of all moneys received and paid by him since he assumed bor laws.
office or since the last day on which he rendered such account, For this purpose, registered labor organizations may assess reasona-
and of all bonds, securities and other properties of the organiza- ble dues to finance labor relations seminars and other labor education
tion entrusted to his custody or under his control. The rendering activities.
of such account shall be made: Any violation of the above rights and conditions of membership shall
be a ground for cancellation of union registration or expulsion of of-
(1) At least once a year within thirty (30) days after the close of ficers from office, whichever is appropriate. At least thirty percent
its fiscal year; (30%) of the members of a union or any member or members espe-
(2) At such other times as may be required by a resolution of the cially concerned may report such violation to the Bureau. The Bureau
majority of the members of the organization; and shall have the power to hear and decide any reported violation to mete
(3) Upon vacating his office; the appropriate penalty.

The account shall be duly audited and verified by affidavit and a Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations of above rights
copy thereof shall be furnished the Secretary of Labor. and conditions of membership shall continue to be under the juris-
diction of ordinary courts.
(m) The books of accounts and other records of the financial activi-
ties of any labor organization shall be open to inspection by any Palacol, et al vs. Pura Ferrer-Calleja, G.R. No. 85333, February
officer or member thereof during office hours; 26, 1990
(n) No special assessment or other extraordinary fees may be levied
upon the members of a labor organization unless authorized by a
written resolution of a majority of all the members in a general
UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES Pambansa Bilang 70, May 1, 1980 and later further amended by Sec-
tion 19, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
A. Concept: Art. 257 [247] B. Unfair Labor Practices of Employers: Art. 258 [248]
Art. 257 [247]. Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for
Art. 258 [248]. Unfair labor practices of employers. It shall be unlaw-
prosecution thereof. Unfair labor practices violate the constitutional
ful for an employer to commit any of the following unfair labor prac-
right of workers and employees to self-organization, are inimical to
the legitimate interests of both labor and management, including their
right to bargain collectively and otherwise deal with each other in an (a) To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of
atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, disrupt industrial peace their right to self-organization;
and hinder the promotion of healthy and stable labor-management (b) To require as a condition of employment that a person or an em-
relations. ployee shall not join a labor organization or shall withdraw from
one to which he belongs;
Consequently, unfair labor practices are not only violations of the civil
(c) To contract out services or functions being performed by union
rights of both labor and management but are also criminal offenses
members when such will interfere with, restrain or coerce em-
against the State which shall be subject to prosecution and punish-
ployees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization;
ment as herein provided.
(d) To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere with the for-
Subject to the exercise by the President or by the Secretary of Labor mation or administration of any labor organization, including the
and Employment of the powers vested in them by Articles 263 and giving of financial or other support to it or its organizers or sup-
264 of this Code, the civil aspects of all cases involving unfair labor porters;
practices, which may include claims for actual, moral, exemplary and (e) To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of work and other terms
other forms of damages, attorney’s fees and other affirmative relief, and conditions of employment in order to encourage or discour-
shall be under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters. The Labor Arbi- age membership in any labor organization. Nothing in this Code
ters shall give utmost priority to the hearing and resolution of all cases or in any other law shall stop the parties from requiring member-
involving unfair labor practices. They shall resolve such cases within ship in a recognized collective bargaining agent as a condition for
thirty (30) calendar days from the time they are submitted for deci- employment, except those employees who are already members
sion. of another union at the time of the signing of the collective bar-
gaining agreement. Employees of an appropriate bargaining unit
Recovery of civil liability in the administrative proceedings shall bar
who are not members of the recognized collective bargaining
recovery under the Civil Code.
agent may be assessed a reasonable fee equivalent to the dues and
No criminal prosecution under this Title may be instituted without a other fees paid by members of the recognized collective bargain-
final judgment finding that an unfair labor practice was committed, ing agent, if such non-union members accept the benefits under
having been first obtained in the preceding paragraph. During the the collective bargaining agreement: Provided, that the individual
pendency of such administrative proceeding, the running of the pe- authorization required under Article 242, paragraph (o) of this
riod of prescription of the criminal offense herein penalized shall be Code shall not apply to the non-members of the recognized col-
considered interrupted: Provided, however, that the final judgment in lective bargaining agent;
the administrative proceedings shall not be binding in the criminal (f) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice or discriminate
case nor be considered as evidence of guilt but merely as proof of com- against an employee for having given or being about to give tes-
pliance of the requirements therein set forth. (As amended by Batas timony under this Code;
(g) To violate the duty to bargain collectively as prescribed by this
Code; members of labor associations or organizations who have actually
(h) To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the union or its officers or participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor practices shall be
agents as part of the settlement of any issue in collective bargain- held criminally liable. (As amended by Batas Pambansa Bilang 130,
ing or any other dispute; or August 21, 1981)
(i) To violate a collective bargaining agreement.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph notwithstanding, only the
officers and agents of corporations, associations or partnerships who
have actually participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor prac-
tices shall be held criminally liable. (As amended by Batas Pambansa
Bilang 130, August 21, 1981)

C. Unfair Labor Practices of Labor Organizations: Art. 259 [249]

Art. 249. Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. It shall be un-
fair labor practice for a labor organization, its officers, agents or rep-
(a) To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to
self-organization. However, a labor organization shall have the
right to prescribe its own rules with respect to the acquisition or
retention of membership;
(b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against
an employee, including discrimination against an employee with
respect to whom membership in such organization has been de-
nied or to terminate an employee on any ground other than the
usual terms and conditions under which membership or continu-
ation of membership is made available to other members;
(c) To violate the duty, or refuse to bargain collectively with the em-
ployer, provided it is the representative of the employees;
(d) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to pay or deliver or
agree to pay or deliver any money or other things of value, in the
nature of an exaction, for services which are not performed or not
to be performed, including the demand for fee for union negotia-
(e) To ask for or accept negotiation or attorney’s fees from employers
as part of the settlement of any issue in collective bargaining or
any other dispute; or
(f) To violate a collective bargaining agreement.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph notwithstanding, only the
officers, members of governing boards, representatives or agents or
BARGAINING AGENT AND CERTIFICATION ELECTION PRO- three or more choices results in no choice receiving a majority of the
CEEDINGS valid votes cast, a run-off election shall be conducted between the la-
bor unions receiving the two highest number of votes: Provided, that
A. Bargaining Agent and Certification Election Proceedings: Arts the total number of votes for all contending unions is at least fifty per-
cent (50%) of the number of votes cast.
266 – 270 [Arts. 255-258-A]: Omnibus Rules, Book V, Rule I,
Sec. 1 (d, h, i, o, t, ll, ss, bbb), Rules VI-X, as amended by D.O. At the expiration of the freedom period, the employer shall continue
40-03 to recognize the majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent
where no petition for certification election is filed. (As amended by
Art. 266 [255]. Exclusive bargaining representation and workers’ Section 23, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
participation in policy and decision-making. The labor organization
designated or selected by the majority of the employees in an appro- Art. 268 [257]. Petitions in unorganized establishments. In any estab-
priate collective bargaining unit shall be the exclusive representative lishment where there is no certified bargaining agent, a certification
of the employees in such unit for the purpose of collective bargaining. election shall automatically be conducted by the Med-Arbiter upon
However, an individual employee or group of employees shall have the filing of a petition by a legitimate labor organization. (As amended
the right at any time to present grievances to their employer. by Section 24, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)

Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, workers shall Art. 269 [258]. When an employer may file petition. When requested
have the right, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary to bargain collectively, an employer may petition the Bureau for an
of Labor and Employment may promulgate, to participate in policy election. If there is no existing certified collective bargaining agree-
and decision-making processes of the establishment where they are ment in the unit, the Bureau shall, after hearing, order a certification
employed insofar as said processes will directly affect their rights, election.
benefits and welfare. For this purpose, workers and employers may All certification cases shall be decided within twenty (20) working
form labor-management councils: Provided, That the representatives days.
of the workers in such labor-management councils shall be elected by
at least the majority of all employees in said establishment. (As The Bureau shall conduct a certification election within twenty (20)
amended by Section 22, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989) days in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of Labor.
Art. 267 [256]. Representation issue in organized establishments. In
organized establishments, when a verified petition questioning the ART. 270 [258-A]. Employer as Bystander. - In all cases, whether the
majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent is filed before the petition for certification election is filed by an employer or a legitimate
Department of Labor and Employment within the sixty-day period labor organization, the employer shall not be considered a party
before the expiration of the collective bargaining agreement, the Med- thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a petition for certification
Arbiter shall automatically order an election by secret ballot when the election. The employer's participation in such proceedings shall be
verified petition is supported by the written consent of at least twenty- limited to: (1) being notified or informed of petitions of such nature;
five percent (25%) of all the employees in the bargaining unit to ascer- and (2) submitting the list of employees during the pre-election con-
tain the will of the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. To ference should the Med-Arbiter act favorably on the petition. (As
have a valid election, at least a majority of all eligible voters in the unit amended by Section 12, Republic Act No. 9481 which lapsed into law
must have cast their votes. The labor union receiving the majority of on May 25, 2007 and became effective on June 14, 2007).
the valid votes cast shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining agent
of all the workers in the unit. When an election which provides for
RULE I choices receiving the majority of the valid votes cast; provided
DEFINITION OF TERMS that the total number of votes for all contending unions is at least
(e) [(d)] "Bargaining Unit" refers to a group of employees sharing mu- fifty percent (50%) of the number of votes cast.
tual interests within a given employer unit, comprised of all or (eee) [(bbb)]”Voluntary Recognition” refers to the process by which a
less than all of the entire body of employees in the employer unit legitimate labor union is recognized by the employer as the exclu-
or any specific occupational or geographical grouping within sive bargaining representative or agent in a bargaining unit, re-
such employer unit. ported with the Regional Office in accordance with Rule VII, Sec-
(i) [(h)] "Certification Election" or "Consent Election" refers to the tion 2 of these Rules.
process of determining through secret ballot the sole and exclu-
sive representative of the employees in an appropriate bargaining
unit for purposes of collective bargaining or negotiation. A certi- Section 1. Policy. - It is the policy of the State to promote free trade
fication election is ordered by the Department, while a consent unionism through expeditious procedures governing the choice of an
election is voluntarily agreed upon by the parties, with or without exclusive bargaining agent. The determination of such exclusive bar-
the intervention by the Department. gaining agent is a non-litigious proceeding and, as far as practicable,
(j) [(i)] "Chartered Local" refers to a labor organization in the private shall be free from technicalities of law and procedure, provided only
sector operating at the enterprise level that acquired legal person- that in every case, the exclusive bargaining agent enjoys the majority
ality through the issuance of a charter certificate by a duly regis- support of all the employees in the bargaining unit.
tered federation or national union, and reported to the Regional Section 2. Determination of representation status; modes. - The de-
Office in accordance with Rule III, Section 2-E of these Rules. termination of an exclusive bargaining agent shall be through volun-
(p) [(o)] "Election Officer" refers to an officer of the Bureau or Labor tary recognition in cases where there is only one legitimate labor or-
ganization operating within the bargaining unit, or through certifica-
Relations Division in the Regional Office authorized to conduct
tion, run-off or consent election as provided in these Rules.
certification elections, election of union officers and other forms
of elections and referenda in accordance with Rule XII, Sections 2- RULE VII
(u) [(t)] "Exclusive Bargaining Representative" refers to a legitimate
(Repealed and replaced Rule VII, Voluntary Recognition by D.O. 40-
labor union duly recognized or certified as the sole and exclusive I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
bargaining representative or agent of all the employees in a bar-
Section 1. Where to file. - Any legitimate labor organization may file
gaining unit.
a request for SEBA certification in the Regional Office which issued its
(mm) [(ll)] "Organized Establishment" refers to an enterprise where
certificate of registration or certificate of creation of chartered local.
there exists a recognized or certified sole and exclusive bargaining
agent. Section 2. Requirements for request of SEBA certification. - The re-
quest for certification shall indicate:
(uu) [(ss)] "Run-off Election" refers to an election between the labor un-
ions receiving the two (2) highest number of votes in a certifica- (a) The name and address of the requesting legitimate labor organi-
tion or consent election with three (3) or more choices, where such zation;
a certified or consent results in none of the three (3) or more (b) The name and address of the company where it operates;

(c) The bargaining unit sought to be represented; only as a by-stander to the process of certification.
(d) The approximate number of employees in the bargaining unit;
If the requesting union or local fails to complete the requirements for
SEBA certification during the conference, the request for SEBA certifi-
(e) The statement of the existence/non-existence of other labor or-
cation shall be referred to the Election Officer for the conduct of elec-
tion pursuant to Rule IX of this rules.
The certificate of registration as duly certified by the president of the
Section 4.1. Action on the submission. - If the Regional Director finds
requesting union or certificate of creation of chartered local as duly
the requirements complete, he/she shall issue during the conference
certified by the president of the federation of the local shall be at-
a certification as sole and exclusive bargaining agent enjoying the
tached to the request.
rights and privileges of an exclusive bargaining agent of all the em-
Section 3. Action on the request. - Within one (1) day from the sub- ployees in the covered bargaining unit.
mission of the request, the Regional Director shall:
The Regional Director shall cause the posting of the SEBA certification
(a) Determine whether the request is compliant with the preceding for fifteen (15) consecutive days in at least two (2) conspicuous places
section and whether the bargaining unit sought to be represented in the establishment or covered bargaining unit.
is organized or not; and
Section 4.2. Effect of certification. - Upon the issuance of the certifi-
(b) Request a copy of the payroll for purposes of SEBA certification
cation as sole and exclusive bargaining agent , the certified union or
pursuant to section 4 of this rule.
local shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of an exclusive bargain-
If he/she finds it deficient, the Regional Director shall advise the re- ing agent of all the employees in the covered bargaining unit.
questing union or local to comply within ten (10) days from notice.
The certification shall bar the filing of a petition for certification elec-
Failure to comply within the prescribed period shall be deemed with-
tion by any labor organization for a period of one (1) year from the
drawal of the request for SEBA certification.
date of its issuance. Upon expiration of this one-year period, any le-
Section 4. Request for certification in unorganized establishment gitimate labor organization may file a petition for certification election
with only one (1) legitimate labor organization; validation proceed- in the same bargaining unit represented by the certified labor organi-
ings. - If the Regional Director finds the establishment unorganized zation, unless a collective bargaining agreement between the em-
with only one legitimate labor organization, he/she shall call a con- ployer and the certified labor organization was executed and regis-
ference within five (5) work days for the submission of the following: tered with the Regional Office in accordance with Rule XVII of this
(a) The names of employees in the covered bargaining unit who sig-
nify their support for the certification, provided that said employ- Section 5. Request for certification in unorganized establishment
ees comprise at least majority of the number of employees in the with more than one (1) legitimate labor organization. - If the Re-
covered bargaining unit; and gional Director finds the establishment unorganized with more than
(b) Certification under oath by the president of the requesting union one legitimate labor organization, he/she shall refer the same to the
or local that all documents submitted are true and correct based Election Officer for the conduct of certification election.
on his/her personal knowledge.
The certification election shall be conducted in accordance with Rule
The submission shall be presumed to be true and correct unless con- IX of this rules.
tested under oath by any member of the bargaining unit during the
Section 6. Request for certification in organized establishment. - If
validation conference. For this purpose, the employer or any repre-
the Regional Director finds the establishment organized, he/she shall
sentative of the employer shall not be deemed a party-in-interest but
refer the same to the Mediator-Arbiter for the determination of the its supporting documents may also be filed online.
propriety of conducting a certification election in accordance with
The petition shall be heard and resolved by the Mediator-Arbiter.
Rules VIII and IX of this rules.
Where two or more petitions involving the same bargaining unit are
filed in one Regional Office, the same shall be automatically consoli-
dated with the Med-Arbiter who first acquired jurisdiction. Where the
Section 1. Who may file. - Any legitimate labor organization, includ-
petitions are filed in different Regional Offices, the Regional Office in
ing a national union or federation that has issued a charter certificate
which the petition was first filed shall exclude all others; in which
to its local/chapter or the local/chapter itself, may file a petition for
case, the latter shall indorse the petition to the former for consolida-
certification election.
tion. (As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
A national union or federation filing a petition in behalf of its lo-
Section 3. When to file. - A petition for certification election may be
cal/chapter shall not be required to disclose the names of the lo-
filed anytime, except:
cal/chapter's officers and members, but shall attach to the petition the
charter certificate it issued to its local/chapter. (a) when a fact of voluntary recognition has been entered or a valid
certification, consent or run-off election has been conducted
When requested to bargain collectively in a bargaining unit where no
within the bargaining unit within one (1) year prior to the filing
registered collective bargaining agreement exists, an employer may
of the petition for certification election. Where an appeal has been
file a petition for certification election with the Regional Office.
filed from the order of the Med-Arbiter certifying the results of
In all cases, whether the petition for certification election is filed by an the election, the running of the one year period shall be suspended
employer or a legitimate labor organization, the employer shall not be until the decision on the appeal has become final and executory;
considered a party thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a peti- (b) when the duly certified union has commenced and sustained ne-
tion for certification election. The employer's participation in such gotiations in good faith with the employer in accordance with Ar-
proceedings shall be limited to: (1) being notified or informed of peti- ticle 250 of the Labor Code within the one year period referred to
tions of such nature: and (2) submitting the list of employees during in the immediately preceding paragraph;
the pre-election conference should the Mediator-Arbiter act favorably (c) when a bargaining deadlock to which an incumbent or certified
on the petition. However, manifestation of facts that would aid the bargaining agent is a party had been submitted to conciliation or
Mediator-Arbiter in expeditiously resolving the petition such as exist- arbitration or had become the subject of a valid notice of strike or
ence of a contract-bar, one year bar or deadlock bar may be consid- lockout;
ered. The contract-bar rule shall apply in any of the following: (1) (d) when a collective bargaining agreement between the employer
when there exists an unexpired registered CBA; or (2) when there is and a duly recognized or certified bargaining agent has been reg-
no challenge on the representation status of the incumbent union dur- istered in accordance with Article 231 of the Labor Code. Where
ing the freedom period. such collective bargaining agreement is registered, the petition
may be filed only within sixty (60) days prior to its expiry.
Any employee has the right to intervene for the protection of his indi-
vidual right. (As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015) Section 4. Form and contents of petition. - The petition shall be in
writing, verified under oath by the president of petitioning labor or-
Section 2. Where to file. - A petition for certification election shall be
ganization. Where a federation or national union files a petition in be-
filed with the Regional Office which issued the petitioning union's cer-
half of its local or affiliate, the petition shall be verified under oath by
tificate of registration/certificate of creation of chartered local.
the president or duly authorized representative of the federation or
At the option of the petitioner, a petition for certification election and
national union. In case the employer files the petition, the owner, pres- of the petition shall immediately assign it by raffle to a Mediator-Ar-
ident or any corporate officer, who is authorized by the Board of Di- biter. The raffle shall be done in the presence of the petitioner if the
rectors, shall verify the petition. The petition shall contain the follow- latter so desires. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
Section 6. Notice of preliminary conference. The petition shall imme-
(a) the name of petitioner, its address, and affiliation if appropriate, diately be transmitted to the assigned Mediator-Arbiter who shall im-
the date and number of its certificate of registration. If the petition mediately prepare and serve a notice of preliminary conference to be
is filed by a federation or national union, the national president or held within ten (10) working days from the Mediator-Arbiter's receipt
his/her duly authorized representative shall certify under oath as of the petition.
to the existence of its local/chapter in the establishment and at-
The service of the petition to the employer and of the notice of prelim-
taching thereto the charter certificate or a certified true copy
inary conference to the petitioner and the incumbent bargaining agent
thereof. If the petition is filed by a local/chapter it shall attach its
(if any) shall be made within three (3) working days from the Media-
charter certificate or a certified true copy thereof;
tor-Arbiter's receipt of the petition. The service may be made by per-
(b) the name, address and nature of employer's business;
sonal service, by registered mail or by courier service.
(c) the description of the bargaining unit;
(d) the approximate number of employees in the bargaining unit; A copy of the petition and of the notice of preliminary conference shall
(e) the names and addresses of other legitimate labor unions in the be posted within the same three (3) day period in at least two conspic-
bargaining unit; uous places in the establishment. In multiple-location workplaces, the
(f) a statement indicating any of the following circumstances: posting shall be made in at least two conspicuous places in every lo-
cation. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
1) that the bargaining unit is unorganized or that there is no reg-
istered collective bargaining agreement covering the employ- Section 7. Posting. - The Regional Director or his/her authorized
ees in the bargaining unit; DOLE personnel, and/or the petitioner shall be responsible for the
2) if there exists a duly registered collective bargaining agree- posting of the notice of petition for certification election. (Added by
ment, that the petition is filed within the sixty-day freedom D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
period of such agreement; or
Section 8 [7]. Forced Intervenor. - The incumbent bargaining agent
3) if another union had been previously recognized voluntarily
shall automatically be one of the choices in the certification election as
or certified in a valid certification, consent or run-off election,
forced intervenor. (Sec. 8-17 are as renumbered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept.
that the petition is filed outside the one-year period from date
of recording of such voluntary recognition or conduct of
certification or run-off election and no appeal is pending Section 9 [8]. Motion for Intervention. - When a petition for certifica-
thereon. tion election was filed in an organized establishment, any legitimate
labor union other than the incumbent bargaining agent operating
(g) in an organized establishment, the signature of at least twenty-
within the bargaining unit may file a motion for intervention with the
five percent (25%) of all employees in the appropriate bargaining
Med-Arbiter during the freedom period of the collective bargaining
unit shall be attached to the petition at the time of its filing; and
agreement. The form and contents of the motion shall be the same as
(h) other relevant facts. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
that of a petition for certification election.
Section 5. Raffle of the case. - Upon the filing of the petition, the Re-
In an unorganized establishment, the motion shall be filed at any time
gional Director or any of duly authorized representative upon receipt
prior to the decision of the Med-Arbiter. The form and contents of the
motion shall likewise be the same as that of a petition for certification
election. The motion for intervention shall be resolved in the same de- ence/hearing, after which time the petition shall be considered sub-
cision issued in the petition for certification election. mitted for decision. The Med-Arbiter shall have control of the pro-
ceedings. Postponements or continuances shall be discouraged.
Section 10 [9]. Preliminary Conference; Hearing. - The Med-Arbiter
shall conduct a preliminary conference and hearing within ten (10) Within the same 15-day period within which the petition is heard, the
days from receipt of the petition to determine the following: contending labor unions may file such pleadings as they may deem
necessary for the immediate resolution of the petition. Extensions of
(a) the bargaining unit to be represented;
time shall not be entertained. All motions shall be resolved by the
(b) contending labor unions;
Med-Arbiter in the same order or decision granting or denying the
(c) possibility of a consent election;
(d) existence of any of the bars to certification election under Section
3 of this Rule; and Section 13 [12]. Failure to appear despite notice. - The failure of any
(e) such other matters as may be relevant for the final disposition of party to appear in the hearing(s) when notified or to file its pleadings
the case. shall be deemed a waiver of its right to be heard. The Med-Arbiter,
however, when agreed upon by the parties for meritorious reasons
Section 11 [10]. Consent Election; Agreement. - The contending un-
may allow the cancellation of scheduled hearing(s). The cancellation
ions may agree to the holding of an election, in which case it shall be
of any scheduled hearing(s) shall not be used as a basis for extending
called a consent election. The Mediator-Arbiter shall forthwith call for
the 15-day period within which to terminate the same.
the consent election, reflecting the parties' agreement and the call in
the minutes of the conference. Section 14 [13]. Order/Decision on the petition. - Within ten (10) days
from the date of the last hearing, the Mediator-Arbiter shall formally
The Mediator-Arbiter shall, immediately forward the records of the
issue a ruling granting the petition or a decision denying the petition,
petition to the Regional Director or his/her authorized representative
except in organized establishments where the grant of the petition can
for the determination of the Election Officer who shall be chosen by
only be made after the lapse of the freedom period.
raffle in the presence of representatives of the contending unions if
they so desire. The ruling for the conduct of a certification election shall state the fol-
The first pre-election conference shall be scheduled within ten (10)
days from the date of the consent election agreement. Subsequent con- (a) the name of the employer or establishment;
ferences may be called to expedite and facilitate the holding of the (b) the description of the bargaining unit;
consent election. (c) a statement that none of the grounds for dismissal enumerated in
the succeeding paragraph exists;
To afford an individual employee-voter an informed choice where a
(d) the names of contending labor unions which shall appear in the
local/chapter is the petitioning union, the local/chapter shall secure
following order: petitioner unions in the order of the date of filing
its certificate of creation at least five working days before the date of
of their respective petitions; the forced intervenor, and “no un-
the consent election. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
Section 12 [11]. Number of Hearings; Pleadings. - If the contending (e) to afford an individual employee-voter an informed choice where
unions fail to agree to a consent election during the preliminary con- a local/chapter is one of the contending unions, a directive to an
ference, the Med-Arbiter may conduct as many hearings as he/she unregistered local/chapter or a federation/national union repre-
may deem necessary, but in no case shall the conduct thereof exceed senting an unregistered local/chapter to personally submit to the
fifteen (15) days from the date of the scheduled preliminary confer- Election Officer its certificate of creation at least five working days
before the actual conduct of the certification election.
Non-submission of this requirement as certified by the Election (g) non-appearance of the petitioner for two (2) consecutive sched-
Officer shall disqualify the local/chapter from participating in the uled conferences before the Mediator-Arbiter despite due notice;
certification election; and and absence of employer-employee relationship between all the
(f) a directive upon the employer and the contending union(s) to sub- members of the petitioning union and the establishment where
mit within ten (10) days from receipt of the order, the certified list the proposed bargaining unit is sought to be represented. (As
of employees in the bargaining unit, or where necessary, the pay- amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
rolls covering the members of the bargaining unit for the last three
Section 16 [15]. Prohibited ground for the denial/suspension of the
(3) months prior to the issuance of the order. (As amended by D.O.
petition. - The inclusion as union members of employees outside the
40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
bargaining unit shall not be a ground for the cancellation of the regis-
Section 15 [14]. Denial of the petition; Grounds. - The Mediator-Ar- tration of the union. Said employees are automatically deemed re-
biter may dismiss the petition on any of the following grounds: moved from the list of membership of said unions. (As amended by
D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
(a) the petitioning union or national union/federation is not listed in
the department's registry of legitimate labor unions or that its reg- Section 17 [16]. Ancillary issues. - All issues pertaining to the exist-
istration certificate has been cancelled with finality in accordance ence of employer-employee relationship raised before the Mediator-
with Rule XIV of these rules; Arbiter during the hearing(s) and in the pleadings shall be resolved in
(b) failure of a local/chapter or national union/federation to submit the same order or decision granting or denying the petition for certi-
a duly issued charter certificate upon filing of the petition for cer- fication election.
tification election;
All issues pertaining to the validity of the petitioning union's certifi-
(c) filing the petition before or after the freedom period of a duly reg-
cate of registration or its legal personality as a labor organization, va-
istered collective bargaining agreement; provided that the sixty-
lidity of registration and execution of collective bargaining agree-
day period based on the original collective bargaining agreement
ments shall be heard and resolved by the Regional Director in an in-
shall not be affected by any amendment extension or renewal of
dependent petition for cancellation of its registration and not by the
the collective bargaining agreement;
Mediator-Arbiter in the petition for certification election, unless the
(d) Filing of a petition within one (1) year from the date of recording
petitioning union is not listed in the Department's roster of legitimate
of the voluntary recognition, or within the same period from a
labor organizations, or an existing collective bargaining agreement is
valid certification, consent or run-off election where no appeal on
not registered with the Department. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20
the results of the certification, consent or run-off election is pend-
Oct. 2008)
(e) Where a duly certified union has commenced and sustained ne- Section 18. Release of Order/Decision within ten (10) days from the
gotiations with the employer in accordance with article 250 of the last hearing, - The Mediator-Arbiter shall release his/her order or de-
labor code within the one-year period referred to in section 14.d cision granting or denying the petition personally to the parties within
of this rule, or where there exists a bargaining deadlock which has ten (10) days from the last hearing, copy furnished the employer.
been submitted to conciliation or arbitration or has become the (Added by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
subject of a valid notice of strike or lockout where an incumbent Section 19 [18]. Appeal. - The order granting the conduct of a certifi-
or certified bargaining agent is a party; cation election in an unorganized establishment shall not be subject to
(f) in an organized establishment, the failure to submit the twenty- appeal. Any issue arising therefrom may be raised by means of protest
five percent (25%) signature requirement to support the filing of on the conduct and results of the certification election.
the petition for certification election;

The order granting the conduct of a certification election in an orga- the appropriate court.
nized establishment and the decision dismissing or denying the peti-
Section 25 [24]. Effects of consent election. - Where a petition for cer-
tion, whether in an organized or unorganized establishment, may be
tification election had been filed, and upon the intercession of the
appealed to the Office of the Secretary within ten (10) days from re-
Med-Arbiter, the parties agree to hold a consent election, the results
ceipt thereof.
thereof shall constitute a bar to the holding of a certification election
The appeal shall be verified under oath and shall consist of a memo- for one (1) year from the holding of such consent election. Where an
randum of appeal, specifically stating the grounds relied upon by the appeal has been filed from the results of the consent election, the run-
appellant with the supporting arguments and evidence. (Sec. 19-27 are ning of the one-year period shall be suspended until the decision on
as renumbered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015) appeal has become final and executory.
Section 20 [19]. Where to file appeal. - The memorandum of appeal Where no petition for certification election was filed but the parties
shall be filed in the Regional Office where the petition originated, copy themselves agreed to hold a consent election with the intercession of
furnished the contending unions and the employer, as the case may the Regional Office, the results thereof shall constitute a bar to another
be. Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the appeal, the Re- petition for certification election.
gional Director shall cause the transmittal thereof together with the
Section 26 [25]. Effects of early agreements. - The representation case
entire records of the case to the Office of the Secretary.
shall not be adversely affected by a collective bargaining agreement
Section 21 [20]. Finality of Order/Decision. - Where no appeal is filed registered before or during the last sixty (60) days of a subsisting
within the ten-day period, the MedArbiter shall enter the finality of agreement or during the pendency of the representation case.
the order/decision in the records of the case and cause the transmittal
Section 27 [26]. Non-availability of Med-Arbiter. - Where there is no
of the records of the petition to the Regional Director.
Med-Arbiter available in the Regional Office by reason of vacancy,
Section 22 [21]. Period to Reply. - A reply to the appeal may be filed prolonged absence, or excessive workload as determined by the Re-
by any party to the petition within ten (10) days from receipt of the gional Director, he/she shall transmit the entire records of the case to
memorandum of appeal. The reply shall be filed directly with the Of- the Bureau, which shall within forty-eight (48) hours from receipt as-
fice of the Secretary. sign the case to any Med-Arbiter from any of the Regional Offices or
from the Bureau.
Section 23 [22]. Decision of the Secretary. - The Secretary shall have
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the entire records of the petition RULE IX
within which to decide the appeal. The filing of the memorandum of CONDUCT OF CERTIFICATION ELECTION
appeal from the order or decision of the Med-Arbiter stays the holding Section 1. Employer as by-stander. - Subject to the provisions of Par-
of any certification election. agraph 3, Section 1 of Rule VIII, the principle of the employer as
by-stander shall be strictly observed throughout the conduct of certi-
The decision of the Secretary shall become final and executory after
fication election. The employer shall not harass, intimidate, threat or
ten (10) days from receipt thereof by the parties. No motion for recon-
coerce employees before, during and after elections. (Added by D.O.
sideration of the decision shall be entertained.
40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
Section 24 [23]. Transmittal of records to the Regional Office. -
Section 2 [1]. Raffle of the case. - Within twenty-four (24) hours from
Within forty-eight (48) hours from notice of receipt of decision by the
receipt of the notice of entry of final judgment granting the conduct of
parties and finality of the decision, the entire records of the case shall
a certification election, the Regional Director shall cause the raffle of
be remanded to the Regional Office of origin for implementation. Im-
plementation of the decision shall not be stayed unless restrained by
the case to an Election Officer who shall have control of the pre-elec- dismissal was declared valid in a final judgment at the time of the con-
tion conference and election proceedings. (Secs. 2-17 are as renum- duct of the certification election.
bered by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
In case of disagreement over the voters' list or over the eligibility of
Section 3 [2]. Pre-election conference. - Within twenty-four (24) hours voters, all contested voters shall be allowed to vote. But their votes
from receipt of the assignment for the conduct of a certification elec- shall be segregated and sealed in individual envelopes in accordance
tion, the Election Officer shall cause the issuance of notice of pre-elec- with Sections 10 and 11 of this Rule. (Added by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept.
tion conference upon the contending unions and the employer, which 2015)
shall be scheduled within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the
Section 7 [6]. Posting of Notices. - The Election Officer and/or au-
assignment. The employer shall be required to submit the certified list
thorized DOLE personnel shall cause the posting of notice of election
of employees in the bargaining unit, or where necessary, the payrolls
at least ten (10) days before the actual date of the election in two (2)
covering the members of the bargaining unit at the time of the filing
most conspicuous places in the company premises:
of the petition. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
(a) the date and time of the election;
Section 4 [3]. Waiver of right to be heard. - Failure of any party to
(b) names of all contending unions;
appear during the pre-election conference despite notice shall be con-
(c) the description of the bargaining unit and the list of eligible and
sidered as a waiver of its right to be present and to question or object
challenged voters.
to any of the agreements reached in the pre-election conference. How-
ever, this shall not deprive the non-appearing party of its right to be The posting of the list of employees comprising the bargaining unit
furnished notices and to attend subsequent pre-election conferences. shall be done by the DOLE personnel.
(As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
The posting of the notice of election, the information required to be
Section 5 [4]. Minutes of pre-election conference. - The Election Of- included therein and the duration of posting cannot be waived by the
ficer shall keep the minutes of matters raised and agreed upon during contending unions or the employer. (As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7
the pre-election conference. The parties shall acknowledge the com- Sept. 2015)
pleteness and correctness of the entries in the minutes by affixing their
Section 8 [7]. Secrecy and sanctity of the ballot. - To ensure secrecy
signatures thereon. Where any of the parties refuse to sign the
of the ballot, the Election Officer, together with the authorized repre-
minutes, the Election Officer shall note such fact in the minutes, in-
sentatives of the contending unions and the employer, shall before the
cluding the reason for refusal to sign the same. In all cases, the parties
start of the actual voting, inspect the polling place, the ballot boxes
shall be furnished a copy of the minutes.
and the polling booths.
The pre-election conference shall be completed within thirty (30) days
No device that could record or identify the voter or otherwise under-
from the date of the first hearing.
mine the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot shall be allowed within the
Section 6 [5]. Qualification of voters; inclusion-exclusion. - All em- premises, except those devices brought in by the Election Officer. Any
ployees who are members of the appropriate bargaining unit three (3) other device found within the premises shall be confiscated by the
months prior to the filing of the petition/request shall be eligible to Election Officer and returned to its owner after the conduct of the cer-
vote. An employee who has been dismissed from work but has con- tification election. (As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
tested the legality of the dismissal in a forum of appropriate jurisdic-
Section 9 [8]. Preparation of ballots. - The Election Officer shall pre-
tion at the time of the issuance of the order for the conduct of a certi-
pare the ballots in English and Filipino or the local dialect. The num-
fication election shall be considered a qualified voter, unless his/her

ber of ballots should correspond to the number of voters in the bar- Section 13 [12]. Protest; when perfected. - Any party-in-interest may
gaining unit plus a reasonable number of extra ballots for contingen- file a protest based on the conduct or mechanics of the election. Such
cies. All ballots shall be signed at the back by the Election Officer and protests shall be recorded in the minutes of the election proceedings.
an authorized representative each of the contending unions. A party Protests not so raised are deemed waived.
who refuses or fails to sign the ballots waives its right to do so and the
General reservation to file a protest shall be prohibited. The protesting
Election Officer shall enter the fact of refusal or failure and the reason
party shall specify the grounds for protest.
therefor in the records of the case. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20
Oct. 2008) The protesting party must formalize its protest with the Med-Arbiter,
with specific grounds, arguments and evidence, within five (5) days
Section 10 [9]. Casting of votes. - The voter must put a cross (✘) or after the close of the election proceedings. If not recorded in the
check (✔) mark in the square opposite the name of the chosen union minutes and formalized within the prescribed period, the protest shall
or "No Union" if she does not want to be represented by any union. be deemed dropped. (As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
If the voter inadvertently spoils a ballot, he/she shall return it to the Section 14 [13]. Canvassing of votes. - The votes shall be counted and
Election Officer who shall destroy it and give him/her another ballot. tabulated by the Election Officer in the presence of the representatives
Any member of the bargaining unit who is unintentionally omitted in of the contending unions. Upon completion of the canvass, the Elec-
the master list of voters may be allowed to vote if both parties agree, tion Officer shall give each representative a copy of the minutes of the
otherwise, he/she will be allowed to vote but the ballot is segregated. election proceedings and results of the election. The ballots and the
(As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015) tally sheets shall be sealed in an envelope and signed by the Election
Officer and the representatives of the contending unions and trans-
Section 11 [10]. Procedure in the challenge of votes. - When a vote is mitted to the Med-Arbiter, together with the minutes and results of
properly challenged during the pre-election conferences, the Election the election, within twenty-four (24) hours from the completion of the
Officer shall place the ballot in an envelope which shall be sealed in canvass.
the presence of the voter and the representatives of the contending
unions and employer. The Election Officer shall indicate on the enve- Where the election is conducted in more than one region, consolida-
lope the voter's name, the union or employer challenging the voter, tion of results shall be made within fifteen (15) days from the conduct
and the ground for the challenge. The sealed envelope shall then be thereof.
signed by the Election Officer and the representatives of the contend- Section 15 [14]. Conduct of election and canvass of votes. - The elec-
ing unions and employer. The Election Officer shall note all challenges tion precincts shall open and close on the date and time agreed upon
in the minutes of the election and shall be responsible for consolidat- during the pre-election conference. The opening and canvass shall
ing all envelopes containing the challenged votes. The envelopes shall proceed immediately after the precincts have closed. Failure of the
be opened and the question of eligibility shall be passed upon by the representative/s of the contending unions to appear during the elec-
Mediator-Arbiter only if the number of segregated voters will materi- tion proceedings and canvass of votes shall be considered a waiver of
ally alter the results of the election. (As amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 the right to be present and to question the conduct thereof. (As
Oct. 2008). amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
Section 12 [11]. On-the-spot questions. - The Election Officer shall Section 16 [15]. Certification of Collective Bargaining Agent. - The
rule on any question relating to and raised during the conduct of the union which obtained a majority of the valid votes cast shall be certi-
election. In no case, however, shall the Election Officer rule on any of fied as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all the employees in
the grounds for challenge specified in the immediately preceding sec- the appropriate bargaining unit within five (5) days from the day of
the election, provided no protest is recorded in the minutes of the elec- there being a valid election, the Election Officer shall transmit the rec-
tion. ords of the case to the Med-Arbiter who shall, within the same period
from receipt of the minutes and results of election, issue an order pro-
When the winning choice is a local chapter without a certificate of cre-
claiming the results of the election and certifying the union which ob-
ation of chartered local, such local chapter shall submit its DOLE- is-
tained a majority of the valid votes cast as the sole and exclusive bar-
sued certificate of creation within five (5) days from the conclusion of
gaining agent in the subject bargaining unit, under any of the follow-
election. (As amended by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
ing conditions:
Section 17 [16]. Failure of election. - Where the number of votes cast
(a) no protest was filed or, even if one was filed, the same was not
in a certification or consent election is less than the majority of the
perfected within the five-day period for perfection of the protest;
number of eligible voters and there are no material challenged votes,
(b) no challenge or eligibility issue was raised or, even if one was
the Election Officer shall declare a failure of election in the minutes of
raised, the resolution of the same will not materially change the
the election proceedings.
results of the elections.
Section 18. Re-run election. - When a certification, consent or run-off
The winning union shall have the rights, privileges and obligations of
election results to a tie between the two (2) choices, the Election Officer
a duly certified collective bargaining agent from the time the certifica-
shall immediately notify the parties of a re-run election. The Election
tion is issued.
Officer shall cause the posting of the notice of re-run election within
five (5) days from the certification, consent or run-off election. The re- Where majority of the valid votes cast results in "No Union" obtaining
run election shall be conducted within ten (10) days after the posting the majority, the Med-Arbiter shall declare such fact in the order.
of notice.
Section 22 [20]. Appeal; finality of decision. - The decisions of the
The choice receiving the highest votes cast during the re-run election Med-Arbiter may be appealed to the Secretary within ten (10) days
shall be declared the winner and shall be certified accordingly. from receipt by the parties of a copy thereof.
(Added by D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
The appeal shall be under oath and shall consist of a memorandum of
Section 19 [17]. Effect of failure of election. - A failure of election appeal specifically stating the grounds relied upon by the appellant
shall not bar the filing of a motion for the immediate holding of an- with the supporting arguments and evidence.
other certification or consent election within six (6) months from date
Where no appeal is tiled within the ten-day period, the order/decision
of declaration of failure of election. (Secs. 19-26 are as renumbered by
shall become final and executory and the Med-Arbiter shall enter this
D.O. 40-I-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
fact into the records of the case. (Secs. 22-25 added by D.O. No. 40-E-
Section 20 [18]. Action on the motion. - Within twenty-four (24) hours 05, 30 Nov. 2005; Sec. 22 amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 20 Oct. 2008)
from receipt of the motion, the Election Officer shall immediately
Section 23 [21]. Where to file appeal. - The memorandum of appeal
schedule the conduct of another certification or consent election
shall be filed in the Regional Office where the petition originated, copy
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the motion and cause the post-
furnished the contending unions and the employer, as the case may
ing of the notice of certification election at least ten (10) days prior to
be. Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the appeal the Re-
the scheduled date of election in two (2) most conspicuous places in
gional Director shall cause the transmittal thereof together with the
the establishment. The same guidelines and list of voters shall be used
entire records of the case to the Office of the Secretary.
in the election.
Section 24 [21]. Period to Reply. - A reply to the appeal may be filed
Section 21 [19]. Proclamation and certification of the result of the
by any party to the petition within ten (10) days from receipt of the
election. - Within twenty-four (24) hours from final canvass of votes,
memorandum of appeal. The reply shall be filed directly with the Of- Omnibus Rules, Book V, Rule VIII, Sections 14-15, Rule XVII,
fice of the Secretary. Section 7, as amended by D.O. 40-03
Section 25 [22]. Decision of the Secretary. - The Secretary shall have Article 237 [232]. Prohibition on certification election. - The Bureau
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the entire records or the petition shall not entertain any petition for certification election or any other
within which to decide the appeal. The decision of the Secretary shall action which may disturb the administration of duly registered exist-
become final and executory after ten (10) days from receipt thereof by ing collective bargaining agreements affecting the parties except un-
the parties. No motion for reconsideration of the decision shall be en- der Articles 253, 253-A and 256 of this Code. (As amended by Section
tertained. 15, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989).

Section 26 [23]. Transmittal of records to the Regional Office. - RULE VIII

Within forty-eight (48) hours from notice of receipt of decision by the CERTIFICATION ELECTION
parties and finality of the decision. The entire records of the case shall Section 15 [14]. Denial of the petition; Grounds. - The Mediator-Ar-
be remanded to the Regional Office of origin for implementation. Im- biter may dismiss the petition on any of the following grounds:
plementation of the decision shall not be stayed unless restrained by (a) the petitioning union or national union/federation is not listed in
the appropriate court. the Department's registry of legitimate labor unions or that its reg-
RULE X istration certificate has been cancelled with finality in accordance
RUN-OFF ELECTIONS with Rule XIV of these Rules;
Section 1. When proper. - When an election which provides for three (b) failure of a local/chapter or national union/federation to submit
(3) or more choices results in none of the contending unions receiving a duly issued charter certificate upon filing of the petition for cer-
a majority of the valid votes cast, and there are no objections or chal- tification election;
lenges which if sustained can materially alter the results, the Election (c) filing the petition before or after the freedom period of a duly reg-
Officer shall motu propio conduct a run-off election within ten (10) istered collective bargaining agreement; provided that the sixty-
days from the close of the election proceedings between the labor un- day period based on the original collective bargaining agreement
ions receiving the two highest number of votes; provided, that the to- shall not be affected by any amendment extension or renewal of
tal number of votes for all contending unions is at least fifty (50%) the collective bargaining agreement;
percent of the number of votes cast. "No Union" shall not be a choice (d) filing of a petition within one (1) year from the date of recording
in the run-off election. of the voluntary recognition, or within the same period from a
valid certification, consent or run-off election where no appeal on
Notice of run-off elections shall be posted by the Election Officer at the results of the certification, consent or run-off election is pend-
least five (5) days before the actual date of run-off election. ing;
Section 2. Qualification of voters. - The same voters' list used in the (e) where a duly certified union has commenced and sustained nego-
certification election shall be used in the run-off election. The ballots tiations with the employer in accordance with Article 250 of the
in the run-off election shall provide as choices the unions receiving the Labor Code within the one-year period referred to in Section
highest and second highest number of the votes cast. The labor union 14 (d) of this Rule, or where there exists a bargaining deadlock
receiving the greater number of valid votes cast shall be certified as which has been submitted to conciliation or arbitration or has be-
the winner, subject to Section 20, Rule IX. come the subject of a valid notice of strike or lockout where an
incumbent or certified bargaining agent is a party;
B. Bars to Certification Election: Art. 237 [Art. 232]: (f) in an organized establishment, the failure to submit the twenty-
five percent (25%) signature requirement to support the filing of
the petition for certification election;
(g) non-appearance of the petitioner for two (2) consecutive sched-
uled conferences before the Mediator-Arbiter despite due notice;
and absence of employer-employee relationship between all the
members of the petitioning union and the establishment where
the proposed bargaining unit is sought to be represented. (As
amended by D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008)
Section 16 [15]. Prohibited ground for the denial/suspension of the
petition. - The inclusion as union members of employees outside the
bargaining unit shall not be a ground for the cancellation of the regis-
tration of the union. Said employees are automatically deemed re-
moved from the list of membership of said unions. (As amended by
D.O. 40-F-03, 30 Oct. 2008)
Section 7. Term of representation status; contract bar rule. - The rep-
resentation status of the incumbent exclusive bargaining agent which
is a party to a duly registered collective bargaining agreement shall be
for a term of five (5) years from the date of the effectivity of the collec-
tive bargaining agreement. No petition questioning the majority sta-
tus of the incumbent exclusive bargaining agent or petition for certifi-
cation election filed outside of the sixty-day period immediately pre-
ceding the expiry date of such five-year term shall be entertained by
the Department.
The five-year representation status acquired by an incumbent bar-
gaining agent either through single enterprise collective bargaining or
multi-employer bargaining shall not be affected by a subsequent col-
lective bargaining agreement executed between the same bargaining
agent and the employer during the same five-year period.

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith for the
AGREEMENT purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect to wages, hours of
work and all other terms and conditions of employment including
proposals for adjusting any grievances or questions arising under
A. Duty to Bargain Collectively: Art. 250-254, 231
such agreement and executing a contract incorporating such agree-
Omnibus Rules. Book V. Rule I. Sec. 1 (d,h,i,t,bbb), Rules ments if requested by either party but such duty does not compel any
XVI-XVII, as amended by D.O. 40-03 party to agree to a proposal or to make any concession.
Art. 261 [250]. Procedure in collective bargaining. The following pro- Art. 264 [253]. Duty to bargain collectively when there exists a col-
cedures shall be observed in collective bargaining: lective bargaining agreement. When there is a collective bargaining
agreement, the duty to bargain collectively shall also mean that nei-
(a) When a party desires to negotiate an agreement, it shall serve a
ther party shall terminate nor modify such agreement during its life-
written notice upon the other party with a statement of its pro-
time. However, either party can serve a written notice to terminate or
posals. The other party shall make a reply thereto not later than
modify the agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to its expiration
ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice;
date. It shall be the duty of both parties to keep the status quo and to
(b) Should differences arise on the basis of such notice and reply, ei-
continue in full force and effect the terms and conditions of the exist-
ther party may request for a conference which shall begin not later
ing agreement during the 60-day period and/or until a new agree-
than ten (10) calendar days from the date of request.
ment is reached by the parties.
(c) If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall intervene upon request
of either or both parties or at its own initiative and immediately Art. 265 [253-A]. Terms of a collective bargaining agreement. Any
call the parties to conciliation meetings. The Board shall have the Collective Bargaining Agreement that the parties may enter into shall,
power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of the parties insofar as the representation aspect is concerned, be for a term of five
to such meetings. It shall be the duty of the parties to participate (5) years. No petition questioning the majority status of the incumbent
fully and promptly in the conciliation meetings the Board may bargaining agent shall be entertained and no certification election
call; shall be conducted by the Department of Labor and Employment out-
(d) During the conciliation proceedings in the Board, the parties are side of the sixty-day period immediately before the date of expiry of
prohibited from doing any act which may disrupt or impede the such five-year term of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. All other
early settlement of the disputes; and provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be renegoti-
(e) The Board shall exert all efforts to settle disputes amicably and ated not later than three (3) years after its execution. Any agreement
encourage the parties to submit their case to a voluntary arbitra- on such other provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement en-
tor. (As amended by Section 20, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, tered into within six (6) months from the date of expiry of the term of
1989) such other provisions as fixed in such Collective Bargaining Agree-
Art. 262 [251]. Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of collec- ment, shall retroact to the day immediately following such date. If any
tive bargaining agreements. In the absence of an agreement or other such agreement is entered into beyond six months, the parties shall
voluntary arrangement providing for a more expeditious manner of agree on the duration of retroactivity thereof. In case of a deadlock in
collective bargaining, it shall be the duty of employer and the repre- the renegotiation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the parties
sentatives of the employees to bargain collectively in accordance with may exercise their rights under this Code. (As amended by Section 21,
the provisions of this Code. Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
Art. 263 [252]. Meaning of duty to bargain collectively. The duty to Art. 266 [254]. Injunction prohibited. No temporary or permanent in-
bargain collectively means the performance of a mutual obligation to junction or restraining order in any case involving or growing out of
labor disputes shall be issued by any court or other entity, except as RULE I
otherwise provided in Articles 218 and 264 of this Code. (As amended DEFINITION OF TERMS
by Batas Pambansa Bilang 227, June 1, 1982) Section 1. Definition of Terms.
Art. 237 [231]. Registry of unions and file of collective bargaining (e) [(d)]"Bargaining Unit" refers to a group of employees sharing mu-
agreements. The Bureau shall keep a registry of legitimate labor or- tual interests within a given employer unit, comprised of all or
ganizations. The Bureau shall also maintain a file of all collective bar- less than all of the entire body of employees in the employer unit
gaining agreements and other related agreements and records of set-
or any specific occupational or geographical grouping within
tlement of labor disputes and copies of orders and decisions of volun-
such employer unit.
tary arbitrators. The file shall be open and accessible to interested par-
ties under conditions prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and Em- (i) [(h)]"Certification Election" or "Consent Election" refers to the pro-
ployment, provided that no specific information submitted in confi- cess of determining through secret ballot the sole and exclusive
dence shall be disclosed unless authorized by the Secretary, or when
representative of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit
it is at issue in any judicial litigation, or when public interest or na-
for purposes of collective bargaining or negotiation. A certifica-
tional security so requires.
tion election is ordered by the Department, while a consent elec-
Within thirty (30) days from the execution of a Collective Bargaining tion is voluntarily agreed upon by the parties, with or without the
Agreement, the parties shall submit copies of the same directly to the
intervention by the Department.
Bureau or the Regional Offices of the Department of Labor and Em-
(j) [(i)]”Chartered Local” refers to a labor organization in the private
ployment for registration, accompanied with verified proofs of its
posting in two conspicuous places in the place of work and ratification sector operating at the enterprise level that acquired legal person-
by the majority of all the workers in the bargaining unit. The Bureau ality through the registration with the Regional Office in accord-
or Regional Offices shall act upon the application for registration of ance with Rule III, Section 2-E of these Rules.
such Collective Bargaining Agreement within five (5) calendar days
(u) [(t)]”Exclusive Bargaining Representative” refers to a legitimate
from receipt thereof. The Regional Offices shall furnish the Bureau
with a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement within five (5) labor union duly recognized or certified as the sole and exclusive
days from its submission. bargaining representative or agent of all the employees in a bar-
gaining unit.
The Bureau or Regional Office shall assess the employer for every Col-
lective Bargaining Agreement a registration fee of not less than one (eee) [(bbb)]”Voluntary Recognition” refers to the process by which a
thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or in any other amount as may be deemed legitimate labor union is recognized by the employer as the exclu-
appropriate and necessary by the Secretary of Labor and Employment sive bargaining representative or agent in a bargaining unit, re-
for the effective and efficient administration of the Voluntary Arbitra-
ported with the Regional Office in accordance with Rule VII, Sec-
tion Program. Any amount collected under this provision shall accrue
tion 2 of these Rules.
to the Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund.
The Bureau shall also maintain a file and shall undertake or assist in
the publication of all final decisions, orders and awards of the Secre-
Section 1. Policy. - It is the policy of the State to promote and empha-
tary of Labor and Employment, Regional Directors and the Commis-
size the primacy of free and responsible exercise of the right to self-
sion. (As amended by Section 15, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21,
organization and collective bargaining, either through single enter-
prise level negotiations or through the creation of a mechanism by
which different employers and recognized or certified labor unions in (c) only those legitimate labor unions who pertain to employer units
their establishments bargain collectively. who consent to multi-employer bargaining may participate in
multi-employer bargaining.
Section 2. Disclosure of information. - In collective bargaining, the
parties shall, at the request of either of them, make available such up- Section 6. Procedure in multi-employer bargaining. - Multi-em-
to-date financial information on the economic situation of the under- ployer bargaining may be initiated by the labor unions or by the em-
taking, which is normally submitted to relevant government agencies, ployers.
as is material and necessary for meaningful negotiations. Where the
(a) Legitimate labor unions who desire to negotiate with their em-
disclosure of some of this information could be prejudicial to the un-
ployers collectively shall execute a written agreement among
dertaking, its communication may be made condition upon a commit-
themselves, which shall contain the following:
ment that it would be regarded as confidential to the extent required.
The information to be made available may be agreed upon between 1) the names of the labor unions who desire to avail of multi-
the parties to collective bargaining. employer bargaining;
2) each labor union in the employer unit;
Section 3. When single enterprise bargaining available. - Any vol-
3) the fact that each of the labor unions are the incumbent exclu-
untarily recognized or certified labor union may demand negotiations
sive bargaining agents for their respective employer units;
with its employer for terms and conditions of work covering employ-
4) the duration of the collective bargaining agreements, if any,
ees in the bargaining unit concerned.
entered into by each labor union with their respective em-
Section 4. Procedure in single enterprise bargaining - A recognized ployers.
or certified labor union that desires to negotiate with its employer Legitimate labor unions who are members of the same regis-
shall submit such intention in writing to the employer, together with tered federation, national, or industry union are exempt from
its proposals for collective bargaining. execution of this written agreement.
The recognized or certified labor union and its employer may adopt (b) The legitimate labor unions who desire to bargain with multi-em-
such procedures and processes they may deem appropriate and nec- ployers shall send a written notice to this effect to each employer
essary for the early termination of their negotiations. They shall name concerned. The written agreement stated in the preceding para-
their respective representatives to the negotiation, schedule the num- graph, or the certificates of registration of the federation, national,
ber and frequency of meetings, and agree on wages, benefits and other or industry union, shall accompany said notice. Employers who
terms and conditions of work for all employees covered in the bar- agree to group themselves or use their existing associations to en-
gaining unit. gage in multiemployer bargaining shall send a written notice to
each of their counterpart legitimate labor unions indicating their
Section 5. When multi-employer bargaining available. - A legitimate
desire to engage in multi-employer bargaining. Said notice shall
labor union(s) and employers may agree in writing to come together
indicate the following:
for the purpose of collective bargaining, provided:
1) the names of the employers who desire to avail of multi-em-
(a) only legitimate labor unions who are incumbent exclusive bar-
ployer bargaining;
gaining agents may participate and negotiate in multi-employer
2) their corresponding legitimate labor organizations;
3) the fact that each corresponding legitimate union is any in-
(b) only employers with counterpart legitimate labor unions who are
cumbent exclusive bargaining agent;
incumbent bargaining agents may participate and negotiate in
4) the duration of the current collective bargaining agreement, if
multi-employer bargaining; and

any, entered into by each employer with the counterpart le- Multi-employer collective bargaining agreements shall be filed with
gitimate labor union. the Bureau.
(c) Each employer or concerned labor union shall express its willing- Section 2. Requirements for registration. - The application for CBA
ness or refusal to participate in multi-employer bargaining in registration shall be accompanied by the original and two (2) dupli-
writing, addressed to its corresponding exclusive bargaining cate copies of the following documents which must be certified under
agent or employer. Negotiations may commence only with regard oath by the representative(s) of the employer(s) and labor union(s)
to respective employers and labor unions who consent to partici- concerned
pate in multi-employer bargaining;
(a) the collective bargaining agreement;
(d) During the course of negotiations, consenting employers and the
(b) a statement that the collective bargaining agreement was posted
corresponding legitimate labor unions shall discuss and agree on
in at least two (2) conspicuous places in the establishment or es-
the following:
tablishments concerned for at least five (5) days before its ratifica-
1) the manner by which negotiations shall proceed; tion; and
2) the scope and coverage of the negotiations and the agreement; (c) a statement that the collective bargaining agreement was ratified
and by the majority of the employees in the bargaining unit of the em-
3) where appropriate, the effect of the negotiations on current ployer or employers concerned.
agreements or conditions of employment among the parties.
No other document shall be required in the registration of collective
Section 7. Posting and registration of collective bargaining agree- bargaining agreements.
ment. - Two (2) signed copies of collective bargaining agreement
Section 3. Payment of registration fee. - The certificate of registration
reached through multi-employer bargaining shall be posted for at
of collective bargaining agreement shall be issued by the Regional Of-
least five ( 5) days in two conspicuous areas in each workplace of the
fice upon payment of the prescribed registration fee.
employer units concerned. Said collective bargaining agreement shall
affect only those employees in the bargaining units who have ratified Section 4. Action on the application. - The Regional Office and the
it. Bureau shall act on applications for registration of collective bargain-
ing agreements within five (5) days from receipt thereof, either by: (a)
The same collective bargaining agreement shall be registered with the
approving the application and issuing the certificate of registration; or
Department in accordance with the following Rule.
(b) denying the application for failure of the applicant to comply with
RULE XVII the requirements for registration.
Where the documents supporting the application are not complete or
Section 1. Where to file. - Within thirty (30) days from execution of a are not verified under oath, the Regional Office or the Bureau shall,
collective bargaining agreement, the parties thereto shall submit two within five (5) days from receipt of the application, notify the appli-
(2) duly signed copies of the agreement to the Regional Office which cants in writing of the requirements needed to complete the applica-
issued the certificate of registration/certificate of creation of chartered tion. Where the applicants fail to complete the requirements within
local of the labor unionparty to the agreement. Where the certificate ten (10) days from receipt of notice, the application shall be denied
of creation of the concerned chartered local was issued by the Bureau, without prejudice.
the agreement shall be filed with the Regional Office which has juris- Section 5. Denial of registration; grounds for appeal. - The denial of
diction over the place where it principally operates. registration shall be in writing, stating in clear terms the reasons there-
for and served upon the applicant union and employer within twenty-
four (24) hours from issuance. The denial by the Regional Office of the preceding rules shall be applied.
registration of single enterprise collective bargaining agreements may
be appealed to the Bureau within ten (10) days from receipt of the no- B. Jurisdictional Requirements
tice of denial. The denial by the Bureau of the registration of multi- C. Administration of Agreement: Grievance and Voluntary
employer collective bargaining agreements may be appealed to the
Arbitration: Arts. 212 (n), 260 - 262-B, 277 (f,g,h)
Office of the Secretary within the same period.
Omnibus Rules, Book V, Rule XIX, XXI, as amended by
The memorandum of appeal shall be filed with the Regional Office or
D.O. 40-03
the Bureau, as the case may be. The same shall be transmitted, to-
gether with the entire records of the application, to the Bureau or the Art. 219 [212]. Definitions.
Office of the Secretary, as the case may be, within twenty-four (24)
(n) "Voluntary Arbitrator" means any person accredited by the Board
hours from receipt of the memorandum of appeal.
as such or any person named or designated in the Collective Bar-
Section 6. Period and manner of disposition of appeal. - The Bureau gaining Agreement by the parties to act as their Voluntary Arbi-
and the Office of the Secretary shall resolve the appeal within the same trator, or one chosen with or without the assistance of the Na-
period and in the same manner prescribed in Rule XI of these Rules. tional Conciliation and Mediation Board, pursuant to a selection
procedure agreed upon in the Collective Bargaining Agreement,
Section 7. Term of representation status; contract bar rule. - The rep-
or any official that may be authorized by the Secretary of Labor
resentation status of the incumbent exclusive bargaining agent which
and Employment to act as Voluntary Arbitrator upon the written
is a party to a duly registered collective bargaining agreement shall be
request and agreement of the parties to a labor dispute.
for a term of five (5) years from the date of the effectivity of the collec-
tive bargaining agreement. No petition questioning the majority sta- Art. 273 [260]. Grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration. The
tus of the incumbent exclusive bargaining agent or petition for certifi- parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall include therein
cation election filed outside of the sixty-day period immediately pre- provisions that will ensure the mutual observance of its terms and
ceding the expiry date of such five-year term shall be entertained by conditions. They shall establish a machinery for the adjustment and
the Department. resolution of grievances arising from the interpretation or implemen-
tation of their Collective Bargaining Agreement and those arising
The five-year representation status acquired by an incumbent bar-
from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel poli-
gaining agent either through single enterprise collective bargaining or
multi-employer bargaining shall not be affected by a subsequent col-
lective bargaining agreement executed between the same bargaining All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery which are not
agent and the employer during the same five-year period. settled within seven (7) calendar days from the date of its submission
shall automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration prescribed in
Section 8. Re-negotiation of collective bargaining agreements. - All
the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
provisions of a collective bargaining agreement, except the represen-
tation status of the incumbent bargaining agent shall, as a matter of For this purpose, parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall
right, be renegotiated not later than three (3) years after its execution. name and designate in advance a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
Voluntary Arbitrators, or include in the agreement a procedure for the
The re-negotiated collective bargaining agreement shall be ratified
selection of such Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitra-
and registered with the same Regional Office where the preceding
tors, preferably from the listing of qualified Voluntary Arbitrators
agreement was registered. The same requirements and procedure in
duly accredited by the Board. In case the parties fail to select a Volun-
the registration of collective bargaining agreements prescribed in the

tary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, the Board shall des- witness from the proceedings shall be determined by the Voluntary
ignate the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, as Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. Hearing may be ad-
may be necessary, pursuant to the selection procedure agreed upon in journed for cause or upon agreement by the parties.
the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which shall act with the same
Unless the parties agree otherwise, it shall be mandatory for the Vol-
force and effect as if the Arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators has been
untary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators to render an
selected by the parties as described above.
award or decision within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of
Art. 274 [261]. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or panel of Vol- submission of the dispute to voluntary arbitration.
untary Arbitrators. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
The award or decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Volun-
Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and
tary Arbitrators shall contain the facts and the law on which it is
decide all unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation or im-
based. It shall be final and executory after ten (10) calendar days from
plementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and those aris-
receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties.
ing from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel pol-
icies referred to in the immediately preceding article. Accordingly, vi- Upon motion of any interested party, the Voluntary Arbitrator or
olations of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, except those which are panel of Voluntary Arbitrators or the Labor Arbiter in the region
gross in character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice where the movant resides, in case of the absence or incapacity of the
and shall be resolved as grievances under the Collective Bargaining Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, for any rea-
Agreement. For purposes of this article, gross violations of Collective son, may issue a writ of execution requiring either the sheriff of the
Bargaining Agreement shall mean flagrant and/or malicious refusal Commission or regular courts or any public official whom the parties
to comply with the economic provisions of such agreement. may designate in the submission agreement to execute the final deci-
sion, order or award.
The Commission, its Regional Offices and the Regional Directors of
the Department of Labor and Employment shall not entertain dis- Art. 277 [262-B]. Cost of voluntary arbitration and Voluntary Arbi-
putes, grievances or matters under the exclusive and original jurisdic- trator’s fee. The parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall
tion of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and provide therein a proportionate sharing scheme on the cost of volun-
shall immediately dispose and refer the same to the Grievance Ma- tary arbitration including the Voluntary Arbitrator’s fee. The fixing of
chinery or Voluntary Arbitration provided in the Collective Bargain- fee of Voluntary Arbitrators, whether shouldered wholly by the par-
ing Agreement. ties or subsidized by the Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund, shall
take into account the following factors:
Art. 275 [262]. Jurisdiction over other labor disputes. The Voluntary
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of the (a) Nature of the case;
parties, shall also hear and decide all other labor disputes including (b) Time consumed in hearing the case;
unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks. (c) Professional standing of the Voluntary Arbitrator;
(d) Capacity to pay of the parties; and
Art. 276 [262-A]. Procedures. The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
(e) Fees provided for in the Revised Rules of Court.
Voluntary Arbitrators shall have the power to hold hearings, receive
evidences and take whatever action is necessary to resolve the issue Art. 292 [277]. Miscellaneous provisions.
or issues subject of the dispute, including efforts to effect a voluntary
(f) A special Voluntary Arbitration Fund is hereby established in the
settlement between parties.
Board to subsidize the cost of voluntary arbitration in cases in-
All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to attend the arbitration pro- volving the interpretation and implementation of the Collective
ceedings. The attendance of any third party or the exclusion of any Bargaining Agreement, including the Arbitrator’s fees, and for
such other related purposes to promote and develop voluntary and for this purpose, parties to a collective bargaining agreement shall
arbitration. The Board shall administer the Special Voluntary Ar- name and designate in advance a voluntary arbitrator or panel of vol-
bitration Fund in accordance with the guidelines it may adopt untary arbitrators, or include in the agreement a procedure for the se-
upon the recommendation of the Council, which guidelines shall lection of such voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators,
be subject to the approval of the Secretary of Labor and Employ- preferably from the listing of qualified voluntary arbitrators duly ac-
ment. Continuing funds needed for this purpose in the initial credited by the Board.
yearly amount of fifteen million pesos (P15,000,000.00) shall be
In the absence of applicable provision in the collective bargaining
provided in the 1989 annual general appropriations acts.
agreement, a grievance committee shall be created within ten (10)
The amount of subsidy in appropriate cases shall be determined
days from signing of the collective bargaining agreement. The com-
by the Board in accordance with established guidelines issued by
mittee shall be composed of at least two (2) representatives each from
it upon the recommendation of the Council.
the members of the bargaining unit and the employer, unless other-
The Fund shall also be utilized for the operation of the Council,
wise agreed upon by the parties. The representatives from among the
the training and education of Voluntary Arbitrators, and the Vol-
members of the bargaining unit shall be designated by the union.
untary Arbitration Program. (As amended by Section 33, Repub-
lic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989) Section 2. Procedure in handling grievances. - In the absence of a
(g) The Ministry shall help promote and gradually develop, with the specific provision in the collective bargaining agreement or existing
agreement of labor organizations and employers, labor-manage- company practice prescribing for the procedures in handling griev-
ment cooperation programs at appropriate levels of the enterprise ance, the following shall apply:
based on the shared responsibility and mutual respect in order to
(a) An employee shall present this grievance or complaint orally or
ensure industrial peace and improvement in productivity, work-
in writing to the shop steward. Upon receipt thereof, the shop
ing conditions and the quality of working life. (Incorporated by
steward shall verify the facts and determine whether or not the
Batas Pambansa Bilang 130, August 21, 1981)
grievance is valid.
(h) In establishments where no legitimate labor organization exists,
(b) If the grievance is valid, the shop steward shall immediately bring
labor-management committees may be formed voluntarily by
the complaint to the employee's immediate supervisor. The shop
workers and employers for the purpose of promoting industrial
steward, the employee and his immediate supervisor shall exert
peace. The Department of Labor and Employment shall endeavor
efforts to settle the grievance at their level.
to enlighten and educate the workers and employers on their
(c) If no settlement is reached, the grievance shall be referred to the
rights and responsibilities through labor education with emphasis
grievance committee which shall have ten (10) days to decide the
on the policy thrusts of this Code. (As amended by Section 33, Re-
public Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
Where the issue involves or arises from the interpretation or imple-
mentation of a provision in the collective bargaining agreement, or
from any order, memorandum, circular or assignment issued by the
appropriate authority in the establishment, and such issue cannot be
Section 1. Establishment of grievance machinery. - The parties to a
resolved at the level of the shop steward or the supervisor, the same
collective bargaining agreement shall establish a machinery for the ex-
may be referred immediately to the grievance committee.
peditious resolution of grievances arising from the interpretation or
implementation of the collective bargaining agreement and those aris- Section 3. Submission to voluntary arbitration. - Where grievance
ing from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel pol- remains unresolved, either party may serve notice upon the other of
icies. Unresolved grievances will be referred to voluntary arbitration its decision to submit the issue to voluntary arbitration. The notice
shall state the issue or issues to be arbitrated, copy thereof furnished mitted to a voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators. Be-
the board or the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators fore or at any stage of the compulsory arbitration process, the parties
named or designated in the collective bargaining agreement. If the may opt to submit their dispute to voluntary arbitration.
party upon whom the notice is served fails or refuses to respond fa-
Section 5. Powers of voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbi-
vorably within seven (7) days from receipt thereof, the voluntary ar-
trators. - The voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators
bitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators designated in the collective
shall have the power to hold hearings, receive evidence and take
bargaining agreement shall commence voluntary arbitration proceed-
whatever action is necessary to resolve the issue/s subject of the dis-
ings. Where the collective bargaining agreement does not so desig-
nate, the board shall call the parties and appoint a voluntary arbitrator
or panel of voluntary arbitrators, who shall thereafter commence ar- The voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators may concil-
bitration proceedings in accordance with the proceeding paragraph. iate or mediate to aid the parties in reaching a voluntary settlement of
the dispute.
In instances where parties fail to select a voluntary arbitrator or panel
of voluntary arbitrators, the regional branch of the Board shall desig- Section 6. Procedure. - All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to
nate the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators, as may attend the arbitration proceedings. The attendance of any third party
be necessary, which shall have the same force and effect as if the par- or the exclusion of any witness from the proceedings shall be deter-
ties have selected the arbitrator. mined by the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators.
Hearing may be adjourned for cause or upon agreement by the par-
Section 4. Jurisdiction of voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary
arbitrators. - The voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitra-
tors shall have exclusive and original jurisdiction to hear and decide Unless the parties agree otherwise, it shall be mandatory for the vol-
all grievances arising from the implementation or interpretation of the untary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators to render an award
collective bargaining agreements and those arising from the interpre- or decision within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of submis-
tation or enforcement of company personnel policies which remain sion for resolution.
unresolved after exhaustion of the grievance procedure.
Failure on the part of the voluntary arbitrator to render a decision,
They shall also have exclusive and original jurisdiction, to hear and resolution, order or award within the prescribed period, shall upon
decide wage distortion issues arising from the application of any wage complaint of a party, be sufficient ground for the Board to discipline
orders in organized establishments, as well as unresolved grievances said voluntary arbitrator, pursuant to the guidelines issued by the Sec-
arising from the interpretation and implementation of the productiv- retary. In cases that the recommended sanction is de-listing, it shall be
ity incentive programs under RA 6971. unlawful for the voluntary arbitrator to refuse or fail to turn over to
the board, for its further disposition, the records of the case within ten
The National Labor Relations Commission, its regional branches and
(10) calendar days from demand thereof.
Regional Directors of the Department of Labor and Employment shall
not entertain disputes, grievances or matters under the exclusive and Section 7. Finality of Award/Decision. - The decision, order, resolu-
original jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary tion or award of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbi-
arbitrators and shall immediately dispose and refer the same to the trators shall be final and executory after ten (10) calendar days from
appropriate grievance machinery or voluntary arbitration provided in receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the parties and it shall
the collective bargaining agreement. not be subject of a motion for reconsideration.
Upon agreement of the parties, any other labor dispute may be sub- Section 8. Execution of Award/Decision. - Upon motion of any inter-
ested party, the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators
or the Labor Arbiter in the region where the movant resides, in case award/order/decision.
of the absence or incapacity for any reason of the voluntary arbitrator
or panel of voluntary arbitrators who issued the award or decision,
may issue a writ of execution requiring either the Sheriff of the Com-
Section 1. Creation of labor-management and other councils. - The
mission or regular courts or any public official whom the parties may
Department shall promote the formation of labor-management coun-
designate in the submission agreement to execute the final decision,
cils in organized and unorganized establishments to enable the work-
order or award.
ers to participate in policy and decision-making processes in the es-
Section 9. Cost of voluntary arbitration and voluntary arbitrator's tablishment, insofar as said processes will directly affect their rights,
fee. - The parties to a collective bargaining agreement shall provide benefits and welfare, except those which are covered by collective bar-
therein a proportionate sharing scheme on the cost of voluntary arbi- gaining agreements or are traditional areas of bargaining.
tration including the voluntary arbitrator's fee. The fixing of fee of vol-
The Department shall promote other labor-management cooperation
untary arbitrators or panel of voluntary arbitrators, whether shoul-
schemes and, upon its own initiative or upon the request of both par-
dered wholly by the parties or subsidized by the Special Voluntary
ties, may assist in the formulation and development of programs and
Arbitration Fund, shall take into account the following factors:
projects on productivity, occupational safety and health, improve-
(a) Nature of the case; ment of quality of work life, product quality improvement, and other
(b) Time consumed in hearing the case; similar scheme.
(c) Professional standing of the voluntary arbitrator;
In line with the foregoing, the Department shall render, among others,
(d) Capacity to pay of the parties; and
the following services:
(e) Fees provided for in the Revised Rules of Court.
(a) Conduct awareness campaigns;
Unless the parties agree otherwise, the cost of voluntary arbitration
(b) Assist the parties in setting up labor-management structures,
proceedings and voluntary arbitrator's fee shall be shared equally by
functions and procedures;
the parties
(c) Provide process facilitators upon request of the parties; and
Parties are encouraged to set aside funds to answer for the cost of vol- (d) Monitor the activities of labor-management structures as may be
untary arbitration proceedings including voluntary arbitrator's fee. In necessary and conduct studies on best practices aimed at promot-
the event the said funds are not sufficient to cover such expenses, an ing harmonious labor-management relations.
amount by way of subsidy taken out of the Special Voluntary Arbitra-
Section 2. Selection of representatives. - In organized establishments,
tion fund may be availed of by either or both parties subject to the
the workers' representatives to the council shall be nominated by the
guidelines on voluntary arbitration to be issued by the Secretary.
exclusive bargaining representative. In establishments where no legit-
Section 10. Maintenance of case records by the Board. - The Board imate labor organization exists, the workers representative shall be
shall maintain all records pertaining to a voluntary arbitration case. In elected directly by the employees at large.
all cases, the Board shall be furnished a copy of all pleadings and sub-
mitted to the voluntary arbitrator as well as the orders, awards and D. Labor-Management Cooperation Schemes: Arts. 277 (g)
decisions issued by the voluntary arbitrator. Omnibus Rules, Book V, Rule XXI
The records of a case shall be turned over by the voluntary arbitrator Art. 277. Miscellaneous provisions.
or panel of voluntary arbitrators to the concerned regional branch of (g) The Ministry shall help promote and gradually develop, with the
the Board within ten (10) days upon satisfaction of the final arbitral

agreement of labor organizations and employers, labor-manage- necessary and conduct studies on best practices aimed at promot-
ment cooperation programs at appropriate levels of the enterprise ing harmonious labor-management relations.
based on the shared responsibility and mutual respect in order to
Section 2. Selection of representatives. - In organized establishments,
ensure industrial peace and improvement in productivity, work-
the workers' representatives to the council shall be nominated by the
ing conditions and the quality of working life. (Incorporated by
exclusive bargaining representative. In establishments where no legit-
Batas Pambansa Bilang 130, August 21, 1981)
imate labor organization exists, the workers representative shall be
(h) In establishments where no legitimate labor organization exists,
elected directly by the employees at large.
labor-management committees may be formed voluntarily by
workers and employers for the purpose of promoting industrial
peace. The Department of Labor and Employment shall endeavor
to enlighten and educate the workers and employers on their
rights and responsibilities through labor education with emphasis
on the policy thrusts of this Code. (As amended by Section 33, Re-
public Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
Section 1. Creation of labor-management and other councils. - The
Department shall promote the formation of labor-management coun-
cils in organized and unorganized establishments to enable the work-
ers to participate in policy and decision-making processes in the es-
tablishment, insofar as said processes will directly affect their rights,
benefits and welfare, except those which are covered by collective bar-
gaining agreements or are traditional areas of bargaining.
The Department shall promote other labor-management cooperation
schemes and, upon its own initiative or upon the request of both par-
ties, may assist in the formulation and development of programs and
projects on productivity, occupational safety and health, improve-
ment of quality of work life, product quality improvement, and other
similar scheme.
In line with the foregoing, the Department shall render, among others,
the following services:
(a) Conduct awareness campaigns;
(b) Assist the parties in setting up labor-management structures,
functions and procedures;
(c) Provide process facilitators upon request of the parties; and
(d) Monitor the activities of labor-management structures as may be

STRIKES, LOCKOUTS AND CONCERTED ACTIONS However, no labor union may strike and no employer may de-
clare a lockout on grounds involving inter-union and intra-union
A. Concerted Actions disputes.
(c) In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly certified or recognized
B. Strikes: Arts. 212 (o-s), 263-266: Rules. Book V. Rule XXII.
bargaining agent may file a notice of strike or the employer may
as amended by D.O. 40-03 file a notice of lockout with the Ministry at least 30 day before the
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions. intended date thereof. In cases of unfair labor practice, the period
of notice shall be 15 days and in the absence of a duly certified or
(o) "Strike" means any temporary stoppage of work by the concerted recognized bargaining agent, the notice of strike may be filed by
action of employees as a result of an industrial or labor dispute. any legitimate labor organization in behalf of its members. How-
(p) "Lockout" means any temporary refusal of an employer to furnish ever, in case of dismissal from employment of union officers duly
work as a result of an industrial or labor dispute. elected in accordance with the union constitution and by-laws,
which may constitute union busting, where the existence of the
(q) "Internal union dispute" includes all disputes or grievances aris- union is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off period shall not apply
ing from any violation of or disagreement over any provision of and the union may take action immediately. (As amended by Ex-
the constitution and by laws of a union, including any violation ecutive Order No. 111, December 24, 1986)
of the rights and conditions of union membership provided for in
this Code. (d) The notice must be in accordance with such implementing rules
and regulations as the Minister of Labor and Employment may
(r) "Strike-breaker" means any person who obstructs, impedes, or in- promulgate.
terferes with by force, violence, coercion, threats, or intimidation
any peaceful picketing affecting wages, hours or conditions of (e) During the cooling-off period, it shall be the duty of the Ministry
work or in the exercise of the right of self-organization or collec- to exert all efforts at mediation and conciliation to effect a volun-
tive bargaining. tary settlement. Should the dispute remain unsettled until the
lapse of the requisite number of days from the mandatory filing
(s) "Strike area" means the establishment, warehouses, depots, plants of the notice, the labor union may strike or the employer may de-
or offices, including the sites or premises used as runaway shops, clare a lockout.
of the employer struck against, as well as the immediate vicinity
actually used by picketing strikers in moving to and fro before all (f) A decision to declare a strike must be approved by a majority of
points of entrance to and exit from said establishment. (As the total union membership in the bargaining unit concerned, ob-
amended by Section 4, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989) tained by secret ballot in meetings or referenda called for that pur-
pose. A decision to declare a lockout must be approved by a ma-
Art. 278 [263]. Strikes, picketing and lockouts. jority of the board of directors of the corporation or association or
(a) It is the policy of the State to encourage free trade unionism and of the partners in a partnership, obtained by secret ballot in a
free collective bargaining. meeting called for that purpose. The decision shall be valid for the
duration of the dispute based on substantially the same grounds
(b) Workers shall have the right to engage in concerted activities for
considered when the strike or lockout vote was taken. The Minis-
purposes of collective bargaining or for their mutual benefit and
try may, at its own initiative or upon the request of any affected
protection. The right of legitimate labor organizations to strike
party, supervise the conduct of the secret balloting. In every case,
and picket and of employers to lockout, consistent with the na-
the union or the employer shall furnish the Ministry the results of
tional interest, shall continue to be recognized and respected.
the voting at least seven days before the intended strike or lock- of the occurrence of such a strike or lockout, jurisdiction over the
out, subject to the cooling-off period herein provided. (As same or certify it to the Commission for compulsory arbitration.
amended by Batas Pambansa Bilang 130, August 21, 1981 and fur- For this purpose, the contending parties are strictly enjoined to
ther amended by Executive Order No. 111, December 24, 1986) comply with such orders, prohibitions and/or injunctions as are
issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Commis-
(g) When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute causing or likely
sion, under pain of immediate disciplinary action, including dis-
to cause a strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to the na-
missal or loss of employment status or payment by the locking-
tional interest, the Secretary of Labor and Employment may as-
out employer of backwages, damages and other affirmative relief,
sume jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or certify the
even criminal prosecution against either or both of them.
same to the Commission for compulsory arbitration. Such as-
sumption or certification shall have the effect of automatically en-
The foregoing notwithstanding, the President of the Philippines
joining the intended or impending strike or lockout as specified
shall not be precluded from determining the industries that, in his
in the assumption or certification order. If one has already taken
opinion, are indispensable to the national interest, and from inter-
place at the time of assumption or certification, all striking or
vening at any time and assuming jurisdiction over any such labor
locked out employees shall immediately return-to-work and the
dispute in order to settle or terminate the same.
employer shall immediately resume operations and readmit all
workers under the same terms and conditions prevailing before (h) Before or at any stage of the compulsory arbitration process, the
the strike or lockout. The Secretary of Labor and Employment or parties may opt to submit their dispute to voluntary arbitration.
the Commission may seek the assistance of law enforcement agen-
(i) The Secretary of Labor and Employment, the Commission or the
cies to ensure compliance with this provision as well as with such
voluntary arbitrator shall decide or resolve the dispute, as the case
orders as he may issue to enforce the same.
may be. The decision of the President, the Secretary of Labor and
In line with the national concern for and the highest respect ac- Employment, the Commission or the voluntary arbitrator shall be
corded to the right of patients to life and health, strikes and lock- final and executory ten (10) calendar days after receipt thereof by
outs in hospitals, clinics and similar medical institutions shall, to the parties. (As amended by Section 27, Republic Act No. 6715,
every extent possible, be avoided, and all serious efforts, not only March 21, 1989)
by labor and management but government as well, be exhausted
Art. 279 [264]. Prohibited activities.
to substantially minimize, if not prevent, their adverse effects on
such life and health, through the exercise, however legitimate, by (a) No labor organization or employer shall declare a strike or lock-
labor of its right to strike and by management to lockout. In labor out without first having bargained collectively in accordance with
disputes adversely affecting the continued operation of such hos- Title VII of this Book or without first having filed the notice re-
pitals, clinics or medical institutions, it shall be the duty of the quired in the preceding Article or without the necessary strike or
striking union or locking-out employer to provide and maintain lockout vote first having been obtained and reported to the Min-
an effective skeletal workforce of medical and other health per- istry.
sonnel, whose movement and services shall be unhampered and
No strike or lockout shall be declared after assumption of jurisdic-
unrestricted, as are necessary to insure the proper and adequate
tion by the President or the Minister or after certification or sub-
protection of the life and health of its patients, most especially
mission of the dispute to compulsory or voluntary arbitration or
emergency cases, for the duration of the strike or lockout. In such
during the pendency of cases involving the same grounds for the
cases, therefore, the Secretary of Labor and Employment may im-
strike or lockout.
mediately assume, within twenty four (24) hours from knowledge

Any worker whose employment has been terminated as a conse- dum by secret ballot on the improved offer of the employer on or be-
quence of any unlawful lockout shall be entitled to reinstatement fore the 30th day of the strike. When at least a majority of the union
with full backwages. Any union officer who knowingly partici- members vote to accept the improved offer the striking workers shall
pates in an illegal strike and any worker or union officer who immediately return to work and the employer shall thereupon read-
knowingly participates in the commission of illegal acts during a mit them upon the signing of the agreement.
strike may be declared to have lost his employment status: Pro-
In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and Employment shall
vided, That mere participation of a worker in a lawful strike shall
also conduct a referendum by secret balloting on the reduced offer of
not constitute sufficient ground for termination of his employ-
the union on or before the 30th day of the lockout. When at least a
ment, even if a replacement had been hired by the employer dur-
majority of the board of directors or trustees or the partners holding
ing such lawful strike.
the controlling interest in the case of a partnership vote to accept the
(b) No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with, by force, vio- reduced offer, the workers shall immediately return to work and the
lence, coercion, threats or intimidation, any peaceful picketing by employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the signing of the agree-
employees during any labor controversy or in the exercise of the ment. (Incorporated by Section 28, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21,
right to self-organization or collective bargaining, or shall aid or 1989)
abet such obstruction or interference.
Art. 281 [266]. Requirement for arrest and detention. Except on
(c) No employer shall use or employ any strike-breaker, nor shall any grounds of national security and public peace or in case of commis-
person be employed as a strike-breaker. sion of a crime, no union members or union organizers may be ar-
rested or detained for union activities without previous consultations
(d) No public official or employee, including officers and personnel
with the Secretary of Labor.
of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines or the Integrated Na-
tional Police, or armed person, shall bring in, introduce or escort RULE XXII
in any manner, any individual who seeks to replace strikers in en- CONCILIATION, STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS
tering or leaving the premises of a strike area, or work in place of Section 1. Conciliation of labor-management disputes. - The board
the strikers. The police force shall keep out of the picket lines un- may, upon request of either of both parties or upon its own initiative,
less actual violence or other criminal acts occur therein: Provided, provide conciliation-mediation services to labor disputes other than
That nothing herein shall be interpreted to prevent any public of- notices of strikes or lockouts. Conciliation cases which are not subjects
ficer from taking any measure necessary to maintain peace and of notices of strike or lockout shall be docketed as preventive media-
order, protect life and property, and/or enforce the law and legal tion cases.
order. (As amended by Executive Order No. 111, December 24,
Section 2. Privileged communication. - Information and statements
given in confidence at conciliation proceedings shall be treated as
(e) No person engaged in picketing shall commit any act of violence, privileged communications. Conciliators and similar officials shall not
coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free ingress to or egress testify in any court or body regarding any matter taken up at concili-
from the employer’s premises for lawful purposes, or obstruct ation proceedings conducted by them.
public thoroughfares. (As amended by Batas Pambansa Bilang
Section 3. Issuance of subpoena. - The Board shall have the power to
227, June 1, 1982)
require the appearance of any parties at conciliation meetings.
Art. 280 [265]. Improved offer balloting. In an effort to settle a strike,
Section 4. Compromise Agreements. - Any compromise settlement,
the Department of Labor and Employment shall conduct a referen-
including those involving labor standard laws, voluntarily agreed

upon by the parties with the assistance of the Board and its regional cooling-off period shall not apply and the union may take action im-
branches shall be final and binding upon the parties. The National La- mediately after the strike vote is conducted and the results thereof
bor Relations Commission or any court shall not assume jurisdiction submitted to the appropriate regional branch of the Board.
over issues involved therein except in case of non-compliance thereof
Section 8. Contents of notice. - The notice shall state, among others,
or if there is prima facie evidence that the settlement was obtained
the names and addresses of the employer and the union involved, the
through fraud, misrepresentation, or coercion. Upon motion of any
nature of the industry to which the employer belongs, the number of
interested party, the Labor Arbiter in the region where the agreement
union members and of the workers in the bargaining unit, and such
was reached may issue a writ of execution requiring a sheriff of the
other relevant data as may facilitate the settlement of the dispute, such
Commission or the courts to enforce the terms of the agreement.
as a brief statement or enumeration of all pending labor disputes in-
Section 5. Grounds for strike or lockout. - A strike or lockout may be volving the same parties.
declared in cases of bargaining deadlocks and unfair labor practices.
In cases of bargaining deadlocks, the notice shall, as far as practicable,
Violations of collective bargaining agreements, except flagrant and/or
further state the unresolved issues in the bargaining negotiations and
malicious refusal to comply with its economic provisions, shall not be
be accompanied by the written proposals of the union, the counter-
considered unfair labor practice and shall not be strikeable. No strike
proposals of the employer and the proof of a request for conference to
or lockout may be declared on grounds involving inter-union and in-
settle the differences. In cases of unfair labor practices, the notice shall,
tra-union disputes or without first having filed a notice of strike or
as far as practicable, state the acts complained of and the efforts taken
lockout or without the necessary strike or lockout vote having been
to resolve the dispute amicably.
obtained and reported to the Board. Neither will a strike be declared
after assumption of jurisdiction by the Secretary or after certification In case a notice does not conform with the requirements of this and
or submission of the dispute to compulsory or voluntary arbitration the foregoing section/s, the regional branch of the Board shall inform
or during the pendency of cases involving the same grounds for the the concerned party of such fact.
strike or lockout. (As amended by D.O. No. 40-A-03, 12 Mar. 2003)
Section 9. Action on Notice. - Upon receipt of the notice, the regional
Section 6. Who may declare a strike or lockout. - Any certified or branch of the Board shall exert all efforts at mediation and conciliation
duly recognized bargaining representative may declare a strike in to enable the parties to settle the dispute amicably. The regional
cases of bargaining deadlocks and unfair labor practices. The em- branch of the Board may, upon agreement of the parties, treat a notice
ployer may declare a lockout in the same cases. In the absence of a as a preventive mediation case. It shall also encourage the parties to
certified or duly recognized bargaining representative, any legitimate submit the dispute to voluntary arbitration.
labor organization in the establishment may declare a strike but only
During the proceedings, the parties shall not do any act which may
on grounds of unfair labor practices.
disrupt or impede the early settlement of the dispute. They are
Section 7. Notice of strike or lockout. - In bargaining deadlocks, a obliged, as part of their duty to bargain collectively in good faith and
notice of strike or lockout shall be filed with the regional branch of the to participate fully and promptly in the conciliation meetings called
Board at least thirty (30) days before the intended date thereof, a copy by the regional branch of the Board. A notice, upon agreement of the
of said notice having been served on the other party concerned. In parties, may be referred to alternative modes of dispute resolution,
cases of unfair labor practice, the period of notice shall be fifteen (15) including voluntary arbitration.
days. However, in case of unfair labor practice involving the dismissal
Section 10. Strike or lockout vote. - A decision to declare a strike must
from employment of any union officer duly elected in accordance
be approved by a majority of the total union membership in the bar-
with the union constitution and by-laws which may constitute union-
busting where the existence of the union is threatened, the fifteen-day
gaining unit concerned obtained by secret ballot in meetings or refer- or egress from the employer's premises for lawful purposes, or ob-
enda called for the purpose. A decision to declare a lockout must be struct public thoroughfares.
approved by a majority of the Board of Directors of the employer, cor-
No person shall obstruct, impede or interfere with, by force, violence,
poration or association or the partners in a partnership obtained by a
coercion, threats or intimidation, any peaceful picketing by workers
secret ballot in a meeting called for the purpose.
during any labor controversy or in the exercise of the right to self-or-
The regional branch of the Board may, at its own initiative or upon ganization or collective bargaining or shall aid or abet such obstruc-
request of any affected party, supervise the conduct of the secret bal- tion or interference. No employer shall use or employ any person to
loting. In every case, the union or the employer shall furnish the re- commit such acts nor shall any person be employed for such purpose.
gional branch of the Board and the notice of meetings referred to in
Section 14. Injunctions. - No court or entity shall enjoin any picketing,
the preceding paragraph at least twenty-four (24) hours before such
strike or lockout, except as provided in Articles 218 and 263 of the La-
meetings as well as the results of the voting at least seven (7) days
bor Code.
before the intended strike or lockout, subject to the cooling-off period
provided in this Rule. The Commission shall have the power to issue temporary restraining
orders in such cases but only after due notice and hearing and in ac-
Section 11. Declaration of strike or lockout. - Should the dispute re-
cordance with its rules. The reception of evidence for the application
main unsettled after the lapse of the requisite number of days from
of a writ of injunction may be delegated by the Commission to any
the filing of the notice of strike or lockout and of the results of the
Labor Arbiter who shall submit his recommendations to the Commis-
election required in the preceding section, the labor union may strike
sion for its consideration and resolution.
or the employer may lock out its workers. The regional branch of the
Board shall continue mediating and conciliating. Any ex parte restraining order issued by the Commission, or its chair-
man or Vice-Chairman where the Commission is not in session and as
Section 12. Improved offer balloting. - In case of a strike, the regional
prescribed by its rules, shall be valid for a period not exceeding twenty
branch of the Board shall, at its own initiative or upon the request of
(20) days.
any affected party, conduct a referendum by secret balloting on the
improved offer of the employer on or before the 30th day of strike. Section 15. Assumption by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
When at least a majority of the union members vote to accept the im- — When a labor dispute causes or is likely to cause a strike or lockout
proved offer, the striking workers shall immediately return to work in an industry indispensable to the national interest. The Secretary of
and the employer shall thereupon re-admit them upon the signing of Labor and Employment may assume jurisdiction over the dispute and
the agreement. decide it or certify the same to the National Labor Relations Commis-
sion for compulsory arbitration. Provided. That any of the following
In case of a lockout, the regional branch of the Board shall also conduct
conditions is present:
a referendum by secret balloting on the reduced offer of the union on
or before the 30th day of the lockout. When at least a majority of the 1. Both parties have requested the Secretary of Labor and Employ-
board of directors or trustees or the partners holding the controlling ment to assume jurisdiction over the labor dispute; or
interest in the case of partnership vote to accept the reduced offer, the 2. After a conference called by the Office of the Secretary of Labor
workers shall immediately return to work and the employer shall and Employment on the propriety of its issuance motu proprio or
thereupon readmit them upon the signing of the agreement. upon a request or petition by either parties to the labor dispute.
Section 13. Peaceful picketing. - Workers shall have the right to Such assumption shall have the effect of automatically enjoining an
peaceful picketing. No person engaged in picketing shall commit any impending strike or lockout. If a strike/lockout has already taken
act of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free ingress to place at the time of assumption, all striking or locked out employees
and other employees subject of the notice of strike shall immediately The decision of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, the NLRC or
return to work and the employer shall immediately resume opera- Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall be ren-
tions and readmit all employees under the same terms and conditions dered within thirty (30) calendar days from submission of the case for
prevailing before the strike or lockout. resolution and shall be final and executory ten (10) calendar days after
receipt thereof by the parties. (Inserted by D.O. No. 40-G-03, 29 Mar.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, parties to the case may agree at any
2010, as amended by D.O. No. 40-H-03, 11 Oct. 2013)
time to submit the dispute to the Secretary of Labor or his duly au-
thorized representative as voluntary arbitrator or to a duly accredited Section 19. Prohibitions on law enforcement agencies or public of-
voluntary arbitrator or to a panel of voluntary arbitrators. (Inserted by ficials/employees, armed persons, private security guards and simi-
D.O. No. 40-G-03, 29 Mar. 2010) lar personnel in the private security agency. Exception. — No public
official or employee. Including officers and personnel of the Armed
Section 16. Industries indispensable to the national interest. — For
Forces of the Philippines or the Philippine National Police, or armed
the guidance of the workers and employers in the filing of petition for
person, private security guards and similar personnel in the private
assumption of jurisdiction, the following industries/services are
security agency shall bring in, introduce or escort in any manner. Any
hereby recognized as deemed indispensable to the national interest:
individual who seeks to replace strikers in entering or leaving the
a. hospital sector; premises of a strike area, or work in place of the strikers.
b. electric power industry,
The police force shall keep out of the picket lines unless actual vio-
c. water supply services, to exclude small water supply services
lence or other criminal acts occur therein.
such as bottling and refilling stations:
d. air traffic control, and such other industries as maybe recom- But any public officer, the Secretary of Labor and Employment or the
mended by the National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council NLRC may seek the assistance of law enforcement agencies to main-
(TIPC). (Inserted by D.O. No. 40-H-03, 11 Oct. 2013) tain peace and order, protect life and property, and/or enforce the law
and legal order pursuant to the provisions of the joint DOLE-DILG-
Section 17. Requirement for minimum operational service. — In la-
PEZA guidelines in the conduct of PNP personnel, economic zone po-
bor disputes adversely affecting the continued operation of hospitals.
lice and security guards, company security guards and similar per-
Clinics or medical institutions, it shall be the duty of the striking union
sonnel during labor disputes. (Inserted by D.O. No. 40-G-03, 29 Mar.
or locking-out employer to provide and maintain an effective skeletal
2010, as renumbered by D.O. No. 40-H-03, 11 Oct. 2013)
workforce of medical, and other health personnel, whose movement
and services shall be unhampered and unrestricted. As are necessary Section 20. Criminal prosecution. — The regular courts shall have ju-
to ensure the proper and adequate protection of the life and health of risdiction over any criminal action under Article 272 of the Labor
its patients, most especially emergency cases, for the duration of the Code, as amended, but subject to the required clearance from the
strike or lockout. (Inserted by D.O. No. 40-G-03, 29 Mar. 2010, as re- DOLE on cases arising out of or related to a labor dispute pursuant to
numbered by D.O. No. 40-H-03, 11 Oct. 2013) the Ministry of Justice (now Department of Justice) Circular No. 15.
Series of 1982, and Circular No. 9. Series of 1986. (Inserted by D.O. No.
Section 18. Decision on the assumed labor dispute; Finality. —
40-G-03, 29 Mar. 2010, as renumbered by D.O. No. 40-H-03, 11 Oct.
Within five (5) days from the issuance of the assumption or certifica-
tion order. A preliminary conference or hearing shall immediately be
conducted by the Office of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, 1. Requisites for a valid strike
the NLRC or the voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators 2. Injunction: Art. 254
as the case maybe.

Art. 266 [254]. Injunction prohibited. No temporary or permanent in-
junction or restraining order in any case involving or growing out of
labor disputes shall be issued by any court or other entity, except as
otherwise provided in Articles 218 and 264 of this Code. (As amended
by Batas Pambansa Bilang 227, June 1, 1982)

3. Assumption of Jurisdiction; Return-to-Work Or-

4. Consequences of Strike

POST-EMPLOYMENT undertakings, whether for profit or not, including educational medi-
cal, charitable and religious institutions and organizations, in cases of
A. Classes of Employees: Arts. 278, 280-281; Rules, Book VI, regular employment with the exception of the Government and its po-
litical subdivisions including government-owned or controlled corpo-
[Rule I] Secs. 5, 7, 6
Art. 293 [278]. Coverage. The provisions of this Title shall apply to all
Section 5. (a) Regular employment. - The provisions of written agree-
establishments or undertakings, whether for profit or not.
ments to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the oral
Art. 295 [280]. Regular and casual employment. The provisions of writ- agreements of the parties, employment shall be deemed regular for
ten agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the purposes of Book VI of the Labor Code where employee has been en-
oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be gaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or desirable
regular where the employee has been engaged to perform activities in the usual business or trade of the employer, except where the em-
which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade ployment has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking, the com-
of the employer, except where the employment has been fixed for a pletion or termination of which has been determined at the time of the
specific project or undertaking the completion or termination of which engagement of the employee or where the job, work or service to be
has been determined at the time of the engagement of the employee performed is seasonal in nature and the employment is for the dura-
or where the work or service to be performed is seasonal in nature and tion of the season.
the employment is for the duration of the season.
(b) Casual employment. - There is casual employment where an em-
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered by ployee is engaged to perform a job, work or service which is merely
the preceding paragraph: Provided, That any employee who has ren- incidental to the business of the employer, and such job, work or ser-
dered at least one year of service, whether such service is continuous vice is for a definite period made known to the employee at the time
or broken, shall be considered a regular employee with respect to the of engagement: Provided, that any employee who has rendered at least
activity in which he is employed and his employment shall continue one year of service, whether such service is continuous or not, shall be
while such activity exists. considered a regular employee with respect to the activity in which he
is employed and his employment shall continue while such activity
Art. 296 [281]. Probationary employment. Probationary employment
shall not exceed six (6) months from the date the employee started
working, unless it is covered by an apprenticeship agreement stipu- Notwithstanding the foregoing distinctions, every employee shall be
lating a longer period. The services of an employee who has been en- entitled to the rights and privileges, and shall be subject to the duties
gaged on a probationary basis may be terminated for a just cause or and obligations, as may be granted by law to regular employees dur-
when he fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with rea- ing the period of their actual employment. (As amended by D.O. No.
sonable standards made known by the employer to the employee at 10, Series of 1997, May 30, 1997)
the time of his engagement. An employee who is allowed to work af-
Section 6. Probationary employment. - There is probationary em-
ter a probationary period shall be considered a regular employee.
ployment where the employee, upon his engagement, is made to un-
Book VI dergo a trial period during which the employer determines his fitness
POST-EMPLOYMENT to qualify for regular employment based on reasonable standards
Rule I made known to him at the time of engagement.
Probationary employment shall be governed by the following rules:
Section 1. Coverage. – This Rule shall apply to all establishments or

Where the work for which the employee has been engaged is legality of his dismissal by filing a complaint with the regional
learnable or apprenticeable in accordance with the standards pre- branch of the National Labor Relations Commission. The burden
scribed by the Department of Labor and Employment, the period of proving that the termination was for a valid or authorized
of probationary employment shall be limited to the authorized cause shall rest on the employer. The Secretary of the Department
learnership or apprenticeship period, which is applicable. of Labor and Employment may suspend the effects of the termi-
Where the work is neither learnable nor apprenticeable, the pe- nation pending resolution of the dispute in the event of a prima
riod of probationary employment shall not exceed six months facie finding by the appropriate official of the Department of La-
reckoned from the date the employee actually started working. bor and Employment before whom such dispute is pending that
The services of an employee who has been engaged on probation- the termination may cause a serious labor dispute or is in imple-
ary basis may be terminated only for a just or authorized cause, mentation of a mass lay-off. (As amended by Section 33, Republic
when he fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
reasonable standards prescribed by the employer.
Art. 294 [279]. Security of tenure. In cases of regular employment, the
In all cases of probationary employment, the employer shall make
employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for a
known to the employee the standards under which he will qualify
just cause or when authorized by this Title. An employee who is un-
as a regular employee at the time of his engagement. Where no
justly dismissed from work shall be entitled to reinstatement without
standards are made known to the employee at that time, he shall
loss of seniority rights and other privileges and to his full backwages,
be deemed a regular employee. (As amended by D.O. No. 10, Se-
inclusive of allowances, and to his other benefits or their monetary
ries of 1997, May 30, 1997)
equivalent computed from the time his compensation was withheld
1. Regular Employees, Project Employees, Term from him up to the time of his actual reinstatement. (As amended by
Employees, Seasonal Employees, Probationary Section 34, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
Employees and Casual Employees Art. 297 [282]. Termination by employer. An employer may termi-
nate an employment for any of the following causes:
B. Security of Tenure: Arts. 277 (b). 279, 282-287; Rules,
Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of
Book VI, Secs. 2, 5, 6, Book V, Rule XXIII
the lawful orders of his employer or representative in connection
Art. 292 [277]. Miscellaneous provisions. with his work;
Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties;
Subject to the constitutional right of workers to security of tenure
Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust reposed in
and their right to be protected against dismissal except for a just
him by his employer or duly authorized representative;
and authorized cause and without prejudice to the requirement of
Commission of a crime or offense by the employee against the
notice under Article 283 of this Code, the employer shall furnish
person of his employer or any immediate member of his family or
the worker whose employment is sought to be terminated a writ-
his duly authorized representatives; and
ten notice containing a statement of the causes for termination and
Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
shall afford the latter ample opportunity to be heard and to de-
fend himself with the assistance of his representative if he so de- Art. 298 [283]. Closure of establishment and reduction of person-
sires in accordance with company rules and regulations promul- nel. The employer may also terminate the employment of any em-
gated pursuant to guidelines set by the Department of Labor and ployee due to the installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, re-
Employment. Any decision taken by the employer shall be with- trenchment to prevent losses or the closing or cessation of operation
out prejudice to the right of the worker to contest the validity or

of the establishment or undertaking unless the closing is for the pur- Art. 301 [286]. When employment not deemed terminated. The bona-
pose of circumventing the provisions of this Title, by serving a written fide suspension of the operation of a business or undertaking for a
notice on the workers and the Ministry of Labor and Employment at period not exceeding six (6) months, or the fulfillment by the em-
least one (1) month before the intended date thereof. In case of termi- ployee of a military or civic duty shall not terminate employment. In
nation due to the installation of labor-saving devices or redundancy, all such cases, the employer shall reinstate the employee to his former
the worker affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation pay equiv- position without loss of seniority rights if he indicates his desire to
alent to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay resume his work not later than one (1) month from the resumption of
for every year of service, whichever is higher. In case of retrenchment operations of his employer or from his relief from the military or civic
to prevent losses and in cases of closures or cessation of operations of duty.
establishment or undertaking not due to serious business losses or fi-
Title II
nancial reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent to one (1)
month pay or at least one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of ser-
Art. 302 [287]. Retirement. Any employee may be retired upon reach-
vice, whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six (6) months shall be
ing the retirement age established in the collective bargaining agree-
considered one (1) whole year.
ment or other applicable employment contract.
Art. 299 [284]. Disease as ground for termination. An employer may
In case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to receive such
terminate the services of an employee who has been found to be suf-
retirement benefits as he may have earned under existing laws and
fering from any disease and whose continued employment is prohib-
any collective bargaining agreement and other agreements: Provided,
ited by law or is prejudicial to his health as well as to the health of his
however, That an employee’s retirement benefits under any collective
co-employees: Provided, That he is paid separation pay equivalent to
bargaining and other agreements shall not be less than those provided
at least one (1) month salary or to one-half (1/2) month salary for
every year of service, whichever is greater, a fraction of at least six (6)
months being considered as one (1) whole year. In the absence of a retirement plan or agreement providing for retire-
ment benefits of employees in the establishment, an employee upon
Art. 300 [285]. Termination by employee.
reaching the age of sixty (60) years or more, but not beyond sixty-five
An employee may terminate without just cause the employee-em- (65) years which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement age,
ployer relationship by serving a written notice on the employer at who has served at least five (5) years in the said establishment, may
least one (1) month in advance. The employer upon whom no such retire and shall be entitled to retirement pay equivalent to at least one-
notice was served may hold the employee liable for damages. half (1/2) month salary for every year of service, a fraction of at least
six (6) months being considered as one whole year.
An employee may put an end to the relationship without serving any
notice on the employer for any of the following just causes: Unless the parties provide for broader inclusions, the term ‘one-half
(1/2) month salary’ shall mean fifteen (15) days plus one-twelfth
Serious insult by the employer or his representative on the honor
(1/12) of the 13th month pay and the cash equivalent of not more than
and person of the employee;
five (5) days of service incentive leaves.
Inhuman and unbearable treatment accorded the employee by the
employer or his representative; An underground mining employee upon reaching the age of fifty (50)
Commission of a crime or offense by the employer or his repre- years or more, but not beyond sixty (60) years which is hereby de-
sentative against the person of the employee or any of the imme- clared the compulsory retirement age for underground mine workers,
diate members of his family; and who has served at least five (5) years as underground mine worker,
Other causes analogous to any of the foregoing. may retire and shall be entitled to all the retirement benefits provided
for in this Article. his former position, unless such position no longer exists at the time
of his reinstatement, in which he shall be given a substantially equiv-
Retail, service and agricultural establishments or operations employ-
alent position in the same establishment without loss of seniority
ing not more than ten (10) employees or workers are exempted from
the coverage of this provision.
(b) In case the establishment where the employee is to be reinstated
Violation of this provision is hereby declared unlawful and subject to
has closed or ceased operations or where his former position no longer
the penal provisions under Article 288 [now 303] of this Code. (As
exists at the time of reinstatement for reasons not attributable to the
amended by R.A. No. 7641, 9 Dec. 1992, and further amended by R.A.
fault of the employer, the employee shall be entitled to separation pay
8558, 26 Feb 1998)
equivalent to at least one month salary or to one month salary for
Rule I every year of service, whichever is higher, a fraction of at least six
TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND RETIREMENT months being considered as one whole year.
Section 2. Security of tenure. - (a) In cases of regular employment, the
SECTIONS 7-11. (Repealed by D.O. No. 147-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for
just or authorized causes as provided by law, and subject to the re- SECTION 12. Suspension of relationship. — The employer-em-
quirements of due process. ployee relationship shall be deemed suspended in case of suspension
of operation of the business or undertaking of the employer for a pe-
(b) The foregoing shall also apply in cases of probationary employ-
riod not exceeding six (6) months, unless the suspension is for the pur-
ment; provided, however, that in such cases, termination of employ-
pose of defeating the rights of the employees under the Code, and in
ment due to failure of the employee to qualify in accordance with the
case of mandatory fulfillment by the employee of a military or civic
standard of the employer made known to the former at the time of
duty. The payment of wages of the employee as well as the grant of
engagement may also be a ground for termination of employment.
other benefits and privileges while he is on a military or civic duty
(c) In cases of project employment or employment covered by legiti- shall be subject to special laws and decrees and to the applicable indi-
mate contracting or subcontracting arrangements, no employee shall vidual or collective bargaining agreement and voluntary employer
be dismissed prior to the completion of the project or phase thereof practice or policy.
for which the employee was engaged, or prior to the expiration of the
contract between the principal and contractor, unless the dismissal is
for just or authorized cause subject to the requirements of due process
or prior notice, or is brought about by the completion of the phase of
(D.O. 147-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
the project or contract for which the employee was engaged. (Previ-
ously Secs. 1 & 2 of Book V, Rule XXIII; further amended by D.O. No. Section 1. Guiding Principles. The workers' right to security of tenure
9, Series of 1997, 1 May 1997) is guaranteed under the Philippine Constitution and other laws and
regulations. No employee shall be terminated from work except for
(d) (Repealed by D.O. No. 147-15, 7 Sept. 2015)
just or authorized cause and upon observance of due process.
SECTION 3. Reinstatement. – An employee who is unjustly dis-
Section 2. Coverage. This Rules shall apply to all parties of work ar-
missed from work shall be entitled to reinstatement without loss of
rangements where employer-employee relationship exists. It shall
seniority rights and to backwages.
also apply to all parties of legitimate contracting/subcontracting ar-
SECTION 4. Reinstatement to former position. – (a) An employee rangements with existing employer-employee relationships.
who is separated from work without just cause shall be reinstated to

Section 3. Employer-Employee Relationship. To ascertain the exist- functions are not dependent on the performance or completion of
ence of an employer-employee relationship, the four-fold test shall ap- a specific job, work or service within a definite period of time, i.e.
ply, to wit: (1) the Selection and engagement of the employee; (2) the administrative staff.
payment of wages; (3) the power of dismissal; and (4) the power to “Employee" refers to any person in the employ of an employer. It
control the employee's conduct, or the so-called "control test." The so- shall include any individual whose work has ceased as a result of
called "control test" is commonly regarded as the most crucial and de- or in connection with any current labor dispute or because of any
terminative indicator of the presence or absence of an employer-em- unfair labor practice.
ployee relationship. Under the control test, an employer-employee re- “Employer" refers to any person acting in the interest of an em-
lationship exists where the person for whom the services are per- ployer, directly or indirectly.” It shall include corporation, part-
formed reserves the right to control not only the end achieved, but nership, sole proprietorship and cooperative.
also the manner and means used to achieve that end. “Fraud" refers to any act, omission, or concealment which in-
volves a breach of legal duty, trust or confidence justly reposed,
Section 4. Definition of Terms. The following terms as used in this
and is injurious to another.
Rules, shall mean:
“Gross Neglect" refers to the absence of that diligence that an or-
“Authorized Causes” refer to those instances enumerated under dinary prudent man would use in his/her own affairs."
Articles 298 [Closure of Establishment and Reduction of Person- “Habitual Neglect" refers to repeated failure to perform one's du-
nel] and 299 [Disease as a Ground for Termination] of the Labor ties over a period of time, depending upon the circumstances."
Code, as amended. These are causes brought by the necessity and “Insubordination" refers to the refusal to obey some order, which
exigencies of business, changing economic conditions and illness a superior is entitled to give and have obeyed. It is a willful or
of the employee. intentional disregard of the lawful and reasonable instructions of
“Just Causes” refer to those instances enumerated under Article the employer.
297 [Termination by Employer] of the Labor Code, as amended. “Installation of Labor-saving Devices" refers to the reduction of
These are causes directly attributable to the fault or negligence of the number of workers in any workplace made necessary by the
the employee. introduction of laborsaving machinery or devices.”
“Closure or Cessation of Business" refers to the complete or par- “Loss of Confidence” refers to a condition arising from fraud or
tial cessation of the operations and/or shut-down of the establish- willful breach of trust by employee of the trust reposed in
ment of the employer. him/her by his/her employer or his/her duly authorized repre-
“Commission of a Crime or Offense" refers to an offense by the sentative. There are two (2) classes of positions of trust. The first
employee against the person of his/her employer or any member class consists of managerial employees, or those vested with the
of his/her family or his/her duly authorized representative. power to lay down management policies; and the second class
“Contractor" refers to any person or entity, including cooperative, consists of cashiers, auditors, property custodians or those who,
engaged in a legitimate contracting or subcontracting arrange- in the normal and routine exercise of their functions, regularly
ment providing either services, skilled workers, temporary work- handle significant amounts of money or property."
ers, or a combination of services to a principal under a Service “Misconduct” refers to the transgression of some established and
Agreement. definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, will-
“Contractor's Employee" refers to one employed by a contractor ful in character and implies wrongful intent and not mere error in
to perform or complete a job, work, or service pursuant to a Ser- judgment.”
vice Agreement with a principal. “Principal" refers to any employer, whether a person or entity in-
It shall also refer to regular employees of the contractor whose

cluding government agencies and government owned and con- his/her defense, whether in a hearing, conference or some other
trolled corporation, who/which puts out or farms out a job, ser- fair, just and reasonable way. A formal hearing or conference be-
vice or work to a contractor. comes mandatory only when requested by the employee in writ-
“Redundancy” refers to the condition when the services of an em- ing or substantial evidentiary disputes exist or a company rule or
ployee are in excess of what is reasonably demanded by the actual practice requires it, or when similar circumstances justify it.
requirements of the enterprise or superfluous.” After determining that termination of employment is justified, the
“Retrenchment" refers to the economic ground for dismissing employer shall serve the employee a written notice of termination
employees and is resorted to primarily to avoid or minimize busi- indicating that: (1) all circumstances involving the charge against
ness losses. the employee have been considered; and (2) the grounds have
been established to justify the severance of their employment.
Section 5. Due Process of Termination of Employment. In all cases
The foregoing notices shall be served personally to the employee
of termination of employment, the standards of due process laid
or to the employee's last known address.
down in Article 299 (b) of the Labor Code, as amended, and settled
jurisprudence on the matter, must be observed as follows: 5.2 Standards on Just Causes. An employer may terminate an em-
ployee for any of the following grounds:
5.1 Termination of Employment Based on Just Causes. As defined in
Article 297 of the Labor Code, as amended, the requirement of two Serious Misconduct. - To be a valid ground for termination, the fol-
written notices served on the employee shall observe the following: lowing must be present:
There must be misconduct,
The first written notice should contain:
The misconduct must be of such grave and aggravated character,
The specific causes or grounds for termination as provided for un-
It must relate to the performance of the employee's duties; and
der Article 297 of the Labor Code, as amended, and company pol-
There must be showing that the employee becomes unfit to con-
icies, if any;
tinue working for the employer.
Detailed narration of the facts and circumstances that will serve
Willful Disobedience or Insubordination. - To be a valid ground for
as basis for the charge against the employee. A general description
termination, the following must be present.”
of the charge will not suffice; and
There must be disobedience or insubordination;
A directive that the employee is given opportunity to submit a
The disobedience or insubordination must be willful or inten-
written explanation within a reasonable period.
tional characterized by a wrongful and perverse attitude;
“Reasonable period" should be construed as a period of at least
The order violated must be reasonable, lawful, and made known
five (5) calendar days from receipt of the notice to give the em-
to the employee; and
ployee an opportunity to study the accusation, consult or be rep-
The order must pertain to the duties which he has been engaged
resented by a lawyer or union officer, gather data and evidence,
to discharge.
and decide on the defenses against the complaint.
Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duties. - To be a valid ground for ter-
After serving the first notice, the employer should afford the em-
mination, the following must be present.”
ployee ample opportunity to be heard and to defend himself/her-
There must be neglect of duty; and
self with the assistance of his/her representative if he/she so de-
The negligence must be both gross and habitual in character.
sires, as provided in Article 299 (b) of the Labor Code, as
Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust - To be a valid ground for termina-
tion, the following must be present.”
"Ample opportunity to be heard" means any meaningful oppor-
There must be an act, omission, or concealment;
tunity (verbal or written) given to the employee to answer the
The act, omission or concealment involves a breach of legal duty,
charges against him/her and submit evidence in support of
trust, or confidence justly reposed; 5.4 Standards on Authorized Causes. An employer may terminate an
It must be committed against the employer or his/her representa- employee for any of the following grounds:
tive; and
Installation of Labor-saving Devices. - To be a valid ground for ter-
It must be in connection with the employees' work.
mination, the following must be present:
Loss of Confidence - To be a valid ground for termination, the fol-
There must be introduction of machinery, equipment or other de-
lowing must be present:
There must be an act, omission or concealment;
The introduction must be done in good faith;
The act, omission or concealment justifies the loss of trust and con-
The purpose for such introduction must be valid such as to save
fidence of the employer to the employee;
on cost, enhance efficiency and other justifiable economic reasons;
The employee concerned must be holding a position of trust and
There is no other option available to the employer than the intro-
duction of machinery, equipment or device and the consequent
The loss of trust and confidence should not be simulated;
termination of employment of those affected thereby; and
It should not be used as a subterfuge for causes which are im-
There must be fair and reasonable criteria in selecting employees
proper, illegal, or unjustified; and
to be terminated.
It must be genuine and not a mere afterthought to justify an earlier
Redundancy. - To be a valid ground for termination, the following
action taken in bad faith.
must be present:
Commission of a Crime or Offense - To be a valid ground for termi-
There must be superfluous positions or services of employees;
nation, the following must be present:
The positions or services are in excess of what is reasonably de-
There must be an act or omission punishable/prohibited by law;
manded by the actual requirements of the enterprise to operate in
an economical and efficient manner;
The act or omission was committed by the employee against the
There must be good faith in abolishing redundant positions;
person of employer, any immediate member of his/her family, or
There must be fair and reasonable criteria in selecting the employ-
his/her duly authorized representative.
ees to be terminated;” and
Analogous Causes - To be valid ground for termination, the follow-
There must be an adequate proof of redundancy such as but not
ing must be present:
limited to the new staffing pattern, feasibility studies/proposal,
There must be act or omission similar to those specified just
on the viability of the newly created positions, job description and
causes; and
the approval by the management of the restructuring.”
The act or omission must be voluntary and/or willful on the part
Retrenchment or Downsizing. - To be a valid ground for termina-
of the employees.
tion, the following must be present:
No act or omission shall be considered as analogous cause unless
The retrenchment must be reasonably necessary and likely to pre-
expressly specified in the company rules and regulations or poli-
vent business losses;
The losses, if already incurred, are not merely de minimis, but sub-
5.3 Termination of Employment Based on Authorized Causes. As stantial, serious, actual and real, or if only expected, are reasona-
defined in Articles 298 and 299 of the Labor Code, as amended, the bly imminent;
requirements of due process shall be deemed complied with upon ser- The expected or actual losses must be proved by sufficient and
vice of a written notice to the employee and the appropriate Regional convincing evidence.”
Office of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) at least The retrenchment must be in good faith for the advancement of
thirty days (30) before the effectivity of the termination, specifying the its interest and not to defeat or circumvent the employees' right to
ground or grounds for termination. security of tenure; and
There must be fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining who whole year.
would be dismissed and who would be retained among the em-
An employee terminated due to closure or cessation of business oper-
ployees, such as status, efficiency, seniority, physical fitness, age,
ation not due to serious business losses shall be paid by the employer
and financial hardship for certain workers.
a separation pay equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half
Closure or Cessation of Operation. - To be a valid ground for termi-
(1/2) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher, a frac-
nation, the following must be present:
tion of six (6) months service is considered as one (1) whole year.
There must be a decision to close or cease operation of the enter-
Where closure is due to serious business losses or financial reverses,
prise by the management;
no separation pay is required.
The decision was made in good faith; and
There is no other option available to the employer except to close An employee terminated due to disease shall be paid by the employer
or cease operations. a separation pay equivalent to at least one (1) month salary or one-half
Disease. - To be a valid ground for termination, the following must (1/2) month salary for every year of service, whichever is higher, a
be present: fraction of six (6) months service is considered as one (1) whole year.
The employee must be suffering from any disease;
An employee whose employment is terminated by reason of just
The continued employment of the employee is prohibited by law
causes is not entitled to separation pay except as expressly provided
or prejudicial to his/her health as well as to the health of his/her
for in the company policy or Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
co-employees; and
There must be certification by a competent public health authority Section 6. Other Causes of Termination. In addition to Section 4, the
that the disease is incurable within a period of six (6) months even employer may also terminate an employee based on reasonable and
with proper medical treatment. lawful grounds specified under its company policies.
In cases of installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy and re- An employee found positive for use of dangerous drugs shall be dealt
trenchment, the "Last-In, First Out Rule” shall apply except when an with administratively which shall be a ground for suspension or ter-
employee volunteers to be separated from employment. mination.
5.5 Payment of Separation Pay. Separation pay shall be paid by the An employee shall not be terminated from work based on actual, per-
employer to an employee terminated due to installation of labor-sav- ceived or suspected HIV status.
ing devices, redundancy, retrenchment, closure or cessation of opera-
An employee shall not be terminated on basis of actual, perceived or
tions not due to serious business losses or financial reverses, and dis-
suspected Hepatitis B status.
An employee who has or had Tuberculosis shall not be discriminated
An employee terminated due to installation of labor-saving devices or
against. He/she shall be entitled to work for as long as they are certi-
redundancy shall be paid by the employer a separation pay equivalent
fied by the company's accredited health provider as medically fit and
to at least one (1) month pay or at least one (1) month pay for every
shall be restored to work as soon as his/her illness is controlled.
year of service, whichever is higher, a fraction of six (6) months service
is considered as one (1) whole year. Sexual harassment is considered a serious misconduct. It is reprehen-
sible enough but more so when inflicted by those with moral ascend-
An employee terminated due to retrenchment shall be paid by the em-
ancy over their victim.
ployer a separation pay equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least
one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of service, whichever is Section 7. Causes of Termination Under the Collective Bargaining
higher, a fraction of six (6) months service is considered as one (1) Agreement (CBA). An employee may also be terminated based on the

grounds provided for under the CBA. (RAB) of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) for en-
forcement of the agreement pursuant to Rule V, Section 1 (i) of the
Section 8. Mandatory Conciliation-Mediation on Termination Dis-
2005 Revised NLRC Rules, as amended. The same shall be docketed
putes. All disputes arising out of termination of employment shall be
by the RAB as arbitration case for enforcement of the settlement agree-
subject to mandatory conciliation-mediation pursuant to Republic Act
ment. The employee or employer may also disregard the settlement
No. 10396 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
agreement and file an appropriate case before the appropriate forum.
Request for assistance involving issues arising out of termination of
employment based on just or authorized cause shall be lodged before
the Single Entry Assistance Desk Officers (SEADOs) at the Re-
gional/Provincial/Filed Offices of DOLE or its attached agencies in
(As amended and renumbered by D.O. No. 9, Series of 1997; D.O. No.
the region pursuant to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Re-
40-03 then superseded D.O. No. 9, Series of 1997 insofar as it pertains
public Act No. 10396.
to Book V)
In case of settlement, the Desk Officer shall reduce the agreement into
Sections 1-2. (Book VI, Rule I, Sec 2)
writing, have the parties understand the contents therefor, sign the
same in his/her presence, and attest the document to be the true and Section 3. Right to contest dismissal. - Any decision taken by the em-
voluntary act of the parties. ployer shall be without prejudice to the right of the worker to contest
the validity or legality of his dismissal by filing a complaint with the
For organized establishment, all disputes shall undergo grievance ma-
Regional Branch of the Commission.
chinery under the CBA. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the
parties may refer the same to conciliation-mediation under the Single Section 4. Period to decide. - Cases involving the dismissal of a
Entry Approach (SEnA) or agree to submit it for voluntary arbitration worker shall be decided by the Labor Arbiter within twenty (20) work-
in accordance with Articles 274 and 275 of the Labor Code, as ing days from the date of submission of such cases for decision.
Section 5. Reinstatement pending hearing. - The Secretary may sus-
Section 9. Settlement Agreement. Any settlement agreement reached pend the effects of the termination pending resolution of the case in
by the parties before the Desk Officer shall be final and binding. the event of a prima facie finding that the termination may cause a
serious labor dispute or is in implementation of a mass lay-off.
In case of failure to reach an agreement during the conciliation-medi-
ation period, the request shall be referred to compulsory arbitration, Section 6. Certification of employment. - A dismissed worker shall
or if both parties so agree, to voluntary arbitration. be entitled to receive, on request, a certificate from the employer spec-
ifying the dates of his engagement and termination of his employment
Section 10. Condition Precedent to Compulsory Arbitration. No La-
and the type or types of work on which he is employed.
bor Arbiter shall take cognizance of the complaint for illegal dismissal
unless there is a referral from the Desk Officer pursuant to the imple- Section 7. Report of dismissal. - The employer shall submit a monthly
menting Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10396. report to the Regional Office having jurisdiction over the place of
work all dismissals effected by it during the month, specifying therein
Section 11. Non-compliance with Settlement Agreement; Execution.
the names of the dismissed workers, the reasons for their dismissal,
In case of non-compliance by the employer or employee, the terms of
the dates of commencement and termination of employment, the po-
the settlement agreement may be enforced by requesting the Desk Of-
sitions last held by them and such other information as may be re-
ficer to refer the same to the proper Regional Arbitration Branch
quired by the Department for policy guidance and statistical pur-
Section 8. Preventive suspension. - The employer may place the (a) With cause
worker concerned under preventive suspension if his continued em- (b) Without cause
ployment poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or property
of the employer or of his co-workers.
(c) Reinstatement
Section 9. Period of suspension. - No preventive suspension shall last Without loss of seniority or other rights
longer than thirty (30) days. The employer shall thereafter reinstate Backwages
the worker in his former or in a substantially equivalent position or
the employer may extend the period of suspension provided that dur-
ing the period of extension, he pays the wages and other benefits due Liability for monetary claims
to the worker. In such case, the worker shall not be bound to reim- 4. Disease
burse the amount paid to him during the extension if the employer 5. Retirement
decides, after completion of the hearing, to dismiss the worker. 6. R.A. 7641 and its implementing rules
1. Just Causes RULE II
(a) Grounds
SECTION 1. General Statement on Coverage. — This Rule shall ap-
Serious misconduct ply to all employees in the private sector, regardless of their position,
Willful disobedience designation or status and irrespective of the method by which their
Negligence; Abandonment wages are paid, except to those specifically exempted under Section 2
Fraud/ Breach of Trust/ Loss of confidence hereof. As used herein, the term “Act” shall refer to Republic Act No.
7641 which took effect on January 7, 1993.
Immorality: Sexual Harassment
Crime or offense SECTION 2. Exemptions. — This Rule shall not apply to the follow-
Union Security Clause ing employees:
(b) Procedure in termination 2.1 Employees of the National Government and its political subdivi-
(c) Disproportionate penalty sions, including Government-owned and/or controlled corporations,
if they are covered by the Civil Service Law and its regulations.
(d) Constructive dismissal
(e) Preventive suspension 2.2 Domestic helpers and persons in the personal service of another.
(Deleted by Department Order No. 20 issued by Secretary Ma. Nieves
2. Authorized Causes
R. Confessor on May 31, 1994.)
(a) Grounds
Installation of labor-saving device 2.3 Employees of retail, service and agricultural establishment or op-
erations regularly employing not more than ten (10) employees. As
Redundancy used in this sub-section;
“Retail establishment” is one principally engaged in the sale of
goods to end-users for personal or household use. It shall lose its
(b) Procedure for termination retail character qualified for exemption if it is engaged in both re-
3. Consequences of dismissal tail and wholesale sale of goods.
“Service establishment” is one principally engaged in the sale of
service to individuals for their own or household use and is gen- 4.1 Optional Retirement. — In the absence of a retirement plan or
erally recognized as such. other applicable agreement providing for retirement benefits of em-
“Agricultural establishment/operations” refers to an employer ployees in an establishment, an employee may retire upon reaching
which is engaged in “agriculture”. This terms refers to all farming the age of sixty (60) years or more if he has served for at least five (5)
activities in all its branches and includes among others, the culti- years in said establishment.
vation and tillage of the soil, production, cultivation, growing and
4.2 Compulsory Retirement. — Where there is no such plan or agree-
harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodities, dair-
ment referred to in the immediately preceding subsection, an em-
ying, raising of livestock or poultry, the culture of fish and other
ployee shall be retired upon reaching the age of sixty-five (65) years.
aquatic products in farms or ponds, and any activities performed
by a farmer or on a farm as incident to or in conjunction with such 4.3 Upon retirement of an employee, whether optional or compulsory,
farming operations, but does not include the manufacture and/or his services may be continued or extended on a case to case basis upon
processing of sugar, coconut, abaca, tobacco, pineapple, aquatic agreement of the employer and employee.
or other farm products.
4.4 Service Requirement. — The minimum length of service in an es-
SECTION 3. Retirement under CBA/contract. tablishment or with an employer of at least five (5) years required for
entitlement to retirement pay shall include authorized absences and
3.1 Any employee may retire or be retired by his employer upon
vacations, regular holidays and mandatory fulfillment of a military or
reaching the retirement age established in the collective bargaining
civic duty.
agreement or other applicable employment contract or retirement
plan subject to the provisions of Section 5 hereof on the payment of SECTION 5. Retirement Benefits.
retirement benefits.
5.1 In the absence of an applicable agreement or retirement plan, an
3.2 In case of retirement under this Section, the employee shall be en- employee who retires pursuant to the Act shall be entitled to retire-
titled to receive such retirement benefits as he may have earned under ment pay equivalent to at least one-half (½) month salary for every
existing laws and any collective bargaining agreement and other year of service, a fraction of at least six (6) months being considered
agreements; provided, however, that an employee’s retirement bene- as one whole year.
fits under any collective bargaining and other agreements shall not be
5.2 Components of One-half (½) Month Salary. — For the purpose
less than those provided under this Rule, and provided further that if
of determining the minimum retirement pay due an employee under
such benefits are less, the employer shall pay the difference between
this Rule, the term “one-half month salary” shall include all of the fol-
the amount due the employee under this Rule and that provided un-
der the collective or individual agreement or retirement plan.
Fifteen (15) days salary of the employee based on his latest salary
3.3 Where both the employer and the employee contribute to a retire-
rate. As used herein, the term “salary” includes all remunerations
ment fund in accordance with an individual or collective agreement
paid by an employer to his employees for services rendered dur-
or other applicable employment contract, the employer’s total contri-
ing normal working days and hours, whether such payments are
bution thereto shall not be less than the total retirement benefits to
fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece of commission basis, or
which the employee would have been entitled had there been no such
other method of calculating the same, and includes the fair and
retirement fund. In case the employer’s contribution is less than the
reasonable value, as determined by the Secretary of Labor and
retirement benefits provided under this Rule, the employer shall pay
Employment, of food, lodging or other facilities customarily fur-
the deficiency.
nished by the employer to his employees. The term does not in-
SECTION 4. Optional; Compulsory Retirement. clude cost of living allowances, profit-sharing payments and other
monetary benefits which are not considered as part of or inte- or entity to circumvent or render ineffective the provisions of the Act.
grated into the regular salary of the employees. Violations thereof shall be subject to the penal provisions provided
The cash equivalent of not more than five (5) days of service in- under Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Philippines.
centive leave;
SECTION 8. Relation to agreements and regulations. — Nothing in
One-twelfth of the 13th month pay due the employee.
this Rule shall justify an employer from withdrawing or reducing any
All other benefits that the employer and employee may agree
benefits, supplements or payments as provided in existing laws, indi-
upon that should be included in the computation of the em-
vidual or collective agreements or employment practices or policies.
ployee’s retirement pay.
All rules and regulations, policy issuances or orders contrary to or in-
5.3 One-half month salary of employees who are paid by results. —
consistent with these rules are hereby repealed or modified accord-
For covered workers who are paid by results and do not have a fixed
monthly rate, the basis for determination of the salary for fifteen days
shall be their average daily salary (ADS), subject to the provisions of SECTION 9. Effectivity. — This Rule took effect on January 7, 1993
Rule VII-A, Book III of the Rules Implementing the Labor Code on the when the Act went into force.
payment of wages of workers who are paid by results. The ADS is the
average salary for the last twelve (12) months reckoned from the date 7. Resignation
of their retirement, divided by the number of actual working days in
that particular period.
SECTION 6. Exemption from tax. — The retirement pay provided in
the Act may be exempted from tax if the requirements set by the Bu-
reau of Internal Revenue under Sec. 2 (b) item (1) of Revenue Regula-
tions No. 12-86 dated August 1, 1986 are met, to wit:
Pensions, retirement and separation pay. — Pensions, retirement
and separation pay constitute compensation subject to withhold-
ing, except the following:
(1) Retirement benefits received by officials and employees of
private firms under a reasonable private benefit plan main-
tained by the employer, if the following requirements are met:
The benefit plan must be approved by the Bureau of Internal Rev-
The retiring official or employee must have been in the service of
the same employer for at least ten (10) years and is not less than
fifty (50) years of age at the time of retirement; and
The retiring official or employee shall not have previously availed
of the privilege under the retirement benefit plan of the same or
another employer.
SECTION 7. Penal Provision. — It shall be unlawful for any person

CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Section 2. Exemption. - The provisions of this Rule shall not apply to
the following persons if they qualify for exemption under the condi-
A. HOURS OF WORK tions set forth herein:
References – Arts. 82-90; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rules Government employees whether employed by the National Gov-
I, IA, II ernment or any of its political subdivision, including those em-
ployed in government-owned and/or controlled corporations;
1. Regulation; Rationale Managerial employees, if they meet all of the following condi-
2. Coverage – 82; 276; Book III, Rule 1, Secs. 1-2 tions:
BOOK THREE Their primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which
they are employed or of a department or sub-division thereof.
Title I
They customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more employees
Chapter I
They have the authority to hire or fire employees of lower rank; or their sug-
gestions and recommendations as to hiring and firing and as to the promotion
Art. 82. Coverage. The provisions of this Title shall apply to employ-
or any other change of status of other employees, are given particular weight.
ees in all establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not,
but not to government employees, managerial employees, field per- Officers or members of a managerial staff if they perform the fol-
sonnel, members of the family of the employer who are dependent on lowing duties and responsibilities:
him for support, domestic helpers, persons in the personal service of
The primary duty consists of the performance of work directly related to man-
another, and workers who are paid by results as determined by the
agement policies of their employer;
Secretary of Labor in appropriate regulations.
Customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent judgment;
As used herein, "managerial employees" refer to those whose primary and
duty consists of the management of the establishment in which they (i) Regularly and directly assist a proprietor or a managerial employee whose
are employed or of a department or subdivision thereof, and to other primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which he is
officers or members of the managerial staff. employed or subdivision thereof; or (ii) execute under general supervision
work along specialized or technical lines requiring special training, experi-
"Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural employees who regu-
ence, or knowledge; or (iii) execute, under general supervision, special assign-
larly perform their duties away from the principal place of business
ments and tasks; and
or branch office of the employer and whose actual hours of work in
Who do not devote more than 20 percent of their hours worked in a work week
the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of
BOOK THREE the work described in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above.
Conditions of Employment
RULE I Domestic servants and persons in the personal service of another
Hours of Work if they perform such services in the employer's home which are
Section 1. General statement on coverage. - The provisions of this usually necessary or desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment
Rule shall apply to all employees in all establishments and undertak- thereof, or minister to the personal comfort, convenience, or safety
ings, whether operated for profit or not, except to those specifically of the employer as well as the members of his employer's house-
exempted under Section 2 hereof. hold.
Workers who are paid by results, including those who are paid on
piece-work, "takay," "pakiao" or task basis, and other non-time (c) Field Personnel – 82; Omnibus Rules, Book
work if their output rates are in accordance with the standards III, Rule I, Sec. 2 (f)
prescribed under Section 8, Rule VII, Book Three of these regula-
tions, or where such rates have been fixed by the Secretary of La-
(d) Dependent Family Members – 82
bor and Employment in accordance with the aforesaid Section. (e) Domestic Helpers – 82; 141, 145; Omnibus
Non-agricultural field personnel if they regularly perform their Rules, Book III, Rule 1, Sec 2(d) (d) Kasam-
duties away from the principal or branch office or place of busi- bahay Law (RA 10361)
ness of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field Republic Act. No. 10361
cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. AN ACT INSTITUTING POLICIES FOR THE PROTECTION
Exemptions SEC. 3. Coverage. – This Act applies to all domestic workers em-
(a) Government employees – 82; 276; Const., ployed and working within the country.
Art. IX-B, Sec. 2 (1) Omnibus Rules, Book
SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. – As used in this Act, the term:
III, Rule 1, Sec. 2(a)
Article 276. Government employees. The terms and conditions of Domestic work refers to work performed in or for a household or
employment of all government employees, including employees of households.
government-owned and controlled corporations, shall be governed by Domestic worker or “Kasambahay” refers to any person engaged in
the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations. Their salaries shall be domestic work within an employment relationship such as, but
standardized by the National Assembly as provided for in the new not limited to, the following: general househelp, nursemaid or
constitution. However, there shall be no reduction of existing wages, “yaya”, cook, gardener, or laundry person, but shall exclude any
benefits and other terms and conditions of employment being enjoyed person who performs domestic work only occasionally or sporad-
by them at the time of the adoption of this Code. ically and not on an occupational basis.
The term shall not include children who are under foster family
SECTION 2. (1) The civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions, arrangement, and are provided access to education and given an
instrumentalities, and agencies of the Government, including govern- allowance incidental to education, i.e. “baon”, transportation,
ment-owned or controlled corporations with original charters. school projects and school activities.
(b) Managerial employees – 82, 212(m); Omni- SEC. 20. Daily Rest Period. – The domestic worker shall be entitled to
bus Rules, Book III, Rule I, Sec. 2 (b) (c) an aggregate daily rest period of eight (8) hours per day.
Art. 219 [212]. Definitions.
SEC. 21. Weekly Rest Period. – The domestic worker shall be entitled
"Managerial employee" is one who is vested with powers or pre- to at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of rest in a week. The
rogatives to lay down and execute management policies and/or employer and the domestic worker shall agree in writing on the
to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or dis- schedule of the weekly rest day of the domestic worker: Provided, That
cipline employees. Supervisory employees are those who, in the the employer shall respect the preference of the domestic worker as to
interest of the employer, effectively recommend such managerial the weekly rest day when such preference is based on religious
actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or grounds. Nothing in this provision shall deprive the domestic worker
clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment. and the employer from agreeing to the following:
All employees not falling within any of the above definitions are
Offsetting a day of absence with a particular rest day;
considered rank-and-file employees for purposes of this Book.
Waiving a particular rest day in return for an equivalent daily rate
of pay; SECTION 6. Weekly Rest Period. — The Kasambahay shall be enti-
Accumulating rest days not exceeding five (5) days; or tled to at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of rest in a week.
Other similar arrangements. The employer and the Kasambahay shall agree in writing on the
schedule of the weekly rest day but the preference of the Kasambahay,
when based on religious grounds, shall be respected.
“DOMESTIC WORKERS ACT" OR BATAS KASAMBAHAY Nothing in this provision shall deprive the Kasambahay and the em-
SECTION 2. Coverage. — This IRR shall apply to all parties to an em- ployer from agreeing to the following:
ployment contract for the services of the following Kasambahay,
Offsetting a day of absence with a particular rest day;
whether on a live-in or live-out arrangement, such as but not limited
Waiving a particular rest day in return for an equivalent daily rate
of pay;
General househelp; Accumulating rest days not exceeding five (5) days; or
Yaya; Other similar arrangements.
Gardener; (f) Persons in the Personal Service of Another
Laundry person; or – 82; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule 1, Sec.
Any person who regularly performs domestic work in one house- 2 (d)
hold on an occupational basis. (g) Piece Workers – 82, Omnibus Rules, Book
The following are not covered: III, Rule I, Sec. 2 (e) Definition (98)
Service providers; 1. Normal Hours of Work – 83
Family drivers; Art. 83. Normal hours of work. The normal hours of work of any em-
Children under foster family arrangement; and ployee shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day.
Any other person who performs work occasionally or sporadi- Health personnel in cities and municipalities with a population of at
cally and not on an occupational basis. least one million (1,000,000) or in hospitals and clinics with a bed ca-
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. — As used herein. the following pacity of at least one hundred (100) shall hold regular office hours for
terms shall mean: eight (8) hours a day, for five (5) days a week, exclusive of time for
meals, except where the exigencies of the service require that such per-
(d) “Domestic work" refers to work performed in or for a household. sonnel work for six (6) days or forty-eight (48) hours, in which case,
(e) “Domestic worker" or “Kasambahay” refers to any person engaged they shall be entitled to an additional compensation of at least thirty
in domestic work within an employment relationship, whether on a percent (30%) of their regular wage for work on the sixth day. For pur-
live-in or live-out arrangement, such as, but not limited to, general poses of this Article, "health personnel" shall include resident physi-
househelp, “yaya”, cook, gardener, or laundry person, but shall ex- cians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, la-
clude service providers, family drivers, children who are under foster boratory technicians, paramedical technicians, psychologists, mid-
family arrangement, or any person who performs domestic work only wives, attendants and all other hospital or clinic personnel.
occasionally or sporadically and not on an occupational basis.
i. DOLE Advisory No. 02 s. 2004: Imple-
SECTION 5. Daily Rest Period. — The Kasambahay shall be entitled mentation of Compressed Workweek
to an aggregate daily rest period of eight (8) hours per day.

DEPARTMENT ADVISORY NO. 02 the normal number of workdays per week shall be six days, or a total
Series of 2004 of forty-eight (48) hours based on the normal workday of eight hours.
IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPRESSED WORKWEEK This is without prejudice to firms whose normal workweek is five
SCHEME days, or a total of forty (40) hours based on the normal workday of
I. PURPOSE AND COVERAGE eight hours. For purposes of this Advisory, a CWW scheme is an al-
This Advisory is being issued to guide employers and workers who ternative arrangement whereby the normal workweek is reduced to
may opt to adopt a mutually acceptable compressed workweek less than six days but the total number of normal work hours per week
(CWW) scheme suitable to the requirements of the firm. shall remain at 48 hours. Tue normal workday is increased to more
This Advisory may be used in all establishments except those in the than eight hours without corresponding overtime premium. This con-
construction industry, in health services, in occupations requiring cept can be adjusted accordingly in cases where the normal workweek
heavy manual labor, or in occupations or workplaces in which work- of the firm is five days.
ers are exposed to airborne contaminants, human carcinogens, sub- IV. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES
stances, chemicals or noise that exceed threshold limit values or toler- Conditions. DOLE shall recognize CWW schemes adopted in accord-
ance levels for an eight-hour workday as prescribed under existing ance with the following:
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).
The CWW scheme is undertaken as a result of an express and vol-
II. POLICY untary agreement of majority of the covered employees or their
As a matter of policy, and taking into account the emergence of new duly authorized representatives. This agreement may be ex-
technology and the continuing restructuring and modernization of pressed through collective bargaining or other legitimate work-
the work process, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) place mechanisms of participation such as labor-management
encourages employers and workers to enter into voluntary agree- councils, employee assemblies or referenda.
ments adopting CWW schemes based on the following objectives: In firms using substances, chemicals and processes or operating
To promote business competitiveness and productivity, improve m1der conditions where there are airborne contaminants, human
efficiency by lower operating costs, and reduce work-related ex- carcinogens or noise prolonged exposure to which may pose haz-
penses of employees; ards to the employees' health and safety, there must be a certifica-
To give employers and workers flexibility in fixing hours of work tion from an accredited health and safety organization or practi-
compatible with business requirements and the employees' need tioner or from the firm's safety committee that work beyond eight
for a balanced work life; and hours is within threshold limits or tolerable levels of exposure, as
To ensure the safety and health of employees at the workplace at set in the OSHS.
all times. The employer shall notify DOLE, through the Regional Office
having jurisdiction over the workplace, of the adoption of the
For purposes of administering or enforcing existing laws and rules on CWW scheme. The notice shall be in DOLE CWW Report Form
work hours, overtime compensation and other relevant labor stand- attached to this Advisory.
ards, DOLE shall recognize only those CWW schemes that have been
entered into consistent with this Advisory. Effects. A CWW scheme which complies with the foregoing condi-
tions shall have the following effects:
The Labor Code provides that the normal work hours per day shall be Unless there is a more favorable practice existing in the firm, work
eight hours. Work may be performed beyond eight hours a day pro- beyond eight hours will not be compensable by overtime pre-
vided the employee is paid for the overtime work. On the other hand, mium provided the total number of hours worked per day shall

not exceed twelve (12) hours. In any case, any work performed health certification, the employer shall pay the employees con-
beyond 12 hours a day or 48 hours a week shall be subject to over- cerned any overtime pay that may be owing to them as if the
time premium. CWW scheme did not exist. If it turns out that work beyond eight
Consistent with Articles 85 of the Labor Code, employees under a hours is not consistent with OSHS, the parties shall immediately
CWW scheme are entitled to meal periods of not less than sixty revert to a normal eight-hour workday.
(60) minutes. Nothing herein shall impair the right of employees
02 December 2004.
to rest days as well as to holiday pay, rest day pay or leaves in
accordance with law or applicable collective bargaining agree- 2. Compensable Hours of Work – In General
ment or company practice. (a) On duty – 84 (a); Book III, Rule I, Sec. 3 (a),
Adoption of the CWW scheme shall in no case result in diminu-
Sec. 4 (a)
tion of existing benefits. Reversion to the normal eight-hour work-
day shall not constitute a diminution of benefits. The reversion (b) At work – 84 (b); Book III, Rule I, Sec. 3 (b)
shall be considered a legitimate exercise of management preroga- Article 84. Hours worked. Hours worked shall include (a) all time
tive, provided that the employer shall give the employees prior during which an employee is required to be on duty or to be at a pre-
notice of such reversion within a reasonable period of time. scribed workplace, and (b) all time during which an employee is suf-
fered or permitted to work.
Administration of CWW Scheme. The parties to the CWW scheme
shall be primarily responsible for its administration. In case of differ- Rest periods of short duration during working hours shall be counted
ences of interpretation, the following shall be observed: as hours worked.

The differences shall be treated as grievances under the applicable Section 3. Hours worked. - The following shall be considered as com-
grievance mechanism of the firm. pensable hours worked:
If there is no grievance mechanism or if this mechanism is inade- (a) All time during which an employee is required to be on duty or to
quate, the grievance shall be referred to the Regional Office which be at the employer's premises or to be at a prescribed work place; and
shall conduct a training and assistance visit (TAV) pursuant to
Section 3 of Department Order No. 57-04. (b) All time during which an employee is suffered or permitted to
The purpose of the TAV is to ascertain, through the most practical work.
and least litigious way possible, whether or not the scheme is the Section 4. Principles in determining hours worked. - The following
result of a voluntary agreement or is supported by the appropri- general principles shall govern in determining whether the time spent
ate certification from an accredited safety and health organization by an employee is considered hours worked for purposes of this Rule:
or practitioner. Where appropriate, the TAV may include the con-
duct, as may be appropriate, of a referendum or work environ- All hours are hours worked which the employee is required to
ment measurement (WEM) to determine actual work conditions. give his employer, regardless of whether or not such hours are
To facilitate the resolution of grievances, employers are required spent in productive labor or involve physical or mental exertion.
to keep and maintain, as part of their records, the documentary 3. Specific Rules
requirements proving that the CWW scheme was voluntarily
adopted and the certification that the scheme is consistent with
(a) Rest period
OSHS. i. Short duration or “coffee break” – 84,
In the absence of proof of voluntary agreement or safety and 2nd par.; Book III, Rule I, Sec. 7, 2nd par.
Section 7. Meal and Rest Periods. - …

Rest periods or coffee breaks running from five (5) to twenty (20) iii. Shorter meal Period (Less than one hour
minutes shall be considered as compensable working time. but not less than 20 mins.) – Sec. 7, 1st
ii. More than 20 min – Book III, Rule I, Sec. par.
4 (b) (c) Waiting time – Book III, Rule I, Sec. 5 (a)
Section 4. Principles in determining hours worked. - The following Section 5. Waiting time. -
general principles shall govern in determining whether the time spent
(a) Waiting time spent by an employee shall be considered as working
by an employee is considered hours worked for purposes of this Rule: time if waiting is an integral part of his work or the employee is re-
An employee need not leave the premises of the work place in quired or engaged by the employer to wait.
order that his rest period shall not be counted, it being enough (b) An employee who is required to remain on call in the employer's
that he stops working, may rest completely and may leave his
premises or so close thereto that he cannot use the time effectively and
work place, to go elsewhere, whether within or outside the prem- gainfully for his own purpose shall be considered as working while
ises of his work place. on call. An employee who is not required to leave word at his home
(b) Meal period or with company officials where he may be reached is not working
while on call.
1.Regular Meal Period (One hour) –
85; Book III, Rule I, Sec. 7, 1st par. (d) Working while On Call – Book III, Rule I,
Art. 85. Meal periods. Subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Sec. 5 (b)
Labor may prescribe, it shall be the duty of every employer to give his (e) Inactive due to work interruptions – Book
employees not less than sixty (60) minutes time-off for their regular
III, Rule I, Sec. 4 (d)
Section 4. Principles in determining hours worked. - The following
Section 7. Meal and Rest Periods. - Every employer shall give his em- general principles shall govern in determining whether the time spent
ployees, regardless of sex, not less than one (1) hour time-off for reg- by an employee is considered hours worked for purposes of this Rule:
ular meals, except in the following cases when a meal period of not
The time during which an employee is inactive by reason of inter-
less than twenty (20) minutes may be given by the employer provided
that such shorter meal period is credited as compensable hours ruptions in his work beyond his control shall be considered work-
ing time either if the imminence of the resumption of work re-
worked of the employee:
quires the employee's presence at the place of work or if the inter-
Where the work is non-manual work in nature or does not involve val is too brief to be utilized effectively and gainfully in the em-
strenuous physical exertion; ployee's own interest.
Where the establishment regularly operates not less than sixteen
(16) hours a day; (f) Necessary Work after normal hours –
In case of actual or impending emergencies or there is urgent Book III, Rule I, Sec. 4 (c)
work to be performed on machineries, equipment or installations Section 4. Principles in determining hours worked. - The following
to avoid serious loss which the employer would otherwise suffer; general principles shall govern in determining whether the time spent
and by an employee is considered hours worked for purposes of this Rule:
Where the work is necessary to prevent serious loss of perishable
If the work performed was necessary, or it benefited the em-
goods. …
ployer, or the employee could not abandon his work at the end of

his normal working hours because he had no replacement, all Art. 89. Emergency overtime work. Any employee may be required
time spent for such work shall be considered as hours worked, if by the employer to perform overtime work in any of the following
the work was with the knowledge of his employer or immediate cases:
When the country is at war or when any other national or local
(g) Lectures, meeting, trainings – Book III, emergency has been declared by the National Assembly or the
Rule I, Sec. 6 Chief Executive;
When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or property or in case
Section 6. Lectures, meetings, training programs. - Attendance at lec-
tures, meetings, training programs, and other similar activities shall of imminent danger to public safety due to an actual or impending
emergency in the locality caused by serious accidents, fire, flood,
not be counted as working time if all of the following conditions are
met: typhoon, earthquake, epidemic, or other disaster or calamity;
When there is urgent work to be performed on machines, instal-
Attendance is outside of the employee's regular working hours; lations, or equipment, in order to avoid serious loss or damage to
Attendance is in fact voluntary; and the employer or some other cause of similar nature;
The employee does not perform any productive work during such When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage to perish-
attendance. able goods; and
Where the completion or continuation of the work started before
(h) Travel time the eighth hour is necessary to prevent serious obstruction or prej-
4. Overtime Work/ Pay – 87-90; Book III, Rule I, udice to the business or operations of the employer.
Sec. 8-11
Any employee required to render overtime work under this Article
(a) Overtime in ordinary working day – Art. shall be paid the additional compensation required in this Chapter.
87; Book III, Rule I, Sec. 8
Art. 90. Computation of additional compensation. For purposes of
(b) Emergency or compulsory overtime work computing overtime and other additional remuneration as required
– Art. 89 by this Chapter, the "regular wage" of an employee shall include the
(c) Undertime work/leave – Art. 88 cash wage only, without deduction on account of facilities provided
(d) Additional compensation – Art. 87 by the employer.
Art. 87. Overtime work. Work may be performed beyond eight (8) Section 8. Overtime pay. - Any employee covered by this Rule who is
hours a day provided that the employee is paid for the overtime work, permitted or required to work beyond eight (8) hours on ordinary
an additional compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at working days shall be paid an additional compensation for the over-
least twenty-five percent (25%) thereof. Work performed beyond time work in the amount equivalent to his regular wage plus at least
eight hours on a holiday or rest day shall be paid an additional com- twenty-five percent (25%) thereof.
pensation equivalent to the rate of the first eight hours on a holiday or
rest day plus at least thirty percent (30%) thereof. Section 9. Premium and overtime pay for holiday and rest day work.
Art. 88. Undertime not offset by overtime. Undertime work on any
particular day shall not be offset by overtime work on any other day. Except employees referred to under Section 2 of this Rule, an em-
Permission given to the employee to go on leave on some other day of ployee who is permitted or suffered to work on special holidays
the week shall not exempt the employer from paying the additional or on his designated rest days not falling on regular holidays, shall
compensation required in this Chapter. be paid with an additional compensation as premium pay of not

less than thirty percent (30%) of his regular wage. For work per- employee may be made to work beyond eight hours a day against his
formed in excess of eight (8) hours on special holidays and rest will.
days not falling on regular holidays, an employee shall be paid an
Section 11. Computation of additional compensation. – For pur-
additional compensation for the overtime work equivalent to his
poses of computing the additional compensation required by this
rate for the first eight hours on a special holiday or rest day plus
Rule, the “regular” wage of an employee shall include the cash wage
at least thirty percent (30%) thereof.
only, without deduction on account of facilities provided by the em-
Employees of public utility enterprises as well as those employed
in non-profit institutions and organizations shall be entitled to the
premium and overtime pay provided herein, unless they are spe- 5. Night Work – 86; Book III, Rule II, Secs. 1-6
cifically excluded from the coverage of this Rule as provided in (a) Coverage/Exclusion – Rule II, Sec. 1
Section 2 hereof. RULE II
The payment of additional compensation for work performed on Night Shift Differential
regular holidays shall be governed by Rule IV, Book Three, of Section 1. Coverage. - This Rule shall apply to all employees except:
these Rules.
Those of the government and any of its political subdivisions, in-
Section 10. Compulsory overtime work. - In any of the following cluding government-owned and/or controlled corporations;
cases, an employer may require any of his employees to work beyond Those of retail and service establishments regularly employing
eight (8) hours a day, provided that the employee required to render not more than five (5) workers;
overtime work is paid the additional compensation required by these Domestic helpers and persons in the personal service of another;
regulations: Managerial employees as defined in Book Three of this Code;
When the country is at war or when any other national or local Field personnel and other employees whose time and perfor-
emergency has been declared by Congress or the Chief Executive; mance is unsupervised by the employer including those who are
When overtime work is necessary to prevent loss of life or prop- engaged on task or contract basis, purely commission basis, or
erty, or in case of imminent danger to public safety due to actual those who are paid a fixed amount for performing work irrespec-
or impending emergency in the locality caused by serious acci- tive of the time consumed in the performance thereof.
dent, fire, floods, typhoons, earthquake, epidemic or other disas-
(b) Additional compensation – Art. 86; Rule
ter or calamities;
When there is urgent work to be performed on machines, instal- II, Secs. 2, 3, 4, 5
lations, or equipment, in order to avoid serious loss or damage to Art. 86. Night shift differential. Every employee shall be paid a night
the employer or some other causes of similar nature; shift differential of not less than ten percent (10%) of his regular wage
When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage to perish- for each hour of work performed between ten o’clock in the evening
able goods; and six o’clock in the morning.
When the completion or continuation of work started before the Section 2. Night shift differential. - An employee shall be paid night
8th hour is necessary to prevent serious obstruction or prejudice shift differential of no less than ten per cent (10%) of his regular wage
to the business or operations of the employer; or for each hour of work performed between ten o'clock in the evening
When overtime work is necessary to avail of favorable weather or and six o'clock in the morning.
environmental conditions where performance or quality of work
is dependent thereon. Section 3. Additional compensation. - Where an employee is permit-
ted or suffered to work on the period covered after his work schedule,
In cases not falling within any of these enumerated in this Section, no he shall be entitled to his regular wage plus at least twenty-five per
cent (25%) and an additional amount of no less than ten per cent (10%) and nursing care. Either term shall also be construed as any institu-
of such overtime rate for each hour or work performed between 10 tion, building, or place where there are installed beds, or cribs, or bas-
p.m. to 6 a.m. sinets for twenty-four (24) hours use or longer by patients in the treat-
ment of disease, injuries, deformities, or abnormal physical and men-
Section 4. Additional compensation on scheduled rest day/special
tal states, maternity cases or sanitorial care; or infirmaries, nurseries,
holiday. - An employee who is required or permitted to work on the
dispensaries, and such other similar names by which they may be des-
period covered during rest days and/or special holidays not falling
on regular holidays, shall be paid a compensation equivalent to his
regular wage plus at least thirty (30%) per cent and an additional Section 3. Determination of bed capacity and population. -
amount of not less than ten (10%) per cent of such premium pay rate
For purposes of determining the applicability of this Rule, the ac-
for each hour of work performed.
tual bed capacity of the hospital or clinic at the time of such deter-
Section 5. Additional compensation on regular holidays. - For work mination shall be considered, regardless of the actual or bed oc-
on the period covered during regular holidays, an employee shall be cupancy. The bed capacity of hospital or clinic as determined by
entitled to his regular wage during these days plus an additional com- the Bureau of Medical Services pursuant to Republic Act No. 4226,
pensation of no less than ten (10%) per cent of such premium rate for otherwise known as the Hospital Licensure Act, shall prima facie
each hour of work performed. be considered as the actual bed capacity of such hospital or clinic.
The size of the population of the city or municipality shall be de-
Section 6. Relation to agreements. - Nothing in this Rule shall justify
termined from the latest official census issued by the Bureau of
an employer in withdrawing or reducing any benefits, supplements
the Census and Statistics.
or payments as provided in existing individual or collective agree-
ments or employer practice or policy. Section 4. Personnel covered by this Rule. - This Rule applies to all
persons employed by any private or public hospital or clinic men-
6. [Hours of Work of Hospital and Clinic Person- tioned in Section 1 hereof, and shall include, but not limited to, resi-
nel] dent physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians, pharmacists, social
RULE I-A workers, laboratory technicians paramedical technicians, psycholo-
Hours of Work of Hospital and Clinic Personnel gists, midwives, and attendants.
Section 1. General statement on coverage. - This Rule shall apply to:
Section 5. Regular working hours. - The regular working hours of
All hospitals and clinics, including those with a bed capacity of any person covered by this Rule shall not be more than eight (8) hours
less than one hundred (100) which are situated in cities or munic- in any one day nor more than forty (40) hours in any one week.
ipalities with a population of one million or more; and
All hospitals and clinics with a bed capacity of at least one hun- For purposes of this Rule a "day" shall mean a work day of twenty-
dred (100), irrespective of the size of the population of the city or four (24) consecutive hours beginning at the same time each calendar
municipality where they may be situated. year. A "week" shall mean the work of 168 consecutive hours, or seven
consecutive 24-hour work days, beginning at the same hour and on
Section 2. Hospitals or clinics within the meaning of this Rule. - The the same calendar day each calendar week.
terms "hospitals" and "clinics" as used in this Rule shall mean a place
devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for Section 6. Regular working days. - The regular working days of cov-
the diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals suffering from illness, ered employees shall not be more than five days in a work week. The
disease, injury, or deformity, or in need of obstetrical or other medical work week may begin at any hour and on any day, including Saturday
or Sunday, designated by the employer.

Employers are not precluded from changing the time at which the 4. Compulsory work on Rest Day – 92; Book III,
work day or work week begins, provided that the change is not in- Rule III, Sec. 6
tended to evade the requirements of this Rule.
5. Premium Pay – 93 (a) (b) (c); Book III, Rule III,
Section 7. Overtime work. - Where the exigencies of the service so re- Sec. 7
quire as determined by the employer, any employee covered by this
6. Work on a Sunday or holiday which is also
Rule may be scheduled to work for more than five (5) days or forty
(40) hours a week, provided that the employee is paid for the overtime scheduled Rest day – 93 (a) (b); Book III, Rule III,
work an additional compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus Sec. 7 (a) (b)
at least thirty percent (30%) thereof, subject to the provisions of this 7. CBA on higher premium pay – 93 (d); Book III,
Book on the payment of additional compensation for work performed Rule III, Secs. 7 (e) 9
on special and regular holidays and on rest days. Chapter II
Section 8. Hours worked. - In determining the compensable hours of WEEKLY REST PERIODS
work of hospital and clinic personnel covered by this Rule, the perti- Art. 91. Right to weekly rest day.
nent provisions of Rule 1 of this Book shall apply. It shall be the duty of every employer, whether operating for
Section 9. Additional compensation. - Hospital and clinic personnel profit or not, to provide each of his employees a rest period of not
covered by this Rule, with the exception of those employed by the less than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours after every six (6)
Government, shall be entitled to an additional compensation for work consecutive normal work days.
performed on regular and special holidays and rest days as provided The employer shall determine and schedule the weekly rest day
in this Book. Such employees shall also be entitled to overtime pay for of his employees subject to collective bargaining agreement and
services rendered in excess of forty hours a week, or in excess of eight to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Labor and Em-
hours a day, whichever will yield the higher additional compensation ployment may provide. However, the employer shall respect the
to the employee in the work week. preference of employees as to their weekly rest day when such
preference is based on religious grounds.
Section 10. Relation to Rule I. - All provisions of Rule I of this Book
which are not inconsistent with this Rule shall be deemed applicable Art. 92. When employer may require work on a rest day. The em-
to hospital and clinic personnel. ployer may require his employees to work on any day:
In case of actual or impending emergencies caused by serious ac-
cident, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other disas-
References – Arts. 91-93; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule ter or calamity to prevent loss of life and property, or imminent
III, Secs. 1-9 danger to public safety;
In cases of urgent work to be performed on the machinery, equip-
1. Coverage/Exclusions – 82, 91, Book III, Rule III,
ment, or installation, to avoid serious loss which the employer
Sec. 1 would otherwise suffer;
2. Right to Weekly Rest Period – 91 (a); Book III, In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to special circum-
Rule III, Sec. 3 stances, where the employer cannot ordinarily be expected to re-
3. Determination/Preference of Employee – 91 (b); sort to other measures;
To prevent loss or damage to perishable goods;
Book III, Rule III, Secs. 4, 5
Where the nature of the work requires continuous operations and
the stoppage of work may result in irreparable injury or loss to Section 4. Preference of employee. - The preference of the employee
the employer; and as to his weekly day of rest shall be respected by the employer if the
Under other circumstances analogous or similar to the foregoing same is based on religious grounds. The employee shall make known
as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. his preference to the employer in writing at least seven (7) days before
the desired effectivity of the initial rest day so preferred.
Art. 93. Compensation for rest day, Sunday or holiday work.
Where, however, the choice of the employee as to his rest day based
Where an employee is made or permitted to work on his sched-
on religious grounds will inevitably result in serious prejudice or ob-
uled rest day, he shall be paid an additional compensation of at
struction to the operations of the undertaking and the employer can-
least thirty percent (30%) of his regular wage. An employee shall
not normally be expected to resort to other remedial measures, the
be entitled to such additional compensation for work performed
employer may so schedule the weekly rest day of his choice for at least
on Sunday only when it is his established rest day.
two (2) days in a month.
When the nature of the work of the employee is such that he has
no regular workdays and no regular rest days can be scheduled, Section 5. Schedule of rest day. -
he shall be paid an additional compensation of at least thirty per-
Where the weekly rest is given to all employees simultaneously,
cent (30%) of his regular wage for work performed on Sundays
the employer shall make known such rest period by means of a
and holidays.
written notice posted conspicuously in the work place at least one
Work performed on any special holiday shall be paid an addi-
week before it becomes effective.
tional compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) of the regular
Where the rest period is not granted to all employees simultane-
wage of the employee. Where such holiday work falls on the em-
ously and collectively, the employer shall make known to the em-
ployee’s scheduled rest day, he shall be entitled to an additional
ployees their respective schedules of weekly rest through written
compensation of at least fifty per cent (50%) of his regular wage.
notices posted conspicuously in the work place at least one week
Where the collective bargaining agreement or other applicable
before they become effective.
employment contract stipulates the payment of a higher premium
pay than that prescribed under this Article, the employer shall Section 6. When work on rest day authorized. - An employer may
pay such higher rate. require any of his employees to work on his scheduled rest day for the
duration of the following emergencies and exceptional conditions:
Weekly Rest Periods In case of actual or impending emergencies caused by serious ac-
Section 1. General statement on coverage. - This Rule shall apply to cident, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other disas-
all employers whether operating for profit or not, including public ter or calamity, to prevent loss of life or property, or in cases of
utilities operated by private persons. force majeure or imminent danger to public safety;
In case of urgent work to be performed on machineries, equip-
Section 2. Business on Sundays/Holidays. - All establishments and
ment or installations to avoid serious loss which the employer
enterprises may operate or open for business on Sundays and holi-
would otherwise suffer;
days provided that the employees are given the weekly rest day and
In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to special circum-
the benefits as provided in this Rule.
stances, where the employer cannot ordinarily be expected to re-
Section 3. Weekly rest day. - Every employer shall give his employ- sort to other measures;
ees a rest period of not less than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours To prevent serious loss of perishable goods;
after every six consecutive normal work days. Where the nature of the work is such that the employees have to
work continuously for seven (7) days in a week or more, as in the
case of the crew members of a vessel to complete a voyage and in paid-off days or holidays by agreement or practice subsisting upon
other similar cases; and the effectivity of the Code.
When the work is necessary to avail of favorable weather or envi-
Section 9. Relation to agreements. - Nothing herein shall prevent the
ronmental conditions where performance or quality of work is de-
employer and his employees or their representatives in entering into
pendent thereon.
any agreement with terms more favorable to the employees than those
No employee shall be required against his will to work on his sched- provided herein, or be used to diminish any benefit granted to the
uled rest day except under circumstances provided in this Section: employees under existing laws, agreements, and voluntary employer
Provided, However, that where an employee volunteers to work on practices.
his rest day under other circumstances, he shall express such desire in
writing, subject to the provisions of Section 7 hereof regarding addi- C. HOLIDAYS
tional compensation. References – Art. 94; Exec. Order No. 203, (1987); Omni-
Section 7. Compensation on rest day/Sunday/holiday. -
bus Rules, Book III, Rule IV; P.D. 1083 (Code of Muslim
Personal Laws (Feb. 4, 1977); Republic Act No. 9849
Except those employees referred to under Section 2, Rule I, Book
Three, an employee who is made or permitted to work on his Chapter III
scheduled rest day shall be paid with an additional compensation HOLIDAYS, SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVES AND SERVICE
of at least 30% of his regular wage. An employee shall be entitled CHARGES
to such additional compensation for work performed on a Sunday Art. 94. Right to holiday pay.
only when it is his established rest day. Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during regular
Where the nature of the work of the employee is such that he has holidays, except in retail and service establishments regularly em-
no regular work days and no regular rest days can be scheduled, ploying less than ten (10) workers;
he shall be paid an additional compensation of at least 30% of his The employer may require an employee to work on any holiday
regular wage for work performed on Sundays and holidays. but such employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to
Work performed on any special holiday shall be paid with an ad- twice his regular rate; and
ditional compensation of at least 30% of the regular wage of the As used in this Article, "holiday" includes: New Year’s Day,
employees. Where such holiday work falls on the employee's Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the ninth of April, the first of
scheduled rest day, he shall be entitled to additional compensa- May, the twelfth of June, the fourth of July, the thirtieth of No-
tion of at least 50% of his regular wage. vember, the twenty-fifth and thirtieth of December and the day
The payment of additional compensation for work performed on designated by law for holding a general election.
regular holiday shall be governed by Rule IV, Book Three, of these
regulations. RULE IV
Holidays with Pay
Where the collective bargaining agreement or other applicable
Section 1. Coverage. - This rule shall apply to all employees except:
employment contract stipulates the payment of a higher premium
pay than that prescribed under this Section, the employer shall Those of the government and any of the political subdivision, in-
pay such higher rate. cluding government-owned and controlled corporation;
Those of retail and service establishments regularly employing
Section 8. Paid-off days. - Nothing in this Rule shall justify an em-
less than ten (10) workers;
ployer in reducing the compensation of his employees for the un-
Domestic helpers and persons in the personal service of another;
worked Sundays, holidays, or other rest days which are considered
Managerial employees as defined in Book Three of the Code;
Field personnel and other employees whose time and perfor- Where the regular holiday work exceeding eight hours falls on the
mance is unsupervised by the employer including those who are scheduled rest day of the employee, he shall be paid an additional
engaged on task or contract basis, purely commission basis, or compensation for the overtime work equivalent to his regular holi-
those who are paid a fixed amount for performing work irrespec- day-rest day for the first 8 hours plus 30% thereof. The regular holiday
tive of the time consumed in the performance thereof. rest day rate of an employee shall consist of 200% of his regular daily
wage rate plus 30% thereof.
Section 2. Status of employees paid by the month. - Employees who
are uniformly paid by the month, irrespective of the number of work- Section 6. Absences. -
ing days therein, with a salary of not less than the statutory or estab-
All covered employees shall be entitled to the benefit provided
lished minimum wage shall be paid for all days in the month whether
herein when they are on leave of absence with pay. Employees
worked or not.
who are on leave of absence without pay on the day immediately
For this purpose, the monthly minimum wage shall not be less than preceding a regular holiday may not be paid the required holiday
the statutory minimum wage multiplied by 365 days divided by pay if he has not worked on such regular holiday.
twelve. Employees shall grant the same percentage of the holiday pay as
the benefit granted by competent authority in the form of employ-
Section 3. Holiday Pay. - Every employer shall pay his employees
ee's compensation or social security payment, whichever is
their regular daily wage for any worked regular holidays.
higher, if they are not reporting for work while on such benefits.
As used in the rule, the term 'regular holiday' shall exclusively refer Where the day immediately preceding the holiday is a non-work-
to: New Year's Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the ninth of ing day in the establishment or the scheduled rest day of the em-
April, the first of May, the twelfth of June, the last Sunday of August, ployee, he shall not be deemed to be on leave of absence on that
the thirtieth of November, the twenty-fifth and thirtieth of December. day, in which case he shall be entitled to the holiday pay if he
Nationwide special days shall include the first of November and the worked on the day immediately preceding the non-working day
last day of December. or rest day.
As used in this Rule legal or regular holiday and special holiday shall Section 7. Temporary or periodic shutdown and temporary cessa-
now be referred to as 'regular holiday' and 'special day', respectively. tion of work. -
Section 4. Compensation for holiday work. - Any employee who is In cases of temporary or periodic shutdown and temporary cessa-
permitted or suffered to work on any regular holiday, not exceeding tion of work of an establishment, as when a yearly inventory or
eight (8) hours, shall be paid at least two hundred percent (200%) of when the repair or cleaning of machineries and equipment is un-
his regular daily wage. If the holiday work falls on the scheduled rest dertaken, the regular holidays falling within the period shall be
day of the employee, he shall be entitled to an additional premium compensated in accordance with this Rule.
pay of at least 30% of his regular holiday rate of 200% based on his The regular holiday during the cessation of operation of an enter-
regular wage rate. prise due to business reverses as authorized by the Secretary of
Labor and Employment may not be paid by the employer.
Section 5. Overtime pay for holiday work. - For work performed in
excess of eight hours on a regular holiday, an employee shall be paid Section 8. Holiday pay of certain employees. -
an additional compensation for the overtime work equivalent to his
Private school teachers, including faculty members of colleges
rate for the first eight hours on such holiday work plus at least 30%
and universities, may not be paid for the regular holidays during
semestral vacations. They shall, however, be paid for the regular

holidays during Christmas vacation; caused confusion among the public;
Where a covered employee, is paid by results or output, such as
payment on piece work, his holiday pay shall not be less than his
Philippines, do hereby order:
average daily earnings for the last seven (7) actual working days
preceding the regular holiday; Provided, However, that in no case SECTION 1. Unless otherwise modified by law, order or proclama-
shall the holiday pay be less than the applicable statutory mini- tion, the following regular holidays and special days shall be observed
mum wage rate. in this country: …
Seasonal workers may not be paid the required holiday pay dur-
SECTION 2. Henceforth, the terms “legal or regular holiday” and
ing off-season when they are not at work.
“special holiday,” as used in laws, orders, rules and regulations or
Workers who have no regular working days shall be entitled to
other issuances shall now be referred to as “regular holiday” and
the benefits provided in this Rule.
“special day,” respectively. …
Section 9. Regular holiday falling on rest days or Sundays. -
DONE in the City of Manila, this 30th day of June, in the year of Our
A regular holiday falling on the employee's rest day shall be com- Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven.
pensated accordingly.
Republic Act No. 9849
[Repealed by No. 3, L.O.I. No. 1087, 26 Nov. 1980] AN ACT DECLARING THE TENTH DAY OF ZHUL HIJJA,
3. When a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall NATIONAL HOLIDAY FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF
not be a holiday, unless a proclamation is issued declaring it a special EIDULADHA, FURTHER AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE
Section 10. Successive regular holidays. - Where there are two (2) CODE OF 1987, AS AMENDED.
successive regular holidays, like Holy Thursday and Good Friday, an Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
employee may not be paid for both holidays if he absents himself from in Congress assembled:
work on the day immediately preceding the first holiday, unless he
works on the first holiday, in which case he is entitled to his holiday Section 1. The tenth day of Zhul Hijja, the twelfth month of the Islamic
pay on the second holiday. Calendar, is hereby declared as a national holiday for the observance
of Eidul Adha. Edul Adha is a tenth day in the month of Hajj or Islamic
Section 11. Relation to agreements. - Nothing in this Rule shall justify Pilgrimage to Mecca wherein Mulims pay homage to Abraham's su-
an employer in withdrawing or reducing any benefits, supplements preme act of sacrifice and signifies mankind's obedience to God.
or payments for unworked holidays as provided in existing individ-
ual or collective agreement or employer practice or policy. Section 2. Section 26, Chapter 7, Book I of Executive Order No. 292,
otherwise known as "The Administrative Code of 1987", as amended,
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 203 is hereby amended to read as follows:
SPECIAL DAYS TO BE OBSERVED THROUGHOUT THE "SEC. 26. Regular Holidays and Nationwide Special Days. -
PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. (1) Unless otherwise modified by law, order, or proclamation, the fol-
WHEREAS, a Cabinet Assistance Secretariat Committee was consti- lowing regular holidays and special days shall be observed in the
tuted to review all, existing public holidays; country:
WHEREAS, there are too many holidays being observed which has "(a) Regular Holidays
New Year's Day - January 1 (a) Retail Establishment – Rules Impl. RA
Maundy Thursday - Movable Date 6727, par. f
Good Friday - Movable Date
Definition of Terms. As used in this Rules –
Eidul Fitr - Movable Date
"Retail Establishment" is one principally engaged in the sale of
Eidul Adha - Movable Date goods to end-users for personal or household use;
Araw ng Kagitingan (b) Service Establishment – Rules Impl. RA
(Bataan and Corregidor Day) - Monday nearest April 9 6727, par. g
Labor Day - Monday nearest May 1 Definition of Terms. As used in this Rules –

Independence Day - Monday nearest June 12 "Service Establishment" is one principally engaged in the sale of
service to individuals for their own or household use and is gen-
National Heroes Day - Last Monday of August erally recognized as such;
Bonifacio Day - Monday nearest
2. Regular Holidays/Special Holidays RA 9492
November 30
(2007), Amended EO292 (Adm. Code 1987) [fur-
Christmas Day - December 25
ther amended by RA 9849 (2009)]
Rizal Day - Monday nearest December 30 3. Holiday Pay – 94(b)
"(b) Nationwide Special Holidays (a) Faculty in Private School – Book III, Rule
Ninoy Aquino Day - Monday nearest August 21
IV, Sec. 8 (a)
(b) Divisor as Factor
All Saints Day - November 1
(c) Sunday – 93 (a) (b), 2nd sentence; Book III,
Last Day of the Year - December 31 Rule III, Sec. 2
"(c) In the event the holiday falls on a Wednesday, the holiday will be (d) Muslim holiday – 169-172; P.D. 1083 or
observed on the Monday of the week. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, Code of Muslim Personal Laws (Feb.
the holiday will be observed on the Monday that follows: 1977); RA 9492 (2007), amended EO 292
"Provided, That for movable holidays, the President shall issue a spe- (Adm. Code of 1987) [further amended by
cific date shall be declared as a nonworking day."
Section 3. The implementation of this Act shall be supervised by the
Office on Muslim Affairs (OMA) which shall promulgate the rules
and regulations pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
Approved: Dec. 11, 2009

1. Coverage/Exclusions – 94(a); Rule IV, Sec. 1

RA 9849 (2009)] government officials and employees in places other than those enu-
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1083 merated under Article 170 shall also be excused from reporting to of-
A DECREE TO ORDAIN AND PROMULGATE A CODE fice in order that they may be able to observe Muslim holidays.
RECOGNIZING THE SYSTEM OF FILIPINO MUSLIM (2) The President of the Philippines may, by proclamation, require pri-
LAWS, CODIFYING MUSLIM PERSONAL LAWS, AND vate offices, agencies or establishments to excuse their Muslim em-
ployees from reporting for work during a Muslim holiday without re-
duction in their usual compensation.
Muslim Holidays 4. Absences – Book III, Rule IV, Sec. 6 (a), 10
ARTICLE 169. Official Muslim holidays. – The following are hereby 5. Non-working day/sched. Rest day – Sec. 6 (c)
recognized as legal Muslim holidays:
‘Amun Jadid (New Year), which falls on the first day of the first
lunar month of Muharram; References – Art. 95; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule V
Maulid-un-Nabi (Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad), which
1. Coverage/Exclusions – 95 (a), (b); Book III, Rule
falls on the twelfth day of the third lunar month of Rabi-ul-Aw-
wal; V, Sec. 1
Lailatul Isra Wal Mi’raj (Nocturnal Journey and Ascension of the 2. Requirements – 95 (a); Book III, Rule V, Secs. 2, 3
Prophet Muhammad), which falls on the twenty-seventh day of (a) Meaning – “at least one year of service” –
the seventh lunar month of Rajab; Book III, Rule V. Sec. 3
‘Id-ul-Fitr (Hari Raya Pausa), which falls on the first day of the
(b) Treatment of benefits – Book III, Rule V,
tenth lunar month of Shawwal, commemorating the end of the
fasting season; and Sec. 5
‘Id-ul-Adha (Hari Raya Haji), which falls on the tenth day of the Art. 95. Right to service incentive leave.
twelfth lunar month of Dhu’l-Hijja. Every employee who has rendered at least one year of service
ARTICLE 170. Provinces and cities where officially observed. – (1) shall be entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days
Muslim holidays shall be officially observed in the Provinces of Basi- with pay.
lan, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, This provision shall not apply to those who are already enjoying
Sultan Kudarat, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Zamboanga del Norte and Zambo- the benefit herein provided, those enjoying vacation leave with
anga del Sur, and in the Cities of Cotabato, Iligan, Marawi, Pagadian, pay of at least five days and those employed in establishments
and Zamboanga and in such other Muslim provinces and cities as may regularly employing less than ten employees or in establishments
hereafter be created. exempted from granting this benefit by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment after considering the viability or financial condition
(2) Upon proclamation by the President of the Philippines, Muslim of such establishment.
holidays may also be officially observed in other provinces and cities. The grant of benefit in excess of that provided herein shall not be
ARTICLE 171. Dates of observance. – The dates of Muslim holidays made a subject of arbitration or any court or administrative action.
shall be determined by the Office of the President of the Philippines RULE V
in accordance with the Muslim Lunar Calendar (Hijra). Service Incentive Leave
ARTICLE 172. Observance by Muslim employees. – (1) All Muslim Section 1. Coverage. - This rule shall apply to all employees except:

Those of the government and any of its political subdivisions, in- of 1996), Secs. 1-6; Impl. Rules
cluding government-owned and controlled corporations;
Domestic helpers and persons in the personal service of another; [REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8187]
Managerial employees as defined in Book Three of this Code; AN ACT GRANTING PATERNITY LEAVE OF SEVEN (7)
Field personnel and other employees whose performance is unsu- DAYS WITH FULL PAY TO ALL MARRIED MALE
pervised by the employer including those who are engaged on
task or contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who are
paid a fixed amount for performing work irrespective of the time
consumed in the performance thereof;
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Phil-
Those who are already enjoying the benefit herein provided;
ippines in Congress assembled:
Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least five days; and
Those employed in establishments regularly employing less than SECTION 1. Short Title — This Act shall be known as the "Paternity
ten employees. Leave Act of 1996".
Section 2. Right to service incentive leave. - Every employee who has SEC. 2. Notwithstanding any law, rules and regulations to the con-
rendered at least one year of service shall be entitled to a yearly service trary, every married male employee in the private and public sectors
incentive leave of five days with pay. shall be entitled to a paternity leave of seven (7) days with full pay for
the first four (4) deliveries of the legitimate spouse with whom he is
Section 3. Definition of certain terms. - The term "at least one-year
cohabiting. The male employee applying for paternity leave shall no-
service" shall mean service for not less than 12 months, whether con-
tify his employer of the pregnancy of his legitimate spouse and the
tinuous or broken reckoned from the date the employee started work-
expected date of such delivery.
ing, including authorized absences and paid regular holidays unless
the working days in the establishment as a matter of practice or policy, For purposes of this Act, delivery shall include childbirth or any mis-
or that provided in the employment contract is less than 12 months, carriage.
in which case said period shall be considered as one year.
SEC. 3. Definition of Term. — For purposes of this Act, Paternity
Section 4. Accrual of benefit. - Entitlement to the benefit provided in Leave refers to the benefits granted to a married male employee al-
this Rule shall start December 16, 1975, the date the amendatory pro- lowing him not to report for work for seven (7) days but continues to
vision of the Code took effect. earn the compensation therefor, on the condition that his spouse has
delivered a child or suffered a miscarriage for purposes of enabling
Section 5. Treatment of benefit. - The service incentive leave shall be
him to effectively lend support to his wife in her period of recovery
commutable to its money equivalent if not used or exhausted at the
and/or in the nursing of the newly-born child.
end of the year.
SEC. 4. The Secretary of Labor and Employment, the Chairman of the
Section 6. Relation to agreements. - Nothing in the Rule shall justify
Civil Service Commission and the Secretary of Health shall, within
an employer from withdrawing or reducing any benefits, supple-
thirty (30) days from the effectivity of this Act, issue such rules and
ments or payments as provided in existing individual or collective
regulations necessary for the proper implementation of the provisions
agreements or employer's practices or policies.
E. VACATION LEAVE/SICK LEAVE SEC. 5. Any person, corporation, trust, firm, partnership, association
F. PATERNITY LEAVE – RA No. 8187(Paternity Leave Act or entity found violating this Act or the rules and regulations prom-
ulgated thereunder shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty-
five thousand pesos (P25,000) or imprisonment of not less than thirty live together.
(30) days nor more than six (6) months.
SECTION 2. Coverage. — Every married male employee in the pri-
If the violation is committed by a corporation, trust or firm, partner- vate sector shall be entitled to paternity leave benefits of seven (7)
ship, association or any other entity, the penalty of imprisonment shall working days with full pay for the first four (4) deliveries by his lawful
be imposed on the entity's responsible officers, including, but not lim- spouse under such terms and conditions as hereinafter provided.
ited to, the president, vice-president, chief executive officer, general
The rules on paternity leave of employees in the public sector shall be
manager, managing director or partner directly responsible therefor.
promulgated by the Civil Service Commission.
SEC. 6. Nondiminution Clause. — Nothing in this Act shall be con-
SECTION 3. Conditions for entitlement of paternity leave benefits.
strued to reduce any existing benefits of any form granted under ex-
— A married male employee shall be entitled to paternity benefits
isting laws, decrees, executive orders, or any contract, agreement or
provided that:
policy between employer and employee.
he is employed at the time of delivery of his child;
SEC. 7. Repealing Clause. — All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations,
he has notified his employer of the pregnancy of his wife and her
issuances, or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Act are
expected date of delivery subject to the provisions of Section 4
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
hereof; and
SEC. 8. Eflectivity. — This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days from his wife has given birth, suffers a miscarriage or an abortion.
its publication in the Official Gazette or in least two (2) newspapers of
SECTION 4. Notification. — As soon as the married male employee
national circulation.
learns that his spouse is pregnant, he shall inform his employer of
Approved: June 11, 1996 such pregnancy and the expected date of delivery within a reasonable
period of time. The employee shall accomplish a Paternity
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8187 FOR THE PRIVATE SECTOR Notification Form to be provided for by the employer and submit the
SECTION 1. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Rules, the follow- same to the latter, together with a copy of his marriage contract, or
ing terms shall have the meaning as indicated hereunder: where not applicable, any proof of marriage. Provided, That this noti-
fication requirement shall not apply in cases of miscarriage or abor-
“Paternity Leave” refers to the leave credits granted to a married
male employee to allow him to earn compensation for seven (7)
working days without reporting for work, provided that his Any employee who has availed of the paternity benefits shall, within
spouse has delivered a child or had a miscarriage or an abortion a reasonable period of time, submit a copy of the birth certificate of
for the purpose of lending support to his wife during her period the newly born child, death or medical certificate in case of miscar-
of recovery and/or the nursing of the newly born child. riage or abortion, duly signed by the attending physician or midwife
“Employee” refers to any person who performs services for an showing actual date of childbirth, miscarriage or abortion, as the case
employer and receives compensation therefor, provided an em- may be.
ployer-employee relationship exists between them.
SECTION 5. Availment. — The paternity benefits set forth herein
“Delivery” refers to childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.
may be enjoyed by the qualified employee before, during or after the
“Spouse” refers to the lawful wife. For this purpose, lawful wife
delivery by his wife; provided, that the total number of days shall not
refers to a woman who is legally married to the male employee
exceed seven (7) working days for each delivery. Provided, further,
that this benefit shall be availed of not later than sixty (60) days after
“Cohabiting” refers to the obligation of the husband and wife to
the date of said delivery. and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public medical practi-
SECTION 6. Benefits. — The employee is entitled to seven (7) work-
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to legal sep-
ing days paternity leave with pay, consisting of basic salary, all allow-
aration or de facto separation from spouse for at least one (1) year, as long as
ances and other monetary benefits.
he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children;
SECTION 7. Non-Conversion of benefits. — In the event that the pa- Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to declara-
ternity leave benefit is not availed of, said leave shall not be converti- tion of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or by a church
ble to cash. as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children;
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to abandon-
Adopted: 5 August 1996
ment of spouse for at least one (1) year;
3. Coverage – RA 8187, Sec. 2; Rules, Sec. 2 Unmarried mother/father who has preferred to keep and rear her/his
4. Conditions – RA 8187, Sec. 2; Impl. Rules, Secs. 2, child/children instead of having others care for them or give them up to a
welfare institution;
3, 4
Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a child or
5. When to avail of benefits – Rules, Sec. 5 children;
6. Treatment benefit – Rules, Sec. 7 Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family as a
7. Penalty provisions – RA 8187, Sec. 5; Rules, Sec. result of the death, abandonment, disappearance or prolonged absence of the
10 parents or solo parent.
8. Employment – related rights and benefits A change in the status or circumstance of the parent claiming ben-
efits under this Act, such that he/she is no longer left alone with
G. PARENTAL LEAVE -- RA No. 8972 (Solo Parents’ Wel- the responsibility of parenthood, shall terminate his/her eligibil-
fare Act of 2000) ity for these benefits.
1. Coverage – RA 8972, Sec. 3 (a) 2. Criteria – RA 8972, Secs. 4; Rules, Art. IV. Sec. 7
Section 3. Definition of Terms. - Whenever used in this Act, the follow- Section 4. Criteria for Support. - Any solo parent whose income in the
ing terms shall mean as follows: place of domicile falls below the poverty threshold as set by the Na-
tional Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and subject to
(a) "Solo parent" - any individual who falls under any of the following
the assessment of the DSWD worker in the area shall be eligible for
assistance: Provided, however, That any solo parent whose income is
A woman who gives birth as a result of rape and other crimes against chastity above the poverty threshold shall enjoy the benefits mentioned in Sec-
even without a final conviction of the offender: Provided, That the mother tions 6, 7 and 8 of this Act.
keeps and raises the child;
SEC. 7. Criteria for Support. — Any solo parent whose income in the
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to death of
place of domicile falls equal to or below the poverty threshold as set
by the NSCB and subject to the assessment of the duly appointed or
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood while the spouse
designated social worker in the area shall be eligible for assistance:
is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one (1)
Provided, however, That any solo parent whose income is above the
poverty threshold shall enjoy the benefits mentioned in Sections 16,
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to physical
17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23 of these Rules. For purposes of the Act and

these Rules, the place of domicile shall refer to the residence men- a flexible work schedule for solo parents: Provided, That the same
tioned in Section 8(a) of these Rules. shall not affect individual and company productivity: Provided fur-
ther, That any employer may request exemption from the above re-
3. Qualifications of solo parents – Rules, Art. IV, quirements from the DOLE on certain meritorious grounds. In the
Sec. 8 case of employees in the government service, flexible working hours
SEC. 8. Qualifications of Solo Parent. — A solo parent seeking bene- will be subject to the discretion of the head of the agency. In no case
fits other than those provided for under Sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 shall the weekly working hours be reduced in the event the agency
and 23 of these Rules shall be qualified on the basis of the following: adopts the flexible working hours schedule format (flexitime). In the
(a) A resident of the area where the assistance is sought, as certified adoption of flexi-time, the core working hours shall be prescribed tak-
by the barangay captain; Provided, that if the solo parent is a trans- ing into consideration the needs of the service.
feree from another barangay, he/she is required to secure a clearance (b) Work discrimination – Sec. 7, Rules, Art .
from his/her previous barangay, indicating whether or not he/she
V, Sec. [17]
has availed of any benefits for solo parents, and the nature of such
Section 7. Work Discrimination. - No employer shall discriminate
against any solo parent employee with respect to terms and conditions
(b) With an income level equal to or below the poverty threshold as of employment on account of his/her status.
set forth by NSCB and assessed by a social worker as provided for
SEC. 17. Work Discrimination. — No employer shall discriminate
under Section 7 of these Rules.
against any solo parent employee with respect to terms and conditions
4. Employment – related rights and benefits – RA of employment on account of his/her status.
8972, Sec. 3 (d) (e) (c) Leave – Sec. [18]
Section 3. Definition of Terms. - Whenever used in this Act, the follow- Section 8. Parental Leave. - In addition to leave privileges under exist-
ing terms shall mean as follows: ing laws, parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days
(d) "Parental leave" - shall mean leave benefits granted to a solo parent every year shall be granted to any solo parent employee who has ren-
to enable him/her to perform parental duties and responsibilities dered service of at least one (1) year.
where physical presence is required. SEC. 18. Parental Leave. — In addition to leave privileges under ex-
(e) "Flexible work schedule" - is the right granted to a solo parent em- isting laws, parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days
ployee to vary his/her arrival and departure time without affecting every year shall be granted to any solo parent employee who has ren-
the core work hours as defined by the employer. dered service of at least one (1) year. The seven-day parental leave
shall be non-cumulative.
(a) Flexible Work Schedule - Sec. 6; Rules,
Art. V, Sec. [16] (d) Treatment of benefits – non cumulative –
Section 6. Flexible Work Schedule. - The employer shall provide for Art. V; Sec. [18], 2nd sentence
a flexible working schedule for solo parents: Provided, That the same
H. VICTIMS’ LEAVE – RA 9262 (An Act Defining violence
shall not affect individual and company productivity: Provided, fur-
ther, That any employer may request exemption from the above re- Against Women and their Children), Sec. 43; Implement-
quirements from the DOLE on certain meritorious grounds. ing Rules, Rule VI, Sec. 42.
SEC. 16. Flexible Work Schedule. — The employer shall provide for 1. Definition/Coverage – RA 9262, Sec. 3
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act, visitation of common children.
"Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a se- D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a
ries of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his woman financially dependent which includes, but is not limited
wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has to the following:
or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a
withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in any
common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegiti-
legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases wherein
mate, within or without the family abode, which result in or is
the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral grounds as de-
likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffer-
fined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
ing, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, as-
deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to the
sault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It
use and enjoyment of the conjugal, community or property owned in com-
includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:
A. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include bodily or physical destroying household property;
harm; controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the con-
jugal money or properties.
B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature, com-
mitted against a woman or her child. It includes, but is not limited 2. Entitlement to leave – Sec. 43; Impl. Rules, Rule
to: VI, Sec. 42.
rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman SECTION 43. Entitled to Leave. – Victims under this Act shall be enti-
or her child as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually sug- tled to take a paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days in addition to
gestive remarks, physically attacking the sexual parts of the vic- other paid leaves under the Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and
tim's body, forcing her/him to watch obscene publications and Regulations, extendible when the necessity arises as specified in the
indecent shows or forcing the woman or her child to do indecent protection order.
acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and mis- Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this
tress/lover to live in the conjugal home or sleep together in the
section shall be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the La-
same room with the abuser; bor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an em-
acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any
ployer who shall prejudice any person for assisting a co-employee
sexual activity by force, threat of force, physical or other harm or who is a victim under this Act shall likewise be liable for discrimina-
threat of physical or other harm or coercion;
Prostituting the woman or child.
Section 42. Ten-day paid leave in addition to other leave benefits.
C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or - At any time during the application of any protection order, investi-
likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as gation, prosecution and/or trial of the criminal case, a victim of
but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to VAWC who is employed shall be entitled to a paid leave of up to ten
property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse (10) days in addition to other paid leaves under the Labor Code and
and mental infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the victim Civil Service Rules and Regulations and other existing laws and com-
to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a mem- pany policies, extendible when the necessity arises as specified in the
ber of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness por- protection order. The Punong Barangay/kagawad or prosecutor or
nography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to the Clerk of Court, as the case may be, shall issue a certification at no
unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or
cost to the woman that such an action is pending, and this is all that is equally distributed among them. In case the service charge is abol-
required for the employer to comply with the 10-day paid leave. For ished, the share of the covered employees shall be considered inte-
government employees, in addition to the aforementioned certifica- grated in their wages.
tion, the employee concerned must file an application for leave citing
as basis R.A. 9262. The administrative enforcement of this leave enti-
Service Charges
tlement shall be considered within the jurisdiction of the Regional Di-
Section 1. Coverage. - This rule shall apply only to establishments col-
rector of the DOLE under Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Philip-
lecting service charges such as hotels, restaurants, lodging houses,
pines, as amended, for employees in the private sector, and the Civil
night clubs, cocktail lounge, massage clinics, bars, casinos and gam-
Service Commission, for government employees.
bling houses, and similar enterprises, including those entities operat-
The availment of the ten day-leave shall be at the option of the woman ing primarily as private subsidiaries of the Government.
employee, which shall cover the days that she has to attend to medical
Section 2. Employees covered. - This rule shall apply to all employees
and legal concerns. Leaves not availed of are noncumulative and not
of covered employers, regardless of their positions, designations or
convertible to cash.
employment status, and irrespective of the method by which their
The employer/agency head who denies the application for leave, and wages are paid except to managerial employees.
who shall prejudice the victim-survivor or any person for assisting a
As used herein, a "managerial employee" shall mean one who is
co-employee who is a victim-survivor under the Act shall be held lia-
vested with powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute manage-
ble for discrimination and violation of R.A 9262.
ment policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, dis-
The provision of the Labor Code and the Civil Service Rules and Reg- charge, assign, or discipline employees or to effectively recommend
ulations shall govern the penalty to be imposed on the said em- such managerial actions. All employees not falling within this defini-
ployer/agency head. tion shall be considered rank-and-file employees.

I. SPECIAL LEAVE BENEFITS FOR WOMEN – RA 9710 Section 3. Distribution of service charges. - All service charges col-
lected by covered employers shall be distributed at the rate of 85% for
the employees and 15% for the management. The 85% shall be distrib-
1. Covered employees – Sec. 18 uted equally among the covered employees. The 15% shall be for the
Section 18. Special Leave Benefits for Women. - A woman employee disposition by management to answer for losses and breakages and
having rendered continuous aggregate employment service of at least distribution to managerial employees at the discretion of the manage-
six (6) months for the last twelve (12) months shall be entitled to a ment in the latter case.
special leave benefit of two (2) months with full pay based on her Section 4. Frequency of distribution. - The shares referred to herein
gross monthly compensation following surgery caused by gynecolog- shall be distributed and paid to the employees not less than once every
ical disorders. two (2) weeks or twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16)
Reference – Art. 96; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule VI Section 5. Integration of service charges. - In case the service charges
is abolished the share of covered employees shall be considered inte-
Art. 96. Service charges. All service charges collected by hotels, res-
grated in their wages. The basis of the amount to be integrated shall
taurants and similar establishments shall be distributed at the rate of
be the average monthly share of each employee for the past twelve
eighty-five percent (85%) for all covered employees and fifteen per-
(12) months immediately preceding the abolition of withdrawal of
cent (15%) for management. The share of the employees shall be
such charges.
Section 6. Relation to agreements. - Nothing in this Rule shall pre-
vent the employer and his employees from entering into any agree-
ment with terms more favorable to the employees than those provided
herein, or be used to diminish any benefit granted to the employees
under existing laws, agreement and voluntary employer practice.
Section 7. This rule shall be without prejudice to existing, future
collective bargaining agreements. - Nothing in this rule shall be con-
strued to justify the reduction or diminution of any benefit being en-
joyed by any employee at the time of effectivity of this rule.

1. Covered employees – 96
2. Sharing - 96
Art. 100. Prohibition against elimination or diminution of bene-
fits. Nothing in this Book shall be construed to eliminate or in any way
diminish supplements, or other employee benefits being enjoyed at
the time of promulgation of this Code.

WAGES Art. 98. Application of Title. This Title shall not apply to farm tenancy
or leasehold, domestic service and persons working in their respective
Title II homes in needle work or in any cottage industry duly registered in
WAGES accordance with law.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Art. 97. Definitions. As used in this Title:
Art. 99. Regional minimum wages. The minimum wage rates for ag-
"Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corpora- ricultural and non-agricultural employees and workers in each and
tion, business trust, legal representatives, or any organized group every region of the country shall be those prescribed by the Regional
of persons. Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards. (As amended by Section 3,
"Employer" includes any person acting directly or indirectly in the Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989).
interest of an employer in relation to an employee and shall in- Art. 100. Prohibition against elimination or diminution of bene-
clude the government and all its branches, subdivisions and in- fits. Nothing in this Book shall be construed to eliminate or in any way
strumentalities, all government-owned or controlled corporations diminish supplements, or other employee benefits being enjoyed at
and institutions, as well as non-profit private institutions, or or- the time of promulgation of this Code.
"Employee" includes any individual employed by an employer. Art. 101. Payment by results.
"Agriculture" includes farming in all its branches and, among The Secretary of Labor and Employment shall regulate the pay-
other things, includes cultivation and tillage of soil, dairying, the ment of wages by results, including pakyao, piecework, and other
production, cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricul- non-time work, in order to ensure the payment of fair and reason-
tural and horticultural commodities, the raising of livestock or able wage rates, preferably through time and motion studies or in
poultry, and any practices performed by a farmer on a farm as an consultation with representatives of workers’ and employers’ or-
incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, but ganizations.
does not include the manufacturing or processing of sugar, coco-
nuts, abaca, tobacco, pineapples or other farm products. Chapter III
"Employ" includes to suffer or permit to work. PAYMENT OF WAGES
"Wage" paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or Art. 102. Forms of payment. No employer shall pay the wages of an
earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in employee by means of promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens,
terms of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, tickets, chits, or any object other than legal tender, even when ex-
piece, or commission basis, or other method of calculating the pressly requested by the employee.
same, which is payable by an employer to an employee under a Payment of wages by check or money order shall be allowed when
written or unwritten contract of employment for work done or to such manner of payment is customary on the date of effectivity of this
be done, or for services rendered or to be rendered and includes Code, or is necessary because of special circumstances as specified in
the fair and reasonable value, as determined by the Secretary of appropriate regulations to be issued by the Secretary of Labor and
Labor and Employment, of board, lodging, or other facilities cus- Employment or as stipulated in a collective bargaining agreement.
tomarily furnished by the employer to the employee. "Fair and
reasonable value" shall not include any profit to the employer, or Art. 103. Time of payment. Wages shall be paid at least once every
to any person affiliated with the employer. two (2) weeks or twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16)

days. If on account of force majeure or circumstances beyond the em- Art. 110. Worker preference in case of bankruptcy. In the event of
ployer’s control, payment of wages on or within the time herein pro- bankruptcy or liquidation of an employer’s business, his workers shall
vided cannot be made, the employer shall pay the wages immediately enjoy first preference as regards their wages and other monetary
after such force majeure or circumstances have ceased. No employer claims, any provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding. Such
shall make payment with less frequency than once a month. unpaid wages and monetary claims shall be paid in full before claims
of the government and other creditors may be paid. (As amended by
The payment of wages of employees engaged to perform a task which
Section 1, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
cannot be completed in two (2) weeks shall be subject to the following
conditions, in the absence of a collective bargaining agreement or ar- Art. 111. Attorney’s fees.
bitration award:
In cases of unlawful withholding of wages, the culpable party
That payments are made at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) may be assessed attorney’s fees equivalent to ten percent of the
days, in proportion to the amount of work completed; amount of wages recovered.
That final settlement is made upon completion of the work. It shall be unlawful for any person to demand or accept, in any
judicial or administrative proceedings for the recovery of wages,
Art. 104. Place of payment. Payment of wages shall be made at or near
attorney’s fees which exceed ten percent of the amount of wages
the place of undertaking, except as otherwise provided by such regu-
lations as the Secretary of Labor and Employment may prescribe un-
der conditions to ensure greater protection of wages. Chapter IV
Art. 105. Direct payment of wages. Wages shall be paid directly to the
Art. 112. Non-interference in disposal of wages. No employer shall
workers to whom they are due, except:
limit or otherwise interfere with the freedom of any employee to dis-
In cases of force majeure rendering such payment impossible or pose of his wages. He shall not in any manner force, compel, or oblige
under other special circumstances to be determined by the Secre- his employees to purchase merchandise, commodities or other prop-
tary of Labor and Employment in appropriate regulations, in erty from any other person, or otherwise make use of any store or ser-
which case, the worker may be paid through another person un- vices of such employer or any other person.
der written authority given by the worker for the purpose; or
Art. 113. Wage deduction. No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf
Where the worker has died, in which case, the employer may pay
of any person, shall make any deduction from the wages of his em-
the wages of the deceased worker to the heirs of the latter without
ployees, except:
the necessity of intestate proceedings. The claimants, if they are
all of age, shall execute an affidavit attesting to their relationship In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by the em-
to the deceased and the fact that they are his heirs, to the exclusion ployer, and the deduction is to recompense the employer for the
of all other persons. If any of the heirs is a minor, the affidavit amount paid by him as premium on the insurance;
shall be executed on his behalf by his natural guardian or next-of- For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his union
kin. The affidavit shall be presented to the employer who shall to check-off has been recognized by the employer or authorized
make payment through the Secretary of Labor and Employment in writing by the individual worker concerned; and
or his representative. The representative of the Secretary of Labor In cases where the employer is authorized by law or regulations
and Employment shall act as referee in dividing the amount paid issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
among the heirs. The payment of wages under this Article shall Art. 114. Deposits for loss or damage. No employer shall require his
absolve the employer of any further liability with respect to the worker to make deposits from which deductions shall be made for the
amount paid.
reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools, materials, or equipment to relieve the serious unemployment situation in welfare areas, such
supplied by the employer, except when the employer is engaged in as squatter relocation centres, the Minister of Labor and Employment
such trades, occupations or business where the practice of making de- may, on his own initiative or upon petition of any interested party,
ductions or requiring deposits is a recognized one, or is necessary or authorize the payment of subminimum wages by enterprises and in-
desirable as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in stitutions that may be established in such areas to provide employ-
appropriate rules and regulations. ment opportunities to the residents therein. The authorization of the
Minister of Labor and Employment shall be subject to such terms and
Art. 115. Limitations. No deduction from the deposits of an employee
conditions as he may prescribe to ensure the protection and welfare
for the actual amount of the loss or damage shall be made unless the
of the workers as well as the industries that may be affected thereby.
employee has been heard thereon, and his responsibility has been
clearly shown. SEC. 3. Coverage. - This rule shall not apply to the following persons:
Art. 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited. It shall be Household or domestic helpers, including family drivers and per-
unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to withhold any sons in the personal service of another;
amount from the wages of a worker or induce him to give up any part Homeworkers engaged in needlework;
of his wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other Workers employed in any establishment duly registered with the
means whatsoever without the worker’s consent. National Cottage Industries and Development Authority in ac-
cordance with Republic Act No. 3470; Provided, That such work-
Art. 117. Deduction to ensure employment. It shall be unlawful to
ers perform the work in their respective homes;
make any deduction from the wages of any employee for the benefit
Workers in any duly registered co-operative when so recom-
of the employer or his representative or intermediary as consideration
mended by the Bureau of Co-operatives Development and upon
of a promise of employment or retention in employment.
approval of the Minister of Labor and Employment; Provided,
Art. 118. Retaliatory measures. It shall be unlawful for an employer however, that such recommendation shall be given only for the
to refuse to pay or reduce the wages and benefits, discharge or in any purpose of making the co-operative viable and upon finding and
manner discriminate against any employee who has filed any com- certification of said Bureau, supported by adequate proof, that the
plaint or instituted any proceeding under this Title or has testified or cooperative cannot resort to other remedial measures without se-
is about to testify in such proceedings. rious loss or prejudice to its operation except through its exemp-
tion from the requirements of this Rule. The exemption shall be
Art. 119. False reporting. It shall be unlawful for any person to make
subject to such terms and conditions and for such period of time
any statement, report, or record filed or kept pursuant to the provi-
as the Minister of Labor and Employment may prescribe.
sions of this Code knowing such statement, report or record to be false
in any material respect. SEC. 4-6. [Repealed by M.C. No. 2-1992]
Rule V Rule VII-A
SECTION 1. Minimum Wages. — (a) The minimum wage rates for (Memorandum Circular No. 2, November 4, 1992)
agricultural and non-agricultural employees shall be as follows: … Sec. 1. Cash Wage. – The minimum wage rates prescribed in Section
1 hereof shall be basic, cash wages without deducting therefrom what-
(b) The basis of the minimum wage rates prescribed herein is under-
ever benefits, supplements or allowances which the employees enjoy
stood to be not more than eight hours of work in a day.
free of charge aside from the basic pay. An employer may provide
SEC. 2. Minimum wages in depressed areas. - To the extent necessary

subsidized meals and snacks to his employees provided that the sub- On petition of any interested party, or upon its initiative, the De-
sidy shall not be less than 30% of the fair and reasonable value of such partment of labor shall use all available devises, including the use
facilities. In such case, the employer may deduct from the wages of of time and motion studies and consultation with representatives
the employees not more than 70% of the value of the meals and snacks of employers’ and workers’ organizations, to determine whether
enjoyed by the employees, provided that such deduction is with the the employees in any industry or enterprise are being compen-
written authorization of the employees concerned. sated in accordance with the minimum wage requirements of this
Sec. 2. Facilities. – The term “facilities” as used in this Rule shall in-
The basis for the establishment of rates for piece, output or con-
clude articles or services for the benefit of the employee or his family
tract work shall be the performance of an ordinary worker of min-
but shall not include tools of the trade or articles or services primarily
imum skill or ability.
for the benefit of the employer or necessary to the conduct of the em-
An ordinary worker of minimum skill or ability is the average
ployer’s business.
worker of the lowest producing group representing 50% of the to-
Sec. 3. Value of facilities. – The Secretary of Labor may from time to tal number of employees engaged in similar employment in a par-
time fix in appropriate issuances the fair and reasonable value of ticular establishment, excluding learners, apprentices and handi-
board, lodging, and other facilities customarily furnished by an em- capped workers employed therein.
ployer to his employees both in agricultural and nonagricultural en- Where the output rates established by the employer do not con-
terprises. form with the standards prescribed herein, or with the rates pre-
scribed by the Department of Labor in an appropriate order, the
The fair and reasonable value of facilities is hereby determined to be
employees shall entitled to the difference between the amount to
the cost of operation and maintenance, including adequate deprecia-
which they are entitled to receive under such prescribed stand-
tion plus reasonable allowance (but not more than 5 1/2 % interest on
ards or rates and that actually paid them by the employer.
the depreciated amount of capital invested by the employer); pro-
vided that if the total so computed is more than the fair rental value Sec. 6. Payment by results in government projects. – In government
(or the fair price of the commodities or facilities offered for sale) the projects, payment of wages by results, such as payment on pakiaw,
fair rental value (or the fair price of the commodities or facilities of- task, or piece-work basis, may be used by employers: Provided, how-
fered for sale) shall be the reasonable cost of the operation and mainte- ever, That the output rates shall be in accordance with the standards
nance. The rate of depreciation and depreciated amount computed by prescribed in the immediately preceding Section, whenever applica-
the employer shall be those arrived at under good accounting prac- ble, or with such rates as may be established by the Department of
tices. Labor.
The term “good accounting practices” shall not include accounting RULE VIII
practices which have been rejected by the Bureau of Internal Revenue Payment of Wages
for income tax purposes. The term “depreciations” shall include ob- Section 1. Manner of wage payment. - As a general rule, wages shall
solescence. be paid in legal tender and the use of tokens, promissory notes, vouch-
ers, coupons, or any other form alleged to represent legal tender is
Sec. 4. Acceptance of facilities. – In order that the cost of facilities fur-
absolutely prohibited even when expressly requested by the em-
nished by the employer may be charged against an employee, his ac-
ceptance of such facilities must be voluntary.
Section 2. Payment by check. - Payment of wages by bank checks,
Sec. 5. Payment of Results. –
postal checks or money orders is allowed where such manner of wage
payment is customary on the date of the effectivity of the Code, where
it is so stipulated in a collective agreement, or where all of the follow- Under any other analogous circumstances; Provided, That the
ing conditions are met: time spent by the employees in collecting their wages shall be con-
sidered as compensable hours worked;
There is a bank or other facility for encashment within a radius of
No employer shall pay his employees in any bar, night or day
one (1) kilometer from the workplace;
club, drinking establishment, massage clinic, dance hall, or other
The employer or any of his agents or representatives does not re-
similar places or in places where games are played with stakes of
ceive any pecuniary benefit directly or indirectly from the ar-
money or things representing money except in the case of persons
employed in said places.
The employees are given reasonable time during banking hours
to withdraw their wages from the bank which time shall be con- Section 5. Direct payment of wages. - Payment of wages shall be
sidered as compensable hours worked if done during working made direct to the employee entitled thereto except in the following
hours; and cases:
The payment by check is with the written consent of the employ-
Where the employer is authorized in writing by the employee to
ees concerned if there is no collective agreement authorizing the
pay his wages to a member of his family;
payment of wages by bank checks.
Where payment to another person of any part of the employee's
Section 3. Time of payment. - wages is authorized by existing law, including payments for the
insurance premiums of the employee and union dues where the
Wages shall be paid not less than once every two (2) weeks or
right to check-off has been recognized by the employer in accord-
twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days, unless
ance with a collective agreement or authorized in writing by the
payment cannot be made with such regularity due to force
individual employees concerned; or
majeure or circumstances beyond the employer's control in which
In case of death of the employee as provided in the succeeding
case the employer shall pay the wages immediately after such
force majeure or circumstances have ceased.
In case of payment of wages by results involving work which can- Section 6. Wages of deceased employee. - The payment of the wages
not be finished in two (2) weeks, payment shall be made at inter- of a deceased employee shall be made to his heirs without the neces-
vals not exceeding sixteen days in proportion to the amount of sity of intestate proceedings. When the heirs are of age, they shall ex-
work completed. Final settlement shall be made immediately ecute an affidavit attesting to their relationship to the deceased and
upon completion of the work. the fact that they are his heirs to the exclusion of all other persons. In
case any of the heirs is a minor, such affidavit shall be executed in his
Section 4. Place of payment. - As a general rule, the place of payment
behalf by his natural guardian or next of kin. Upon presentation of the
shall be at or near the place of undertaking. Payment in a place other
affidavit to the employer, he shall make payment to the heirs as rep-
than the work place shall be permissible only under the following cir-
resentative of the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
Section 10. Payment of wages in case of bankruptcy. - Unpaid wages
When payment cannot be effected at or near the place of work by
earned by the employees before the declaration of bankruptcy or ju-
reason of the deterioration of peace and order conditions, or by
dicial liquidation of the employer's business shall be given first pref-
reason of actual or impending emergencies caused by fire, flood,
erence and shall be paid in full before other creditors may establish
epidemic or other calamity rendering payment thereat impossi-
any claim to a share in the assets of the employer.
When the employer provides free transportation to the employees Section 11. Attorney's fees. - Attorney's fees in any judicial or admin-
back and forth; and istrative proceedings for the recovery of wages shall not exceed 10
percent of the amount awarded. The fees may be deducted from the "Act" means Republic Act No. 6727;
total amount due the winning party. "Commission" means the National Wages and Productivity Com-
Section 12. Non-interference in disposal of wages. - No employer
"Board" means the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
shall limit or otherwise interfere with the freedom of any employee to
dispose of his wages and no employer shall in any manner oblige any
"Agriculture" refers to all farming activities in all its branches and
of his employees to patronize any store or avail of the services offered
includes among others, the cultivation and tillage of the soil, pro-
by any person.
duction, cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural
Section 13. Wages deduction. - Deductions from the wages of the em- or horticultural commodities, dairying, raising of livestock or
ployees may be made by the employer in any of the following cases: poultry, the culture of fish and other aquatic products in farms or
ponds, and any activities performed by a farmer or on a farm as
When the deductions are authorized by law, including deduc-
an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, but
tions for the insurance premiums advanced by the employer in
does not include the manufacturing and/or processing of sugar,
behalf of the employee as well as union dues where the right to
coconut, abaca, tobacco, pineapple, aquatic or other farm prod-
check-off has been recognized by the employer or authorized in
writing by the individual employee himself.
"Plantation Agricultural Enterprise" is one engaged in agriculture
When the deductions are with the written authorization of the em-
within an area of more than 24 hectares in a locality and/or which
ployees for payment to the third person and the employer agrees
employs at least 20 workers. Any other agricultural enterprise
to do so; Provided, That the latter does not receive any pecuniary
shall be considered as "Non-Plantation Agricultural Enterprises";
benefit, directly or indirectly, from the transaction.
"Retail Establishment" is one principally engaged in the sale of
Section 14. Deduction for loss or damage. - Where the employer is goods to end-users for personal or household use;
engaged in a trade, occupation or business where the practice of mak- "Service Establishment" is one primarily engaged in the sale of
ing deductions or requiring deposits is recognized to answer for the service to individuals for their own or household use and is gen-
reimbursement of loss or damage to tools, materials, or equipment erally recognized as such;
supplied by the employer to the employee, the employer may make "Cottage/Handicraft Establishment" is one engaged in an eco-
wage deductions or require the employees to make deposits from nomic endeavor in which the products are primarily done in the
which deductions shall be made, subject to the following conditions: home or such other places for profit which requires manual dex-
terity and craftsmanship and whose capitalization does not ex-
That the employee concerned is clearly shown to be responsible
ceed P500,000, regardless of previous registration with the de-
for the loss or damage;
funct NACIDA;
That the employee is given reasonable opportunity to show cause
"National Capital Region" covers the cities of Kalookan, Manila,
why deduction should not be made;
Pasay and Quezon and the municipalities of Las Piñas, Makati,
That the amount of such deduction is fair and reasonable and shall
Malabon, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas, Para-
not exceed the actual loss or damage; and
ñaque, Pasig, Pateros, San Juan, Taguig and Valenzuela;
That the deduction from the wages of the employee does not ex-
"Region III" covers the provinces of Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija,
ceed 20 percent of the employee's wages in a week.
Pampanga, Tarlac, and Zambales and the cities of Angeles, Caba-
RULES IMPLEMENTING natuan, Olongapo, Palayan and San Jose;
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6727 "Region IV" covers the provinces of Aurora, Batangas, Cavite, La-
Section 1. Definition of Terms. As used in this Rules – guna, Marinduque, Occidental Mindoro, Palawan, Quezon, Rizal

and Romblon and the cities of Batangas, Cavite, Lipa, Lucena, National Capital Region and export processing zones for a period
Puerto Princesa, San Pablo, Tagaytay and Trece Martires; of not more than two or three years, as the case may be, from the
"Department" refers to the Department of Labor and Employ- start of operations when exempted in accordance with Section 5
ment; of the Act and Section 15, Chapter I of these Rules;
"Secretary" means the Secretary of Labor and Employment; Workers and employees receiving a basic wage of more than
"Basic Wage" means all remuneration or earnings paid by an em- P100.00 per day.
ployer to a worker for services rendered on normal working days
Section 2. Effectivity. - The Act takes effect on July 1, 1989, 15 days
and hours but does not include cost-of-living allowances, profit
following its complete publication in two newspapers of general cir-
sharing payments, premium payments, 13th month pay or other
culation on June 15, 1989 pursuant to Section 15 thereof.
monetary benefits which are not considered as part of or inte-
grated into the regular salary of the workers on the date the Act Section 3. Amount of Minimum Wage Increase. - Effective July 1,
became effective." 1989, the daily statutory minimum wage rates of covered workers and
"Statutory Minimum Wage" is the lowest wage fixed by law that employees shall be increased as follows:…
an employer can pay his workers;
Section 4. When Wage Increase Due Other Workers. –
"Wage Distortion" means a situation where an increase in pre-
scribed wage rates results in the elimination or severe contraction All workers and employees who, prior to July 1, 1989, were al-
of intentional quantitative differences in wage or salary rates be- ready receiving a basic wage above the statutory minimum wage
tween and among employee groups in an establishment as to ef- rates provided under Republic Act 6640 but not over P100.00 per
fectively obliterate the distinctions embodied in such wage struc- day shall receive a wage increase equivalent to that provided in
ture based on skills, length of service, or other logical bases of dif- the preceding Section.
ferentiation; Those receiving not more than the following monthly basic wage
"Capitalization" means paid-up capital, in the case of a corpora- rates prior to July 1, 1989 shall be deemed covered by the preced-
tion, and total invested capital, in the case of a partnership or sin- ing subsection:…
gle proprietorship. Workers and employees who, prior to July 1, 1989, were receiving
a basic wage of more than P100.00 per day or its monthly equiva-
lent, are not by law entitled to the wage increase provided under
Wage Increase
the Act. They may however, receive wage increases through the
Section 1. Coverage. - The wage increase prescribed under the Act
correction of wage distortions in accordance with Section 16,
shall apply to all workers and employees in the private sector regard-
Chapter I of these Rules.
less of their position, designation or status, and irrespective of the
method by which their wages are paid, except: Section 5. Daily Statutory Minimum Wage Rates. - The daily mini-
mum wage rates of workers and employees shall be as follows: …
Household or domestic helpers, including family drivers and
workers in the personal service of another; Section 6. Suggested Formula in Determining the Equivalent
Workers and employees in retail/service establishments regu- Monthly Statutory Minimum Wage Rates. - Without prejudice to ex-
larly employing not more than 10 workers, when exempted from isting company practices, agreements or policies, the following for-
compliance with the Act, for a period fixed by the Commis- mula may be used as guides in determining the equivalent monthly
sion/Boards in accordance with Section 4 (of the Act and Section statutory minimum wage rates:
15, Chapter 1 of these Rules;
For those who are required to work everyday including Sundays
Workers and employees in new business enterprises outside the
or rest days, special days and regular holidays:
Equivalent Monthly =Applicable daily wage rate (ADR) x 390.90 days If actually worked, this is
Rate (EMR) 12 equivalent to 2.6 days)
262 days Total equivalent number of days
Where 390.90 days = 302 days Ordinary working days
20 days 10 regular holidays x 200% Note: For workers whose rest days fall on Sundays, the number of rest
66.30 days 51 rest days x 130% days in a year is reduced from 52 to 51 days, the last Sunday of August
2.60 days 2 special days x 130% being a regular holiday under Executive Order No. 201. For purposes
390.90 days Total equivalent number of days. of computation, said holiday, although still a rest day for them, is in-
cluded in the ten regular holidays. For workers whose rest days do
For those who do not work but considered paid on rest days, spe-
not fall on Sundays, the number of rest days is 52 days, as there are 52
cial days and regular holidays:
weeks in a year.
EMR = ADR x 365 days
Nothing herein shall be considered as authorizing the reduction of
benefits granted under existing agreements or employer prac-
Where 365 days = 302 days Ordinary working days tices/policies.
51 days Rest days
Section 7. Basis of Minimum Wages Rates. - The statutory minimum
10 days Regular holidays
wage rules prescribed under the Act shall be for the normal working
2 days Special days
hours, which shall not exceed eight hours work a day.
365 days Total equivalent number of days
Section 8. Creditable Wage Increase. –
For those who do not work and are not considered paid on Sun-
days or rest days: No wage increase shall be credited as compliance with the in-
creases prescribed under the Act unless expressly provided under
EMR = ADR x 314 days
collective bargaining agreements; and, such wage increase was
granted not earlier than April 1, 1989 but not later than July 1,
Where 314 days = 302 days Ordinary working days 1989. Where the wage increase granted is less than the prescribed
10 days Regular holidays increase under the Act, the employer shall pay the difference.
2 days Special days Anniversary wage increase provided in collective agreements,
(If considered paid; If actually merit wage increase, and those resulting from the regularization
worked, or promotion of employees shall not be credited as compliance
this is equivalent to 2.6 days) thereto.
314 days Total equivalent number of days
Section 9. Workers Paid by Results. –
For those who do not work and are not considered paid on Satur-
All workers paid by results, including those who are paid on
days or rest days:
piecework, takay, pakyaw, or task basis, shall receive not less than
EMR = ADR x 262 days the applicable statutory minimum wage rates prescribed under
12 the Act for the normal working hours which shall not exceed eight
hours work a day, or a proportion thereof for work of less than
Where 262 days = 250 days Ordinary working days
the normal working hours.
10 days Regular holidays
The adjusted minimum wage rates for workers paid by results
2 days Special days (If considered paid;
shall be computed in accordance with the following steps:
Amount of increase in AMW - Previous AMW x 100 = % Increase; increase regardless of whether or not they have actually increased tu-
Existing rate/piece x % increase = increase in rate/piece; ition fees.
Existing rate/piece + increase in rate/piece = Adjusted rate/piece.
Section 13. Mobile and Branch Workers. - The statutory minimum
Where AMW is the applicable minimum wage rate.
wage rates of workers, who by the nature of their work have to travel,
The wage rates of workers who are paid by results shall continue shall be those applicable in the domicile or head office of the em-
to be established in accordance with Article 101 of the Labor Code, ployer.
as amended and its implementing regulations.
The minimum wage rates of workers working in branches or agencies
Section 10. Wages of Special Groups of Workers. - Wages of appren- of establishments in or outside the National Capital Region shall be
tices, learners and handicapped workers shall in no case be less than those applicable in the place where they are stationed.
75 percent of the applicable statutory minimum wage rates.
Section 14. Transfer of Personnel. - The transfer of personnel to areas
All recognized learnership and apprenticeship agreements entered outside the National Capital Region shall not be a valid ground for the
into before July 1, 1989 shall be considered as automatically modified reduction of the wage rates being enjoyed by the workers prior to such
insofar as their wage clauses are concerned to reflect the increases pre- transfer. The workers transferred to the National Capital Region shall
scribed under the Act. be entitled to the minimum wage rate applicable therein.
Section 11. Application to Contractors. - In the case of contracts for Section 15. Exemptions. –
construction projects and for security, janitorial and similar services,
The following establishments may be exempted from compliance
the prescribed wage increases shall be borne by the principals or cli-
with the wage increase prescribed under the Act:
ents of the construction/service contractors and the contract shall be
deemed amended accordingly. In the event, however, that the princi- Retail/Service establishments regularly employing not more than 10 workers
pal or client fails to pay the prescribed wage rates, the construc- upon application with and as determined by the appropriate Board in accord-
tion/service contractor shall be jointly and severally liable with his ance with applicable guidelines to be issued by the Commission.
principal or client. New business enterprises that may be established outside the National Capital
Region and export processing zones from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1993, whose
Section 12. Application to Private Educational Institution. - Private
operation or investments need initial assistance may be exempted for not more
educational institutions which increased tuition fees beginning school
than three years from the start of operations, subject to guidelines to be issued
year 1989-1990 shall comply with the P25.00 per day wage increase
by the Secretary in consultation with the Department of Trade and Industry
prescribed under the Act effective as follows:
and the Department of Agriculture.
In cases where the tuition fee increase was effected before the ef-
New business enterprises in Region III (Central Luzon) and Re-
fectivity of the Act, the wage increase shall take effect only July 1,
gion IV (Southern Tagalog) may be exempted for two years only
from start of operations, except those that may be established in
In cases where the tuition fee increase was effected on or after the
the provinces of Palawan, Oriental Mindoro, Occidental Mindoro,
effectivity of the Act, the wage increase shall take effect not later
Marinduque, Romblon, Quezon and Aurora, which may also be
than the date the school actually increased tuition but in the latter
exempted for not more than three years from the start of opera-
case, such wage increase may not be made retroactive in July 1,
Whenever an application for exemption has been duly filed with
Beginning school year 1990-1991, all schools shall implement the wage the appropriate office in the Department/Board, action by the Re-
gional Office of the Department on any complaints for alleged
non-compliance with the Act shall be deferred pending resolution The worker's representative shall have the right to submit his own
of the applicant for exemption. findings to the Department and to testify on the same if he does not
In the event that the application for exemption is not granted, the concur with the findings of the labor inspector.
workers and employees shall receive the appropriate compensa-
Section 19. Payment of Wages. - Upon written petition of the majority
tion due them as provided for under the Act plus interest of one
of the workers and employees concerned, all private establishments,
percent per month retroactive to July 1, 1989 or the start of opera-
companies, businesses and other entities with at least twenty workers
tions whichever is applicable.
and located within one kilometer radius to a commercial, savings or
Section 16. Effects on Existing Wage Structure. - Where the applica- rural bank, shall pay the wages and other benefits of their workers
tion of the wage increase prescribed herein results in distortions in the through any of said banks, within the period and in the manner and
wage structure within an establishment which gives rise to a dispute form prescribed under the Labor Code as amended.
therein, such dispute shall first be settled voluntarily between the par-
Section 20. Duty of Bank. - Whenever applicable and upon request of
ties. In the event of a deadlock, such dispute shall be finally resolved
concerned worker or union, the bank through which wages and other
through compulsory arbitration by the regional arbitration branch of
benefits are paid issue a certification of the record of payment of said
the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) having jurisdiction
wages and benefits of a particular worker or workers for a particular
over the workplace.
payroll period.
The NLRC shall conduct continuous hearings and decide any dispute
arising from wage distortions within twenty calendar days from the
Minimum Wage Determination
time said dispute is formally submitted to it for arbitration. The pen-
Section 1. Regional Minimum Wages. - The minimum wage rates for
dency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall not in any way
agricultural and non-agricultural workers and employees in every re-
delay the applicability of the increases in the wage rates prescribed
gion shall be those prescribed by the Boards which shall in no case be
under the Act.
lower than the statutory minimum wage rates. These wage rates may
Any issue involving wage distortion shall not be a ground for a include wages by industry, province or locality as may be deemed
strike/lockout. necessary by the Boards.
Section 17. Complaints for Non-Compliance. - Complaints for non- Section 2. Standards/Criteria for Minimum Wage Fixing. - The re-
compliance with the wage increases prescribed under the Act shall be gional minimum wages to be established by the Boards shall be as
filed with the Regional Offices of the Department having jurisdiction nearly adequate as is economically feasible to maintain the minimum
over the workplace and shall be the subject of enforcement proceed- standards of living necessary for the health, efficiency and general
ings under Articles 128 and 129 of the Labor Code, as amended. well-being of the workers within the framework of the national eco-
nomic and social development programs. In the determination of re-
Section 18. Conduct of inspection by the Department. - The Depart-
gional minimum wages, the Boards, shall, among other relevant fac-
ment shall conduct inspections of establishments, as often as neces-
tors, consider the following:
sary, to determine whether the workers are paid the prescribed wage
rates and other benefits granted by law or any Wage Order. In the The demand for living wages;
conduct of inspection in unionized companies, Department inspectors Wage adjustment vis-a-vis the consumer price index;
shall always be accompanied by the president or other responsible of- The cost of living and changes or increases therein;
ficer of the recognized bargaining unit or of any interested union. In The needs of workers and their families;
the case of non-unionized establishments, a worker representing the The need to induce industries to invest in countryside;
workers in the said company shall accompany the inspector. Improvements in standards of living;
The prevailing wage levels; the employer and workers shall endeavor to correct the wage distor-
Fair return of the capital invested and capacity to pay of employ- tion. Any dispute arising therefrom shall be settled through the Na-
ers; tional Conciliation and Mediation Board and if it remains unresolved
Effects on employment generation and family income; and after ten calendar days of conciliation, it shall be referred to the appro-
The equitable distribution of income and wealth along the imper- priate branch of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).
atives of economic and social development. The NLRC shall conduct continuous hearings and decide the dispute
within twenty calendar days from the time said dispute is submitted
Section 3. Wage Order. - Whenever conditions in the region so war-
for compulsory arbitration.
rant, the Board shall investigate and study all pertinent facts; and,
based on standards and criteria prescribed herein, shall determine The pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall not in
whether a Wage Order should be issued. any way delay the applicability of any wage increase prescribed pur-
suant to the provisions of law or Wage Order.
In the performance of its wage determining functions, the Board shall
conduct public hearings and consultations giving notices to employ- Section 8. Non-Diminution of Benefits. - Nothing in the Act and in
ees' and employers' groups, provincial, city and municipal officials these Rules shall be construed to reduce any existing laws, decrees,
and other interested parties. issuances, executive orders, and/or under any contract or agreement
between the workers and employers.
Section 4. Effectivity of Wage Order. - Any Wage Order issued by the
Board shall take effect 15 days after its complete publication in at least Section 9. Prohibition Against Injunction. - No preliminary or per-
one newspaper of general circulation in the region. manent injunction or temporary restraining order may be issued by
any court, tribunal or other entity against any proceedings before the
Section 5. Appeal to the Commission. - Any party aggrieved by the
Commission or Boards.
Wage Order issued by the Board may file an appeal with the Commis-
sion within ten calendar days from the publication of the Order. The Section 10. Penal Provisions. - Any person, corporation trust, firm,
Commission shall decide the appeal within sixty calendar days from partnership, association or entity which refuses or fails to pay any of
the date of filing. the prescribed increases or adjustments in the wage rates made in ac-
cordance with the Act shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
Section 6. Effect of Appeal. - The filing of the appeal shall not sus-
P25,000 and/or imprisonment of not less than one year nor more than
pend the effectivity of the Wage Order unless the person appealing
two years: Provided, that any person convicted under the Act shall
such order files with the Commission an undertaking with a surety or
not be entitled to the benefits provided for under the Probation Law.
sureties in such amount as may be fixed by the Commission.
If the violation is committed by a corporation, trust or firm, partner-
Section 7. Wage Distortions. - Where the application of any wage in-
ship, association or any other entity, the penalty of imprisonment shall
crease resulting from a Wage Order issued by any Board results in
be imposed upon the entity's responsible officers, including, but not
distortions in the wage structure within an establishment, the em-
limited to, the president, vice-president, chief executive officer, gen-
ployer and the union shall negotiate to correct the distortions using
eral manager, managing director or partner.
the grievance procedure under their collective bargaining agreement.
If it remains unresolved, it shall be decided through voluntary arbi- Section 11. Registration/Reporting Requirement. - Any person, com-
tration ten calendar days from the time the dispute was referred for pany, corporation, partnership or any other entity engaged in busi-
voluntary arbitration, unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writ- ness shall submit annually a verified itemized listing of their labor
ing. component to the appropriate Board and the National Statistics Office
not later than January 31 of each year, starting on January 31, 1990 in
Where there are no collective agreements or recognized labor unions,
accordance with the form to be prescribed by the Commission. The
listing shall specify the names, salaries and wages of their workers
and employees below the managerial level including learners, ap-
prentices and disabled/handicapped workers.

SPECIAL LAWS work, work different from the actual overseas work, or work with a
different employer whether registered or not with the POEA;
A. Illegal Recruitment (Sec. 5, R.A. No. 10022) “(d) To include or attempt to induce a worker already employed to
REPUBLIC ACT No. 10022 quit his employment in order to offer him another unless the transfer
is designed to liberate a worker from oppressive terms and conditions
NOS ACT OF 1995, AS AMENDED, FURTHER IMPROVING THE “(e) To influence or attempt to influence any person or entity not to
STANDARD OF PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF THE WEL- employ any worker who has not applied for employment through his
FARE OF MIGRANT WORKERS, THEIR FAMILIES AND OVER- agency or who has formed, joined or supported, or has contacted or is
SEAS FILIPINOS IN DISTRESS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES supported by any union or workers’ organization;

Section 5. Section 6 of Republic Act No. 8042, as amended, is hereby “(f) To engage in the recruitment or placement of workers in jobs
amended to read as follows: harmful to public health or morality or to the dignity of the Republic
of the Philippines;
“SEC. 6. Definition. – For purposes of this Act, illegal recruitment
shall mean any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, “(h) To fail to submit reports on the status of employment, placement
utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers and includes referring, contract vacancies, remittance of foreign exchange earnings, separation from
services, promising or advertising for employment abroad, whether jobs, departures and such other matters or information as may be re-
for profit or not, when undertaken by non-licensee or non-holder of quired by the Secretary of Labor and Employment;
authority contemplated under Article 13(f) of Presidential Decree No. “(i) To substitute or alter to the prejudice of the worker, employment
442, as amended, otherwise known as the Labor Code of the Philip- contracts approved and verified by the Department of Labor and Em-
pines: Provided, That any such non-licensee or non-holder who, in ployment from the time of actual signing thereof by the parties up to
any manner, offers or promises for a fee employment abroad to two and including the period of the expiration of the same without the ap-
or more persons shall be deemed so engaged. It shall likewise include proval of the Department of Labor and Employment;
the following acts, whether committed by any person, whether a non-
licensee, non-holder, licensee or holder of authority: “(j) For an officer or agent of a recruitment or placement agency to
become an officer or member of the Board of any corporation engaged
“(a) To charge or accept directly or indirectly any amount greater than in travel agency or to be engaged directly or indirectly in the manage-
that specified in the schedule of allowable fees prescribed by the Sec- ment of travel agency;
retary of Labor and Employment, or to make a worker pay or
acknowledge any amount greater than that actually received by him “(k) To withhold or deny travel documents from applicant workers
as a loan or advance; before departure for monetary or financial considerations, or for any
other reasons, other than those authorized under the Labor Code and
“(b) To furnish or publish any false notice or information or document its implementing rules and regulations;
in relation to recruitment or employment;
“(l) Failure to actually deploy a contracted worker without valid rea-
“(c) To give any false notice, testimony, information or document or son as determined by the Department of Labor and Employment;
commit any act of misrepresentation for the purpose of securing a li-
cense or authority under the Labor Code, or for the purpose of docu- “(m) Failure to reimburse expenses incurred by the worker in connec-
menting hired workers with the POEA, which include the act of re- tion with his documentation and processing for purposes of deploy-
processing workers through a job order that pertains to nonexistent ment, in cases where the deployment does not actually take place
without the worker’s fault. Illegal recruitment when committed by a workers’ applications; and
syndicate or in large scale shall be considered an offense involving
“(7) For a recruitment/manning agency or a foreign principal/em-
economic sabotage; and
ployer to pass on the overseas Filipino worker or deduct from his or
“(n) To allow a non-Filipino citizen to head or manage a licensed re- her salary the payment of the cost of insurance fees, premium or other
cruitment/manning agency. insurance related charges, as provided under the compulsory
worker’s insurance coverage.
“Illegal recruitment is deemed committed by a syndicate if carried out
by a group of three (3) or more persons conspiring or confederating “The persons criminally liable for the above offenses are the princi-
with one another. It is deemed committed in large scale if committed pals, accomplices and accessories. In case of juridical persons, the of-
against three (3) or more persons individually or as a group. ficers having ownership, control, management or direction of their
business who are responsible for the commission of the offense and
“In addition to the acts enumerated above, it shall also be unlawful
the responsible employees/agents thereof shall be liable.
for any person or entity to commit the following prohibited acts:
“In the filing of cases for illegal recruitment or any of the prohibited
“(1) Grant a loan to an overseas Filipino worker with interest exceed-
acts under this section, the Secretary of Labor and Employment, the
ing eight percent (8%) per annum, which will be used for payment of
POEA Administrator or their duly authorized representatives, or any
legal and allowable placement fees and make the migrant worker is-
aggrieved person may initiate the corresponding criminal action with
sue, either personally or through a guarantor or accommodation
the appropriate office. For this purpose, the affidavits and testimonies
party, postdated checks in relation to the said loan;
of operatives or personnel from the Department of Labor and Employ-
“(2) Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an ment, POEA and other law enforcement agencies who witnessed the
overseas Filipino worker is required to avail of a loan only from spe- acts constituting the offense shall be sufficient to prosecute the ac-
cifically designated institutions, entities or persons; cused.
“(3) Refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by an overseas “In the prosecution of offenses punishable under this section, the pub-
Filipino worker after the latter’s employment contract has been prem- lic prosecutors of the Department of Justice shall collaborate with the
aturely terminated through no fault of his or her own; anti-illegal recruitment branch of the POEA and, in certain cases, al-
low the POEA lawyers to take the lead in the prosecution. The POEA
“(4) Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an
lawyers who act as prosecutors in such cases shall be entitled to re-
overseas Filipino worker is required to undergo health examinations
ceive additional allowances as may be determined by the POEA Ad-
only from specifically designated medical clinics, institutions, entities
or persons, except in the case of a seafarer whose medical examination
cost is shouldered by the principal/shipowner; “The filing of an offense punishable under this Act shall be without
prejudice to the filing of cases punishable under other existing laws,
“(5) Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an
rules or regulations.”
overseas Filipino worker is required to undergo training, seminar, in-
struction or schooling of any kind only from specifically designated OMNIBUS RULES AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING
institutions, entities or persons, except fpr recommendatory trainings THE MIGRANT WORKERS AND OVERSEAS FILIPINOS
mandated by principals/shipowners where the latter shoulder the ACT OF 1995, AS AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10022
cost of such trainings; RULE IV
“(6) For a suspended recruitment/manning agency to engage in any
Section 1. Definition. For purposes of the Act, illegal recruitment shall
kind of recruitment activity including the processing of pending
mean any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, uti- To fail to submit reports on the status of employment, placement
lizing, hiring, or procuring workers and includes referring, contract vacancies, remittance of foreign exchange earnings, separation
services, promising or advertising for employment abroad, whether from jobs, departures and such other matters or information as
for profit or not, when undertaken by a non-licensee or non-holder of may be required by the Secretary of Labor and Employment;
authority contemplated under Article 13(f) of Presidential Decree No. To substitute or alter to the prejudice of the worker, employment
442, as amended, otherwise known as the Labor Code of the Philip- contracts approved and verified by the Department of Labor and
pines: Provided, that any such non-licensee or non-holder who, in any Employment from the time of actual signing thereof by the parties
manner, offers or promises for a fee employment abroad to two or up to and including the period of the expiration of the same with-
more persons shall be deemed so engaged. It shall likewise include out the approval of the Department of Labor and Employment;
the following acts, whether committed by any person, whether a non- For an officer or agent of a recruitment or placement agency to
licensee, nonholder, licensee or holder of authority: become an officer or member of the Board of any corporation en-
gaged in travel agency or to be engaged directly or indirectly in
To charge or accept directly or indirectly any amount greater than
the management of a travel agency;
that specified in the schedule of allowable fees prescribed by the
To withhold or deny travel documents from applicant workers
Secretary of Labor and Employment, or to make a worker pay or
before departure for monetary or financial considerations, or for
acknowledge any amount greater than that actually received by
any other reasons, other than those authorized under the Labor
him as a loan or advance;
Code and its implementing Rules and Regulations;
To furnish or publish any false notice or information or document
Failure to actually deploy a contracted worker without valid rea-
in relation to recruitment or employment;
son as determined by the Department of Labor and Employment;
To give any false notice, testimony, information or document or
Failure to reimburse expenses incurred by the worker in connec-
commit any act of misrepresentation for the purpose of securing
tion with his documentation and processing for purposes of de-
a license or authority under the Labor Code, or for the purpose of
ployment, in cases where the deployment does not actually take
documenting hired workers with the POEA, which include the act
place without the worker's fault; and
of reprocessing workers through a job order that pertains to non-
To allow a non-Filipino citizen to head or manage a licensed re-
existent work, work different from the actual overseas work, or
cruitment/manning agency.
work with a different employer whether registered or not with the
POEA; Sec. 2. Crime Involving Economic Sabotage. Illegal recruitment is
To induce or attempt to induce a worker already employed to quit deemed committed by a syndicate if carried out by a group of three
his employment in order to offer him another unless the transfer (3) or more persons conspiring or confederating with one another. It
is designed to liberate a worker from oppressive terms and con- is deemed committed in large scale if committed against three (3) or
ditions of employment; more persons individually or as a group.
To influence or attempt to influence any person or entity not to
Sec. 3. Other Prohibited Acts. In addition to the acts enumerated
employ any worker who has not applied for employment through
above, it shall also be unlawful for any person or entity to commit the
his agency or who has formed, joined or supported, or has con-
following prohibited acts:
tacted or is supported by any union or workers’ organization;
To engage in the recruitment or placement of workers in jobs Grant a loan to an OFW with interest exceeding eight (8%) percent
harmful to public health or morality or to the dignity of the Re- per annum, which will be used for payment of legal and allowable
public of the Philippines; Official Signed Copy (July 8, 2010) 10 placement fees and make the migrant worker issue, either person-
To obstruct or attempt to obstruct inspection by the Secretary of ally or through a guarantor or accommodation party, postdated
Labor and Employment or by his duly authorized representative; checks in relation to the said loan;
Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an the latter’s employment contract has been prematurely termi-
OFW is required to avail of a loan only from specifically desig- nated through no fault of his/her own;
nated institutions, entities, or persons; Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an
Refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by an OFW after OFW is required to undergo health examinations only from spe-
the latter’s employment contract has been prematurely termi- cifically designated medical clinics, institutions, entities or per-
nated through no fault of his/her own; sons, except in the case of a seafarer whose medical examination
Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an cost is shouldered by the principal/shipowner;
OFW is required to undergo health examinations only from spe- Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an
cifically designated medical clinics, institutions, entities or per- OFW is required to undergo training, seminar, instruction or
sons, except in the case of a seafarer whose medical examination schooling of any kind only from specifically designated institu-
cost is shouldered by the principal/shipowner; tions, entities or persons, except for recommendatory training
Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an mandated by principals/shipowners where the latter shoulder
OFW is required to undergo training, seminar, instruction or the cost of such trainings;
schooling of any kind only from specifically designated institu- For a suspended recruitment/manning agency to engage in any
tions, entities or persons, except for recommendatory training kind of recruitment activity including the processing of pending
mandated by principals/shipowners where the latter shoulder workers’ applications;
the cost of such trainings; For a recruitment/manning agency or a foreign principal/em-
For a suspended recruitment/manning agency to engage in any ployer to pass-on to the OFW or deduct from his/her salary the
kind of recruitment activity including the processing of pending payment of the cost of insurance fees, premium or other insurance
workers’ applications; related charges, as provided under the compulsory worker’s in-
For a recruitment/manning agency or a foreign principal/em- surance coverage.
ployer to pass-on to the OFW or deduct from his/her salary the
Sec. 4. Persons Responsible. The persons criminally liable for the
payment of the cost of insurance fees, premium or other insurance
above offenses are the principals, accomplices and accessories. In case
related charges, as provided under the compulsory worker’s in-
of juridical persons, the officers having ownership, control, manage-
surance coverage.
ment or direction of their business who are responsible for the com-
Sec. 3. Other Prohibited Acts. In addition to the acts enumerated mission of the offense and the responsible employees/agents thereof
above, it shall also be unlawful for any person or entity to commit the shall be liable.
following prohibited acts:
Sec. 5. Penalties. (a) Any person found guilty of illegal recruitment
Grant a loan to an OFW with interest exceeding eight (8%) percent shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than twelve (12)
per annum, which will be used for payment of legal and allowable years and one (1) day but not more than twenty (20) years and a fine
placement fees and make the migrant worker issue, either person- of not less than One Million Pesos (Php1,000,000.00) nor more than
ally or through a guarantor or accommodation party, postdated Two Million Pesos (Php2,000,000.00). Official Signed Copy (July 8,
checks in relation to the said loan; 2010) 12
Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby an
The penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of not less than Two
OFW is required to avail of a loan only from specifically desig-
Million Pesos (Php2,000,000.00) nor more than Five Million Pesos
nated institutions, entities, or persons;
(Php5,000,000.00) shall be imposed if illegal recruitment consti-
Refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by an OFW after
tutes economic sabotage as defined therein.
Provided, however, that the maximum penalty shall be imposed
if the person illegally recruited is less than eighteen (18) years of
age or committed by a non-licensee or non-holder of authority.
Any person found guilty of any of the prohibited acts shall suffer
the penalty of imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and one
(1) day but not more than twelve (12) years and a fine of not less
than Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php500,000.00) nor more
than One Million Pesos (Php1,000,000.00).
If the offender is an alien, he or she shall, in addition to the penal-
ties herein prescribed, be deported without further proceedings.
In every case, conviction shall cause and carry the automatic rev-
ocation of the license or registration of the recruitment/manning
agency, lending institutions, training school or medical clinic.
Sec. 6. Venue. A criminal action arising from illegal recruitment as
defined under this Rule shall be filed with the Regional Trial Court of
the province or city where the offense was committed or where the
offended party actually resides at the time of the commission of the
offense; Provided, that the court where the criminal action is first filed
shall acquire jurisdiction to the exclusion of other courts.
Sec. 7. Prescription. Illegal recruitment cases under this Rule shall
prescribe in five (5) years: Provided, however, that illegal recruitment
cases involving economic sabotage shall prescribe in twenty (20)
Sec. 8. Independent Action. The filing of an offense punishable under
this section shall be without prejudice to the filing of cases punishable
under other existing laws, rules or regulations.
July 8, 2010

B. Night Work (R.A. No. 10151) their work:

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10151 “(a) Before taking up an assignment as a night worker;
AN ACT ALLOWING THE EMPLOYMENT OF NIGHT “(b) At regular intervals during such an assignment; and
OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED “(c) If they experience health problems during such an assignment
FORTY-TWO, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS which are not caused by factors other than the performance of night
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
“With the exception of a finding of unfitness for night work, the find-
in Congress assembled:
ings of such assessments shall not be transmitted to others without the
SECTION 1. Article 130 of the Labor Code is hereby repealed. workers’ consent and shall not be used to their detriment.”
SEC. 2. Article 131 of the Labor Code is hereby repealed. “Art. 156. Mandatory Facilities.— Suitable first-aid facilities shall be
made available for workers performing night work, including ar-
SEC. 3. The subsequent articles in Boot Three, Title III, Chapter I to
rangements where such workers, where necessary, can be taken im-
Chapter IV of Presidential Decree No. 442 are hereby renumbered ac-
mediately to a place for appropriate treatment. The employers are
likewise required to provide safe and healthful working conditions
SEC. 4. A new chapter is hereby inserted after Book Three, Title III of and adequate or reasonable facilities such as sleeping or resting quar-
Presidential Decree No. 442, to read as follows: ters in the establishment and transportation from the work premises
to the nearest point of their residence subject to exceptions and guide-
“Chapter V
lines to be provided by the DOLE.”
“Employment of Night Workers
“Art. 157. Transfer.— Night workers who are certified as unfit for
“Art. 154. Coverage.— This chapter shall apply to all persons, who night work, due to health reasons, shall be transferred, whenever
shall be employed or permitted or suffered to work at night, except practicable, to a similar job for which they are fit to work.
those employed in agriculture, stock raising, fishing, maritime
“If such transfer to a similar job is not practicable, these workers shall
transport and inland navigation, during a period of not less than
be granted the same benefits as other workers who are unable to work,
seven (7) consecutive hours, including the interval from midnight to
or to secure employment during such period.
five o’clock in the morning, to be determined by the Secretary of Labor
and Employment, after consulting the workers’ representatives/labor “A night worker certified as temporarily unfit for night work shall be
organizations and employers. given the same protection against dismissal or notice of dismissal as
other workers who are prevented from working for reasons of
‘”Night worker’ means any employed person whose work requires
performance of a substantial number of hours of night work which
exceeds a specified limit. This limit shall be fixed by the Secretary of “Art. 158. Women Night Workers.— Measures shall be taken to ensure
Labor after consulting the workers’ representatives/labor organiza- that an alternative to night work is available to women workers who
tions and employers.” would otherwise be called upon to perform such work:
“Art. 155. Health Assessment, – At their request, workers shall have the “(a) Before and after childbirth, for a period of at least sixteen (16)
right to undergo a health assessment without charge and to receive weeks, which shall be divided between the time before and after child-
advice on how to reduce or avoid health problems associated with birth;

“(b) For additional periods, in respect of which a medical certificate is requiring the services of night workers, the employer shall consult the
produced stating that said additional periods are necessary for the workers’ representatives/labor organizations concerned on the de-
health of the mother or child: tails of such schedules and the forms of organization of night work
that are best adapted to the establishment and its personnel, as well
“(1) During pregnancy;
as on the occupational health measures and social services which are
“(2) During a specified time beyond the period, after childbirth is fixed required. In establishments employing night workers, consultation
pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, the length of which shall be de- shall take place regularly.”
termined by the DOLE after consulting the labor organizations and
SEC. 5. The subsequent articles starting from Book Four, Title I, Chap-
ter I of Presidential Decree No. 442 are hereby renumbered accord-
“During the periods referred to in this article: ingly.
“(i) A woman worker shall not be dismissed or given notice of dismis- SEC. 6. Application.— The measures referred to in this chapter shall be
sal, except for just or authorised causes provided for in this Code that applied not later than six (G) months from the effectivity of this Act.
are not connected with pregnancy, childbirth and childcare responsi-
SEC. 7. Guidelines.— The DOLE shah promulgate appropriate regula-
tions in addition to existing ones to ensure protection, safety and wel-
“(ii) A woman worker shall not lose the benefits regarding her status, fare of night workers.
seniority, and access to promotion which may attach to her regular
SEC. 8. Penalties.— Any violation of this Act, and the rules and regu-
night work position.
lations issued pursuant hereof shall be punished with a fine of not less
‘Pregnant women and nursing mothers may he allowed to work at than Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) nor more than Fifty thousand
night only if a competent physician, other than the company physi- pesos (P50,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than six (6) months, or
cian, shall certify their fitness to render night work, and specify, in the both, at the discretion of the court. If the offense is committed by a
ease of pregnant employees, the period of the pregnancy that they can corporation, trust, firm, partnership or association, or other entity, the
safely work. penalty shall be imposed upon the guilty officer or officers of such
corporation, trust, firm, partnership or association, or entity.
“The measures referred to in this article may include transfer to day
work where this is possible, the provision of social security benefits or SEC. 9. Separability Clause.— If any portion of this Act is declared un-
an extension of maternity leave. constitutional, the same shall not affect the validity and effectivity of
the other provisions not affected thereby.
“The provisions of this article shall not have the effect of reducing the
protection and benefits connected with maternity leave under existing SEC. 10. Repealing Clause.— All laws, acts, decrees, executive orders,
laws.” rules and regulations or other issuances or parts thereof, which are
inconsistent with this Act, are hereby modified and repealed.
“Art. 159. Compensation.— The compensation for night workers in the
form of working time, pay or similar benefits shall recognize the ex- SEC. 11 Effectivity Clause.— This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15)
ceptional nature of night work.” days following its publication in two (2) national newspapers of gen-
eral circulation.
“Art. 160. Social Services.—Appropriate social services shall be pro-
vided for night workers and, where necessary, for workers perform- Approved: June 21, 2011
ing night work.”
“Art. 161. Night Work Schedules.— Before introducing work schedules
DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 119-12 Lactation station in required companies pursuant to Republic Act
Series of 2012 No. 10028 (The Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009);
RULES IMPLEMENTING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10151 Separate toilet facilities for men and women;
Pursuant to Section 7 of Republic Act No. 10151 entitled ”An Act Al- Facility for eating with potable drinking water; and
lowing the Employment of Night Workers Thereby Repealing Articles Facilities for transportation and/or properly ventilated tempo-
130 and 131 of Presidential Decree Number Four Hundred Forty-Two, rary sleeping or resting quarters, separate for male and female
as amended, otherwise known as the Labor Code of the Philippines,” workers, shall be provided except where any of the following cir-
the following Rules are hereby issued and shall form part of Book Ill cumstances is present:
of the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code, to ensure the
i. Where there is an existing company guideline, practice or pol-
protection, safety and welfare of night workers:
icy, collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or any similar
RULE XV agreement between management and workers providing for
EMPLOYMENT OF NIGHT WORKERS an equivalent or superior benefit; or
Section 1. Coverage. - This Rule shall apply to all persons who shall ii. Where the start or end of the night work does not fall within
be employed or permitted or suffered to work at night, except those 12 midnight to 5 o'clock in the morning; or
employed in agriculture, stock raising, fishing, maritime transport iii. Where the workplace is located in an area that is accessible
and inland navigation. twenty-four (24) hours to public transportation;
Section 2. Definition. — As used herein, ”night worker” means any iv. Where the number of employees does not exceed a specified
employed person whose work covers the period from 10 o’clock in the number as may be provided for by the Secretary of Labor and
evening to 6 o'clock the following morning provided that the worker Employment in subsequent issuances.
performs no less than seven (7) consecutive hours of work. Section 5. Transfer. — Night workers who are certified by competent
Section 3. Health assessment. - At their request, workers shall have physician, as unfit to render night work, due to health reasons, shall
the right to undergo a health assessment without charge and to re- be transferred to a job for which they are fit to work whenever practi-
ceive advice on how to reduce or avoid health problems associated cable. The transfer of the employee must be to a similar or equivalent
with their work: position and in good faith.

Before taking up an assignment as a night worker; If such transfer is not practicable or the workers are unable to render
At regular intervals during such an assignment; night work for a continuous period of not less than six (6) months
lf they experience health problems during such an assignment. upon the certification of a competent public health authority, these
workers shall be granted the same company benefits as other workers
With the exception of a finding of unfitness for night work, the find- who are unable to work due to illness.
ings of such assessments shall be confidential and shall not be used to
their detriment, subject however to applicable company policies. A night worker certified as temporarily unfit for night work for a pe-
riod of less than six (6) months shall be given the same protection
Section 4. Mandatory facilities. — Mandatory facilities shall be made against dismissal or notice of dismissal as other workers who are pre-
available for workers performing night work which include the fol- vented from working for health reasons.
Section 6. Alternative measures to night work for pregnant and
Suitable first-aid and emergency facilities as provided for under nursing employees. — Employers shall ensure that measures shall be
Rule 1960 (Occupational Health Services) of the Occupational undertaken to provide an alternative to night work for pregnant and
Safety and Health Standards (OSHS); nursing employees who would otherwise be called upon to perform
such work. Such measures may include the transfer to day work, childbirth and childcare responsibilities as defined under this Rule.
where it is possible, as well as the provision of social security benefits She shall not lose the benefits regarding her employment status, sen-
or an extension of maternity leave. iority, and access to promotion which may attach to her regular night
work position.
Transfer to day work. - As far as practicable, pregnant or nursing
employees shall be assigned to day work, before and after child- Section 9. Compensation. - The night workers’ compensation shall
birth for a period of at least sixteen (16) weeks which shall be di- include but not be limited to working time, pay and benefits under the
vided between the time before and after childbirth. Labor Code, as amended and under existing laws, such as service in-
Medical certificate issued by competent physician (i.e., Obstetri- centive leave, rest day, night differential pay, 13th month pay, and
cian/Gynecologist, Pediatrician, etc.) is necessary for the grant of: other benefits as provided for by law, company policy or CBA.
i. additional periods of assignment to day work during preg- Section 10. Night work schedules. — The employer shall at its own
nancy or after childbirth other than the period mentioned in initiative, consult the recognized workers’ representatives or union in
the foregoing paragraph, provided that the length of addi- the establishment on the details of the night work schedules.
tional period should not be more than four (4) weeks or for a
In establishments employing night workers, consultation shall take
longer period as may be agreed upon by the employer and the
place regularly and appropriate changes of work schedule shall be
agreed upon before it is implemented.
ii. extension of maternity leave; and clearance to render night
work. Section 11. Penalties. — Any violation of this Rule shall be punishable
with a fine of not less than Thirty Thousand Pesos (230,000.00) nor
Provision of social security benefits. — Social security benefits,
more than Fifty Thousand Pesos (250,000.00) or imprisonment of not
such as paid maternity leave shall be provided to women workers
less than six (6) months or both, at the discretion of the court. if the
in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 8282 (Social
offense is committed by a corporation, trust, firm, partnership or as-
Security Act of 1997) and other existing company policy or collec-
sociation or other entity, the penalty shall be imposed upon the guilty
tive bargaining agreement.
officer or officers of such corporation, trust, firm, partnership or asso-
Extension of maternity leave. — Where transfer to day work is not
ciation, or entity.
possible, a woman employee may be allowed to extend, as recom-
mended by a competent physician, her maternity leave without Section 12. Separability clause. — If any provision or portion of this
pay or using earned leave credits of the worker, if any. Rule shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining por-
tions or provisions hereof shall continue to be in full force and effect.
Section 7. Non-diminution of maternity leave benefits under exist-
ing laws. — Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to authorize dim- Section 13. Effectivity. — This Rule shall take effect 15 days after the
inution or reduction of the protection and benefits connected with ma- date of its complete publication in two national newspapers of general
ternity leave under existing law. circulation.
Section 8. Protection against dismissal and loss of benefits attached Manila, Philippines, January 20, 2013
to employment status, seniority and access to promotion. — Where
no alternative work can be provided to a woman employee who is not
in a position to render night work, she shall be allowed to go on leave
or on extended maternity leave, using her earned leave credits.
A woman employee shall not be dismissed for reasons of pregnancy,

C. Parental Leave (R.A. No. 8972) to physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public
medical practitioner;
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES (5) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due
TO SOLO PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN, to legal separation or de factoseparation from spouse for at least one
APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER (1) year, as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the chil-
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
(6) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due
Congress assembled:
to declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a
Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Solo Parents' Welfare court or by a church as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody
Act of 2000." of the children;
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of the State to promote (7) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due
the family as the foundation of the nation, strengthen its solidarity and to abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) year;
ensure its total development. Towards this end, it shall develop a com-
(8) Unmarried mother/father who has preferred to keep and rear
prehensive program of services for solo parents and their children to
her/his child/children instead of having others care for them or give
be carried out by the Department of Social Welfare and Development
them up to a welfare institution;
(DSWD), the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Educa-
tion, Culture and Sports (DECS), the Department of the Interior and (9) Any other person who solely provides parental care and support
Local Government (DILG), the Commission on Higher Education to a child or children;
(CHED), the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(10) Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of
(TESDA), the National Housing Authority (NHA), the Department of
family as a result of the death, abandonment, disappearance or pro-
Labor and Employment (DOLE) and other related government and
longed absence of the parents or solo parent.
nongovernment agencies.
A change in the status or circumstance of the parent claiming benefits
Section 3. Definition of Terms. - Whenever used in this Act, the follow-
under this Act, such that he/she is no longer left alone with the re-
ing terms shall mean as follows:
sponsibility of parenthood, shall terminate his/her eligibility for these
(a) "Solo parent" - any individual who falls under any of the following benefits.
(b) "Children" - refer to those living with and dependent upon the solo
(1) A woman who gives birth as a result of rape and other crimes parent for support who are unmarried, unemployed and not more
against chastity even without a final conviction of the offender: Pro- than eighteen (18) years of age, or even over eighteen (18) years but
vided, That the mother keeps and raises the child; are incapable of self-support because of mental and/or physical de-
(2) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due
to death of spouse; (c) "Parental responsibility" - with respect to their minor children shall
refer to the rights and duties of the parents as defined in Article 220 of
(3) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood
Executive Order No. 209, as amended, otherwise known as the "Fam-
while the spouse is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal con-
ily Code of the Philippines."
viction for at least one (1) year;
(d) "Parental leave" - shall mean leave benefits granted to a solo parent
(4) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due
to enable him/her to perform parental duties and responsibilities with crisis situations and cases of abuse.
where physical presence is required.
(e) Special projects for individuals in need of protection which include
(e) "Flexible work schedule" - is the right granted to a solo parent em- temporary shelter, counseling, legal assistance, medical care, self-con-
ployee to vary his/her arrival and departure time without affecting cept or ego-building, crisis management and spiritual enrichment.
the core work hours as defined by the employer.
Section 6. Flexible Work Schedule. - The employer shall provide for a
Section 4. Criteria for Support. - Any solo parent whose income in the flexible working schedule for solo parents: Provided, That the same
place of domicile falls below the poverty threshold as set by the Na- shall not affect individual and company productivity: Provided, fur-
tional Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and subject to ther, That any employer may request exemption from the above re-
the assessment of the DSWD worker in the area shall be eligible for quirements from the DOLE on certain meritorious grounds.
assistance: Provided, however, That any solo parent whose income is
Section 7. Work Discrimination. - No employer shall discriminate
above the poverty threshold shall enjoy the benefits mentioned in Sec-
against any solo parent employee with respect to terms and conditions
tions 6, 7 and 8 of this Act.
of employment on account of his/her status.
Section 5. Comprehensive Package of Social Development and Welfare Ser-
Section 8. Parental Leave. - In addition to leave privileges under exist-
vices. - A comprehensive package of social development and welfare
ing laws, parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days
services for solo parents and their families will be developed by the
every year shall be granted to any solo parent employee who has ren-
dered service of at least one (1) year.
ordination with local government units and a nongovernmental or-
ganization with proven track record in providing services for solo par- Section 9. Educational Benefits. - The DECS, CHED and TESDA shall
ents. provide the following benefits and privileges:
The DSWD shall coordinate with concerned agencies the implemen- (1) Scholarship programs for qualified solo parents and their children
tation of the comprehensive package of social development and wel- in institutions of basic, tertiary and technical/skills education; and
fare services for solo parents and their families. The package will ini-
(2) Nonformal education programs appropriate for solo parents and
tially include:
their children.
(a) Livelihood development services which include trainings on live-
The DECS, CHED and TESDA shall promulgate rules and regulations
lihood skills, basic business management, value orientation and the
for the proper implementation of this program.
provision of seed capital or job placement.
Section 10. Housing Benefits. - Solo parents shall be given allocation in
(b) Counseling services which include individual, peer group or fam-
housing projects and shall be provided with liberal terms of payment
ily counseling. This will focus on the resolution of personal relation-
on said government low-cost housing projects in accordance with
ship and role conflicts.
housing law provisions prioritizing applicants below the poverty line
(c) Parent effectiveness services which include the provision and ex- as declared by the NEDA.
pansion of knowledge and skills of the solo parent on early childhood
Section 11. Medical Assistance. - The DOH shall develop a comprehen-
development, behavior management, health care, rights and duties of
sive health care program for solo parents and their children. The pro-
parents and children.
gram shall be implemented by the DOH through their retained hospi-
(d) Critical incidence stress debriefing which includes preventive tals and medical centers and the local government units (LGUs)
stress management strategy designed to assist solo parents in coping through their provincial/district/city/municipal hospitals and rural

health units (RHUs). Approved.
Section 12. Additional Powers and Functions of the DSWD. — The Republic of the Philippines
DSWD shall perform the following additional powers and functions
Resolution No.2 (Series 2002)
relative to the welfare of solo parents and their families:
(a) Conduct research necessary to: (1) develop a new body of OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8972, AN ACT PROVIDING FOR
knowledge on solo parents; (2) define executive and legislative BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES TO SOLO PARENTS AND
measures needed to promote and protect the interest of solo parents THEIR CHILDREN, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR
and their children; and (3) assess the effectiveness of programs de- AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
signed for disadvantaged solo parents and their children; ARTICLE I
(b) Coordinate the activities of various governmental and nongovern- Section 1. Title – These rules shall be known and cited as the Rules
mental organizations engaged in promoting and protecting the inter- and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 8972, more com-
ests of solo parents and their children; and monly known as the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000.
(c) Monitor the implementation of the provisions of this Act and sug- Section 2. Purpose – These Rules are promulgated to prescribe the
gest mechanisms by which such provisions are effectively imple- procedure and guidelines for the implementation of the Solo Parents’
mented. Welfare Act of 2000 in order to facilitate the compliance therewith and
Section 13. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - An interagency com- to achieve the objectives thereof.
mittee headed by the DSWD, in coordination with the DOH, DECS, Section 3. Construction – These Rules shall be liberally construed in
CHED, TESDA, DOLE, NHA, and DILG is hereby established which favor of the solo parent and applied in accordance with and in fur-
shall formulate, within ninety (90) days upon the effectivity of this therance of the policy and objectives of the law. In case of conflict
Act, the implementing rules and regulations in consultation with the and/or ambiguity, which may arise in the implementation of these
local government units, nongovernment organizations and people's Rules, the concerned agencies shall issue the necessary clarification.
Section 14. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to carry out the DECLARATION OF POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES
provisions of this Act shall be included in the budget of concerned Section 4. Declaration of Policy – It is the policy of the State to pro-
government agencies in the General Appropriations Act of the year mote the family as the foundation of the nation, strengthen its solidar-
following its enactment into law and ity and ensure its total development. Towards this end, it shall de-
Section 15. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, executive orders, ad- velop a comprehensive program of services for solo parents and their
ministrative orders or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions children to be carried out by the Department of Social Welfare and
of this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly. Development (DSWD), the Department of Health (DOH), the Depart-
ment of Education (DepEd), the Department of the Interior and Local
Section 16. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this Act is held in- Government (DILG), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED),
valid or unconstitutional, other provisions not affected thereby shall the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
continue to be in full force and effect. the National Housing Authority (NHA), the Department of Labor and
Section 17. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) Employment (DOLE) and other related government agencies and
days following its complete publication in theOfficial Gazette or in at non-government organizations or civil society.
least two (2) newspaper of general circulation.
welfare institution;
Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a child or
children provided he/she is duly licensed as a foster parent by the DSWD or
Section 5. Objective – These Rules and Regulations seek to clarify the duly appointed legal guardian by the court;
scope and application of the Act in order that the proper parties may Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family as a
avail of its benefits. result of the death, abandonment, disappearance, or absence lasts for at least
one (1) year.
DEFINITION OF TERMS A change in the status or circumstance of the parent claiming
Section 6. Definition of terms – As used in these Rules, the following benefits under the Act, such that he/she is no longer left alone
terms shall mean as follows: with the responsibility of parenthood, shall terminate his/her
eligibility for these benefits;
“Act” – the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000;
“Solo Parent” – any individual who falls under any of the follow- “Family” – shall refer to the Solo Parent and his/her child/chil-
ing categories: dren; Provided, however, that the family member referred to in
Section 3, paragraph (a) (10) of these Rules shall include any rela-
A woman who gives birth as a result of rape or crimes against chastity, even tive by consanguinity up to the fourth civil degree.
without a final conviction of the offender: Provided, that the mother keeps and These persons shall include, but are not limited to, any uncle,
raises the child; aunt, grandfather, grandmother, niece, nephew, or cousin;
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to death of “Social Worker” – a person who is a graduate of Social Work and
spouse; duly registered pursuant to Republic Act 4373 and employed with
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood while the spouse the Social Welfare and Development Office of the local govern-
is detained, or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one (1) ment unit where the solo parent resides;
year; “Children” – refer to those living with and dependent upon the
The law applies to the spouses of prisoners, whether or not a solo parent for support who are unmarried, unemployed and be-
final judgement has been rendered, provided they are in de- low eighteen (18) years of age, or even eighteen (18) years and
tention for a minimum period of one (1) year; above but are incapable of self-support and/or mentally and/or
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to physical physically challenged;
and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public medical practi- “Parental responsibility” – with respect to their minor children
tioner; shall refer to the rights and duties of the parents as defined in Ar-
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to legal sep- ticle 220 of Executive Order No. 209, as amended, otherwise
aration or de facto separation from spouse for at least one (1) year: known as the “Family Code of the Philippines,” and hereunder
Provided, that he or she is entrusted with the custody of the enumerated as follows:
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to declara- (1) To keep them in their company, to support, educate and instruct them by
tion of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or by a church: right precept and good example and to provide for their upbringing in keep-
Provided, that he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children; ing with their means;
Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to abandon- (2) To give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and
ment of spouse for at least one (1) year; understanding;
Unmarried mother/father who has preferred to keep and rear his/her (3) To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance, inculcate in them hon-
child/children instead of having others care for them or give them up to a esty, integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their

interest in civic affairs, and inspire in them compliance with the duties of citi- place of domicile falls equal to or below the poverty threshold as set
zenship; by the NSCB and subject to the assessment of the duly appointed or
(4) To furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, super- designated social worker in the area shall be eligible for assistance:
vise their activities, recreation and association with others, protect them from Provided, however, That any solo parent whose income is above the
bad company, and prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental to their poverty threshold shall enjoy the benefits mentioned in Sections 16,
health, studies and morals; 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23 of these Rules.
(5) To represent them in all matters affecting their interest;
For purposes of the Act and these Rules, the place of domicile shall
(6) To demand from them respect and obedience;
refer to the residence mentioned in Section 8(a) of these Rules.
(7) To Impose discipline on them as may be required under the circumstances;
and Section 8. Qualifications of Solo Parent – A solo parent seeking ben-
(8) To perform such other duties as are imposed by law and upon parents and efits other than those provided for under Sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
guardians; and 23 of these Rules shall be qualified on the basis of the following:
“Parental leave” – shall mean leave benefits granted to a solo par- A resident of the area where the assistance is sought, as certified
ent to enable him/her to perform parental duties and responsibil- by the barangay captain; Provided, that if the solo parent is a
ities where physical presence is required; transferee from another barangay, he/she is required to secure a
“Flexible work schedule” – is the right granted to a solo parent clearance from his/her previous barangay, indicating whether or
employee to vary his/her arrival and departure time without af- not he/she has availed of any benefits for solo parents, and the
fecting the core work hours as defined by the employer; nature of such benefits.
“DSWD” – shall refer to the Department of Social Welfare and De- With an income level equal to or below the poverty threshold as
velopment; set forth by NSCB and assessed by a social worker as provided for
“DOH” – shall refer to the Department of Health; under Section 7 of these Rules.
“DOLE” – shall refer to the Department of Labor and Employ-
Section 9. Assessment –an applicant who manifests the need for assis-
tance under the Act is subject to assessment by a social worker at the
“DepEd” – shall refer to the Department of Education;
city/municipal Social Welfare and Development Office. The assess-
“DILG” – shall refer to the Department of the Interior and Local
ment shall cover, but not be limited to, the following:
“CHED” – shall refer to the Commission on Higher Education; Determination of the applicant’s category as enumerated in Arti-
“NHA” – shall refer to the National Housing Authority; cle III Section 6 paragraph (b) of these Rules;
“TESDA” – shall refer to the Technical Education and Skills De- Evaluation of the needs of the applicant and his/her children as
velopment Authority; basis for provision of the appropriate service and intervention;
“NEDA” – shall refer to the National Economic and Development Identification of the level of readiness of the applicant to receive a
Authority; particular service/assistance, which shall serve as basis for the
“NSCB” – shall refer to the National Statistical Coordination conduct of social preparation activities prior to the provision of
Board, an attached agency of NEDA and responsible for deter- such service/assistance; and
mining the regional poverty threshold. Identification of existing and potentially available resources that
may support the applicant and his/her children.
CRITERIA FOR SUPPORT Section 10. Procedure in Accessing Services for Solo Parents - A person
Section 7. Criteria for Support – Any solo parent whose income in the who needs assistance under this Act shall comply with the following

process; applied and those who were able to avail of the benefits under this
Act shall be made available by the concerned city/municipal so-
Visit the Social Welfare and Development Office of the city or mu-
cial welfare and development office which processed their appli-
nicipality of her/his residence to manifest her/his need for assis-
Fill up application form for the assistance, indicating but not lim- Section 11. Procedure for Application of Benefits – An applicant who was
ited to, the following information: determined by a social worker to be eligible for assistance may apply
for benefits under this Act through the following;
Age The solo parent may go to the agency providing such benefit
Address/Area of Domicile bringing with her/him the Identification Card issued by the Mu-
Income per month nicipal/City Social Welfare and Development Office;
Source/s of income Undergo the necessary qualifying activities required by the
Number of children agency as prescribed by these Rules; and
Circumstances of being solo; Comply with the requirements set forth by the agency providing
the service for the duration of the assistance (e.g. schooling, hous-
Undergo the necessary assessment process as stipulated in Sec-
ing) subject to existing rules of the agencies concerned.
tion 9 Article IV of these Rules;
A Social Case Study Report shall be prepared by the social worker Section 12. Procedure for Termination of Benefits
based on the information/data provided for by the applicant, as
A solo parent shall manifest to the Social Welfare Office his/her
well as his/her assessment of said applicant, indicating therein
intention to withdraw the availment of the benefits under this Act.
the appropriate services needed.
If the solo parent does not voluntarily manifest his/her intention
The Social Case Study Report, together with a referral letter pre-
to terminate the provision of benefits and services before the
pared by the social worker, shall be forwarded by the Office of the
lapse of one year from the issuance of the Solo Parent I.D., the
City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office to the
Social Worker, based on a report by the employer or any inter-
agency concerned providing the appropriate assistance/service.
ested person shall conduct the necessary assessment/evaluation
The social worker shall inform the solo parent of the status of
to ascertain if grounds for termination and withdrawal of benefits
his/her application within thirty (30) working days from the fil-
exist. The Identification Card shall cease to be effective upon the
ing of such and shall require him/her to visit the agency/institu-
lapse of one year from issuance, unless renewed based on a new
tion providing the assistance. In case the applicant is not qualified
assessment and evaluation. Failure to renew will mean that
for services under this Act, he/she will be referred to the appro-
he/she has changed his/her status as a solo parent.
priate agency/program for assistance.
The solo parent shall be informed of the result of the assess-
Upon the favorable evaluation of the social worker, a Solo Parent
ment/evaluation and termination of the service, if warranted,
Identification Card shall be issued on the solo parent within 30
through written notice. The termination shall take effect 30 days
days upon application duly signed by the city/municipal Social
from the receipt of the notice of termination. In cases when the
Welfare Officer and the city/municipal mayor. The Solo Parent
service cannot be terminated in a period of one month, e.g. school-
Identification Card is necessary for the availment of benefits un-
ing, the service shall be completed until its due time.
der the Act and these Rules. Such Identification Card shall be
The NHA and other participating housing agencies shall issue the
valid for only one (1) year, but may be renewed subject to a new
guidelines in the termination of housing benefits provided in sec-
assessment and evaluation;
tions 23 and 24 of these Rules.
For the public’s information and guidance, a list of persons who
The solo parent and his/her children shall undergo psychosocial contained in E.O. No. 138, “Rationalization of Government Di-
counseling with the social worker to prepare them for independ- rected Credit Program”, passed in 1999.
ent living.
Section 13. Relocation of the Family – In the event a solo parent decides
Counseling services, which include individual, peer group or
to relocate his/her family, he/she shall inform the city/municipal So-
family counseling. These will focus on the resolution of personal
cial Welfare and Development Office. Said office shall thereupon
relationship and role conflicts.
transmit the records to the city/municipal Social Welfare and Devel-
The criteria and procedure for evaluation of beneficiaries for the
opment Office of the place of relocation.
purposes of availing of the benefits of this item shall be provided
Section 14. Duty to Monitor – It shall be the duty of the city/municipal for by the DSWD;
Social Welfare Officer who receives said records, to assign a social Parent effectiveness services which include the provision and ex-
worker to monitor the status of the relocated solo parent and his/her pansion of knowledge and skills of the solo parent on early child-
family. hood development, behavior management, health care and
proper nutrition, rights and duties of parents and children;
Moreover, it shall also be the duty of said officer to coordinate with
Critical incidence stress debriefing, which includes preventive
the concerned agencies of any changes in the status of the solo parent
stress management strategy designed to assist solo parents in cop-
receiving benefits from said agencies.
ing with crisis situations and cases of abuse;
ARTICLE V Special projects for individuals in need of protection which in-
BENEFITS clude temporary shelter, counseling, legal assistance, medical
Section 15. Comprehensive Package of Social Development and Welfare Ser- care, self-concept or egobuilding, crisis management and spiritual
vices – A comprehensive package of social development and welfare enrichment.
services for solo parents and their families will be developed by the
Section 16. Flexible Work Schedule – The employer shall provide for a
flexible work schedule for solo parents: Provided, That the same shall
ordination with local government units and nongovernmental organ-
not affect individual and company productivity: Provided further, That
izations with proven track record in providing services for solo par-
any employer may request exemption from the above requirements
from the DOLE on certain meritorious grounds.
The DSWD shall coordinate with concerned agencies the implemen-
In the case of employees in the government service, flexible working
tation of the comprehensive package of social development and wel-
hours will be subject to the discretion of the head of the agency. In no
fare services for solo parents and their families. The package will ini-
case shall the weekly working hours be reduced in the event the
tially include:
agency adopts the flexible working hours schedule format (flexi-time).
Livelihood development services, which include training on live- In the adoption of flexi-time, the core working hours shall be pre-
lihood skills, basic business management, value orientation and scribed taking into consideration the needs of the service..
the provision of seed capital or job placement.
Section 17. Work Discrimination – No employer shall discriminate
The criteria and procedure for evaluation of beneficiaries for the
against any solo parent employee with respect to terms and conditions
purposes of availing of the benefits of this item shall be provided
of employment on account of his/her status.
for by the DOLE and TESDA; the provision of seed capital shall
be guided by the credit policy of the National Credit Council as Section 18. Parental Leave – In addition to leave privileges under exist-
ing laws, parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days

every year shall be granted to any solo parent employee who has ren- Submit the duly accomplished application form together with the required
dered service of at least one (1) year. The seven-day parental leave documents to the appropriate agency.
shall be non-cumulative.
The following are the documents required to be attached with the
Section 19. Conditions for Entitlement of Parental Leave – A solo parent application:
shall be entitled to parental leave provided that:
i. Solo Parent Identification Card
Barangay Clearance
Birth Certificate
He/She has rendered at least one (1) year of service whether con-
Notice of admission from the school
tinuous or broken at the time of the affectivity of the Act;
Original or Certified True Copy of the transcript of record, or the Report Care
He/She has notified his/her employer of the availment thereof
of the last year the applicant attended school.
within a reasonable time period; and
He/She has presented a Solo Parent Identification Card to his/her Section 23. Housing Benefits – Solo parents who meet the eligibility cri-
employer. teria for housing assistance under R.A. No. 7279 (Urban Development
and Housing Act of 1992) and other related rules and regulations of
Section 20. Non-conversion of Parental Leave – In the event that the pa-
participating housing agencies shall be provided with liberal terms of
rental leave is not availed of, said leave shall not be convertible to cash
payment on government low-cost housing projects, in accordance
unless specifically agreed upon previously. However, if said leave
with housing law provisions, prioritizing applicants below the pov-
were denied an employee as a result of non-compliance with the pro-
erty line as declared by the NSCB.
visions of these Rules by an employer, the aforementioned leave may
be used a basis for the computation of damages. Section24. The NHA shall make available housing units to solo par-
ents in its housing projects subject to existing disposition policies or
Section 21. Crediting of Existing Leave – If there is an existing or similar
may refer them to other housing projects, as appropriate, provided
benefit under a company policy, or a collective bargaining agreement
or collective negotiation agreement the same shall be credited as such.
If the same is greater than the seven (7) days provided for in the Act, The identified solo parent must be eligible for assistance under the
the greater benefit shall prevail. provisions of this Act;
Solo parents applying for housing benefits must meet the qualifi-
Emergency or contingency leave provided under a company policy or
cation criteria for housing assistance under Republic Act 7279, or
a collective bargaining agreement shall not be credited as compliance
the Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) and other
with the parental leave provided for under the Act and these Rules.
NHA eligibility criteria under existing policies, rules and regula-
Section 22. Educational Benefits – The DepEd, CHED and TESDA shall tions; and
provide the following benefits and privileges: Eligible solo parents shall file their application for housing unit
directly with the concerned NHA Project Offices.
Scholarship programs for qualified solo parents and their children
in institutions of basic, tertiary and technical/skills education; Upon written request, the NHA shall provide the DSWD a listing of
Non-formal education programs appropriate for solo parents and NHA projects with available housing units for disposition. This list
their children. shall be updated and provided semi-annually.
Application Procedure:
Section 25. Medical Assistance – The DOH shall develop a comprehen-
Applicant must secure application form from either DepEd, CHED and sive health care program for solo parents and their children. The pro-
TESDA depending on their need;
gram shall be implemented by the DOH through their retained hospi- of the provisions of the Act shall be created and headed by the DSWD
tals and medical centers and the local government units (LGUs) for the purpose of evaluating the efficacy and relevancy of the provi-
through their provincial/district/city/municipal hospitals and rural sions of the Act to the present situation.
health units (RHUs).
The duties and responsibilities of the members of this Review Com-
Section 26. Essential Health Packages – To ensure the state of well-being mittee shall be considered as part of their regular functions.
of the solo parent and his/her family, healthy/medical services shall
be made available at all times, in all levels of health care delivery sys-
tem as mentioned in the previous section. These health/medical ser- ARTICLE VII
vices shall be part of the regular essential health packages being pro- FINAL PROVISIONS
vided at various stages of life. Section 29. Appropriations – The amount necessary to carry out the
provisions of the Act shall be included in the budget of concerned
government agencies in the
Section 27. Additional Powers and Functions of the DSWD – The DSWD General Appropriations Act of the year following its enactment into
shall perform the following additional powers and functions relative law and thereafter.
to the welfare and development of solo parents and their families:
Section 30. Repealing Clause – All laws, decrees, executive orders,
Conduct research necessary to: administrative orders or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions
of the Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
develop a new body of knowledge on solo parents;
Define executive and legislative measures needed to promote and protect the Section 31. Separability Clause – If any provision of the Act is held
interest of solo parents and their children; and invalid or unconstitutional, other provisions not affected thereby shall
Assess the effectiveness of policies and programs designed for solo parents continue to be in full force and effect.
and their children;
Section 32. Effectivity Clause – These Implementing Rules and Reg-
The commissioning or contracting out for the conduct of said re- ulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in
search shall be inherent in the performance of herein function; one (1) national newspaper of general circulation.
Coordinate the activities of various government agencies, LGUs,
and nongovernment organizations engaged in promoting and
protecting the interests of solo parents and their children;
Coordinate the dissemination of information concerning the ben-
efits of the Act and these Rules, as well as other advocacy activi-
ties; and
Monitor the implementation of the provisions of this Act and sug-
gest mechanisms by which such provisions are efficiently and ef-
fectively implemented.
Section 28. Review Committee – A special review committee comprised
of members from the DSWD, DOH, DepEd, DILG, CHED, TESDA,
NHA, DOLE and other related government agencies and non-gov-
ernment organizations or civil society involved in the implementation

D. Leave for Victims of Violence against Women and Chil- but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to
dren (R.A. No. 9262) property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse
and mental infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the victim
Republic Act No. 9262 to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a mem-
AN ACT DEFINING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND ber of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness por-
THEIR CHILDREN, PROVIDING FOR PROTECTIVE nography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to
MEASURES FOR VICTIMS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or
THEREFORE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES visitation of common children.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act,
D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a
"Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a se- woman financially dependent which includes, but is not limited
ries of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his to the following:
wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has
or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in any
common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegiti- legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases wherein
mate, within or without the family abode, which result in or is the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral grounds as de-
likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffer- fined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
ing, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, as- deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to the
sault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It use and enjoyment of the conjugal, community or property owned in com-
includes, but is not limited to, the following acts: mon;
destroying household property;
A. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include bodily or physical controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the con-
harm; jugal money or properties.
B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature, com- "Battery" refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the
mitted against a woman or her child. It includes, but is not limited woman or her child resulting to the physical and psychological or
to: emotional distress.
rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman or her child "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically defined pat-
as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks, physi- tern of psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women
cally attacking the sexual parts of the victim's body, forcing her/him to watch living in battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.
obscene publications and indecent shows or forcing the woman or her child to "Stalking" refers to an intentional act committed by a person who,
do indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and mis- knowingly and without lawful justification follows the woman or
tress/lover to live in the conjugal home or sleep together in the same room her child or places the woman or her child under surveillance di-
with the abuser; rectly or indirectly or a combination thereof.
acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any sexual activity "Dating relationship" refers to a situation wherein the parties live
by force, threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or are ro-
harm or coercion; mantically involved over time and on a continuing basis during
Prostituting the woman or child. the course of the relationship. A casual acquaintance or ordinary
socialization between two individuals in a business or social con-
C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or text is not a dating relationship.
likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as "Sexual relations" refers to a single sexual act which may or may
not result in the bearing of a common child. is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the per-
"Safe place or shelter" refers to any home or institution maintained son has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he
or managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Develop- has a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or
ment (DSWD) or by any other agency or voluntary organization illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which results in
accredited by the DSWD for the purposes of this Act or any other or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suf-
suitable place the resident of which is willing temporarily to re- fering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery,
ceive the victim. assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It
"Children" refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:
but are incapable of taking care of themselves as defined under
Physical violence refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm;
Republic Act No. 7610. As used in this Act, it includes the biolog-
Sexual violence refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed against a
ical children of the victim and other children under her care.
woman or her child. It includes, but is not limited to:
SECTION 43. Entitled to Leave. – Victims under this Act shall be enti-
a. rape, sexual harassment,
tled to take a paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days in addition to
acts of lasciviousness, treat-
other paid leaves under the Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and
ing a woman or her child as
Regulations, extendible when the necessity arises as specified in the
a sex object, making de-
protection order.
meaning and sexually sug-
Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this gestive remarks, physically
section shall be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the La- attacking the sexual parts of
bor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an em- the victim’s body, forcing
ployer who shall prejudice any person for assisting a co-employee her/him to watch obscene
who is a victim under this Act shall likewise be liable for discrimina- publications and indecent
tion. shows or forcing the woman
or her child to do indecent
Implementing Rules and Regulations RA 9262
acts and/or make films
Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004
thereof, forcing the wife and
Rule II
Definition Of Terms mistress/ lover to live in the
Section 5. Definition of Terms. – As used in these rules and regula- conjugal home or sleep to-
tions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall gether in the same room
be understood to mean: with the abuser;
b. acts causing or attempting to
Act – refers to the Republic Act No. 9262, otherwise known as the cause the victim to engage in
“Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004”; any sexual activity by force,
Council – refers to the Inter-Agency Council on Vio- threat of force, physical or
lence Against Women and Their Children (IAC-VAWC) created other harm or threat of phys-
under Section 39 of the Act; ical or other harm or coer-
Violence Against Women and Their Children – refers to any act cion; and prostituting the
or a series of acts committed by any person against a woman who woman or her child.
Psychological violence refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause
mental or emotional suffering to the victim such as but not limited to intimi- from cumulative abuse found in women living in battering rela-
dation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humilia- tionships.
tion, repeated verbal abuse, and marital infidelity. It includes causing or al- Stalking – refers to an intentional act committed by a person who,
lowing the victim to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a knowingly and without lawful justification follows the woman or
member of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness pornography her child or places the woman or her child under surveillance di-
in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted rectly or indirectly or a combination thereof.
deprivation of the right to custody and/ or visitation of common children. Dating relationship – refers to a situation wherein the parties live
Economic abuse refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman finan- as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or are ro-
cially dependent which includes, but is not limited to the following: mantically involved over time and on a continuing basis during
the course of the relationship. A casual acquaintance or ordinary
c. withdrawal of financial sup-
socialization between two individuals in a business or social con-
port or preventing the vic-
text is not a dating relationship.
tim from engaging in any le-
Sexual relation - refers to a single sexual act which may or may
gitimate profession, occupa-
not result in the bearing of a common child.
tion, business or activity, ex-
Safe Place or Shelter – refers to any home or institution main-
cept in cases wherein the
tained or managed by the Department of Social Welfare and De-
other spouse/ partner ob-
velopment (DSWD) or by any other agency or voluntary organi-
jects on valid, serious and
zation accredited by the DSWD for the purposes of the Act or any
moral grounds as defined in
other suitable place the resident of which is willing to temporarily
Article 73 of the Family
receive the victim.
Children – refer to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older
d. deprivation or threat of dep-
but are incapable of taking care of themselves as defined under
rivation of financial re-
Republic Act No. 7610. As used in the Act, it includes the biologi-
sources and the right to the
cal or adopted children of the victim and other children under her
use and enjoyment of the
care including foster children, relatives or other children who live
conjugal, community or
with her.
property owned in common;
Psychosocial services - refer to the provision of help or support
e. destroying household prop-
for the total well-being of an individual who has suffered as a re-
erty; and controlling the vic-
sult of physical harm and psychological or emotional distress that
tim’s own money or proper-
further resulted in an unpleasant or traumatic experience.
ties or solely controlling the
The services are provided to restore the impaired physical, social,
conjugal money or proper-
emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the person, to
ensure the victims’ safety and security, and involves the process
Battery – refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the of recovery and re-integration into community life.
woman or her child resulting to physical and psychological or Victim-survivor –refers to the women and children victims
emotional distress. of VAWC.
Battered Woman Syndrome – refers to a scientifically defined pat-
tern of psychological and behavioral symptoms that have resulted

Rule VI
Mandatory Programs, Services And Entitlements For
VAWC Victim-Survivors And Perpetrators
Section 42. Ten-day paid leave in addition to other leave benefits. - At
any time during the application of any protection order, investigation,
prosecution and/or trial of the criminal case, a victim of VAWC who
is employed shall be entitled to a paid leave of up to ten (10) days in
addition to other paid leaves under the Labor Code and Civil Service
Rules and Regulations and other existing laws and company policies,
extendible when the necessity arises as specified in the protection or-
der. The Punong Barangay/kagawad or prosecutor or the Clerk of
Court, as the case may be, shall issue a certification at no cost to the
woman that such an action is pending, and this is all that is required
for the employer to comply with the 10-day paid leave. For govern-
ment employees, in addition to the aforementioned certification, the
employee concerned must file an application for leave citing as basis
R.A. 9262. The administrative enforcement of this leave entitlement
shall be considered within the jurisdiction of the Regional Director of
the DOLE under Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, as
amended, for employees in the private sector, and the Civil Service
Commission, for government employees.
The availment of the ten day-leave shall be at the option of the woman
employee, which shall cover the days that she has to attend to medical
and legal concerns. Leaves not availed of are noncumulative and not
convertible to cash.
The employer/agency head who denies the application for leave, and
who shall prejudice the victim-survivor or any person for assisting a
co-employee who is a victim-survivor under the Act shall be held lia-
ble for discrimination and violation of R.A 9262.
The provision of the Labor Code and the Civil Service Rules and Reg-
ulations shall govern the penalty to be imposed on the said em-
ployer/agency head.

E. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (R.A. No. 7877) The above acts would impair the employee's rights or privi-
leges under existing labor laws; or
Republic Act 7877 The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or of-
AN ACT DECLARING SEXUAL HARASSMENT UNLAWFUL IN fensive environment for the employee.
MENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. In an education or training environment, sexual harassment is
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Phil-
ippines in Congress assembled: Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of
the offender;
SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Sexual Har-
Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or tu-
assment Act of 1995."
torship is entrusted to the offender;
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State shall value the dignity When the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a
of every individual, enhance the development of its human resources, passing grade, or the granting of honors and scholarships,
guarantee full respect for human rights, and uphold the dignity of or the payment of a stipend, allowance or other benefits,
workers, employees, applicants for employment, students or those privileges, or consideration; or
undergoing training, instruction or education. Towards this end, all When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or
forms of sexual harassment in the employment, education or training offensive environment for the student, trainee or appren-
environment are hereby declared unlawful. tice.
SECTION 3. Work, Education or Training -Related, Sexual Harass- Any person who directs or induces another to commit any act of sex-
ment Defined. - Work, education or training-related sexual harass- ual harassment as herein defined, or who cooperates in the commis-
ment is committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor, sion thereof by another without which it would not have been com-
agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or mitted, shall also be held liable under this Act.
any other person who, having authority, influence or moral ascend-
SECTION 4. Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a Work-re-
ancy over another in a work or training or education environment,
lated, Education or Training Environment. - It shall be the duty of the
demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the
employer or the head of the work-related, educational or training en-
other, regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement for
vironment or institution, to prevent or deter the commission of acts of
submission is accepted by the object of said Act.
sexual harassment and to provide the procedures for the resolution,
In a work-related or employment environment, sexual harass- settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment. Towards this
ment is committed when: end, the employer or head of office shall:
The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the Promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in consultation
employment, re-employment or continued employment with and joint1y approved by the employees or students or train-
of said individual, or in granting said individual favora- ees, through their duly designated representatives, prescribing
ble compensation, terms of conditions, promotions, or the procedure for the investigation of sexual harassment cases and
privileges; or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results the administrative sanctions therefor.
in limiting, segregating or classifying the employee which Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to prosecution in
in any way would discriminate, deprive ordiminish em- the proper courts for unlawful acts of sexual harassment.
ployment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect The said rules and regulations issued pursuant to this subsec-
said employee;
tion (a) shall include, among others, guidelines on proper de- Any action arising from the violation of the provisions of this Act shall
corum in the workplace and educational or training institu- prescribe in three (3) years.
Create a committee on decorum and investigation of cases on sex-
ual harassment. The committee shall conduct meetings, as the SECTION 8. Separability Clause. - If any portion or provision of this
case may be, with officers and employees, teachers, instructors, Act is declared void or unconstitutional, the remaining portions or
professors, coaches, trainors, and students or trainees to increase provisions hereof shall not be affected by such declaration.
understanding and prevent incidents of sexual harassment. It
SECTION 9. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and
shall also conduct the investigation of alleged cases constituting
regulations, other issuances, or parts thereof inconsistent with the pro-
sexual harassment.
visions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
In the case of a work-related environment, the committee
shall be composed of at least one (1) representative each from SECTION 10. Effectivity Clause.- This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)
the management, the union, if any, the employees from the days after its complete publication in at least two (2) national newspa-
supervisory rank, and from the rank and file employees. pers of general circulation.
In the case of the educational or training institution, the com-
Approved: February 14, 1995
mittee shall be composed of at least one (1) representative
from the administration, the trainors, instructors, professors ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 250
or coaches and students or trainees, as the case may be. 21 June 1995
The employer or head of office, educational or training insti- RULES AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING REPUBLIC
tution shall disseminate or post a copy of this Act for the in- ACT No. 7877 (ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACT OF 1995)
Pursuant to the provisions of SECTION 4, Republic Act No. 7877, An
SECTION 5. Liability of the Employer, Head of Office, Educational or Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful In the Employment, Ed-
Training Institution. - The employer or head of office, educational or ucation or Training Environment, And For Other Purposes, the fol-
training institution shall be solidarily liable for damages arising from lowing Rules and Regulations governing the prevention of sexual har-
the acts of sexual harassment committed in the employment, educa- assment, procedure for the resolution, settlement and/or disposition
tion or training environment if the employer or head of office, educa- of sexual harassment cases, as well as prescribing the proper decorum
tional or training institution is informed of such acts by the offended in the workplace for officials and employees of the Department of La-
party and no immediate action is taken. bor and Employment are hereby issued.
SECTION 6. Independent Action for Damages. - Nothing in this Act RULE I
shall preclude the victim of work, education or training-related sexual Definition of Terms
harassment from instituting a separate and independent action for SECTION 1. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Rules, the follow-
damages and other affirmative relief. ing terms shall mean and be understood as indicated below:
SECTION 7. Penalties. - Any person who violates the provisions of “Department” refers to the Department of Labor and Employ-
this Act shall, upon conviction, be penalized by imprisonment of not ment including its Services, Bureaus, Regional Offices and At-
less than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or a fine of not tached Agencies or shall be the employer or head of office referred
less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) nor more than Twenty thou- to under SECTIONs 4 and 5 of the Act.
sand pesos (P20,000), or both such fine and imprisonment at the dis- “Secretary” refers to the Secretary of the Department of Labor and
cretion of the court. Employment.
“Department Official” refers to an official of the Department with “Temporary Status” refers to an employment status of an em-
the rank of Director and higher regardless of salary grade. ployee who is not a civil service eligible but meets the other re-
“Department Employee” refers to an employee of the Department quirements of the position.
below the rank of Director. “Casual Status” refers to an appointment which is good only
“Overseas Labor Officer” refers to all officer assigned abroad who when such services are essential and necessary and the regular
acts as an operating arm of the Department for the administration staff complement of the employing agency is insufficient to carry
and enforcement of DOLE policies and programs, labor and em- out the demands of the service.
ployment laws, rules and regulations applicable to overseas “Supervisory Employee” refers to one who, in the interest of the
workers. It may also refer to an officer who responds to, monitors employer, effectively recommends managerial actions such as hir-
problems, complaints, queries or overseas workers and their fam- ing, transferring, suspending, laying-off, recalling, discharging,
ilies within their jurisdiction. assigning or disciplining employees if the exercise of such author-
“Applicant/Client” refers to a person seeking employment in the ity is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the
Department or any person who seeks assistance and/or avails of use of independent judgment. In the Department, this refers to the
the various services, projects and programs of the Department, Chief Labor and Employment Officer and to the Supervising La-
applicants for licenses, permits and all other individuals transact- bor and Employment Officer.
ing official matters or business in the Department. “Rank-and-File Employee” refers to one not falling within the def-
“Trainee” refers to a person undergoing an organizational and in- inition of supervisory employee.
structional process undertaken by the Department through which “Committee” refers to the Committee on Decorum and Investiga-
an individual acquires any knowledge and skill. tion in the Central and Regional Offices and Attached Agencies.
“Victim” refers to any Department official or employee, any ap-
plicant/client or trainee against whom acts of sexual harassment
have been committed.
SECTION 1. Officials and Employees. — This Rules and Regulations
“Career Position” refers to a position where entrance is based on
shall apply to any official or employee of the Department, its offices
merit and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by a com-
and bureaus as well as its attached agencies, who complains of or is
petitive examination or based on highly technical qualifications.
complained of sexual harassment, regardless of whether such official
The position is characterized by opportunities for advancement to
or employee is classified as belonging to the career or noncareer ser-
higher career positions and security of tenure.
vice or holding position under permanent, temporary, casual or con-
“Non-Career Position” refers to a position requiring entrance
tractual status including overseas labor officers.
based on factors or criteria other than those of the usual tests of
merit and fitness utilized for the career service. The tenure is lim- SECTION 2. Applicants and Clients. — This Rules shall also cover
ited to a period specified by law or which is coterminus with that applicants for employment in the Department, its offices, bureaus and
of the appointing authority or subject to his pleasure. It may also attached agencies as well as its clients, trainees and other persons
be limited to the duration of a particular project for which em- transacting official matters or business with the Department against
ployment was made. whom acts of sexual harassment may be committed by Department
“Permanent Status” refers to the status of an employee once he officials or employees.
meets all the requirements for the position to which he is being RULE III
appointed, including the appropriate civil service eligibility re- Sexual Harassment
quirement. 34 SECTION 1. Who Are Liable. — Sexual harassment is committed by

any DOLE official or employee against another official, employee, ap- RULE IV
plicant for employment in the Department, client or trainee over Forms of Sexual Harassment
whom he or she has authority, influence or moral ascendancy regard- SECTION 1. Forms of Sexual Harassment. — Sexual harassment may
less of whether or not the demand, request or requirement for submis- be committed in any of the following forms:
sion to such acts is accepted by the person against whom acts of sexual
Overt sexual advances;
harassment are alleged are to have been committed.
Unwelcome or improper gestures of affection;
SECTION 2. Other Persons Liable. — Any Department official or em- Request or demand for sexual favors including but not limited to
ployee who directs or induces another to commit any act of sexual going out on dates, outings or the like for the same purpose; and
harassment as stated under this Any other act or conduct of a sexual nature or for purposes of sex-
ual gratification which is generally annoying, disgusting or offen-
SECTION 1 of this Rule or who cooperated in the commission thereof
sive to the victim.
by another without which it would not have been committed, shall
also be liable for sexual harassment. RULE V
Committee on Decorum and Investigation
SECTION 3. When Committed. — Sexual harassment is committed SECTION 1. Creation. — The Committee on Decorum and Investiga-
when: tion shall be established in the Central and Regional Offices and At-
a sexual favor is made as a condition in hiring, reemployment or tached Agencies.
continued employment or in granting favorable compensation,
SECTION 2. Composition in Central Office. — The Committee in the
promotions or privileges, and other terms and conditions of em- Central Office may be composed of the following:
the refusal to grant sexual favor, demand, request or requirement Assistant Secretary for Management Services - Chairperson
results in limiting, segregating or classifying an employee which Director, Legal Service - Vice-Chairperson
in any way would discriminate against, deprive or diminish the Director, Human Resource Development Service - Member
victim of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect President, DOLE Employees Union or Representative - Member
said victim; Representative of Supervisors - Member
the above acts would violate or impair the victims rights or privi- Representative of the Rank and File - Member Members repre-
leges under existing laws; or the above acts would result in an in- senting the supervisory and rank-and-file employees shall be
timidating, hostile or offensive environment for the victim. elected by the employees they represent.
SECTION 4. Where Committed. — Sexual harassment may be com- SECTION 3. Composition in Regional Offices and Attached Agencies.
mitted in any work or training environment. It may include but are — The Committee in the Regional Offices and Attached Agencies may
not limited to the following: 36 be composed of the following:
in or outside the office building or training site; Resident Ombudsperson - Chairperson
at office or training-related social functions; Representative of Management - Member
in the course of work assignments outside the office; President or Representative of Employees Union or Association -
at work-related conferences, studies or training sessions; or dur- Member
ing work-related travel. Representative of Supervisors - Member
Representative of the Rank and File - Member Representatives of
the supervisors and rank-and-file employees shall be elected by

the employees they represent. the allegations in the complaint.
In support of the complaint, the complainant shall submit any ev-
SECTION 4. Functions. — The Committee shall receive complaints,
idence he/she has, including affidavits of witnesses, if any, to-
investigate and hear sexual harassment cases, prepare and submit re-
gether with the complaint.
ports with corresponding recommendations for the decision of the
Where the complaint is vague or too general, the Committee may
Secretary. The Secretary may delegate to the appropriate committee
require the complainant to specify the acts complained of as sex-
in the regional office or attached agency the authority to investigate
ual harassment in writing within five (5) days from receipt of the
and hear sexual harassment cases arising out of its jurisdiction in ac-
notice, otherwise, the complaint shall be dismissed.
cordance with the procedure set forth under Rule VI of this Rules. The
Complaints sent by telegrams, radiograms and similar means of
Committee shall submit to the Secretary the results of its investigation
communication shall comply with the requirements enumerated
and the corresponding recommendations, copy furnished the regional
in SECTION 1 (c) above within five (5) days from receipt of notice,
director or head of the attached agency. Any member of the Commit-
otherwise such complaint shall not be deemed duly filed.
tee who complains of or is complained against sexual harassment
A withdrawal of the complaint made or filed at any stage of the
shall inhibit himself/herself from participating in the deliberations of
proceedings shall not preclude the Committee from proceeding
the Committee.
with the investigation of the case.
SECTION 5. Other Functions. — The Committee shall develop and
SECTION 2. Answer. —
implement programs to increase understanding and awareness about
sexual harassment. In addition, the Committee shall develop rules in Answers shall be filed within ten (10) days from the receipt of the
the settlement and disposition of sexual harassment 38 complaints, complaint.
taking into consideration confidentiality and respect to privacy. The The answer shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the re-
Committee shall also ensure that no complainant shall be subjected to spondent and copy furnished the complainant. No particular
further harassment or retaliation by the person alleged to have com- form is required but it is sufficient if the answer contains a specific
mitted acts of sexual harassment. admission or denial of the charge or charges and a statement of
the relevant facts constituting the respondent’s defense.
The respondent shall indicate in his/her answer whether or not
he/she elects a formal investigation.
SECTION 1. Complaint. —
In support of the answer, the respondent shall submit any evi-
The party filing the complaint shall be called the COMPLAIN- dence he/she has including affidavits of witnesses, if any, to-
ANT, while the officer or employee charged or against whom the gether with the answer.
complaint is filed shall be called the RESPONDENT. The answer may be filed through personal service or by registered
The complaint shall be filed with the Committee on Decorum and mail. If it is filed by registered mail, the date of mailing shall be
Investigation. considered as the date of filing.
No particular form is required but the complaint must be in writ- Unless otherwise directed by the Committee, failure of the re-
ing, signed and sworn to by the complainant. It must contain the spondent to file an answer or to appear in the investigation shall
following: (1) the full name and address of the complainant; (2) be construed as a waiver to present evidence in his/her behalf. On
the full name and address of the respondent; (3) a specification of the basis of evidence and pleadings submitted and the report/rec-
the charge or charges; (4) a brief statement of the relevant and ma- ommendation of the Committee referred to under SECTION 6
terial facts. Where the complaint is not under oath, the complain- hereof, the Secretary shall then resolve the case.
ant shall be summoned by the Committee to swear to the truth of
SECTION 3. Reply. — The complainant may file a reply within ten
(10) days from receipt of the answer. SECTION 6. Report and Recommendation. — A report/ recommen-
dation shall be submitted by the Committee to the Secretary within
SECTION 4. Preventive Suspension. —
fifteen (15) days after conclusion of the investigation or hearing.
The Secretary may suspend any officer or employee for not more
SECTION 7. Decision. —
than ninety (90) days pending an investigation, if there are strong
reasons to believe that the respondent is guilty of charges which Within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Committee report and
would warrant his/her removal from the service. recommendation, the Secretary shall render his/her decision.
When the case against the officer or employee under preventive The decision of the Secretary shall be final and executory ten (10)
suspension is not finally decided within a period of ninety (90) days after receipt of the copy thereof by the parties unless a mo-
days after the date of suspension of the respondent, he/she shall tion for reconsideration is filed with the Secretary or an appeal is
be automatically reinstated in the service; Provided, That when filed with the Civil Service.
the delay in the disposition of the case is due to the fault, negli-
SECTION 8. Administrative Penalty. — Sexual harassment amounts
gence or petition of the respondent, the period of the delay shall
to disgraceful and immoral conduct. Such conduct is classified as a
not be counted in computing the period of suspension.
grave offense and shall be punishable as follows:
The Secretary may recommend to the President the preventive
suspension of a presidential appointee on the grounds provided First Offense: Suspension for six (6) months and one (1) day to one
under SECTION 4 (a) of this Rule. (1) year.
Second Offense: Dismissal. 42
SECTION 5. Hearing. —
SECTION 9. Motion for Reconsideration. —
After all the pleadings have been submitted, the Committee may
conduct a hearing not earlier than five (5) days nor later than ten The aggrieved party may file a motion for reconsideration with
(10) days from the date of receipt of the respondent’s answer or the Office of the Secretary within ten (10) days from receipt of the
complainant’s reply if any, and shall terminate such hearing copy of the decision based on any of the following grounds: (1)
within thirty (30) days from the filing of the charges. However, New evidence has been discovered which materially affects the
the Committee may extend the period of hearing if it deems nec- decision. (2) The decision is not supported by the evidence on rec-
essary. ord. (3) Errors of law or misappreciation of facts.
The parties and their respective witnesses shall be notified of the The motion for reconsideration shall be deemed filed on the date
scheduled hearing at least five (5) days before the date thereof, of receipt by the Office of the Secretary, if filed personally, or on
specifying the time, date and place of hearing. the date shown by the postmark on the envelope which shall be
Either party may require the attendance of witnesses and the pro- attached to the records of the case if by registered mail.
duction of documentary evidence in his/her favor through the A motion for reconsideration suspends the running of the period
compulsory processes of subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. for appeal. Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to prosecu-
Either party may avail himself/herself of the services of counsel. tion in the proper courts for unlawful acts of sexual harassment.
No postponement shall be granted except in meritorious cases.
SECTION 10. Informal Settlement. — Every employer or head of of-
All documentary evidence shall be admitted for whatever value
fice is encouraged to adopt procedures for the informal settlement of
they may have and shall be attached to the record of the case.
sexual harassment complaints.
The parties may be required to submit their respective memo-
randa within ten (10) days after the hearing of their case.

RULE VII the decision of the Secretary to the Civil Service Commission.
Support Services to Victims.
The Department shall extend support services to its officials and em-
Independent Action for Damages
ployees who may be victims of sexual harassment committed by other
Nothing in this Rules shall preclude the victim of sexual harassment
officials and employees of the Department.
from instituting a separate and independent action for damages and
SECTION 1. Support and Assistance. - Subject to certain conditions other affirmative relief.
imposed on official leave of absence, the victim may pursue activities
indispensible to the prosecution of administrative, civil or criminal ac-
tion, as the case may be, for sexual harassment on official time. When-
Any action arising from the violation of any provision of this RULE or
ever possible, the victim shall inform the head of office, who is not the
Act shall prescribe within three (3) years from the commission of the
person complained of, at least one (1) day in advance of the intended
act complained of.
date to undertake such activities on official time. The Human Re-
source Development Service/ Internal Management Services Division RULE XII
(HRDS/IMSD) shall set up a system of referral for those seeking legal Responsibility of the Head of Office
services. A directory of existing organizations, government and non- SECTION 1. Establishment of Committee. - It shall be the responsibil-
government offices, rendering legal counseling and assistance shall be ity of the head of office to ensure the establishment of the Committee
posted and/ or provided by the HRDS or IMSD. on Decorum and Investigation created under RULE V of this Rules in
their respective offices.
SECTION 2. Counseling Services. - The victim may also avail of coun-
seling services for emotional and moral support. The HRDS/IMSD SECTION 2. Immediate Action on Complaints. - It shall likewise be
shall set up a system of referral for those seeking counseling services. his/her obligation to act immediately on any complaint arising from
Such may also be obtained from specially designated officials and per- acts of sexual harassment committed in their respective employment
sonnel in the Department who have undergone training for such ser- environment. For purposes of the preceding paragraph, immediate
vices. A list of such specially designated officials and personnel of the action shall mean acting on the information within two (2) days from
Department and other relevant government and non-government of- the time such information was given by the offended party. 45
fices shall be publicized or posted or a copy of which can be obtained RULE XIII
from the HRDS/IMSD. The services mentioned under this SECTION Effect on Administrative Order No. 68
may be availed of by Department officials and employees who are This Rules supersedes the provisions of Administrative Order No. 68,
likewise subjected to acts of sexual harassment committed by client/ S. of 1992.
applicants transacting business with the Department.
RULEVIII Effectivity
Guidelines on Proper Decorum This Rules and Regulations shall take effect upon signing by the Act-
The Guidelines on Proper Decorum is provided as Annex A of this ing Secretary. The Department shall disseminate or post a copy of this
Rules. Rules in at least two (2) conspicuous places in the workplace for infor-
mation of all concerned. A copy thereof shall be filed with the Univer-
sity of the Philippines Law Center.
Appeal Done in the City of Manila, Philippines this 21st day of June, 1995.
The aggrieved party or parties may, within fifteen (15) days, appeal
ANNEX “A” A. Convey an image of professionalism and authority.
GUIDELINES ON PROPER DECORUM Employees are required to wear the prescribed office uniform in
The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and accordance with the assigned schedule. When wearing of uniform
Employees (R.A. 6713) shall serve as anchor of this Guidelines, which is not required, they must be modestly dressed. Discriminate use
states among others that: of jewelry is acceptable.
Both employees and visitors are required to wear their ID
“It is the policy of the State to promote a high standard of ethics in
Card/Visitor’s Card at all times while inside the DOLE office
public service. Public officials and employees shall at all times be ac-
countable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost
B. Steer conversation to productive work or career topics and avoid
responsibility, integrity, competence, and loyalty, act with patriotism
discussing personal life.
and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public interest over per-
Office gossip should be avoided. Beware of obscene conversa-
sonal interest.” (Sec. 1, Rule II of Rules Implementing RA 6713)
Consonant to this, DOLE officials and employees must behave and C. Be assertive and in control.
conduct themselves in a manner that is above reproach and worthy of Develop skills to handle aggressive people and difficult social sit-
respect and emulation of others. Their actions must be governed by a uations.
desire to render the best possible service to the public in the most eth- D. Do not ask for or offer special favors.
ical manner. E. Avoid conducting personal business during working hours.
Unless necessary, refrain from leaving respective place of as-
Likewise, they are expected to be always conscious of their responsi- signment during office hours. Likewise, avoid loitering or wan-
bilities and commitment to the DOLE, and to maintain high standards dering around.
of morality, integrity and professionalism. Friendship and teamwork Minimize receiving and/or entertaining personal visitors during
are encouraged but enough distance should be accorded to each em- office hours for reasons not connected with work in the DOLE.
ployee’s individuality, giving rightful chance to privacy and respect. Unauthorized possession, bringing, and drinking of alcoholic
It is incumbent upon the head of office to set an example on how they beverages in the DOLE premises or reporting for work under the
should conduct themselves in public office, to see to it that his/her influence of liquor is strictly prohibited.
employees work efficiently in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Avoid willful showing or exhibiting of pornographic/ obscene
Regulations, ensure a healthy working atmosphere where in cowork- materials, pictures, or literatures within the DOLE premises.
ers treat each other with respect, courtesy and cooperation, so that in No gambling is allowed within the office premises including
the end public service will be benefited. In the same manner, employ- games and sport activities whereby betting is involved.
ees are expected to show respect and courtesy towards their superiors,
subordinates and peers. Courtesy demands that one set a good exam-
ple. Indulging in certain activities which destroy the prestige of the
office or are inconsistent with the conduct of public service is hereby
Here under are guidelines including but not limited to, some rules
based on accepted norms of behavior in the public service that should
prevail in the office in order to maintain a healthy and wholesome
environment, and prevent incidents of sexual harassment:

F. Employment of Minors ([RA. No. 7610, as amended by] Children as enunciated in the United Nations Convention on the
R.A. No. 7678, [and further amended by] R.A. No. 9231) Rights of the Child. Every effort shall be exerted to promote the wel-
fare of children and enhance their opportunities for a useful and
Republic Act No. 9231 happy life."
WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR AND AFFORDING Section 2. Section 12 of the same Act, as amended, is hereby further
AMENDING FOR THIS PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACTNO. 7610, "Sec. 2. Employment of Children - Children below fifteen (15) years of
AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "SPECIAL age shall not be employed except:
EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION ACT" "1) When a child works directly under the sole responsibility of
Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Philip- his/her parents or legal guardian and where only members of his/her
pines in Congress assembled: family are employed: Provided, however, That his/her employment
neither endangers his/her life, safety, health, and morals, nor impairs
Section 1. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7610, as amended, otherwise his/her normal development: Provided, further, That the parent or le-
known as the "Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, gal guardian shall provide the said child with the prescribed primary
Exploitation and Discrimination Act", is hereby amended to read as and/or secondary education; or
"2) Where a child's employment or participation in public entertain-
"Sec. 2. Declaration of State Policy and Principles. - It is hereby declared ment or information through cinema, theater, radio, television or
to be the policy of the State to provide special protection to children other forms of media is essential: Provided, That the employment con-
from all forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation and discrimina- tract is concluded by the child's parents or legal guardian, with the
tion, and other conditions prejudicial to their development including express agreement of the child concerned, if possible, and the ap-
child labor and its worst forms; provide sanctions for their commis- proval of the Department of Labor and Employment: Provided, further,
sion and carry out a program for prevention and deterrence of and That the following requirements in all instances are strictly complied
crisis intervention in situations of child abuse, exploitation and dis- with:
crimination. The State shall intervene on behalf of the child when the
parent, guardian, teacher or person having care or custody of the child "(a) The employer shall ensure the protection, health, safety, morals
fails or is unable to protect the child against abuse, exploitation and and normal development of the child;
discrimination or when such acts against the child are committed by "(b) The employer shall institute measures to prevent the child's ex-
the said parent, guardian, teacher or person having care and custody ploitation or discrimination taking into account the system and level
of the same. of remuneration, and the duration and arrangement of working time;
"It shall be the policy of the State to protect and rehabilitate children and
gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect or "(c) The employer shall formulate and implement, subject to the ap-
will affect their survival and normal development and over which proval and supervision of competent authorities, a continuing pro-
they have no control. gram for training and skills acquisition of the child.
"The best interests of children shall be the paramount consideration in "In the above-exceptional cases where any such child may be em-
all actions concerning them, whether undertaken by public or private ployed, the employer shall first secure, before engaging such child, a
social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities, work permit from the Department of Labor and Employment which
and legislative bodies, consistent with the principle of First Call for
shall ensure observance of the above requirements. of the earnings of the child whose wages and salaries from work and
other income amount to at least two hundred thousand pesos
"For purposes of this Article, the term "child" shall apply to all persons
(P200,000.00) annually, for which he/she shall render a semi-annual
under eighteen (18) years of age."
accounting of the fund to the Department of Labor and Employment,
Section 3. The same Act, as amended, is hereby further amended by in compliance with the provisions of this Act. The child shall have full
adding new sections to be denominated as Sections 12-A, 12-B, 12-C, control over the trust fund upon reaching the age of majority.
and 12-D to read as follows:
"Sec. 12-D. Prohibition Against Worst Forms of Child Labor. - No child
"Sec. 2-A. Hours of Work of a Working Child. - Under the exceptions pro- shall be engaged in the worst forms of child labor. The phrase "worst
vided in Section 12 of this Act, as amended: forms of child labor" shall refer to any of the following:
"(1) A child below fifteen (15) years of age may be allowed to work for "(1) All forms of slavery, as defined under the "Anti-trafficking in Per-
not more than twenty (20) hours a week: Provided, That the work shall sons Act of 2003", or practices similar to slavery such as sale and traf-
not be more than four (4) hours at any given day; ficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compul-
sory labor, including recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
"(2) A child fifteen (15) years of age but below eighteen (18) shall not
be allowed to work for more than eight (8) hours a day, and in no case
beyond forty (40) hours a week; "(2) The use, procuring, offering or exposing of a child for prostitution,
for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances;
"(3) No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall be allowed to work
between eight o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning of
the following day and no child fifteen (15) years of age but below "(3) The use, procuring or offering of a child for illegal or illicit activi-
eighteen (18) shall be allowed to work between ten o'clock in the even- ties, including the production and trafficking of dangerous drugs and
ing and six o'clock in the morning of the following day." volatile substances prohibited under existing laws; or
"Sec. 12-B. Ownership, Usage and Administration of the Working Child's "(4) Work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is car-
Income. - The wages, salaries, earnings and other income of the work- ried out, is hazardous or likely to be harmful to the health, safety or
ing child shall belong to him/her in ownership and shall be set aside morals of children, such that it:
primarily for his/her support, education or skills acquisition and sec-
"a) Debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a
ondarily to the collective needs of the family: Provided, That not more
child as a human being; or
than twenty percent (20%) of the child's income may be used for the
collective needs of the family. "b) Exposes the child to physical, emotional or sexual abuse, or is
found to be highly stressful psychologically or may prejudice morals;
"The income of the working child and/or the property acquired
through the work of the child shall be administered by both parents.
In the absence or incapacity of either of the parents, the other parent "c) Is performed underground, underwater or at dangerous heights;
shall administer the same. In case both parents are absent or incapac- or
itated, the order of preference on parental authority as provided for
"d) Involves the use of dangerous machinery, equipment and tools
under the Family Code shall apply.
such as power-driven or explosive power-actuated tools; or
"Sec. 12-C. Trust Fund to Preserve Part of the Working Child's Income.
"e) Exposes the child to physical danger such as, but not limited to the
- The parent or legal guardian of a working child below eighteen (18)
dangerous feats of balancing, physical strength or contortion, or
years of age shall set up a trust fund for at least thirty percent (30%)
which requires the manual transport of heavy loads; or "Sec. 14. Prohibition on the Employment of Children in Certain Advertise-
ments. - No child shall be employed as a model in any advertisement
"f) Is performed in an unhealthy environment exposing the child to
directly or indirectly promoting alcoholic beverages, intoxicating
hazardous working conditions, elements, substances, co-agents or
drinks, tobacco and its byproducts, gambling or any form of violence
processes involving ionizing, radiation, fire, flammable substances,
or pornography."
noxious components and the like, or to extreme temperatures, noise
levels, or vibrations; or Section 6. Section 16 of the same Act, is hereby amended to read as
"g) Is performed under particularly difficult conditions; or
"Sec. 16. Penal Provisions -
"h) Exposes the child to biological agents such as bacteria, fungi, vi-
ruses, protozoans, nematodes and other parasites; or "a) Any employer who violates Sections 12, 12-A, and Section 14 of
this act, as amended, shall be penalized by imprisonment of six (6)
"i) Involves the manufacture or handling of explosives and other py-
months and one (1) day to six (6) years or a fine of not less than Fifty
rotechnic products."
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) but not more than Three hundred thou-
Section 4. Section 13 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as sand pesos (P300,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court.
"b) Any person who violates the provision of Section 12-D of this act
"Sec. 13. Access to Education and Training for Working Children - "a) No or the employer of the subcontractor who employs, or the one who
child shall be deprived of formal or non-formal education. In all cases facilitates the employment of a child in hazardous work, shall suffer
of employment allowed in this Act, the employer shall provide a the penalty of a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos
working child with access to at least primary and secondary educa- (P100,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00), or
tion. imprisonment of not less than twelve (12) years and one (1) day to
twenty (20) years, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discre-
"b) To ensure and guarantee the access of the working child to educa-
tion of the court.
tion and training, the Department of Education (DEPED) shall: (1) for-
mulate, promulgate, and implement relevant and effective course de- "c) Any person who violates Sections 12-D(1) and 12-D(2) shall be
signs and educational programs; (2) conduct the necessary training for prosecuted and penalized in accordance with the penalty provided for
the implementation of the appropriate curriculum for the purpose; (3) by R. A. 9208 otherwise known as the "Anti-trafficking in Persons Act
ensure the availability of the needed educational facilities and materi- of 2003": Provided, That Such penalty shall be imposed in its maximum
als; and (4) conduct continuing research and development program period.
for the necessary and relevant alternative education of the working
"d) Any person who violates Section 12-D (3) shall be prosecuted and
penalized in accordance with R.A. 9165, otherwise known as the
"c) The DEPED shall promulgate a course design under its non-formal "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002"; Provided, That such
education program aimed at promoting the intellectual, moral and vo- penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period.
cational efficiency of working children who have not undergone or
"e) If a corporation commits any of the violations aforecited, the board
finished elementary or secondary education. Such course design shall
of directors/trustees and officers, which include the president, treas-
integrate the learning process deemed most effective under given cir-
urer and secretary of the said corporation who participated in or
knowingly allowed the violation, shall be penalized accordingly as
Section 5. Section 14 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as provided for under this Section.
"f) Parents, biological or by legal fiction, and legal guardians found to Section 8. Section 27 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as
be violating Sections 12, 12-A, 12-B and 12-C of this Act shall pay a follows:
fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) but not more
"Sec. 27. Who May File a Complaint - Complaints on cases of unlawful
than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), or be required to
acts committed against children as enumerated herein may be filed by
render community service for not less than thirty (30) days but not
the following:
more than one (1) year, or both such fine and community service at
the discretion of the court: Provided, That the maximum length of com- "(a) Offended party;
munity service shall be imposed on parents or legal guardians who
"(b) Parents or guardians;
have violated the provisions of this Act three (3) times; Provided, fur-
ther, That in addition to the community service, the penalty of impris- "(c) Ascendant or collateral relative within the third degree of consan-
onment of thirty (30) days but not more than one (1) year or both at guinity;
the discretion of the court, shall be imposed on the parents or legal
"(d) Officer, social worker or representative of a licensed child-caring
guardians who have violated the provisions of this Act more than
three (3) times.
"(e) Officer or social worker of the Department of Social Welfare and
"g) The Secretary, of Labor and Employment or his/her duly author-
ized representative may, after due notice and hearing, order the clo-
sure of any business firm or establishment found to have violated any "(f) Barangay chairman of the place where the violation occurred,
of the provisions of this Act more than three (3) times. He/she shall where the child is residing or employed; or
likewise order the immediate closure of such firm or establishment if: "(g) At least three (3) concerned, responsible citizens where the viola-
"(1) The violation of any provision of this Act has resulted in the death, tion occurred."
insanity or serious physical injury of a child employed in such estab- Section 9. The same Act is hereby further amended by adding new
lishment; or sections to Section 16 to be denominated as Sections 16-A, 16-B and
"(2) Such firm or establishment is engaged or employed in prostitution 16-C to read as follows:
or in obscene or lewd shows. "Sec. 16-A. Jurisdiction - The family courts shall have original jurisdic-
"h) In case of such closure, the employer shall be required to pay the tion over all cases involving offenses punishable under this Act: Pro-
employee(s) the separation pay and other monetary benefits provided vided, That in cities or provinces where there are no family courts yet,
for by law." the regional trial courts and the municipal trial courts shall have con-
current jurisdiction depending on the penalties prescribed for the of-
Section 7. The same Act is hereby further amended by adding a new
fense charged.
section to be denominated as Section 16-A, to read as follows:
"The preliminary investigation of cases filed under this Act shall be
"Sec. 16-A. Trust Fund from Fines and Penalties - The fine imposed by
terminated within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of filing.
the court shall be treated as a Trust Fund, administered by the Depart-
ment of Labor and Employment and disbursed exclusively for the "If the preliminary investigation establishes a prima facie case, then the
needs, including the costs of rehabilitation and reintegration into the corresponding information shall be filed in court within forty eight
mainstream of society of the working children who are victims of the (48) hours from the termination of the investigation.
violations of this Act, and for the programs and projects that will pre- "Trial of cases under this Act shall be terminated by the court not later
vent acts of child labor." than ninety (90) days from the date of filing of information. Decision
on said cases shall be rendered within a period of fifteen (15) days Discrimination Act), the following Implementing Rules and Regula-
from the date of submission of the case. tions are hereby promulgated:
"Sec. 15. Exemptions from Filing Fees. - When the victim of child labor Chapter 1 – Preliminary Provisions
institutes a separate civil action for the recovery of civil damages, SECTION 1. Coverage – These Rules shall cover all persons and enti-
he/she shall be exempt from payment of filing fees. ties engaging the services of or employing children.
"Sec. 16-C. Access to Immediate Legal, Medical and Psycho-Social Services - SECTION 2. Declaration of State Policy and Principles – The State
The working child shall have the right to free legal, medical and psy- shall provide special protection to children from all forms of abuse,
cho-social services to be provided by the State." neglect, cruelty, exploitation and discrimination and other conditions
prejudicial to their development including child labor and its worst
Section 10. Implementing Rules and Regulations - The Secretary of Labor
forms; provide sanctions for their commission and carry out a pro-
and Employment, in coordination with the Committees on Labor and
gram for prevention and deterrence of, and crisis intervention in situ-
Employment of both Houses of Congress, shall issue the necessary
ations of child abuse, exploitation and discrimination. The State shall
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to effectively implement
intervene on behalf of the child when the parent, guardian, teacher or
the provisions of this Act, in consultation with concerned public and
person having care or custody of the child fails or is unable to protect
private sectors, within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act.
the child against abuse, exploitation and discrimination or when such
Such rules and regulations shall take effect upon their publication in acts are committed by the said parent, guardian, teacher or person
two (2) national newspapers of general circulation. having care and custody of the child. The State shall also protect and
rehabilitate children gravely threatened or endangered by circum-
Section 11. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this Act is declared
stances which affect or will affect their survival and normal develop-
invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of the remaining provisions
ment and over which they have no control. The best interest of chil-
hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
dren shall be the paramount consideration in all actions concerning
Section 12. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, or rules inconsistent them, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institu-
with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified ac- tions, courts of law, administrative authorities, and legislative bodies,
cordingly. consistent with the principles of First Call for Children as enunciated
in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Every
Section 13. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days from
effort shall be exerted to promote the welfare of children and enhance
the date of its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in at least
their opportunities for a useful and happy life.
two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms – As used in these Rules, the term:
Approved: December 19, 2003
“Child” refers to any person under 18 years of age.
Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 9231 “Child labor” refers to any work or economic activity performed
Amending R.A. 7610, as amended by a child that subjects him/her to any form of exploitation or is
Pursuant to Section 10 of Republic Act No. 9231 (An Act Providing for harmful to his/her health and safety or physical, mental or psy-
the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor and Affording chosocial development.
Stronger Protection for the Working Child, Amending for this Pur- “Working child” refers to any child engaged as follows:
pose Republic Act No. 7610, as amended, Otherwise Known as the i. when the child is below eighteen (18) years of age, in
Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and work or economic activity that is not child labor as de-
fined in the immediately preceding subparagraph; and ii.
when the child is below fifteen (15) years of age, in work “Public entertainment or information” refers to artistic, literary,
where he/she is directly under the responsibility of and cultural performances for television show, radio program,
his/her parents or legal guardian and where only mem- cinema or film, theater, commercial advertisement, public rela-
bers of the child ‘s family are employed; or tions activities or campaigns, print materials, internet, and other
ii. in public entertainment or information. media. 2
“Formal education” refers to the institutionalized, hierarchically
“Parent” refers to either the biological or adoptive mother or fa-
structured and chronologically – guided educational system run-
ning from elementary to tertiary levels.
“Guardian” refers to any person who exercises substitute parental
“Non-formal education” refers to any organized, systematic edu-
authority regardless of whether or not such parental authority
cational activity conducted outside of the formal education sys-
over a child is bestowed by a court.
tem to provide selected type of learning.
“Members of the family” refer to the child’s parents, guardian,
“Alternative learning system” refers to a parallel and comparable
brothers or sisters whether of full or half blood, and other ascend-
learning system which provides a viable alternative to the existing
ants and descendants or collateral relatives within the fourth civil
formal education system.
degree of consanguinity.
“Forced labor and slavery” refers to the extraction of work or ser-
“Employer” refers to any person, whether natural or juridical
vices from any person by means of enticement, violence, intimi-
who, whether for valuable consideration or not, directly or indi-
dation or threat, use of force or coercion, including deprivation of
rectly procures, uses, avails itself of, contracts out or otherwise
freedom, abuse of authority or moral ascendancy, debt bondage
derives benefit from the work or services of a child in any occu-
or deception.
pation, undertaking, project or activity, whether for profit or not.
“Child pornography” refers to any representation of a child en-
It includes any person acting in the interest of the employer.
gaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any repre-
“Department” refers to the Department of Labor and Employ-
sentation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual pur-
“Collective needs of the family” refer to such basic needs as food,
“Recovery and reintegration” refers to various interventions and
shelter, light and water, clothing, education, medical, transporta-
services that facilitate the process of healing and eventual return
tion and other expenditure items necessary for the survival of the
of the child to the family and community.
family of the child.
“Normal development of the child” refers to the physical, emo-
“Work permit” refers to the permit secured by the employer, par-
tional, mental, and spiritual growth of a child within a safe and
ent or guardian from the Department for any child below 15 years
nurturing environment where he/she is given adequate nourish-
of age in any work allowed under Republic Act No. 9231.
ment, care and protection and the opportunity to perform tasks
“Hours of work” include (1) all time during which a child is re-
appropriate at each stage of development.
quired to be at a prescribed workplace, and (2) all time during
which a child is suffered or permitted to work. Rest periods of Chapter 2 – Prohibition on the Employment of Children
short duration during working hours shall be counted as hours SECTION 4. General Prohibition - Except as otherwise provided in
worked. these Rules, no child below 15 years of age shall be employed, permit-
“Workplace” refers to the office, premises or worksite where a ted or suffered to work, in any public or private establishment.
child is temporarily or habitually assigned. Where there is no
SECTION 5. Prohibition on the Employment of Children in Worst
fixed or definite workplace, the term shall include the place where
Forms of Child Labor - No child shall be engaged in the worst forms
the child actually performs work to render service or to take an
of child labor. The phrase “worst forms of child labor” shall refer to
assignment, to include households employing children.
any of the following: or
ix. Involves the manufacture or handling of explosives and
All forms of slavery, as defined under the “Anti-trafficking in Per-
other pyrotechnic products.
sons Act of 2003”, or practices similar to slavery such as sale and
trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or SECTION 6. Prohibition on the Employment of Children in Certain
compulsory labor, including recruitment of children for use in Advertisements – No child below 18 years of age shall be employed
armed conflict. as a model in any advertisement directly or indirectly promoting al-
The use, procuring, offering or exposing of a child for prostitution, coholic beverages, intoxicating drinks, tobacco and its byproducts,
for the production of pornography or for pornographic perfor- gambling or any form of violence or pornography.
Chapter 3 – Exceptions to the Prohibition
The use, procuring or offering of a child for illegal or illicit activi-
SECTION 7. Exceptions and Conditions – The following shall be the
ties, including the production or trafficking of dangerous drugs
only exceptions to the prohibition on the employment of a child below
or volatile substances prohibited under existing laws; or 3
15 years of age:
Work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is car-
ried out, is hazardous or likely to be harmful to the health, safety When the child works under the sole responsibility of his/her par-
or morals of children, such that it: ents or guardian, provided that only members of the child’s fam-
ily are employed.
i. Debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and
When the child’s employment or participation in public entertain-
dignity of a child as a human being; or
ment or information is essential, regardless of the extent of the
ii. Exposes the child to physical, emotional or sexual abuse,
child’s role.
or is found to be highly stressful psychologically or may
Such employment shall be strictly under the following conditions:
prejudice morals; or
iii. Is performed underground, underwater or at dangerous i. The total number of hours worked shall be in accordance
heights; or with Section 15 of these Rules;
iv. Involves the use of dangerous machinery, equipment and ii. The employment does not endanger the child’s life,
tools such as power-driven or explosive power-actuated safety, health and morals, nor impair the child’s normal
tools; or development;
v. Exposes the child to physical danger such as, but not lim- iii. The child is provided with at least the mandatory elemen-
ited to the dangerous feats of balancing, physical strength tary or secondary education; and
or contortion, or which requires the manual transport of iv. The employer secures a work permit for the child in ac-
heavy loads; or cordance with Section 8-12 of these Rules.
vi. Is performed in an unhealthy environment exposing the Chapter 4 – Requirements to Avail of Exceptions to
child to hazardous working conditions, elements, sub- Employment Prohibition
stances, co-agents or processes involving ionizing, radia- SECTION 8. Work Permit – Except as provided in Section 13, no child
tion, fire, flammable substances, noxious components below 15 years of age shall be allowed to commence work without a
and the like, or to extreme temperatures, noise levels or work permit. An employer must first secure a work permit from the
vibrations; or Regional Office of the Department having jurisdiction over the work-
vii. Is performed under particularly difficult conditions; or place of the child. In cases where the work is done in more than one
viii. Exposes the child to biological agents such as bacteria, workplace falling under the jurisdiction of more than one Regional
fungi, viruses, protozoa, nematodes and other parasites; Office, the application shall be made with the Regional Office having
jurisdiction over the principal office of the employer. However, at he/she has personally examined the child for whom a work per-
least two days prior to the performance of the work, the employer mit is being secured, and that the child is fit to undertake the work
shall inform the Regional Office having jurisdiction over the work- in which he/she is to be engaged. Such certificate must bear in
place of the activities to be undertaken involving the child. print the certifying physician’s full name and his/her license
SECTION 9. Requirements for the Issuance of Work Permit – The
Two passport size photographs of the child;
employer shall submit to the appropriate Regional Office the follow-
When the employer is the parent, guardian, or a family member
other than the parent of the child, he/she shall present any valid
A duly accomplished and verified application for work permit document such as latest passport, latest postal/company identifi-
containing the following information: cation card, and driver’s license establishing his/her identity. A
legal guardian is likewise required to present a duly authenticated
i. Terms and conditions of employment including hours of
proof of legal guardianship while a family member shall present
work, number of working days, remuneration, and rest
any proof of relationship to the child;
period, which shall be in accordance with law;
When the employer is in public entertainment or information,
ii. ii. Measures to ensure the protection, health, safety, mor-
he/she shall submit a certified true copy of the employer’s busi-
als, and normal development of the child, including but
ness permit or certificate of registration and a written employ-
not limited to the following:
ment contract to be concluded between the employer and the
comfortable workplace and adequate quarters; child’s parents or guardian and approved by the Department. An
break or rest periods in comfortable day beds or couches; express agreement of the child to the provisions of the contract is
clean and separate dressing rooms and toilet facilities for boys needed when such child is between seven and below 15 years of
and girls; age.
provision for adequate meals and snacks and sanitary eating
SECTION 10. Application Fee – The employer shall pay an applica-
tion fee of One Hundred Philippine Pesos (P100.00) to cover adminis-
provision of all the necessary assistance to ensure the ade-
trative costs. This amount may be reviewed and adjusted by the Sec-
quate and immediate medical and dental attendance and
retary of Labor and Employment from time to time subject to applica-
treatment to an injured or sick child in case of emergency.
ble regulations.
Except when the child is below seven years old,
SECTION 11. Action on the Application – Within three working days
i. Proof that the child is enrolled and regularly attending el- from the employer’s compliance with Sections 8-10, the Regional Of-
ementary or secondary school classes, consisting of certif- fice shall require the appearance of the child’s parent, guardian, or
icate of enrolment for the current year or current school employer, or the child himself or herself as may be appropriate, to
identification or report card; or validate the information indicated in the application and to educate
ii. If the child is not enrolled, a brief description of the pro- such parent, guardian, or employer, on child labor laws and regula-
gram for education, training and skills acquisition for the tions.
child, in accordance with Section 19(b) of these Rules.
The Regional Office, through the Regional Director, shall issue the
An authenticated copy of the child’s Birth Certificate or a Certifi- work permit within three days from compliance with all the foregoing
cate of Late Registration of Birth issued by the NSO or the requirements. Non-compliance with the requirements shall automat-
city/municipal registrar; ically result in the denial of the application. In such instances, the ap-
A medical certificate issued by a licensed physician stating that
plication shall be deemed not filed and the Regional Office shall im- allowed to work between ten o’clock in the evening and six o’
mediately return it to the applicant, indicating the requirements that clock in the morning of the following day.
were not complied with. Sleeping time as well as travel time of a child engaged in public
entertainment or information from his/her residence to his/her
SECTION 12. Validity of Work Permit – The work permit shall state
workplace shall not be included as hours worked without preju-
the period of its validity based on the employment contract or the ap-
dice to the application of existing rules on employees compensa-
plication for work permit, as the case may be. However, the period of
validity shall in no case exceed one year.
Chapter 6 – Working Child’s Income
SECTION 13. Employment of Spot Extras - In public entertainment
SECTION 16. Ownership and Use of the Working Child’s Income –
or information, the requirements for the issuance of work permit
The wages, salaries, earnings and other income of the working child
stated in Sections 8-12 shall not be applicable to the employment of
belong to him/her in ownership and shall be set aside primarily for
spot extras or those being cast outright on the day of the filming or
his/her support, education, or skills acquisition and secondarily to the
taping. Instead, the employer shall file a notice with the Regional Of-
collective needs of the family: Provided, That not more than twenty
fice where the work is to be performed that it will undertake activities
percent (20%) of the child’s income may be used for the collective
involving child work. The notice shall be in the form prescribed by the
needs of the family.
Department and shall state the approximate number of child workers
to be employed, the date, place and time the work is to be performed, SECTION 17. Administration of the Working Child’s Income – The
and an undertaking that the employment shall be in conformity with income of the working child and/or the property acquired through
Republic Act No. 9231 and these Rules. his/her work shall be administered by both parents. In the absence of,
or incapacity of either of the parents, the other parent shall administer
SECTION 14. Compliance with E-Commerce Law – The Department
the same. In case both parents are absent or incapacitated, the order
shall develop systems to enable parties to comply, through electronic
of preference on parental authority shall be in accordance with Article
media, with the documentary 6 requirements set forth in these Rules.
216 of the Family Code, as follows:
It shall also set up a database of all contracts filed and work permits
issued which shall be accessible to the public, subject to reasonable The surviving grandparent; in case several survive, the one des-
rules of access which the Department may adopt. Chapter 5 – Hours ignated by the court taking into account all relevant considera-
of Work tions, especially the choice of the child over seven years of age,
unless the grandparent chosen is unfit;
SECTION 15. Hours of Work of a Working Child – The following
The oldest brother or sister, over 21 years of age, unless unfit or
hours of work shall be observed for any child allowed to work under
disqualified; and
Republic Act No. 9231 and these Rules:
The child’s actual custodian over 21 years of age, unless unfit or
For a child below 15 years of age, the hours of work shall not be disqualified.
more than twenty 20 hours a week, provided that the work shall
SECTION 18. Preservation of the Working Child’s Income – The in-
not be more than four hours at any given day;
come of the working child shall be deposited in a Trust Fund or Sav-
For a child 15 years of age but below 18, the hours of work shall
ings Account set up or opened under his/her name by the adminis-
not be more than eight hours a day, and in no case beyond 40
trator of such income, subject to the conditions set forth in this Section
hours a week; and
and the Civil Code.
No child below 15 years of age shall be allowed to work between
eight o’ clock in the evening and six o’clock in the morning of the The administrator shall make an accounting of all wages, salaries,
following day and no child 15 years of age but below 18 shall be
earnings and other income of the child. When the child’s gross earn- Child Labor, other existing inter-agency mechanisms, or those that
ings in a year amount to at least Two 7 Hundred Thousand Pesos may be established.
(P200,000.00), the administrator shall set up a Trust Fund for the child
The Department, on its own or in collaboration with concerned insti-
where at least thirty percent (30%) of such amount shall be deposited.
tutions, shall set up a mechanism to provide free legal services for
For a child earning less than P200,000.00 a year, at least thirty percent working children and their parents or guardians. Such services shall
(30%) of his/her income may be deposited in a Savings Account each include the provision of information on the child’s rights or proce-
time the child receives an income. The accumulated savings shall be dures for filing complaints and claiming compensation, and on such
immediately transferred to the Trust Fund for the child should other legal remedies available to them.
his/her total gross income for a given year is at least Two Hundred
The Department shall facilitate the provision of health services to
Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00).
working children and victims of child labor in partnership with con-
The child shall have full control over the Trust Fund upon reaching cerned sectors. Health services include primary or preventive, second-
the age of majority. The administrator shall render a semi-annual ac- ary or curative, and tertiary or rehabilitative services, or such services
counting of the Trust Fund to the concerned Regional Office of the as may be necessary to address physical, psychological and social
Department. He or she shall be required to submit, whether actual or problems arising from child labor.
on-line, a verified financial statement in an appropriate form pre-
The Department shall refer working children and victims of child la-
scribed by the Department.
bor to appropriate agencies and organizations for psycho-social ser-
Chapter 7 – Education, Training and Other Services vices.
SECTION 19. Access to Education and Training for the Working
The delivery of the above services shall be without prejudice to similar
Child – Every child shall have access to formal or non-formal educa-
services provided by other agencies, conformably with their own
mandates. The Department may also enlist the assistance of non-gov-
(a) No child shall be deprived of formal, non-formal or alternative ernmental organizations and other groups in the delivery of these ser-
learning systems of education. In all cases where the child is allowed vices. In every case, the special needs and peculiar situations of work-
to work, the employer shall provide the child with access to at least ing children, including victims of child labor, shall be taken into ac-
elementary and/or secondary education. No employer shall make a count. Chapter 8 – Enforcement and Administration
child work during his/her school hours, and hinder his/her access to
SECTION 21. Actions of the Secretary of Labor and Employment or
education during school days.
Regional Director – In case of violation, the Secretary of Labor and
(b) The continuing program for education and training for the work- Employment or the Regional Director as his or her authorized repre-
ing child shall be that developed by the Department of Education for sentative, shall undertake the following actions:
formal, non-formal and alternative learning systems of education, or
Order the immediate and permanent closure of the establishment
by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, which-
ever is applicable to the circumstances of the child.
i. The violation of any provision of Republic Act No. 9231
SECTION 20. Access to Immediate Legal, Medical and Psycho-So-
has resulted in the death, insanity or serious physical in-
cial Services – Working children, including victims of child labor shall
jury of a child employed in such establishment; or
have the right to free legal, medical and psycho-social services to be
ii. Such firm or establishment is employing a child for pros-
provided by the State through agencies mandated to provide such ser-
titution or obscene or lewd shows.
vices, as well as through networks like the National Program Against

The employer shall pay all employees affected by the closure their actions, shall:
separation pay and other monetary benefits provided for by law.
In case of a first violation, issue a compliance order for immediate
Order the immediate and temporary closure of the establishment
restitution and correction of the violation. Failure to comply with
if there is imminent danger to the life and limb of the child in ac-
said order constitutes a second violation;
cordance with the occupational safety and health standards. An
In case of a second violation, issue a compliance order for imme-
imminent danger is a condition or practice that could reasonably
diate restitution and correction of the violation and prohibit the
be expected to cause death or serious physical harm.
employer from hiring a child for six months commencing from
In no case shall the closure be lifted unless the imminent danger
date of last offense. Failure to comply with said order constitutes
has been abated. For the duration of the closure, the employer
a third violation; and
shall pay the wages of all employees affected. If, after due hearing,
In case of a third violation, issue a compliance order for immedi-
the closure is made permanent, the employer shall pay all em-
ate restitution and correction of the violation. Failure to comply
ployees affected their separation benefits, as provided in the im-
with said order constitutes a fourth violation justifying closure of
mediately preceding subsection.
the establishment.
In both cases, require the employer to:
In appropriate cases, the Regional Director may file against the
i. Shoulder the transportation cost of the child from the employer a case for indirect contempt as provided for under Rule
place of work to the DSWD-accredited halfway house and 71 of the Revised Rules of Court.
to the child’s residence; and
SECTION 24. Enforcement Procedure. The proceedings arising from
ii. Shoulder the total actual cost of medical management, re-
Sections 21, 22 and 23 shall be summary in nature. It may be initiated
covery and reintegration of the child, or in case of death,
motu proprio by the Department or upon complaint by any interested
the child’s funeral expenses;
SECTION 22. Grounds for Suspension and Cancellation of Work
Permanent or temporary closure shall be effected upon service by the
Permit – The Regional Director shall suspend or cancel the work per-
Regional Director of a notice of closure on the employer. Within 24
mit issued to a working child under the following instances:
hours from notice, the Regional Director shall call a hearing to confirm
If there is fraud or misrepresentation in the application for work the closure, in which the employer shall be given the opportunity to
permit or any of its supporting documents; present evidence why closure is not an appropriate remedy. Within
If the terms and conditions set forth in the child’s employment 72 hours from the last hearing, the Regional Director shall issue an
contract and/or employer’s undertaking have been violated; order confirming or lifting the closure, as the case may be.
If the employer fails to institute measures to ensure the protection,
In the case of suspension or cancellation of work permit, the Regional
health, safety, morals, and normal development of the child as re-
Director shall serve a notice on the employer and the parent or guard-
quired in Section 7 (b) ii;
ian of the working child, who shall have three days from receipt of the
If the employer fails to formulate and implement a program for
notice to show cause why the work permit should not be cancelled or
the education, training and skills acquisition of the child; or
suspended. The Regional Director shall have ten days from service of
If a child has been deprived access to formal, non-formal or alter-
notice within which to issue a revocation, suspension or dismissal or-
native learning systems of education.
SECTION 23. Violations Not Resulting in Death, Insanity or Injury
Any motion for reconsideration of the Regional Director’s action shall
of the Child - The Regional Director, after due notice and hearing, and
be resolved by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. Upon issu-
without prejudice to the filing of the appropriate criminal and civil
ance of the notice and during the pendency of the proceedings, the
child concerned shall not be allowed to work. Draw up the procedures for the use and disbursement of the Trust
In the event that a violation constituting a ground for cancellation or
Formulate and supervise the implementation of programs for
suspension of work permit is committed in a workplace outside the
qualified beneficiaries of the Trust Fund; and
jurisdiction of the Regional Office which issued the work permit, the
Monitor, through the Regional Offices of the Department, the sta-
Regional Office having jurisdiction over the workplace shall immedi-
tus of child labor cases that may involve the award of fines under
ately stop the employer from requiring the child to work. Within 24
Republic Act No. 9231. Chapter 9 – Miscellaneous Provisions
hours thereafter, the Regional Office having jurisdiction of the work-
place shall prepare a report to the Regional Office which issued the SECTION 27. Filing of Complaints – Complaints on violations spec-
work permit, for the latter to commence appropriate cancellation or ified under Republic Act No. 9231 and these Rules which fall under
suspension proceedings. the jurisdiction of the regular courts shall be filed by persons identi-
fied in said law, and in accordance with the Rules of Court. 11
SECTION 25. Industry Guidelines and Self-Policing Mechanisms –
The Department may issue appropriate industry-specific guidelines, SECTION 28. Disposition of Investigation Report – The investiga-
taking into account the peculiar circumstances of each industry, upon tion report of the Department on violations that may constitute a crim-
consultation with concerned sectors. inal offense under Republic Act No. 9231, together with other relevant
documents and evidence, shall be immediately forwarded to the pro-
Establishments with at least 200 workers or those with certified col-
vincial or city prosecutor concerned who shall determine the filing of
lective bargaining agreements (CBAs) shall be encouraged to adopt a
the appropriate criminal charge.
self-assessment mode pursuant to Section 1(a) of Department Order
No. 57-04, series of 2004 (Labor Standards Enforcement Framework). SECTION 29. Effects on Other Issuances – These Rules supersede
Department Order No. 18, series of 1994 or the Rules and Regulations
Employers, workers and their organizations, professional organiza-
Implementing Republic Act No. 7658. All other issuances of the De-
tions or business federations are encouraged to establish or adopt
partment inconsistent with the provisions of these Rules are deemed
mechanisms to monitor their ranks and take corrective action against
modified accordingly.
erring members. The Department shall provide technical assistance in
setting up such mechanisms. SECTION 30. Effects on Existing Contracts – These Rules shall not
be interpreted to impair contracts executed prior to its effectivity. All
SECTION 26. Administration of Trust Fund from Fines and Penal-
other general rules on nonimpairment of contracts shall apply.
ties – The fines imposed by the court upon any violator of Republic
Act No. 9231 shall, subject to existing government accounting and au- SECTION 31. Separability Clause – If any of the provisions of these
diting rules and regulations, including the provision on trust funds Rules is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of the re-
under the General Appropriations Act, accrue to the DOLE-Office of maining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
the Secretary Trust Fund for Working Children. This trust fund shall
SECTION 32. Effectivity – These Rules shall take effect 15 days from
be administered by the Department and disbursed exclusively for
the date of its complete publication in two national newspapers of
programs and projects preventing child labor and mitigating its ef-
general circulation.
Manila, Philippines, 26 July 2004.
Within two months after the date of effectivity of these Rules, the De-
partment shall set up the Trust Fund for Working Children in accord-
ance with existing government accounting, auditing, and Department
of Budget and Management requirements. The Department shall:

G. Persons with disabilities (R.A. No. 7277, as amended by tural, spiritual, educational and vocational measures that create con-
R.A. No. 9442) ditions for the individual to attain the highest possible level of func-
tional ability;
Republic Act No. 7277
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE REHABILITATION, SELF- (f). Social Barriers refer to the characteristics of institutions, whether
DEVELOPMENT AND SELF-RELIANCE OF DISABLED legal, economic, cultural, recreational or other, any human group,
PERSON AND THEIR INTEGRATION INTO THE community, or society which limit the fullest possible participation of
MAINSTREAM OF SOCIETY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. [persons with disabilities] in the life of the group. Social barriers in-
TITLE ONE - GENERAL PROVISIONS clude negative attitudes which tends to single out and exclude [per-
CHAPTER I - Basic Principle sons with disabilities] and which distort roles and interpersonal rela-
SECTION 3. Coverage - This Act shall covers all [persons with disa- tionship;
bilities] and, to the extend herein provided, departments, offices and (g). Auxiliary Aids and Services include:
agencies of the National Government or nongovernment organization
involved in the attainment of the objectives of this Act. qualified interpreters or other effective methods of delivering
materials to individuals with hearing impairments;
SECTION 4. Definition of Terms - For purposes of this Act, these qualified readers, taped tests, or other effective methods of
terms are defined as follows: delivering materials to individuals with visual impair-
(a). [Persons with Disabilities] are those suffering from restriction of ments;
different abilities, as a result of a mental, physical or sensory impair- acquisition or modification of equipment or devices; and
ment, to perform an activity in the manner or within the range con- other similar services and actions or all types of aids and ser-
sidered normal for a human being; [as amended by SEC. 4, R.A. No. vices that facilitate the learning process of people with
9442: The title of Republic Act No. 7277 is hereby amended to read as mental disability;
the “Magna Carta for Persons with Disability”, and all references on (h). Reasonable Accommodation include (1) improvement of existing
the said law to “Disabled persons” shall likewise be amended to read facilities used by employees in order to render these readily accessible
as “persons with disability] to and usable by [persons with disabilities]; and (2) modification of
(b). Impairment is any loss, diminution or aberration of psychological, work schedules, reassignment to a vacant position, acquisition or
physiological, or anatomical structure of function; modification of equipment or devices, appropriate adjustments or
modifications of examinations, training materials or company poli-
(c). Disability shall mean (1) a physical or mental impairment that sub- cies, rules and regulations, the provisions of auxiliary aids and ser-
stantially limits one or more psychological, physiological or anatomi- vices, and other similar accommodations for [persons with disabili-
cal function of an individual or activities of such individual; (2) a rec- ties];
ord of such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an
impairment; (i). Sheltered Employment refers to the provision of productive work
for [persons with disabilities] through workshop providing special fa-
(d). Handicap refers to a disadvantage for a given individual resulting cilities, income producing projects or homework schemes with a view
from an impairment or a disability, that limits or prevents the func- to given them the opportunity to earn a living thus enabling them to
tions or activity, that is considered normal given the age and sex of acquire a working capacity required in open industry.
the individual;
(j). Auxiliary Social Services are the supportive activities in the deliv-
(e). Rehabilitation is an integrated approach to physical, social, cul- ery of social services to the marginalized sectors of society;

(k). Marginalized [persons with disabilities] refer to [persons with dis- merce, transportation, or communication among the provinces or be-
abilities] who lack access to rehabilitative services and opportunities tween any foreign country or any territory or possession and any
to be able to participate fully in socioeconomic activities and who have province.
no means of livelihood or whose incomes fall below poverty thresh-
(l). Qualified Individual with a Disability shall mean an individual CHAPTER I – Employment
with a disability who, with or without reasonable accommodations, SECTION 5. Equal Opportunity for Employment - No [persons with
can perform the essential functions of the employment position that disabilities] shall be denied access to opportunities for suitable em-
such individual holds or desires. However, consideration shall be ployment. A qualified disabled employee shall be subject to the same
given to the employer’s judgement as to what functions of a job are terms and conditions of employment and the same compensation,
essential, and if an employer has prepared a written description be- privileges, benefits, fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a qual-
fore advertising or interviewing applicants for the job, this description ified able-bodied person. Five percent (5%) of all casual, emergency
shall be considered evidence of the essential functions of the job; and contractual positions in the Department of Social Welfare and De-
velopment; Health; Education, Culture and Sports; and other govern-
(m). Readily Achievable means a goal can be easily attained and car-
ment agencies, offices or corporations engaged in social development
ried out without much difficulty or expense. In determining whether
shall be reserved for [persons with disabilities].
an action is readily achievable, factors to be considered include –
SECTION 6. Sheltered Employment -If suitable employment for
1. the nature and cost of the action;
[persons with disabilities] cannot be found through open employment
2. the overall financial resources of the facility or facilities in-
as provided in the immediately preceding Section, the State shall en-
volved in the action; the number of persons employed at such
deavor to provide it by means of sheltered employment. In the place-
facility; the effect on expenses and resources, or the impact
ment of [persons with disabilities] in sheltered employment, it shall
otherwise of such action upon the operation of the facility;
accord due regard to the individual qualities, vocational goals and in-
3. the overall financial resources of the covered entity with re-
clinations to ensure a good working atmosphere and efficient produc-
spect to the number of its employees; the number, type and
location of its facilities; and
4. the type of operation or operations of the covered entity, in- SECTION 7. Apprenticeship - Subject to the provision of the Labor
cluding the composition, structure and functions of the work Code as amended, [persons with disabilities] shall be eligible as ap-
force of such entity; the geographic separateness, administra- prentices or learners; Provided, That their handicap is not much as to
tive or fiscal relationship of the facilities in question to the effectively impede the performance of job operations in the particular
covered entity; occupation for which they are hired; Provided, further, That after the
lapse of the period of apprenticeship if found satisfactory in the job
(n). Public Transportation means transportation by air, land and sea
performance, they shall be eligible for employment.
that provides the public with general or special service on a regular
and continuing basis; SECTION 8. Incentives for Employer - (a) To encourage the active
participation of the private sector in promoting the welfare of [persons
(o). Covered entity means employer, employment agency, labor or-
with disabilities] and to ensure gainful employment for qualified [per-
ganization or joint labor-management committee; and
sons with disabilities], adequate incentives shall be provided to pri-
(p). Commerce shall be taken to mean a s travel, trade, traffic, com- vate entities which employ [persons with disabilities].
(b). Private entities that employ [persons with disabilities] who meet
the required skills or qualifications, either as regular employee, ap- providing and evaluating vocational guidance and counselling to en-
prentice or learner, shall be entitled to an additional deduction, from able [persons with disabilities] to secure, retain and advance in em-
their gross income, equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of the total ployment. It shall ensure the availability and training counsellors and
amount paid as salaries and wages to [persons with disabilities]: Pro- other suitability qualified staff responsible for the vocational guidance
vided, however, That such entities present proof as certified by the and counselling of [persons with disabilities].
Department of Labor and Employment that disabled person are under
SECTION 11. Implementing Rules and Regulations -The Depart-
their employ. Provided, further, That the disabled employee is accred-
ment of Labor and Employment shall in coordination with the Depart-
ited with the Department of Labor and Employment and the Depart-
ment of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and National
ment of Health as to his disability, skills and qualifications.
Council for the Welfare of [persons with disabilities] (NCWDP), shall
(c). Private entities that improved or modify their physical facilities in promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to implement the pro-
order to provide reasonable accommodation for [persons with disa- vision under this Chapter.
bilities] shall also be entitled to an additional deduction from their net
taxable income, equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the direct costs of
the improvements or modifications. This section, however, does not
CHAPTER 1 -Discrimination on Employment
apply to improvements or modifications of facilities required under SECTION 32. Discrimination on Employment - No entity, whether
Batas Pambansa Bilang 344. public or private, shall discriminate against a qualified disabled per-
SECTION 9. Vocational Rehabilitation - Consistent with the princi- son by reason of disability in regard to job application procedures, the
ple of equal opportunity for disabled workers and workers in general, hiring, promotion, or discharge of employees, employee compensa-
the State shall take appropriate vocational rehabilitation measures tion, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of em-
that shall serve to develop the skills and potential of [persons with ployment.
disabilities] and enable them to compete favorably for available pro- The following constitute acts of discrimination:
ductive and remunerative employment opportunities in the labor
market. The State shall also take measures to ensure the provisions of (a). Limiting, segregating or classifying a disabled job applicant in
vocational rehabilitation and livelihood services for [persons with dis- such a manner that adversely affects his work opportunities;
abilities] in the rural areas. In addition, it shall promote cooperation (b). Using qualification standards, employment tests or other selection
and coordination between the government and non-government or- criteria that screen out or tend to screen out a disabled person unless
ganization and other private entities engaged in vocational rehabilita- such standards, tests or other selection criteria are shown to be
tion activities. jobrelated for the position on question and are consistent with busi-
The Department of Social Welfare and Development shall design and ness necessity;
implement training programs that will provide [persons with disabil- (c). Utilizing standards, criteria, or methods of administration that:
ities] with vocational skills to enable them to engage in livelihood ac-
tivities or obtain gainful employment. The Department of Labor and 1). have the effect of discrimination on the basis of disability; or
Employment shall likewise design and conduct training programs 2). perpetuate the discrimination of others who are subject to common
geared towards providing [persons with disabilities] with skills for administrative control;
(d). Providing less compensation, such as salary, wage or other forms
SECTION 10. Vocational Guidance and Counselling - The Depart- of remuneration and fringe benefits, to a qualified disabled employee,
ment of Social Welfare and Development shall implement measures by reason of his disability, than the amount to which a non-disabled
person performing the same work is entitled; SECTION 44. Enforcement by the Secretary of Justice:
(e). Favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified disabled em- (a). Denial of Right
ployee with respect to promotion, training opportunities, study and
1). Duty to Investigate -the Secretary of Justice shall investigate al-
scholarship grants, solely on account of the latter’s disability;
leged violations of this Act, and shall undertake periodic reviews of
(f). Re-assigning or transferring a disabled employee to a job or posi- compliance of covered entities under this Act.
tion he cannot perform by reason of his disability;
(b). Potential Violations -If the Secretary of Justice has reasonable
(g). Dismissing or terminating the services of a disabled employee by cause to believe that :
reason of his disability unless the employer can prove that he impairs
1). any person or group of persons is engaged in a pattern of practice
the satisfactory performance of the work involve to the prejudice of
of discrimination under this Act; or
the business entities; Provided, however, That the employer first
sought provide reasonable accommodations for [persons with disabil- 2). any person or group of persons has been discriminated against un-
ities]; (h). Failing to select or administer in the effective manner em- der this Act and such discrimination raises and issue of general public
ployment tests which accurately reflect the skills, aptitude or other importance, the Secretary of Justice may commence a legal action in
factor of the disabled applicant or employee that such test purports to any appropriate court.
measure, rather than the impaired sensory, manual or speaking skills
SECTION 45. Authority of Court -The court may grant any equitable
of such applicant or employee, if any; and
relief that such court considers to be appropriate, including, to the ex-
(i). Excluding [persons with disabilities] from membership in labor tent required by this Act:
unions or similar organization.
(a). granting temporary, preliminary or permanent relief;
SECTION 33. Employment Entrance Examination -Upon an offer of
(b). providing an auxiliary aid or service, modification of policy, prac-
employment, a disabled applicant may be subjected to medical exam-
tice or procedure, or alternative method; and
ination, on the following occasions: (a). all entering employees are
subjected to such an examination regardless of disability; (b). infor- (c). making facilities readily accessible to and usable by individuals
mation obtained during the medical condition or history of the appli- with disabilities.
cant is collected and maintained on separate forms and in separate SEC. 46. Penal Clause. -
medical files and is treated as a confidential medical record, Provided,
however, That: (a) Any person who violates any provision of this Act shall suffer the
following penalties:
1). supervisors and managers may be informed regarding necessary
restrictions on the work or duties of the employees and necessary ac- (1) For the first violation, a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
commodations; (P50,000.00) but not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than six months but not
2). first aid and safety personnel my be informed, when appropriate, more than two years, or both at the discretion of the court; and
if the disability might require emergency treatment;
(2) For any subsequent violation, a fine of not less than One hundred
3). government officials investigating compliance with this Act shall thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred thou-
be provided relevant information on request; and sand pesos (P200,000.00) or imprisonment for not less than two years
4). the results of such examination are used only accordance with this but not more than six years, or both at the discretion of the court.
(b) Any person who abuses the privileges granted herein shall be pun- raped, or seduced, exploited and overworked or made to work under
ished with imprisonment of not less than six months or a fine of not conditions not conductive to good health. He/She is made to be in the
less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), but not more than Fifty street or public places, and is exposed to moral danger.
thousand pesos (P50,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court.
Accreditation - “means the Certification given by the Department of
(c) If the violator is a corporation organization or any similar entity, Health (DOH) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
the officials thereof directly involved shall be liable therefore. recognizing the disability, skills, and qualifications of a disabled
(d) If the violator is an alien or a foreigner, he shall be deported im-
mediately after service of sentence without further deportation pro- Adapted Physical Education - “therapeutic application of physical ed-
ceedings. ucation to rehabilitate learners with special needs whose functional
deficiencies are amenable to improvement through exercise. Adapted
Upon filing of an appropriate complaint, and after notice and hearing
physical education programs should be planned and implemented in
the proper authorities may also cause the cancellation or revocation of
coordination with psychological and medical services.
the business permit, permit to operate, franchise and other similar
privileges granted to any business entity that fails to abide by the pro- Affordable Cost - “the lowest amount charged to a person that meets
visions of this Act." the criteria for affordability as determined under existing policies of
the Department of Health.
SECTION 47. Appropriations -The amount necessary to carry out the
provision of this Act shall be included in the General Appropriation Apprentice - “means a worker who is covered by a written Appren-
Act of the year following its enactment into law and thereafter. ticeship Agreement with an individual employer.
SECTION 48. Separability Clause -Should any provision of this Act Apprenticeable Occupation - “means any trade, form of employment
be found unconstitutional by a court of law, such provisions shall be or occupation, which requires more than three (3) months of practical
severed from the remainder of the Act, and such action shall not affect on-the-job training supplemented by related theoretical instruction.
the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Act.
Apprenticeship - “means on-the-job practical training supplemented
SECTION 49. Repealing Clause -All laws, presidential decrees, exec- by related theoretical instruction.
utive orders and rules and regulations inconsistent with the provi-
Apprenticeship Agreement - “means written employments contract in
sions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
which the employer binds himself to train the apprentice in turn
SECTION 50. Effectivity -This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days agrees to work for the employer.
after its publication in any two (2) newspaper of general circulation.
Auditory Training - “the producer of teaching persons with hearing
IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE impairments, to make full use of their residual ability.
Auxiliary – a. Offering, providing help, assistance or support b. Func-
(Republic Act No. 7277)
tioning in a subsidiary capacity; augmenting or available to augment
DEFINITION OF TERMS a basis power, potential, or ability; supplementary.
Abandoned - “an abandoned disabled person is one who has no Auxiliary Aids and Services include:
proper parental care or guardianship, or whose parents or guardians
1. Qualified interpreters or other effective methods of delivering
have deserted him for a period of at least six continuous months.
materials to individuals with hearing impairments;
Abused - “an abused disabled person is one who has been maltreated 2. Qualified readers, taped tests, or other effective methods of
delivering materials to individuals with visual impairments; such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an impair-
3. Acquisition or modification of equipment or devices; and ment;
4. Other similar services and actions or all types of aids and ser-
Disabled Gifted - “persons who demonstrate superior performance
vices that facilitate the learning process of people with mental
capabilities in intellectual, creative, specific academic areas, leader-
ship, or in the arts in spite of physical, sensory or psychosocial disa-
Auxiliary Social Services - “are the supportive activities in the delivery bilities.
of social services to the marginalized sectors of society.
[persons with disabilities] - “those suffering from restriction of differ-
Basic Medical Services - “services rendered to disabled patients within ent abilities, as a result of a mental, Physical or sensory impairment,
the competence and capability of DOH health facilities which include in performing an activity in the manner or within the range consid-
health examinations, medical/surgical procedures, regular dental ered normal for a human being.
care and selected procedures, routine/special laboratory examina-
Disabled Worker - “means a worker whose earning capacity is im-
tions, and ancillary procedures as required.
paired by mental, physical or sensory deficiency or injury.
Cognitive Skills - “refers to the ability to see, perceive, understand,
Employment Agreement - “means the contract of employment en-
and see the relationship between ideas and facts.
tered into between the employer and the disabled worker.
Commerce - “shall be taken on mean as travel, trade, traffic, com-
Formal Education - “refers to hierarchically structured and chronolog-
merce, transportation, or level that use and build on the resources of
ically graded learning organized and provided by the formal school
the community, including the impaired disabled and handicapped
system and for which certification is required in order for the learner
persons themselves, their families, and their community as a whole.
to progress through the grades or moved higher level (P.B. 232 - “Ed-
Complete, Adequate and Integrated System of Special Education - ucation Act 1982)
“educational program that caters to various types of learners with
Fits/Seizures – a neurologic condition characterized by sudden loss
special needs from preschool to tertiary levels and their formal or non-
of consciousness coupled with sudden uncontrolled movements.
formal programs that are complementary mutually reinforcing and a
comparable standards. Functional – Relating directly to everybody needs and interests;
Covered Entity - “means an employer, employment agency, labor or- – Concerned with application in activity;
ganization or joint labor-,management committee.
– Practical;
Customized Vehicle - “a vehicle manufactured, reconstituted or reas-
– Performing or able to perform its regular function
sembled to suit the particular user according to his personal require-
ments, needs or desire. Handicap - “refers to disadvantage for a given individual, resulting
from an impairment or a disability, that limits or prevents the function
Depot - “an area where facilities for storing, classifying and sorting of
or activity, that is considered normal given the age and sex of the in-
goods/cargoes are provided. It may be a part or separate from the
terminal and serves as a place for storing of the transport facility, fuel-
ing, clearing, inspection, and repair. Handicapped - “a disadvantaged for a given individual, resulting
from an impairment or a disability, that limits or prevents the function
Disability - “shall mean (1) a physical impairment that substantially
or activity, that is considered normal given the age and sex of the
limits one or more psychological, physiological or anatomical func-
handicapped individual.
tion of an individual or activities of such individual; (2) a record of
Impairment - “is any loss, diminution or aberration of psychological, (example: mental retardation, acquired lesions of the central nervous
physiological, or anatomical structure or function. system, demenia) and mental illnesses
Income Producing Projects or Homework Schemes - “means the work (psychotic and non-psychotic disorders).
and services that a disabled person can adequately and preferentially
Multi-handicapped - “persons with more than one disability such as
do or provide in sheltered workshops or in about the [persons with
those with mental retardation-blindness mental retardation-orthope-
disabilities] homes that will provide them the opportunity to earn a
dic handicap, deafness-blindness and others.
living and acquire a working capacity required in open industry.
Neglected - “a neglected disabled person is one whose basic needs
Independent Living - “the degree to which a disabled person is able
have been deliberately unattended or inadequately attended. As a re-
to maintain himself independently in the community and in gainful
sult, the disabled person is either malnourished, ill clad or without
proper shelter.
Indigent - “a disabled person whose level of income falls below the
Nonfornmal Education - “any unstructured educational activity
poverty threshold.
which take place outside the established formal education system. It
Learner with Special Needs - “a person who differs significantly from is designed to complement or extend as well as provide an alternative
the average learner in (a) mental characteristics; (b) sensory abilities; to the formal education.
(c) neuromuscular or physical characteristics; (d) psychosocial charac-
Normalization - “a principle in SPED where learners with special
teristics; or has multiple handicaps or has chronic illness; and or has a
needs are provided with an educational and living environment as
developmental lag to such an extent that he requires modified or spe-
close as possible to what is ordinarily enjoyed by most people.
cialized instruction and services in order to develop to his maximum
capability. Orthopedically Handicapped - “persons whose impairment interferes
either permanently or temporarily, with the normal functioning of the
Learning Disabled - “persons who, although normal in sensory, emo-
joints, muscles or limbs.
tional and intellectual abilities, exhibit disorders in perception, listen-
ing, thinking, reading, writing, spelling, and arithmetic. Persons with Autism - “a developmental disability, having onset be-
fore 30 months of age, which is marked by disturbance in develop-
Learning Institution (LI) - “any educational institution managed or
ment, language and relationships with persons, activities and objects.
owned by the government, a private individual, a corporation or any
legal entity, which caters to children, youth and adults with special Persons with Behavioral Problems - “those who cannot adjust to the
needs. A learning institution may be day or residential in nature. socially accepted norms of behavior and, consequently, disrupt their
academic progress, the learning efforts of their classmates, and inter-
Local Government Unit - “refers to the municipality, city, and prov-
personal relations. Their emotional and social development is so seri-
ince or to any political subdivision of the national government as de-
ously impaired that they cannot benefit from instruction in an ordi-
fined by law.
nary class.
Marginalized [persons with disabilities] - “refer to [persons with dis-
Persons with Hearing Impairment - “those with auditory disabilities
abilities] who lack access to rehabilitative services and opportunities
ranging from mild to profound hearing loss..
to be able to participate fully in socio-economic activities and who
have no means of livelihood or whose incomes fall below the poverty Persons with Mental Retardation - “those with significant sub-average
threshold. general intellectual functioning which originates during the develop-
Mental Disability - “disability resulting from organic brain syndromes
mental period, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behav- with disability who, with or without reasonable accommodations, can
ior like maturation, learning and social adjustment. perform the essential functions of the employment position that such
individuals holds or desires. However, consideration shall be given to
Persons with Visual Impairment - “those with visual disabilities rang-
the employer’s judgment as to what functions of a job are essential,
ing from partial to total loss of vision.
and if an employer has prepared a written description before adver-
Physiatrist - “a doctor of medicine with specialized training in reha- tising or interviewing applicant for the job, this description shall be
bilitation medicine. considered evidence of the essential functions of the job.
Prevocational Skills - “refer to preparatory activities designed to equip Quality Education - “a learning process that makes the individual a
the learner with readiness skills for formal vocational training. better person and prepares him to cope with rapid social change with
appropriate skills and positive values leading to productive and
Private Practitioner - “Physicians, physiatrist, physical therapist, oc-
meaningful life as responsible citizen.
cupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist, and other profes-
sionals engaged in private practice. Readily Achievable - “means a goal can be easily attained and carried
out without much difficulty or expense. In determining whether an
Program Modification - “refers to any adjustments in the educational
action is readily achievable, factors to be considered include - “
program and/or services for learners with special needs in order to
facilitate their learning. Modifications and adjustments may be done 1) the natural and cost of the action;
in such aspects as classroom program, services and facilities, class
2) the overall financial resources of the facility of facilities involved in
the action; the number of persons employed at such facility; the effect
curricular scope and sequence, teaching objectives, teaching strate- on expense and resources, or the impact otherwise of such action upon
gies, instructional materials, the operation of the facility
facilities and equipment. 3) the overall financial resources of the covered entity with respect to
the number of its employees; the number; type and location of its fa-
Psychosocial - “comes from the words psychological and social; inter-
cilities; and
relationship of the psychological aspects pertaining to the thoughts,
feelings, reactions, behavior of a person with the social aspects per- 4) the type of operations of the covered entity, including the composi-
taining to the situation circumstances, events, relationships, other tion, structure and functions of the work force of such entity; the geo-
people which influence or affect the person sometimes to the point of graphic separateness, administrative or fiscal relationship of the facil-
causing distress. ity or facilities in question to the covered entity;
Public Transportation - “means transportation by air, land and sea Reasonable Accommodations includes 1) improvement of existing fa-
that provides the public with general or special service on a regular cilities used any employees in order to render these readily accessible
and continuing basis.. to and usable by [persons with disabilities]; and 2)
Public Transport Facilities - “shall defined as utilities of public modification of work schedules, reassignment to a vacant position, ac-
transport operators engaged in the transportation of passengers on quisition or modification of equipment or devices, appropriate adjust-
land, air and water, with or without fixed route of any class or service. ments or modifications of examinations, training materials or com-
Facilities shall include, among others, the conveyances, terminals, and pany policies, rules and regulations, the provision of auxiliary aids
other areas where people converge to wait for such conveyances. and services, and other similar accommodations for [persons with dis-
Qualified Individual with a Disability - “shall mean an individual
Rehabilitation an integrated approach to physical, psychosocial, cul- Special Education Needs - “take the form of the need for one or more
tural, spiritual, educational, or vocational measures that create condi- of the following: (a) the provision of special means of access to the
tions for the individual to attain the highest possible level of func- curriculum through special equipments, facilities or resources, modi-
tional ability. fication of the physical environment or specialized teaching tech-
niques; (b)
Research on Special Problems - “studies conducted on special educa-
tion and related aspects such as: (a) conducted curriculum for partic- provision of a special or modified curriculum; (c) particular attention
ular types of competencies, learners with special needs, (b) teaching to the social structure and emotional climate in which education takes
strategies, (c) teachers’ competencies, (d) materials development, (e) place (UNESCO), World Education Report, 1991)
nature and needs of particular types of learners with special needs, (f)
Special Education Teacher - “professionally trained educators teach-
assessment of learners with special needs, (g) programs and services
ing learners with special need.
and (h) adaptation in facilities and equipment.
Special Facilities - “means the special environment devoid of architec-
Sheltered Employment - “means the provision of productive work for
tural and attitudinal or social barriers that further incapacitate a disa-
[persons with disabilities] through workshops providing special facil-
bled person to function as able as possible. Said facilities, likewise, re-
ities, income-producing projects or home works schemes with a view
fer to special equipment, gadgets, machineries and tools of production
of giving the disabled the opportunity to earn a living thus enabling
adapted to the residual capabilities of [persons with disabilities].
them to acquire a working capacity required in open industry.
Specialty – a particular, peculiar, or individual circumstances, detail
Sheltered Workshop - “refers to the places with special facilities for
or characteristics;
disabled workers, where income producing projects or homework
schemes are available for the disabled to earn a living and acquire a – a distinctive or sometimes a restrictive mark or quality
working capacity required in open industry.
State University and Colleges - “refer to duly establish learning or ed-
Social Barriers - “refer to the characteristics of institutions, whether ucational institutions.
legal, economic, cultural,
Stations - “are designated covered or uncovered areas on the board or
recreational or other, any human group, community, or society which highways, railways, seaports, and airports along a route structure in-
limit the fullest possible participation of [persons with disabilities] in tended for loading and unloading passengers and cargo/es for a lim-
the life of the group. Social barriers include negative attitudes, which ited period of time where minimum passenger amenities are pro-
tend to single out and exclude [persons with disabilities] and which vided.
materials and adaptations in facilities equipment.
Suitable Employment - “means the jobs or occupations appropriate to
Social Barriers - “refers to a class generally for one type of a learner the needs of [persons with disabilities] and which enhance their skills
with special needs organized within the regular school and taught by and provide them which better opportunities for employment.
a SPED teacher.
Technical Aids - “include equipment, devices and appliances that are
Special Education (SPED) - “the type of education specifically de- used in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of disabilities.
signed for learners with special needs who can not profit maximally
Terminal - “refers to public terminal of different modes usually lo-
from regular education such that they require trained personnel, mod-
cated at both ends of the route structure and/or part of the turning
ifications in the caracula, teaching methods, instructional materials
point where passengers merge to enter/exit from public conveyances
and adaptations in facilities and equipment.
and transfer to other modes. It is commonly provided with facilities

for lay-over, inspection and repair arias as well as passenger amenities standards, tests or other selection criteria are shown to be job-related
such as restaurants, rest rooms and lounges. Terminals may include for the position in question and are consistent with business necessity;
airports, ports and harbors, LRT, PNR, bus and jeepney terminals
c) Utilizing standards, criteria or methods of administration that:
which may vary from a simple shelter to a multi-level structure.
1. Have the effect of discrimination on the basis of disability; or
Total Communication Approach - “a system of communication which
incorporate aural, oral and manual modes of communication involv- 2. Perpetuate the discrimination of others who are subject to common
ing speech and speech reading, finger spelling and sign language, administrative control;
reading and writing which may be used singly or in multiple combi-
d) Providing a lower compensation, salary, wage or other forms of
nations to ensure effective interaction with other people and among
remuneration and fringe benefits to a qualified disabled employee by
persons with hearing impairment.
reason of his disability as compared to a worker performing the same
Unattached - “an unattached disabled person is one who is without a type and amount of work but who is not disabled;
parent, guardian or custodian, and is dependent upon the public for
e) Favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified disabled em-
ployee with respect to promotion, training opportunities, study and
Vocational Efficiency - “level of vocational proficiency and compe- scholarship grants, solely on account of the latter’s disability.
tency which when attained enables a person to work on an equal foot-
f) Re-assigning or transferring a disabled employee to a job or position
ing with other people with similar background and training.
he cannot perform by reason of his disability;
Vocational Training - “refers to the teaching of relevant occupational
g) Dismissing or terminating the services of the disabled employee by
skills geared towards gainful employment.
reason of his disability unless the employer can prove that the satis-
RULE II factory performance of the work involved is impaired by reason of the
SECTION 1. Equal Opportunity for Employment disability to the prejudice of the business entity,
1.1 Opportunity for suitable employment. - “Opportunity for suitable
Provided, however, that the employer has first exerted effort to pro-
employment shall be open to all qualified [persons with disabilities].
vide reasonable accommodations for the disabled worker;
Efforts shall be exerted to provide qualified [persons with disabilities]
equal opportunity in the selection process based on qualification h) Failing to select or administer in the most effective manner employ-
standards prescribed for a appointment to a position. ment tests which accurately reflect or measure the skills, aptitude or
positive traits of the disabled applicant or employee rather than the
1.2 Discrimination in employment. - “No individual or entity, whether
impaired sensory, manual or speaking capabilities of such applicant
public or private, shall discriminate against a qualified disabled per-
or employee, if any; and i) Excluding [persons with disabilities] from
son by reason of disability in regard to job application procedures; the
membership in labor unions or similar organizations.
hiring, promotion, or discharge of employees, employee compensa-
tion, job training, and other terms and conditions of employment. The 1.3 Pre-employment medical examination. - “Upon an offer of em-
following constitute acts of discrimination: ployment, a disabled applicant may be subjected to a medical exami-
nation subject to the following conditions:
a) Limiting, segregating or classifying a disabled job applicant in such
manner that adversely affects his work opportunities; a.) Workers to be hired are subjected to such medical examination re-
gardless of whether or not they are disabled.
b) Using qualification standards, employment tests or others selection
criteria that rule out or tend to rule out a disabled person unless such b) Information obtained concerning the medical condition or history

of the applicant is collected and maintained in separate forms and in 2.2 Sheltered workshop. - “For the purpose of sheltered employment,
separate medical files and is treated as confidential medical infor- DOLE and DSWD shall endeavor to set up sheltered workshops in all
mation, Provided, however, that: regions of the country in consultation and coordination with existing
non-government organizations (NGOs) and people’s organizations
1. Supervisors and managers may be advised of a medical findings
regarding the applicant if it will result in impairment of the work or (POs) which provide parallel services to [persons with disabilities].
duties of the employees or will require the installation of special facil-
2.3 Entitlement to sheltered employment.
(a) Any disabled person who is literate and/or can follow simple in-
2. First aid and safety personnel may also be informed of the medical
structions and routine work, provided he has undergone training in
finding, when appropriate, if the disability will require emergency
any particular work or service, shall be entitled to sheltered employ-
3. The Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment or his
(c) The DOLE shall provide training in pre-determined preferential
duly authorized representative investigating compliance with this Act
trades for the disabled who are bound for sheltered employment.
shall be provided relevant information or request; and
SECTION 3. Apprenticeship and Learnership
4. The results of such medical examination shall be used only in ac-
3.1 Qualification for Apprenticeship. - “To qualify as an apprentice-
cordance with this Act.
ship or learner, the handicap of the disabled person should not be
1.4 Compensation and other benefits. - “The disabled employee shall such as to effectively impede the performance of job operation in the
receive the same compensation, privileges, fringe benefits, incentives particular occupation for which he shall be hired.
or allowances and other employee benefits as any other qualified em-
In addition, the disabled worker shall:
a.) Be at least fourteen (14) years of age;
1.5 Reserved positions for the disabled. - “Subject to existing laws and
regulations, the b.) Possess vocational aptitude and capacity for apprenticeship; and
c.) Posses the ability to comprehend and follow oral and written in-
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); DOH; De-
partment of
3.2 Apprenticeship agreement. - “Every apprenticeship agreement
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS); and other government agen-
shall include the following:
cies, offices or corporations engaged in social development, shall re-
served five percent (5%) of all their casual, emergency and contractual (a) The full names and addresses of the contracting parties;
positions for employment of [persons with disabilities].
(b) Date of birth of the apprentice;
SECTION 2. Sheltered Employment
(c) Name of the trade, occupation or job in which the apprentice will
2.1 Provisions of sheltered employment. - “The State shall provide
be trainee and the dates on which such training will begin and will
sheltered employment to the disabled if suitable employment is not
approximately end;
available in the open labor market. In the placement of [persons with
disabilities] in sheltered employment, their individual qualities, voca- (d) The approximate number of hours of on-the-job training as well as
tional goals and inclinations shall be accorded due regard to ensure a of supplementary theoretical instructions which the apprentice shall
good working atmosphere and efficient production. undergo during his training;
(e) A schedule of the work processes of the trade/occupation in which
the apprentice shall be trained and the approximate time to be spent (2) months shall be deemed a regular employee if training is termi-
on the job in each process; nated by the employer before the end of the stipulated period through
no fault of the learner.
(f) The graduated scale of wage to be paid the apprentice;
The Learnership Agreement shall be subject to examination by the
(g) The probationary period of the apprentice during which either
Secretary of DOLE or his duly authorized representatives.
party may summarily terminate the agreement;
3.5 Learnership in piece work. - “Learners employed in piece or incen-
(h) A commitment by the employer to make the apprentice a regular
tives rate jobs during the training period shall be paid in fully for the
employee if the latter’s services are retained upon completion of the
work done.
apprenticeship period; and
SECTION 4. Incentives for Employer
(i) A clause that if the employer is unable to fulfill his training obliga-
4.1 Incentives. - “
tion, he may transfer the agreement, with the consent of the appren-
tice, to any other employer who is willing to assume such obligation. (a) Private entities that employ [persons with disabilities] who meet
the required skills or qualifications either as a regular employee, ap-
The employer shall furnish the concerned Regional Office of DOLE a
prentice or learners shall be entitled to an additional deduction from
copy of the apprenticeship agreement five (5) working days from the
their gross income equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%)
date of its execution.
of the total amount paid as salaries and wages to [persons with disa-
3.3 Apprenticeship programs. - “
(a) NMYC shall develop throughout the year apprenticeship pro-
(b) Private entities that improve or modify their physical facilities in
grams for [persons with disabilities].
order to provide reasonable accommodation for [persons with disa-
(b) DOLE shall encourage private companies to develop and imple- bilities] shall be entitled to an additional deduction from their net in-
ment apprenticeship programs for [persons with disabilities]. come, equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the direct cost of the im-
provements or modifications. This Section, however, does not apply
(c) Apprenticeship programs shall include placement assistance with
to improvements or modifications of facilities required under B.P. Blg.
accredited NGOs.
3.4 Learnership agreement. - “Any employer desiring to employ
(c) The DOLE Secretary shall, from time to time, identify and provide
learners shall enter into a
other incentives to private entities which employ [persons with disa-
Learnership Agreement with them, which shall include: bilities] to encourage the active participation of the private sector in
promoting the welfare of [persons with disabilities], and to ensure
(a) the name and address of the learner;
gainful employment for qualified [persons with disabilities].
(b) the duration of the learnership period, which shall not exceed three
4.2 Requirement for entitlement to incentives. - “
(3) months;
The following shall be the requirements for entitlement to the incen-
(c) the wages or salary rates of the learner which shall begin at not less
than seventy-five percent (75%) of the applicable minimum wage; and
A. For employing disabled workers:
(d) A commitment by the employer to employ the learner, if he so de-
sires, as a regular employee upon completion of the learnership. A (a) DOH Accreditation as to the type of disability/ties of the disabled
learner who has been allowed or suffered to work during the first two workers;
(b) DOLE (NMYC) Accreditation as to the skills and qualifications of 1) Orientation Program which is intended to inform disabled employ-
the disabled workers; ees about the department, agency or LGU programs, thrusts and op-
(c) Certification of Employment of the accredited disabled workers
from the concerned DOLE Regional Director; 2) Social Adjustment/Personality/Development Program which is in-
tended to equip [persons with disabilities] with dynamics or interper-
For purposes of Accreditation, DOLE and DOH shall establish a unit
sonal relationships as well as public relations skills to prepare them
in each of their regional offices to facilitate the processing of the ac-
for greater responsibilities.
creditation of the [persons with disabilities].
3) Technical Program in specific areas which is intended to enhance
B. For improving or modifying physical facilities for reasonable ac-
the skills and knowledge of disabled employees for livelihood and
commodation for disabled employees:
gainful employment.
(a) Certification from the building inspectors in consultation with the
4) Values Development Program which is intended to generate posi-
DSWD and other concerned groups in the region where the facilities
tive attitudes of [persons with disabilities] and to harness service val-
are located.
ues of participants to be effective employees.
SECTION 5. Vocational Rehabilitation
5) Entrepreneurial Opportunity Program which is intended to famil-
5.1 Principle of equal opportunity. - “The principle of equal oppor-
iarize [persons with disabilities] who wish to enter into business ven-
tunity for disabled workers shall extend to the provision to develop
tures, the mechanics of business as well as available business oppor-
their skills for livelihood and gainful employment.
tunities or other productive endeavors. Any department, agency or
5.2 Vocational rehabilitation training. - “The NMYC, in coordination LGU may enter into cooperative undertakings with other depart-
with every concern department agency or LGU, shall include voca- ments, agencies or LGUs, as the case may be, to develop and imple-
tional rehabilitation training of disabled person as a component of its ment an appropriate vocational program for [persons with disabili-
continuing human resources development program and shall exert ef- ties].
forts to integrate that thrust into its corporate plans. Such component
5.4 Facilities for Vocational Rehabilitation
may take the form of research material production, training design
and administration, or evaluation and monitoring. (a) Each LGU shall provide adequate and affordable facilities for vo-
cational rehabilitation projects. Said facilities shall include infrastruc-
5.3 Vocational rehabilitation program. - “In adopting the component
ture, funding and manpower.
of vocational rehabilitation, each agency or LGU, in coordination with
NMYC, shall: (b) A Livelihood Promotion Committee shall be established in every
LGU. Said
(a) Prepare a Comprehensive Support Plan based on the assessment
of training needs and skills inventory of disabled employees which Committee shall be tasked to develop, implement, monitor and eval-
will be provided by the DSWD. uate vocational rehabilitation programs for [persons with disabilities]
residing in rural areas.
(b) Design, implement and evaluate, a specific and appropriate pro-
gram which the agency or LGU can manage, direct and control within (c) The Livelihood Promotion Committee shall be comprised of a des-
its organizational framework and capacity. Such programs shall in- ignated Community
clude, but not be limited, to the following:
Development Officer permanently employed in the LGU, a ranking
NGO official, and a disabled person nominated by concerned groups

in the LGU involved in livelihood programs. f. re-assigning or transferring a disabled employee to a job or position
he cannot perform by reason of his disability;
5.5 Vocational Guidance and Counseling. - “The DSWD shall:
g. dismissing or terminating the services of disabled employee by rea-
(a) Provide vocational guidance and counseling for [persons with dis-
sons of his disability unless the employer can prove that he impairs
the satisfactory performance of the work involved to the prejudice of
(b) Ensure the availability of trained counselors and staff for this pur- the business entity; provided that the employer first sought to provide
pose. reasonable accommodations for [persons with disabilities];
RULE IX h. failing to select or administer in the most effective manner employ-
ment test which accurately reflects the skill, aptitude or other factors
SECTION 1. Discrimination on Employment
of the disabled applicant or employee that such test purports to meas-
The public or private sector shall not discriminate against a qualified ure, rather than the impaired sensory, manual or speaking skills of
disabled person by reason of disability in regard to job application such applicant or employee, if any; and i. excluding [persons with dis-
procedures, the hiring, promotion or discharge of employees, employ- abilities] from membership in labor unions or similar organizations.
ees’ compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions and priv-
SECTION 2. Employment Entrance Examination
ileges of employment.
2.1 The disabled person, upon an offer of employment, will be sub-
1.2 Acts of Discrimination
jected to medical examination on the following occasions:
The following shall constitute acts of discrimination:
a. all entering employees are subjected to such examination regardless
a. limiting, segregating or classifying a disabled job applicant in such of disability;
a manner that adversely affects his work opportunities;
b. information obtained during the medical condition or history of the
b. using qualification standards, employment test or the selection cri- applicant is collected and maintained on separate forms and in sepa-
teria that screen out or tend to screen out a disabled person unless rate medical files and is treated as a confidential medical record, pro-
such standards, test or the selection criteria are shown to be job related vided that:
for the position in question and are consistent with business necessity;
1. supervisors and managers may be informed regarding necessary
c. utilizing standards, criteria or methods with business necessity; restrictions on the work or duties of the employees and necessary ac-
1. have the effect of discrimination on the basis of disability;
2. first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when appropriate,
2. perpetuate the discrimination of others who are subject to common
if the disability may require emergency treatment.
administrative control;
3. government officials investigating compliance with this Act shall be
d. providing less compensation, such as salary, wage or other forms
provided relevant information on request; and
of remuneration and fringe benefits, to a qualified disabled employee,
by reason of his disability, than the amount to which a non-disabled 4. the results of such examination may be used only in accordance
person performing the same work is entitled; with this Act.
e. favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified disabled em- RULE X
ployee with respect to promotion, training opportunities, study and ENFORCEMENT
scholarship grants solely on account of the latter’s disability; SECTION 1. Investigation
The Secretary of Justice shall investigate alleged violations of the Act poses’. This is defined as a person suffering from restriction or differ-
and shall undertake periodic reviews of compliance of covered enti- ent abilities, as a result of a mental, physical or sensory impairment,
ties under the Act. to perform an activity in a manner or within the range considered nor-
mal for human being. Disability shall mean (1) a physical or mental
SECTION 2. Commencement of Legal Action
impairment that substantially limits one or more psychological, phys-
If the Secretary of Justice has reasonable cause to believe that any per- iological or anatomical function of an individual or activities of such
son or group of person is engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimi- individual; (2) a record of such an impairment; or (3) being regarded
nation under this Act; or any person or group of persons has been dis- as having such an impairment.
criminated against under this Act and such discrimination raises an
issue of general public importance the secretary of justice may com-
mence a ;legal action in any appropriate court.
Section 9. Penalties Any person who violates any provision of this Act
SECTION 3. Court Authority shall suffer the following penalties:
The Court may grant any equitable relief that such court considers to For the first violation, a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
be appropriate including to the extent required by the Act: (P50,000.00) but not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than six months but not
a) granting temporary, preliminary or permanent relief b) providing
more than two years, or both at the discretion of the court; and
an auxiliary aid or service, modification of policy, practice or proce-
dure, or alternative method; and c) making facilities readily accessible For any subsequent violation, a fine of not less than One hundred
to and usable by individuals with disabilities thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred thou-
sand pesos (P200,000.00) or imprisonment for not less than two years
but not more than six years, or both at the discretion of the court.
These rules and regulations shall take effect thirty (30) days after the Any person who abuses the privileges granted herein shall be pun-
date of publication in the Official Gazette. ished with imprisonment of not less than six months or a fine of not
less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), but not more than Fifty
IRR OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9442, An Act Amending
Republic Act No. 7277, Otherwise known as the Magna Carta thousand pesos (P50,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court.
for Persons with Disability as Amended, and For Other If the violator is a corporation, organization or any similar entity, the
Purposes’ Granting Additional Privileges and Incentives and officials thereof directly involved shall be liable therefore.
Prohibitions on Verbal, Non-Verbal Ridicule and Vilification
Against Persons with Disability If the violator is an alien or a foreigner, he shall be deported immedi-
RULE III ately after service of sentence without further deportation proceed-
Section 5. Definition of Terms. For purposes of these Rules and Regu- Upon filing of an appropriate complaint, and after due notice and
lations, these terms are defined as follows: hearing, the proper authorities may also cause the cancellation or rev-
5.1. Persons with Disability are those individuals defined under Sec- ocation of the business permit, permit to operate, franchise and other
tion 4 of RA 7277 An Act Providing for the Rehabilitation, Self-Devel- similar privileges granted to any business entity that fails to abide by
opment and Self-Reliance of Persons with Disability as amended and the provisions of this Act.
their integration into the Mainstream of Society and for Other Pur- Section 10. Effectivity. These Implementing Rules and Regulations

shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in two (2) newspa-
pers of general circulation and filed with the Administrative Regis-
trar, University of the Philippines Law Center as required under the
Administrative Code of 1987.

H. SSS Law (R.A. No. 8282) "(1) The legal spouse entitled by law to receive support from the mem-
Republic Act No. 8282
AN ACT FURTHER STRENGTHENING THE SOCIAL "(2) The legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted, and illegitimate
SECURITY SYSTEM THEREBY AMENDING FOR THIS child who is unmarried, not gainfully employed, and has not reached
PURPOSE, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1161, AS AMENDED, twenty-one (21) years of age, or if over twenty-one (21) years of age,
OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE SOCIAL SECURITY LAW he is congenitally or while still a minor has been permanently inca-
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines pacitated and incapable of self-support, physically or mentally; and
in Congress assembled::
"(3) The parent who is receiving regular support from the member.
Section 1. Republic Act No. 1161, as amended, otherwise known as
"(f) Compensation - All actual remuneration for employment, includ-
the "Social Security Law", is hereby further amended to read as fol-
ing the mandated cost-of-living allowance, as well as the cash value
of any remuneration paid in any medium other than cash except that
"SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as the "AN part of the remuneration in excess of the maximum salary credit
ACT FURTHER STRENGTHENING THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYS- as Provided under Section Eighteen of this Act.
"(g) Monthly salary credit - The compensation base for contributions
and benefits as indicated in the schedule in Section Eighteen of this
"SEC. 8. Terms Defined. - For purposes of this Act, the following terms
"(h) Monthly - The period from one end of the last payroll period of
shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, have the following mean-
the preceding month to the end of the last payroll period of the current
month if compensation is on hourly, daily or weekly basis; if on any
"(a) SSS - The Social Security System created by this Act. other basis, 'monthly' shall mean a period of one (1) month.
"(b) Commission - The Social Security Commission as herein created. "(i) Contribution - The amount paid to the SSS by and on behalf of the
members in accordance with Section Eighteen of this Act.
"(c) Employer- Any person, natural or juridical, domestic or foreign,
who carries on in the Philippines any trade, business, industry, under- "(j) Employment - Any service performed by an employee for his em-
taking, or activity of any kind and uses the services of another person ployer except:
who is under his orders as regards the employment, except the Gov-
"(1) Employment purely casual and not for the purpose of occupation
ernment and any of its political subdivisions, branches or instrumen-
or business of the employer;
talities, including corporations owned or controlled by the Govern-
ment: Provided, That a self-employed person shall be both employee "(2) Service performed on or in connection with an alien vessel by an
and employer at the same time. employee if he is employed when such vessel is outside the Philip-
"(d) Employee - Any person who performs services for an employer
in which either or both mental or physical efforts are used and who "(3) Service performed in the employ of the Philippine Government or
receives compensation for such services, where there is an employer- instrumentality or agency thereof;
employee relationship: Provided, That a self-employed person shall be
"(4) Service performed in the employ of a foreign government or in-
both employee and employer at the same time.
ternational organization, or their wholly-owned instrumentality: Pro-
"(e) Dependents - The dependents shall be the following:
vided, however, That this exemption notwithstanding, any foreign gov- "(n) Average daily salary credit- The result obtained by dividing the
ernment, international organization or their wholly-owned instru- sum of the six (6) highest monthly salary credits in the twelve-month
mentality employing workers in the Philippines or employing Filipi- period immediately preceding the semester of contingency by one
nos outside of the Philippines, may enter into an agreement with the hundred eighty (180).
Philippine Government for the inclusion of such employees in the SSS
"(o) Semester - A period of two (2) consecutive quarters ending in the
except those already covered by their respective civil service retire-
quarter of contingency.
ment systems: Provided, further, That the terms of such agreement shall
conform with the provisions of this Act on coverage and amount of "(p) Quarter - A period of three (3) consecutive calendar months end-
payment of contributions and benefits: Provided, finally, That the pro- ing on the last day of March, June, September and December.
visions of this Act shall be supplementary to any such agreement; and
"(q) Credited years of service - For a member covered prior to January
"(5) Such other services performed by temporary and other employees nineteen hundred and eighty five (1985) minus the calendar year of
which may be excluded by regulation of the Commission. Employees coverage plus the number of calendar years in which six (6) or more
of bona fide independent contractors shall not be deemed employees contributions have been paid from January nineteen hundred and
of the employer engaging the service of said contractors. eighty five (1985) up to the calendar year containing the semester prior
to the contingency. For a member covered in or after January nineteen
"(k) Beneficiaries - The dependent spouse until he or she remarries,
hundred and eighty five (1985), the number of calendar years in which
the dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted, and illegiti-
six (6) or more contributions have been paid from the year of coverage
mate children, who shall be the primary beneficiaries of the mem-
up to the calendar year containing the semester prior to the contin-
ber:Provided, That the dependent illegitimate children shall be entitled
gency: Provided, That the Commission may provide for a different
to fifty percent (50%) of the share of the legitimate, legitimated or le-
number of contributions in a calendar year for it to be considered as a
gally adopted children: Provided, further, That in the absence of the de-
credited year of service.
pendent legitimate, legitimated children of the member, his/her de-
pendent illegitimate children shall be entitled to one hundred percent "(r) Member - The worker who is covered under Section Nine and Sec-
(100%) of the benefits. In their absence, the dependent parents who tion Nine-A of this Act.
shall be the secondary beneficiaries of the member. In the absence of
"(s) Self-employed - Any person whose income is not derived from
all the foregoing, any other person designated by the member as
employment, as defined under this Act, as well as those workers enu-
his/her secondary beneficiary.
merated in Section Nine-A hereof.
"(l) Contingency - The retirement, death, disability, injury or sickness
"(t) Net earnings - Net income before income taxes plus non-cash
and maternity of the member.
charges such as depreciation and depletion appearing in the regular
"(m) Average monthly salary credit - The result obtained by dividing financial statement of the issuing or assuming institution.
the sum of the last sixty (60) monthly salary credits immediately pre-
"(u) Fixed charges - Recurring expense such as amortization of debt
ceding the semester of contingency by sixty (60), or the result obtained
discount or rentals for leased properties, including interest on funded
by dividing the sum of all the monthly salary credits paid prior to the
and unfunded debt.
semester of contingency by the number of monthly contributions paid
in the same period, whichever is greater: Provided, That the injury or "SEC. 9. Coverage. - (a) Coverage in the SSS shall be compulsory upon
sickness which caused the disability shall be deemed as the perma- all employees not over sixty (60) years of age and their employers: Pro-
nent disability for the purpose of computing the average monthly sal- vided, That in the case of domestic helpers, their monthly income shall
ary credit.

not be less than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) a month: Pro- "3. Actors and actresses, directors, scriptwriters and news correspond-
vided, further, That any benefit already earned by the employees under ents who do not fall within the definition of the term "employee" in
private benefit plans existing at the time of the approval of this Act Section 8 (d) of this Act;
shall not be discontinued, reduced or otherwise impaired: Pro-
"4. Professional athletes, coaches, trainers and jockeys; and
vided, further, That private plans which are existing and in force at the
time of compulsory coverage shall be integrated with the plan of the "5. Individual farmers and fishermen.
SSS in such a way where the employer's contribution to his private
"Unless otherwise specified herein, all provisions of this Act applica-
plan is more than that required of him in this Act, he shall pay to the
ble to covered employees shall also be applicable to the covered self-
SSS only the contribution required of him and he shall continue his
employed persons.
contribution to such private plan less his contribution to the SSS so
that the employer's total contribution to his benefit plan and to the SSS "SEC. 10. Effective Date of Coverage. - Compulsory coverage of the em-
shall be the same as his contribution to his private benefit plan before ployer shall take effect on the first day of his operation and that of the
the compulsory coverage: Provided, further, That any changes, adjust- employee on the day of his employment: Provided, That the compul-
ments, modifications, eliminations or improvements in the benefits to sory coverage of the self-employed person shall take effect upon his
be available under the remaining private plan, which may be neces- registration with the SSS.
sary to adopt by reason of the reduced contributions thereto as a result
"SEC. 11. Effect of Separation from Employment. - When an employee un-
of the integration, shall be subject to agreements between the employ-
der compulsory coverage is separated from employment, his employ-
ers and employees concerned: Provided, further, That the private bene-
er's contribution on his account and his obligation to pay contribu-
fit plan which the employer shall continue for his employees shall re-
tions arising from that employment shall cease at the end of the month
main under the employer's management and control unless there is
of separation, but said employee shall be credited with all contribu-
an existing agreement to the contrary: Provided, finally, That nothing
tions paid on his behalf and entitled to benefits according to the pro-
in this Act shall be construed as a limitation on the right of employers
visions of this Act. He may, however, continue to pay the total contri-
and employees to agree on and adopt benefits which are over and
butions to maintain his right to full benefit.
above those Provided under this Act.
"SEC. 11-A. Effect of Interruption of Business or Professional Income. - If
"(b) Spouses who devote full time to managing the household and
the self-employed realizes no income in any given month, he shall not
family affairs, unless they are also engaged in other vocation or em-
be required to pay contributions for that month. He may, however, be
ployment which is subject to mandatory coverage, may be covered by
allowed to continue paying contributions under the same rules and
the SSS on a voluntary basis.
regulations applicable to a separated employee member: Provided,
"(c) Filipinos recruited by foreign-based employers for employment That no retroactive payment of contributions shall be allowed other
abroad may be covered by the SSS on a voluntary basis. than as prescribed under Section Twenty-two-A hereof.
"SEC. 9-A. Compulsory Coverage of the Self-Employed. - Coverage in the "SEC. 12. Monthly Pension. - (a) The monthly pension shall be the high-
SSS shall also be compulsory upon such self-employed persons as est of the following amounts:
may be determined by the Commission under such rules and regula-
"(1) The sum of the following:
tions as it may prescribe, including but not limited to the following:
"(i) Three hundred pesos (P300.00; plus
"1. All self-employed professionals;
"(ii) Twenty percent (20%) of the average monthly salary credit; plus
"2. Partners and single proprietors of businesses;
"(iii) Two percent (2%) of the average monthly salary credit for each
credited year of service in excess of ten (10) years; or Eighteen and his employer to Section Nineteen of this Act.
"(2) Forth percent (40%) of the average monthly salary credit; or "(d) Upon the death of the retired member, his primary beneficiaries
as of the date of his retirement shall be entitled to receive the monthly
"(3) One thousand pesos (P1,000.00): Provided, That the monthly pen-
pension: Provided, That if he has no primary beneficiaries and he dies
sion shall in no case be paid for an aggregate amount of less than sixty
within sixty (60) months from the start of his monthly pension, his
(60) months.
secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equiv-
"(b) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the minimum pension alent to the total monthly pensions corresponding to the balance of
shall be One thousand two hundred pesos (P1,200.00) for members the five-year guaranteed period, excluding the dependents' pension.
with at least ten (10) credited years of service and Two thousand four
"(e) The monthly pension of a member who retires after reaching age
hundred pesos (P2,400.00) for those with twenty (20) credited years of
sixty (60) shall be the higher of either: (1) the monthly pension com-
puted at the earliest time he could have retired had he been separated
"SEC. 12-A. Dependents' Pension. - Where monthly pension is payable from employment or ceased to be self-employed plus all adjustments
on account of death, permanent total disability or retirement, depend- thereto; or (2) the monthly pension computed at the time when he ac-
ents' pension equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the monthly pension tually retires.
or Two hundred fifty pesos (P250.00), whichever is higher, shall also
"SEC. 13. Death Benefits. - Upon the death of a member who has paid
be paid for each dependent child conceived on or before the date of
at least thirty-six (36) monthly contributions prior to the semester of
the contingency but not exceeding five (5), beginning with the young-
death, his primary beneficiaries shall be entitled to the monthly pen-
est and without substitution: Provided, That where there are legitimate
sion: Provided, That if he has no primary beneficiaries, his secondary
or illegitimate children, the former shall be preferred.
beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equivalent to
SEC. 12-B. Retirement Benefits. - (a) A member who has paid at least thirty-six (36) times the monthly pension. If he has not paid the re-
one hundred twenty (120) monthly contributions prior to the semester quired thirty-six (36) monthly contributions, his primary or secondary
of retirement and who: (1) has reached the age of sixty (60) years and beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equivalent to the
is already separated from employment or has ceased to be self-em- monthly pension times the number of monthly contributions paid to
ployed; or (2) has reached the age of sixty-five (65) years, shall be en- the SSS or twelve (12) times the monthly pension, whichever is higher.
titled for as long as he lives to the monthly pension: Provided, That he
"SEC. 13-A. Permanent Disability Benefits. - (a) Upon the permanent to-
shall have the option to receive his first eighteen (18) monthly pen-
tal disability of a member who has paid at least thirty-six (36) monthly
sions in lump sum discounted at a preferential rate of interest to be
contributions prior to the semester of disability, he shall be entitled to
determined by the SSS.
the monthly pension: Provided, That if he has not paid the required
"(b) A covered member who is sixty (60) years old at retirement and thirty-six (36) monthly contributions, he shall be entitled to a lump
who does not qualify for pension benefits under paragraph (a) above, sum benefit equivalent to the monthly pension times the number of
shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equal to the total contributions monthly contributions paid to the SSS or twelve (12) times the
paid by him and on his behalf: Provided, That he is separated from em- monthly pension, whichever is higher. A member who (1) has re-
ployment and is not continuing payment of contributions to the SSS ceived a lump sum benefit; and (2) is reemployed or has resumed self-
on his own. employment not earlier than one (1) year from the date of his disabil-
ity shall again be subject to compulsory coverage and shall be consid-
"(c) The monthly pension shall be suspended upon the reemployment
ered a new member.
or resumption of self-employment of a retired member who is less
than sixty-five (65) years old. He shall again be subject to Section
"(b) The monthly pension and dependents' pension shall be sus- One middle finger 6
pended upon the reemployment or resumption of self-employment or
One right finger 5
the recovery of the disabled member from his permanent total disa-
bility or his failure to present himself for examination at least once a One little finger 3
year upon notice by the SSS.
One big toe 6
"(c) Upon the death of the permanent total disability pensioner, his
One hand 39
primary beneficiaries as of the date of disability shall be entitled to
receive the monthly pension: Provided, That if he has no primary ben- One arm 50
eficiaries and he dies within sixty (60) months from the start of his
One foot 31
monthly pension, his secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to a
lump sum benefit equivalent to the total monthly pensions corre- One leg 46
sponding to the balance of the five-year guaranteed period excluding One ear 10
the dependents' pension.
Both ears 20
"(d) The following disabilities shall be deemed permanent total:
Hearing of one ear 10
"1. Complete loss of sight of both eyes;
Hearing of both ears 50
"2. Loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;
Sight of one eye 25
"3. Permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
"(g) The percentage degree of disability which is equivalent to the ra-
"4. Brain injury resulting to incurable imbecility or insanity; and tio that the designated number of months of compensability bears to
"5. Such cases as determined and approved by the SSS. seventy-five (75), rounded to the next higher integer, shall not be ad-
ditive for distinct, separate and unrelated permanent partial disabili-
"(e) If the disability is permanent partial, and such disability occurs
ties, but shall be additive for deteriorating and related permanent par-
before thirty-six (36) monthly contributions have been paid prior to
tial disabilities to a maximum of one hundred percent (100%), in
the semester of disability, the benefit shall be such percentage of the
which case, the member shall be deemed as permanently totally disa-
lump sum benefit described in the preceding paragraph with due re-
gard to the degree of disability as the Commission may determine.
"(h) In case of permanent partial disability, the monthly pension ben-
"(f) If the disability is permanent total and such disability occurs after
efit shall be given in lump sum if it is payable for less than twelve (12)
thirty-six (36) monthly contributions have been paid prior to the se-
mester of disability, the benefit shall be the monthly pension for per-
manent total disability payable not longer than the period designated "(i) For the purpose of adjudicating retirement, death and permanent
in the following schedule: total disability pension benefits, contributions shall be deemed paid
for the months during which the member received partial disability
Complete and permanent loss of use of Number of
pension: Provided, That such contributions shall be based on his last
contribution prior to his disability.
One thumb 10
"(j) Should a member who is on partial disability pension retire or die,
One index finger 8 his disability pension shall cease upon his retirement or death.

"SEC. 13-B. Funeral Benefit. - A funeral grant equivalent to Twelve allowance shall begin only after all sick leaves of absence with full pay
thousand pesos (P12,000.00) shall be paid, in cash or in kind, to help to the credit of the employee member shall have been exhausted.
defray the cost of funeral expenses upon the death of a member, in-
"(c) One hundred percent (100%) of the daily benefits Provided in the
cluding permanently totally disabled member or retiree.
preceding paragraph shall be reimbursed by the SSS to said employer
"SEC. 14. Sickness Benefit. - (a) A member who has paid at least three upon receipt of satisfactory proof of such payment and legality
(3) monthly contributions in the twelve-month period immediately thereof: Provided, That the employer has notified the SSS of the con-
preceding the semester of sickness or injury and is confined therefor finement within five (5) calendar days after receipt of the notification
for more than three (3) days in a hospital or elsewhere with the ap- from the employee member: Provided, further, That if the notification
proval of the SSS, shall, for each day of compensable confinement or to the SSS is made by the employer beyond five (5) calendar days after
a fraction thereof, be paid by his employer, or the SSS, if such person receipt of the notification from the employee member, said employer
is unemployed or self-employed, a daily sickness benefit equivalent shall be reimbursed only for each day of confinement starting from
to ninety percent (90%) of his average daily salary credit, subject to the tenth calendar day immediately preceding the date of notification
the following conditions: to the SSS: Provided, finally, That the SSS shall reimburse the employer
or pay the unemployed member only for confinement within the one-
"(1) In no case shall the daily sickness benefit be paid longer than one
year period immediately preceding the date the claim for benefit or
hundred twenty (120) days in one (1) calendar year, nor shall any un-
reimbursement is received by the SSS, except confinement in a hospi-
used portion of the one hundred twenty (120) days of sickness benefit
tal in which case the claim for benefit or reimbursement must be filed
granted under this section be carried forward and added to the total
within one (1) year from the last day of confinement.
number of compensable days allowable in the subsequent year;
"(d) Where the employee member has given the required notification
"(2) The daily sickness benefit shall not be paid for more than two hun-
but the employer fails to notify the SSS of the confinement or to file
dred forty (240) days on account of the same confinement; and
the claim for reimbursement within the period prescribed in this sec-
"(3) The employee member shall notify his employer of the fact of his tion resulting in the reduction of the benefit or denial of the claim,
sickness or injury within five (5) calendar days after the start of his such employer shall have no right to recover the corresponding daily
confinement unless such confinement is in a hospital or the employee allowance he advanced to the employee member as required in this
became sick or was injured while working or within the premises of section.
the employer in which case, notification to the employer is neces-
"(e)The claim of reimbursement shall be adjudicated by the SSS within
sary: Provided, That if the member is unemployed or self-employed,
a period of two (2) months from receipt thereof: Provided, That should
he shall directly notify the SSS of his confinement within five (5) cal-
no payment be received by the employer within one (1) month after
endar days after the start thereof unless such confinement is in a hos-
the period prescribed herein for adjudication, the reimbursement shall
pital in which case notification is also not necessary: Provided, further,
thereafter earn simple interest of one percent (1%) per month until
That in cases where notification is necessary, the confinement shall be
deemed to have started not earlier than the fifth day immediately pre-
ceding the date of notification. "(f) The provisions regarding the notification required of the member
and the employer as well as the period within which the claim for
"(b) The compensable confinement shall begin on the first day of sick-
benefit or reimbursement may be filed shall apply to all claims filed
ness, and the payment of such allowances shall be promptly made by
with the SSS.
the employer every regular payday or on the fifteenth and last day of
each month, and similarly in the case of direct payment by the SSS, for "SEC. 14-A. Maternity Leave Benefit. - A female member who has paid
as long as such allowances are due and payable: Provided, That such at least three (3) monthly contributions in the twelve-month period
immediately preceding the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage where the best interest of the SSS will be served, the Commission may
shall be paid a daily maternity benefit equivalent to one hundred per- direct payments without regard to nationality or country of resi-
cent (100%) of her average daily salary credit for sixty (60) days or dence:Provided, further, That if the recipient is a minor or a person in-
seventy-eight (78) days in case of caesarian delivery, subject to the fol- capable of administering his own affairs, the Commission shall ap-
lowing conditions: point a representative under such terms and conditions as it may
deem proper:Provided, further, That such appointment shall not be
"(a) That the employee shall have notified her employer of her preg-
necessary in case the recipient is under the custody of or living with
nancy and the probable date of her childbirth, which notice shall be
the parents or spouse of the member in which case the benefits shall
transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the rules and regulations it
be paid to such parents or spouse, as representative payee of the re-
may provide;
cipient. Such benefits are not transferable and no power of attorney or
"(b) The full payment shall be advanced by the employer within thirty other document executed by those entitled thereto in favor of any
(30) days from the filing of the maternity leave application; agent, attorney or any other person for the collection thereof on their
behalf shall be recognized, except when they are physically unable to
"(c) That payment of daily maternity benefits shall be a bar to the re-
collect personally such benefits: Provided, further, That in case of death
covery of sickness benefits Provided by this Act for the same period for
benefits, if no beneficiary qualifies under this Act, said benefits shall
which daily maternity benefits have been received;
be paid to the legal heirs in accordance with the law of succession.
"(d) That the maternity benefits Provided under this section shall be
"SEC. 16. Exemption from Tax, Legal Process and Lien. -- All laws to the
paid only for the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages;
contrary notwithstanding, the SSS and all its assets and properties, all
"(e) That the SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer of one contributions collected and all accruals thereto and income or invest-
hundred percent (100%) of the amount of maternity benefits advanced ment earnings therefrom as well as all supplies, equipment, papers or
to the employee by the employer upon receipt of satisfactory proof of documents shall be exempt from any tax, assessment, fee, charge, or
such payment and legality thereof; and customs or import duty; and all benefit payments made by the SSS
shall likewise be exempt from all kinds of taxes, fees or charges, and
"(f) That if an employee member should give birth or suffer miscar-
shall not liable to attachments, garnishments, levy or seizure by or un-
riage without the required contributions having been remitted for her
der any legal or equitable process whatsoever, either before or after
by her employer to the SSS, or without the latter having been previ-
receipt by the person or persons entitled thereto, except to pay any
ously notified by the employer of the time of the pregnancy, the em-
debt of the member to the SSS. No tax measure of whatever nature
ployer shall pay to the SSS damages equivalent to the benefits which
enacted shall apply to the SSS, unless it expressly revokes the declared
said employee member would otherwise have been entitled to.
policy of the State in Section 2 hereof granting tax-exemption to the
"SEC. 15. Non-Transferability of Benefits. - The SSS shall promptly pay SSS. Any tax assessment imposed against the SSS shall be null and
the benefits Provided in this Act to such persons as may be entitled void. (As amended by Sec. 9, P.D. No. 24, S. 1972; and Sec. 14, P. D.
thereto in accordance with the provisions of this Act: Provided, That No. 735, S. 1975).
the SSS shall pay the retirement benefits on the day of contingency to
Approved: May 01, 1997
qualified members who have submitted the necessary documents at
least six (6) months before: Provided, further, That the beneficiary who
is a national of a foreign country which does not extend benefits to a
Filipino beneficiary residing in the Philippines, or which is not recog-
nized by the Philippines, shall not be entitled to receive any benefit
under this Act: Provided, further, That notwithstanding the foregoing,
I. GSIS Law (R.A. No. 8291) legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted child, including the illegiti-
mate child, who is unmarried, not gainfully employed, not over the
Republic Act No. 8291 age of majority, or is over the age of majority but incapacitated and
AN ACT AMENDING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1146, AS incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical defect acquired
AMENDED, EXPANDING AND INCREASING THE COVERAGE prior to age of majority; and (c) the parents dependent upon the mem-
"(g) Primary beneficiaries- The legal dependent spouse until he/she re-
marries and the dependent children;
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
"(h) Secondary beneficiaries- The dependent parents and, subject to the
in Congress assembled::
restrictions on dependent children, the legitimate descendants;
Section 1. Presidential Decree No. 1146, as amended, otherwise
"(i) Compensation- The basic pay or salary received by an employee,
known as the "Revised Government Service Insurance Act of 1977", is
pursuant to his election/appointment, excluding per diems, bonuses,
hereby further amended to read as follows:
overtime pay, honoraria, allowances and any other emoluments re-
"SECTION 1. Title. - The title of this Act shall be: "The Government Ser- ceived in addition to the basic pay which are not integrated into the
vice Insurance System Act of 1997." basic pay under existing laws;
"A. DEFINITIONS "(j) Contribution- The amount payable to the GSIS by the member and
"SEC. 2. Definition of terms.- Unless the context otherwise indicates, the the employer in accordance with Section 5 of this Act;
following terms shall mean: "(k) Current Daily Compensation- The actual daily compensation or the
"(a) GSIS- The Government Service Insurance System created by Com- actual monthly compensation divided by the number of working days
monwealth Act No. 186; in the month of contingency but not to exceed twenty-two (22) days;

"(b) Board- The Board of Trustees of the Government Service Insurance "(l) Average Monthly Compensation (AMC)- The quotient arrived at after
System; dividing the aggregate compensation received by the member during
his last thirty-six (36) months of service preceding his separation/re-
"(c) Employer- The national government, its political subdivisions, tirement/ disability/death by thirty-six (36), or by the number of
branches, agencies or instrumentalities, including government- months he received such compensation if he has less than thirty-six
owned or controlled corporations, and financial institutions with orig- (36) months of service: Provided, That the average monthly compensa-
inal charters, the constitutional commissions and the judiciary; tion shall in no case exceed the amount and rate as may be respectively
"(d) Employee or Member- Any person receiving compensation while in set by the Board under the rules and regulations implementing this
the service of an employer as defined herein, whether by election or Act as determined by the actuary of the GSIS: Provided, further,That
appointment, irrespective of status of appointment, including baran- initially the average monthly compensation shall not exceed Ten thou-
gay and Sanggunian officials; sand pesos (P10,000.00), and premium shall be nine percent (9%) and
twelve percent (12%) for employee and employer covering the AMC
"(e) Active Member- A member who is not separated from the service; limit and below and two percent (2%) and twelve percent (12%) for
"(f) Dependents- Dependents shall be the following: (a) the legitimate employee and employer covering the compensation above the AMC
spouse dependent for support upon the member or pensioner; (b) the limit;
"(m) Revalued average monthly compensation- An amount equal to one
hundred seventy percent (170%) of the first One thousand pesos settle first their financial obligation with the GSIS, and contractuals
(P1,000.00) of the average monthly compensation plus one hundred who have no employer and employee relationship with the agencies
percent (100%) of the average monthly compensation in excess of One they serve.
thousand pesos (P1,000.00);
"Except for the members of the judiciary and constitutional commis-
"(n) Lump sum- The basic monthly pension multiplied by sixty (60); sions who shall have life insurance only, all members of the GSIS shall
have life insurance, retirement, and all other social security protec-
"(o) Pensioner- Any person receiving old-age permanent total disabil-
tions such as disability, survivorship, separation, and unemployment
ity pension or any person who has received the lump sum excluding
one receiving survivorship pension benefits as defined in Section 20
of this Act; "SEC. 4. Effect of Separation from the Service. - A member separated from
the service shall continue to be a member, and shall be entitled to
"(p) Gainful Occupation- Any productive activity that provided the
whatever benefits he has qualified to in the event of any contingency
member with income at least equal to the minimum compensation of
compensable under this Act.
government employees;
"(q) Disability- Any loss or impairment of the normal functions of the
physical and/or mental faculty of a member which reduces or elimi- "SEC. 9. Computation of the Basic Monthly Pension. - (a) The basic
nates his/her capacity to continue with his/her current gainful occu- monthly pension is equal to:
pation or engage in any other gainful occupation;
"1) thirty-seven and one-half percent (37.5%) of the revalued average
"(r) Total Disability- Complete incapacity to continue with his present monthly compensation; plus
employment or engage in any gainful occupation due to the loss or
"2) two and one-half percent (2.5%) of said revalued average monthly
impairment of the normal functions of the physical and/or mental fac-
compensation for each year of service in excess of (15) years: Pro-
ulties of the member;
vided, That the basic monthly pension shall not exceed ninety percent
"(s) Permanent Total Disability- Accrues or arises when recovery from (90%) of the average monthly compensation.
the impairment mentioned in Section 2 (Q) is medically remote;
"(b) The basic monthly pension may be adjusted upon the recommen-
"(t) Temporary Total Disability- Accrues or arises when the impaired dation of the President and General Manager of the GSIS and ap-
physical and/or mental faculties can be rehabilitated and/or restored proved by the President of the Philippines in accordance with the
to their normal functions; rules and regulations prescribed by the GSIS: Provided, however, that
the basic monthly pension shall not be less than One thousand and
"(u) Permanent Partial Disability- Accrues or arises upon the irrevoca-
three hundred pesos (P1,300.00): Provided, further, that the basic
ble loss or impairment of certain portion/s of the physical faculties,
monthly pension for those who have rendered at least twenty (20)
despite which the member is able to pursue a gainful occupation.
years of service after the effectivity of this Act shall not be less than
"B. MEMBERSHIP IN THE GSIS Two thousand four hundred pesos (P2,400.00) a month.
"SEC. 3. Compulsory Membership. - Membership in the GSIS shall be "SEC. 10. Computation of Service. - (a) The computation of service for
compulsory for all employees receiving compensation who have not the purpose of determining the amount of benefits payable under this
reached the compulsory retirement age, irrespective of employment Act shall be from the date of original appointment/election, including
status, except members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and periods of service at different times under one or more employers,
the Philippine National Police, subject to the condition that they must those performed overseas under the authority of the Republic of the

Philippines, and those that may be prescribed by the GSIS in coordi- 1 year but less than 3 years 2 months
nation with the Civil Service Commission.
3 or more years but less than 6 years 3 months
"(b) All service credited for retirement, resignation or separation for
6 or more years but less than 9 years 4 months
which corresponding benefits have been awarded under this Act or
other laws shall be excluded in the computation of service in case of 9 or more years but less than 11 years 5 months
reinstatement in the service of an employer and subsequent retire-
11 or more years but less than 15 years 6 months
ment or separation which is compensable under this Act.
"The first payment shall be equivalent to two (2) monthly benefits. A
"For the purpose of this section, the term service shall include full-
seven-day (7) waiting period shall be imposed on succeeding monthly
time service with compensation:Provided, that part-time and other ser-
vices with compensation may be included under such rules and regu-
lations as may be prescribed by the GSIS. "All accumulated unemployment benefits paid to the employee dur-
ing his entire membership with the GSIS shall be deducted from vol-
untary separation benefits.
"SEC. 11. Separation Benefits. - The separation benefits shall consist of:
"The GSIS shall prescribe the detailed guidelines in the operationali-
(a) a cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his
zation of this section in the rules and regulations implementing this
average monthly compensation for each year of service he paid con-
tributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000) payable
upon reaching sixty (60) years of age upon separation, whichever "RETIREMENT BENEFITS
comes later: Provided, that the member resigns or separates from the
"SEC. 13. Retirement Benefits. - (a) Retirement benefits shall be:
service after he has rendered at least three (3) years of service but less
than fifteen (15) years; or "(1) the lump sum payment as defined in this Act payable at the time
of retirement plus an old-age pension benefit equal to the basic
"(b) a cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) times his basic
monthly pension payable monthly for life, starting upon expiration of
monthly pension at the time of resignation or separation, plus an old-
the five-year (5) guaranteed period covered by the lump sum; or
age pension benefit equal to the basic monthly pension payable
monthly for life upon reaching the age of sixty (60): Provided, that the "(2) cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) months of his basic
member resigns or separates from the service after he has rendered at monthly pension plus monthly pension for life payable immediately
least fifteen (15) years of service and is below sixty (60) years of age at with no five-year (5) guarantee.
the time of resignation or separation. "(b) Unless the service is extended by appropriate authorities, retire-
"SEC. 12. Unemployment or Involuntary Separation Benefits. - Unemploy- ment shall be compulsory for an employee of sixty-five (65) years of
ment benefits in the form of monthly cash payments equivalent to fifty age with at least fifteen (15) years of service: Provided, That if he has
percent (50%) of the average monthly compensation shall be paid to a less than fifteen (15) years of service, he may be allowed to continue
permanent employee who is involuntarily separated from the service in the service in accordance with existing civil service rules and regu-
due to the abolition of his office or position usually resulting from re- lations.
organization: Provided, That he has been paying integrated contribu- "SEC. 13-A. Conditions for Entitlement. - A member who retires from
tions for at least one (1) year prior to separation. Unemployment ben- the service shall be entitled to the retirement benefits enumerated in
efits shall be paid in accordance with the following schedules: paragraph (a) of Section 13 hereof: Provided, That:
"Contributions Made Benefit Duration (1) he has rendered at least fifteen years of service;
(2) he is at least sixty (60) years of age at the time of retirement; and cent (100%) of his average monthly compensation for each year of ser-
vice he paid contributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos
(3) he is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from permanent total
(P12,000.00) which should have been his separation benefit.
"(c) Unless the member has reached the minimum retirement age, dis-
"SEC. 14. Periodic Pension Adjustment. - The monthly pension of all
ability benefit shall be suspended when:
pensioners including all those receiving survivorship pension benefits
shall be periodically adjusted as may be recommended by the GSIS "(1) he is reemployed; or
actuary and approved by the Board in accordance with the rules and
"(2) he recovers from his disability as determined by the GSIS, whose
regulations prescribed by the GSIS.
decision shall be final and binding; or
"(3) he fails to present himself for medical examination when required
"SEC. 15. General Conditions for Entitlement. - A member who suffers by the GSIS.
permanent disability for reasons not due to his grave misconduct, no-
"(d) The following disabilities shall be deemed total and permanent:
torious negligence, habitual intoxication, or willful intention to kill
himself or another, shall be entitled to the benefits provided for under "(1) complete loss of sight of both eyes;
Sections 16 and 17 immediately following, subject to the correspond-
"(2) loss of two (2) limbs at or above the ankle or wrist;
ing conditions thereof.
"(3) permanent complete paralysis of two (2) limbs;
"SEC. 16. Permanent Total Disability Benefits. - (a) If the permanent dis-
ability is total, he shall receive a monthly income benefit for life equal "(4) brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity; and
to the basic monthly pension effective from the date of disability:Pro-
"(5) such other cases as may be determined by the GSIS.
vided, That:
"SEC. 17. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits. - (a) If the disability is
(1) he is in the service at the time of disability; or
partial, he shall receive a cash payment in accordance with a schedule
(2) if separated from the service, he has paid at least thirty-six (36) of disabilities to be prescribed by the GSIS: Provided, That he satisfies
monthly contributions within the five (5) year period immediately either conditions (1) or (2) of Section 16 (a);
preceding disability, or has paid a total of at least one hundred eighty
"(b) The following disabilities shall be deemed permanent partial:
(180) monthly contributions, prior to his disability: Provided, fur-
ther, That if at the time of disability, he was in the service and has paid "(1) complete and permanent loss of the use of:
a total of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions, in
(i) any finger
addition to the monthly income benefit, he shall receive a cash pay-
ment equivalent to eighteen (18) times his basic monthly pension: Pro- (ii) any toe
vided, finally, That a member cannot enjoy the monthly income benefit (iii) one arm
for permanent disability and the old-age retirement simultaneously.
(iv) one hand
"(b) If a member who suffers permanent total disability does not sat-
isfy conditions (1) and (2) in paragraph (a) of this section but has ren- (v) one foot
dered at least three (3) years of service at the time of his disability, he (vi) one leg
shall be advanced the cash payment equivalent to one hundred per-
(vii) one or both ears

(viii) hearing of one or both ears "SEC. 20. Survivorship Benefits. - When a member or pensioner dies, the
beneficiaries shall be entitled to survivorship benefits provided in Sec-
(ix) sight of both eyes
tions 21 and 22 hereunder subject to the conditions therein provided
"(2) such other cases as my be determined by the GSIS. for. The survivorship pension shall consist of:
"TEMPORARY DISABILITY BENEFITS (1) the basic survivorship pension which is fifty percent (50%) of the
basic monthly pension; and
"SEC. 18. Temporary Total Disability Benefits. - (a) A member who suf-
fers temporary total disability for reasons not due to any of the condi- (2) the dependent children’s pension not exceeding fifty percent (50%)
tions enumerated in Section 15 hereof shall be entitled to seventy-five of the basic monthly pension
percent (75%) of his current daily compensation for each day or frac-
"SEC. 21. Death of a Member. - (a) Upon the death of a member, the pri-
tion thereof of temporary disability benefit not exceeding one hun-
mary beneficiaries shall be entitled to:
dred twenty (120) days in one calendar year after exhausting all his
sick leave credits and collective bargaining agreement sick leave ben- (1) survivorship pension: Provided, That the deceased:
efits, if any, but not earlier than the fourth day of his temporary total
(i) was in the service at the time of his death; or
disability: Provided, That:
(ii) if separated from the service, has at least three (3) years of service
"(1) he is in the service at the time of his disability; or
at the time of his death and has paid thirty-six (36) monthly contribu-
"(2) if separated, he has rendered at least three (3) years of service and tions within the five-year period immediately preceding his death; or
has paid at least six (6) monthly contributions in the twelve-month has paid a total of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly contri-
period immediately preceding his disability. butions prior to his death; or
"Provided, however, That a member cannot enjoy the temporary total (2) the survivorship pension plus a cash payment equivalent to one
disability benefit and sick leave pay simultaneously: Provided, fur- hundred percent (100%) of his average monthly compensation for
ther, That if the disability requires more extensive treatment that lasts every year of service: Provided, That the deceased was in the service at
beyond one hundred twenty (120) days, the payment of the temporary the time of his death with at least three (3) years of service; or
total disability benefit may be extended by the GSIS but not to exceed
(3) a cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his
a total of two hundred forty (240) days.
average monthly compensation for each year of service he paid con-
"(b) The temporary total disability benefit shall in no case be less than tributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00): Pro-
Seventy pesos (P70.00) a day. vided, That the deceased has rendered at least three (3) years of service
prior to his death but does not qualify for the benefits under item (1)
"(c) The notices required of the member and the employer, the mode
or (2) of this paragraph.
of payment, and the other requirements for entitlement to temporary
total disability benefits shall be provided in the rules and regulations (b) The survivorship pension shall be paid as follows:
to be prescribed by the GSIS.
(1) when the dependent spouse is the only survivor, he/she shall re-
"SEC. 19. Non-scheduled Disability. - For injuries or illnesses resulting ceive the basic survivorship pension for life or until he/she remarries;
in a disability not listed in the schedule of partial/total disability pro-
(2) when only dependent children are the survivors, they shall be en-
vided herein, the GSIS shall determined the nature of the disability
titled to the basic survivorship pension for as long as they are quali-
and the corresponding benefits therefor.
fied, plus the dependent children’s pension equivalent to ten percent
(10%) of the basic monthly pension for every dependent child not ex- (c) a pensioner, as defined in Section 2 (o) of this Act; or
ceeding five (5), counted from the youngest and without substitution;
(d) a retiree who at the time of his retirement was of pensionable age
(3) when the survivors are the dependent spouse and the dependent under this Act but who opted to retire under Republic Act No. 1616.
children, the dependent spouse shall receive the basic survivorship
pension for life or until he/she remarries, and the dependent children
shall receive the dependent children’s pension mentioned in the im- "SEC. 24. Compulsory Life Insurance. - All employees except for Mem-
mediately preceding paragraph (2) hereof. bers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine
National Police (PNP) shall, under such terms and conditions as may
(c) In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the secondary beneficiaries
be promulgated by the GSIS, be compulsorily covered with life insur-
shall be entitled to:
ance, which shall automatically take effect as follows:
(1) the cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his
(1) for those employed after the effectivity of this Act, their insurance
average monthly compensation for each year of service he paid con-
shall take effect on the date of their employment;
tributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00): Pro-
vided, That the member is in the service at the time of his death and (2) for those whose insurance will mature after the effectivity of this
has at least three (3) years of service; or Act, their insurance shall be deemed renewed on the day following
the maturity or expiry date of their insurance;
(2) in the absence of secondary beneficiaries, the benefits under this
paragraph shall be paid to his legal heirs. (3) for those without any life insurance as of the effectivity of this Act,
their insurance shall take effect following said effectivity.
(d) For purposes of the survivorship benefits, legitimate children shall
include legally adopted and legitimated children. "SEC. 25. Dividends. - An annual dividend may be granted to all mem-
bers of the GSIS whose life insurance is in force for at least one (1) year
"SEC. 22. Death of a Pensioner. - Upon the death of an old-age pensioner
in accordance with a dividends allocation formula to be determined
or a member receiving the monthly income benefit for permanent dis-
by the GSIS.
ability, the qualified beneficiaries shall be entitled to the survivorship
pension defined in Section 20 of this Act, subject to the provisions of "SEC. 26. Optional Insurance. - Subject to the rules and regulations pre-
paragraph (b) of Section 21 hereof. When the pensioner dies within scribed by the GSIS, a member may apply for insurance and/or pre-
the period covered by the lump sum, the survivorship pension shall need coverage embracing life, health, hospitalization, education, me-
be paid only after the expiration of the said period. morial plans, and such other plans as may be designed by the GSIS,
for himself and/or his dependents. Any employer may likewise apply
for group insurance coverage for its employees. The payment of the
"SEC. 23. Funeral Benefits. - The amount of the funeral benefits shall be premiums/installments for optional insurance and pre-need products
determined and specified by the GSIS in the rules and regulations but may be made by the insured or his employer and/or any person ac-
shall not be less than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00): Pro- ceptable to the GSIS.
vided,That it shall be increased to at least Eighteen thousand pesos
"SEC. 27. Reinsurance. - The GSIS may reinsure any of its interests or
(P18,000.00) after five (5) years and shall be paid upon the death of:
part thereof with any private company or reinsurer whether domestic
(a) an active member as defined under Section 2 (e) of this Act; or of foreign: Provided, That the GSIS shall submit an annual report on its
reinsurance operations to the Insurance Commission.
(b) a member who has been separated from the service, but who may
be entitled to future benefit pursuant to Section 4 of this Act; or Approved: May 30, 1997.

Republic Act No. 8291 subject to amount and conditions recommended by Actuary and ap-
Implementing Rules and Regulations proved by the Board.
Pursuant to Section 53 of Section 1 of Republic Act No. 8291, otherwise
1.10 CASH PAYMENT – A benefit payable to a member upon separa-
known as the Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997, the
tion, disability or retirement, or to the beneficiaries upon the death of
implementing rules and regulations are hereby adopted and promul-
the member, under conditions provided by law.
gated to carry out the provisions of the law.
1.11 CASH VALUE – Accumulated amount earned based on premium
payment while the LEP is in force.
Section 1. Unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms 1.12 CLAIM – A request from the member or his beneficiaries for pay-
shall mean: ment of benefits that may be due as provided under this Act.
1.1 ACCOUNT IN ARREARS – An account which remains unpaid af- 1.13 CLIP – Refers to Claims and Loans Interdependency Policy. This
ter due date. is a mechanism which ensures the collection of unpaid accounts from
1.2 ACCOUNT IN DEFAULT – An account in arrears which became the proceeds of a loan or claim of a member or his beneficiaries.
due and demandable and remain unpaid. 1.14 COMPENSATION - The fixed monthly salary received by an em-
1.3 ACT – Refers to Republic Act No. 8291, otherwise known as the ployee excluding allowances, per diems, bonuses, overtime pay, hon-
oraria and other emoluments not integrated into the fixed monthly
Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997. salary.
1.4 AMC – Refers to Average Monthly Compensation. This refers to 1.15 CONTINGENCIES – Events such as separation from the service,
the average salary received by the member during the last 36 months retirement, disability or death which are payable under this Act.
of creditable service preceding his separation, retirement, disability,
or death, or, if with less than 36 months of creditable service, the actual 1.16 CONTRIBUTION – The amount payable to the GSIS by the mem-
number of months of the creditable service. ber and government agency or employer to which he belongs.

1.5 APL - Refers to Automatic Policy Loan or Automatic Premium 1.17 CSV – Refers to Cash Surrender Value, which is the amount to be
Loan. This is the amount that will be deducted from the Cash paid to the policyholder of Life Endowment Policy (LEP) or optional
Value/Termination Value of a life insurance policy to keep the policy life insurance policies when he is separated from the service before
in force. maturity date of the policy or when a policyholder is considered a case
of Permanent Total Disability (PTD).
1.6 BENEFIT – The amount that GSIS is obligated to pay the member
upon the occurrence of a covered contingency that is payable under 1.18 CURRENT DAILY COMPENSATION. — The actual daily com-
pensation or the fixed monthly compensation divided by twenty-two
the Act.
(22) days.
1.7 BILLING – The process of sending notices or statements to gov-
ernment agencies, members, or borrowers to remind or demand pay- 1.19 DEPENDENTS – The (a) legitimate spouse dependent for support
ment for accounts that are falling due or are past their due dates. on the member or pensioner, (b) legitimate/legitimated legally
adopted child, including the illegitimate child, who is unmarried, not
1.8 BOARD – The Board of Trustees of the GSIS. gainfully employed, not over the age of majority, or is over the age of
1.9 CASH DIVIDEND - The sum of money paid to policyholders majority but incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to a men-
whose life insurance policies have been in force for at least one year
tal or physical defect acquired prior to age of majority, and (c) the par- service, either by resignation, retirement, disability, dismissal, or re-
ents dependent upon the member for support. trenchment.
1.20 DISABILITY – Any loss or impairment of the normal functions of 1.30 REGULAR MEMBERS – Those who, together with the govern-
the physical and/or mental faculties of a member, which reduces or ment agency to which they belong, are required to remit life and re-
eliminates his capacity to continue with his current gainful occupation tirement premium contributions as mandated under Section 5 of RA
or engage in any other gainful occupation resulting in the loss of in- 8291.
1.31 SPECIAL MEMBERS – Those who, together with the government
1.21 ELP – Refers to Enhanced Life Policy. This is a compulsory life agency to which they belong, are required to remit life insurance pre-
insurance coverage issued by GSIS after July 31, 2003. miums only.
1.22 FUNERAL BENEFIT – Benefit intended to help defray the ex- 1.32 PENSION – A monthly specified cash amount that a qualified
penses incidental to the burial and funeral of the deceased member, member will receive upon retirement or when considered as a case of
pensioner or retiree. permanent total disability.
1.23 GAINFUL OCCUPATION – Any productive activity that pro- 1.33 PRESCRIPTION PERIOD – The allowable period within which to
vides income of at least equal to the prevailing minimum compensa- file a claim for benefit or benefits.
tion of government employees.
1.34 RCS – Refers to Record of Creditable Service. The RCS includes
1.24 GOVERNMENT AGENCY - Any government office whether na- service periods with corresponding premium contributions and
tional or local, legislative bodies, government-owned and controlled serves as basis for computing benefits.
corporations (GOCC) with original charters, government financial in-
1.35 RE-EMPLOYMENT – Subsequent re-entry in government service
stitutions (GFIs), constitutional commissions, judiciary, Armed Forces
after separation from service.
of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Jail Man-
agement and Penology (BJMP) and Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). 1.36 REINSTATEMENT OF POLICY – The restoration of the effectiv-
ity of the life insurance policy upon payment of the required premi-
1.25 INVESTMENTS – Amounts of money or other resources meas-
ums under terms and conditions of the ELP.
ured in terms of money placed on activities for the purpose of earning
profits. 1.37 TERMINATION VALUE – Accumulated amount earned based
on premium payment while the ELP is in force.
1.26 LEP- Refers to Life Endowment Policy. This is the life insurance
policy issued to regular members prior to August 1, 2003 or to special RULE II
members after the implementation of this Act. MEMBERSHIP OF THE GSIS
Section 2. Compulsory Membership
1.27 MEMBER – A government employee receiving compensation
while in the service of a government agency by virtue of an appoint- 2.1. All government personnel, whether elective or appointive, irre-
ment or election to public office and irrespective of status of appoint- spective of status of appointment, provided they are receiving fixed
ment. monthly compensation and have not reached the mandatory retire-
ment age of 65 years, are compulsorily covered as members of the
1.28 ACTIVE MEMBER. — A member of GSIS, whether regular or GSIS and shall be required to pay contributions.
special, who is in the government service.
2.2. However, employees who have reached the retirement age of 65
1.29 INACTIVE MEMBER. – A member who is separated from the or more shall also be covered, subject to the following rules:
An employee who is already beyond the mandatory retirement age of a. Active member – refers to a member of the GSIS, whether regular
65 shall be compulsorily covered and be required to pay both the life or special, who is still in the government service and together with the
and retirement premiums under the following situations: government agency to which he belongs, is required to pay the
monthly contribution.
1. An elective official who at the time of election to public office is be-
low b. Inactive member – a member who is separated from the service ei-
ther by resignation, retirement, disability, dismissal from the service,
65 years of age and will be 65 years or more at the end of his term of
retrenchment or, who is deemed retired from the service under this
office, including the period/s of his re-election to public office there-
after without interruption.
Section 3 Exclusion from Compulsory Coverage
2. Appointive officials who, before reaching the mandatory age of 65,
are appointed to government position by the President of the Republic 3.1 The following employees are excluded from compulsory coverage:
of the Philippines and shall remain in government service at age be-
3.1.1. Uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
yond 65.
(AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection
2.3. Contractual employees including casuals and other employees (BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP);
with an employee-government agency relationship are also compul-
3.1.2. Barangay and Sanggunian Officials who are not receiving fixed
sorily covered, provided they are receiving fixed monthly compensa-
monthly compensation;
tion and rendering the required number of working hours for the
month. 3.1.3. Contractual Employees who are not receiving fixed monthly
compensation; and
2.4. Classes of Membership – Membership in the GSIS is classified ei-
ther by type or status of membership. 3.1.4. Employees who do not have monthly regular hours of work and
are not receiving fixed monthly compensation.
2.4.1 As to type of members, there are regular and special members:
Section 4 Policy Governing Membership Administration
a. Regular Members – are those employed by the government of the
Republic of the Philippines, national or local, legislative bodies, gov- The basic policy governing membership administration shall be
ernment-owned and controlled corporations (GOCC) with original length of service with corresponding paid premiums.
charters, government financial institutions (GFIs), except uniformed 4.1 The basic principles under this policy are:
personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine Na-
tional Police, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and 4.1.1 Membership in the GSIS carries with it the legal obligation to
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), who are required by law to remit reg- promptly remit the required monthly premium contributions. Thus
ular monthly contributions to the GSIS. the extent of the benefits to which a member is entitled will depend
upon the level of compliance in the remittance of his premium contri-
b. Special Members – are constitutional commissioners, members of butions.
the judiciary, including those with equivalent ranks, who are required
by law to remit regular monthly contributions for life insurance poli- 4.1.2 Government agencies where the members are employed have
cies to the GSIS in order to answer for their life insurance benefits de- the legal obligation to remit on time the monthly premium contribu-
fined under RA 8291. tions due from members concerned, both for personal and govern-
ment shares. In case of delay, they have the legal obligation to pay
2.4.2. As to status of membership, there are active and inactive mem- interest as may be prescribed by the Board but not less than two per-
bers. cent (2%) simple interest per month.
4.1.3 For purposes of computing the benefits under the social insur- 6.1.2 The effective date of coverage is the date of appointment regard-
ance laws administered by the GSIS, a member’s period of service in less of the status thereof, or assumption to duty, whichever is later and
government will only be recognized by GSIS as creditable service if applicable.
the monthly compulsory premiums corresponding to said period
6.1.3 The type of insurance plans issued to members depends on the
have been paid and remitted, including the interests if there are delays
age nearest the member’s birth date at the time of effectivity, as fol-
in their remittance.
4.1.4 In case of underpayment of the monthly premium contributions
Age Bracket Plan of Insurance
due, only such portion of the period of service proportionately equiv-
alent to the amount actually received shall be recognized as creditable 30 years and below Endowment at 45
service for purposes of computing the benefits under the administra-
31 years to 40 Endowment at 55
tion of GSIS.
41 years to 59 Endowment at 65
4.1.5 The amount of monthly contributions due from a member is
based on his fixed monthly compensation. 60 years and over Ordinary Life
4.1.6 The compulsory life insurance coverage extended to the mem- 6.1.4 The amount of insurance is based on the plan of insurance, the
bers is dependent on the timely remittance of the premiums due for age of the member at the effectivity of the plan, and the fixed monthly
the coverage. Thus, the said coverage may lapse for failure to remit pay of the member. An insurance factor based on the age and type of
the required premiums. insurance is applied to the annual salary to get the amount of insur-
Section 5 Effectivity of Membership
6.1.5 After the first year of coverage, the plan earns cash value and
The effective date of membership shall be the date of the member’s
increases with the regular payment of premiums on the plan.
assumption to duty on his original appointment or election to public
office. 6.1.6 In case of non-payment of the premiums, an APL will be applied
against the cash value provided that the policy has enough cash value,
Section 6 Types of Compulsory Life Insurance
less policy loan, to cover the APL. Provided further, that such non-
The GSIS is administering two (2) types of compulsory life insurance payment shall not extend to more than 12 months. In the case non-
programs for its members. First is the life Insurance policy with an payment extends to
endowment plan or Life Endowment Policy (LEP) as distinguished
more than 12 months, the policy shall be lapsed and the remaining
from the second program which is termed as Enhanced Life Policy
cash value shall be the seed fund of the reinstated policy.
6.1.7 Members Covered under LEP
6.1 Life Endowment Policy (LEP) is an insurance policy issued to
members prior to The following members are covered under LEP:
August 1, 2003. It has the following features: a. Regular members whose policies were issued before August 1, 2003
and who have opted to continue with their endowment / ordinary life
6.1.1 It provides coverage against death whether due to natural or ac-
cidental causes, permanent total disability, and cash benefits upon
maturity or separation from the service. b. Special members

6.2 Enhanced Life Policy (ELP) is a compulsory life insurance cover- c. In case no payment of the monthly premium contributions for life
age issued by insurance is made after the 90-day term, the life insurance coverage
issued shall automatically lapse and the legal heirs of the member
GSIS to regular members after July 31, 2003.
shall not be entitled to life insurance benefits in case of his death.
6.2.1 Coverage
6.2.5 No supplemental policies will be issued in case of adjustment in
a. Regular members who entered the service after July 31, 2003. the salary of the policyholder.
b. Regular members whose LEP policies matured on or after July 31, 6.2.6 ELP will earn termination value, which can be withdrawn upon
separation or retirement.
6.2.7 In case of non-payment of the premiums, an APL will be applied
c. Regular members under LEP who opted/will opt to convert their
against the termination value of the policy, provided that the said pol-
existing LEP into ELP.
icy has enough termination value, less policy loan, to cover the premi-
d. Regular members whose LEP policy lapsed by reason of non- pay- ums due for the life insurance cover. Provided further, that such non-
ment of life insurance premiums but who, after July 31, 2003, have payment shall not be more than 12 months.
started to remit the premiums due for compulsory life insurance cov-
6.2.8 In case non-payment is more than 12 months, the policy shall be
lapsed and the remaining termination value shall be the seed fund of
6.2.2 The insurance coverage is a yearly cover automatically issued to the reinstated policy.
a new member of GSIS based on his fixed monthly compensation.
Section 7 Automatic Policy Loan (APL) - The APL is a feature of a
While this does not have an endowment policy, this provides a higher
GSIS life insurance policy that keeps the policy in force in case of non
form of death benefit for the family, and at the same time, it has ter-
payment of premiums by taking out a loan amount against the unre-
mination value which can be withdrawn upon separation or retire-
stricted portion of the policy’s accumulated Cash Value (CV) or Ter-
mination Value (TV).
6.2.3 Age and length of service will no longer be a factor in determin-
7.1 The APL shall only be applied if the policy has:
ing the amount of insurance coverage.
7.1.1 An unpaid premium after the grace period; and
6.2.4 ELP of newly appointed employee shall be effective for a period
of 90 days from date of assumption to duty, even without receipt of 7.1.2 Earned sufficient CV or TV to cover the unpaid premiums or a
the corresponding life insurance premiums due and even if GSIS has fraction thereof, and policy loan, including corresponding interest
not received any formal notice of his assumption to duty, subject to thereon.
the following conditions:
7.2 In the case of LEP or ELP, if the premium contribution paid is not
a. The new employee is receiving fixed monthly compensation. sufficient to cover the life insurance premium for the month, after de-
ducting the retirement premium, APL equivalent to the amount of the
b. In case the employee dies within 90 days from the date of assump-
unpaid premium, or a fraction thereof, shall be applied.
tion to duty, the corresponding death benefit or the proceeds of the
life insurance shall be paid to the legal heirs, subject to presentation of 7.3 The interest rate shall be the same as the interest rate for policy
proof that the employee was appointed to the position and assumed loan. The interest charged on the APL of a policyholder shall be inde-
office within the said period. Premiums due the GSIS shall be de- pendent of the interest charged on the agency for delayed remittances.
ducted from the proceeds of the life insurance benefit.
7.4 The formula for computing the APL Balance as of a given date shall
be as follows: first premium under the new coverage, provided he is still in the ser-
APL Balance (current month) = APL Balance (previous month) + In-
terest due on APL Balance (previous month) + Unpaid Premium Due 8.2.3 For members whose LEP has lapsed and were issued new ELP,
for the Current Month (full or partial) all unposted life insurance payments prior to policy lapse but posted
after policy lapse shall be added to the termination value of the new
Section 8 Policy Lapsation
8.1 Basic Rules on Policy Lapsation. - A policy shall be considered
8.2.4 After conversion from LEP policy to ELP policy, any excess pay-
lapsed when:
ment, after applying the payment to the current month and the pre-
8.1.1 The combined outstanding balances of its APL and Policy Loan ceding unpaid months where the member was given a grace period,
have exceeded the Cash Value or Termination Value. The regular pol- shall be added to the TV of the ELP.
icy loan of a lapsed policy and the APL, if any, shall be deemed paid
Section 9 Member’s Service Profile
by the accumulated CV/TV of the policy; or
For purposes of establishing data for every member, a Member’s Ser-
8.1.2 The policy has no payment for twelve (12) months, or the total
vice Profile (MSP) is created in the GSIS database.
unpaid premiums is equal to twelve (12) months, even if there is still
balance in the cash or termination value of the policy. After the auto- The MSP basically contains the service profile of every member which
matic lapse of a compulsory life insurance policy, the following shall includes among others, the date of first entry in government service,
be done: the periods in government service, the respective agencies and the po-
sition the member has served, the salaries received, the Total Length
a. If the member is still in the service, the CV/TV balance shall be used
of Service (TLS) and the Record of Creditable Service (RCS).
as seed fund of his new ELP policy or shall form part of the termina-
tion value of his reinstated ELP, as the case may be. Updates are made on the basis of changes in personal data, salaries,
promotion, transfers, and separation of a member.
b. If the member is already separated from the service, the CV/TV
balance shall be used to pay his other existing loan obligations with A member separated from the service by reason of resignation, retire-
the GSIS and any excess shall be paid to the policyholder, subject to ment, disability, dismissal from the service, retrenchment or in any
the filing of a claim, otherwise, the CV/TV balance will become the manner of separation from the government agency to which he is em-
seed fund of his new ELP, or added to the termination value of his ployed, shall continue to be a member although classified under inac-
reinstated ELP, in case of re-entry in government service. tive status and his membership shall be maintained in the database of
GSIS. Whatever future benefits he is entitled to shall be payable to the
c. The monthly premium billing for lapsed policies shall continue in
member once they become due.
case the member is still in the service.
Section 10 Other Policies Affecting Membership Administration
8.2. Basic rules on Policy Reinstatement and Conversion from LEP to
ELP are as follows: 10.1. In the case of members whose premiums were remitted to GSIS
but later found to be ineligible for Compulsory Membership:
8.2.1 Lapsed policy shall automatically be reinstated on the date the
life insurance premiums are paid and remitted to the GSIS for the ac- 10.1.1 The policies of these members shall be terminated. All remitted
count of the member effective on the beginning of the due month cov- payments for both personal and government shares shall be applied
ered by the payment. to the existing obligations of the member, if any, subject to the policies
and procedures on excess payments.
8.2.2 Member with lapsed LEP shall be issued an ELP upon receipt of
10.1.2 In cases where the member has no other personal obligation to retirement benefit, subject to filing of claim.
the GSIS, he shall be refunded the personal share for life and retire-
10.3 On the Conversion of Special Member to Regular Member
ment, without interest, reckoned from the date the member became
ineligible for compulsory membership. The heirs of the member shall 10.3.1 The life insurance policy of a special member whose member-
no longer be entitled to the benefit in case a contingency occurred ship classification has been converted to regular member by virtue of
prior to the termination of the policy. his appointment to a position eligible for regular coverage shall be ter-
minated upon separation from his old position. He shall be provided
10.1.3 The government share for both life and retirement shall be ap-
with ELP coverage as a regular member effective upon assumption to
plied to the existing obligation of the agency.
duty to his new position.
10.2 On the Conversion / Reclassification of a Regular Member to Spe-
10.3.2 The coverage under ELP shall be guided by the following:
cial Member
a. If the member is active, his membership master records (including
The compulsory life policy of a regular member who is converted/re-
classified to special member shall be terminated and provided a LEP MSP) shall be tagged to denote the conversion from LEP to ELP.
coverage, and, henceforth be considered as a special member.
b. The member shall be covered under ELP immediately after the con-
10.2.1 The compulsory life policy of a regular member whose mem- version of his membership classification in the database has been ef-
bership classification has been converted to special member by virtue fected.
of his appointment as a Judge, Justice or their equivalent, shall be ter-
10.3.3 If the member had previous services as a regular member and
minated upon separation from his old position. He shall be provided
has been paid separation or retirement benefits, he shall be considered
LEP coverage upon assumption to duty to his new position.
as a new entrant when re-employed in the government service.
10.2.2 All outstanding obligations of the reclassified member shall be
10.3.4 The services rendered as a special member shall not be consid-
collected from the Cash Surrender Value (CSV) or Termination Value
ered part of RCS for purposes of computing retirement and other ben-
(TV) of his terminated ELP policy. Payment of CSV or TV shall be sub-
efits under RA
ject to the filing of a claim.
8291. However, such services shall be considered only for purposes of
10.2.3 Any remaining TV of the ELP shall be subject to CLIP.
determining eligibility to retirement and other benefits.
10.2.4 At the time of his termination as a regular member, he shall be
10.4 On Members Holding Multiple Positions
entitled to whatever benefits accruing to him at the time of his sepa-
ration. 10.4.1 A member holding two or more part-time positions in govern-
ment shall be issued only one compulsory life insurance policy and
Should the regular member qualify for separation benefits, filing of
shall only earn service credit in the position that he selects as basis for
claim for the said benefits shall prescribe after four (4) years from the
coverage. Part time employment refers to a job with compensation,
date of contingency. However, a separated member with 15 years of
covered by a valid appointment whose term specifies working hours
service can still claim for retirement benefits at age 60 and may choose
of less than forty hours per week, whether in a single agency or mul-
to receive either the 5 year lump sum and pension after the 5-year
tiple agencies.
guaranteed period or 18 months BMP and pension immediately, sub-
ject to the AMC limit then prevailing at the time of filing. 10.4.2 For members employed in two or more agencies in government,
GSIS shall only recognize one (1) Remitting Agency (RA) and it shall
10.2.5 If the regular member is sixty (60) years old and with total
length of service (TLS) of fifteen (15) years, he should be entitled to
be the RA corresponding to the position for which he has been cov- b. The requesting member submits the original copy of the court order
ered by GSIS. or birth certificate authenticated by the National Statistics Office
(NSO) as supporting document.
10.4.3 Any additional compulsory life insurance policy issued to a
member on account of a second position that he may have in govern- • When submitting a court order, the member shall indicate in the re-
ment shall be invalid and therefore cancelled immediately. quest for change of date of birth, the contact number of the court who
ordered the change of date of birth, including the branch and province
10.4.4 All life premiums paid on the cancelled policy issued in connec-
where the court is located.
tion with the other position shall be added to the cash value or termi-
nation value of the active policy. • For NSO-authenticated birth certificate, the official watermark of
NSO should be present in the document. Failure on the part of the
10.4.5 After selecting one of two part time jobs as basis for coverage,
member to comply with the said requirements shall be a ground for
the member shall not have the option to transfer the coverage to the
rejecting the request.
other unless, his services in the covered part time job is terminated.
10.6.3 Notwithstanding the change in the member’s date of birth, the
10.5 Non-Permanent Employees Who Are Daily Wage Earners: These
original amount of insurance as computed during the issuance of the
employees are not qualified to be GSIS members if they are not receiv-
policy shall not be changed and it shall not result in any adjustment
ing fixed monthly compensation.
in the endowment plan under LEP.
10.5.1 The monthly equivalent of the salary of non-permanent em-
ployee who is paid on a daily basis shall be his daily wage rate multi-
plied by 22 days.
10.5.2 The salary record in the MSP of a non-permanent daily wage Section 11 Amounts of Contribution.
earner shall be correspondingly adjusted when he is granted an in- RULE I
crease in the daily wage rate. However, if his daily wage rate is de- DEFINITION OF TERMS
creased, the original computation of his monthly salary shall remain. Section 1. Unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms
shall mean:
10.5.3 Payment of retirement premiums (both Personal and Govern-
ment Share) for non-permanent services (casual, temporary, contrac- 1.1 ACCOUNT IN ARREARS – An account which remains unpaid af-
tual) prior to RA ter due date.

8291 by members who are still in the active service shall no longer be 1.2 ACCOUNT IN DEFAULT – An account in arrears which became
allowed. due and demandable and remain unpaid.

10.6 Change in Date of Birth 1.3 ACT – Refers to Republic Act No. 8291, otherwise known as the

10.6.1 The date of birth reflected in the member’s information sheet or Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997.
agency remittance advice shall be adopted. 1.4 AMC – Refers to Average Monthly Compensation. This refers to
10.6.2 Change of date of birth shall be given due course under the fol- the average salary received by the member during the last 36 months
lowing conditions: of creditable service preceding his separation, retirement, disability,
or death, or, if with less than 36 months of creditable service, the actual
a. The request for change is made while the member is still in the gov- number of months of the creditable service.
ernment service; and
1.5 APL - Refers to Automatic Policy Loan or Automatic Premium
Loan. This is the amount that will be deducted from the Cash paid to the policyholder of Life Endowment Policy (LEP) or optional
Value/Termination Value of a life insurance policy to keep the policy life insurance policies when he is separated from the service before
in force. maturity date of the policy or when a policyholder is considered a case
of Permanent Total Disability (PTD).
1.6 BENEFIT – The amount that GSIS is obligated to pay the member
upon the occurrence of a covered contingency that is payable under 1.18 CURRENT DAILY COMPENSATION. — The actual daily com-
the Act. pensation or the fixed monthly compensation divided by twenty-two
(22) days.
1.7 BILLING – The process of sending notices or statements to gov-
ernment agencies, members, or borrowers to remind or demand pay- 1.19 DEPENDENTS – The (a) legitimate spouse dependent for support
ment for accounts that are falling due or are past their due dates. on the member or pensioner, (b) legitimate/legitimated legally
adopted child, including the illegitimate child, who is unmarried, not
1.8 BOARD – The Board of Trustees of the GSIS.
gainfully employed, not over the age of majority, or is over the age of
1.9 CASH DIVIDEND - The sum of money paid to policyholders majority but incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to a men-
whose life insurance policies have been in force for at least one year tal or physical defect acquired prior to age of majority, and (c) the par-
subject to amount and conditions recommended by Actuary and ap- ents dependent upon the member for support.
proved by the Board.
1.20 DISABILITY – Any loss or impairment of the normal functions of
1.10 CASH PAYMENT – A benefit payable to a member upon separa- the physical and/or mental faculties of a member, which reduces or
tion, disability or retirement, or to the beneficiaries upon the death of eliminates his capacity to continue with his current gainful occupation
the member, under conditions provided by law. or engage in any other gainful occupation resulting in the loss of in-
1.11 CASH VALUE – Accumulated amount earned based on premium
payment while the LEP is in force. 1.21 ELP – Refers to Enhanced Life Policy. This is a compulsory life
insurance coverage issued by GSIS after July 31, 2003.
1.12 CLAIM – A request from the member or his beneficiaries for pay-
ment of benefits that may be due as provided under this Act. 1.22 FUNERAL BENEFIT – Benefit intended to help defray the ex-
penses incidental to the burial and funeral of the deceased member,
1.13 CLIP – Refers to Claims and Loans Interdependency Policy. This
pensioner or retiree.
is a mechanism which ensures the collection of unpaid accounts from
the proceeds of a loan or claim of a member or his beneficiaries. 1.23 GAINFUL OCCUPATION – Any productive activity that pro-
vides income of at least equal to the prevailing minimum compensa-
1.14 COMPENSATION - The fixed monthly salary received by an em-
tion of government employees.
ployee excluding allowances, per diems, bonuses, overtime pay, hon-
oraria and other emoluments not integrated into the fixed monthly 1.24 GOVERNMENT AGENCY - Any government office whether na-
salary. tional or local, legislative bodies, government-owned and controlled
corporations (GOCC) with original charters, government financial in-
1.15 CONTINGENCIES – Events such as separation from the service,
stitutions (GFIs), constitutional commissions, judiciary, Armed Forces
retirement, disability or death which are payable under this Act.
of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Jail Man-
1.16 CONTRIBUTION – The amount payable to the GSIS by the mem- agement and Penology (BJMP) and Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).
ber and government agency or employer to which he belongs.
1.25 INVESTMENTS – Amounts of money or other resources meas-
1.17 CSV – Refers to Cash Surrender Value, which is the amount to be ured in terms of money placed on activities for the purpose of earning

profits. 1.37 TERMINATION VALUE – Accumulated amount earned based
on premium payment while the ELP is in force.
1.26 LEP- Refers to Life Endowment Policy. This is the life insurance
policy issued to regular members prior to August 1, 2003 or to special RULE II MEMBERSHIP OF THE GSIS
members after the implementation of this Act.
Section 2. Compulsory Membership
1.27 MEMBER – A government employee receiving compensation
2.1. All government personnel, whether elective or appointive, irre-
while in the service of a government agency by virtue of an appoint-
spective of status of appointment, provided they are receiving fixed
ment or election to public office and irrespective of status of appoint-
monthly compensation and have not reached the mandatory retire-
ment age of 65 years, are compulsorily covered as members of the
1.28 ACTIVE MEMBER. — A member of GSIS, whether regular or GSIS and shall be required to pay contributions.
special, who is in the government service.
2.2. However, employees who have reached the retirement age of 65
1.29 INACTIVE MEMBER. – A member who is separated from the or more shall also be covered, subject to the following rules:
service, either by resignation, retirement, disability, dismissal, or re-
An employee who is already beyond the mandatory retirement age of
65 shall be compulsorily covered and be required to pay both the life
1.30 REGULAR MEMBERS – Those who, together with the govern- and retirement premiums under the following situations:
ment agency to which they belong, are required to remit life and re-
1. An elective official who at the time of election to public office is be-
tirement premium contributions as mandated under Section 5 of RA
65 years of age and will be 65 years or more at the end of his term of
1.31 SPECIAL MEMBERS – Those who, together with the government
office, including the period/s of his re-election to public office there-
agency to which they belong, are required to remit life insurance pre-
after without interruption.
miums only.
2. Appointive officials who, before reaching the mandatory age of 65,
1.32 PENSION – A monthly specified cash amount that a qualified
are appointed to government position by the President of the Republic
member will receive upon retirement or when considered as a case of
of the Philippines and shall remain in government service at age be-
permanent total disability.
yond 65.
1.33 PRESCRIPTION PERIOD – The allowable period within which to
2.3. Contractual employees including casuals and other employees
file a claim for benefit or benefits.
with an employee-government agency relationship are also compul-
1.34 RCS – Refers to Record of Creditable Service. The RCS includes sorily covered, provided they are receiving fixed monthly compensa-
service periods with corresponding premium contributions and tion and rendering the required number of working hours for the
serves as basis for computing benefits. month.
1.35 RE-EMPLOYMENT – Subsequent re-entry in government service 2.4. Classes of Membership – Membership in the GSIS is classified ei-
after separation from service. ther by type or status of membership.
1.36 REINSTATEMENT OF POLICY – The restoration of the effectiv- 2.4.1 As to type of members, there are regular and special members:
ity of the life insurance policy upon payment of the required premi-
a. Regular Members – are those employed by the government of the
ums under terms and conditions of the ELP.

Republic of the Philippines, national or local, legislative bodies, gov- The basic policy governing membership administration shall be
ernment-owned and controlled corporations (GOCC) with original length of service with corresponding paid premiums.
charters, government financial institutions (GFIs), except uniformed
4.1 The basic principles under this policy are:
personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine Na-
tional Police, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and 4.1.1 Membership in the GSIS carries with it the legal obligation to
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), who are required by law to remit reg- promptly remit the required monthly premium contributions. Thus
ular monthly contributions to the GSIS. the extent of the benefits to which a member is entitled will depend
upon the level of compliance in the remittance of his premium contri-
b. Special Members – are constitutional commissioners, members of
the judiciary, including those with equivalent ranks, who are required
by law to remit regular monthly contributions for life insurance poli- 4.1.2 Government agencies where the members are employed have
cies to the GSIS in order to answer for their life insurance benefits de- the legal obligation to remit on time the monthly premium contribu-
fined under RA 8291. tions due from members concerned, both for personal and govern-
ment shares. In case of delay, they have the legal obligation to pay
2.4.2. As to status of membership, there are active and inactive mem-
interest as may be prescribed by the Board but not less than two per-
cent (2%) simple interest per month.
a. Active member – refers to a member of the GSIS, whether regular
4.1.3 For purposes of computing the benefits under the social insur-
or special, who is still in the government service and together with the
ance laws administered by the GSIS, a member’s period of service in
government agency to which he belongs, is required to pay the
government will only be recognized by GSIS as creditable service if
monthly contribution.
the monthly compulsory premiums corresponding to said period
b. Inactive member – a member who is separated from the service ei- have been paid and remitted, including the interests if there are delays
ther by resignation, retirement, disability, dismissal from the service, in their remittance.
retrenchment or, who is deemed retired from the service under this
4.1.4 In case of underpayment of the monthly premium contributions
due, only such portion of the period of service proportionately equiv-
Section 3 Exclusion from Compulsory Coverage alent to the amount actually received shall be recognized as creditable
service for purposes of computing the benefits under the administra-
3.1 The following employees are excluded from compulsory coverage:
tion of GSIS.
3.1.1. Uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
4.1.5 The amount of monthly contributions due from a member is
(AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection
based on his fixed monthly compensation.
(BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP);
4.1.6 The compulsory life insurance coverage extended to the mem-
3.1.2. Barangay and Sanggunian Officials who are not receiving fixed
bers is dependent on the timely remittance of the premiums due for
monthly compensation;
the coverage. Thus, the said coverage may lapse for failure to remit
3.1.3. Contractual Employees who are not receiving fixed monthly the required premiums.
compensation; and
Section 5 Effectivity of Membership
3.1.4. Employees who do not have monthly regular hours of work and
The effective date of membership shall be the date of the member’s
are not receiving fixed monthly compensation.
assumption to duty on his original appointment or election to public
Section 4 Policy Governing Membership Administration office.
Section 6 Types of Compulsory Life Insurance payment shall not extend to more than 12 months. In the case non-
payment extends to more than 12 months, the policy shall be lapsed
The GSIS is administering two (2) types of compulsory life insurance
and the remaining cash value shall be the seed fund of the reinstated
programs for its members. First is the life Insurance policy with an
endowment plan or Life Endowment Policy (LEP) as distinguished
from the second program which is termed as Enhanced Life Policy 6.1.7 Members Covered under LEP
The following members are covered under LEP:
6.1 Life Endowment Policy (LEP) is an insurance policy issued to
a. Regular members whose policies were issued before August 1, 2003
members prior to
and who have opted to continue with their endowment / ordinary life
August 1, 2003. It has the following features: plans.
6.1.1 It provides coverage against death whether due to natural or ac- b. Special members
cidental causes, permanent total disability, and cash benefits upon
6.2 Enhanced Life Policy (ELP) is a compulsory life insurance cover-
maturity or separation from the service.
age issued by GSIS to regular members after July 31, 2003.
6.1.2 The effective date of coverage is the date of appointment regard-
6.2.1 Coverage
less of the status thereof, or assumption to duty, whichever is later and
applicable. a. Regular members who entered the service after July 31, 2003.
6.1.3 The type of insurance plans issued to members depends on the b. Regular members whose LEP policies matured on or after July 31,
age nearest the member’s birth date at the time of effectivity, as fol-
c. Regular members under LEP who opted/will opt to convert their
Age Bracket Plan of Insurance
existing LEP into ELP.
30 years and below Endowment at 45
d. Regular members whose LEP policy lapsed by reason of non- pay-
31 years to 40 Endowment at 55 ment of life insurance premiums but who, after July 31, 2003, have
started to remit the premiums due for compulsory life insurance cov-
41 years to 59 Endowment at 65
60 years and over Ordinary Life
6.2.2 The insurance coverage is a yearly cover automatically issued to
6.1.4 The amount of insurance is based on the plan of insurance, the a new member of GSIS based on his fixed monthly compensation.
age of the member at the effectivity of the plan, and the fixed monthly While this does not have an endowment policy, this provides a higher
pay of the member. An insurance factor based on the age and type of form of death benefit for the family, and at the same time, it has ter-
insurance is applied to the annual salary to get the amount of insur- mination value which can be withdrawn upon separation or retire-
ance. ment.
6.1.5 After the first year of coverage, the plan earns cash value and 6.2.3 Age and length of service will no longer be a factor in determin-
increases with the regular payment of premiums on the plan. ing the amount of insurance coverage.
6.1.6 In case of non-payment of the premiums, an APL will be applied 6.2.4 ELP of newly appointed employee shall be effective for a period
against the cash value provided that the policy has enough cash value, of 90 days from date of assumption to duty, even without receipt of
less policy loan, to cover the APL. Provided further, that such non-
the corresponding life insurance premiums due and even if GSIS has fraction thereof, and policy loan, including corresponding interest
not received any formal notice of his assumption to duty, subject to thereon.
the following conditions:
7.2 In the case of LEP or ELP, if the premium contribution paid is not
a. The new employee is receiving fixed monthly compensation. sufficient to cover the life insurance premium for the month, after de-
ducting the retirement premium, APL equivalent to the amount of the
b. In case the employee dies within 90 days from the date of assump-
unpaid premium, or a fraction thereof, shall be applied.
tion to duty, the corresponding death benefit or the proceeds of the
life insurance shall be paid to the legal heirs, subject to presentation of 7.3 The interest rate shall be the same as the interest rate for policy
proof that the employee was appointed to the position and assumed loan. The interest charged on the APL of a policyholder shall be inde-
office within the said period. Premiums due the GSIS shall be de- pendent of the interest charged on the agency for delayed remittances.
ducted from the proceeds of the life insurance benefit.
7.4 The formula for computing the APL Balance as of a given date shall
c. In case no payment of the monthly premium contributions for life be as follows:
insurance is made after the 90-day term, the life insurance coverage
APL Balance (current month) = APL Balance (previous month) + In-
issued shall automatically lapse and the legal heirs of the member
terest due on APL Balance (previous month) + Unpaid Premium Due
shall not be entitled to life insurance benefits in case of his death.
for the Current Month (full or partial)
6.2.5 No supplemental policies will be issued in case of adjustment in
Section 8 Policy Lapsation
the salary of the policyholder.
8.1 Basic Rules on Policy Lapsation. - A policy shall be considered
6.2.6 ELP will earn termination value, which can be withdrawn upon
lapsed when:
separation or retirement.
8.1.1 The combined outstanding balances of its APL and Policy Loan
6.2.7 In case of non-payment of the premiums, an APL will be applied
have exceeded the Cash Value or Termination Value. The regular pol-
against the termination value of the policy, provided that the said pol-
icy loan of a lapsed policy and the APL, if any, shall be deemed paid
icy has enough termination value, less policy loan, to cover the premi-
by the accumulated CV/TV of the policy; or
ums due for the life insurance cover. Provided further, that such non-
payment shall not be more than 12 months. 8.1.2 The policy has no payment for twelve (12) months, or the total
unpaid premiums is equal to twelve (12) months, even if there is still
6.2.8 In case non-payment is more than 12 months, the policy shall be
balance in the cash or termination value of the policy. After the auto-
lapsed and the remaining termination value shall be the seed fund of
matic lapse of a compulsory life insurance policy, the following shall
the reinstated policy.
be done:
Section 7 Automatic Policy Loan (APL) - The APL is a feature of a
a. If the member is still in the service, the CV/TV balance shall be used
GSIS life insurance policy that keeps the policy in force in case of non
as seed fund of his new ELP policy or shall form part of the termina-
payment of premiums by taking out a loan amount against the unre-
tion value of his reinstated ELP, as the case may be.
stricted portion of the policy’s accumulated Cash Value (CV) or Ter-
mination Value (TV). b. If the member is already separated from the service, the CV/TV
balance shall be used to pay his other existing loan obligations with
7.1 The APL shall only be applied if the policy has:
the GSIS and any excess shall be paid to the policyholder, subject to
7.1.1 An unpaid premium after the grace period; and the filing of a claim, otherwise, the CV/TV balance will become the
seed fund of his new ELP, or added to the termination value of his
7.1.2 Earned sufficient CV or TV to cover the unpaid premiums or a
reinstated ELP, in case of re-entry in government service. ployed, shall continue to be a member although classified under inac-
tive status and his membership shall be maintained in the database of
c. The monthly premium billing for lapsed policies shall continue in
GSIS. Whatever future benefits he is entitled to shall be payable to the
case the member is still in the service.
member once they become due.
8.2. Basic rules on Policy Reinstatement and Conversion from LEP to
Section 10 Other Policies Affecting Membership Administration
ELP are as follows:
10.1. In the case of members whose premiums were remitted to GSIS
8.2.1 Lapsed policy shall automatically be reinstated on the date the
but later found to be ineligible for Compulsory Membership:
life insurance premiums are paid and remitted to the GSIS for the ac-
count of the member effective on the beginning of the due month cov- 10.1.1 The policies of these members shall be terminated. All remitted
ered by the payment. payments for both personal and government shares shall be applied
to the existing obligations of the member, if any, subject to the policies
8.2.2 Member with lapsed LEP shall be issued an ELP upon receipt of
and procedures on excess payments.
first premium under the new coverage, provided he is still in the ser-
vice. 10.1.2 In cases where the member has no other personal obligation to
the GSIS, he shall be refunded the personal share for life and retire-
8.2.3 For members whose LEP has lapsed and were issued new ELP,
ment, without interest, reckoned from the date the member became
all unposted life insurance payments prior to policy lapse but posted
ineligible for compulsory membership. The heirs of the member shall
after policy lapse shall be added to the termination value of the new
no longer be entitled to the benefit in case a contingency occurred
prior to the termination of the policy.
8.2.4 After conversion from LEP policy to ELP policy, any excess pay-
10.1.3 The government share for both life and retirement shall be ap-
ment, after applying the payment to the current month and the pre-
plied to the existing obligation of the agency.
ceding unpaid months where the member was given a grace period,
shall be added to the TV of the ELP. 10.2 On the Conversion / Reclassification of a Regular Member to Spe-
cial Member
Section 9 Member’s Service Profile
The compulsory life policy of a regular member who is converted/re-
For purposes of establishing data for every member, a Member’s Ser-
classified to special member shall be terminated and provided a LEP
vice Profile (MSP) is created in the GSIS database.
coverage, and, henceforth be considered as a special member.
The MSP basically contains the service profile of every member which
10.2.1 The compulsory life policy of a regular member whose mem-
includes among others, the date of first entry in government service,
bership classification has been converted to special member by virtue
the periods in government service, the respective agencies and the po-
of his appointment as a Judge, Justice or their equivalent, shall be ter-
sition the member has served, the salaries received, the Total Length
minated upon separation from his old position. He shall be provided
of Service (TLS) and the Record of Creditable Service (RCS).
LEP coverage upon assumption to duty to his new position.
Updates are made on the basis of changes in personal data, salaries,
10.2.2 All outstanding obligations of the reclassified member shall be
promotion, transfers, and separation of a member.
collected from the Cash Surrender Value (CSV) or Termination Value
A member separated from the service by reason of resignation, retire- (TV) of his terminated ELP policy. Payment of CSV or TV shall be sub-
ment, disability, dismissal from the service, retrenchment or in any ject to the filing of a claim.
manner of separation from the government agency to which he is em-
10.2.3 Any remaining TV of the ELP shall be subject to CLIP.

10.2.4 At the time of his termination as a regular member, he shall be 10.4 On Members Holding Multiple Positions
entitled to whatever benefits accruing to him at the time of his sepa-
10.4.1 A member holding two or more part-time positions in govern-
ment shall be issued only one compulsory life insurance policy and
Should the regular member qualify for separation benefits, filing of shall only earn service credit in the position that he selects as basis for
claim for the said benefits shall prescribe after four (4) years from the coverage. Part time employment refers to a job with compensation,
date of contingency. However, a separated member with 15 years of covered by a valid appointment whose term specifies working hours
service can still claim for retirement benefits at age 60 and may choose of less than forty hours per week, whether in a single agency or mul-
to receive either the 5 year lump sum and pension after the 5-year tiple agencies.
guaranteed period or 18 months BMP and pension immediately, sub-
10.4.2 For members employed in two or more agencies in government,
ject to the AMC limit then prevailing at the time of filing.
GSIS shall only recognize one (1) Remitting Agency (RA) and it shall
10.2.5 If the regular member is sixty (60) years old and with total be the RA corresponding to the position for which he has been cov-
length of service (TLS) of fifteen (15) years, he should be entitled to ered by GSIS.
retirement benefit, subject to filing of claim.
10.4.3 Any additional compulsory life insurance policy issued to a
10.3 On the Conversion of Special Member to Regular Member member on account of a second position that he may have in govern-
ment shall be invalid and therefore cancelled immediately.
10.3.1 The life insurance policy of a special member whose member-
ship classification has been converted to regular member by virtue of 10.4.4 All life premiums paid on the cancelled policy issued in connec-
his appointment to a position eligible for regular coverage shall be ter- tion with the other position shall be added to the cash value or termi-
minated upon separation from his old position. He shall be provided nation value of the active policy.
with ELP coverage as a regular member effective upon assumption to
10.4.5 After selecting one of two part time jobs as basis for coverage,
duty to his new position.
the member shall not have the option to transfer the coverage to the
10.3.2 The coverage under ELP shall be guided by the following: other unless, his services in the covered part time job is terminated.
a. If the member is active, his membership master records (including 10.5 Non-Permanent Employees Who Are Daily Wage Earners: These
employees are not qualified to be GSIS members if they are not receiv-
MSP) shall be tagged to denote the conversion from LEP to ELP.
ing fixed monthly compensation.
b. The member shall be covered under ELP immediately after the con-
10.5.1 The monthly equivalent of the salary of non-permanent em-
version of his membership classification in the database has been ef-
ployee who is paid on a daily basis shall be his daily wage rate multi-
plied by 22 days.
10.3.3 If the member had previous services as a regular member and
10.5.2 The salary record in the MSP of a non-permanent daily wage
has been paid separation or retirement benefits, he shall be considered
earner shall be correspondingly adjusted when he is granted an in-
as a new entrant when re-employed in the government service.
crease in the daily wage rate. However, if his daily wage rate is de-
10.3.4 The services rendered as a special member shall not be consid- creased, the original computation of his monthly salary shall remain.
ered part of RCS for purposes of computing retirement and other ben-
10.5.3 Payment of retirement premiums (both Personal and Govern-
efits under RA
ment Share) for non-permanent services (casual, temporary, contrac-
8291. However, such services shall be considered only for purposes of tual) prior to RA
determining eligibility to retirement and other benefits.
8291 by members who are still in the active service shall no longer be service before maturity date of the policy or when he is considered as
allowed. a case of PTD.
10.6 Change in Date of Birth 18.3 Death Benefit, which is the face value of the policy payable to
designated beneficiary/beneficiaries or legal heirs, in the absence of
10.6.1 The date of birth reflected in the member’s information sheet or
the former, upon the death of a member.
agency remittance advice shall be adopted.
18.4 Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) is an additional benefit equiva-
10.6.2 Change of date of birth shall be given due course under the fol-
lent to the amount of Death Benefit when the member dies by acci-
lowing conditions:
a. The request for change is made while the member is still in the gov-
In this connection, proof must be presented to sufficiently establish
ernment service; and
that the cause of the member’s death is accidental.
b. The requesting member submits the original copy of the court order
The right to present sufficient proof to show that death was accidental
or birth certificate authenticated by the National Statistics Office
shall prescribe if the claim for ADB is filed four (4) years after the
(NSO) as supporting document.
death of the member.
• When submitting a court order, the member shall indicate in the re-
18.5 Cash Dividend. A policyholder is entitled to dividends subject to
quest for change of date of birth, the contact number of the court who
the guidelines as approved by the GSIS Board. This is not a guaran-
ordered the change of date of birth, including the branch and province
teed benefit.
where the court is located.
Section 19 Compulsory Life Insurance Benefits under the Enhanced
• For NSO-authenticated birth certificate, the official watermark of
Life Policy (ELP)
NSO should be present in the document. Failure on the part of the
member to comply with the said requirements shall be a ground for A member under this policy may be entitled to any of the following
rejecting the request. benefits, depending on the circumstances:
10.6.3 Notwithstanding the change in the member’s date of birth, the 19.1 Death Benefit equivalent to the latest annual salary multiplied by
original amount of insurance as computed during the issuance of the amount of insurance (AOI) factor which is 1.5 or 18 times the current
policy shall not be changed and it shall not result in any adjustment monthly salary of the member or as determined by the GSIS, payable
in the endowment plan under LEP. to the legal heirs, less all outstanding obligations of the member in
accordance with the CLIP.
BENEFITS 19.2 Termination Value. The policy earns a Termination Value during
Section 18 Compulsory Life Insurance Benefits under the Life En- the life of the policy computed from the percentage of life insurance
dowment Policy (LEP) premiums actually remitted and paid to GSIS.
A member under this policy may be entitled to any of the following 19.2.1 Termination value is equivalent to a percentage of monthly life
benefits, depending on the circumstances: insurance premiums as determined by the GSIS, due and paid in full,
either by direct remittance or through an APL facility.
18.1 Maturity benefits, which is the face amount payable to the mem-
ber upon maturity of the policy. 19.2.2 The accumulated termination value will grow at such rate as
determined by the Actuary.
18.2 Cash Surrender Value, which are earned values during the term
of the insurance payable to the member when he is separated from the 19.2.3 The termination value shall be paid to the member upon his
separation from the government service less all indebtedness of the 20.4 Change of Retirement Benefit Option under RA 8291. Change of
member with the GSIS in accordance with CLIP. retirement benefit option from eighteen (18) months cash payment
plus immediate pension to five (5) year lump sum, or vice versa, shall
19.3 Cash Dividend. A policyholder is entitled to dividends, subject to
not be allowed.
the guidelines as approved by the GSIS Board. This is not a guaran-
teed benefit. The GSIS shall process the claim for retirement benefits based on the
member’s records in the GSIS database.
Section 20 Retirement Benefits.
20.5 Processing of Retirement Benefits of Members Who Died While
Under this Act, the retirement benefit consists of a monthly pension
their Claims are
which is computed based on years of creditable service and AMC for
the last 3 years. Being Processed
20.1 Eligibility 20.5.1 For those qualified for retirement benefits:
20.1.1 has rendered at least Fifteen (15) years of service; a. If the deceased member opted for five year lump sum benefit as
indicated in his/her claim for retirement application, his legal heirs
20.1.2 is at least Sixty (60) years of age; and
shall be entitled to five-year lump sum benefit equivalent to sixty (60)
20.1.3 is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from permanent total months basic monthly pension (BMP). However, the survivorship
disability. pension to qualified primary beneficiaries, if any, shall be granted af-
ter the end of the 5-year guaranteed period, but filing of claim for sur-
20.2 Retirement Benefit Options. A retiring member has the following
vivorship benefit should be done before the end of the 4-year prescrip-
tion period.
20.2.1 Five (5) year lump sum equivalent to sixty (60) months of the
b. If the deceased member opted for immediate pension as indicated
BMP, subject to qualification requirements, less all outstanding obli-
in his/her claim for retirement benefit his legal heirs shall be entitled
gations of the member in accordance with the CLIP, plus an old-age
to retirement benefits equivalent to eighteen (18) months of BMP, plus
pension benefit equal to the BMP payable for life, starting on the first
accrued pension, if any, up to the date of death of the retiree. The cor-
day of the month following the expiration of the five year guaranteed
responding survivorship pension shall be paid to the qualified pri-
period; or
mary beneficiaries, if any, and shall be computed from the date of
20.2.2 A cash payment benefit equivalent to eighteen (18) times of the death of the retiree, subject to filing of claim.
BMP, subject to qualification requirements, less all outstanding obli-
c. In case the deceased member failed to indicate in his/her retirement
gations of the member in accordance with the CLIP, plus monthly
option, it shall be computed as if he/she opted for immediate pension.
pension for life payable on the first month following the date of retire-
ment; d. The proceeds of retirement benefits shall be paid and distributed to
the legal heirs in accordance with the law on succession under the
20.3 Conversion in the Mode of Retirement. Conversion in the mode
Civil Code of the Philippines.
of retirement from R.A. No. 8291 to any other retirement laws and vice
versa administered by the GSIS shall not be allowed. 20.5.2 For those not qualified for retirement benefits, the GSIS shall
determine if he/she is qualified to other applicable benefits under RA
Those who became GSIS members prior to the implementation of this
8291 or such other laws administered by the GSIS.
Act shall have the option to retire under PD 1146, RA 660, or RA 1616,
subject to eligibility. 20.6 Effects of Re-Employment

20.6.1 When a retired/separated member is re-employed or reinstated Seven Hundred
in the service, his/her previous services credited at the time of his/her
Pesos (P700.00).
retirement/separation for which a corresponding benefit had been
awarded, shall be excluded in the computation of service. In effect, 20.11 Computation of Basic Monthly Pension – the formula for com-
he/she shall be considered a new entrant. puting the BMP may be adjusted subject to the approval of the Board
upon the recommendation by the President and General Manager.
20.6.2 However, for those who retired prior to the enactment of RA
8291, the previous services of a retired/separated member may be As a general rule, the BMP shall only be computed for those members
added in the computation of his creditable services (subject to pre- or dependents/heirs of members who are eligible to receive benefits
mium-based policy) upon subsequent retirement under RA 8291 only under this law. It shall be computed on the basis of a percentage of the
when both conditions are met: RAMC at the rate of
a. the retiree re-entered government service before June 24, 1997; and 2.5% for every year of creditable service, but in no case shall it exceed
b. the total amount of benefit previously received, if any, including 90% of the AMC of the member.
the prescribed interest was refunded to GSIS on or before March 2,
The formula for computing BMP shall be: BMP = RAMC x (2.5% x
20.7 Basis of Computation of Total Service
20.12 Adjustment/Increase in Pension
20.7.1 Total Length of Service (TLS) is the number of years in govern-
Periodic adjustments of the monthly pension of all existing pensioners
ment service regardless of status of employment, with or without pre-
shall be done on the basis of what is sustainable and prudent for the
mium contributions.
GSIS as recommended by its Actuary and approved by the Board.
20.7.2 For purposes of computing the total length of service under
20.13 Policies Affecting Pension Administration
part-time status of employment, services shall be converted to their
full-time equivalent using forty-hour week and fifty two-week a year 20.13.1 Regardless of the date of retirement, the monthly pension shall
as basis. commence on the 1st day of the month following the month of retire-
20.8 Computation of Creditable Service
20.13.2 Annual Renewal of Active Status (ARAS) of Old Age and Sur-
The computation of creditable service for the purpose of determining
the amount of benefits payable shall include the period or periods of
service with the required premium contributions. Pensioners is required on their birth month every year.
20.9 Computation of Average Monthly Compensation (AMC) 20.13.3 Effects of Non-renewal of Active Status as Pensioner a. Sus-
pension of payment of monthly pension
20.9.1 The AMC shall be computed on the basis of the average salary
of the member for the last 36 months of creditable service immediately b. Non-entitlement to cash gift if status is suspended at the time of
preceding his retirement or separation. declaration
20.9.2 The basis for computing the AMC of a separated or retired c. Non-entitlement to pension increase if status is suspended at the
member requesting for computation of benefits shall be the prevailing time of declaration
policy on AMC at the time the claim is being processed. Section 21 Separation Benefit. - Is either one of the following:
20.10 Computation of Revalued Monthly Compensation = AMC plus 21.1 For those members who are separated from service and who have
at least 3 years of service but less than 15 years shall be entitled to cash 22.1.2 his/her separation was involuntary due to the abolition of
payment equivalent to 100% of the member’s AMC for each year of his/her office or position resulting from reorganization; and
creditable service, but not less than P12,000.00, payable upon reaching
22.1.3 he/she has been paying the required premium contributions for
age 60, or upon his separation if he is already 60 years of age at the
at least one (1) year but less than 15 years prior to separation.
time of separation.
22.2 Amount, Duration and Payment Of Unemployment Benefit.- The
21.2 A cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) times the basic
amount of unemployment benefit is equivalent to 50% of the AMC
monthly pension payable at the time of resignation or separation, pro-
and shall be paid in accordance with the following Schedule:
vided the member resigns or separates from the service after he has
rendered at least 15 years of service and is below 60 years of age, plus Contributions Made Benefit Duration
an old-age pension benefit equal to the basic monthly pension payable
monthly for life upon reaching the age of sixty (60). One year but less than three years 2 months

21.3 Reckoning Date of Separation of Uniformed PNP, BJMP and BFP Three or more years but 3 months
Personnel shall be February 1, 1996. The computation of benefit shall
less than six years
be based on their basic monthly salary (premium-based) when they
ceased to be members of the GSIS. Six or more years but than 4 months
21.4 Processing of Separation Benefit of Members Who Died While nine years
Their Claims are
Nine or more years but less 5 months
Being Processed
than 11 years
21.4.1 If the member dies during the pendency of his claim for separa-
tion benefit and he has rendered at least 15 years of creditable service, Eleven or more years but 6 months
his legal heirs shall be entitled to receive cash payment equivalent to
eighteen (18) times the basic monthly pension, plus accrued BMP, if less than fifteen
any, up to the date of death of the member. Thereafter, the primary
beneficiaries shall be entitled to survivorship pension.
22.3 Those entitled to more than two (2) months of Unemployment
21.4.2 If the member dies during the pendency of his claim for separa- Benefits shall initially receive two (2) monthly payments. A seven-day
tion benefit and he has rendered less than 15 years of creditable ser- (7-day) waiting period shall be imposed on succeeding monthly pay-
vice, his legal heirs shall be entitled to cash payment equivalent to one ments to determine whether the separated member has found gainful
hundred percent (100%) of AMC for each year of creditable service, employment either in the public or private sector.
but not less than Twelve Thousand Pesos (P12,000.00).
22.4 In cases of reemployment, all accumulated unemployment bene-
Section 22 Unemployment Benefit fit paid to the employee during his/her entire membership with the
22.1 Conditions for Entitlement to Unemployment Benefit. A member GSIS shall be deducted without interest from the separation or retire-
shall be entitled to the unemployment benefits if the following condi- ment benefits, as the case maybe, to which the member may be enti-
tions are met: tled to upon his voluntary resignation, separation or retirement.

22.1.1 he/she was a permanent employee at time of separation; Section 23 Disability Benefits.
23.1 Disability refers to any loss or impairment of the normal functions
of the physical and/or mental faculties of a member, which perma- a.9. sight of one eye;
nently or temporarily prevents him to continue with his work or en-
a.10. such other cases as may be determined and approved by the GSIS
gage in any other gainful occupation resulting in the loss of income.
23.2.3 Temporary Total Disability (TTD) – accrues or arises when the
The corresponding disability benefits for each kind of disability shall
impaired physical and/or mental faculties can be rehabilitated
be granted to a member based on the duration of incapacity to work
and/or restored to their normal functions, but such disability shall re-
and actual loss of income.
sult in temporary incapacity to work or to engage in any gainful occu-
There are three (3) kinds of disability which shall be determined by pation.
23.2.4 Any disability or injury as a result of, or due to grave miscon-
GSIS based on established medical standards: duct, participation in riots, gross and inexcusable negligence, under
the influence of drugs or alcohol or willful intention to injure or kill
• Permanent Total Disability
himself or another, shall not be compensable.
• Permanent Partial Disability
23.2.5 The actual loss of income shall refer to the number of days when
• Temporary Total Disability a member went on leave of absence without pay (LWOP) reckoned
immediately from the date of commencement of disability and for the
23.2 Policies Governing Disability Benefits:
duration of entitlement thereto, based on medical evaluation. Any
23.2.1 Permanent Total Disability (PTD) – disability due to injury or LWOP incurred after the duration of entitlement to the benefit shall
disease causing complete, irreversible and permanent incapacity that not be compensable.
will permanently disable a member to work or to engage in any gain-
23.2.6 If the member has two or more different contingencies during
ful occupation resulting to loss of income.
the same period of benefit entitlement, he shall be compensated only
The following disabilities shall be deemed total and permanent: once for the overlapping periods.
a. complete loss of sight for both eyes; 23.2.7 All injuries, disabilities, illnesses and all other infirmities com-
pensable under PD 626 shall not be compensable under this Act.
b. loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;
23.2.8 Any applicable disability benefit shall be suspended when
c. permanent complete paralysis of two limbs; and
d. brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity.
a. is re-employed; or
e. such other cases as may be determined and approved by the GSIS
b. recovers from his/her disability as determined by the GSIS, whose
23.2.2 Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) – arises due to the complete decision shall be final and binding; or
and permanent loss of the use of any of the following resulting to the
c. fails to present himself for medical examination when required by
disability to work for a limited period of time:
GSIS; or
a.1. any finger a.2. any toe a.3. one arm; a.4. one hand; a.5. one foot;
d. is receiving any other pension either from GSIS or another local or
a.6. one leg;
foreign institution or organization.
a.7. one or both ears;
23.3 Computation of Benefit:
a.8. hearing of one or both ears;
23.3.1 Permanent Total Disability (PTD)
A member who becomes permanently and totally disabled shall be PTD and PPD, and daily salary, with respect to TTD, shall be com-
entitled to the monthly income benefits for life equivalent to the basic puted as of the time of separation from GSIS.
monthly pension (BMP) effective from the date of disability.
23.4 Conditions for Entitlement:
23.3.2 Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)
23.4.1 Permanent Total Disability (PTD)
The period of entitlement to PPD benefit shall be determined after due A member who becomes permanently and totally disabled
medical evaluation; but such period of entitlement to the benefit shall
shall be entitled to the PTD benefits when:
not exceed 12 months for the same contingency. Only the leave of ab-
sence/s without pay incurred during the period of entitlement, duly a. he/she is in the service at the time of disability; or
certified by the authorized officer of the agency where he is employed,
b. if separated from the service, he has paid at least thirty six (36)
shall be compensable.
months contributions within the five year (5) period immediately pre-
The amount of PPD benefit shall be computed by dividing the BMP ceding his/her disability; or has paid a total of at least one hundred
by 30 days and multiplying the quotient by the number of compensa- eighty (180) months contributions prior to his/her disability;
ble calendar days of leave of absence without pay
Provided, however, that the following conditions shall be met:
• he/she is gainfully employed prior to the commencement of disa-
23.3.3 Temporary Total Disability (TTD) bility resulting in loss of income as evidenced by any incontrovertible
proof thereof;
The period of entitlement to TTD benefit shall be determined after due
medical evaluation and proof of actual loss of work resulting in loss • he/she is not a registered member of any social insurance institu-
of income by way of the incurred actual number of days of leave of tion; and
absence/s without pay duly certified by the authorized officer of the
• he/she is not receiving any other pension either from GSIS or an-
agency where he is employed; but such period of entitlement to the
other local or foreign institution or organization
benefit shall not exceed 120 days in one calendar year. However, if the
disability requires more extensive treatment that lasts beyond 120 In addition to the monthly income benefits for life, a cash pay-
days, the payment of the TTD may be extended by the GSIS but not to ment equivalent to eighteen (18) times his/her basic monthly pension
exceed a total of 240 days. (BMP), shall be paid to a member who was in the service at the time
of his/her permanent total disability and who has paid a total of one
Only the leave of absence/s without pay incurred during the period
hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions.
of entitlement shall be compensable. Entitlement, however, shall start
from the fourth day of the disability. A separated member who has at least three (3) years of service
and becomes permanently and totally disabled but has not paid a total
The amount of TTD benefit shall be computed by multiplying 75% of
of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions prior to
the daily salary of the member by the number of days of disability
his/her disability shall be entitled only to cash payment equivalent to
based on the medical evaluation but not to exceed 240 days for the
one hundred percent (100%) of his/her average monthly compensa-
same contingency. However, the computed daily salary shall not be
tion for each year of service with paid contributions but not less than
less than seventy pesos (P70.00) but not to exceed P340.00 per day.
twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00).
23.3.4 For the purpose of computing the corresponding benefit of in-
23.4.2 Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)
active members for each kind of disability, the BMP, with respect to
A member whose disability is partial shall be entitled to the PPD
benefit when: 23.4.4 Notice and Filing of Claims and Other Documents Required. -
A written notice of sickness or injury shall be given by a member or
a. he/she is in the service at the time of disability; or
anybody in his/her behalf within one (1) month from the date of the
b. if separated from the service, he has paid at least thirty six (36) occurrence of the contingency. If the member is in the service, the no-
months contributions within the five year (5) period immediately pre- tice shall be given to the GSIS; if separated from the service, the mem-
ceding his/her disability; or has paid a total of at least one hundred ber shall notify the GSIS directly.
eighty (180) months contributions prior to his/her disability; Pro-
The notice must contain the following information:
vided, however, that the following conditions shall be met:
a. Name and address of the member;
• he/she is gainfully employed prior to the commencement of disa-
bility resulting in loss of income as evidenced by any incontrovertible b. His/Her agency if in the government or employer if in the private
proof thereof; sector;
• he/she is not a registered member of any social insurance institu- c. Date and nature of sickness or injury;
tion; and
d. Place of confinement; and
• he/she is not receiving any other pension either from GSIS
e. Any other pertinent information that may be required by the
or another local or foreign institution or organization
23.4.3 Temporary Total Disability (TTD)
23.4.5 Periodic Medical Report – The disabled member, except those A member shall be entitled to the TTD benefit when: with permanent partial disability, shall submit annual medical reports
on his/her impairment, duly certified by his/her attending physician,
a. he/she is in the service at the time of disability; or
and/or submit himself/herself to annual medical and physical exam-
b. if separated from the service, he has paid at least thirty six (36) ination. If he/she fails to comply with this requirement, the payment
months contributions within the five year (5) period immediately pre- of his/her benefit shall be suspended and shall be resumed only upon
ceding his/her disability; or has paid a total of at least one hundred his/her compliance thereto provided that, he/she is found still enti-
eighty (180) months contributions prior to his/her disability; Pro- tled to the benefits. The benefit corresponding to the period of suspen-
vided, however, that the following conditions shall be met: sion shall also be paid.
• he/she is gainfully employed prior to the commencement of disa- 23.4.6 Forfeiture of Disability Benefits. - All the foregoing provisions
bility resulting in loss of income as evidenced by any incontrovertible notwithstanding, any member who is enjoying disability benefits
proof thereof; shall automatically forfeit his/her right to the continued enjoyment
thereof if he/she refuses or deliberately fails to:
• he/she is not a registered member of any social insurance institu-
tion; and a. have himself/herself medically treated by a physician when re-
quired by the GSIS; or
• he/she is not receiving any other pension either from GSIS or an-
other local or foreign institution or organization b. take the prescribed medications ; or The payment of TTD benefit may be extended by the GSIS up c. have himself/herself confined in a hospital without justifiable rea-
to a maximum of two hundred forty (240) days, subject to medical son, when such confinement is required by the GSIS; or
d. avail himself/herself of such rehabilitation facilities as may be duly
recommended by the GSIS and made available for him/her; or 24.3 Survivorship Benefits of Inactive Members
e. Observe such precautionary and /or preventive measures as pre- 24.3.1. Primary beneficiaries of inactive members who have at least 15
scribed by a physician or expressly required of him/her to prevent the years of creditable service shall receive the survivorship pension only.
aggravation or continuance of his/her disability.
a. Primary beneficiaries of inactive members who have at least 3 years
However, upon compliance with the requirements, his/her benefits but less than 15 years of creditable service and were less than 60 years
shall be resumed if he/she is still qualified. old at the time of death shall receive the cash payment equivalent to
100% of the AMC for every year of creditable service, but not less than
Section 24 Survivorship Benefits
24.1 When a member or pensioner dies, the beneficiaries shall be enti-
b. Primary beneficiaries of inactive members who have less than 15
tled to the following survivorship benefits, whichever is applicable:
years of creditable service but were at least 60 years old at the time of
24.1.1. Survivorship pension consisting of: separation and have received the corresponding separation benefit,
shall not be entitled to survivorship benefits. However, if the member
a. the basic survivorship pension which is fifty percent (50%) of the
has not received yet his separation benefit within four years after
BMP; and his/her separation, the primary beneficiaries shall receive the cash
b. the dependent children’s pension equivalent to 10% of the BMP for benefit equivalent to 100% of the inactive member’s AMC for every
each child but not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the BMP. year of creditable service, but not less than P12,000.00.

24.1.2. Cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) months BMP; 24.4 Payment of Survivorship Benefits

24.1.3. Cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the 24.4.1.The survivorship benefits shall be paid as follows:
AMC for every year of service with paid contributions but not less a. When the dependent spouse is the only survivor, he shall receive
than Twelve Thousand Pesos (P12,000.00). the basic survivorship pension;
24.2 Survivorship Benefits of Members in Active Service. b. When only the dependent children are the survivors, they shall be
24.2.1. If at the time of death, a member was in the service and has entitled only to the dependent children’s pension equivalent to 10%
rendered at least fifteen (15) years of creditable service: of the BMP for every dependent child, not exceeding five (5), counted
from the youngest and without substitution;
a. his primary beneficiaries shall receive the survivorship pension and
cash payment equivalent to 18 x the BMP; or c. When the survivors are the dependent spouse and the dependent
children, the dependent spouse shall receive the basic survivorship
b. in the absence of primary beneficiaries, his secondary beneficiaries pension for life or until he remarries or cohabits, and the dependent
shall receive the cash payment equivalent to 18 x the BMP; or children shall receive the dependent children’s pension.
c. in the absence of secondary beneficiaries, the legal heirs shall receive d. When the dependent spouse and dependent children are already
the cash payment equivalent to 18 x the BMP. receiving the basic survivorship pension and dependent children’s
24.2.2. If at the time of death, the member was in the service with less pension, respectively, any subsequent death, emancipation or dis-
than fifteen (15) years of creditable service; his primary beneficiaries qualification of any one of them shall not entitle the other beneficiaries
shall receive the cash payment equivalent to 100% of the AMC for to the forfeited share.
every year of creditable service.

e. In the absence of a natural guardian, the guardian de facto of de- qualified individual, in accordance with the following order of prior-
pendent children, as well as the physically or mentally incapacitated ity:
dependent children, must file a Petition for Guardianship to be able
a. Legitimate spouse,
to claim the survivorship benefits on behalf of the dependent children.
b. Legitimate child who spent for the funeral services, or
f. When the pensioner dies within the 5-year period after receiving the
five-year lump sum, the survivorship pension shall be paid only after c. Any other person who can show incontrovertible proof that he
the end of the said five-year period. However, filing of claim for sur- shouldered the funeral expenses of the deceased
vivorship benefit should be done before the end of the 4-year prescrip-
25.2. Amount of Funeral Benefit.- The amount of funeral benefit are as
tion period.
24.5 Conditions for Entitlement to Survivorship Benefits
a. The prevailing amount approved by the Board of Trustees at the
The primary and secondary beneficiaries, except dependent children, time of death of the member or pensioner.
shall be entitled to applicable survivorship benefits, subject to the fol-
b. For uniformed members of the PNP, BJMP and BFP, the amount of
funeral benefit is fixed at P10,000.00.
a. not engaged in any gainful occupation as defined in Sec 2 (p) of RA
25.3 Conditions for Entitlement.- Funeral benefit shall be paid upon
8291; the death of:
b. the surviving spouse and the deceased member were living to- a. an active member; or
gether as husband and wife;
b. a member who has been separated from the service with more than
c. not gainfully engaged in a business or economic activity (self- em- 15 years of creditable service, but entitled to future separation or re-
ployed); tirement benefits; or
d. employed/engaged in a business or economic activity but receiving c. old age or disability pensioner; or
income less than the minimum compensation of government employ-
d. a retiree who at the time of his retirement is at least 60 years of age
and with at least 20 years of service but who opts to retire under RA
e. not receiving any other pension from the GSIS or another local or 1616 on or after June 24, 1997; or
foreign institution or organization; and
e. a member who retired under RA 1616 prior to June 24, 1997 with at
f. In the case of the dependent spouse, payment of the basic survivor- least twenty (20) years of service, regardless of age.
ship pension shall discontinue when he remarries, cohabits, or en-
gages in common-law relationship.
The foregoing conditions, except the last one, must be present imme-
diately preceding the death of the member or pensioner.
Section 25 Funeral Benefits
25.1. Funeral benefit is intended to help defray the expenses incident
to the burial and funeral of the deceased member, pensioner or retiree
under RA 660, RA 1616, PD 1146 and RA 8291. It is payable to any
J. Limited Portability Law (R.A. No. 7699) other benefits in case the covered member does not qualify for such
benefits in either or both Systems without totalization: Provided, how-
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7699 ever, That overlapping periods of membership shall be credited only
AN ACT INSTITUTING LIMITED PORTABILITY SCHEME once for purposes of totalization.
TOTALIZING THE WORKERS' CREDITABLE SERVICES OR Sec. 4. All contributions paid by such member personally, and those
CONTRIBUTIONS IN EACH OF THE SYSTEMS. that were paid by his employers to both Systems shall be considered
SECTION 1. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote in the processing of benefits which he can claim from either or both
the welfare of our workers by recognizing their efforts in productive Systems: Provided, however, That the amount of benefits to be paid
endeavors and to further improve their conditions by providing ben- by one System shall be in proportion to the number of contributions
efits for their long years of contribution to the national economy. To- actually remitted to that System.
wards this end, the State shall institute a scheme for totalization and
Sec. 5. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or reduce the
portability of social security benefits with the view of establishing
benefits being enjoyed by a covered worker arising from existing laws,
within a reasonable period a unitary social security system.
issuances, and company policies or practices or agreements between
Sec. 2. Definition of Terms. — As used in this Act, unless the context the employer and the employees.
indicates otherwise, the following terms shall mean:
Sec. 6. The Department of Labor and Employment for the private sec-
(a) "Contributions" shall refer to the contributions paid by the em- tor and the Civil Service Commission for the government sector, to-
ployee or worker to either the Government Service Insurance System gether with the SSS and the GSIS shall, within ninety (90) days from
(GSIS) or the Social Security System (SSS) on account of the worker's the effectivity of this Act, promulgate the rules and regulations neces-
membership; sary to implement the provisions hereof: Provided, That any conflict
in the interpretation of the law and the implementing rules and regu-
(b) "Portability" shall refer to the transfer of funds for the account and
lations shall be resolved in favor of the workers.
benefit of a worker who transfers from one system to the other;
Sec. 7. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof,
(c) "Sector" shall refer to employment either in the public or private
which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby re-
pealed or modified accordingly.
(d) "System" shall refer to either the SSS as created under Republic Act
Sec. 8. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete pub-
No. 1161, as amended or the GSIS as created under Presidential De-
lication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) national newspa-
cree No. 1146, as amended; and
pers of general circulation, whichever comes earlier.
(e) "Totalization" shall refer to the process of adding up the periods of
Approved: May 1, 1994
creditable services or contributions under each of the Systems, for
purposes of eligibility and computation of benefits.
Sec. 3. Provisions of any general or special law or rules and regulations
to the contrary notwithstanding, a covered worker who transfers em-
ployment from one sector to another or is employed in both sectors
shall have his credible services or contributions in both Systems cred-
ited to his service or contribution record in each of the Systems and
shall be totalized for purposes of old-age, disability, survivorship and


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