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Consultation on the Benefits of

Clustering to Promote Exports

Presented as a Component of the ‘Export Competency

Development Project’.
Facilitated by
Mr. Fitzroy James
November 10, 2008 at the Conference Room of the
Grenada Bureau of Standards
“The enduring competitive advantages in a
global economy are often heavily local,
arising from concentrations of highly
specialized skills and knowledge, institutions,
rivals, related businesses, and sophisticated

- Michael Porter
Harvard Business School
Presentation Outline
• Background Considerations
• Definition of Clusters
• Generic Clusters
• Identification of opportunities for formation
of clusters in Grenada
Background Considerations
• Changing context of Agriculture
– Growing demand - Efficient Supply logistics
– Consumers seek authenticity, uniqueness,
– Agricultural production:
• Commodities increasingly unprofitable;
• Emerging niche market opportunities;
• … “…agrifood supply chains are evolving from transaction-
based market to alliance based market networks;
– Growing importance of information, knowledge
Background Considerations
• Changing context of Agriculture
– concern about sustainability;
– With global sourcing of food, concerns sourcing of
food, concerns about…
• food safety
• transportation costs
– Climate change – growing interest in ‘green’
Background Considerations
• Changing context of Agriculture
– The question: how can local farmers/entrepreneurs
respond to these opportunities?
– Major changes needed …
• New skills development, upgrading
• Responsive entrepreneurship, innovation
• Access to new research, information flows
• Economies of scale essential (individuals cannot do it on
their own)
• From individual to collective, group action
Background Considerations

• Industry clusters Industry clusters

are essential for profitable exports
in Grenada
Define Clusters
• “Clusters are geographic concentrations of
interconnected companies and institutions in
a particular field.” M.E. Porter 1998

• Arise as a result of unique local historical or

geographical factors
• Lead to higher productivity, profitability
Clusters Defined
• consists of firms that consists of firms that…
– are located in relatively close proximity
– compete with each other in similar markets
– cooperate to enhance technical skills and market access
– support, through social networks, growth and development of
individual businesses
– share common inputs, such as labor with specific skills
– recruit support industries based upon the local concentration of
– benefit mutually from new, location-specific specific tacit
knowledge generation and
– work together to respond to new demands, work together to
respond to new demands such as environmental goals
Clusters Defined
• Co-inform
• Co-learn
• Co-market
• Co-purchase
• Co-produce
• Co-build economic foundations
Identifying Clusters
• Business Interdependence:
where businesses relate to each other through
the buyer-supplier “food chain,” as competitors,
or as partners.
• Export Oriented:
companies in the cluster sell products or
services to companies outside the region.
• Concentration:
Employment in the cluster is more concentrated
in a region, and the cluster is an existing or
emerging area of specialization.
Generic Cluster Structure
Cluster Formation
• Catalogue key components of the cluster
• Articulate an achievable vision of what the
cluster can become over the next 5 - 10 years
• Identify opportunities for growing the cluster in
the desired direction by expanding existing
companies/members and attracting outside
• Identify opportunities for more synergy within
the cluster
• Identify needs for specific economic foundations
and proposed strategies
Role of Government
• I end with another quote from Porter
• ‘The importance of clusters suggests
new roles for government at [all]
levels … removing obstacles to the
growth and upgrading of existing
and emerging clusters takes on a
priority.’ (M. Porter)

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