Teen Sex and Pregnancy: Sexual Activity Contraceptive Use

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Facts in Brief Teen Sex and Pregnancy

SEXUAL ACTIVITY • The younger women are when CONTRACEPTIVE USE

they first have intercourse, the
• Most very young teens have more likely they are to have had • A sexually active teenager who
not had intercourse: 8 in 10 girls unwanted or nonvoluntary first does not use contraceptives has
and 7 in 10 boys are sexually sex—7 in 10 of those who had a 90% chance of becoming
inexperienced at age 15. sex before age 13, for example. pregnant within one year.
• The likelihood of teenagers’ • Nearly two-thirds (64%) of • Teenage women’s contraceptive
having intercourse increases sexually active 15–17-year-old use at first intercourse rose from
steadily with age; however, women have partners who are 48% to 65% during the 1980s,
about 1 in 5 young people do not within two years of their age; almost entirely because of a dou-
have intercourse while teenagers. 29% have sexual partners who bling in condom use. By 1995,
• Most young people begin are 3–5 years older, and 7% use at first intercourse reached
having sex in their mid-to-late have partners who are six or 78%, with 2/3 of it condom use.
teens, about 8 years before they more years older. • 9 in 10 sexually active women
marry; more than half of 17- • Most sexually active young and their partners use a contra-
year-olds have had intercourse. men have female partners close ceptive method, although not
• While 93% of teenage women to their age: 76% of the partners always consistently or correctly.
report that their first intercourse of 19-year-old men are either 17 • About 1 in 6 teenage women
was voluntary, one-quarter of (33%) or 18 (43%); 13% are 16, practicing contraception combine
these young women report that it and 11% are aged 13–15. two methods, primarily the con-
was unwanted. dom and another method.
• The method teenage women
most frequently use is the pill
Sex is rare among very young teenagers, (44%), followed by the condom
but common in the later teenage years. (38%). About 10% rely on the
injectable, 4% on withdrawal
% who have had sexual intercourse at different ages, 1995
and 3% on the implant.
• Teenagers are less likely than
older women to practice contra-
85 ception without interruption
77 over the course of a year, and
more likely to practice contra-
68 ception sporadically or not at all.

60 59

40 39 • Every year 3 million teens—
about 1 in 4 sexually experi-
enced teens—acquire an STD.
• In a single act of unprotected sex
with an infected partner, a teenage
woman has a 1% risk of acquiring
HIV, a 30% risk of getting genital
herpes and a 50% chance of con-
Age 15–19 15 16 17 18 19 tracting gonorrhea.
Females Males • Chlamydia is more common
Sources: 1995 National Survey of Family Growth and 1995 National Survey of Adolescent Males. among teens than among older
• 1/4 of teenage mothers have enough to have a child and
Teen Pregnancy Outcomes a second child within 2 years having financial problems.
of their first. • 29 states currently have
Miscarriage mandatory parental involve-
(14%) TEEN MOTHERS AND ment laws in effect for a minor
THEIR CHILDREN seeking an abortion: AL, AR,
Abortion (56%) • Teens who give birth are
(30%) much more likely to come
from poor or low-income fami-
lies (83%) than are teens who
and WY.
have abortions (61%) or teens
More than half (56%) of the 905,000 in general (38%). • 61% of minors who have
teenage pregnancies in 1996 abortions do so with at least one
ended in births (2/3 of which were unplanned). • 7 in 10 teen mothers com-
parent’s knowledge; 45% of
plete high school, but they
parents are told by their daugh-
are less likely than women
men and women; in some set- • 78% of teen pregnancies are ter. The great majority of par-
who delay childbearing to go
tings, 10–29% of sexually unplanned, accounting for ents support their daughter’s
on to college.
active teenage women and about 1/4 of all accidental decision to have an abortion.
10% of teenage men tested for pregnancies annually. • In part because most teen
STDs have been found to have mothers come from disadvan-
• 6 in 10 teen pregnancies taged backgrounds, 28% of SOURCES
chlamydia. occur among 18–19 year-olds. them are poor while in their The data in this fact sheet are the most
• Teens have higher rates of • Teen pregnancy rates are 20s and early 30s; only 7% of current available. Most of the data are
gonorrhea than do sexually much higher in the United women who first give birth from research conducted by The Alan
active men and women aged Guttmacher Institute (AGI) or pub-
States than in many other after adolescence are poor at lished in the peer-reviewed journal
20–44. developed countries—twice those ages. Family Planning Perspectives and the
• In some studies, up to 15% as high as in England and 1994 AGI report Sex and America’s
Wales or Canada, and nine • 1/3 of pregnant teens receive Teenagers. Additional sources
of sexually active teenage times as high as in the Nether- inadequate prenatal care; include the Centers for Disease Con-
women have been found to be lands or Japan. babies born to young mothers trol and Prevention and the National
infected with the human are more likely to be low- Center for Health Statistics.
papillomavirus, many with a • Steep decreases in the preg-
nancy rate among sexually birth-weight, to have child-
strain of the virus linked to hood health problems and to
experienced teenagers
cervical cancer. accounted for most of the drop be hospitalized than are those
• Teenage women have a in the overall teenage preg- born to older mothers.
higher hospitalization rate nancy rate in the early-to-mid
than older women for acute 1990s. While 20% of the
decline is because of ABORTION
pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID), which is most often decreased sexual activity, • Nearly 4 in 10 teen preg-
80% is due to more effective nancies (excluding those end-
caused by untreated gonor- contraceptive practice. ing in miscarriages) are termi- A Not-for-Profit Corporation for
rhea or chlamydia. PID can Reproductive Health Research,
lead to infertility and ectopic nated by abortion. There were Policy Analysis and Public
pregnancy. CHILDBEARING about 274,000 abortions Education
among teens in 1996.
• 13% of all U.S. births are 120 Wall Street
TEEN PREGNANCY to teens. • Since 1980, abortion rates New York, NY 10005
among sexually experienced Phone: 212.248.1111
• Each year, almost 1 million • The fathers of babies born to teens have declined steadily, Fax: 212.248.1951
teenage women—10% of all teenage mothers are likely to because fewer teens are info@agi-usa.org
women aged 15–19 and 19% be older than the women: becoming pregnant, and in
of those who have had sexual About 1 in 5 infants born to 1120 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
recent years, fewer pregnant Suite 460
intercourse—become pregnant. unmarried minors are teens have chosen to have Washington, DC 20036
• The overall U.S. teenage fathered by men 5 or more an abortion. Phone: 202.296.4012
pregnancy rate declined 17% years older than the mother. Fax: 202.223.5756
• The reasons most often given policyinfo@agi-usa.org
between 1990 and 1996, from • 78% of births to teens occur by teens for choosing to have
117 pregnancies per 1,000 outside of marriage. an abortion are being con- Web site: www.agi-usa.org
women aged 15–19 to 97 per cerned about how having a Additional copies of this fact sheet
1,000. • Teens now account for 31% may be purchased for $0.25 each.
of all nonmarital births, down baby would change their lives, Volume discounts are available.
from 50% in 1970. feeling that they are not mature
©1999, The Alan Guttmacher Institute

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