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Unlocking hidden value
4. Unlocking hidden value

7. About Arcadis

9. Operate and maintain

11. Managing assets

13. Key trends influencing operations and maintenance

16. The pillars of successful asset management

20. Taking on the challenges ahead

22. How we deliver

32. Where we are in the world

I-20 East Collector Distributor Lane, Atlanta, Georgia, US

2 3
For asset-intensive organizations, effectively operating and
maintaining assets is becoming more important than ever

before. The operate and maintain phase is often the costliest
part of total lifecycle expenditure on for example: rail, road, civil
and hydraulic structures, water supply, waste water treatment
plants, sewers and buildings. Furthermore, external pressures
are driving the need for a greater balance of asset costs, risks
and performance. While society demands higher service
levels and more sustainable solutions, laws and regulations
are becoming more stringent and now require a high level of
operational and financial transparency. In addition, climate
change and security threats require assets to be increasingly
resilient. All of these factors pose a key question for asset
owners: How can we find an optimized balance between costs,
risks and performance?

For many asset owners, the answer lies in integrated and readily implementable
solutions. Identifying those solutions requires trusted and knowledgeable partners
who can blend strategic skills with a deep technical understanding of assets.
This combination of skills helps to ensure asset management plays a vital role in
operational environments.

At Arcadis, we work with clients every day to develop solutions that enable value
creation. Not only do we help our clients to increase efficiency of operations and
optimize maintenance, we also employ asset management to fundamentally
improve the quality of the decisions made toward the performance of assets, which
in turn reduces down time and increases cost efficiency.

Our experts in the operate and maintain domain work for public and private asset
owners and asset managers across the globe. Also they directly and indirectly
support service providers in their efforts to help asset managers achieve their
goals. The expert network we have created is well-connected and constantly
sharing knowledge and new developments on various geographies, market sectors,
processes and technologies. As a result, we bring global best-in-class knowledge and
examples of innovation to all of our clients, and are well-equipped to support them
in unlocking the hidden value of their assets.
Don Hardy
Global Solution Leader
Operate and Maintain

4 5
Arcadis provides consultancy, design, engineering and
management services in infrastructure, water, environment and
buildings. Established in the Netherlands in 1888, Arcadis now
operates with around 27,000 staff in 42 countries worldwide.

At Arcadis, we provide services across the and apply that expertise to local
entire asset spectrum, from strategic advice, needs. Our mission is to improve the quality of
masterplanning, design and implementation, life worldwide by creating assets of distinction
to operational services in maintenance and and sustainable solutions that enhance the
operations. We offer our clients solutions that built environment. Sustainability is central to
are whole-life focused, viewed within the context everything we do, from our work with clients
of their business needs. Challenges faced by to the organization of our company and our
our clients are rarely met with conventional approach to social responsibility.
professional design and consultancy services
alone. We deliver real results through innovative We work toward a sustainable future by
application of services that are new to the strengthening our people and culture, embracing
industry, combined with traditional skills and an growth and innovation, and making performance
understanding of specific client needs in their and client focus part of our DNA.
local and wider context.

Arcadis has a substantial worldwide footprint.

Our global network enables us to bring our
knowledge and experience of projects worldwide

Paddington Station, London, UK

6 7
The operational phase of an asset makes up the longest period
of its lifespan by far. As a result, improving the operation and
maintenance of an existing asset has the potential to benefit
an organization in the short term and profoundly improve its
performance over time. Improving operations and maintenance
requires the alignment of all activities needed to operate and
maintain an asset, like securing the organization objectives of
quality of service, reliability, availability, maintainability, safety,
sustainability and compliance.

To maximize benefits, we work with our clients in optimizing and continuously improving their
to focus on existing challenges, as well as those Asset Management Quality Management system,
that lie ahead. In particular, we help to identify creating tangible value for the organization.
opportunities to both optimize capital (renewal)
and operational (maintenance and operate) In parallel to offering services that improve
expenditure. Our goal is to find the right balance performance across the operation and
between cost, risk and performance in the maintenance of existing assets, we take the
operational phase. insights and knowledge gained from our work in
operating and maintaining assets and integrate
Time and again, we’ve seen that using an asset them into the planning, design, engineering
management approach in optimizing the and construction of new assets. The application
operational phase helps organizations exceed of this expertise, as well as the utilization of
expectations and deliver results. Applying the accurate and reliable data gathered during the
principles of the international standard on Asset operational phase, supports innovation and
Management, ISO 55000, supports organizations insights into the creation of new assets.


O p e a i nt
rat ain

Create Operate
eS S

Plan Redefine

e r i ce s
vi a n
s d

Disclaimer: Based on Arcadis research. Ratio can differ depending on asset type, expected asset life time and asset
ownership (public / private)
8 9
Over the past few decades, knowledge and capabilities
around optimized asset management have developed rapidly.
Before the field of asset management was professionalized,
organizations were managing their assets through maintenance
management. This approach originated as asset-centric,
focusing first on the asset itself and then keeping it operational
to its maximum extent.

Over the years, maintenance management Today, we are in the midst of the latest revolution:
evolved into a more functional practice, data-centric. This approach encompasses a fact-
although it was still focused on the asset. Classic driven asset management decision process based
maintenance management approaches like on Big Data and advanced analytic techniques.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) were It helps organizations add a higher level of
developed during this time. predictability, consistency and transparency to
managing assets during their operational life.
Around 1989, the more business-centric field of It makes asset managers more effective and
asset management was first introduced. This efficient in optimizing the value of operations and
approach assumed the asset’s performance and in turn, optimizes the business and its strategy
risk were aligned and interlinked with business throughout the whole asset life cycle.
strategy, plan and processes throughout every
phase. In an effort to balance cost, risks and
performance, it aimed to achieve business
objectives through a view of total expenditure
(Totex), a combination of capital and operational

Asset centric (1.0) Data oriented Data centric (3.0)

• Value and risk led approach • Focusses on data-driven decision-
to optimize the spend to making by the use of
achieve the Asset (quantitative) advanced data
Management Strategy
Business oriented models or analytics



Business / ISO 55000 centric (2.0)

• Business change focus on operating
models, supply chain arrangements,
process, information management and
people focused transformation
• Alignment of Asset Management with
ISO 55000 quality management

10 11
During operations, managing and operating an asset poses many
challenges. At Arcadis, we see the following as the most critical.

FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS exposed to considerable risk due to their age.

A lot of these assets were built around the
The economic crisis at the beginning of the 21st
same time following the Second World War and
century forced governments and companies
have suffered both the end of their expected
around the world to postpone or re-evaluate
technical life span and a decrease in government
their investments and market positions, and
investment. Because of changing regulatory
consequently cut their costs.
requirements, as well as increased usage and
social dependency, many of these assets have
Although business is picking up again, cost
to perform far beyond the limitations of their
efficiency is still topping most agendas, and
original design.
staying competitive continues to equate to
keeping prices low. Resource and funding
In other regions, we see rapid population
constraints are further driving the need for cost
growth and high migration levels, resulting
efficiency across production and the supply chain.
in considerable stress on existing water,
infrastructure and building assets. The owners of
In some sectors, changing regulation is
these assets increasingly are required to improve
driving organizations to benchmark costs and
customer experience, while renewing aging
performance. Many organizations are reducing
networks. Because of external pressures like
costs as part of their license to operate or facing
depressed oil prices or restricted access to other
budget reductions from regulatory authorities.
natural resources, greater focus has been placed
on extending the value of existing assets rather
AGING ASSETS than rebuilding them.
In some regions of the world, civil structures
and other infrastructure and water assets are

Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia

12 13
Information Technology (IT) and automation People around the world are more connected to
have taken on vital roles in the management of each other and to vast amounts of information
assets. Equally important, IT has become part of than ever before. The resulting increased
every organization’s operational core. Collecting demand on activities, services and products is
and understanding asset data, modeling its straining current public and private assets, built
behavior, and enabling predictive management and natural. In the private sector, competitive
requires a data-driven process and further advantage is vital for survival, and in the
digitalization. The increasing speed of digitization public sector, public scrutiny is on the rise.
can also cause uncertainty, as organizations Pollution penalties, physical security, human
grapple with how to stay flexible for future health concerns, extreme weather, and cyber-
technology, handle changes and keep up with security: each increases risks for the owners and
cyber security demands. All of these issues have managers of assets. Knowing how to mitigate
an impact on the strategy, organization and these risks while delivering reliable and resilient
management of key processes like information assets is vital to both protecting organizations
management. from unexpected costs and delivering the best
possible outcomes.
All of the above challenges demonstrate that the
People who helped to build and operate management of assets is becoming more and
asset-intensive organizations will soon leave more complex. What can organizations do to
the workforce, and recently trained workers face this?
are more likely to move around. As a result,
many organizations are facing the impending
loss of in-house experience and knowledge of
operations and asset maintenance. For many
organizations, the impact of an aging workforce
poses questions about how current operations,
increasing complexity and future strategy can
be interwoven into a future-proofed business

Haga Hospital, The Hague, The Netherlands

14 15
Tackling the many issues facing an organization can seem challenging; but the fact of the
matter is that organizations now have an unprecedented opportunity to reap the many
benefits offered by implementing effective and robust asset management into their
operations and maintenance. Preparing themselves for the challenges ahead requires
reducing costs and improving performance over the lifecycle of their assets. In order to
achieve these objectives, well-performing organizations have put in place some critical
and proven measures of success.

Paddington Station, London, UK

what creates business value.
Galvanizing people around a vision and Today’s effective asset management frameworks Creating value starts by having a clear definition
providing them with skills and clarity around create a “line of sight” and link the organizational of the overall asset management strategy
Certain constraints, often financial or resource-
roles and responsibilities are the keys to objectives to the activities carried out in the field. and the associated value drivers linked to the
related, drive decisions around capital and
operating successfully. Typically, three roles are When a gap exists between the strategy and organization strategy. Based on current over-
operational expenditure (Totex). Implementing
necessary - Asset Owner, Asset Manager and the day-to-day priorities of staff working to keep and under-performance, as well as desired
a holistic portfolio optimization process that
Service Provider - and each comes with distinct services operating efficiently, organizations miss performance, the risks and opportunities for the
enables balancing cost, risk and performance
responsibilities and capabilities. Separating out opportunities to improve long-term outcomes. business are the key drivers to define mitigating
gives real insight to the added value of every coin
these functions creates more efficient processes Bringing operations and maintenance experience measures (projects) to create business value.
spent. Throughout this process, decisions should
in an organization. into design and engineering creates a total cost- Ultimately, understanding the relationship
always be challenged on the value they add.
of-ownership perspective. between cost, risk and performance and
16 17
Data is the lifeblood of an asset manager. Asset management frameworks are generally
Collecting, managing and using growing built on established systems, standards and
amounts of data is a key factor for successful mandates like ISO 55000. These frameworks help
asset management. A big challenge is to improve to integrate a holistic approach to operations
the quality of existing data, and identifying and and managing assets, unlocking their relevance
gathering additional relevant data. Organizations in the organization by redefining their role
that invest in Asset Information Management and optimizing their processes. As a result,
(AIM) across their assets enable a lean execution organizations are empowered to make choices
of asset management processes. Once the data that affect their portfolio, risk management,
is collected, validated and made accessible, asset contracting, outsourcing and training strategy.
analytics can be applied to unlock potential value. After realigning their processes according to
these widely applied standards, organizations
identify the possibility of benchmarking their
ventures on various aspects. This important step
Organizing people around a strong cost and risk gives organizations insight into potential new
culture will mobilize the organization towards fields of optimization and allows them to enter a
continuous improvement. A strong technical cycle of continuous improvement.
foundation is important and has to stay part of
the organization’s core, but it should be framed
in a cost and risk aware setting. For many
organizations, this approach represents a big
shift in thinking. The asset management way of
working has to be supported by all staff involved,
and asset management-based operations have to
become part of an organization’s DNA. Change
management is crucial to making this process a

Newtown Creek Digesters, New York, USA

18 19

International projects in our operate-and- in consultancy, technical advisory and Analyzing these processes helps to
maintain field of expertise form a foundation operational management throughout the optimize an organization’s activities.
that enables us to truly understand our asset lifecycle. This expertise relies in part on Taking the information of third parties
clients’ challenges. Asset Owners, Asset our experience in operational management into account opens the route to supply
Managers and Service Providers face services through asset performance level chain optimization. This step improves
numerous obstacles. Helping them by rewarding contracts, which means we accept the predictability of input and output
providing an integrated, differentiating and certain financial risks linked with asset availability and makes it possible to loop
meaningful solution is what sets Arcadis parameters like reliability and availability. information back into the supply chain. It
apart from our competitors. Consultants in our company understand even opens the possibility to manage the
how asset-intensive businesses work, stock from suppliers that the organization
When meeting people in the field, we and our experts and advisors provide the needs, for instance to make repairs. With
look to find common ground. We work critical depth of asset expertise to develop the right technical insights and knowledge
towards practical solutions and oversee pragmatic and realistic solutions. of operations, the supply chain of an
the strategic, operational and technical organization’s asset management process
aspects of the businesses we help. Arcadis Across operations, working together with can be automated to reduce costs and
is uniquely positioned in the field of natural suppliers and end-clients in a network of downtime in a sophisticated way.
and built assets to provide capabilities highly integrated processes is essential.

CONTRACTS natural assets, from design through operations
Investing in data skills and tools that give our Around the world, we’ve worked with clients to
to disposal all over the world. This perspective
We have attained many insights by taking clients an edge is important. Across every project deliver quantifiable results. Our clients benefit
affords us the ability to understand how the
on performance-based contracts in a variety we do, we leverage data collection to enable our from these relationships because they enable us
decisions taken at various points affect outcomes
of fields. As a result, we are a design and clients’ asset management. We help our clients to benchmark and share best practice across the
at other points in the cycle. For our clients, we
consultancy partner that has taken hands-on understand the condition and performance of industry.
bring strategic, tactical and practical approaches
measures toward guaranteeing the availability their existing assets and produce analytics that
to their assets, ensuring that they improve their
of assets. This experience doesn’t just improve benefit their strategies, improve availability Across our global design and consultancy, we
lines of sight.
our understanding towards asset owners; it also and drive optimization. We don’t just urge our often reach out to our colleagues in different
improves our understanding of the companies clients to employ metrics to ensure constant countries to adopt concepts and ideas relevant to
providing services. Service providers and improvement; we also do it ourselves. Because our clients. At Arcadis, our culture of knowledge-
contractors often encounter a high-end tactical we work together and collaborate in diverse and sharing and innovation ensures we are always
framework that isn’t applicable into their own dynamic ways, we are driven to continuously aware of where in business best practice sits.
operations. Bridging that gap and optimizing their improve existing services and processes.
service means we are supporting sustainable
improvements in the way businesses are run.

20 21
DELIVER 1  Consultancy
Our seasoned consultants
What sets Arcadis apart is the complete and distinctive support our clients by helping
range of services we can offer organizations, from business
them improve operational
consultancy to operational management services, technical
advisory and even executing performance-based contracts. models, processes, information
At the core of everything we do are the needs and wishes
management and capabilities
of our public and private clients and the consultancy,
technical and engineering skills we have cultivated for and culture. Our goal is to
decades. The organizations we work for experience this
become the partner that our
expertise through the strong relationships we build with
them, and our highly tailored blend of consulting, clients trust to improve their
technical advisory and operational
management expertise.

2  Technical Advice
Our technical capabilities lie in
our longstanding experience
in the broadest range of asset
types. Our expertise ranges
from natural to built assets in
water, infrastructure, buildings
and environment.

3  Operational Management
We offer operational asset
management as a service
provider or in partnership with
contractors. As part of
operational management, we
act as managing agent as well.

Atlanta, USA

22 23
Asset Rail, a subsidiary rail contractor of The insights we provided Asset Rail with This client supplies the residents of Columbus completed we implemented business case
Arcadis is providing performance based helped them determine the most suitable with water, wastewater, storm water and evaluation tools to support capital planning.
OPTIMIZING RAIL maintenance for 1400 km of the Dutch Asset Management strategy by generating
IMPROVING ASSET power services. Their asset base ranges from Finally, Arcadis developed and implemented
a performance management program to
INFRASTRUCTURE railway network. Performance-based optimal insight from massive amounts of MANAGEMENT water supply and treatment plants, sewers
identify key level of service measures to help
maintenance contracts rely on the contractor data. It meant a transition from relying to power related infrastructure. They wanted
MAINTENANCE to make the right decisions in terms of costs, on technical case experts to working in a PERFORMANCE FOR to develop an asset management program drive the asset management program and
track the programs performance.
risks and performance in maintenance. solely data driven environment during the to accurately forecast required future
WITH DATA Accurate information on assets is essential decision making process, resulting in more CITY OF COLUMBUS capital and operational expenditures of their
for Asset Rail to support its decision making reliable and effective decisions. This in turn assets, moving from corrective to preventive
ANALYTICS processes. Asset Rail recognized their resulted in significant annual cost savings and DEPARTMENT OF maintenance in order to reduce costs, Setting up the AMO and asset management
asset monitoring systems generated huge increased performance of their assets. improve asset performance and thereby program resulted in significant organization
Project: Predictive amounts of data that could hold valuable PUBLIC UTILITIES asset availability. and culture change across DPU’s lines of
maintenance using data additional information but was unable to sift business. Business cases are now being
Project: Asset Management OUR APPROACH developed and analyzed for most major
analytics tangible information from it.
Program Development As a key member of the consulting team projects, with multi million dollar savings
Client: Asset Rail OUR APPROACH supporting DPU’s ongoing asset identified through these efforts. In addition,
Client: City of Columbus DPU maintenance staff are improving
Combining our deep global knowledge of the management program. Our team performed
Department of Public utilization and reporting through their
rail sector and its assets with our extensive several tasks for DPU’s Asset Management
experience in quantitative data analysis and Utilities (DPU) Office (AMO). to streamline operations and software application, providing more
risk management to support decision making increase performance. These tasks included effective analysis tools for the AMO. Service
processes, we were able to provide Asset Rail enhancing DPU’s computerized maintenance levels are being effectively tracked and
with tangible information to optimize their management system (CMMS), development reported to senior management and other
asset management strategy. Connecting of a risk-based capital improvement stakeholders. Development of operational
the different sets of data using quantitative program, and development of a performance performance metrics are underway.
modelling provided insight in the underlying management program. We developed
relationships and dependencies of the assets, processes, procedures and enhancements
including their use and performance. This to fully leverage DPU’s CMMS. Arcadis
information made it possible to predict what developed condition and risk methodologies
assets would require maintenance first and including standard procedures to determine
prioritize maintenance activities to assets asset condition, criticality and risk of both
most at risk. vertical and linear assets.

24 25
CASE STUDY OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE From a sample of high criticality assets across CASE STUDY OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE the nature of the questions being asked
Southern Water Services delivers water each asset class, we were able to apply data Heathrow Airport is one of the busiest throughout the organization and the supply
and waste water services for Kent, Sussex, analytics to map out risks of failure across the airports in the world, handling more than chains was also performed.
DATA LED ASSET Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in the UK, entire class; gaining a clear understanding DEVELOPMENT OF 200.000 passengers a day. It consists of rail, We initiated ISO 55000 accreditation and
of the cost implications for varying degrees
RISK ASSESSMENT providing water to one million properties
of risk and develop a revised approach to HEATHROW’S ASSET subway, bus, highway and aviation operating completed an independent assessment of
and taking wastewater from 1,7 million business with over 100.000 daily workers. capability. An investment in new IT capability
REDUCES RISKS households. Their assets consist of supply maintaining them, ensuring to deliver the
outcomes required by the company.
MANAGEMENT The airport’s aging $20 billion asset base is was required for on-going improvements in
plants, treatment plants and pipe networks. operating at 99% capacity at the same time decision making.
AND IMPROVES To improve efficiency of their asset OUTCOMES FOR OUR CLIENT
CAPABILITY as competitive pressures are demanding both The technical standards function was
maintenance plan Southern Water wanted to an unprecedented reduction in costs and an redesigned to act as the guardian of the asset
EFFICIENCY have a better insight in their assets’ condition
We found that 26% of originally budgeted Project: Asset Management improvement in passenger experience. strategy with the creation of new roles and
costs attributed to the first 20 sites inspected Program
Project: Asset failure and identify which assets were at risk and In response to these needs and demands the skills requirements.
could be re-allocated, providing tangible
required priority maintenance. Client: Heathrow Airport Asset Management Program was set up to Delivering the change with tangible
mode effects and criticality bottom line savings to the client. We
maximize the $2 billion annual expenditures
helped Southern Water establish capital outcomes, using a practical approach and
analysiss OUR APPROACH by changing the way the organization adopting proven techniques to deliver:
maintenance savings against their original
To help Southern Water better understand shared information, collaborated and made
Client: Southern Water business plan, in addition to building a clearer maintenance, investment, performance and
their assets we verified their top down decisions. risk improvements, in a planned succession
Services business plan against a bottom up
picture of asset risk. This will enable them to
better understand the impact of investment of quick wins together with Heathrow’s cross
assessment of site and asset criticality, with OUR APPROACH
on the risk profile of assets; allowing them to functional and department teams.
intervention options to reduce risk and find We were the lead partner for this Asset
target investment on high priority assets with OUTCOMES FOR OUR CLIENT
efficiencies. Management Program, developing and
highest criticality.
We performed a comprehensive assessment running the program for 3 years. In this role With our approach we helped Heathrow’s
of failure, mode, effects and criticality we drove the creation of a benefits led $4 asset management organization build the
(FMECA) across Southern Water’s asset billion Strategic Asset Management Plan knowledge and capability to independent
base; analyzing over 250 sites to identify which incorporated portfolio and program and self-sustaining. The new Strategic Asset
those with the highest proportion of critical management tools and methods. Management Plan is resulting in combined
assets which were then inspected by an Aligning the whole business was a key Capex and Opex (Totex) savings of over $100
expert team of Arcadis and Southern Water element and required a program approach million. We were recognized as Finalist in
engineers working in collaboration. Arcadis with clear business to asset objectives and Management Consultancies Association 2015
led the project, combining extensive asset metrics combined with a “mind-set” change Awards for Change in Private Sector.
management capability with a Business approach using innovative communications,
Advisory driven focus on asset capital engagement and training. A redesign of
investment profiles. the business processes and governance to
embed a transparent line of sight and change

26 27
CASE STUDY OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE and upgrading of floodgates, locks and CASE STUDY OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE within contracts that allows for ‘monetizing’
Rijkswaterstaat is responsible for the bridges around the IJsselmeer. During the To achieve world-class performance, the gains.
design, construction, management and contract period the electrical and mechanical refineries aspire to achieve maintenance
PERFORMANCE maintenance of the national road network, installations will be refurbished and civil MAXIMIZING costs below 1.4% of the plant replacement
engineering damages will be repaired. The Implementing standard methodologies to
BASED waterway network and water systems in
modernization of the control and operation MAINTENANCE- value and mechanical availability above
measure productivity provides our client with
The Netherlands. The closed off inland 96.7%, with a productivity level of 60 - 65%.
MAINTENANCE bay IJsselmeer is part our client’s work centers, the overhaul of the swing bridges,
locks, floodgates, the renewal of the buffers
CREW However, in most facilities, productivity levels a baseline for developing a plan to improve
productivity and with the ability to track
area. The IJsselmeer counts numerous on maintenance activities reach only 30 -
CONTRACTS floodgates, locks and bridges. Ensuring the and sluices are also part of Sherpa’s program. PRODUCTIVITY 40%. This means maintenance crews typically progress against improvement targets. By
availability, operations and safety of these spend only 17 hours in a 40-hour working doing so our client has been able to realize a
TO ENSURE assets is of great importance to large parts
OUTCOMES FOR OUR CLIENT THROUGHOUT week actually performing maintenance, so- significant increase in ‘time on tools’. Another
of The Netherlands. With less public funds Through the introduction of performance called ‘time on tools’. Our client was looking positive outcome of accurate measures is
AVAILABILITY, available Rijkswaterstaat was looking for new based maintenance we have been able CLIENT’S GLOBAL for ways to maximize its maintenance crew’s that it allowed our client to make it easier
innovative risk controlled ways to organize its to deliver a high return on investment to productivity while realizing Opex savings. to incentivize contractors to improve their
OPERATIONS maintenance without compromising on asset our client. Moreover end-user satisfaction DOWNSTREAM productivity. Further benefits include the
has risen with 80%, the number of delays OUR APPROACH reduction in Health, Safety, Security and
AND SAFETY OF performance.
has reduced with 25% and overall asset BUSINESS Environment exposure and promoting
We performed a performance benchmarking
OUR APPROACH availability has increased with 20%. The first time right behavior.
FLOODGATES, client recognizes the strength of Reliability
Project: Maintenance study and Opex review to identify the
We recognized our client’s preference Productivity Enhancement principal opportunities for improvement and
LOCKS AND BRIDGES to focus more on their strategic asset Centered Maintenance and is openly Opex savings. For this benchmark we used
management and to outsource the service advocating the Sherpa approach. Client: Confidential our unique Arcadis ‘Time on Tools’ process to
AROUND THE providing role based on a different risks and international oil company measure productivity, a proprietary process
responsibilities model. which enables us to benchmark maintenance
IJSSELMEER, THE Together with the client we developed this productivity against approximately fifty
refineries and petrochemical complexes
NETHERLANDS model to organize its maintenance on a
worldwide. We measured productivity
risk-controlled basis, introducing a Reliability
Project: Service provider - Centered Maintenance-management across our client’s refineries globally,
contract, based on our analytic capabilities highlighting best and worst practice. With
SHERPA these insights we provided our client with
and our construction and asset expertise.
Client: Rijkswaterstaat, We teamed up with Croonwolter&dros recommendations to improve productivity:
The Netherlands (MEP contractor) in a joint venture called removing waste activities and improving
Sherpa to offer multidisciplinary and wrench time, introducing standard
integrated services. As service provider, methodologies for measuring in-site
Sherpa is responsible for the maintenance productivity and ensuring a methodology

28 29
OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE Our principal responsibilities included:
OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE OUTCOMES FOR OUR CLIENT In recent years, rapid population growth management of data capture; identification
within Abu Dhabi resulted in a need to of technical objectives; development of
The Dutch railway network is one of the Our performance based maintenance
expand the Emirate’s utility infrastructure. performance regimes; incentivization;
busiest and most complex in the world. approach resulted in a 50% reduction
PERFORMANCE The rail network needs to be constantly in network disturbances, a significant
DEVELOPMENT OF This included new sewer systems, wastewater mechanisms to drive the private sector
treatment and treated wastewater systems to deliver the required services and
BASED available to accommodate a large number reduction of the recovery time (up to 50%) A SUSTAINABLE for irrigation. The operation and maintenance performance improvements.
of passengers. Due to the complexity of the after a disturbance and an extension of
MAINTENANCE Dutch rail network, failures in the network the remaining assets’ life span all whilst OPERATE AND of these systems was outsourced by ADSSC
and the resulting disruptions in the train reducing maintenance costs significantly. and, given the size of the Emirate, many
ADDS VALUE service have far reaching consequences. This culminated in increased availability MAINTAIN STRATEGY different operational companies were This project provided ADSSC with a
procurement strategy and performance
Therefore it is crucial for Asset Owner ProRail and safety of the rail network. ProRail appointed to help manage them. To ensure
TO RAILWAY to keep the number of disturbances and the used the positive experiences with Asset Project: Four performance these assets were managed in a consistent based management contracts that have
manner, and that they delivered a sustainable helped to drive significant financial and
recovery time after a failure to a minimum. Rail as an example to change the service based management
NETWORKS However the network’s performance was provider landscape for all other maintenance contracts level of performance (both in terms of environmental benefits as part of their
decreasing and costs were rising. contracts. The streamlined process we environment and cost), there was a need capital improvement program. This was
Project: Full service Client: Abu Dhabi Sewerage to develop a best-in-class Operations and one of the first performance-based O&M
implemented met the demands of ProRail’s
provider in rail OUR APPROACH ambition to be the best European Rail Services Company (ADSSC) Maintenance (O&M) strategy. strategies developed in the Middle East
infrastructure asset infrastructure manager. region and has set a benchmark around how
We teamed up with the renowned contractor
OUR APPROACH other utility companies are now approaching
management Dura Vermeer and set up a joint venture
ADSSC appointed Arcadis to develop an this challenge.
called Asset Rail, a full service provider
Client: ProRail in rail infrastructure asset management O&M strategy on their behalf, to cover the
fully centered around performance based entire Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The scope of
maintenance. Through optimally combining consultancy services included O&M, asset
contractor knowledge, risk management management, capital maintenance and other
experience and quantitative analysis in organizational and institutional aspects. We
a streamlined process we were able to scoped, designed and procured a new suite
implement asset management strategies by of performance based contracts to replace
which we could respond quicker to technical the previous remeasurable contract types.
failures and prevent failures from occurring. Performance based contracts are designed
to help public sector clients reap the benefits
of private sector innovation and best practice
with higher rewards being offered for
increased performance.

30 31
CASE STUDY OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE communication network across multiple CASE STUDY OUR CLIENT’S CHALLENGE an effort driven to a performance driven
The metropolitan area of Atlanta in the stakeholder networks. Using our deep The province of North-Holland is one of the contract for operations and maintenance
United States has seen an increase in understanding of infrastructural assets we busiest areas of The Netherlands. The with safety and availability as key
IMPROVE TRAFFIC population of more than 80% during the perform routine and preventive maintenance GUARANTEEING countries capital, Amsterdam, and largest performance drivers.
to meet the required program thresholds for
OPERATIONS OF past two decades. The region’s urban sprawl
operation uptime for the various assets. We SMOOTH TRAFFIC airport are located here. Accessibility is of
fuels congestion along all roadway facilities, great importance. Ensuring the safety and
KEY COMMUTER and with limited alternatives in a mostly also provide construction engineering and
inspection services on all installation and
FLOW THROUGH availability of traffic tunnels is crucial for By acting as managing agent using a
performance based maintenance approach
radial network of arterials and interstates, smooth traffic flow in the region. Managing
CORRIDORS applies further stress to commuter corridors. maintenance conducted by our contractor WELL-FUNCTIONING these tunnels has become increasingly in managing the tunnel assets of our client
To improve traffic operations on these partners, and help review and accept work complex due to new European and Dutch we delivered significant cost savings. Safety
Project: Regional Traffic commuter corridors the Georgia Department conducted by other entities and contractors AND SAFE TUNNELS legislation in maintenance and safety and availability requirements of the managed
Operations Program of Transportation (GDOT) started the on our project corridors. management. Since the province of North- tunnels were met, guaranteeing smooth
Regional Traffic Operations Program (RTOP), Project: Managing agent Holland only manages a limited number traffic flow in the province of North-Holland
Client: Georgia Department a program aimed to operate and maintain an
OUTCOMES FOR OUR CLIENT tunnels North-Holland of tunnels it cannot leverage experience while allowing the client to focus on its core
of Transportation inventory of more than 1400 traffic signals The RTOP architecture allows for a unique from other tunnel projects. Therefore they activities.
regional system to communicate with the Client: Province of
across 30 regionally significant corridors and looked for a partner to outsource its tunnel
32 managing agencies in Atlanta. Arcadis is traffic control and monitoring assets in any North-Holland, maintenance activities to. By doing so the
under contract to operate and maintain over of the participating agencies through a The Netherlands province could free up resources to use in its
650 of these intersections. single system housed at the GDOT Transport core activities.
Management Center. The implementation
OUR APPROACH of RTOP has resulted in improved traffic OUR APPROACH
Arcadis acts as the Program Manager of operations not just on RTOP corridors. There Arcadis won the 10 year contract to act as
RTOP, effectively managing four consultants, is now more bandwidth available to improve delegated asset manager for three tunnels in
four contractors, two system/software the remaining, non-RTOP, intersections and the province of North-Holland. As managing
providers, and 11 local government agency routes. The program has received praise from agent we are responsible for managing the
stakeholders in multiple departments, GDOT executives and industry organizations tactical activities. Our specialists determine
including public works and information such as ITS America Spotlight Award, ITE, the maintenance frequency of the assets,
technology, to deliver improved operational and ITS Georgia. perform reliability centered maintenance,
efficiencies. Milestones include: center-to- safety management, traffic control, staff
center communication of traffic signals, training and arrange working permits for
traffic signal communications from the GDOT subcontractors. Through a combination
Traffic Management Center, video sharing of a lean core of highly skilled people
architecture across all RTOP agencies, and and computerized systems and webtools
implementation of an Ethernet-based shared we deliver state-of-the-art maintenance
management, changing the contract from

32 33
We have people and offices around the world. Our global
network enables us to bring our knowledge and experience
of projects worldwide and apply that expertise to specific
local needs and situations. We are based in:

Australia Italy Russia

Bahrain Jordan Saudi Arabia
Belgium Kazakhstan Serbia
Canada Malaysia Spain Arcadis NV
Chile Mexico Switzerland ‘Symphony’
China Mozambique Taiwan Gustav Mahlerplein 97-103
Czech Republic Netherlands Thailand 1082 MS Amsterdam
Dubai Oman Turkey P.O. Box 7895
France Peru United Arab Emirates 1008 AB Amsterdam
Germany Philippines United Kingdom The Netherlands
Hong Kong Poland United States +31 (0)20 2011 011
India Qatar Vietnam
Indonesia Romania

34 35
Don Hardy
Global Solution Leader
Operate and Maintain
T +31 (0) 884261169

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