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III Semester

Course Title Course Code Credits Total Hours Total Marks

Sociocultural Foundations PSY 332 4 75 100
of Behaviour

Course Instructors
1. Miriam Mohan
Email :
Cabin : # 775, Central Block
Office Hours for meeting me : Monday 4-5 ; Thursday 4-5 (except last thursday of every
In case of any other queries you can route them through your class representatives.

2.Fr.Lijo Thomas
Email : lijo.thomas

Alignment of Course with Programme objectives

The main aim of this programme is to train students in the technical aspects of music
and help them develop a more holistic understanding of performative aspects of music. This
course designed for third semester undergraduate students of (Music, Psychology, English)
aims to provide students with foundational knowledge of behaviour in a social and cultural
context. Historical and theoretical foundations of this branch of psychology are explored to
enable students to appreciate the myriad approaches that can be used to understand social
aspects of the self and group. Emphasis is given to use relevant concepts to get a holistic
understanding of performative aspects of the self and group through psychology. The
course as a whole, aims to prepare students to develop personal insights into their self in
social settings and become socially competent.

Course Description
This course has been conceptualized in order to help the student understand that
behaviour is dependent on social and cultural factors. The student would understand the
dynamic interplay between psychology, culture and society. It would also enable student to
understand the historical and scientific origin as well as the development of the field in the
western and Indian context.

Course Objectives
After the completion of this course students will be able to understand about
1. The relationship between the individual, society and culture with reference to
specific behaviours.
2. Aspects of the self and emotions with respect to performance.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course the learner will be able to:
1. Chart the linear progression of the development of social psychology as a discipline.
2. Apply the concepts to monitor their own behaviour to enhance performance.
3. Identify the various cultural, social and personal aspects to any given event.

Level of Knowledge
Knowledge of the courses studied at the higher secondary level in any discipline.

Course Information
Course information will be available on LMS (Moodle). Please feel free to discuss the
course content with the instructor during office hours or by email. The start and end dates
for each module are given in the course plan. Each week the subtopics that will be covered
in class will be displayed on LMS with the activities and other resources.

Please follow the essential readings specified in the syllabus. The content for the
course will by primarily based on the textbook - Kassin, S., Fein, S.; Markus, H.R. (2014) .
Social Psychology (9th edition). Delhi : Wadsworth (Cengage learning). There are copies available
in the Knowledge Centre. The course material will be made available to you as PDFs on
LMS. You may also go ahead and order for your personal copy on your own, if you would
like to. You may refer to the rest of the essential readings for subtopics across the modules.
Recommended readings are for the student to acquaint themselves with additional
explanations and a deeper understanding of any topic specified in the syllabus.

Lectures will mostly be presented using MS PPT, supplemented by additional
resources like videos and classroom activities. Students are expected to refer them for the
coursework. It is important that students follow the lecture schedule so that they can keep
up with the pace of the class.

How you could benefit more from the course

• Make sure you read the references mentioned in the course plan. Reading
assignments and discussions in class will be held during the class hour and students
would need to come prepared accordingly to class.
• Be regular to class. The PPT is only a teaching resource and will not cover all the
points and topics of your syllabus. The PPTs that I use for classroom teaching will
not be made available for students, unless I feel it is necessary to do so. So you are
encouraged to maintain your own notes and catch up with notes that you may have
• Feel free to bring and share interesting resources and activities that would make the
course more interesting.
• Participate in class activities. Class participation will be awarded 5 marks and will be
taken into consideration for CIAs 1 and 3.
• Being a Social Science student , there can be numerous perspectives and approaches
to a topic. There are no absolutely right or wrong ways to explore a topic. Be
sensitive to each other’s viewpoints. Be an active listener and engage in purposeful
arguments, debates and discussions.
• Improve your skills in reading, writing and technology so that you can be a more
self-directed learner. You can benefit from practicing skills like APA formatting and
making class room presentations.
• The policy of the university is that mobile phones and other gadgets cannot be used
during classroom lectures, unless the professor permits it strictly for learning
purposes. Once the phone is confiscated, the instructor will not help any student get
it back.
• Sleeping during classroom lectures , reading books or engaging in any other activity
besides the class lecture is not permitted.
• In case you have to miss a lecture and have prior information about this, do inform
me ahead of time.
• Class attendance will be taken in the first five minutes of class and I will not give
attendance if students are not physically present in class. Sending messages through
your classmates that you are on your way to class and requesting for attendance will
not be entertained.

Academic Honesty
Students are expected to observe high standards of academic honesty. In case of academic
dishonesty , the policies followed by the Department of Psychology and CHRIST University
are applicable (Refer to Christ-Deemed to be University Student handbook). In addition the
instructor for this course will also have the personal choice to reduce 50% of the marks , fail
the student or request for a resubmission. These are some of the acts of academic
• Using another’s person’s work, modifying it or passing it off as your own.
• Copy pasting information from the internet and other sources without citation,
references, paraphrasing or summarizing.
• Getting help from another student when specifically instructed not to in the
assignment , Not contributing to group work or doing much less than the assigned
• Giving your assignments or giving significant help to another student to be copied.

Developmental Activities
Research. Students are encouraged to collaborate with each other on voluntary
research projects related to your course work. You can contact the research team in your
class or the course instructor to find out how you can be involved.
Alternatively students can find out about current research projects that faculty in the
Department of Psychology are involved in, and meet them directly to find out how they can
be involved in these projects. It is always encouraged to conduct research under supervision
by a faculty as the undergraduate programme does not provide an in-depth paper in
research methods. However there are research opportunities available which could benefit
the student.
Teaching schedule and Pedagogy

Unit number Unit details Week Hours Pedagogy Resource/

(starting per (teaching Reference details
and end week learning
dates) methods
activities and
or class trips/
dates for

Faculty in charge : Miriam Mohan

Unit I - History and June 4 – 5 Lecture and Kassin, S.M., Fein,

Introduction development of June 12 PPT S., Markus, H.
to modern Social (2014). Social
Sociocultural Psychology Psychology.
psychology -Social Houghton Miffin
(10 hours) psychology in (Boston)
Selected book

Theories of June 14- 3 Case Kassin, S.M., Fein,

social June 18 discussion S., Markus, H.
psychology (2014). Social
(Refer to Psychology.
syllabus for Houghton Miffin
details) (Boston

-Approaches to June 19 – 5 Lecture , Class Matsumato, D.,

Culture June 26 demonstration Juang, L.(2004).
s of methods Culture and
-Methods of and Discussion psychology.
understanding Thomson
culture. (Australia).

-Interface Selected articles

between and book chapters
culture and

-Contemporary June 27-28 2 Lecture Selected book

trends in the chapters
Indian context.

Faculty in charge : Fr.Lijo (* except subtopic on Perceiving persons)

Unit II: Self presentation June 10 – 4 Lecture, Kassin, S.M., Fein,

The self in a July 1 Personal S., Markus, H.
social context sharing , Class (2014). Social
(16 hours) activities Psychology.
Houghton Miffin

Self concept July 8- 4 Lecture, Kassin, S.M., Fein,

July 29 ; Personal S., Markus, H.
sharing , Class (2014). Social
activities Psychology.
Houghton Miffin

Self-esteem August 12 2 Personal Kassin, S.M., Fein,

– August sharing , Class S., Markus, H.
19 activities (2014). Social
Houghton Miffin

Perceiving July 2 – 6 Lecture and Kassin, S.M., Fein,

persons - July 10 class activities S., Markus, H.
Attribution , (2014). Social
Integration and Psychology.
Confirmation Houghton Miffin
bias (Boston)
(Miriam Mohan)

Early semester July 3


Faculty in charge : Miriam Mohan

UNIT III: What is July 11 – 3 Class Blaine B.E. (2007).

Psychology diversity July 16 discussion and Understanding the
of diversity activity psychology of
(12 hours) Diversity.Sage

Types of July 17- 6 Lecture and Blaine B.E. (2007).

diversity July 24 discussion Understanding the
psychology of

Making sense of July 25– 4 Discussion of Blaine B.E. (2007).

diversity ; July 31 McIntosh's Understanding the
Cognitive (2001) psychology of
processes in discussion of Diversity.Sage
diversity unearned (London).

Faculty in charge : Miriam Mohan

UNIT IV: Sociocultural August 2 ; 3 Lecture and Selected articles

Aesthetics , perspectives of August 14 discussion and chapter
emotions emotions + Mid readings
and the arts semester
(15 hours) revision

Context August 16 4 Class activities Selected articles

dependent – August and lecture and chapter
emotion 21 readings

Mid semester August 20


Indian August 23- 4 Lecture Selected articles

perspective on August 28 and chapter
emotion (Rasa readings
Theory )

Body language August 30 4 Lecture Selected articles

and culture, – and chapter
Cultural September readings
variations in 4
expressions of

Faculty in charge :
 Persuasion : Fr.Lijo
 Groups : Miriam
UNIT V: Persuasion : August 26 6 Lecture and Kassin, S.M., Fein,
Social - Paths of – discussion S., Markus, H.
influences persuasion September (2014). Social
(20 hours) 30 Psychology.
-Elements of Houghton Miffin
persuasion (Boston)

- Nature and September 6 Movie Kassin, S.M., Fein,

types of groups 6– screening + S., Markus, H.
September class (2014). Social
14 discussion Psychology.
Houghton Miffin

-Group decision September 6 Lecture Kassin, S.M., Fein,

making – Biases 17- S., Markus, H.
in information, September (2014). Social
Group 25 Psychology.
polarization, Houghton Miffin
Group think ; (Boston)
facilitation &
Social loafing

Group dynamics September 2 Kassin, S.M., Fein,

and 27 – S., Markus, H.
performance September (2014). Social
28 Psychology.
Houghton Miffin

Revision October 1 1


Essential Readings

1. Blaine B.E. (2007). Understanding the psychology of Diversity. Sage (London).

2. Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H.R.; Brehm, S. S.(2008) . Social Psychology. Houghton
Miffin (Boston)
3. Kassin, S., Fein, S.; Markus, H.R. (2014).Social Psychology (9th edition). Delhi :
Wadsworth (Cengage learning).
4. Matsumato, D., Juang, L .(2008). Culture and psychology (Fourth edition). California :
Wadsworth (Cengage).
Recommended readings

1. Davidson.D.(1985). Adolescent in search of her identity. Journal of Analytical

Psychology.Vol.30 (4), p339-346.
2. Lynn, S.J. & Payne, D.G. (1997). Memory as the theatre of the Past: The psychology of
False Memories. Current directions in psychological science (Wiley-Blackwell).Vol. 6
(3) p55-55.
3. McIntosh, P. (2001). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of
coming to see correspondences through work in women's studies. In M. L. Andersen
& P. Hill Collins (Eds.), Race, class, and gender (4th ed., pp. 95-105). Belmont, CA:
4. Moradi, B. (2004). Teaching about diversities: The shadow/role-play exercise.
Teaching of Psychology, 31, 188-191.
5. Pataki, S.P., & Mackenzie, S.A (2012). Modeling Social Activism and Teaching about
Violence against Women Through theatre education. Psychology of women
quarterly. Vol. 36(4). P 500-503.
6. Rosenberg.,T. (2013). Harnessing Positive Peer Pressure to Create Atruism. Social
7. Rutten, E.A.,Biesta, G.J.J., Dekovic, M., Stams, G.J.J.M, Schuengel, C., & Verweel,P
(2010). Using forum theatre in organised youth soccer to positively influence
antisocial and prosocial behaviour: a pilot study. Journal of moral
education.Mar2010, Vol. 39(1) p65-78..
8. Sonn, C.C., Quayle, A,F.,Belanji.B.,Baker, A.M.(2015). Responding to racialization
through arts practice: The case of participatory theatre. Journal of community
psychology. Vol 43(2), p 244- 259. Vol. 80 (2) p 491-510.

Assignments and Evaluations

CIA I CIA II CIA III ESE Attendance Total

10 % 25% 10% 50% 5% 100%

Course Outcomes Components of assessment

Chart the
progression of
of social
psychology as
a discipline.

Apply the
concepts to
monitor their
behaviour to

Identify the
social and
aspects to any
given event.

The marks for CIA 1 and CIA 3 will be published on LMS. The rubrics for each CIA is
meant to give you detailed feedback so please go through them before coming to me for
clarifications. Change of marks after grading is not encouraged, but do feel free to discuss
with me on how to improve for future assignments. In case you would like to discuss your
CIA, please feel free to fix an appointment with me and meet me within 3 days of getting
your marks.
Useful resources for your assignments :

See these links for more information on:

APA format :

CIA 1 : 20 marks
Faculty in charge : Fr.Lijo and Miriam Mohan
Assessment Description:
Task : This is a self-portrait assignment. You will use pictures to write an essay on how they
reflect concepts related to your self.
Learning outcomes :
1. Identify specific concepts related to the self which will enhance their
understanding of themselves. (LO 2)
2. Use specific concepts to correctly interpret perceptions, behaviours and events
involving other people. (LO 2)

Assignment Guidelines:

This will be a typed submission. Use 5 lyrics that you think will represent who you are : a
self-portrait. Write a reflective essay explaining how these lyrics reflect your self-concept,
self-presentation, self -esteem and other aspects of the self that you have learnt in module 2.
This assignment is based on the chapter titled "The Social Self" in your main reference text

Since this is a reflective essay, follow a narrative style. You are not expected to use a life
history narrative style for this essay but write it in a logical style and focus on relevant
details. The outcome should help you gain a deeper understanding of your self in a social
context by applying social psychology concepts to do so.

You can follow this structure to frame your essay :

 You will divide the assignment into Part A and Part B. Part A will be your self
portrait and Part B will be the artist’s self portrait. Follow the subheadings given
below for Part A and Part B.
 Summarise the meaning conveyed through each of the five lyrics (Include all the
lyrics in the appendix ; follow the same format, typset and font)
 Use one concept at a time (start each in a new paragraph) and connect to the lyrics.
Your description should include a suitable definition of the concept, integration of
your analysis and explanation with each concept. Remember that it should be
structured in such a way that it is reader-friendly and at the same time, it adheres to
expected standards of academic writing.
 Concluding the entire essay with your personal reflection which will be for around
100 words.

The total word length for this essay is 750 words. End the essay with a personal reflection on
how this understanding will play a role in your life, with a specific emphasis on your major
in music performance. You can slightly exceed the word limit by 100 words, but do try and
edit your assignment well.

The assignment is a typed submission. It has to be in a PDF format and named as follows :
CIA1_Register number (eg: CIA 1_18350501).You can use your own ways of organizing and
presenting the journal entry. Do not use creative work or pictures for the sake of it and if
you do use any google images, please cite the source of the image.

Deadline : Typed APA formatted submission July 5th (Saturday) on LMS by 23.45 hrs.

Grades to be shared with students : July 15th (Monday)

Evaluation Rubric/s:

The marks will be automatically calculated out of 20 after assessing the assignment. In case
of late submissions, 1 mark will be reduced per day, if submitted after the deadline. Late
submissions will be accepted only up till 2 days after the deadline (Eg : If deadline is July 1st,
then the LMS link will be open till July 3rd, 23.45 hrs).

Criteria Does not meet Satisfactory (1) Fair (2) Good (3) Excellent (4)
the criteria (0)
Clarity of Insufficient Incomplete Description Explanation of Explanation of
concepts used description of mention of all of concepts are concepts
concepts concepts concepts, but adequate are
lacks supported
sufficient with suitable
explanation examples

Narrative style Lacks Structured but Structured Meaningful flow Content is

cohesiveness not well but lacks of content but is meaningful
and structure supported necessary not and well
transitions comprehensive organized
and flow

Personal Only Description of Description Description of Description of

reflection description of knowledge/ of knowledge/ personal
knowledge/ skills/ attitudes knowledge/ skills/ attitudes reflection with
skills/ no connection skills/ and connected critical
attitudes. to personal attitudes and to personal comments ; the
journey. connected to narrative ; with reflection
personal critical depicts a
narrative. comments balanced and
about the
person to the

Describe artist’s Only Concepts have Concepts Concepts have

perceived sense description been used but have been been used
of self (mindset) and no either all the used but the correctly with
in producing the connection to concepts are analysis lacks sufficient
creative piece concepts insufficient or depth and justification and
the explanation sufficient the analysis
is partially justification clearly reflects a
incorrect. clear
of the artist’s
sense of self.

APA format APA format APA format Consistently

not followed not used in follows APA
some citations guidelines for
(for eg: appropriate
definitions citations and
used) ; reference in
references in writing
CIA 2 : 50 marks
Assessment Description:
Written examination
August 5 – August 10

CIA 3 : 20 marks

Assignment description:
Faculty in charge : Fr.Lijo and Miriam Mohan

Task : This is another reflective assignment titled The Shadow/Role-Play Exercise that
primarily emphasises on the concept of diversity. The purpose is to enable you to reflect on
how personal, social and cultural aspects play a role in the way you interact with others and
perceive them. You will also learn how to supplement your observations and conclusions
with scientific readings. This assignment is based on Module 4 : Diversity and McIntosh's
(2001) discussion of unearned privilege. The assignment involves both individual and group

Learning outcomes:

1. To identify different forms of diversity within and across groups and illustrate ways
in which they have or will apply them in interactions with others (LO3).

Assignment Description:

In this exercise, students will shadow someone who is different from them. For ease of
conducting the CIA students will work on the concept of diversity in professions. Eight
professions will be chosen and 5 students will work on one professions. For example : If the
profession chosen is “doctor”, then 5 students will shadow a person belonging to this

The assignment offers experiential understanding of the scholarly material discussed in

class. Through readings, lectures, discussions, and presentations, students learn about

The activity will be conducted 4 times (twice in week 1 and twice in week 2) . The following
ground rules must be strictly adhered to for the smooth conduct of the assignment. (This can
be discussed in class well-in advance). These steps allow the instructor to provide feedback
about how to improve the plans.

 Shadowing must involve only public appearances and no intrusion must be made
into their personal spaces
 The exercise should not interfere with your class schedule or campus activities.
Next, students discuss their experience (this will be conducted during class) . The focus will
be on the similarities and differences among groups of people that they have observed ,
thereby challenging specific and general stereotypes. Finally, they create a short skit on what
it was like to shadow/ live as the person they chose . The skit will be put up during the
psychology class hour.

In the month of August (after the mid semester examinations) students submit a detailed
description of how they plan to carry out their shadow. An informed consent form must be
obtained from the person being shadowed. However the person being shadowed need not
be informed about when they are being shadowed as long as it does not interfere with their
routine or well-being in any way.

Students then submit a revised plan for approval. Consultation occurs on an individual
basis so that students feel safe to discuss potential stereotypes or other concerns that might
arise during the exercise. This can be maintained in a personal journal and will continue till
the completion of the exercise. This will be monitored for content and regularity.

The shadowing will be done for exactly four times (four different days or four different
points of time). After the exercise is completed, students will be debriefed in class and those
who have chosen similar examples of diversity (Eg: Doctors, Social workers, cab drivers and
so on, are grouped together and the group engages in a discussion of similarities across the
group and differences between the subgroups).

The assignment is a typed submission. It has to be in a PDF format and named as follows :
CIA1_Register number (eg: CIA 1_18350501). A group submission will be made following
this structure :

 Introduction to the assignment (you can either focus on the shadowing technique or
diversity or any other pertinent introduction which sets the context for the
 Develop a script for a 5-minute skit that will integrate your collective experiences
(what you discussed in your respective groups)
 Individual personal reflection (Each member of the group will write a 100 word
reflection on how this assignment influenced them intellectually, affectively and
 Perform the script during class hour

Finally, students will prepare a 7 - minute – skit about their experience , with a narrator and
script. Criteria for how this will be assessed is given in the rubric.

Students may opt out of the assignment or end the exercise at any time, and that they will be
graded, by submitting a paper analyzing the psychological factors that prevented them from

Reference :

Important dates :
Submission of plan : August 18th (Saturday) 2019
Submission of revised and approved plan : August 25th (Saturday) 2019
Commencement of the activity : September 1st (Monday) 2019
Group discussion : September 14th (Saturday) 2019
Skit : September 17th (Tuesday) 2019

Evaluation rubrics
The marks will be automatically calculated out of 20 after assessing the assignment.

Criteria Does not Satisfactory (1) Fair (2) Good (3) Excellent (4)
meet the
criteria (0)

Script development The script The script The script The script The script is
format for a format is format follows format is well- well -formatted,
play is not followed but a logical flow designed but the has a logical
followed / is does not have but the focus does not flow and
not based on a logical flow collective meet the represents the
the CIA to it. experiences of learning collective
objectives. the members outcomes of this experience of all
have not been assignment (i.e team members ;
captured. to identify it also conveys
diversity and the concept of
apply their diversity
understanding effectively with
practically) an
of how to apply
it practically.

Group skit The skit is The skit and The skit and The skit and
not put up by narration are narration are narration are
the group. present but are present. In present. In
not cohesive addition it addition it
and clear in demonstrates a demonstrates a
certain aspects clear clear
/ also shows understandin- understanding
lack of practice g of the of the different
and different aspects of
thoughtfulne- aspects of diversity in the
ss in planning diversity in the group and
it. group and subgroups
subgroups depicted ; the
depicted ; application of
however the how to deal
application of with diversity is
how to deal clear,
with diversity meaningful and
is missing or constructive.
Personal insights Reflection is Reflection is Reflection Reflection Reflection
and reflections absent/ present but has demonstrates a demonstrates a highlights
(Individual) generic and been done clear narrative. clear narrative. unique insights
not well- hastily, is However it is Critical and aligns well
thought out. repetitive or primarily reflections are with the
sketchy. descriptive included and objectives of the
and critical some interesting assignment. It
reflections are questions have clearly
not evident. been raised but demonstrates an
are not understanding
consistent or of diversity and
clear . the identity
being discussed;
questions have
been raised that
insights of the
topic and

Ethical processes Ethical Ethical Ethical

followed for the processes are processes are processes
experiential not followed followed but outlined in the
exercise at all. has to be assignment are
(Documentation) reminded by followed, in
the teacher. addition to the
student’s own
insights about
the sensitive
nature of the
and how to
handle it.

Quiz :

During the semester, a short pop quiz on assigned readings will be administered to help
students keep up with their readings. It will be marked out of 10 and added to your CIA 3.
Students will contribute 5 questions to the question pool. Samples will be discussed in class.
On the day of the quiz, if you are late to class or are sick, you cannot make them up (even
with a documented excuse).

Deadline for submission : July 20, 2019, 2019 (Saturday)

Date of conduction : July 27, 2019 (Saturday)

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