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Pavement Thickness Calculation (Based on Arahan Teknik Jalan, ATJ 5/85 Pindaan 2013)

1 Development of Design Input:

ADT = 100 (Assumed)

PCV = 0.16 (No detailed break-down by vehicle type)

Lane Distribution Factor, L = 1 (one lane in one direction)
Terrain factor, T = 1 (flat)
Design life = 10 years
Annual traffic growth = 2 % (Assumed)

2 Determine Design Traffic (Traffic Category):

ESAL Y1 (Base year) = ADT x 365 x Pcv x LEF x L x T
= 100 x 365 x 16/100 x 3.5 x 1.0 x 1.0
= 20440
= 0.02044 million (approx.)

Design Traffic over 10 years; ESAL DES = ESALY1 x TGF

= 0.205x 10.95
= 0.223818 million
= LVR Pavement < T1 (Table 4.1)

SG 5% CBR :
50 BSC Wearing
200 CAB Roadbase
150 GSB Subbase

Pavement Thickness SOR 2018 *Location /m2 Price SOR

Layer (mm) (RM) Factor % 2018 (RM)

BSC 50 635.00 m3 41.28

Prime ** 3.60 m2 3.60
CAB 200 109.00 m3 28.34
GSB 150 105.00 m3 15.75
RM 88.97 /m
* Sg.Asap = 25% + 5% (Project 10 Rh. Jeranding 33km away from Sg. Asap)
** 1 layer of Prime coat at least 3mm thick

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