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Child Development, July/August 2006, Volume 77, Number 4, Pages 1016 – 1033

Behavioral Control and Resiliency in the Onset of Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use:
A Prospective Study From Preschool to Adolescence
Maria M. Wong Joel T. Nigg
Idaho State University Michigan State University

Robert A. Zucker and Leon I. Puttler Hiram E. Fitzgerald

University of Michigan Michigan State University

Jennifer M. Jester, Jennifer M. Glass, and Kenneth Adams

University of Michigan

The developmental trajectories of behavioral control and resiliency from early childhood to adolescence and
their effects on early onset of substance use were examined. Behavioral control is the tendency to express or
contain one’s impulses and behaviors. Resiliency is the ability to adapt flexibly one’s characteristic level of
control in response to the environment. Study participants were 514 children of alcoholics and matched controls
from a longitudinal community sample (Time 1 age in years: M 5 4.32, SD 5 0.89). Children with slower rates of
increase in behavioral control were more likely to use alcohol and other drugs in adolescence. Children with
higher initial levels of resiliency were less likely to begin using alcohol.

Substance use and abuse comprise one of the most opment (Kellam, Ensminger, & Simon, 1980; Masse
important public health problems in the United & Tremblay, 1997), much more remains to be done to
States (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, 1996). De- fully understand and characterize these early per-
velopmentally, early onset of alcohol and other drug sonality antecedents (Zucker, 1994; Zucker & Fit-
use in adolescence is a marker of sustained problem zgerald, 1991). This article examined two early
use (Webb, Baer, Caid, McLaughlin, & McKelvey, childhood personality characteristics that may lead
1991; White, 1992). Thus, it is particularly important to increased risk for early onset of substance use in
to understand the antecedents of early alcohol use adolescence.
onset in teenagers. The effort to use early personality Specifically, we examined the developmental tra-
antecedents to predict the development of psycho- jectories of behavioral control and resiliency in relation
pathology has a long and rich theoretical and con- to early onset of alcohol and drug use. Behavioral
ceptual history (Block, Block, & Keyes, 1988; Caspi, control refers to the tendency to express or contain
Moffitt, Newman, & Silva, 1996; Rothbart & Ahadi, one’s impulses, motor responses, and behaviors.
1994). However, empirical validation of key person- Resiliency refers to the ability to adapt flexibly one’s
ality antecedents to substance use is less extensive. characteristic level of control in response to the en-
Although emerging evidence suggests that risk and vironment. These two constructs have their origins
protective factors can be identified early in devel- in the seminal work of Block and Block on ego con-
trol and ego resiliency (Block, 1950, 1951; Block &
Block, 1980), and are theoretically tied to the metic-
This work was supported in part by grants from the National ulous and comprehensive work of Eisenberg and
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – R37 AA07065 to colleagues on reactive control and resiliency (Ei-
R.A.Z. and H.E.F. and R01 AA12217 to R.A.Z. and J.T.N. We are senberg, Champion, & Ma, 2004; Eisenberg & Spin-
indebted to all participating families for their willingness to en- rad, 2004; Eisenberg, Zhou et al., 2003). We use the
gage in the study. We are grateful to Susan Refior, Director of Field
terms ‘‘behavioral control’’ and ‘‘resiliency’’ instead
Operations in the Michigan Longitudinal Study, for her commit-
ment and skill in maintaining this study’s viability over a long of alternative terms to maintain consistency with the
time. We thank Linda Muthen, Bengt Muthen, the MPLUS tech- current substance abuse risk literature (National
nical support team, and King Yuen Yik for coming up with creative Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2000;
ideas to test our hypotheses. Sher, 1991). Our assessment of these constructs
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Maria M. Wong, Department of Psychology, Idaho State Univer-
sity, Pocatello, ID 83209-8112. Electronic mail may be sent to r 2006 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2006/7704-0013
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1017

closely followed that of Eisenberg and colleagues tional functioning (Eisenberg, Fabes et al., 1997; Ei-
(Eisenberg, Fabes, Guthrie, & Reiser, 2000; Eisenberg, senberg, Guthrie et al., 1997; Eisenberg, Liew, &
Fabes et al., 1997; Eisenberg, Guthrie, et al., 1997). Pidada, 2004). Negative emotionality is measured by
items that pertain to the intensity of negative emo-
tions (e.g., Eisenberg, Guthrie et al., 1997).
Behavioral Control and Resiliency: Conceptual
Background and Links to Self-Regulation
Behavioral Control, Resiliency, and Emotionality:
In the search for early childhood personality di-
Relationships With Alcohol and Drug Use
mensions that may serve as a diathesis for substance
abuse risk, behavioral control and resiliency are Reflecting their broad and ongoing explanatory ap-
among the top candidates. Both concepts are linked peal, behavioral control and resiliency have been
to behavioral and emotional regulation. Behavioral associated with a wide range of behaviors and psy-
control and resiliency have their conceptual roots in chopathology in childhood and adolescence. For in-
the work of the Blocks (Block, 1950, 1951; Block & stance, ego control (closely related to behavioral
Block, 1980), who identified related constructs of ego control) was associated with the ability to delay
control and ego resiliency. gratification (Funder & Block, 1989; Funder, Block, &
It is important to note that the construct of resil- Block, 1983), the absence of internalizing and exter-
iency in this study bears no direct relation to the idea nalizing problems (Huey & Weisz, 1997), and so-
of resilience to adversity in developmental psycho- cially appropriate behavior (Eisenberg, Valiente et
pathology (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000; Luthar al., 2003). Ego resiliency (closely related to resiliency)
& Zelazo, 2003; Masten, 2001). It may well be that was negatively associated with egocentrism (Gjerde,
individuals high in resiliency (as defined in this ar- Block, & Block, 1986), depression, and internalizing
ticle) are able to overcome adversity in the environ- problems and positively associated with effective
ment. However, personality resiliency is only one of social interaction (Block & Kremen, 1996). Using the
the many factors that affect developmental resilience. same measure as the one used in this article, Ei-
In an effort to describe how emotional and behav- senberg, Guthrie et al. (1997) found that resiliency
ioral regulation affect behavior, Eisenberg and col- was positively related to social status.
leagues proposed a theory that links self-control, However, there is only scant evidence to evaluate
regulation, emotionality, and resiliency (Eisenberg & whether behavioral control and resiliency are pro-
Spinrad, 2004; Eisenberg, Valiente et al., 2003; Ei- spectively related to early onset of drug or alcohol
senberg, Zhou et al., 2003; Eisenberg et al., 2004). use. The most direct evidence comes from a longi-
They differentiated between two types of control: tudinal study by the Blocks and their colleagues
reactive control (less voluntary control processes that (Block et al., 1988; Shedler & Block, 1990). Lower
are automatic, reflexive, and unintentional) and ef- levels of ego control in early childhood predicted
fortful control (voluntary, goal-oriented control marijuana use at age 14 for both boys and girls (Block
processes). They argued that only effortful control et al., 1988). Among girls, lower levels of both ego
represented emotion and behavioral regulation. Al- control and ego resiliency in childhood predicted
though Eisenberg and colleagues once considered hard drug use in early adolescence. In contrast, only
ego control as a measure of behavioral regulation lower levels of ego control predicted hard drug use
(Eisenberg et al., 1996, 2000), they now believe that for boys. Follow-up of the same sample at age 18
ego control reflects primarily less voluntary, reactive again showed that lower levels of ego control were
control processes (Eisenberg & Spinrad, 2004; Ei- associated with more frequent drug use (Shedler &
senberg, Valiente et al., 2003). Our construct of Block, 1990). However, alcohol use was not exam-
behavioral control herein is closely related to Ei- ined in either study.
senberg et al.’s construct of reactive control. Eisen- Indirect evidence linking early personality traits
berg and colleagues adopted the Blocks’ definition of to alcohol and drug use support the idea that behav-
ego resiliency and renamed it resiliency. They also ioral control and resiliency may predict substance
developed conceptually ‘‘purer’’ and empirically use. African American first graders who were rated
shortened measures of control and resiliency. by their teachers as aggressive were more likely to
Another important component in Eisenberg et use drugs and alcohol 10 years later (Kellam et al.,
al.’s theory is emotionality, which refers to the ten- 1980). In a longitudinal study in Montreal, high
dency to experience negative emotions intensely. novelty seeking (a tendency to be impulsive, excita-
Dispositional negative emotionality and control ble, and hyperactive) and low harm avoidance
processes jointly affect resiliency, social and emo- (a tendency to be uninhibited and to react intensely
1018 Wong et al.

to negative stimuli) measured at ages 6 and 10 pre- of alcoholics and ecologically comparable but non-
dicted onset of cigarette smoking, drunkenness, and alcoholic controls. Parental alcoholism is robustly
other drug use in adolescence (Masse & Tremblay, related to early onset of alcohol use as well as alcohol
1997). A longitudinal study of children in New problems among the offspring (Chassin, Pitts,
Zealand found that undercontrolled (impulsive, DeLucia, & Todd, 1999; Sher, 1991; Zucker, Ellis,
restless, and distractible) 3-year-olds were more Bingham, & Fitzgerald, 2000). Currently, there are no
likely to have an antisocial personality disorder at 21 data on whether parental alcoholism is related to the
and have alcohol-related problems. Aggressive be- development of behavioral control and resiliency.
havior has been linked to disinhibition or a lack of But given that parental alcoholism is linked to a
self-control (Block et al., 1988; Nigg, 2000). Im- variety of offspring behavior, it is quite possible that
pulsivity and distractibility are conceptually related parental alcoholism may affect the development of
to low behavioral control and low resiliency (Block, behavioral control and resiliency. Before examining
1950, 1951; Block & Block, 1980). Thus, there is some the relationship among behavioral control, resiliency,
indirect evidence that low behavioral control and and substance use, we examined the effects of pa-
low resiliency predict alcohol and drug use. rental alcoholism on behavioral control and resil-
The effects of emotionality on drug use have not iency. Because parental alcoholism is a robust
been investigated. However, it appears that emo- predictor of adolescent substance use, all analysis
tionality moderates the relationship among ego controlled for its effects on substance use outcomes.
control and some outcomes (Eisenberg, Fabes et al., Another important issue is the need to determine
1997; Eisenberg, Guthrie et al., 1997; Eisenberg et al., whether the effects of behavioral control and resil-
2004). For instance, emotionality moderated the ef- iency are distinct from the effects of externalizing
fect of ego control on socially appropriate behavior. and internalizing problems. Prior research has indi-
The effect of ego control was particularly strong cated that externalizing problems predict later sub-
among children of high negative emotionality stance use (Chassin et al., 1999; Sher, 1991; Zucker
(Eisenberg, Guthrie et al., 1997). In two other studies, et al., 2000). Although the complex issue of the re-
emotionality and self-regulation measures jointly lation between psychopathology and personality is
predicted parental and teacher reports of appropri- well beyond the scope of this article (see Markon,
ate social behavior (Eisenberg, Fabes et al., 1997) and Krueger, & Watson, 2005), we recognize this issue by
socioemotional functioning, e.g., social skills, ad- controlling for the effects of internalizing and exter-
justment, shyness, prosocial tendencies, and peer nalizing problems in our models to make sure that
liking (Eisenberg et al., 2004). the results are not simply a recapitulation of those
The above review shows that several key ques- prior findings, and we consider this issue again in
tions remain unanswered. First, prior studies never our discussion later.
examined the developmental trajectories of behav-
ioral control and resiliencyFin what ways do the two
constructs develop over time? Are the two develop- Overview of This Study
mental trajectories related to one another? Second, The present study had three aims. First, we exam-
although data link behavioral control and resiliency ined the developmental trajectories of behavioral
to drug use, no study has prospectively examined the control and resiliency from early childhood to ado-
effects of the two constructs on early onset of alcohol lescence and characterized the relationships between
use and alcohol-related problems (e.g., drunkenness, these two trajectories. Second, we ascertained the
miss school because of drinking). Third, prior studies effects of these trajectories on onset of alcohol and
rarely examined the specificity of relations between other drug use during adolescence. Third, we ex-
the two constructs and particular forms of substance amined whether the effects of behavioral control and
use. Do behavioral control and resiliency predict the resiliency on later drug use varied among children
use of certain drugs, or do the two constructs predict with different levels of emotionality.
substance use in general? Fourth, does emotionality
moderate the effects of behavioral control and resil-
iency on alcohol and drug use? Method
In examining the effects of behavioral control and
resiliency on substance use among adolescents, an
important factor to consider is parental substance The present study is part of the ongoing Michigan
use problems. This issue is especially important Longitudinal Study (Zucker, Ellis, Bingham, & Fitz-
given that the participants of the study were children gerald, 1996; Zucker & Fitzgerald, 1991; Zucker et al.,
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1019

2000). The current sample consists of 514 children of model its effects statistically would only contribute
alcoholics (COAs) and matched controls (71% boys, to error. Therefore the investigators originally opted
29% girls; 75% COAs; 25% controls; 72% have an to exclude this variation. The study is currently re-
alcoholic father; 32% have an alcoholic mother). The cruiting an additional sample of both African
mean education levels for mothers and fathers of the American and Hispanic families using parallel re-
participants at Time 1 were 13.37 (SD 5 1.92) and cruitment criteria.
13.74 (SD 5 2.25), respectively (i.e., 1 year beyond
high school). The average annual family income at
Time 1 was $35,434 (SD 5 $16,826). Respondents
were interviewed at 3-year intervals. The data pre- Trained interviewers who were blind to family
sented in this paper involve the first five waves of diagnostic status collected the data. The contact time
the study. The children were 3 – 5 years old at Time 1, for each family varied, depending on the data col-
6 – 8 years old at Time 2, 9 – 11 years old at Time 3, lection wave. Typically, each parent was involved for
12 – 14 years old at Time 4, and 15 – 17 years old at 9 – 10 hr and each child for 7 hr spread over seven
Time 5. In order to be included in this paper, all sessions. A variety of age-appropriate tasks (ques-
children must have data on the substance use out- tionnaires, interviews, and interactive tasks) were
comes and at least one wave of data on behavioral administered, and most of the contacts occurred in
control and resiliency. We examined whether the the families’ homes. Arrangement was made to col-
514 children in this study were different from chil- lect data from families who had relocated. No fam-
dren excluded from the study. No significant differ- ilies were lost because of relocation.
ences between the two groups of children were
found on parental alcoholism status, w2(1, N 5 601) 5
0.29, p 5 .59, number of alcoholic parents, t(599) 5
1.33, p 5 .18, and gender of participant, w2(1, N 5 601) 5 Behavioral control and resiliency (ages 3 – 14). The
0.39, p 5 .53. two constructs were measured by clinician ratings
The Michigan Longitudinal Study recruited a using the California Child Q-sort (CCQ; Block &
population-based sample of alcoholic men, their Block, 1980, p. 43) beginning when participants were
partners (whose substance abuse status was free to 3 – 5 years old (Time 1) and every 3 years afterwards
vary), and their initially 3- to 5-year-old sons (male until participants were 12 – 14 years old (Time 4). The
target child, MTC). Both biological parents were re- instrument is an adaptation of the extensively used
quired to be coupled and living with the child at the California Q-Sort. One hundred statements that
time of Time 1 recruitment. Study exclusionary cri- portray a variety of different behavioral adaptations
teria ruled out the presence of fetal alcohol syn- were utilized. The brief descriptive statements were
drome. A group of families who resided in the same on cards and the clinician sorted these cards into a
neighborhoods as the alcoholic families was re- normally distributed pattern that ranges from items
cruited as controls. Parents in the control group had that are most to least salient descriptors of the child’s
no lifetime history of substance abuse/dependence; behavior. The clinicians who conducted the assess-
offspring were age matched to the male child in the ment of the child in the Michigan Longitudinal
alcoholic family residing in the same neighborhood Study also completed the CCQ ratings. Thus, they
(for a detailed description of the recruitment strate- knew the respondent well. In typical Q-sort studies,
gies and eligibility criteria, see Zucker et al., 2000). prototypes of behavioral control and resiliency are
Subsequently, other siblings of the MTC, who were created from all items and each child’s profile is
within an age range of  8 years, were also invited correlated with the prototype. However, some of the
into the study. Q-sort items pertain primarily to emotion and ex-
All families were Caucasian Americans. In the ternalizing behavior and thus overlap with other
area where we sampled, less than 4% of the popu- constructs in this study. Eisenberg, Guthrie et al.
lation meeting inclusion criteria were non-Cauca- (1997) developed a list of items to measure behavi-
sian. Given the study’s sample size, if non-Caucasian oral control and resiliency that are relatively inde-
ethnic/racial groups were included, the number pendent of emotion and antisocial behavior. We
available would not permit any effective analysis to adopted this list. Behavioral control consisted of 19
be performed on this variation. As there is an ex- itemsFitems 8, 35, 41, 52, 59, 66, 67, 86, 98, and 99;
tensive literature showing a relationship between reversed scores for items 12, 13, 21, 26, 34, 63, 65, 82,
substance abuse and ethnic/racial status, including and 84. Examples include ‘‘Is inhibited and con-
such variation in the study without being able to stricted,’’ ‘‘Has a rapid personal tempo; reacts and
1020 Wong et al.

moves quickly ( – ),’’ ‘‘Is reflective; deliberates before first time you ever took a drink (not just a sip)?’’ and
speaking or acting.’’ Resiliency consisted of 23 ‘‘How old were you the first time you drank enough
itemsFitems 16, 19, 25, 28, 36, 40, 43, 69, 73, 81, 83, to be drunk?’’ From these responses, the following
88, 89, and 96; reversed scores for items 39, 45, 46, 49, variables were created: onset of drinking by age 14
50, 55, 77, 78, and 79. Examples are ‘‘Is vital, ener- (0 5 no, 1 5 yes), onset of drunkenness by age 17
getic, lively,’’ ‘‘Is curious eager to learn, open to new (0 5 no, 1 5 yes), and age of onset of first drinking
experiences,’’ ‘‘Tends to go to pieces under stress and drunkenness.
( – ).’’ Table 1 reports the reliability (Cronbach’s National data have shown that the median age of
alphas) of behavioral control and resiliency as a first alcohol use is between 14 and 15 years old
function of age. (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, & Schulenberg, 2004),
Emotionality (ages 3 – 14). Negative emotionality and the median age of first drunkenness is 17
from early childhood to adolescence (Time 1 – 4) (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, 2003). Therefore,
were measured by 11 items in the Q-sortFitems 23, we considered onset of drinking by age 14 to be early
24, 33, 54, 56, 60, 64, and 75; reversed scores for items onset. We regarded the drunkenness experience as
91, 94, and 95 (Eisenberg, Guthrie et al., 1997). Ex- an indicator of a problem regarding drinking and
amples of these items include ‘‘Cries easily, has rapid thus were interested in whether drunkenness oc-
shifts in mood,’’ ‘‘Is emotionally labile,’’ ‘‘Is calm and curred at any time during adolescence, not just early
relaxed, easy going (  ),’’ ‘‘Tends to brood and ru- adolescence. Early onset of drinking and onset of
minate or worry’’. See Table 1 for the reliability of drunkenness during adolescence have been shown
emotionality as a function of age. to be very robust predictors of subsequent alcohol
Alcohol and other illicit drug use (ages 12 – 17). problems (Grant & Dawson, 1997; Gruber, DiClem-
Substance use in adolescence (Time 4 – 5) was ente, Anderson, & Lodico, 1996).
measured by the Drinking and other Drug Use The number of alcohol-related problems was
History Questionnaire – Youth Version (Zucker & measured by 24 questions. Each question mentioned
Fitzgerald, 2002). All items in this instrument have an alcohol-related problem. Participants were asked
been extensively used in a variety of survey and whether any of these problems happened to them
clinical settings. The questionnaire measures the because of their drinking. Examples of these prob-
frequency and quantity of alcohol use and problems, lems are ‘‘got into trouble with my teachers or
and the frequency of other drug use and problems. principal because of my drinking,’’ ‘‘got into trouble
Two items were used to assess onset of drinking and with the police because of my drinking,’’ and ‘‘mis-
drunkenness, respectively: ‘‘How old were you the sed school because of my drinking,’’ ‘‘lost friends
because of my drinking.’’
Finally, onset of other illicit drug use by age 17
Table 1 (0 5 no, 1 5 yes) was gathered by questions regarding
Descriptive Statistics for Behavioral Control, Resiliency, and lifetime use of illicit drugs. These drugs include
Emotionality marijuana, inhalants, amyl or butyl nitrites, am-
phetamines, LSD and other psychedelic drugs, crack
control Resiliency Emotionality and other forms of cocaine, anabolic steroids, tran-
(range: 1 – 9) (range: 1 – 9) (range: 1 – 9) quilizers, heroin, and opioids other than heroin.
Lifetime use of marijuana was measured by the
Age N Mean SD a Mean SD a Mean SD a question, ‘‘On how many occasions (if any) have you
2 13 4.21 1.11 .84 5.39 .88 .85 4.91 1.14 .85
smoked marijuana or hashish in your lifetime?’’
3 132 4.55 1.15 .85 5.61 .94 .88 4.48 1.28 .86 Questions about the use of other illicit drugs were
4 118 4.73 1.09 .85 5.90 .84 .85 4.10 1.16 .84 worded similarly.
5 94 5.21 1.01 .87 6.23 .73 .78 3.60 0.85 .75 Internalizing and externalizing problems (ages
6 119 4.87 1.27 .90 5.83 .94 .89 4.22 1.22 .86 12 – 14). Maternal ratings of adolescent internalizing
7 114 5.03 1.06 .83 5.70 .94 .87 4.49 1.33 .86 and externalizing problems were measured by the
8 110 5.12 1.01 .83 5.95 .82 .85 4.09 0.99 .76 Child Behavior Rating Scale (Achenbach, 1991). We
9 146 4.90 1.16 .87 5.72 .93 .87 4.47 1.28 .85 opted to use the maternal ratings because (i) mothers
10 159 4.94 1.06 .85 5.77 .89 .86 4.51 1.20 .83 were the primary caretakers of adolescents in most
11 113 4.78 1.05 .85 5.88 .89 .86 4.39 1.24 .84
families and (ii) mothers’ and fathers’ ratings on in-
12 166 5.26 0.97 .83 5.91 .88 .86 4.13 1.08 .82
ternalizing and externalizing problems only had a
13 140 5.15 1.01 .83 5.94 .83 .84 4.06 1.12 .81
14 121 5.15 1.02 .85 5.87 .91 .87 4.19 1.15 .83
low to moderate correlation from childhood to ado-
lescence. For internalizing problems, the correlation
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1021

between mothers’ and fathers’ ratings was 0.19 at We opt to (i) use age as the unit of time instead of
Time 1 (N 5 324, po.01), 0.17 at Time 2 (N 5 280, wave and (ii) treat time more flexibly by allowing the
po.01), 0.27 at Time 3 (N 5 328, po.001), and 0.19 at spacing and the number of measurements to vary
Time 4 (N 5 343, po.001). For externalizing prob- across individuals in our analysis (Metha & West,
lems, the correlation was 0.37 at Time 1 (N 5 324, 2000; Singer & Willet, 2003) for three reasons. First,
po.001), 0.43 at Time 2 (N 5 281, po.01), 0.52 at Time there is variability in age within the same waves
3 (N 5 328, po.001), and 0.58 at Time 4 (N 5 343, (e.g., children 3 – 5 were in wave 1). Second, there is
po.001). Maternal ratings of adolescent internalizing variability in the spacing of waves. Ideally, each child
and externalizing problems show an acceptable level was assessed every 3 years, but in reality, the spacing
of internal consistency and external validity (Ac- of waves varied somewhat because of scheduling
henbach, 1991). difficulties and respondents’ availability. Third, there
Parental alcoholism. Parental lifetime alcoholism is variability in the number of waves per respondent.
when the child was 3 – 5 was assessed by three in- Of the 514 children who were included in this study,
struments: the Short Michigan Alcohol Screening 154 had four waves of data on behavioral control and
Test (Selzer, Vinokur, & van Rooijen, 1975), the Di- resiliency, 152 had three waves, 114 had two waves,
agnostic Interview Schedule – Version III (Robins, and 94 had one wave of data. Owing to the data
Helzer, Croughan, & Ratcliff, 1980), and the Drinking structure, we chose statistical techniques that will
and Drug History Questionnaire (Zucker, Fitzgerald, allow us to obtain unbiased estimates of population
& Noll, 1990). Based on the information collected by parameters.
these instruments, diagnoses of parental alcoholism Because of the above three reasons, our data are
were made by a trained clinician using Diagnostic unbalanced. Metha and West (2000) described two
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 4th ed. methods to deal with the estimation of growth
(DSM – IV) criteria. The availability of three sources models with unbalanced data (i.e., different number
of information collected over three different sessions, of waves and different spacing of waves among in-
separated sometimes by as much as several months, dividuals). One method is to treat the data as missing
served as an across-method validity check on re- and estimate the model using the Full Information
spondent replies. In cases of discrepant information, Maximum Likelihood estimator. This method could
the data represented by the majority of information lead to computational difficulties if the amount of
sources were used in establishing the diagnosis. missing data is large. Another method is to allow
Interrater reliability for the diagnosis was excellent the factor loadings in the LGM models (L) to vary
(k 5 0.81). across individuals (Bauer, 2003; Curran, 2003; Cur-
Children were coded as having an alcoholic parent ran, Bauer, & Willoughby, 2004). This is the method
if either parent met lifetime criteria for alcohol abuse that we use. All analyses were carried out in the
or dependence at the age 3 – 5 assessment period. framework of latent growth models with random
Lifetime parental alcoholism may change over time times of observation via MPLUS 3.0 (Muthen &
and therefore may be different for siblings within the Muthen, 2004).
same family. Therefore, all indicators of parent al- To address our first aim, unconditional latent
coholism were treated as an individual-level rather curve models were fitted separately to examine the
than a family-level variable. developmental trajectories of behavioral control and
resiliency (Figure 1). The dependent variables were
measures of behavioral control and resiliency at
Plan of Analysis
various time points. Each model consisted of two
This paper has three goals. First, we describe the latent factors. The first latent factor represented the
developmental trajectories of behavioral control and intercept and the second latent factor represented
resiliency from early childhood to adolescence and the slope. The means of these latent factors are
the relationship between these trajectories. Second, the growth parameters of the whole sample. The
we test the effects of these trajectories on alcohol and variance of these latent factor scores reflects the in-
substance use outcomes. Third, we examine whether dividual variation around the overall growth pa-
the effects of behavioral control and resiliency differ rameters. The four repeated measures of behavioral
among children of low and high emotionality. We control and resiliency over time are the indicators of
examined these three issues using a series of latent the latent factors.
growth models (LGM; Duncan, 1995; McArdle & When latent growth models are estimated in the
Epstein, 1987; Meredith & Tisak, 1990; Muthen & structural equation modeling framework, the growth
Curran, 1997). of variables can be measured in the following
1022 Wong et al.

We estimated our models using MPLUS 3.0 be-

cause it offers a straightforward way to estimate
LGM models with random times of observation.
After examining the developmental trajectories of
behavioral control and resiliency separately, we es-
β1i timated their relationship by parallel process latent
1 β2i
1 1 growth models (parallel process means examining
1 β3i βti
two latent trajectories simultaneously). Specifically,
the following correlations were estimated: correla-
Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral
tions between the intercept and slope factors of each
... construct, correlations between the intercept factors
control3 control4 control5 control14
of both constructs, correlations between the slope
factors of both constructs, as well as correlations
Figure 1. Unconditional latent growth model of behavioral control. between the intercept factors of one construct and
Note: Za is the latent intercept factor of behavioral control. Zb is the the slope factors of the other constructs.
latent slope factor of behavioral control. An unconditional latent To address our second aim, the effects of the
growth model of resiliency was also estimated. growth trajectories of behavioral control and resil-
iency on early substance use outcomes were ascer-
measurement model: tained by a series of structural equation models
(Figure 2). One set of analyses included age of the
Yi ¼ vi þ LZi þ e;
participant, parental alcoholism, and adolescent ex-
where Yi is a Ti  1 vector of repeated measures of ternalizing problems as predictors (so that their ef-
the variable Y for individual i, vi is the Ti  1 vector fects on the dependent variables can be controlled
of intercepts of the repeated measures of behavioral for) while another set of analyses included age of
control (changes in resiliency were estimated in a participant, parental alcoholism, and adolescent
separate model), K is a Ti  k matrix of factor load- internalizing problems as predictors. Because inter-
ings on the growth factors, gi is a k  1 vector of la- nalizing and externalizing problems show a moder-
tent growth factors, and e is a Ti  1 vector of time- ate to high correlation empirically (Achenbach &
specific measurement errors. vi is fixed to zero for Edelbrock, 1983; Kruger, Capsi, Moffitt, & Silva,
identification purposes. By choosing the loading 1998; Wong, Zucker, & Fitzgerald, 2004), they were
matrix K appropriately, the above formulation can not used in the same model to avoid problems of
accommodate growth curves of various shapes. In estimation.
this paper, we use linear growth models only. When All dichotomous dependent variables were trans-
specialized to linear growth curves, the above formed into log odds in the analyses, logit(p) 5 loge
equation can be written in matrix form as
2 3 2 3 2 3 Parental
Yi1 1 0 ei1
6 Yi2 7 6 1   6 7 alcoholism
6 7 1 7 Zai 6 ei2 7
6 .. 7 ¼ 6 . . 7 þ 6 . 7;
4 . 5 4 .. .. 5 Zbi 4 .. 5 Age
YiTi 1 Ti  1 eiTi
where Zai is the initial status of behavioral control at problems
the first measurement. Zbi is the growth factor of
behavioral control over time. [0, 1, . . ., Ti  1] are the (e.g., onset of
Behavioral Behavioral
loadings for the linear trajectory across the four time control control
use by age 14)
points. To take into account the unbalanced nature of intercept slope
the data, we allowed K to vary across individuals
(Figure 1). In matrix form, the LGM models with
case-varying factor loading can be written as Resiliency Resiliency
2 3 2 3 2 3 intercept slope
Yi1 1 b1i ei1
6 Yi2 7 6 1 b2i 7 Z   6 ei2 7
6 7 6 7 ai 6 7
6 .. 7 ¼ 6 .. .. 7 Z þ 6 .. 7: Figure 2. Hypothetical structural equation model of the effects of
4 . 5 4. . 5 bi 4 . 5
behavioral control and resiliency on risk behaviors. Note: Ado-
YiTi 1 bti eiTi lescent internalizing problems were included in separate models.
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1023

p/(1  p) (let p 5 probability; then odds 5 p/(1  p) indicating the effects of the intercept and slope fac-
and p 5 odds/(11odds). The path coefficients were tors may be different for participants with different
expressed in a logit scale and could be converted into emotionality. Similar analyses were conducted to
odds ratio (odds 5 elogit). examine the effects of resiliency on outcome variables.
Age of onset of drinking and drunkenness were Lastly, it is useful to note that some participants in
censored variables (i.e., among participants who our study came from the same family. In deciding
never reported drinking or being drunk, it was un- whether to model this characteristic in the analyses,
clear whether they would eventually drink or get we used the rule of thumb suggested by Muthen and
drunk). Discrete-time survival analyses were con- Satorra (1995) and Muthen (2000). The rule of thumb
ducted to estimate the hazard probability of first is based on the results of a Monte Carlo study. The
drinking and drunkenness (Muthen & Masyn, 2005). rule states that when the design effect is greater than
This method takes into account the censored nature 2, the clustering of the data needs to be taken into
of the data when estimating the hazard probability account in the analysis. When the design effect is less
of onset of drinking (or drunkenness) without dis- than 2, ignoring the clustering of data does not sig-
carding any participant (Singer & Willet, 2003, nificantly affect the analysis. The design effect is a
pp. 323 – 324). function of the intraclass correlation and cluster size
The model for onset of first drinking is specified and is defined as 11(average cluster size  1)  in-
as follows: traclass correlation. In our data, the average cluster
logit hðtj Þ ¼ aj þb1 PA þ b2 BCI þ b3 BCS þ b4 RI; size is 1.77. Even when the intraclass correlations on
the dependent variables were equal to 1, the design
where h(tj) is the hazard probability of drinking at a effect would be less than 2. Thus, the lack of inde-
certain age, aj is the baseline logit hazard function, pendence in the data in some families (i.e., some
b1PA is the effect of parental alcoholism on the logit families have more than one child in the study) did
hazard function, b2BCI is the effect of behavioral not significantly bias our analysis.
control intercept factor, b3BCS is the effect of behav-
ioral control slope factor, and b4RI is the effect of the
resiliency intercept factor. A similar model was Results
specified for first drunkenness. Table 1 presents the means, SDs, and the as of be-
To address our third aim, we tested whether the havioral control, resiliency, and emotionality as a
effects of the growth trajectories of behavioral control function of age. About one-half of our sample re-
and resiliency on early substance use outcomes ported using some form of substance use in their
varied in low and high emotionality groups. In pre- adolescence. Specifically, 44.4% began to drink by
liminary analyses, the unconditional latent growth age 14. Between the ages of 12 and 17, 41.2% reported
curve model showed that there was no systematic having being drunk at least once, 39.9% experienced
change in emotionality over time. Therefore, partic- one or more alcohol-related problems, and 58.2%
ipants were placed into either low or high emotion- had used drugs other than alcohol.
ality groups based on a median split on their average
scores of emotionality over four time points. For each
Question 1A. Developmental Trajectories of Behavioral
alcohol and drug use outcome, two sets of nested
Control and Resiliency
models were analyzed to ascertain whether the ef-
fects of behavioral control were similar in low and Behavioral control. The mean estimates for both the
high emotionality groups. In Model 1, all parameters intercept, u^a1 5 4.64 (0.08), po.001, and slope factors
were constrained to be same in both groups. Model 2 were significant, u ^b1 5 0.04 (0.01), po.001. The aver-
allowed the effects of the latent intercept and slope age intercept at the initial assessment period was
factors of behavioral control to be different in both 4.64, with a significantly positive linear slope of 0.04
groups. The two models are nested within one an- unit per year. The variance estimates for both the
other (i.e., every parameter in Model 1 is also in intercept, s^ 2a1 ¼ 0:83ð0:24Þ, po.001, and slope factors,
^ b1 ¼ 0:01 (0.002), po.05, were also significant, in-
Model 2); the deviance statistics ( 2LL) of each s
model can be compared to determine whether the dicating that there were substantial individual dif-
specific constraints set up in the models hold (Singer ferences in the initial status and changes in the linear
& Willet, 2003). If change in the deviance statistics slope. There was a significant estimate for the co-
between Model 1 and Model 2 reaches a critical variance between the intercept and the slope factors,
value associated with 2 df, the null hypothesis that ^ga1b1 ¼ 0:05ð0:02Þ, po.05, which was equivalent to
the specific constraints in Model 1 can be rejected, a correlation of r 5  0.7. Those with lower levels of
1024 Wong et al.

control in early childhood showed faster rates of 6.19

increase (i.e., improvement) in control over time. 6.18

Latent intercept of resiliency

There was no evidence of a quadratic growth factor. 6.17
Resiliency. The unconditional model showed that 6.16
the mean and variance estimates of the intercept 6.15
factor were significant, while the mean and variance 6.14
estimates of the slope factor were not. The average 6.13
intercept of resiliency at the initial assessment period 6.12
was 5.85, u^a2 5 5.85 (0.03), po.001. Children differed 6.11
significantly from one another in their initial resil- 6.1
iency scores, s^ 2a2 ¼ 0:19 ð0:03Þ, po.001. There was no
significant change in the mean level of resiliency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
over time, u^b2 5 0.01 (0.01), p 5 .86, and no individual Latent intercept of behavioral regulation
differences in the rate of change, s ^ 2b2 ¼ 0:00 ð0:00Þ, Figure 3. Estimated relationship between behavioral control and
p 5 .24, suggesting that this was a stable trait. The resiliency.
slope factor was therefore dropped from subsequent
analyses. cant, and so were eliminated from the subsequent
We then examined whether the effects of behav-
Question 1B. Relationship Between Behavioral Control ioral control and resiliency on substance use were
and Resiliency similar among children of alcoholics and controls.
The analyses indicated that the intercept factors of
We examined the longitudinal relationship be-
behavioral control and resiliency had similar effects
tween behavioral control and resiliency by a parallel
on both groups of children on all substance use
process unconditional latent growth model (parallel
variables. However, the slope factor of behavioral
process means examining two latent trajectories si-
control had a stronger effect on number of alcohol
multaneously). Consistent with the findings report-
problems among children of alcoholics than controls
ed above, the correlation between the intercept and
(children of alcoholics: b 5  27.92 (20.60), p 5 .18;
slope factors of behavioral control was significant,
controls: b 5  68.68 (18.74), po.001). As the overall
ga1b1 ¼ 0:05 ð0:02Þ, po.05. However, the correlation
patterns of results are similar among children of al-
between behavioral control intercept and resiliency
coholics and control, all analyses were carried out on
intercept was nonsignificant. The correlation be-
the whole sample. It is useful to note that children of
tween behavioral control slope and resiliency inter-
alcoholics had lower levels of resiliency than controls
cept was also nonsignificant.
in early childhood, b 5  0.19 (0.07), po.01. How-
Given the theories described earlier (Block & Block,
ever, children of alcoholics and controls had similar
1980; Eisenberg et al., 2000), we tested whether the
initial levels, b 5 0.00 (0.19), p 5 1.00, and growth
two trajectories had a quadratic relationship with one
rate, b 5  0.02 (0.02), p 5 .99, of behavioral control.
another. We created a quadratic term for the latent
We have also considered including antisocial
intercept factor of behavioral control and analyzed its
personality disorder (ASPD) as an independent
relationship with the resiliency intercept factor. The
variable in the model. This disorder has been shown
analyses revealed that the latent intercept of behav-
to be highly comorbid with alcoholism. Our analyses
ioral control had a quadratic relationship with the lat-
indicated that when both parental alcoholism and
ent intercept of resiliency, indicating that either lower
parental diagnosis of antisocial behavior were in the
or higher levels of behavioral control were related to
analyses, only parental alcoholism significantly pre-
lower levels of resiliency, ^ ga1a2 ¼ 4:32 ð0:73Þ, po.001;
dicted the dependent variables. The effects of ASPD
ga12 a2 ¼ 0:48 ð0:08Þ, po.001; Figure 3.
on all dependent variables were nonsignificant (all
p4.4). A large number of independent variables may
affect the stability of the estimation of model pa-
Question 2. Effects of Behavioral Control and Resiliency
rameters. We therefore decided to eliminate parental
on Substance Use
history of antisocial behavior from the model.
We first tested whether gender had any effect on Below, we examine the effects of behavioral con-
the outcomes and whether gender interacted with trol and resiliency on each substance use variable.
behavioral control and resiliency to predict onset of All analyses control for the effects of parental life-
drinking by 14. All of these effects were nonsignifi- time alcohol diagnosis and age of respondents.
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1025

Onset of drinking by age 14. Having an alcoholic We further analyzed the effects of behavioral
parent significantly increased the risk of early onset control and resiliency on early onset of drinking
of drinking. When compared with controls, children while adding adolescent externalizing and internal-
of alcoholics were three times more likely to have izing problems in the model. Table 2 showed that
started drinking by age 14. Additionally, older ado- higher levels of externalizing problems were associ-
lescents were more likely to have started drinking ated with early onset of drinking. With externalizing
than younger adolescents. Controlling for parental problems controlled in the model, the slope factor of
alcoholism, age, and other independent variables, behavioral control continued to have a significant
children with lower initial levels of behavioral con- effect on early onset of drinking. The intercept fac-
trol in early childhood were more likely to start tors of behavioral control and resiliency became
drinking in early adolescence. As the latent intercept nonsignificant. Internalizing problems were not re-
of behavioral control increased by 1 SD (0.889), the lated to early onset of drinking, but when they were
odds of drinking by age 14 decreased by a factor of in the model, the effect of behavioral control
about 45% (e  0.898  0.889 5 0.45). Children with remained significant while the effect of resiliency
slower rates of increase in behavioral control over became nonsignificant.
time were more likely to use alcohol when they were Onset of drunkenness by age 17. Children of alco-
adolescents. As the latent slope of behavioral control holics were four times more likely than controls to
increased by 1 SD, the odds of drinking by age 14 report having been drunk at least once by age 17.
decreased by a factor of about 22%. Those with Older adolescents were also more likely than
higher initial levels of resiliency were less likely to younger adolescents to experience drunkenness.
use alcohol by 14. When the latent intercept of re- Controlling for parental lifetime alcohol diagnosis
siliency increased by 1 SD, the odds of drinking by and age, the latent intercept and latent slope of be-
age 14 decreased by a factor of 62%. havioral control negatively predicted onset of any

Table 2
Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors Predicting Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Drinking by 14 Drunkenness by 17 # Alcohol problem Drug use by 17

Predictor variables Parameter SE OR Parameter SE OR Parameter SE Parameter SE OR

Parental alcoholism 1.125 0.313 3.080 1.520 0.401 4.572 1.047 0.336 0.481 0.829 1.618
Age 0.594 0.090 1.811 1.006 0.163 2.735 0.574 0.075 0.989 0.090 2.688
Behavioral control intercept  0.898 0.339 0.45a
 1.350 0.437 0.295a
 0.834 0.444  0.984 0.300 0.407a
Behavioral control slope  21.319 8.703 a
0.221  26.615  a
11.515 0.152  28.294 10.535  12.694 4.887 0.374a
Resiliency intercept  1.044 0.511 0.618a  0.579 0.614 0.776a  0.704 0.673  0.477 0.443 0.812a

Parental alcoholism 1.289 0.322 3.629 1.508 0.389 4.518 1.206 0.374 0.536 0.324 1.709
Age 0.494 0.080 1.639 0.916 0.134 2.499 0.517 0.086 1.031 0.108 2.803
Externalizing problems 0.043 0.019 1.044 0.048 0.022 1.049 0.099 0.023 0.078 0.024 1.081
Behavioral control intercept  0.593 0.328 0.598a
 1.160 0.392 0.362a
 0.443 0.475  0.862 0.332 0.469a
Behavioral control slope  16.701 8.437 0.307a  22.571 10.073 0.203a  23.577 10.444  7.680 4.876 0.581a
Resiliency intercept F F F F F F F F

Parental alcoholism 1.355 0.336 3.877 1.610 0.417 5.002 1.332 0.379 0.610 0.324 1.840
Age 0.507 0.086 1.660 0.946 0.157 2.575 0.533 0.087 1.040 0.110 2.829
Internalizing problems 0.016 0.025 1.016 0.002 0.029 1.002 0.057 0.031 0.039 0.030 1.039
Behavioral control intercept  0.789 0.342 0.505a  1.378 0.430 0.302a  0.877 0.494  1.169 0.339 0.359a
Behavioral control slope  19.896 9.794 0.245a  26.490 12.250 0.154a  30.313 12.044  11.598 5.105 0.440a
Resiliency intercept F F F F F F F F

Note. aEstimated odds of event occurrence when the respective explanatory variable increased by 1 SD.
F indicates that the latent intercept of resiliency was dropped from the model because it was not a significant predictor of alcohol and
drinking outcomes. Alcohol and other drug use outcome variables are onset of drinking by age 14 (0 5 no, 1 5 yes), onset of drunkenness by
age 17 (0 5 no, 1 5 yes), number of alcohol-related problems (e.g., missed school due to excessive drinking), and onset of other illicit drug
use by age 17 (0 5 no, 1 5 yes).
po.05, po.01, po.001.
1026 Wong et al.

drunkenness by age 17. Children with lower initial control increased by 1 SD (0.084), the odds of first
levels of behavioral control in early childhood drinking decreased to 44% of the original odds
were more likely to report onset of drunkenness in (e  9.789  0.084 5 0.441, po.001). When the latent in-
adolescence. As the latent intercept of behavioral tercept of resiliency increased by 1 SD, the odds of
control increased by 1 SD, the odds of experiencing first drinking decreased to 79% of the original odds
drunkenness by age 17 decreased by a factor of (e  0.545  0.439 5 0.787, po.001). Including external-
about 30%. Moreover, children with slower rates izing and internalizing problems as predictors did
of increase in behavioral control were more likely to not appear to change the pattern of findings. For the
experience drunkenness in adolescence. As the latent sake of simplicity, we presented the results without
slope of behavioral control increased by 1 SD, the externalizing and internalizing problems in Table 3.
odds of experiencing drunkenness by age 17 de- Results including externalizing and internalizing
creased by a factor of 15%. No significant relation- problems are available upon request. The model-es-
ship between resiliency and onset of drunkenness timated hazard probabilities of first drinking among
was found (Table 2). Including externalizing or in- children of alcoholics with slower ( 1 SD), average
ternalizing problems in the analyses did not change (mean), and faster growth rates (11 SD) of behav-
the relationship between behavioral control and ioral control are plotted in Figure 4. The group with
drunkenness. slower rates of increase in behavioral control had the
Age of onset of first drinking and first drunken- highest probability of onset of drinking at any age.
ness. Discrete-time survival analyses were used to Similar results were observed for the hazard of
estimate the age of onset of first drinking and first drunkenness (Table 3). Again, parental alcohol-
drunkenness. The observed hazards for onset of first ism significantly predicted first onset of drunken-
drinking from age 2 to age 17 are 0.006, 0.006, 0.006, ness. Holding other independent variables constant,
0.016, 0.004, 0.012, 0.027, 0.013, 0.043, 0.034, 0.166, higher initial levels and faster growth rates of be-
0.243, 0.341, 0.484, 0.800, and 0.750. The observed havioral control were associated with lower proba-
hazards for onset of first drunkenness from age 2 to bility of onset of drunkenness at any age. Higher
age 17 are 0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.000, 0.002, 0.006, initial levels of resiliency also predicted lower
0.002, 0.000, 0.018, 0.014, 0.061, 0.164, 0.319, 0.407, probability of onset of drunkenness.
0.711, and 0.727. Number of alcohol-related problems by age 17. Hav-
Age of onset of first drinking was influenced by ing an alcoholic parent was associated with a higher
parental alcoholism, the latent intercept and slope of number of alcohol-related problems. On average,
behavioral control, and the latent intercept of resil- children of alcoholics reported 1.05 units more al-
iency (Table 3). When compared with controls, the cohol-related problems than controls. Controlling for
odds of first drinking were 1.79 times as high among parental alcohol diagnosis and age, the latent slope
children of alcoholics (e0.583 5 1.791, po.001). For all of behavioral control negatively predicted number of
participants, behavioral control and resiliency were alcohol-related problems (e.g., missed school be-
significantly related to onset of drinking. When the cause of excessive drinking). When the slope of be-
latent intercept of behavioral control increased by 1 havioral control increased by 1 SD (0.07), the number
SD (0.934), the odds of first drinking decreased to of alcohol problems was expected to decrease by
55% of the original odds (e  0.636  0.934 5 0.552, 2 units ( 28.294  0.07 5  2). There was no signif-
po.001). Similarly, as the latent slope of behavioral icant relationship between resiliency and early onset

Table 3
Discrete Time Survival analyses Predicting Age of Onset of First Drinking and Drunkenness Episodes

Age of onset of first drinking Age of onset of first drunkenness

Predictor variables Parameter SE OR Parameter SE OR

Parental alcoholism 0.583 0.179 1.791 0.695 0.251 2.004

Behavioral control intercept  0.636 0.156 0.552a  0.575 0.214 0.580a
Behavioral control slope  9.789 2.083 0.441a  12.260 3.252 0.387a
Resiliency intercept  0.545 0.245 0.787a  0.781 0.339 0.710a

Note. For clarity, estimates of the baseline logit hazard function are not presented.
Estimated odds of event occurrence when the respective explanatory variable increased by 1 SD.
po.05, po.01, po.001.
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1027

1.000 Including adolescent externalizing problems in the

0.900 average model did not change the effect of the behavioral
faster control slope on the onset of illicit drug use. How-
ever, the effect of the behavioral control intercept
Fitted hazard probability

decreased to nonsignificance. When internalizing
problems were analyzed, the effects of both the in-
tercept and the slope factors of behavioral control
0.400 did not change.
0.300 Internalizing and externalizing problems. In the
0.200 preceding sections, we used internalizing and ex-
ternalizing behavioral problems for the purpose of
statistical control. However, we also wondered
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 whether behavioral control or resiliency predicted
Age those problems. Children with lower initial levels of
Figure 4. Fitted hazard function of age of onset of alcohol use
resiliency were rated by their mothers as having
among children of alcoholics with slower, average, and faster rate more internalizing and externalizing problems in
of increase in behavioral control. Note: Fitted hazard function for adolescence. In contrast, children with lower initial
controls were similar to children of alcoholics, except that the levels and slower growth rates of behavioral control
probability of onset of drinking at each age was lower among had higher maternal ratings of externalizing prob-
controls than among children of alcoholics.
lems in adolescence (Table 4).

of alcohol-related problems. Including externalizing

Question 3. Do the Effects of Behavioral Control and
and internalizing problems in the analyses did not
Resiliency on Substance Use Change in Low and High
change the pattern of findings.
Emotionality Children?
Onset of any illicit drug use by age 17. In contrast to
the pattern of results presented earlier, parental al- To evaluate whether behavioral control affected
coholism did not significantly predict onset of illicit substance use differently in low versus high emo-
drug use. The latent intercept and slope factors of tionality groups, we compared the deviance statistic
behavioral control negatively predicted onset of any of two nested SEM models for each outcome. Model
illicit drug use. Children with lower initial levels of 1 constrained all parameters to be the same in both
behavioral control and slower rates of increase in groups. Model 2 allowed the effects of the latent in-
behavioral control were more likely to use any form tercept and slope factors of behavioral control to be
of illicit drugs by age 17. As the latent intercept of different in the two groups.
behavioral control increased by 1 SD, the odds of The two models did not differ significantly for
onset of illicit drug use by age 17 decreased by a onset of drinking by age 14 Model 1 versus Model 2:
factor of about 41%. As the latent slope of behavioral w2(2) 5 4.70, p 5 .09; onset of drunkenness by age
control increased by 1 SD, the odds of onset of illicit 17FModel 1 versus Model 2: w2(2) 5 1.084, p 5 .58;
drug use by age 17 decreased by a factor of about onset of alcohol-related problems by age 17FModel
37%. No relationship between resiliency and the 1 versus Model 2: w2(2) 5 0.084, p 5 .96; and onset of
outcome was found. other drug use by age 17FModel 1 versus Model 2:

Table 4
Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors Predicting Adolescent Externalizing and Internalizing Problems

Externalizing problems Internalizing problems

Predictor variables Parameter SE Parameter SE

Parental alcoholism 1.157 0.806 0.341 0.630

Age 0.292 0.402  0.222 0.300
Behavioral regulation intercept  4.736 1.000 0.129 0.640
Behavioral regulation slope  82.127 32.112  13.661 12.246
Resiliency intercept  6.115 1.871  3.923 1.152

Note. po.05, po.01, po.001.

1028 Wong et al.

w2(2) 5 1.19, p 5 .55. However, the two models were erage reported 1.05 more alcohol-related problems.
significantly different for number of alcohol-related These findings are consistent with past studies (e.g.,
problems, w2(2) 5 18.648, po.001. Subsequent analy- Chassin et al., 1999; Sher, 1991). A combination of
ses showed that a lower initial level of behavioral genetic and environmental factors probably explains
control was associated with a higher number of al- the early onset of alcohol use and problems among
cohol-related problems in both groups. When the children of alcoholics (Zucker, 2006). It is important
initial level of behavioral control decreased by 1 SD, to note that children of alcoholics were not more
number of alcohol problems was expected to in- likely than controls to begin using other illicit drugs
crease by 0.4 in the low emotionality group and 0.6 in by age 17. Thus having an alcoholic parent appeared
the high emotionality group. However, the growth to increase the risk for certain alcohol-related be-
rate in behavioral control had a stronger positive haviors, but not behaviors related to other drugs.
effect (twice as large) on the high emotionality group Parental alcoholism did not moderate the effects of
than the low emotionality group. When the slope of behavioral control and resiliency on substance use.
behavioral control decreased by 1 SD, the number of The relationship between behavioral control/resil-
alcohol problems was expected to increase by 1.2 in iency and substance use was similar in children of
the low emotionality group and 2.6 in the high alcoholics and controls.
emotionality group. Controlling for parental alcoholism, children with
Similar analyses were performed to test whether slower rates of increase in behavioral control over
resiliency affected substance use differently in the time were more likely to drink at an early age (i.e.,
two groups. However, the analyses could not be age 14), to report having been drunk, to have more
conducted because of insufficient variance in the alcohol-related problems, and to have used drugs
resiliency intercept in the low emotionality group. other than alcohol. These findings extend our un-
derstanding of how early personality traits may lead
to onset of drinking and illicit drug use. Although
low behavioral control was related to externalizing
We examined the effects of behavioral control and problems, behavioral control predicted substance
resiliency on early onset of drinking and onset of use even when externalizing problems were con-
illicit drug use among children of alcoholics and trolled for. This provides theoretical support for
ecologically comparable but nonalcoholic controls. distinguishing the personality trait of behavioral
The study extended previous research on personality control from the psychopathological construct of
antecedents of early onset of substance use by (i) externalizing problems, and shows that the trait
describing the characteristics of the developmental carries important incremental predictive power from
trajectories of behavioral control and resiliency, (ii) childhood into adolescence. Although externalizing
ascertaining the effects of the developmental trajec- problems are expected to be related to personality,
tories of behavioral control and resiliency on im- the integration of these two domains or perspectives
portant adolescent outcomes while controlling for for describing child adjustment is as yet unresolved.
the effects of internalizing and externalizing prob- It was therefore important to examine the unique
lems, and (iii) testing whether emotionality moder- effects of personality with global measures of psy-
ates the effects of behavioral control and resiliency chopathology controlled. Adolescents with higher
on substance use outcomes. Linear growth curve initial levels of resiliency were less likely to experi-
models showed that behavioral control increased ence drinking and drunkenness at an early age and
whereas resiliency remained stable over time. A less likely to have either internalizing or externaliz-
curvilinear relationship between the two constructs ing problems. Emotionality moderated the effects of
existed over time, such that extremely low and ex- behavioral control on number of alcohol-related
tremely high levels of behavioral control were asso- problems. When compared with participants of low
ciated with lower levels of resiliency. Moderately negative emotionality, a faster rate of increase in
high levels of behavioral control were associated behavioral control predicted less alcohol-related
with higher levels of resiliency. problems in participants of high negative emotion-
Having an alcoholic parent significantly increased ality. We comment further on each finding.
the risk of early onset of alcohol use and subsequent
alcohol problems. When compared with controls,
Development of Behavioral Control and Resiliency
children of alcoholics were three times more likely to
begin drinking by age 14, four times more likely to Participants in this study varied in the initial sta-
experience drunkenness by age 17, and on the av- tus and the rate of change of behavioral control.
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1029

Behavioral control increased over time, as indicated Block et al. (1988) have argued that behavioral con-
by the significant latent slope factor. As children trol is a key personality characteristic that leads to
matured, they became less impulsive and more con- the values, personal susceptibilities, and the external
trolled. This is consistent with other developmental circumstances associated with drug use in adoles-
findings that children’s self-control develops with age cence. According to Block et al. (1988), although low
(Block et al., 1988; Kellam et al., 1980; Masse & behavioral control may predict onset of drug use, it
Tremblay, 1997). On the other hand, resiliency re- is the presence or absence of resiliency that deter-
mained stable over time, as indicated by the nonsig- mines whether adolescents will develop more seri-
nificant means and variance of the latent slope factor. ous problems related to drug use, that is, the
Resilient children remained resilient adolescents. Less deleterious effects of low resiliency may become
resilient children remained less resilient adolescents. apparent as individuals approach late adolescence
Because different raters interviewed the partici- and early adulthood. This study focuses on early to
pants and performed the Q-sort ratings at each wave, mid-adolescence (80% of participants were younger
the probability that the results simply reflect rater than 16 when they provided substance use data),
bias is low. The lack of change in resiliency scores which may explain the stronger finding of behavior-
over time may imply that regulatory skills related to al control on drug use.
resiliency are rooted in early temperament and that Our findings indicated that early childhood
this temperament is stable. Alternatively, it may characteristics predicted onset of alcohol use by age
suggest that the environment of the children in this 14. Early onset of alcohol use is associated with a
study is consistent (e.g., consistently high in conflict) greater likelihood of developing problem drinking in
and such consistency sustains the kind of individual adolescence (Ellickson, Tucker, & Klein, 2003;
trait stability observed here. If the environment of Ferguson, Lynskey, & Horwood, 1994; Gruber et al.,
the child remains consistent and requires the child to 1996; Hawkins et al., 1997; Pedersen & Skrondal,
behave in a certain way (e.g., exhibiting a high level 1998) as well as alcohol abuse or dependence in
of behavioral control), there will be fewer opportu- adulthood (Chou & Pickering, 1992; DeWit, Adlaf,
nities for the child to vary levels of control and ac- Offord, & Ogborne, 2000; Grant & Dawson, 1997;
quire the skills necessary to be resilient. However, as Grant, Stinson, & Harford, 2001; Pitkanen, Lyyra, &
our participants approach late adolescence and have Pulkkinen, 2005; Warner & White, 2003; York, Welte,
more independence from their family, we may see Hirsch, Hoffman, & Barnes, 2004). Moreover, early
more changes in individual differences in resiliency. onset of alcohol use is also associated with other
The relationship between behavioral control and risky behaviors, such as early onset of sexual inter-
resiliency observed here is consistent with theoretical course and teenage pregnancy (Miller & Moore,
expectations (Block & Block, 1980; Eisenberg et al., 1990; Urdy & Campbell, 1994). These findings, to-
2000). To our knowledge, this is the first study to gether with other longitudinal studies linking be-
demonstrate how the two traits are related to one haviors in early childhood and alcohol/drug use in
another longitudinally. Children with lowest or adolescence (e.g., Block et al., 1988, Kellam et al.,
highest levels of behavioral control were the least 1980; Masse & Tremblay, 1997), suggest that sub-
resilient in a developmental fashion. Children with stance abuse prevention programs begin in early
moderately high levels of behavioral control were childhood may yield fruitful results. If early child-
the most resilient. hood behaviors (e.g., behavioral control, resiliency)
put individuals at risk for alcohol and drug use, then
programs aiming at changing those behaviors may
Early Personality and Adolescent Alcohol and Illicit Drug
protect individuals from experimenting with drugs
and alcohol at an early age. These programs might
A low initial level and a slow rate of increase in focus on teaching youngsters skills related to delay
behavioral control predicted substance use out- of gratification, regulation of negative emotions and
comes. The effect held even after controlling for the related behaviors, as well as strategies related to
effects of internalizing and externalizing problems. attention focusing and distraction (i.e., diverting
In contrast, a low initial level resiliency predicted attention from unpleasant or task-irrelevant infor-
onset of alcohol use and drunkenness only, but not mation; Eisenberg & Spinrad, 2004).
onset of other drug use. These findings are similar to It is important to note that onset of alcohol and
the data reported by Block et al. (1988) and Shedler drug use does not necessarily imply subsequent
and Block (1990). In these studies, lack of ego control problems. National data show that about 23% of U.S.
predicted drug use more consistently than resiliency. adolescents aged 12 – 15 have used alcohol in the
1030 Wong et al.

past 30 days and 11% of adolescents aged 12 – 17 Limitations and Future Directions
have used illicit drugs in the past month (Substance
Our study has several limitations and our results
Abuse and Mental Health Science Administration,
point to several directions for future research. First,
2003). Among those adolescents who used alcohol or
we did not examine factors that may affect the tra-
drugs, only a subgroup will continue to develop al-
jectories of behavioral control and resiliency. Exam-
cohol or drug-related problems. The task of identi-
ples include parent psychopathology, family conflict,
fying this subgroup and the risk factors that lead to
and positive and negative interactions among family
problematic substance use remains an important is-
members (Loukas, Zucker, Fitzgerald, & Krull, 2003).
sue for researchers. The developmental trajectories
Second, we examined outcomes in early to mid-ad-
of behavioral control and resiliency are related to
olescence. As the sample moves into late adolescence
onset of drinking, drunkenness, use of other illicit
and early adulthood, the effects of behavioral control
drug use, and number of alcohol problems in ado-
and resiliency on substance use and behavioral
lescence. It is possible that behavioral control (lower
problems may change. For instance, although behav-
initial levels, lower rates of increase over time) and
ioral control is a protective factor for onset of alcohol
resiliency (lower initial levels) may be important risk
use in early adolescence, extremely high levels of
factors of problematic substance use in late adoles-
control (i.e., overcontrol) and low levels of resiliency
cence and early adulthood. As our study progresses,
may contribute to the development of negative affect
we intend to track these relationships and examine
in late adolescence and early adulthood, which in
possible mediators and moderators.
turn may lead to the onset of substance use. Future
Emotionality did not moderate the relationship
studies need to address the effects of behavioral
between behavioral control and most substance use
control and resiliency on substance use using longi-
variables except number of substance use problems.
tudinal data spanning a wider age range than the
A faster rate of increase in behavioral control was
one reported here. Third, we did not examine the
related to a lower number of alcohol problems in the
possible reciprocal relationship between behavioral
high emotionality group than the low emotionality
control/resiliency and substance use. For instance,
group. This is consistent with the argument of Eisen-
while low levels and slow rates of increase in behav-
berg, Guthrie et al. (1997), who suggested that regu-
ioral control increase the probability of alcohol use,
latory processes such as behavioral control are more
once alcohol use is initiated and escalated, it may
important for individuals who are high in negative
decrease one’s ability to control impulses and be-
emotionality (i.e., prone to negative emotions). Be-
havior. To examine fully the bidirectional relation-
cause this is the first study that examines the longi-
ship between behavioral control/resiliency and
tudinal relationship between behavioral control and
substance use, one needs data on substance use in
alcohol/drug use in children varying in emotionali-
late adolescence and early adulthood, when indi-
ty, replication of this moderator effect is needed.
vidual differences in substance use become more
Past research has found gender differences with
pronounced. Future studies including data from
regard to how behavioral control and resiliency af-
those developmental periods will help to address
fect behavior (Block, Gjerde, & Block, 1991; Block et
this issue. Finally, all participants were Caucasian
al., 1988). For instance, ego undercontrol and low
and were living with both of their biological parents
resiliency at age 3 – 4 predicted drug use at age 14 in
at Time 1. The findings may not generalize to chil-
girls whereas only ego undercontrol predicted ado-
dren in other racial or ethnic groups and children
lescent drug use in boys. We did not find any gender
who do not start out in intact families. Future re-
differences in the effects of behavioral control and
search is necessary to ascertain whether the results of
resiliency on alcohol and drug use outcomes. For
this study can be replicated in other samples.
both boys and girls, lower levels of behavioral con-
trol and resiliency predicted alcohol and drug use
outcomes. There were also no gender differences in
Concluding Remarks
the frequency of all the alcohol and drug use out-
comes. In comparison with the Berkeley sample, the This study has shown that the developmental
present sample is larger and comes from a high-risk trajectories of behavioral control and resiliency from
background (i.e., children of alcoholics and controls early childhood to adolescence predicted onset of
from comparable low socioeconomic neighbor- alcohol and drug use in adolescence. The effects of
hoods). Given the greater likelihood of substance use the trajectories on the outcomes remained even after
in this sample, gender differences may be either statistically controlling for the effects of externalizing
nonexistent or more muted. problems, a well-known risk factor for alcohol and
Trajectories of Behavioral Control and Resiliency 1031

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