The Journey For Higher Study at Abroad - USA Chapter PDF

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Journey for Higher Study at Abroad: USA Chapter

Thinking about higher studies seems as complex as thinking about Bermuda Triangle. The most
common question is how/where to begin and the most difficult question is how secure my career is
after completion of the study. I would like to share my experiences gained in my journey with you just
in case you get any help. I will try to explain everything step by step and will disclose everything as far
I can. But before you proceed with this paper, I better remind you that this paper concerns with USA
chapter only. Finally, information discussed in this paper is based on my personal observations. SO, I

Description Page no.
1. Total costs associated with Higher studies at USA 1
2. How and Where to begin 2
3. GRE/GMAT: Test that works for you 3
4. How to prepare for GRE/GMAT 3
5. Admission requirements for MS/MBA program 4
6. Funding/scholarship opportunities for your intended 5
7. Part-time job opportunities during study 5
8. Career opportunities after completion of study 6

1. Total costs associated with higher studies

Studying abroad is an expensive journey. The whole process costs around 6,00,000-8,00,000 BDT at
least. If you don’t think you can afford that much money, you better try something else. The break
down of total costs is given below.

Description Amount Remarks

GMAT ($250)/GRE ($180) 21,125/15,210 Each time you seat for GMAT/GRE, you will pay
this amount. Sometimes you may need to seat
for GMAT/GRE more than once to achieve your
target score. The minimum score SHOULD be
550 in GMAT and 300 in GRE for MS programs.
The higher your score is, the better chance you
will have.
IELTS 14,500 Your total band score should be at least 6.5 while
not less than 6 in each individual module. If your

Journey for Higher Study at Abroad: USA Chapter

total score is less than 6.5 whereas less than 6 in

any module, you won’t qualify for admission in
most of the universities. Certainly, you may find
Application fees for different 12,675-21,125 You can apply to 3-5 universities based on your
universities profile and financial capability. Application fees
usually run from $35-$100. There are some
universities that require students to send official
documents. Sending official papers to each
individual school will cost around 10,000 BDT.
So, it’s better to avoid those universities if
Bank Balance/Financial 0-16,90000 Once you get admission you will need to show
Solvency some balances in your sponsor’s account.
Depending on your scholarship amount, you
might be required to show from $0 to $20,000.
But you don’t need to have that amount of
money of your own. You can borrow that
amount from your relatives and deposit it in your
bank account to get the bank statement and
return it once you are done with visa interview.
Some banks provide this service subject to high-
interest rate.
VISA application fee 30,420 You will be charged this amount for the first time
($200+$160) you face a visa interview. Each time you face visa
interview after the first one (if you get rejected
at the first time), you will be charged $160.
Shopping 10,000-50,000 Depending on your requirements, you can spend
that amount for your pre-travel shopping.
Air fare 65,000- Depending on the Airlines or time of ticket
1,00,000 booking, you may incur that amount.
Amount that you will carry with 2,53,500- Depending on your preference and ability, you
you during travel to USA 4,22,500 may carry $3,000-$5,000 with you during your
travel to abroad.

2. How and Where to begin

You have to have a strong determination along with patience and the ability to spend money for higher
studies. Then you may follow the following steps to complete your journey.

Journey for Higher Study at Abroad: USA Chapter

1. You will need a competitive GRE/GMAT score. A competitive score in GMAT is at least 600 and
310 in GRE. I am not saying you won’t get admission if your score is lower than that. My
message means that once you have a competitive score, you will have more options to choose
2. Complete your IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5 and at least 6 in each individual module. You
can have TOEFL score too.
3. Research universities that meet your score and offer your intended program. If any university
doesn’t have its admission requirements in its website, send email to program coordinators.
You can post your profile and ask for recommendations to find suitable universities based on
your profile in following two Facebook pages.

4. Pick the best 3-5 universities that meet your profile and apply to those based on your financial
5. Once you get the admission, the university will tell you how to arrange documents for VISA
application or you can ask questions in above two pages.
6. Before finalizing your VISA interview, select the university that provides the highest
scholarship and requires the lowest personal fund.

3. GRE/GMAT: Test that works for you

There are controversy opinions about the complexity of GRE/GMAT. Students with a business
background and intended to pursue a business degree should take GMAT and students with
arts/science background and intended not to pursue business degrees should take GRE. But most of
the universities accept GRE instead of GMAT even for business students. If you have to know my
personal preference, I will recommend you take GMAT if you are a business student.

4. How to prepare for GRE/GMAT

I apologize first as I can’t give you any idea about GRE preparation. But you can find that information
in following two Facebook groups.

The following steps narrate how you can proceed with your GMAT journey.

Journey for Higher Study at Abroad: USA Chapter

1. Complete the Manhattan GMAT series to clarify the basic knowledge required in GMAT
2. Go over official GMAT review (13th edition onwards), official GMAT Quantitative review (2nd
edition onwards), official GMAT verbal review (2nd edition onwards) to get familiarized with
real GMAT questions.
3. Whenever you solve any questions from official GMAT review, try to figure out both how you
get a question right and how you get a question wrong. Learn and memorize every new
rule/pattern/logic that you come up with. Once you are done with solving questions, go over
the given explanations and compare your own logic with the one given in the explanations.
Make sure your logic makes sense and can be useful to solve other questions. Remember that
real GMAT questions will follow the same patterns as the official GMAT questions do.
4. If you can afford $200-$300, buy online GMAT accounts such as magoosh or eGMAT. Even you
can share money with your friend or study partner to buy an online account. Online materials
help a lot to earn the target score.
5. Try to complete official GMAT practice tests. You can access two free practice tests (practice
test 1 & 2) from by creating your own account. If possible, buy practice test #3 and
#4. This will cost you $49.99 (4,225 BDT). Once you complete a practice test, review both right
and wrong questions. If you google the questions, you will find explanations from different
websites. Try to find out why you get a question right/wrong and memorize any new
rule/pattern/logic that is given in explanations. Then reset the test and complete again. This
time you will feel more comfortable with the test and will get a higher score. Your actual GMAT
score should be +/- 20 of your GMAT score in practice tests.
6. You don’t necessarily need to join any coaching center. The best strategy is to arrange a group
7. The following materials should be fine for decent GMAT preparation.
I. Manhattan GMAT series (except Critical Reasoning)
II. PowerScore Bible Critical Reasoning
III. Official GMAT review, official GMAT quantitative/verbal review
IV. An online account such as magoosh or eGMAT.
V. Official GMAT practice tests 1-4 (if you can’t afford spending $49.99, than have at least
1 & 2)

5. Admission requirements for MS/MBA program

Most of the business schools go by the following requirements (you may find exceptions).

I. A minimum GMAT score of 550 (or equivalent GRE score that could be around 300-
II. A minimum GPA of 3.00 (There are some universities that admit the students with
GPA lower than 3.00. Remember a low GPA can be compensated by a high
GMAT/GRE such as 650 in GMAT and 315 in GRE).

Journey for Higher Study at Abroad: USA Chapter

III. A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 with not less than 6 in each individual module.
IV. 2-3 letter of recommendations.
V. A good Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement reflecting your personal,
academic, and career aspirations.
VI. Resume/CV
VII. Unofficial/Official transcripts (neither mark sheet nor certificate)
VIII. Application fee
IX. Relevant job experience (Job experience is not mandatory in all universities).
X. Though publications and extra curriculum activities aren’t mandatory for your
application, they will make your profile stronger.

6. Funding/scholarship opportunities for your intended program

In most of the cases, MS/MBA program in business school doesn’t provide full funding though most
of the business schools provide some amount of funding. It means that you will have to spend some
amount out of your pocket. Funding in the Business program may include the following.

I. Full tuition waiver/ Full tuition waiver up to certain credit hours/In-state tuition waiver
II. Per month/semester stipend of a certain amount
III. Health Insurance

Please remember that whatever the funding package is you may need to spend some amount out of
your pocket or at best you may end up having break-even. There is no way you can support your family
financially unless you work outside (illegally). You can manage the deficit amount from either spending
your personal funds or working outside (illegal job) that will be explained in the next section.

7. Part-time job opportunities during study

It’s advisable not to come to USA depending on working outside. It’s illegal to work outside during
your study. But there are some states where you can work outside (illegally and with the risk of getting
deported). Manage scholarships before you come. If you enter the US and get the opportunity of
working outside, you will be lucky. But you must not depend on that. Just for your kind information if
someone works outside, he/she can easily make $400-$500 every month. Also, I have seen students
who support their family financially during study. But in most of cases this type of students struggle a
lot to establish their career. States where students usually work outside are New York, Florida,
California, Texas etc. and states where students can’t even think about working outside are North
Dakota, Illinois etc. (in best of my knowledge).

Journey for Higher Study at Abroad: USA Chapter

8. Career opportunities after completion of study

Once you are done with your study, you will have the following options to choose from.

1. You may find a good job that will sponsor your visa if you are lucky and skilled enough. But this
is the most difficult option.
2. If you don’t find a suitable job, you can begin another MS program. This option is popular for
students who take admission to a university to keep their status legal and work outside to
make money. This type of students is at major risk. Because they get admitted to MS program
one after another and gain nothing except earning money. But when their VISA gets expired,
they can’t travel to Bangladesh as they can’t reenter the US. Also, their VISA won’t get
renewed as their profiles don’t look good and seem suspicious. I have seen a lot of BD students
who didn’t care about their skills during the study. They got more than one MS degree to stay
at the US so that they could earn money. They have aged around 32-35 but still are not married.
It seems like their life has no value. So, whatever you do, just make sure you don’t fall into this
3. If you like, you can begin PhD once you are done with your MS/MBA program.
4. If possible, you can get married to a Bangladeshi born US citizen.
5. You can always go back to Bangladesh.

Information discussed in this paper is

based on my personal observations.


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