Example of Notice of Divorce by Wife

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Example of Notice of Divorce by Wife

M.A. SAMAD 3/1, Janshon Road,

(Liakot Avenue),
Commissioner Dhaka-1100.
Ward No. 73 Tel: 7126090 (Off),
Dhaka City Corporation 7116970 (Res)
Ref: ............................ Date: 10/03/2004

Notice of Divorce by Wife

According to Section 7(1) of the Muslim Family Act, 1961

The humble submission is that I, Shumi Khan, Date of Birth: 03/05/1971, daughter of Ismail
Khan & Nasima Begum, of 82/D/3 Deno Nath Seen Road, Gandaria, Dhaka-1204, Nationality:
Bangladeshi, Religion: Islam, and Occupation: Housewife, hereby notify that I was married to
Joy, Date of Birth: 02/01/1967, son of Late Md. Sultan Khan & Maleka Begum, of 49
Mahuttouly, P.S.: Kotwali, Dhaka-1100, Nationality: Bangladeshi, Religion: Islam, and
Occupation: Business, on 08/03/1988 according to Muslim Law. Few months after the marriage,
my husband Joy left for Japan. Here, a male child took birth in my womb, born of my husband
Joy. Since, he went to Japan, he started rough behaving with me upon guising falsification. For
long, he remind disinterested to pay maintenance and living costs and quit hearing for our news.
I come to know via many reliable sources that he fell in fornication with an unknown woman in
Japan and trying to marry her. Such activities committed by him have transgressed the condition
of our marriage and worsen his morality. Thus, by exercising my right as conferred in section 18
of the Marriage Deed, I divorce thereby terminate the marriage with Joy on this 10/03/2004.

In this regard I sent this notice of divorce as per According to Section 7(1) of the Muslim Family
Act, 1961.
Sd/- Shumi Khan
Copy sent to:
Shumi Khan
1. M.A. Samad Witnesses:
Commissioner, Ward-73
2. Joy, 49 Mahuttouly, 1. Sd/-Illegible
Kotwali, Dhaka (seal)
3. Abdul Awal (Marriage Registrar) 2. Sd/-Illegible
Naya Bazar, Dhaka.
3. Sd/-Illegible

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