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Formal Assessment

Generations Project

Now’s the fun part: let’s put together what we’ve learned throughout our Narrative & Poetry 
Unit. Remember, the ​theme​ we examined through our essential question: ​What can one generation 
learn from another​? Think about influential people in your life from other generations. It could be 
someone you really loved and knew for a long time, or it could be someone who was just passing 
through. Write about how they’ve influenced you and made an impact on your life. 
OPTION #1: 5 Poems 
Please write ​five poems​ about someone in your life who has 
impacted you. They could all be about one person, or about 
different people. Also, please decorate the poems. You may draw 
or use images from the internet.  
For example, I may write five poems about my grandmother OR I 
could write one poem for five family members. (Remember, these 
poems could also be about friends, mentors, camp counselors, 
after school care leaders, etc.) 
OPTION #2: Essay 
Please write a ​five paragraph​ essay about a person 
who has had a great impact on you. Make sure that 
you’re including elements of language that we have 
learned in order to create a wonderful piece. You 
may write about one instance, like a day in the park, 
or about the person as a whole. 
OPTION #3: Photo Album 
Select ​10 photos​ that depict people who have played a 
significant role in your life. You must arrange these photos 
artfully and compile them together. Additionally, each photo 
should have a 4-5 sentence description. See next page for 

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