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slopes of 150 db/khz were commonly ments on the auditory system of CF 8. H.-U. Schnitzler, Z. Vergl. Physiol.

57, 376
(1968); G. Neuweiler, ibid. 67, 273 (1970).
encountered and in one animal the bats, and perhaps other vertebrates, be 9. 0. W. Henson, Jr., in Biology of Bats, W. A.
carried out on unanesthetized, awake Wimsatt, Ed. (Academic Press, New York,
slope was 210 db/khz. The difference 1970), vol. 2, p. 181.
between the best frequency and adja- animals. 10. A. Novick and J. R. Vaisnys, Biol. Bull. 127,
478 (1964); A. Novick, Amer. Sc. 59, 198
cent insensitive portions of the audio- GEORGE POLLAK. (1970).
metric curve ranged from 28 to 44 db 0. W. HENSON, JR. 11. 0. W. Henson, Jr., and G. D. Pollak, Phys-
Department of Anatomy, iol. Behav., in press.
on the low-frequency side and from 12. Awake is defined as the ability to eat, drink,
27 to 54 db on the high-frequency side Yale University, and emit pulses.
(14). New Haven, Connecticut 06520 13. Designed after W. C. Kuhl, 0. R. Schodder,
and F. K. Schroder, Acustica 4, 519 (1954).
Sharply tuned audiograms were en- ALVIN NovICK 14. The tuning was not influenced by the elec-
countered only in awake bats. In three Department of Biology, Yale University trode position relative to the cochlear aque-
duct. In one experiment, the audiogram was
anesthetized animals there was some examined as the electrode was lowered
References and Notes through the brain in 0.5-mm increments
tuning, but it was significantly different without any apparent change in tuning. In
from that seen in the same bat after 1. D. R. Griffin, Listening in the Dark (Yale several bats the electrode missed the aque-
Univ. Press, New Haven, 1958). duct by 2 or 3 mm, but the audiograms
recovery from the anesthesia (Fig. 3). 2. A. Novick, J. Mammal. 44, 44 (1963). were still sharply tuned. In contrast, the ab-
The CF portion of the pulse -was 3. 0. W. Henson, Jr., in Animal Sonar Systems, solute thresholds were markedly affected by
R. G. Busnel, Ed. (Laboratoire de Physiolo- electrode placement. In the bats that had poor
analyzed in several bats to determine gie Acoustique, Jouy-en-Josas-78, France, placements but sharp tuning the best frequen-
the relation between the best frequency 1967), vol. 2, p. 949; 0. W. Henson, Jr., and cy thresholds were 30 to 40 db higher than
M. M. Henson, AIBS-NASA Symposium on those that had properly positioned electrodes.
of the audiogram and the frequency of Animal Orientation and Navigation, Wallops Among the bats with good electrode place-

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the CF pulse component (15). In all Station, Va., 1970, in press. ments, there was no more than + 5-db dif-
4. H.-U. Schnitzler, Z. Vergl. Physiol. 68, 25 ference in those thresholds.
cases the frequency was significantly (1970). 15. Pulses were recorded with a condenser micro-
below the best frequency. The differ- 5. A. D. Grinnell, ibid., p. 117. phone during flight, while the bat was hang-
6. The cruising pulses of C. pamellti are on ing on a wall, and while it was restrained
ence between the two frequencies aver- the order of 20 to 25 msec in duration with as previously described. The output of the
aged about 1500 hz. a fundamental frequency of about 30 khz microphone was sent to a modified counter
and a prominent second harmonic of approx- (General Radio, model 1192-B) which yielded
The 1500-hz difference between the imately 60 khz (2). During the first milli- a d-c signal directly proportional to the
frequency of the CF component of the second of emission the frequency (second signal period in real time. The output of the
harmonic) often rises from about 56 to 60 pulse could thereby be measured to an ac-
pulse and the best frequency of the khz and then stays constant (the constant curacy of 100 hz.
bat's audiogram is equivalent to the frequency portion of the pulse); during the 16. N. Suga, J. Physiol. London 172, 449 (1964).
last 2 msec of emission the frequency sweeps 17. A. D. Grinnell, ibid. 167, 38 (1963).
amount of Doppler shift expected from downward to about 45 khz (the terminal FM 18. This work was supported by PHS grant NB
portion of the pulse).
the flight speed of C. parnellii (10). It 7. D. R. Griffin, Symp. Zool. Soc. London 7, 7616-09.
appears that these bats, like the Rhi- 61 (1962). 30 September 1971
nolophidae of Europe, emit a CF com-
ponent to which their ears are relatively
insensitive, but as long as there is any
relative movement between a bat and
its target the CF component of the echo Nutritional and Environmental Interactions in the
can be Doppler shifted into a more
sensitive portion of the hearing range Behavioral Development of the Rat: Long-Term Effects
(4, 8). In our most sharply tuned prep-
arations the audiograms indicated that Abstract. The behavioral effects of early malnutrition and early environ-
the cochlear receptor was up to 44 db mental isolation were observed in male rats. Dietary and environmental manipu-
more sensitive to Doppler-shifted echoes lations occurred during the first 7 weeks of life, after which followed a 10-week
than to the frequencies of the emitted recovery period. On the basis of several different responses, it was found that the
pulse. This, even without neural sharp- behavioral effects of early malnutrition were exaggerated by the environmental iso-
ening mechanisms (5, 16), could per- lation. In most cases, the behavioral effects of early malnutrition were complete-
mit the system to function efficiently ly eliminated by supplying "additional stimulation" early in life. Two theoretical
during periods of pulse-echo overlap. mechanisms are proposed to explain these findings.
Previous experiments have shown that
bats in general, and CF bats in particu- Malnutrition suffered early in the life of -animals (5). The purpose of the
lar, have sharply tuned central auditory of a child (1) or an experimental ani- study reported here was to compare the
systems (5, 9, 16, 17). What is remark- mal (2) has been shown to result in effects and possible interactions of early
able, however, is that the system is so long-term behavioral abnormalities. In malnutrition and environmental condi-
exquisitely tuned as far peripherally as animals, the most characteristic change tions on various aspects of adult be-
the receptor level. No cochlear micro- in adult behavior is an increase in emo- havior in the rat.
phonic audiogram in any vertebrate has tional responsiveness (3). Other kinds All experimental manipulations oc-
yet been reported which even ap- of mahipulations introduced very early curred within the first 7 weeks of life.
proaches the degree of frequency speci- in the life of animals also have long- A 2 x 3 factorial design was used com-
ficity in Chilonycteris. term consequences upon adult behavior. bining two levels of nutrition and three
The finding that anesthesia profound- Stimulation produced by daily handling environmental situations. The nutrition-
ly affects tuning at the receptor level of the neonatal rat has been reported to al treatment was as follows. Pregnant
was completely unexpected. Changes of decrease adult emotionality (4). More- rats gave birth within our laboratory.
this type have not been previously re- over, early social or environmental iso- The pups were reduced to eight per dam.
ported and are diffictult to explain. How- lation has been found to result in an in- All males were retained, and females
ever, they require that future experi- crease in the emotional responsiveness were discarded. The dams were then
68 SCIENCE, VOL. 176
randomly divided into two groups, one
group receiving an optimum diet com- 600F a
posed solely of purified ingredients con-
taining 25 percent (by weight) casein
and the other group receiving a low- 500F a
protein diet containing 12 percent casein
which caused a reduction in milk pro-
duction (6). The male pups were 400F
weaned at 21 days of age. The pups 4-'

frolm dams receiving the 25 percent .-

casein diet continued with this diet for 3 3001-
the duration of the experiment. The
pups from the protein-restricted dams 0
were weaned to a 3 percent casein diet 2001-
for the next 4 weeks, *then were given la
the 25 percent casein diet.
The control environmental condi-
tions consisted of maintenance of the I1oo0 a 9
neonatal animals in standard rat nurs- a

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ing cages for the 3-week preweaning a
period (18.3 by 23.0 by 13.7 cm, stain- 0
- -

v94 St
l0 12 14
, 24
less steel, solid-sided boxes). The ani-
mals were then moved to individual Time (weeks)
Fig. 1. Growth curves of all groups across the course of the experiment. Well-nourished
wire cages where they remained for the rats: 0, stimulated; OL, control; A, isolated; malnourished rats: 0, stimulated; *,
balance of the experiment. These control; V, isolated.
animals were handled only once a
week for weighing purposes, and their
food cups and water bottles were Ten weeks of recovery were allowed effect on the rats exposed to early mal-
changed every 3 days. before behavioral testing was begun. nourishment than the well-fed controls.
The conditions for environmental The effect of the low-protein diet was The next series of behavioral observa-
stimulation consisted of housing the neo- quiet severe, resulting in very little tions involved various aspects of social
nates in the same type of nursing cage growth (Fig. 1). Recovery was quite behavior. Two animals of the same
as was used in the control conditions, rapid, although the growth rate of the group were placed in the same observa-
but in these cases the pups were picked previously malnourished rats decreased tion box for a 20-minute session. An
up and handled for approximately to the same level as that of the controls observer recorded the frequency and
3 minutes every day during the nurs- at albout 15 weeks and remained at a the duration of mutual grooming, fight-
ing period. After wesaning at 3 weeks level similar to that of the controls for ing, and following behavior. Frequency
they were housed in wire cages in pairs. the duration of the experiment. There measures were found to be too variable
They continued to receive daily han- was no significant effect of the environ- to analyze. The duration data are pre-
dling and, in addition, were placed in a mental variables on growth rate. sented in Fig. 2, B through D. Although
large wooden box (58 by 34 cm) con- The first behavioral test consisted of the previously malnourished rats showed
taining many different toys along with a measurement of the amount of loco- a higher mean time spent mutually
five other animals of the same group motion in an open field. The apparatus grooming than their well-nourished con-
for a 1-hour "play" period 5 days a consisted of a large wooden box (27.0 trols, the effect was not found to be
week. by 34.5 by 45.5 cm) with a Plexiglas significant.
The conditions for environmental front. Four photocells, equally spaced A following response was defined
isolation consisted of a minimum of across the length of the box, were when the movement of one animal
handling during the. suckling period. At located 5.5 cm above the floor. A re- across the field was closely followed by
weaning, the animals were placed in- sponse was electronically counted only the other animal. The environmental
dividually into wire cages within a when the animal moved completely conditions had no significant effect on
closed wooden chamber. Each cage was from one photocell beam to another. following responses in the well-
isolated from the others by means of Tihis procedure eliminated the possibility nourished groups, but early environ-
wooden partitions on all sides. These of extraneous counts as a result of mental restriction produced a highly
animals received no handling, and the mere body position such as tail or head significant effect in the early-malnour-
chamber was opened only every 3 days movement. Each session lasted 20 ished 'animals (P < .01) (Fig. 2B).
to provide adequate food and water. minutes. The results are presented in A fighting response was defined when
The chambers produced a lightproof, Fig. 2A. the two animals engaged in fighting,
sound-attenuated environment. Blowers An 'analysis of variance showed which usually was accompanied by some
provided air circulation and a continu- open-field locomotion to be significantly squealing -and escape movements by one
ous masking noise. increased by early environmental isola- of the animals. As in the following re-
At 7 weeks of age all animals were tion (P < .01) and early malnutrition sponse and in the locomotor response,
given the same environ,ment and nutri- (P < .01). Moreover, the significant in- the effect of early environmental con-
tional conditions as the controls. Each teraction (P < .02) indicated that early ditions was considerably more profound
group had no fewer than eight animals. environmental isolation had a greater in the early-malnourished groups than
7 APRIL 1972 69
in their well-fed controls. The differ- cant (P <.05). Moreover, no discern- observed to engage in considerably more
ence in fighting time between the ible effect of the early isolation could fighting behavior than their well-nour-
early-stimulated and early-isolated group be olbserved in the well-nourished group. ished controls. In the isolation condi-
was statistically significant (P < .01), F:rankova (7) was the first to suggest tions, on the other hand, there was no
whereas no significant difference could that an interaction may exist between occasion for the fighting response to
be observed in the well-nourished ani- earl)y nutrition and early environmental be observed and thus no opportunity
mals (Fig. 2C). conclitions in the development of be- for this response sequence to be altered
Finally, the tendency of the animals havi[or in animals. Our data are in com- in the malnourished animal.
to explore a new environment was ob- pleteD agreement with this view. In all The mechanism through which early
served. Only the early-stimulated and respionses observed except the fighting malnutrition and environmental stimula-
early-isolated animals were used. A resp onse, whatever effect early malnutri- tion may interact to produce long-
small room (25.5 by 23 cm) was built tion produced, its effect was always ex- term behavioral changes is not at all
adjacent to the open field which was agge rated by environmental isolation clear. There exist at least two possibili-
connected through a 12- by 12-cm open- and depressed by environmental stimu- ties. Malnutrition may change the ex-
ing. The animals were placed individu- latiotn. Levitsky has shown that early perience or perception of the environ-
ally in the open field for a 55-minute malinutrition results in an increase in ment during the period of early de-
period. The percentage of the animals loco motor activity when tested in a velopment by physiologically rendering
of each group which entered the "new smal11 open field (8); this response is the animal less capable of receiving or
room" for every 5-minute segment is posi tively correlated with other mea- integrating, or both, information about
plotted in Fig. 2D. Here also the in- sure s of emotionality (3). Moreover, de- the environment. Many profound

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teraction between early malnutrition and crea ses in exploratory behavior were changes take place within the central
environment becomes apparent. There also observed to result from early mal- nervous system as well as in the rest

was no effect of early malnutrition in nutrrition (9). of the body during a period of mal-
the early-stimulated animals. On the The fighting response, however, ap- nutrition in early development. De-
other hand, when early malnutrition was peairs in contradiction. During the 1- creases in brain size (10), DNA con-
combined with early environmental hou:r "play" period of stimulation, tent of the brain (11), myelinization
isolation, a marked reduction in ex- whe re six animals of each dietary group (12), cortical dendritic growth (13),
polaratory behavior resulted. A chi- werie placed in an enclosed "play- brain cholinesterase content (14), and
square test proved the difference signifi- grou nd," the malnourished animals were brain norepinephrine control (15) have
been reported in young malnourished
rats. Environmental stimulation pro-
-B duces changes in brain norepinephrine
content (16) and cholinesterase content
50 (17), as well as cortical dendritic
growth (18). Thus, physiological mech-
40 - anisms which may be responsible for
the long-term effects of early stimula-
U) U, 30 - tion may not be operative because of
a concurrent state of malnutrition dur-
20 - ing a critical period of development.
Another mechanism through which
lo0 early malnutrition and environmental
variables may interact may be purely
behavioral in nature. Malnutrition may
produce behavior that is incompatible
with the incorporation of environmental
60r- information necessary for optimum cog-
c 100 I0.
nitive growth. In the case of a mal-
nourished animal, the behavior may be
so primarily food-oriented and, in the
40 case of a malnourished child, the be-
havior may be expressed as apathy and
c 301
In 60s social withdrawal (19). Thus, specific
kinds of information or specific
20p 40 behavioral responses which may be re.
quired for optimum cognitive develop-
lo 20 ment as reflected by test behavior or ed-
ucational performance may be absent
0 L- I -1. 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 1001 or reduced in the malnourished child as
Stimulated Control Isoloted
Environmentol Conditions Time Segments a result of a higher priority of responses
Fig. 2. Mean and standard error of (A) locom( otor, (B) following, and (C) fighting elicited by the malnutrition.
responses. (Shaded area) Low-protein diet; (unsl haded area) control diet. The explora- The demonstration of a behavioral
tory response (D) is expressed as the percentag3e of animals within each group that interaction between early nutritional
entered the new environment per 5-minute timie segments during the course of' the
test session. Well-nourished rats: *, stimulated ,, isolated; malnourished rats: o, conditions and the environment of young
stimulated; [O, isolated. animals not only demonstrates the
70 SCIENCE, VOL. 176

complexity of understanding deter- holism. Specifically, we may use as
M. Sly, J. Psychosom. Res. 4, 185 (1960).
6. R. H. Barnes, C. S. Neely, E. Kwong, B. A.
minants of behavior, but also points out Labadan, S. Frankova, J. Nutr. 96, 467such a model, one of the species most
the profundity of early experience and (1968). closely related to man, the chimpanzee.
7. S. Frankova, in Malnutrition, Learning, and
early nutrition as major contributors to When chimpanzees were 1 to 7
Behavior, N. S. Scrimshaw and J. E. Gordon,
Eds. (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1968).
months old, we offered them doses of
ultimate adult behavior. 8. D. A. Levitsky, paper presented at the Sym-
DAVID A. LEVITSKY ethanol mixed with a liquid diet at
posium on Malnutrition and Behavior, AAAS
meeting, Boston, 1969.
Graduate School of Nutrition and scheduled feeding times. Normal weight
9. S. Frankova and R. H. Barnes, J. Nutr. 96,
Department of Psychology, Cornell gains were maintained in these develop-
477 (1968); M. Simonson, J. K. Stephan, H.
M. Hanson, B. F. Chow, ibid. 101, 331 (1971).
University, Ithaca, New York 14850 ing animals with a liquid diet based
10. W. J. Culley and R. 0. Lineberger, ibid. 96,
RICHARD H. BARNES 375 (1968). upon a standard nursery formula (SMA,
11. M. Winick and A. Noble, ibid. 89, 300 (1966).
Graduate School of Nutrition, Wyeth) combined with Provimalt (C.
12. J. Dobbins and E. M. Widdowson, Brain 88,
357 (1965). B. Fleet Co.), a high protein additive
Cornell University 13. G. Horn, Anat. Rec. 121, 63 (1955); J. T.
References and Notes
Eayrs and G. Horn, ibid., p. 53. (5), and with a multivitamiin prepara-
14. F. Sereni, N. Principi, L. Perletti, L. Sereni,
tion. Ethanol or isocalorically substi-
Biol. Neonatorum 10, 254 (1966); H. S. Im, R.
1. J. Cravioto and B. Robles, Amer. J. Ortho- H. Barnes, D. A. Levitsky, W. G. Pond,tuted lactose was then added so that
psychiat. 35, 449 (1965); M. B. Stoch and paper presented at the meeting of the Federa-
P. M. Smythe, S. Afr. Med. J. 41, 1027 19 percent of the total daily caloric
tion of American Societies for Experimental
(1967); M. Gerber and R. F. A. Dean,
Coutrrier 6, 3 (1956). Biology, Chicago, 1971. intake
15. W. J. Shoemaker and R. J. Wurtman, Science
was derived from protein, 16
2. J. J. Cowley and R. D. Griesel, J. Genet. 171, 1017 (1971).
Psychol. 95, 187 (1959); Psychol. Afr. 9, 216
percent from fat, 20 to 65 percent from
16. H. Corrodi, K. Fuxe, T. Hokfelt, Life Sci.
(1962); R. H. Barnes, S. R. Cunnold, R. R. carbohydrate, and 0 to 45 percent from
7, 107 (1968); K. E. Moore and E. W. Lari-

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Zimmermann, H. Simmons, R. B. MacLeod, ethanol. The animals were offered this
vierre, Biochem. Pharmacol. 13, 1098 (1964).
L. Krook, J. Nutr. 89, 399 (1966); S. Fran-
17. J. C. LaTorre, Exp. Neurol. 22, 493 (1969);
kova and R. H. Barnes, ibid. 96, 485 (1968); mixture in baby bottles four to five
M. R. Rosenzweig, D. Krech, E. L. Bennet,
H. A. Guthrie, Physiol. Behav. 3, 619 (1968); times
M. C. Diamond, in Early Experience and Be- daily, depending upon their age.
M. Simonson and B. F. Chow, J. Nutr. 100, havior, G. Newton and S. Levine, Eds.
685 (1970). Since the ethanol dose for each animal
(Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1968); J. T. Tapp
3. D. A. Levitsky and R. H. Barnes, Nature
225, 468 (1970). is dependent upon his acceptance of
and H. Markowitz, Science 140, 486 (1963).
18. S. Schapiro and K. R. Vukovich, Science
4. See reviews by S. Levine and V. H. Denen- 167. 292 (1970). the liquid diet, we found it necessary
berg in Stimulation in Early Infancy, A.
19. M. C. Latham, in Calorie Deficiencies and
Ambrose, Ed. (Academic Press, London, to begin by offering ethanol in concen-
Protein Deficiencies, R. A. McCance and
1969). E. M. Widdowson, Eds. (Cambridge Univ.trations as low as 1 percent (weight
5. W. A. Mason, R. K. Davenport, E. M. Men- Press, Cambridge, England, 1968).
zel, in Early Experience and Behavior, G. to volume). We then gradually increased
20. Supported in part by funds supplied through
Newton and S. Levine, Eds. (Thomas, Spring- the concentration to as much as 10
the State University of New York and by
field, Ill., 1968); R. Melzack, J. Comp. Physiol.
research grants from the National Institute
Psychol. 47, 166 (1954); A. H. Riesen, in of Child Health and Human Development percent, resulting in daily doses of from
Sensory Deprivation, P. Solomon, P. E. Kub- 2 g/kg of body weight initially to as
(HD-02581) and the Nutrition Foundation.
zansky, P. H. Liederman, J. H. Mendel- We thank Miss T. Shanahan for excellent
son, R. Trumbull, D. Wexler, Eds. (Harvard assistance. high as 8 g/kg during the weeks prior
Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1961); J. A.
Stern, G. Winokur, A. Eisenstein, R. Taylor,
4 May 1971; revised 21 July 1971 to withdrawal. At the higher daily doses
(above 5 to 7 g/kg) fluctuating con-
centrations of ethanol in blood were
oontinuously present, reaching diurnal
The Chimpanzee as an Animal Model maximums of 250 to 500 mg per 100
ml of blood. Corresponding diurnal
for Investigating Alcoholism minimums of 50 to 300 mg per 100
ml of blood occurred just before
Abstract. Young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) will accept ethanol in quantities the first morning feeding. Since the
sufficient to produce symptoms of withdrawal when ethanol is subsequently dis- animals were not fed between 11
continued. Mild to severe symptoms of physical dependence, including grand mal p.m. and 8 a.m., a pattern of with-
seizures, are observed when ethanol is abruptly withdrawn after 6 to 10 weeks of drawal symptoms began to emerge dur-
chronic oral intake. In addition, the rate of disappearance of ethanol in blood ing the early morning hours if the con-
increased during periods of chronic ingestion, an indication of developing meta- centration of ethanol in blood de-
bolic tolerance. These results suggest that the young chimpanzee may be a suit- creased to less than 100 to 150 mg per
able model for experimental studies of alcoholism. 100 ml of blood. The observed
hyperreflexia, mild tremulousness, and
Experimental investigation of the ductioin of aqueous ethanol solutions irritability were readily reversed when
parameters associated with alcoholism directly into the stomach, through a ethanol was administered in the first
has been limited by the lack of suitable gastric catheter. With the exception of morning feeding. Thus, the continual
animal models. Recently, however, Freund (1), who reduced body weight presence of ethanol in the blood appears
Freund (1) reported physical depend- to enhance ingestion of a liquid diet to be an important factor in the de-
ence in mice after oral intake of ethanol, containing ethanol, all of these investi- velopment of physical dependence, an
and Goldstein and Pal (2) obtained gators employed forced administration observation consistent with other re-
withdrawal reactions in mice by forcing to achieve physical dependence. We ports (1, 6, 7).
them to continuously inhale ethanol have obtained an increasing 'oral ac- By gradually increasing the dosage,
while partially blocking ethanol metabo- ceptance of ethanol by chimpanzees the animals only infrequently refused
lism with daily injections of pyrazole. (Pan troglodytes), and have achieved their ethanol-containing diet. When an
Physical dependence has also been pro- pharmacologically significant ooncentra- occasional refusal did occur, however,
duced in dogs (3) by administration of tions of ethanol in blood and subsequent the ethanol concentration was tempo-
ethanol through an implanted gastric withdrawal reactions in those subjects. rarily reduced, and a normal level of
cannula, and in dogs and rhesus mon- Thus, animal,models may be appropri- food consumption was reestablished, so
keys (Macaca mulatta) (4) by intro- ately used in investigations of alco- that the possibility that the coercive
7 APRIL 1972 71
Nutritional and Environmental Interactions in the
Behavioral Development of the Rat: Long-Term Effects
David A. Levitsky and Richard H. Barnes (April 7, 1972)
Science 176 (4030), 68-71. [doi: 10.1126/science.176.4030.68]

Editor's Summary

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