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Program Overview


Program Type: Application-Specific Program (see Pages 2 - 4 for further details)
Power Plant Types: Gas Turbine Simple Cycle, GT & HRSG, GT and Reciprocating Engine Combined Cycle, Cogeneration
(CHP) Systems, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), Desalination Plants (MSF, MED, RO), CO 2 Capture and
Sequestration Plants.
Program Features: Automated Design and Off-Design/Simulation. Gas Turbine Database with more than 560 GT and
Reciprocating Engine specifications. Cost Estimation and Techno-Economic optimization in conjunction with the
PEACE module. Automatic Optimized Cooling System Operation in Off-Design. Multiple Runs to display techno-
economical design trends in GT PRO, and produce load profiles in GT MASTER. Bi-Directional Link with MS EXCEL to
run plant design and simulation from MS EXCEL. GT PRO and GT MASTER designs can be transferred to the Fully-
Flexible Program THERMOFLEX. GT PRO and GT MASTER files can be linked to THERMOFLEX models.


Program Type: Application-Specific Program (see Pages 2 - 4 for further details)
Power Plant Types: Conventional Coal/Oil/Gas Fired Plants, Cogeneration Systems (CHP), Biomass Plants, Waste
Incineration Plants, Desalination Plants, Solar (CSP Power Block) and Nuclear Cycles, CO2 Capture and Sequestration
Program Features: Automated Design and Off-Design/Simulation. Fuel Database with more than 180 pre-defined
fuels (coal/gas/biomass/RDF). Cost Estimation and Techno-Economic optimization in conjunction with the PEACE
module. Automatic Optimized Cooling System Operation in Off-Design. Multiple Runs to display techno-economical
design trends in STEAM PRO, and produce load profiles in STEAM MASTER. Bi-Directional Link with MS EXCEL to run
plant design and simulation from MS EXCEL. STEAM PRO designs can be transferred to the Fully-Flexible Program

Program: PEACE (Plant Engineering And Construction/Cost Estimator)

Program Type: Optional program for use with GT PRO/MASTER, STEAM PRO/MASTER, and THERMOFLEX
Program Features: provides additional inputs to automate the preliminary engineering and cost estimation, logical
cost functions, balance-of-plant & techno-economic optimization, detailed hardware specifications.

Program Type: Fully-Flexible Program (see Pages 2 - 4 for further details)
Power Plant Types: Gas Turbine Simple Cycle, GT & HRSG, GT Combined Cycle, Cogeneration (CHP) Systems,
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), Desalination Plants (MSF, MED, RO), Conventional Coal/Oil/Gas Fired
Plants, Biomass Plants, Waste Incineration Plants, Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plants (CSP), CO2 Capture Plants,
Nuclear Cycles, Kalina Cycles, Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC), and others.
Program Features: Graphical Interface with more than 180 components. Design and Off-Design/Simulation. Gas
Turbine Database with more than 560 GTs. Reciprocating Engine database with more than 390 gas and/or liquid
fueled engines. Fuel database with more than 180 pre-defined fuels (coal/gas/LNG/biomass/RDF). US NIST fluid
property database. Cost Estimation and Techno-Economic optimization in conjunction with the PEACE module.
Multiple Runs to display techno-economical design trends and to produce load profiles. Bi-Directional Link with MS
EXCEL to run plant design and simulation from MS EXCEL. Loading of GT PRO, GT MASTER, and STEAM PRO files into
THERMOFLEX. Able to build composite models by links to GT PRO, GT MASTER, and STEAM MASTER.

Application-Specific or Fully-Flexible Program?

In Application-Specific programs, the plant model is built from the top down (see graphic on page 3). Big picture
selections are made first, such as plant configuration. The process then continues to lower-level decisions, such as
selecting the types of subsystems to be included. Finally, the lowest-level decisions (details) are made. These lowest
level decisions are logically and automatically generated by the program. The structured approach automatically
considers all interactions between the subsystems. It also allows many decisions to be managed by the program. At
any level, however, the user is free to alter any or all of the program´s automatic selections.

In Fully-Flexible programs, the plant is built from the bottom up (see graphic on page 3). The user constructs the
subsystems from their basic elements, then the overall scheme emerges from the interconnected subsystems. This
method allows great latitude and flexibility, but less structured guidance. The Fully-Flexible approach places a much
greater burden of labor and logic on the user.

Combining Application-Specific with Fully-Flexible

Thermoflow´s Application-Specific and Fully-Flexible programs are designed to be used on their own, independently of
each other. However, their mutual compatibility and connectivity allows the user who has both types to get the best
of both modeling approaches. A plant model may be quickly and easily generated in the Application-Specific
environment, while one more of its subsystems may be custom built in the Fully-Flexible THERMOFLEX. This “Hybrid
Model” then operates seamlessly, as a single system.

Furthermore, THERMOFLEX can read a plant model built in one of the Application-Specific programs GT PRO, GT
MASTER, or STEAM PRO, allowing the user to transition from fast automated design to a Fully-Flexible environment.

Application Specific:

A plant model generated in the Application-Specific environment

(GT PRO or STEAM PRO) can be transferred to THERMOFLEX’s Fully-
Flexible environment.


Application-Specific Program Fully-Flexible Program

Many system modeling features and details are The program is more general, and can, in
already in a logical, ordered manner. All the user principle, model any system that its user wishes
needs to do is select which features to include and to define. The program provides a library of
the numerical values of relevant input component models, which the user can connect
parameters. Since many complex plant features graphically to construct any configuration. This
are already modeled within the software, the user allows greater variety than can possibly be
may invoke them by making a few guided included in an Application-Specific program.
selections rather than needing to synthesize their
model from elements. Due to the overall logical
structure, hundreds of inputs can be automatically
created or user-defined, and can be cross-checked
and validated to ensure their consistency,
preventing errors and crashes.

The pre-built models are, by their nature, finite. This type of program normally provides
The user is limited to features and details that are component-logic but leaves system-logic up to
within the pre-defined scope of the general its user. The burden placed upon the user is
model. Thus, in order to have a satisfactory thus, by its nature, far greater than for the
Application-Specific program, the pre-engineered Application-Specific type. The burden placed
model must be large and mature enough to upon the program itself is also much greater,
ensure that all reasonable features and details are because it must be capable of gracefully
included. Therefore, it takes many years to handling system configurations and component
develop a comprehensive family of programs of applications that its developers have never
this type, making them more expensive than a intended, conceived of, or tested. Since the
Fully-Flexible program that can cover the same program cannot always “know” what its user is
scope. trying to do, it cannot cross-check all inputs,
increasing the possibility of inconsistencies,
problematic calculations, and crashes, relative
to a robust, well –organized Application-Specific

GT & Recip. Engine Combined Cycle Design, Simulation, and Cost Estimation
GT PRO automates the process of designing a gas-turbine or reciprocating engine based power or cogeneration plant.
GT PRO is particularly effective for creating new designs and finding their optimal configuration and design parameters
considering technical performance and total plant cost (techno-economic optimization).

Cycle Flow Schematic: GTCC, Single-Shaft, 3p-RH

The user inputs design criteria and

assumptions and the program computes
heat and mass balance, system
performance, and equipment sizing. The
scope and level of detail in GT PRO has
been continuously growing since 1988, to
the point that the 2015 Version 25 has
over 3400 user-adjustable inputs.

PEACE Output: Site 3D View

Most key inputs are automatically created by intelligent design procedures that help the user identify the best design
with minimal time and effort, while allowing the flexibility to make any changes or user-adjustments.
GT PRO is truly easy to use, typically requiring only a few minutes to create a new plant design. It computes a heat
balance and simultaneously designs the required equipment and site infrastructure.

GT MASTER is the Off-Design Simulation companion to GT PRO. GT MASTER computes (steady-state and transient)
performance for varying ambient conditions, fuel selection, equipment loading, process steam/water flows, hardware
degradation levels, etc. The TIME feature (Time Integrated Modeling Economics) computes the project's NPV
considering cold/warm starts and shutdowns, various loads and ambient conditions throughout the year.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8







Thermoflow, Inc. C ompany: Thermoflow Training

Us er: Nancy
A B C D E F G H I J Date: 09/08/10
F Drawing No: F
5.503 m - 5.87 m 24.48 m 8.804 m 12.53 m 4.896 m 13.11 m 5.87 m -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PEACE/GT PRO 20.0.1 Nancy
File = C:\TFLOW20\MYFILES\InfoSheet.gtp

PEACE Output: HRSG Elevation 2D View PEACE Output: HRSG Elevation 2D View

When run in conjunction with the optional PEACE (Plant Engineering And Cost Estimator) module, the programs
provide extensive engineering and hardware specifications such as weight and dimensions, plant and equipment cost
estimation, and site details.
GT PRO and GT MASTER include a built-in library of over 560 gas turbine and reciprocating engine specifications,
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles (IGCC), Desalination Plants (RO, MSF, MED), and chemical / physical CO2
Capture and Sequestration (CCS) plants.
The 2015 versions include a bi-directional Link to MS-EXCEL (E-LINK) which allows running plant models from within
MS EXCEL by specifying inputs and receiving outputs in EXCEL cells. E-LINK makes it easy to produce Thermal Heat
Rate curves, integrated Annual Simulation results, etc.
A built-in scripting language allows to add own logical blocks to models, or to call an external DLL/EXE, so GT PRO and
GT MASTER models can run together with other programs.

Ramp-up of GTCC

Steady State Simulation

Transient Simulation

GT MASTER: Transient Simulation of GTCC Ramp-Up and comparison to Steady-State Simulation

Conventional Cycle Design, Simulation, and Cost Estimation

STEAM PRO automates the process of designing a conventional (Rankine Cycle) steam power plant. It is particularly
effective for creating new plant designs and finding their optimal configuration and design parameters considering the
plant performance and total plant cost (techno-economic optimization).

Plant net power 569992 kW Ambient

Number of units 1 1.013 p
Plant net HR (HHV) 10003 kJ/kWh 15 T
Plant net HR (LHV) 8491 kJ/kWh 60% RH
Plant net eff (HHV) 35.99 %
Plant net eff (LHV) 42.4 %
Aux. & losses 30031 kW
Fuel heat input (HHV) 1583803 kJ/s
Fuel heat input (LHV) 1344344 kJ/s
Fuel flow 11500 t/day


600023 kW

To stack HPT IPT 4x1 LPTs G

168.7 T
769.1 m
3000 RPM

168.7T 280 p 70 p
580 T 600 T
ID Fan 461.8 M 406.2 M 0.03 p
24.08 T
245.4 M

133.1 M Fuel (Rohbraunkohle (rheinl.))

165.4T 165.4 T 639.3 M Air
769.1 M
Dust collection
efficiency = 99.5 %
297 T

Double HP Feed Water Heater Train & Single LP Feed Water Heater Train

STEAM PRO 17.0 Huschka THERMOFLOW (Europe) GmbH p [bar] T [C] M [kg/s]

The user inputs design criteria and assumptions and

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the program computes heat and mass balance,
system performance, and component sizing. The
scope and level of detail in STEAM PRO has been
continuously growing since 1990, to the point that
B B the 2015 Version has over 2100 user-adjustable
inputs. Most key inputs are automatically created
B by intelligent design procedures that help the user
identify the best design with minimal time and
effort, while preserving the flexibility to make any
changes or adjustments.

D STEAM PRO is truly easy to use, typically requiring

To beater mill
only a few minutes to create a new plant design. It
normally computes a heat balance and
Thermoflow, Inc. Company: THERMOFLOW (Europe) GmbH
User: Huschka simultaneously designs the required equipment in

A B C D E F G H I J Date: 05/27/07
under fifteen seconds. When run in conjunction
F Drawing No: F
96.3 m 17.2 m 5.7 m 10.3 m 115 m 76.9 m - - - -
C:\Daten\Thermoflow Europe GmbH\Messen\Flyer\STP
with the optional PEACE (Plant Engineering And Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Estimator) module, the programs provide extensive
STEAM PRO 17.0 Huschka THERMOFLOW (Europe) GmbH
C:\Daten\Thermoflow Europe GmbH\Messen\Flyer\STP 2007.stp 1242 05-27-2007 21:16:28 engineering and cost estimation details.

STEAM PRO allows you to quickly
create steam plant design point
heat balances, complete with
outputs for plant hardware
description, preliminary
engineering and hardware details,
and cost estimate with PEACE.

The variety of steam plant

configurations is virtually endless.
From back pressure units with gas
fired boilers feeding desalination
plants, to oil-fired boilers feeding
straight condensing turbines with a
small number of heaters, to coal
fired PC boilers, or CFBs feeding
single reheat turbines with seven or
eight heaters, to supercritical
double-reheat plants of the largest
variety, or even biomass plants and
waste incineration plants using
grate fired boilers or BFB, each with
any sort of cooling system, are all
easily accommodated in STEAM

STEAM PRO includes a fuel

database with more than 180 pre-
defined coals, biomass, waste
materials, and other fuels. STEAM
PRO, in conjunction with PEACE,
has an option to automatically
include/exclude FGD, ESP or
baghouse filter, and SCR using
current fuel characteristics and
plant size for guidance. It also
allows inclusion of a
chemical/physical CO2 Capture

STEAM MASTER is the companion to STEAM PRO and is used for Off-Design simulation. STEAM MASTER computes
plant performance for varying ambient conditions, fuel characteristics and fuel blends, equipment loading, process
steam/water flows, hardware degradation levels, etc .

Fully-Flexible Plant Design, Simulation, and Cost Estimation
THERMOFLEX is a modular heat balance program with a graphical interface that allows you to assemble models using
icons representing over 180 components. The program covers both design and off-design modeling. It can model all
types of power and heat plants including GT or Reciprocating Engine Combined Cycles, Conventional
Coal/Oil/Gas/Biomass/Waste fired Rankine Steam Cycles, Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plants (CSP), Gasification
and CCS Systems, Seawater Desalination Plants, Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC), Kalina Cycles, Repowering, etc.
In conjunction with the optional PEACE (Plant Engineering And Cost Estimator) module, the program includes
engineering hardware models that provide detailed hardware specifications and cost estimates.

Flowsheet: GTCC, Single-Shaft, 3p-RH

THERMOFLEX provides the GT PRO gas turbine library and a reciprocating gas and diesel engine library which in the
2015 version include more than 560 gas turbine and 380 gas/diesel engine specifications. The Steam Turbine
Assembly feature provides automatic estimation of efficiencies, leakage flows and information about the entire steam
turbine such as dimensions, weight and costs.
THERMOFLEX also includes a fuel database with more than 180 pre-defined fuels such as coal, biomass, RDF, LNG,
and other fuels. The US NIST (REFPROP) fluid database is included besides a Heat Transfer Fluids/Molten Salts/Thermal
Oils database to provide properties for over 120 refrigerants, heat transfer fluids, hydrocarbons, and other pure
substances such as CO2. These fluids are used in modeling Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), closed cooling and
heating systems, desalination systems, Organic Rankine and Kalina Cycles, closed CO2 cycles, CO2 capture and
sequestration (CCS) plants, etc. Water properties based on IFC-67 and IAPWS-IF97 are available covering the
subcooled liquid, wet steam, superheated steam, and supercritical states. Properties of gaseous mixtures are included
covering a wide range of conditions including compressibility effects.
THERMOFLEX includes a bi-directional Link to MS-EXCEL (E-LINK) which allows running plant models from within MS
EXCEL by specifying inputs and receiving outputs in EXCEL cells. E-LINK makes it easy to produce Thermal Heat Rate
curves, integrated Annual Simulation results, Maximum Capacity Curves, etc. A built-in scripting language allows to
add own logical blocks, or to call an external DLL/EXE, so THERMOFLEX models can run together with external


In addition to being a comprehensive

standalone tool, THERMOFLEX becomes more
powerful when used together with
Thermoflow’s Application–Specific Programs


can be directly loaded into THERMOFLEX,
where they can be modified in the fully flexible
environment, and/or run in off-design mode.
Composite models, built partly in GT PRO, GT
can be created to take advantage of the best
features of the Application-Specific and Fully-Flexible approaches to plant modeling.


+1 508-303-5033 - +49 6407 906991 -


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