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Northern Senate Minutes 2010-2011

October 26, 2010

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

• Coram permitted (four people missing)

III. Approval of Minutes – October 12, 2010

IV. Opening issues

1. The Knightmare Dance
• On October 29th
• Buy your tickets right now
2. Town Hall
• It is important that all senators and class reps attend
• The topic will be: What do student rights mean to you?
• Feel free to suggest anyone who would be a good speaker
• Various politicians, journalists, and Exec members (namely Max)
will answer the topic question and then continue into a question
and answer period
3. Save a Child’s Heart
• This is a charity project unrelated to KIVA – it is all fundraising
• The organization will send us information about a kid’s condition
so we know where exactly the money is going
• An idea would be to start this initiative around Valentine’s Day
4. SAC Buyout
• One of these buyouts should be on a SAC day
• This way more people would know about SAC days and be
• Disney movie in the auditorium

V. Statements by Executive
1. President Oren Lefkowitz:
• Ecoteam and Fundraising Committee will definitely happen
• Anyone interested in being on them should talk to Oren
• Fundraising requires selling pizza in the front hall around twice a
2. Vice President Max Naylor:
• If you have an issue or something in mind that you are
passionate about, please step up and take initiative about it
• This year’s SAC wants to take on more issues that don’t only
necessarily pertain to school life
3. Treasurer Zach Morgenstern:
• The budget meeting will be tomorrow after school
• If you know any heads of clubs who are not senators, let them
Northern Senate Minutes 2010-2011
October 26, 2010

4. ESD Gareth Everard:
• Prom meeting tomorrow after school
5. ISD Natalie Wainwright:
• A few clubs still have to complete their charters list – talk to
Natalie if you know any club presidents who have not handed in
their charters
6. Secretary Laura Charney

VI. Statements by Senators:

1. Denise Lima, Environmental Senator:
• Attended a NEMO meeting – it is a very small, exclusive club,
while the Ecoteam would be more involving of the whole school
• Proposes to bring in recycling bins for paper and plastic
• Proposes to bring in compost bins
• Wishes to make a “green space” on school
o Put a courtyard outside in the square outside the SAC
o Will write up a proposal and speak to Ms. Abrams

VII. New Business:

• The vote for Abdur’s committees will be next Senate meeting

VIII. Discussion and Question Period:

• Does the budget not need to be passed by the last Friday of
o Article 4 Section 2 of the constitution states that the first
budget meeting must be held before October 31
• What is KIVA?
o A charity that gives out loans to third world entrepreneurs
o We will be discussing in the next class rep meeting
whether or not we want to keep KIVA
• An idea for Abdur’s committees would be to make them more
like clubs as opposed to official written entities

IX. Alex Stock and Christine Coulter motion the meeting to adjourn

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