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Dresden Files Role Playing Game

Name Ailsa Wayne

High Concept White Court Virgin Thrill seeker
Trouble I am about to do something stupid
Refresh Available 1
O t h e r Yo u h a d b e t t e r n o t i c e t h e s e s h o e s
Quick to fall in love
Total Refresh 10
Beck is an easy tool when a pretty girl is involved Refresh Spent 9
FP Last Session +2
Health Mental Attack +2/+3 Revolver +2 Skill Points 35
Armor 1
( p r e s e n c e ) -1 Emotional Vampire -1 Inhuman Recovery
Mental Atk. With Deceit vs. Conviction, +1 in the future Constitution; Out of combat heal consequences heal
( c o n v i c t i o n ) as if one less; No penalty from Endurance; once per
Kill allows healing, exposure requires check scene remove Mild Consequence
( d i s c i p l i n e ) -1 Incite Emotion (adoration) -1 Fathers Revolver
Wealth +2 on Maneuvers or Block vs. Discipline; +1 to use Guns with “Fathers Revolver”

Consequences -1 Adore me from afar -1 Inhuman Toughness

Mild -2 Use Incite Emotion one zone away +1 Armor, and 2 Stress
Social –2 Catch ->Must be feed

Moderate -4
-2 Lasting Emotion
Defend with Discipline
Severe -6
+2 Stress on Emotional attacks.
Extreme -8
-1 Credit Line
+2 to Resources for things that can be put
On a credit card
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Might Empathy Resources Deceit Presence
Endurance Guns Discipline Athletics
Lore Empathy Conviction
Survival Contacts
Player Age 54 / 19
Race Height 121 lb
W h i t e C o u r t Va m p i r e
Hometown Weight 5’ 6”
Te x a s !
Gender Female
Appearance A very beautiful young looking girl Eyes Green
Dressed in a skirt and a tight dress shirt (very
Hair Blonde
tight) Skin Light Tan
Build Lithe

EQUIPMENT Fairy Armor [Armor 2](subject to cold iron) PROPERTY

John Wayne's’ Revolver [Weapon 2] Suite on the top floor of
The mirage.
Every Kind of Sports related “Thing” you
Can think of

Jensen Sans—WCV Chairman of
You are reckless, spoiled, and will likely get those
The Luxor
around you in trouble. You have a habit of falling in love
with almost any pretty thing that takes an interest in
you. You will likely be pulling someone off to the side,
only to try and kill them because the did not notice your
outfit. You must get every mans attention (tick) or you
will become quite angry.
Dresden Files Role Playing Game
Name Amai
High Concept Sidhe descendant of Tajimamori
Trouble My sweet tooth always gets the better of me
Refresh Available 0
Other Will not pass up an opportunity for a prank
Always have something sweet to eat on hand
Total Refresh 9
Refresh Spent 9
FP Last Session

Skill Points

Health Cost TRAITS Cost TRAITS

-2 Inhuman Speed -2 World Walker
( p r e s e n c e )
+4 Init., +1 Athletics, +2 Sprinting
Move 1 zone free, Stealth Speed diff –2
Sense rifts, 1/scene make rift
+2 Lore/Survival in Nevernever
( c o n v i c t i o n )
-3 Incite Emotion
[Hunger] +2 to created Maneuvers or Block
-1 Hangry
+2 creating social maneuvers
( d i s c i p l i n e )
Ranged, WR +2

Wealth -1 Alternate Ghost Form -1 Hunger

(resources) Cannot interact physically, but you can Save vs powers spent at end of scene
Consequences Mentally

Mild -2

Moderate -4

Severe -6 GEAR
KnifeWR1, Parasol Sword WR2
Extreme -8
Lots of candy, Traveling gear, Journal

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Resources Alertness Athletics (+1) Presence Deceit
Survival Lore Weapons Burglary
Investigation Discipline Conviction
Player Age 22
Race Changeling Height 5’ 2”
Hometown Weight 109
Gender Female
Fairy creature of sweets and
Appearance Eyes Blue
innocence Hair Redish
Skin Pale
Build Skinny


Dresden Files Role Playing Game
Name Leonardo de Larisio
High Concept Extremely successful mercenary
Trouble I am an ass hole
Refresh Available 3
Other Dual Guns ablating!!!!
Believe the reasonable lie
Total Refresh 10
I did not plan for this Refresh Spent 8
Only a double barrel [no FP if tagged] FP Last Session +2
Armor 2/3 Berretta 4 Skill Points 35
Health Cost TRAITS Cost TRAITS
(endurance) -1 Called Ahead -1 Guy doing a thing...
( p r e s e n c e )
Can use resources to make things happen as
Though you planned for it, +2 to maneuver
Place a maneuver or block on the scene
As a free action By rolling resources
( c o n v i c t i o n )
-2 Tough as Nail
+1 Armor in all situations
+2 against “Non Lethal”
Consequences -1 Greasing Palms
You can use Resources as Contacts
Mild -2
Physical –2
-1 Shot on the Run
Moderate -4
You can use guns to defend with
Severe -6
Extreme -8 -2 Trained Gun Man
Resources -2 +1 Guns to attack
+2 Stress
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Discipline Presence Stealth Endurance Resources
Conviction Might Intimidation Guns
Deceit Investigate Athletics
Rapport Fists
Player Age 32
Race Height 5’11
Va n i l l a M o r t a l
Weight 212 lbs
Hometown Florida Gender Male
Appearance Handsome and well dressed in a Eyes Blue
Custom Armani silk suit, dual pistol straps Hair Blonde
Skin Tan
Build Athletic


 Full Auto Berretta: Weapon 3

 Kevlar Weave: Armor 1

Dresden Files Role Playing Game
Name Beck
High Concept To u g h a n d G e n t l e Tr o l l 3
Trouble Failure of a guardian Refresh Available 1
Other Problems with authority
Chivalry is not dead!
Total Refresh 10
I like sweets Refresh Spent 9
I hate Imports! FP Last Session +2
Total Armor 2 Small Car Damage 5 Skill Points 35
Health Cost TRAITS Cost TRAITS
(endurance)  -1 Hammer Hands -2 Inhuman Toughness
( p r e s e n c e )
You can use Might as Fists to Atk Natural Armor 1; +2 Health

( c o n v i c t i o n )
-1 Nice Muscle!!!
You can Defend with Might as Fists
+1 Cold Iron [Catch]
Cold Iron Ignores Toughness
Wealth -1 Armor; -2 Health Boxes
(resources)  -2 Hulking Size
Consequences +1 to be Hit and athletics for running; border 1
Mild -2 +2 lift, break, intimidate, health; 1 stealth shift

Moderate -4 -2 Glamour
Use Discipline to hide something
Severe -6
Disguise your, allies, as something else
Extreme -8 -2 Inhuman Strength
+3 to Might on lifting, breaking; Damage +2
+1 grappling & 2 stress; +1/+2 always when
Might complements a action

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Resources Empathy Discipline Endurance Might
Contacts Lore Alertness Athletics
Scholarship Survival Stealth
Intimidation Contacts
Player Age 111
Race Height 6’11”
Tr o l l
Hometown Weight 320 lb
Hoover Dam
Gender Male
Appearance E i t h e r a t a l l s c a r y l o o k i n g Tr o l l Eyes Red
With grayish skin. Or a middle aged man on the
Hair White
Chubby side and a cowering demeanor. Skin Grey
Build Massive

EQUIPMENT Ancient Bronze [Armor 1] PROPERTY Descent double wide

Jagged Smashed Sports Car [ Damage 3] Trailer
Bag of Books you probably can not read

Glenn Sanders—Helps me when
I help children
Dresden Files Role Playing Game
Name Giovanni Auditore da Firenze
High Concept Death be the Hand of God
Trouble Who really guides my hands?
Refresh Available 1
Other Wanted by the FBI
I killed the knight for my sword
Total Refresh 10
We fight to win Refresh Spent 8
FP Last Session +1
Espadas Muerete Weapon 3 Skill Points 35
Health Cost TRAITS Cost TRAITS
[Armor: 1]
(endurance) -1 Bless This House -1 Blending In
( p r e s e n c e )
+2 To Threshold rating if your
Conviction is higher than Houses
+2 To Stealth in populated areas

Mental -1 Guide My Hand

( c o n v i c t i o n ) Pay FP to use Conviction in place
Fortuitous arrival
-1 p.188
Touch overcome Catch
Holy Touch

Consequences Those that touch take 1 stress

Mild -2 -2 Righteousness
Moderate -4 FP on High concept Conviction complements
all skills
Severe -6
If you/ally take Consequence roll Conviction as
Extreme -8 Atk against all in zone
-3 Sword of the Cross
Spend FP to ignore Toughness and armor
+1 Weapon if righteous; Holy; Must be swung in
accordance with your faith

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Rapport Burglary Stealth Conviction Weapons
Contacts Alertness Fists Athletics
Deceit Empathy Endurance
Presence Discipline
Player Age 24
Race Height 6’1”
Human (Italian)
Hometown Weight 210 lb
La Spazia
Gender Male
Appearance Attractive and dressed in a fancy Eyes Brown
White trench coat and blue jeans
Hair Black
Skin Tanned
Build Slim and

EQUIPMENT  Espadas Muerte (deaths sword) Weapon 3 PROPERTY

 Kevlar Reinforced Chainmail (armor 2) Permanent residence at
 Satellite Phone PDA (charmed to protect Harrah's Casino
against magic (up to Hex 7)

Dresden Files Role Playing Game
Name Colene Pereira
High Concept Probationary Warden Body Guard
Trouble I work for a mobster
Refresh Available 1
Other Jaded and hateful
I feel a need to destroy position of power
Total Refresh 10
Probably dated him Refresh Spent 9
FP Last Session +2
Heavy Revolver WR3; Stone Gauntlet WR2 Skill Points 35
-3 Evocation Stone Gauntlet
( p r e s e n c e )
+1 Discipline for Earth Magic +1 Discipline Earth (offense + defense)

( c o n v i c t i o n )
-3 Thaumaturgy Cheap Suit
Wealth +1 Control Bonus Armor 4 ( 3 uses) 

Consequences -1 Soul gaze & The Sight

Mild -2 +1 to Lore when you use Sight
Moderate -4 Arcane and Soul Sight
Severe -6
-2 Wizard
+2 Mental Stress,
Extreme -8
Armor 1 on feedback and stress on mental
Mental –2

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Driving Contacts Weapons Discipline Conviction
Resources Endurance Stealth Lore
Survival Rapport Intimidation
Rapport Alertness
Player Age 31
Race Height 5’6”
Hometown Weight 152 lbs
San Juan, New Mexico
Gender Male
Appearance To u g h l o o k i n g c h i c k t h a t l o o k s l i k e Eyes Sunglasses
She is having a night on the town. Carries a large
Hair Brown
Purse that is made from Kevlar with steel plates. Skin Dark
Build Average

 Old Monte Carlo

Simon Jens— “Acquisitions”
Dresden Files Role Playing Game
Name Bonita
High Concept Loose cannon of the Seelie court
Trouble I am bound to serve the court
Refresh Available 1
Other Easy to be noticed
I creep everyone out
Total Refresh 10
Cleans it with fire Refresh Spent 9
FP Last Session +2
Fairy Make Vest Armor 2 (Catch; cold iron) Rapier Weapon 2 Skill Points 35

-4 Seelie Magic -1 Truth of the Sidhe
( p r e s e n c e )
You are able to use Evocation and Rituals +2 to Deceit when not telling
( c o n v i c t i o n )
Restricted by your Sidhe nature and patron the whole truth

Wealth -1 Sidhe Spell casting -1 Sidhe Toughness

Extra mild consequence +2 Stress, and Armor 1
Mild -2
Moderate -4 -2 Refinement Sponsored Magic
Severe -6 +2 Specialization Discipline Plant Control
Extreme -8 +1 Specialization Conviction Plant Control Debt to Summer: 
Mental -2
Downgrade Toughness of all Unseelie by one;
Enchanted Item +3 To Open a Rift to the NN
Rapid rituals

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Fists Endurance Athletics Deceit Discipline
Craftsmanship Burglary Lore Conviction
Stealth Resources Presence
Scholarship Burglary
Player Age 429
Race Height 5’3”
Summer Fae
Hometown Weight 113 lbs
Gender Female
Appearance Cute, meek, little girl that you will Eyes Bright Amber
Notice in a crowd. You will probably be a little
Hair Crazy Black
Unsettled after you meet her though. Skin Pale
Build Stick

 Perfume gives +4 to duration of Veils
 Motorcycle
 Fine Clothes


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