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- Fairy - mágico - revenge - vingança - curse - maldição

- Barn - celeiro - fade away - desaparecer - pest – praga

- Perhaps - talvez - trust - confiar - plebs - plebe

- Besides – além disso - forgive - perdoar - gentry – gentis (classe alta)

- Greed/Greedy – - folly - tolice - fairy godmother fada madrinha

- complain - reclamar - shadow - sombra
- Moors – reino das fadas
- wings - asas - evil - mal
- Throne - trono
- christening - batizado - spell - feitiço
- treasure - tesouro
- gift - presente - fate - destino
- swore - espada
- wish - desejo - love at first sight – amor à
- loyalty - lealdade primeira vista
- royalty - realeza
- legacy - legado - hatred - ódio
- death sleep – sono da morte
- crown - coroa - spinning wheel - roda de fiar
- stick
- death - morte

1. What is Maleficent at the beginning of the movie?


2. What have the guards find at the Pool of Jewels?

3. What is the boy’s name?
4. What hurts fairies?
5. What was Stefan’s gift to Maleficent on her 16th birthday?
6. Who helps Maleficent when the King’s soldiers attack?
7. what did Stefan do to Maleficent?
8. What is the name of Maleficent’s helper?
9. What’s the name of Stefan’s baby?
10. Why was Maleficent distressed?
11. How old will Aurora be when she is supposed to prick herself on a spindle of a spinning wheel?
12. How can princess be woken?
13. How long Will the curse last?
14. Who raised Aurora and where?
15. Why was Aurora crying all the time?
16. Who fed Aurora?
17.Who is Maleficent according to Aurora’s opinion?
18. Was Maleficent successful in reworking her curse?
19. How does Maleficent GO to a King’s Castle?
20. When Aurora pricked her finger, she fell asleep. How did she wake up?
21. What did Maleficent turn Diaval into, when she got captured by the soldiers?
22. How did Aurora help Maleficent?
23. What happened to King Stefan?
24. What happened to Aurora?
25. Name the characters from the movie

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