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Synonym Antonym:

admit = confess (mengakui) Tardy >< Quickly (lambat >< cepat)

He confess that he was not doing homework. He run very quickly on the way

alike = similar (serupa) Difficult >< Easy (sulit >< mudah)

He has a similar item. She very easy to working

allow = let (memperbolehkan) Low >< High (rendah >< tinggi)

Ms. Ani allow her daughter to cook. The buildings are very high.

ancient = old (tua/kuno) Happy >< Angry (senang >< marah)

He had great respect for old people. he was angry that his food spilled.
choose = select (pilih) Bold >< Dark (terang >< gelap)
budi select blue dress. he was dark-skinned

Calm = quiet (tenang) Healthy >< sick (sehat >< sakit)

he was very quiet during school exams. He was sick with a fever

Catch = capture (menangkap) Long >< Short (panjang >< pendek)

she really likes cats catch mice. She has short hair.

Cause = reason (alasan) Hate >< Like (benci >< suka)

he has a good reason to sign up science contest. she likes chinese food
Coarse = rough (kasar) Cool >< Hot (dingin >< panas)
dion be rough to her sister. Ani is very hot at home.

Comprehend = understand (mengerti) Impossible >< Possible (tidak mungkin ><

he easily understands the lessons described. mungkin)
he possible be number one in his class.
Conceal = hide (menyembunyikan) abeyance >< continuance (penundaan ><
Rina hides his pet fish. kelanjutan)
rina was waiting for the continuation of the trial.
Brief = Short (pendek) abjure >< espouse (mengharamkan ><
agus has a short body. mendukung)
he espouse his friends when racing.

Broad = wide (lebar) deranged >< sane (gila >< waras)

the road is very wide for a bike. she is very sane to do that.
help =assistance (bantuan) derogatory >< praising (mengina >< memuji)
she needs help with cooking. ani praising his sister papers.

Active = nimble (aktif) extinguish >< ignite (memadamkan >< memicu)

she was very active during English lessons. he was one of the ignite uproar.

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