Hose Markings 9851 6269 01 PDF

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Hose Markings

Max. 3 letters. P, T and D as last letter is reserved for Pressure, Tank och Drain.
Figure first is boom number. Figure last is current hose number. Letter I is not used as first or last letter.
Letter I is not used before O as last letters.

Letters Function Letters Function

ACD Air Condition Drain BS Boom Swing
ACP Air Condition Pressure BT Boom Tilt
ACT Air Condition return (Tank) BW Breakout Wrench cylinder
ADW Air Drain Water CA Cartridge
AF Air Flushing CAB Cabin lift
AHP Air Hammer Pressure CABP Cabin lift Pressure
AL Air Lubrication CABT Cabin lift return (Tank)
AM Air Motor CBP Compressor Boost Pressure
AMW Air Motor Waterpump CDE Cuttings DEflektor
AP Air Pressure CE Cement injection
APP Air Pilot Pressure CG Central Greasing
BA Bolt transferArm CGA Central Greasing bloc A to -
BAN Boom ANtiparallell CGZ Central Greasing bloc Z
BB Bolt Bend CM Cooler Motor
BCE Bolt Chuck Extension CMD Cooler Motor Drain
BE Boom Extension CML Cooler Motor Left
BEL Boom Extension Left cylider CMR Cooler Motor Right
BEM Boom Extension Measuring CPB ComPressor Drain
BER Boom Extension Right cylinder CPD ComPressor Drain
BF Boom Front CPP Compressor Pressure
BFL Boom Front Left cylinder CPT ComPressor return (Tank)
BFR Boom Front Right cylinder CR Cable Reel
BG Bolt Gripper CS Cradle Slide
BHP BackHammer Pressure D Drainline
BHT BackHammer return (Tank) DB Drainline Boomposition valve
BIC Bolt In Chuck DH Drillsteel Holder
BIH Bolt, Injection Hose DMD Dustfan Motor Drain
BJ Breakout Jaw cylinder DMP Dustfan Motro Pressure
BJF Break Jaw Front DMT Dustfan Motor return (Tank)
BJL Breakout Jaw Lower DO Dowel
BJR Breakout Jaw Rear DR Drainline Rotation valve
BJU Breakout Jaw Upper DS Drillsteel Support
BL Boom Lift DSA Drillsteel Support Addisional
BOR Boom Rotation DSF Drillsteel Support Front
BOW Boot Wash DSL Drillsteel Support Lower
BR Brake DSM Drillsteel Support Middle
BRA Bracket lift DSR Drillsteel Support Rear
BRA Bracket DSU Drillsteel Support Upper
BRAD Bracket Drain ECG Electric Controlled Grease
BRAP Bracket Pressure ECL Electric Controlled Lubrication
BRAT Bracket return (Tank) F Feed
BRL Boom Rear Left cylinder FD Feed Dump
BRO Bolt ROtation FE Feed Extension
BRR Boom Rear Right cylinder FEM Feed Extension Measuring
Letters Function Letters Function
FL Feed Lookout PW Pulling Winch
FM Feed Motor PWB Pulling Winch Brake
FMB Feed Motro Break PWD Pulling Winch Drain
FMD Feed Motor Drain RA Rod transfer Arm
FR Feed Rotation (Rollover) RAB Rod transfer Arm stand By
FS Feed Swing RAF Rod transfer Arm Front
FT Feed Tilt RAL Rod transfer Arm Lower
G Gauge RAR Rod transfer Arm Rear
GA Gauge Air RAU Rod transfer Arm Upper
GAL Gauge Air Lubrication RG Rod Gripper
GBH Gauge BackHammer RGF Rod Gripper Front
GDP Gauge hammer Damper Pressure RGL Rod Gripper Lower
GF Gauge Feed RGRO Rod Gripper Rotation
GH Gauge Hammer RGR Rod Gripper Rear
GMD Grinder Motor Drain RGU Rod Gripper Upper
GMP Grinder Motor return (Tank) RH Rod Handling
GR Grease RLR Rockdrill Lock Rotation
GRF Gauge Return Filter RR Rockdrill Rotation
GRG GRease Gun RRL Rockdrill Rotation Left
GRR Gauge Rockdrill Rotation RRP Rockdrill Rotation Pressure
GW Gauge Water RRR Rockdrill Rotation Right
HD Hammer Drain RSP Rod adding System Pressure
HDP Hammer Damper Pressure RST Rod adding System return (Tank)
HDT Hammer Damper return (Tank) RW Rod lifting Winch
HP Hammer Pressure RWB Rod lifting Winch Break
HS Hammer Strokeposition RWD Rod lifting Winch Drain
HT Hammer return (Tank) SC Scraper blade
J Jacks SH Suction Hood
JF Jack Front SLR SLeeve
JFL Jack Front Left SPB Service Platform Basket
JFR Jack Front Right SPD Service Platform Drain
JLS Jack Slide Left SPE Service Platform Extension
JR Jack Rear SPF Service PlatForm
JRL Jack Rear Left SPP Service Platform Pressure
JRR Jack Rear Right SPR Service Platform Rear cylinder
JSR Jack Slide Right SPRL Service Platform Rear Left
LS Limit Switch SPRR Service Platform Rear Right
LUB LUBrication SPS Service Platform Slave
MC Magazin Coupling SPT Service Platform return (Tank)
MG Magazine Gate SR StingeR
MGL Magazin Gate Lower SRL StingeR Left
MGU Magazin Gate Upper SRR StingeR Right
ML Magazin Lock SS Split Set
MR Magazin Rotation STA Sliding TAble
MRF Magazin Rotation Front STE STEring
MRR Magazin Rotation Rear STP STeering Pressure
P Pressurline STT STeering return (Tank)
PP Pilot Pressure SU SUction line
PR Protection Roof SW SWellex pump

Letters Function
SWD Swellex pump Drain
SWP Swellex pump Pressure
SWT Swellex pump return (Tank)
T returnline (Tank)
TF Tank Fill
TMB Tramming Motor Brakes
TMD Tramming Motor Drain
TME Tramming Moter Engage
TML Tramming Motor Left
TMR Tramming Motor Right
TMX Tramming Motor displacement
TO Track Oscillation
TOL Track Oscillation Left
TOR Track Oscillation Right
TP Tramming Pressure
TPL Tramming Pressure Left
TPR Tramming Pressure Right
W Water
WAM Water (Air) Mist
WC Water Cradle
WCA Water CArtridge injection
WCC Water Compressor Cooler
WCE Water CEminject
WD Water Drain
WF Water Flushing
WH Water Hose injection
WM Waterpump Motor
WMD Waterpump Motor Drain
WMP Waterpump Motor Pressure
WMT Waterpump Motor return (Tank)
WP Water Pressure
WPL Water service PLatform
WR Water hose Reel
WS Water Service
WSR Water Service Reel
WVD Water Valve Drain
WVP Water Valve Pressure
WWC Windshield Washer Container
X Control Pressure
XF Control Pressure Feed
XFD Control Pressure Feed Drain
XH Control Pressure Hammer
XP Control Pressure
XR Control Pressure Rotation

Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB
SE-791 01 ÖREBRO

©Atlas Copco 2003

Printed in Sweden
Atlas Copco, ÖREBRO 2003 No. 9851 6269 01

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