Basic Productivity Software Lesson Plan

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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Seasons of the Year

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): 1st
Content Standard Addressed: S1E1 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate weather data to identify weather

Technology Standard Addressed: ISTE Standard for Educators: Facilitator- foster a culture where students
learn how to take ownership of their learning goals using independent and group settings.
ISTE Standards for students: Creative Communicator- creating original works using digital resources into new
Selected Technology Tool: Power Point

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable): (Power Point I
created to introduce the lesson) (Seasons of the year song)

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☒ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): For the activity portion of this lesson, I will ask the students to choose
their favorite season to complete their own Power Point Presentation. If they are not able to use the
computer, I will provide them with the option of creating a flip book that will contain the same information. It
is my hope and anticipation that all the students will be able to use the chosen technology but if not, I will use
my knowledge of UDL and provide an alternative. I will ask all the students to include the following items in
their Power Point presentation: Why is that their favorite season? List three activities you can do during that
season. When does this season occur? With UDL in mind, I will have books available on a resource table that
pertain to seasons of the year. Any student who might be struggling, can utilize the books and references to
enhance their thinking and further their knowledge. Power Point Presentations support student learning by
providing them with a video to view rather than basic worksheets or textbooks to read. Using the UDL Wheel
I can identify the students will be provided options for comprehension via the Power Point Presentation or
the flip book. They will also have a multiple means for action and expression as they will be presenting their
choice of task to the class. The students will also be offered the option of multiple engagement to increase
their mastery of this task through the additional books and resources provided at our resource table. The fact
that a meteorologist will be visiting our class will develop a self-assessment and reflection opportunity as he
will be asking the students questions about content covered.

Lesson idea implementation: I will first introduce this lesson on seasons of the year by showing a power point
I created. After viewing my Power Point presentation, they will know how many seasons we have in a year
and what they are like. I will then play the seasons of the year song that the students are sure to enjoy. Songs
are a great way for students to learn a task as they are generally repetitive. It will take approximately 50
minutes to complete this lesson. I will then provide the student an opportunity to use their own voice in

Spring 2018_SJB
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
talking with their partner/buddy about their favorite season. They will then get the opportunity to choose
their favorite season to complete a power Point of their own.
I will assess the students based on their Power Point and the content they include. It will give me a guide as
to what they learned during the lesson. While the students are completing their Power Point Presentations, I
will walk around the room answering any questions that might arise. If there are students that cannot use
technology for any reason, they will have the option to create a flip book that explains the same information
they would put in a Power Point Presentation. If I have a group of students who struggle on their own, I will
keep in mind the opportunity to group them to create a Power Point Presentation as a team. I plan to extend
the learning of this task my asking a local meteorologist to visit our class to describe how weather works. I will
make sure to meet with the meteorologist ahead of time to suggest some questions he can pose to children
of this age. The lesson will conclude when the meteorologists finishes his question and answer time. I will
provide feedback to the students based on the Power Point Presentation of their favorite season of the year.

Reflective Practice: After designing this lesson idea, I feel the activities I created will have a positive impact on
student learning. They will have a fun video, an entertaining Power Point Presentation to view and even a
professional guest. Since this is the introductory activity to a unit study on seasons, I will scaffold on this
learning opportunity by continuing this topic over the next week. I have plans of having the students work in
groups to do research and create anchor charts of their findings. Each group will have a certain topic to
research based on the seasons of the year. The topics will include: activities to participate in during the
different seasons, what the weather is like during each season, and what seasons tend to last the shortest,
longest here in the south. Discovery Education is another educational resource that could elevate the
students learning in this subject area. Furthermore, Gizmos is a great tutorial/simulation site that is strong in
the math and science areas, which would be abundant for this topic as well.

Spring 2018_SJB

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