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Colégio e Curso Progressão

São Gonçalo, ___ de ___________ de 2019.

Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________
Professor (a): Ramon Couto Turma: 9° ano
Disciplina: Inglês


A avaliação deverá ser realizada à caneta azul ou preta. Questões rasuradas serão anuladas, sem
consideração de alguma de pontuação.

QUESTÃO 01 – Escolha entre os termos abaixo aquele que melhor preenche a lacuna (1.0)

___________________ you go to my birthday party?

A) Going to

B) am going to get to

C) will

D) am going to

E) will going to

QUESTÃO 02 – Escolha a alternativa ERRADA.

A) He going to buy a house this year.

B) He will buy a house this year.

C) He is buying a house.

D) He is going to buy a house this year.

QUESTÃO 03 – Reescreva as frases usando o SIMPLE FUTURE. (1.0)

A) Her friend arrives at PM.

B) We watch TV.

QUESTÃO 04 – Escolha a alternativa ERRADA. (1.0)

A) Marcio is going to go to his beach house.

B) I will to Disney.

C) My mother danced a lot yesterday.

D) She has started to study japanese.

E) He is going to buy a car this summer.

QUESTÃO 05 – Use as palavras abaixo para criar frases usando o PAST PERFECT. As frases
devem ser positivas, negativas ou interrogativas. (1.0)

A) (-) mother/eat/cake


B) (?) Lucas/study/hard


QUESTÃO 06 – Passe as frases para o PAST PERFECT. (1.0)

A) Lucas lived in London.

B)The circus arrived in town.

QUESTÃO 07 – Passe as frases para a forma NEGATIVA. (1.0)

A) Bruce Lee had mastered kung fu before he came to the EUA.

B) Nelson Mandela had been arrested before he became the president of South Africa.

QUESTÃO 08 – Para que usamos o PAST PERFECT? (1.0)


QUESTÃO 09 – Passe as frases para a forma INTERROGATIVA. (1.0)

A) The rain had started when she opened the door.

B) The movie has began by the time we arrived.

QUESTÃO 10 – Escreva PP para PAST PERFEC ou SP para SIMPLE PAST.

( ) My mother had left before the sunset.

( ) He cleaned the house earlier that day

( ) We left the house in the beguining of the morning.

( ) Camila had a big house in the countryside.

QUESTÃO 11 – Leia a tirinha abaixo: (1.0)

A frase “This is where dad buried the little racoon.” Está em que tempo verbal?

A) Simple Past

B) Simple Present

C) Present Continuous

D) Present Perfect

E) Past Perfect

QUESTÃO 12 – Descreva a imagem abaixo.

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