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©Black Tower Publishing


The Legacy of San Diablo

First Edition

Design and Layout: Black Tower Publishing

Website: www. blacktowerpublishing.com

Contact: blacktowerpublishing@gmail.com

Cover and Illustrations: Daemon Barzai

Portfolio: http:// daemon-barzai.artworkfolio.com/

Black Tower Publishing©2016

The materials contained here may not be reproduced or published in

any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written
permission from the author.

ISBN-13: 978-1530953219
ISBN-10: 1530953219


Origins and Legends about the creation of the Legacy


The Unholy Trilogy:

Saint Devil, Saint Death and Lule-Koincho


The Creation of the Altar


The Creation Saint Devil's Fetish


Creation of the Saint Death' s Fetish


The Pact

The Blessing of the Key


Pact with Saint Devil


Pact with Saint Death


Meaning and use of the Key




Places of Work


About the Witcheries in the Legacy


The Owner of Cemeteries


Clean ritual with Saint Devil

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Clean ritual with Saint Death



When the Spirit is Lost


When a person is posses by a soul


To Hunted a house with a Spirit


To Possess a person with a Spirit


Spell to increase the money

-48 -

To Increase the money through the work


Working with Afia


Bind love spell with Saint Devil


Bind love spell with Saint Death

Clean ritual with Saint Death


Curse with Saint Devil


Spell to move the work with Saint Devil


Spell to move the work with Saint Death


To conjure a soul


Salting curse with Saint Death


Salting curse with Saint Devil


Spells with Saint Devil from Mountains


Curse for spiritual persecution with Afia


Malediction work with Saint Death

Spells for Win the the Gambling Law with Saint Death


Spells for Win the the Gambling Law with Saint Devil


The Art of Sacrifice


Amulet for Gambling Laws


Malediction work under Fig Tree


Spells with Toads


Curse to dry an enemy in life


To Reverse a Dry Curse


Curse to Destroy the enemy with Saint Death

Spell with Saint Devil for increase the money




Saint Devil

13 -

Saint Death

Being honest, I've had a lot of doubts about writing this book. I didn't
know if what is here should be transmitted through a book, giving
access to everyone. It took me a lot of time my decision and after a deep
and long meditation, the risk of the Legacy lost and no-one has more
access to it, it's a fact that could happen at any time.

The Legacy of Saint Devil is a witchcraft cult rooted in folk beliefs, mix
with Christianity and popular knowledge. It's origins are uncertain,
but there are some legends which explain who was the first to receive it.
What it's a fact is this form of witchcraft have been transmitted orally,
from teacher to pupil, this has been happened in this way for years.
But, it was more a more difficult to find the correct pupil to transmit
this knowledge.

On the other hand, in our modern life, where the information is easy
to find, and where people feel a huge attraction to the dark path, this
book could open many possibilities to the true seekers. However, this
Legacy is not for everyone, many may find in these pages rituals which
could be seen as a taboo, even for those who practice the Left Hand
Path. The use of blood and animal sacrifices, it's a fact in this form of
witchcraft and there is not a short cut to find what we want to achieve.
In this form of witchcraft, unlike to other magical paths, doesn't seek
the transcendence of the soul, instead the power here and now. Say in
other worlds, this could a big magical tool box which will allow us to
gain power over the Earth Sphere.

The rituals present here, should be done as have been written, without
modification, because since the beginning are done in this way.
However, when the sorcerer advanced in this system, Saint Devil and
Saint Death will be transmitting their knowledge and the tools will
grow. But until that moment, the works should be done at present here.
This cult has three main figures: Saint Devil, Saint Death and Lule­
Koincho. Each of them have the same importance, and are interlinked
in some way. We must have a close relationship with the three, which
will allow us to have powerful allies and huge teachers, those who will
give us their knowledge.

This is an old school form of witchcraft, so before you take the decision
of doing something practical, my advice is meditate in this. Ingress in
The Legacy demands a big compromise for the whole life, in where
the future warlock sings a pact which you can't break. This is not for
wannabe or just curious people who don/t understand the true power
of these forces. This Legacy is for those who hearing the calling, the one
who is ready to walk the path leaving behind everything. In one word,
for the true seekers.

You shouldn't underestimate the power that encloses this form of

Witchcraft, not because some parts seem easy, because I can assure
that the results are total and complete. The power is real and also the
changes that we can make. The things which are write here, each ritual,
have been tested and proved for me, and saw it works, that is why I can
ensure the power that is has.

For those who have already known my work, maybe this could be a
surprise, the fact that I keep a rigid posture about don't modify the
rituals present here, but I should the royal to this form of Witchcraft
trying to legate this knowledge as pure as possible.

Each of you should work with the Legacy under your own risk and
responsibility. There are many practices could be considered dangerous,
taboo or even illegal. As an author, I don't assume any responsibility
for the resultants that you can obtain, good or bad.

My wish is what a long time ago someone taught me, arrive in the
hands of those who are worthy of this knowledge and see the Legacy
alive and fortify among those who have the Will and the Courage of
walking this path, side by side of big Teachers and Friends: Saint Devil,
Saint Death and Lule-Koincho.

Thank you for all during these years.

October 2015.
Daemon Barzai.

There is not a certain origin about the creation of this form of Witchcraft,
not in the literal sense. However, this form of Witchcraft has been
transmitted in oral form, is possible that some information lost in
the middle. What is a fact, is all of us, who got the Legacy know the
following legend about its origins:

"Juan Antono Zeballos, better known as "Terere", was the spiritual son of
a witch-man. He lived until1920 and his homes the "Palmar de Bermejo",
near to the limit with Salta, descendan t of Spanish lived in Bilbao. Left
orphaned soon after to arrive in Argen tina and a family from Formosa gave
him a home. In 179, Juan An tonio was 17 and met the witch-man.
He built his house on the Palmar's moun tain. It is said that this witch-man
practiced black magic to hurt his enemies and Juan An tonio arrived at the
correct momen t, because he adop ted him as his spiritual soon, transmitted
his knowledge. When the witch-man died, "Terere" follow with a lot of
en thusiasm the teachings that near to the towns: Colorado and Zapallar
over the river Bermejo, were witnesses of saw during the nights phosphoric
trees moving its branches as it were alive. Luminous dogs and other strange
phenomena. Many people said that they saw "Terere" in the company of his
decease paren ts, surround by a weird crimson mist, bu t also said he was a
werewolf He died in a wild a los t fores t among the "Palmares", and there
someone found a book written in an odd language preserved by his family,
plus a text which is this Legacy.

If this legend is true or not, it doesn't matter, on the contrary, this could
be a source to validate and give more power to this form of Witchcraft.
The symbolic charge of the myth is something that is present in all forms
of magic and witchcraft, and this gives power and beauty. Following
this idea, it's important before beginning with the first practices, to
have an open mind, because the ritual with Saint Devil and Saint Death
are extremely powerful, always work and the warlock who knows how
to gain their respect, will have powerful allies in his magical process.

On the other hand, for those who follow an initiatory path, this form
of Witchcraft could be, and should be, become in a compliment of your
practices, a way to balance the energy and reality, because the Legacy
was thought, or at least this is the way that I would transmit it, as a
set of tools which endow the magician with the skills to make changes
in his reality, gaining power over his material life. Because, until we
have a material life, many of our desires will be manifest through three
elements: Love, Money and Revenge. Elements, when are unbalanced,
make an empty feeling inside the self which is complicated to fill, and if
we follow a logical thought, won't allow us to progress in the spiritual
path. As I always said, the key in magic is balance, between the spiritual
realms and material ones. One of each couldn't exist without the other.
For this reason we need these rituals. When the balance is real and the
magician achieves both sides, the power emerges and the rest is up to
the magician.

Said the saying, let continue with the Legacy of Saint Devil. ..

Even though this Legacy works with some spirits which are servitors
or could help the warlock in some rituals, the three patron entities in
this form of Witchcraft are: Saint Devil which is the Devil itself, Saint
Death which is the personification of the Death and Lule-Koincho a
messenger between the warlock and these powerful forces. They form
an unholy trilogy. It's possible to work in an isolated way or with the
three together, but before starting with the practices, let see a little bit
what the Legacy says about them:

His land is the paradise upside-down, from there the fires arden t from the
vowels of the earth. They have their thrones and the "Devil" is the boss and
dream within the man's dream, and each time he goes ou t the land of men,
carrying a soul, order the Death to do his part. Sain t Devil rules on the sun
and Sain t Death over the moon. Sain t Devil dwells at Cemeteries, Crossroads
and Mountains. B u t Sain t Dead dwells only at Cemeteries.

SHis name is Lule-Koincho, the wise warlock takes him as the father of his
black arts and as a medium between Sain t Devil and Sain t Death.

The Witch-Doctor woks for Sain t Devil and Sain t Death, and sometimes
could be confused with them. B u t it's possible to see the difference in the
details. When at night he goes ou t to do his mischief or do some jobs, the dogs
announce that he's close barking withou t any reason, and sometimes fight
spon taneously.

If the Witch-Doctor let see him, he dresses a poncho, a black hat, a knife or
spear and a whip.
The warlock who wan ts to surpass others, it will get as source of his power.
You will take a puppet, and fill with poison herbs, because these have a
relation to all what is seen as evil, pu t the name of the Witch-Doctor inside,
and dress with a poncho and a dark hat, also his weapons: a whip, a knife and
a spear. The poncho has a pocket, you pu t there some of your hair, nails and
your name. All of these should keep in a little coffin.
The coffin with the Witch-Doctor should be hidden in some secret place
inside the warlock's house. As the Witch-Doctor will give power to the
warlock, he should be careful that any other take the coffin with the fetish.
Because this could be a powerful weapon to use ins tead of the owner.
The Witch-Doctor works for Sain t Devil and Saint Death and this allow a
better commercialization with them. So the warlock makes a request to the
Witch-Doctor and then work with Sain t Devil and Saint Death.
Sometimes and in weird moments, it's possible to hear the neigh of horses
when the three of them are around.

As any other form of witchcraft, the creation of the altar is something
essential to start working with this Legacy. The altar should be outside
of the profanes eyes, this mean only the owner should work on it and
see for the warlock who want to dare into these mysteries.

The best is to have a special room for this purpose, but if this is not
possible, some cabinet works well. The important thing is this is
something secret, a space for communion and power between the
warlock and the entities of the Legacy.

It's important to make the fetishes of Saint Devil and Saint Death in the
correct way, this is not something that you can buy it, instead, should
be made by the hands of the warlock, this has been done in this way
since the beginning. This is a worship act, but also a way to attract the
forces that we will work with in the future. It's not necessary to be a
craftsman to make them, just need will and good mood.

On the altar we can have a statue of Saint Devil and Saint Death at
the beginning, one of each, or we can make more, each of one of the
places in where they dwell, but this is up to each warlock. This means
that at first you could feel more affinity with Saint Devil of Cemeteries,
and you only have a statue of him, but with the passage of time, you
can add Saint Devil of Mountains and Saint Devil of Crossroads. You
always bear in mind that the altar shouldn't be shared with other
entities, demons or gods which aren't part of the Legacy, because these
forces are very jealous and demands to have a unique space dedicated
to them.

Cover a human bone with damp sod, and water, which must be
collected in Good Friday because Jesus Christ isn't present and Devils
and Death are completely free.

You should make it with human appearance, but it has horns. When
the image is done, dress it with a poncho.

If it's from Cemetery, the poncho will be black and it has a scythe.
If it's from Crossroads, the poncho will be red and it has a triden t.
If it's from Moun tains, the poncho will be brown and it has sickle.

The soil has to be from the place in where the "Saint" dwells. The image
has to be painted and put in a casserole with soil from the same place. If
the image flakes off, it's a signal that should be done again.

For those who want a permanent fetish, this could be done with clay.
Even though is better to have a fetish made with soil, because during a
work the image flakes off is a clear signal that the "Saint" is telling us
something, it's not compulsory. The language between the deities and
the warlock is something relative, and each of us should make our own

Saint Devil usually walks and work at night, but Saint Devil from the
Mountain also works during the day, at siesta's hours.

It makes with a human bone, and carved on it eyes, nose and mouth.
Black dress with a cape and a scythe. The fetish is stand in a casserole
with soil from the cemetery and lock in a coffin. It must be open only
for working or offering. Outside, it has a recipe with cemetery's water.
The best time to pick up the water is November the 2nd or at Good
Friday. Also, it has another recipe with soil from the cemetery and 7
coffin's nails which will be useful for future spells.

Both things could be added for Saint Devil from Cemetery.

Saint Death has different jobs in the Cemetery, the main is stay, sit
covered with his cloak and hold a scythe.

When follow a corpse who just died, he has the skull uncover, and
when he watches the souls he has a hat.

Saint Devil has been seen with a hat too, but in this case he dresses it
when he comes to take a soul or when comes to make some pact or

When Saint Death lies in wait or just walk around, it's a clear signal
that something going to happen, and it's announce by the sound of
owls and dog's cries. Or the cricket stops its "signing" .

If he shows himself, it's a black silhouette dress in black and ghastly,

and the sorrow souls announce his coming.

When Saint Devil shows himself, his presence is announced by the
sound of bats, the howling of dogs, also is viewed as his images. He's a
shape-shifter, so he can adopt animal of monstrous forms, and he can
possess animals of humans.

It's said that Saint Devil walks around with a candle in his hand, and
this bright with power becoming in the Wildfire that scare so many
people. This also happens as the result of a strong spell or when he
comes to pick a soul or to return it to the cemetery.

Before beginning with the working with the entities of the Legacy,
the one who want to become in a warlock, should make a pact. This
represents an initiatory rite in where left the old self to become in
someone new, the one who walks the path of Saint Devil and Saint

The pact itself is full of symbolic elements, and the procedure is not
complicated. You always bear in mind this is something you going to do
for your entire life, as any other initiatory ritual. It doesn't matter if you
won't work anymore with this form of Witchcraft. So, before starting
with this, my advice is keep in mind the previous point, meditate for
some time, ask yourself if you really want to take this path, and if the
answer is yes, then continue with it.

The pact has been done in this way since the beginning of the Legacy,
so does not modify anything, instead do it as is present in this book.

The Christian elements that you find, are symbolic and refers to the
old date of this form of Witchcraft, in that time Christianity rules.
In modern times these elements could be seen meaningless, but we
shouldn't underestimate the power and the importance that it has in
the spiritual plane.

For the following ritual, it will necessary three black candles, holy
water and an old key. This will be used in many futures spells, so find
one that you like it. The key will be open the spiritual doors, and not
only works for the pact.

The pact begins with the blessing of the key. Do the ritual at Friday's
midnight when there is no moon on the sky, but it's possible do it at
Good Friday. The ritual could be done inside of your personal temple,
but also in some places where the entities dwell: Cemetery, Crossroads
or Mountains. Make an inverted triangle with the three candles, put
the key in the middle. Drop some of the holy water and make the cross
signal at the time say this:

That the Lord drops over you his power, to have the virtue that each
door from Saint Devil and Saint Death cross keep open. And bless
this key in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

Light the first black candle and say the following words:

Lule-Koincho, in this black night I call you, with your bless I could
open the spiritual doors, for Saint Devil and Saint Death cross it
and I can work with them.

Hold the key, put it in your chest as you are going to open a door and

Mighty Lord who has blessed this key, deign to summon to Saint
Devil and Saint Death, to come to this place, I want to make a pact
with them.

Now, simulate that the key opens a door in your chest and say:

Mighty Lord, let Lule-Koincho comes to open the dwelling to enter

and to make a pact with me Saint Devil and Saint Death.

Light the second candle and say:

Saint Devil, you're the Devil itself, you're the King and you have
your throne in the Hells, you rule over everything, and you can
make anything.

I (magical name) will invoke you tonight and at this hour to give
you my soul. Endow me with the power of being a warlock/witch.
My soul is yours Saint Devil, you're the Devil itself Aiianga, give
the spiritual straight to be successful in my desires.

Light the next candle and say:

Saint Death, you who dwell in Hells and have your throne there,
you who rule the dead world and the passage with the alive ones.

For your power, I (magical name) will invoke you tonight and at
this hour to give you my body. Endow me with the power of being a
warlock/witch. My body is yours, Saint Death.

Afianga give me the physical straight to be successful in my desires.

That's my name be deleted from the Book of Life and be written in
the Book of Death.

After saying the words, focus your attention to any signal, noise or
manifestation, but also to any dream that you could have after the rite.
Meditate for some moment in what you're doing, the meaning that
has for you and what you want with this. Let the candles consume

The Key that you used to make the pact, now it's a pivotal key for the
warlock. It uses each time that you want to make an offering to Saint
Devil or Saint Death, also in each spell. The Key could be used as a
necklace. As I said, the Key is pivotal to work with Saint Devil and
Saint Death, it doesn't matter if you want to make a spell or an offering.
Also, you can use as a shield, a protection instead black witchcraft.
Even though, it's not necessary wearing all day, some warlocks do.
The importance to use the key when we working with the "Saints" is
because if we don't, they don't hear us, this is the secret of the Legacy's
warlocks and witches.

You never lend the key, except to a close warlock who need more
power in his spells, but in this case, is better that the owner of the key
is present in the ceremony.

Before working with Saint Devil and Saint Death, with their candle
lights, point out the key to them but without touch it, and open an
imaginary door at the time you say:

Lule-Koincho open the doors, so that I can treat (name the Saint)
and work with him.

We do the same if we're working outside, at the crossroad, mountain

or a cemetery. Light the candle and point out in the air, imagining the
door and saying the previous phrase.

In this form of witchcraft, the offerings are something common. It
uses as payment or gratitude for the spells that worked, but also it's
a devotional act. The offering use of food, specially make and put on
the altar of Saint Devil and Saint Death. Each of them has different
offerings, this depends on the place in where they dwell (Cemeteries,
Crossroads or Mountains) and the job they have.

For Sain t Devil of Cemeteries:

Meat with 7 bones, fry liver, 7 potatoes cook in the oven.

For Sain t Devil of Crossroads:

Boil meat, meat bolls fry with pepper and 7 potatoes cook in the oven.

For Sain t Devil of Moun tains:

Roast meat and 7 potatoes cook in the oven.

Each of these offerings, should be followed by maize floor in the plate.


The Desserts for Saint Devil are offering or could be part of spells
related to love or binding.

For Saint Devil of Cemeteries:

The desserts could be cakes and all kinds of desserts with alcohol.

For Sain t Devil of Crossroads:

The desserts could be meringues with cream.

For Sain t Devil of Moun tains:

The desserts could be black grapes, melon and coconuts.


Drinks goes with the foods and desserts.

For Sain t Devil of Cemetery:

The drink could be whiskey.

For Sain t Devil of Crossroads:

The Drink could be liqueur.

For Sain t Devil of Moun tains:

The Drink could be red wine.

Food and offerings for Sain t Death

The food for Saint Death varies according to his job at the cemetery:
when he is covered with his cloak and hold a scythe food is:

Before midnight: (ritual for good purposes)

Roast pork, roast pumping and raw onion.

When Sain t Death goes with a soul, his food is:

Before midnight: roast pork ribs, boiled black beans with garlic and

After midnight (Malediction works):

Roasting black beams and raw pork ribs.

When Saint Death watches the souls in the tombs, the food is:

Before midnight:

Liver cut in pieces, sauteed with peepers.

After midnight:

Raw liver in pieces.

The offerings and desserts for Saint Devil are coupled with white sugar
before midnight and after midnight with brown sugar.

Desserts for Saint Death

Before midnight:

Drunk desserts, chocolates and figs.

After midnight:

Drunks desserts, chocolates and dried figs.

Drinks for Sain t Death

Before midnight:


After midnight:

Animal Offerings:

The blood offerings for Saint Devil and Sain t Death are: Dark chickens, Black
Goa ts, Dark Doves. Always male animals.

Not all the rites are conducted to the altar, many times some offerings
are left in the places where dwell the entities: Cemeteries, Crossroads
and Mountains. These are places where we can cast spells if we're
looking for more power or because we don't have all the fetishes from
the pantheon. All of these have a ritual procedure which you should
follow as is explained here:

At the places of work: Mountains, Crossroads, Cemeteries, it's

necessary asking permission before working. Who allow us to work in
these places is Tupa-Pora, what means:

Tupa: is the divinity and Pora: in spiritual terms mean the force of
nature, but also means something dirty, black or gray.

If the work is at the Cemeteries, in the doors you say:

11Tupa-Pora, I ask your permission to work in these cemeteries."

If you're going to work with Sain t Devil, you say:

11That Saint Devil will be favorable to me."

If you're going to work with Sain t Death, you say:

11That Saint Death will be favorable to me."

If you're going to work at the Crossroads, you say:

11Tupa-Pora, I ask your permission to work at the crossroads."

uThat Saint Devil will be favorable to me."

If you're going to work at the Moun tains, you say:

uTupa-Pora, I ask your permission to work at the mountains."

uThat Saint Devil will be favorable to me."

One thing that seems lost in the modern occultism, is the magical art in a
practical way. During the time, not everything in magic and witchcraft
have been an initiatory path, instead it was and still is, a way to gain
power and achieve material things: love, money, health and revenge
against our enemies.

My main objective when I wrote this book, was not only transmit
the things that my teacher taught me years ago, also offer to modern
magician a way of operative magic. Something that helps to obtain
power in your life, after all, the pleasures of the flesh are also part of
the personal development.

Many of these works, spells and rites are done with simplest elements,
but if you have been following the previous steps, I don't have doubts
that you will achieve good results. Of course, it's not possible to write
all the possible spells for each need or problem, however, try always to
hear the voice of Saint Devil and Saint Death, they have a lot to offer,
and if you achieve a good link with them, new and inspiring rituals
will come to you. Magic is also intuition and creativity, for this reason,
if you're seeking to achieve something, but you can't find the spell in
these pages, my advice has light a candle and ask them for inspiration,
and this is just what you will have, inspiration and an answer to the
other side.

So, let's go to the spells...

It's true, that Saint Devil and Saint Death dwell at cemeteries, and there
the souls of dead people wander around their bones, but the owner of
cemeteries is Tupi, and with you also can work.

His food as an offering is mashed potatoes, making into balls. His drink
is red wine and his candle is white. These offerings are left there, at the

When you want to work with the souls through Tupi, chose three
tombs and say:

"I ask Tupi give me as the owner of this cemetery what I will ask
him. That the soul which is here and under his rule, obey me."

The clean ritual with Saint Devil or Saint Death, could be used in a
place, house or persona. It helps to vanish any negative influence,
spiritual, psychic or a magical attack.

Before clean the place or the person, you should place your trust in
Saint Devil to help you.

You should have a whip, a candle and a knife. With the candle lit in the
hand, make a mark of a cross in each wall of each room. Do the same
with the whip and with the knife, and say:

11Saint Devil Luru-Pari, take off (say the person's name or place) the
evil of here."

Then, blow the candle off and put on the Saint Devil's altar, light it
again and ask him to clean the person and the place.

Before the ritual itself. you must place your trust to Saint Death to help

You need a plastic bag and a piece of raw meat. Put the meat in the bag
and pass it on the walls, doors and people who live in the house and

11Saint Death Afianga, take off the evil of (say the person's name)."

Then, the person should stay out of the place. Clean the house and say:

11Saint Death Afianga, take off the evil from this place."

After this, put the meat on the Saint Death's altar, light a black candle
and ask the Saint to clean the person and the house.

The things that you used for the rituals, can be placed on the altars or
at places in where the Saints dwell. If you place on the altar, then you
should leave the meat and candle at the places where they dwell.

The divination, art is not something outside of this Legacy, in fact, each
warlock and witch should learn this tool. This tool has different uses,
such us to know the past, the present and the future of a persona. But
also, it uses to discover occult things, situations, intentions, enemies,
etc. Another use is to know which results we will have in a spell that
we want to cast. The Legacy has a unique divination system. You will
need a Spanish Deck Cards, and the system or reading and blessing are
the following:

You go to the cemetery with the deck and a black candle. At midnight,
chose a new tomb and bury the cards. Light the candle, left it on the
tomb and say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari, that these cards tell the truth about the Past,
Present and Future."

The following day, at midnight digs the cards up, put a coin and light
a black candle. Scatter the card and ask:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari, show the card of Money, Wins and Success."

By intuition, take the cards that you feel means that and separate from
the rest. Then say:

"San Devil Luru-Pari, show me the cards of Lost, Breaks and


Separate those which means that. Then Say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari, show me the cards of Talking and Gossiping."

Separate those which means that. Then Say:

"Sain Devil Luru-Pari, show me the card of Movements and Trips."

Separate those which means that. Then say:

" Saint Devil Luru-Pari, show the card which represents Men,
Women, their Color Hair, Ages and Skin Color."

Separate those which means that. Then say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Paru, show me how to read the cards."

By intuition take the cards, and put as you feel, trying to read and
understand its message. When you finish, you will have a deck ready
for divination. Each time that you want to read the cards, say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari, that the cards tell me about (say the name or
the situation), its past, present and future."

The card must keep in a wooden box, and rest on the altar until you
need to use it. You can use to read about your own life or to another

The spirit and the body are linked, but separated from the soul. The
soul is the spiritual life of the person, with the dead of the body, the
soul loses the link with the body and the spirit. The body dies, and
without life the same happens to the spirit. But could happens that this
one has a reflex of life and can continue existing, feeding from other
lives, because it doesn't have a soul anymore, so the spirit need to find
another one to keep existing. There are cases of souls which continue
with its spirit and add more spirits to work with.

In life, people could suffer the risk of losing the spirit, there are many
reasons for a lost like this. In a natural way, the person is doing his/
her ordinary life, and suddenly is ill and no-one is able to heal him. The
spirit is lost, staid in some place because something distracted it. Also,
could happen that a powerful warlock/witch knows the trick to trap
the spirit, and when this happens the person feels ill.

If you discovered that this happened in a natural way, in the person's

room, light a candle, go to the place in where you guess the spirit is,
with the clothes of the person. Light some coals, also need some red
wine. Put the clothes of the person on the floor, simulating the person
is there, drop some of the wine on the floor and say:

11Tupi, release the spirit of (say the person's name)."

Make crosses on the air with the coals and leave it on the place. Call the
spirit by the owner's name and without a look back, come back to the
room's person. Put the clothes in the same position under the bed and
the candle under the pillow.

The red wine is in honor of Tupi and it's an interchange for the spirit.

When this happens by a warlock/witch, you need to seek if the spell
was cast in a Cemetery, Crossroad or Mountain.

If this was done in the Cemetery, will be more difficult because there,
lives a lot of souls and spirits.

Leave the candle lit on the room's person, go to the place with red
wine, coals and gunpowder. Put the clothes on the floor, drop the wine
in honor of Tupi and as a form of interchange for the spirit and say:

11Tupi, release the spirit of (say the person's name)."

Make the cross symbol with the coals and call the spirit by its name.
Then, light the gunpowder to release the spirit of the place. Take the
clothes and say:

11(Name of the person) in these clothes, come to me."

Put the clothes under the owner's bed and say:

11(Name of the person) keep with (name the person)."

Put the candle under the pillow. If you won't observe any success, do
the ritual again.

When your detected the pain of a person is because he/she is posses by
a soul, take a puppet, and fill it with raw meat or ground meat, also put
his name and other personal element of the person. With the puppet
together with a cloth bag and a candle, go to the cemetery and at the
ossuary light the candle, fill the bag with soil and say:

"Tupi, I ask you that in this puppet enter the soul which posses (say
the person's name). This puppet represents the person and this soil
that is yours leading it."

Blow out the candle and when you arrive at the person's house, light
it again, open the bag, put out the puppet and spend it through the
person's body and say:

"Tupi, that the soul which is attached to (say the person's name)
enter in this puppet."

Put the puppet inside the bag and say:

"Tupi, that soul will lead through your soil to the place that

Close the bag, blow the candle out, come back to the cemetery and at
the ossuary, light the candle, open the bag, disassemble the puppet and

"Tupi, pick up this soul in your land."

Said the words, disassembled the puppet, the rest of the element should
be burned in the candle fires.
For this ritual, you will need a black cloth bad and a black candle. With
these elements, go to the cemetery, light the candle a put inside the bag
soil and say these words:

uTupi, I ask you through your soil, I can pick up a soul to hunt this
house (say the address) to (say what you want to achieve) in where
live (say the person's name who lives there) to (say again what you
want to achieve)."

Blow out the candle and puts at the house's entrance, light it, drop the
soil from the bag and say:

uTupi, that the soul which came through your soil, release and enter
into this house, in where live (say the person's name) to (say what
you want to achieve)."

Another way, is not to light the candle, but left at the entrance with the

Make a cloth puppet, and fill with a meal and something that belong
to the person, also add the name. Go to the cemetery with a cloth bag,
the puppet and a black candle. Fill the bag with soil and inside put the
puppet and say:

uTupi, that puppet which represents (say the victim's name) enter
a soul and lead through your soil to (say the address in where the
victim lives) to (say what you want to achieve)."

Blow the candle out, close the bag with the puppet inside. In front of
the victim's house, light the candle or don't (this is up to you) and bury
the puppet with the cemetery's soil. Another option is just to put these
elements in front of the door. Then say:

11Tupi, that soul which came in this puppet, will attached to (say the
victim's name) to (say what you want to achieve)."

If you want to harm more the person, meanwhile you're saying your
intentions, prick the puppet with pins. If you want to occult the spell,
you can bury the puppet and the candle near to victim's house but
outside of his eyes.

Make a head with soil from the bank's entrance, mix with oil, put in
coins, wheat, sweet corn and the name of the person that you want to
help. When you have your soil head, put 7 spikes as hair. Before all of
these, when you pick the soil, drop some wine as offering and say:

"Tupi, that soil has all the virtues of the bank's money."

When you have the head, put on the Saint Devil's altar and say:

"Saint Devil, here I have this spell made with the soil of a bank.
As the back moves the money, thus in my house moves the money.
And thus in the bank enters money, that my house enters money."

Make some balls of corn flour, inside put a coin and the name of the
person you want to help, and say:

uSaint Devil, that the money increase through my work."

Light a candle, and when this consume, left all at the bank's entrance
and say:

uSaint Devil, as people put the money in this bank to see safe and
in little time increase, thus left this spell with my money in this
bank to see safe and in little time increase."

Afia is a Devil with little patient, which dwell in all places. Generally,
he doesn't obey no-one, but has respect for those who have a high
hierarchal of him. He always looks for new souls to make part of his
entourage. The one who works with Afia, should keep in mind that
once a year, you have to make an offering to him and his angry souls.

At night, when Afia and his souls are close, sometimes the cats announce
his presence with the crying that sounds like a baby.

When you want to work with him, go to the crossroad at midnight,

lead with you a black cat which is tie, but don't untie until you return
to your house. You need a bottle of gin, a cigarette and a black or white
candle. If you can't use a cat, just use the candle this is enough.

To call him say:

u Afia, I call you this black night to help me in this spell."

Begin with the spell, and while you're doing say:

uThat the frenzied soul that follows you, help me in this spell."

As soon as you finish with the spell say:

uThat (say what you want to achieve)."

The most powerful spells with this entity are those of envy or
malediction, and you will have better results when there is no moon
on the sky.

For this spell you will need 4 doves' feather, with two of them tie with
the form of wings, put the name of one person and something that
belong to him/her. Do the same with the other two feathers. With a
climber branch from the place in where lives the "Saint" , tie the feathers
and say:

11Saint Devil, bind (say the name) with (say the name), as this
climber branch took from (cemetery, crossroad or mountain) climb
his souls."

Put all together in a bag, light a red candle. When the candle is
consumed, left this near the place of near the person or in the place
where the saint dwell.

You need two rings, a candle and a bag. Tie the name's a thing for
the people you want to bind. Tie both rings together and put them in
a little red bag. Then light a candle in from of the Saint Death's altar.
Then, go the cemetery, chose a tomb, make a little hole in the soil, light
the candle and say:

"Saint Death Watcher of Souls, that soul arrives to (say the person's
name) and to (say the other person's name)."

Put the bag in the hole and say:

"In the name of Saint Death Watcher of Souls, the soul that is here,
I give you (say the person's name) and (say the other person's name)
to bind them."

This is a clean ritual for a person, it uses when you need to attack
someone or return a curse. Spend a light candle around the body's
person, and then do the same with a bag with raw meat, while you're
doing this say:

"Saint Death Afianga, for Tupi and Pora, clean to (say the person's

As soon as do this, in the bag, put the name and things of the enemy.
Put the candle on the Saint Death's altar and in front the bag with the
meal and say:

"Saint Death Afianga for Tupi and Pora, that (say the name of your
enemy) being affected as this meat, as soon as is rotten, thus rotten
(say the name of your enemy) and all the evil that had (say the name
of the person that you did the clear ritual) enter to (say the name of
your enemy) destroying himfher."

The rest could be left at the cemetery or at the door in a funeral home.

In a bottle, put water, oil, sulfur, black pepper, burns garlic and vinegar.
Add the victim's name and if you have, things that belong to him/her.
Close the bottle, put in front of the fetish of Saint Devil, light a black
candle, shake the bottle at the time you say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari, that Ana destroy (say the victim's name)
and for this Ana all what is good leaves (or say what you want to

Then you can leave the bottle at the cemetery of at the door in a funeral

Put in a plate: 1 or 3 corns, 1 or 3 red apples and 1 or 3 coins. Under
these, put your desire and in the middle a candle. At the cemetery, light
the candle and say:

uSaint Devil from Cemetery, give me (1-3) souls for each corn, apple
and coin, so the work of (say the name) to enter the money in his

You will need 3 or 7 bread, make a hole in them and put in a paper with
the name, petition, one coin for each and corn. At the cemetery, chose 3
or 7 tombs, put on the plate the breads, light a candle and say:

uSaint Death Watcher of Souls, that these 3 or 7 souls, improve (say

the person's name) on the work and gives him money."

Said that, buried each bread in different tombs.

From the cemetery, take some soil, human bones and some water and

"Saint Devil from Cemetery, that through this soil and bones, I'll be
able to conjure a soul."

When you have done this, go to the place in where you going to do the
practice. This should be done outside. From the branch of a tree, put a
tulle and make a tent. Done this, make a fire with wood, put a cauldron
with water and in the soil, the bones and light a candle. When the water
is boiling with the soil and bones, filling the tent with steam, put inside
the water a toad and say:

"Saint Devil brings me a soul, (if you want to communicate with

someone that you know, just say its name) and as a ghost comes

Say the words three times. From the steam the ghost will appear,
invite the soul to come out, the steam will follows you. It's possible the
soul accedes to answer our questions. The soul alone leaves the place,
entering into the tent, fade away the steam. At that moment we can
finish with the practice.

For this curse you will need a puppet which represents the victim, a
bottle with oil, another with salt and a black candle. With these elements
go to the cemetery. There, light the candle, mix the oil with the salt a
spread on the puppet, then say:

"Saint Devil Afianga, salting to (say the victim's name) because (say
what you want to destroy in hisfher life) that everything goes bad to

If you want to destroy more the life of your enemy, nail the puppet
with pins, and then bury it with the candle in a tomb.

On his altar and before care the Saint, say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari, I want to make a way of salt for (say the
victim's name) that everything goes wrong to himfher."

Make a circle with the salt around a puppet which represent the victim,
tie the puppet on the candle with black ribbon, and light the candle. All
these go together in the salt's circle, then say:

"Saint Devil Luru-Pari that (say the victim's name) couldn't go out,
as a vicious circle everything which is evil makes him suffer."

Blow the candle out, but don't untie the puppet. Repeat the same
ritual the following days until you see results. Another form is put the
puppet and the candle in a black bag, put the salt inside and left it near
the victim's house with the candle lit.

Frenzied and loneliness, Saint Devil from Mountains, has seldom
been in the companion of a soul, with a sickle in his hand. One must
be cautious when he comes close to the city or town, because he has
something occult on hands.

When you want to bind someone, during the night, go the mountain.
Put a candle on the ground, light it, take a climber branch and say:

11Saint Devil from the Mountains, bring to (say the name) doesn't
let that (say what you want to achieve)."

As soon as you finish, mix some soil from the place with oil and cover
the branch with the bind. Done this, put in a piece of cloth. Tie it and

11Luru-Pari that (say the name) won't be able to (say what you want
to achieve)."

11 (Victim's name) for Luru-Pari, I bind you with this climber, you
won't be able to (say what you want to achieve)."

All of these elements keep with you, and put on the altar. Be sure the
person won't be able to do what you want.

After summoning Afia, hanged the cat with a rope, when the cat is
dead, on his mouth put a piece of paper with the victim's name and if
it's possible something that belong to him/her. Close the eat's mouth
with wax and say:

Aiia, that cat prosecutes all day to (say the victim's name) until he/

she becomes insane, and scare off everything."

Make a puppet with a little bag on it. Put on the Saint Death's altar,
light a black candle. The puppet and the bag will be filled with fecal
matter, inside put the victim's name and if you have, something that
belongs to him/her. Then say:

11Saint Death Afianga that (say the victim's name) take off the
money, peace and health."

Bury the bag near to leave your enemy. Then, go to the cemetery with
the puppet, find a fresh tomb and say:

11Saint Death, Guardian of Corpse, in this cemetery lock to (say the

victim's name)."

Bury the puppet in the tomb, saying:

11Saint Death Watcher of Souls, that (say the victim's name) won't
be able to scape of this tomb, that (say the victim's name) lose
money, health, peace and nobody will be able to help himfher."

Make a cloth bag, and inside put something that belongs to the gambling
game that you want to win. Also, put four coins and soil taken from a
bank. Tie the bag and say:

11Saint Death Aftanga that the fate benefit me, and the fate touches

When we finish, go with the bag in your hand to the gambling house,
touch it and say:

11Saint Death Aftanaga, take off paye of fate from this place and give
it to me."

You need a cloth bag, four coins with a hole in the middle, and a climber
branch, pass the branch through the holes, put inside the bag and fill
with soil from a bank. When you're doing this, say:

11Saint Devil Luru Pari, by fate I want money and with the night I

Then go to the gambling house with the bag in your hand, touch it and

11Saint Devil Luru Pari, take off Afta of fate from the gamblers and
give it to me."

The art of sacrifice is something that seems old-fashioned in many
forms of witchcraft, however, is something actual in the Legacy. This is
an advanced practice and demand a big compromise with the Legacy.
My suggestion doesn't do it if you aren't really sure that this is the path
which you want to walk. The rites of sacrifices are done in this way:

After open the door with the key, put a vessel over it and with the knife
cut the throat of the animal saying:

If the sacrifice is for Sain t Devil:

"Saint Devil Luru Pari Urubatao, cut here."

If the sacrifice is for Sain t Death:

"Saint Death Afianga Urubatao, cut here."

Sigil of the first door

When you're cutting the animal, say mentally:


The rite finish leaving the vessel in front of the fetish of the Saint. Then
delete the door.

Make a gesture with the key, close the door and say:

uLule-Koincho, close the door of (name the saint) I've worked with

The doors for works are used when we need more power. The following
door is used to work with Saint Devil before midnight:

Sigil of the second door

The following door uses to work with Saint Devil after midnight:

Sigil of the third door

The following door uses to work with Saint Death before midnight:

Sigil of the fourth door

The following door uses to work with Saint Death after midnight:

Sigil of the fiveth door:

Also, there are doors for spells that can be used for strong spells,
however, these are secrets and only shows by Saint Devil and Saint
Death. These revelations come in dreams and the warlock/witch can
ask to the deities that show it if needed.

After serving Saint Devil and Saint Death, in a cloth bag, put a phalanx,
some little human bones and a coin. Tie the bag and say:

11Saint Devil Luru-Pari, Saint Death Aftanga, with the Poras of

Caramuru, this Afia-Paye make me invincible with the Gambling

At midnight, light a black candle under the Fig Tree and say:

11Saint Devil from Mountains, I invoke you to bring power to this

Fig. Make lose the mind to (say the victim's name).

Put the candle on the ground and say:

11Tupi, Pora that air will be enabling with what I want."

Pick the Fig and put as hood in a puppet that represents your victim,
tie the puppet with a branch and then say:

11Saint Devil from Mountains, make that (say the victim's name)
lose his mind. Tupi-Pora lead through the air this Afta to (say the
victim's name)."

Said the previous words, put the fig on the puppet and with a black
thread tie the fig on the neck of the puppet. Near to the Fig Tree, make
a hole and bury the puppet, but leaving out the head and then say:

11Saint Devil from Mountains, by this Afta makes (say the victim's
name) lose his mind. Tupi-Pora through the air this puppet are
bound to (say the victim's name) and what this puppet suffers the
same happen to my enemy. His vitality will be absorbed by the

At midnight, pick up a toad from the cemetery. Inside his mouth put
the name, a picture and elements that belong to the future victim. Then
sew his mouth.

Put the toad in a box with some holes on it. Light a black candle and

"Saint Devil from Hells, Saint Death from Cemeteries, that (say the
victim's name) will consume suffering as this toad."

Then bury the box. If you want to stop the curse, you have to unpick
the toad mouth, taking off what you put inside.

The box doesn't have any hole, and it should be totally close. Before
close it, say:

"Saint Devil from Hells, Saint Death from Cemeteries, that (say the
victim's name) consume until die as this toad."

Bury in the cemetery.

Go to the cemetery with a puppet that represent the victim, it should
be filled with things that belong to him/her, At the cemetery, light a
black candle and say:

"Tupi, open your earth to absorb (say the victim's name) with the
blood of this chicken."

The chicken is related to victim's sex. Cut the throat the chicken (which
should be alive) drop the blood on the puppet and say:

"Tupi-Pora, trap (say the victim's name) don't leave himfher, suck
his life, dry his life."

At the cemetery, light a black candle, make a hole and say:

11Tupi opens your earth to bring back the life of (say the person's

Cut a chicken, drop the blood on the puppet. Then say:

uTupi-Pora, release (say the person's name), bring his life back,
improve him."

You will need the ashes of a recent body, pick it and put on the altar, in
front of Saint Devil's fetish. Then say:

11Saint Devil from Hells, in the crematorium you're present

conspiring with Saint Devil from Cemeteries. That the soul which
belong this ashes (fill the puppet with it, also put the name and
things that belong to the victim). With your authorization, this soul
goes out for a period of your realm and with hate and suffering,
torture the life (prick the puppet with pins) (say the victim's name)
becoming his life a living hell."

After serve the Saint say:

"Saint Devil of the Mountains, I call you to enchant this egg."

Make a little hole in the egg, drop some of your blood inside. Then
close the hole.

"That egg hatches the money for me, and in short time born the
improvement to my wallet."

When the candle consumes, bury the egg in your house.

It's my desire and my hope that this Legacy continue alive, that others
transmit this gnosis and moreover, it uses by the new generations of
warlocks and witches. Many practices in this book could be viewed as
antinomian and dark, but part of being a warlock is about transcending
our own limits and taboos.

I hope likes this book and will be useful.

See you soon!

Daemon Barzai
201 6.

Daemon Barzai is a Draconian Magician. Cultist of the Great Old Ones.
Esoteric Translator, Writer and Publisher. Founder of Black Tower
Publishing. Contributor for different books such as Qliphoth Journal, The
Way of the Serpen t, The Rites of Lucifer, Sabbatica among others. Author
of The Nyarlathotep Book and Co-au thor of Lilith: Goddess of Sitra Ahra and
Tricks ters & Adversaries of the Left Hand Path.

Contact: fasenigredo@gmail. com

Publishing House: www. blacktowerpublishing. com

Personal Blog about Draconian Magic: www. diariodeunbrujo.com.ar

Portfolio: http://daemon-barzai.artworkfolio. com/

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