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Conducting Research On Youth Unemployment

With special reference to Tamil Nadu


Name: …………………. Date:……………..

Location Name: ………… Contact:.…..………

1. Age of Respondent?
a. 15-19 b. 20-24
c. 25-29 d. 30-34
2. Gender?
a. Male b. Female
3. Marital Status?
a. Single b. Married
4. Family Type?
a. Nuclear b. Joint
5. Education?
a. Illiterate b. Primary
c. Middle d. Metric
e. Intermediate f. Graduate
6. Locality?
a. Urban b. Rural
7. Current Status?
a. Employed b. Unemployed
8. What cause of Unemployment?
a. Economic recession
b. increased birth rate

c. Increasing technology
d. Illiteracy

9. Is Tamil Nadu Govt. providing employment opportunities?

a. Yes. b. No.

10. If you are unemployed what you want to do?

a. Own Business. b. Job.

11. Income per Month (Rs.)?

a. 5000 to 10000 b.10001 to 15000

c. 15001 to 20000 d. 20001 to above

12. You feel confident if you have any job?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

13. Does Unemployment affects common people’s life?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

14. Does Unemployment leads to poor mental health?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

15. Is our educational system also responsible for the high

unemployment rate among the educated youth?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

16. Rapid mechanization and computer technology are also causing

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

17. Lack of enough industries in Tamilnadu is cause of


a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

18. The government is not involving in capital expenditure which

creates job?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

19. Young people don’t want to do work on a very low wage so they
remain unemployed?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

20. The main reason of unemployment is government is not keen in

providing jobs to the fresh graduates?

a. Agree b. Disagree

c. Strongly Agree d. Strongly Disagree

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