Numeracy Rotation Lesson Week 8

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Year Level: Pre Primary Time: 12-12:30pm Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Date: 12-13th June, Week 7, 20-30mins each day

- Students all term have had activities and
lessons on breaking bonds of 4 and 5.
Learning Area: Mathematics
- Students have had practice verbally
explaining their thinking and reasoning.
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
- Students know their math groups and can
Connect number names, numerals and quantities,
work well with those students.
including zero, initially up to 10 and then
beyond (ACMNA002).

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal Intercultural
competence creative behaviour and Social understandi
thinking competence ng
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Answer the number stories using manipulatives to solve subtraction number stories on the part part
whole sheet.
 Write down the correct answer for the number stories on their worksheet.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Part part whole table for teacher at each table. - For Dilphreet I will sit next to her and make
- Number bonds for all students. her collect a number of items, take one
- Subtraction number stories. away and ask her what is left. Adapting the
- Manipulatives of the sea creature animals. lesson objectives/activities will help adjust
- White board markers and earsers. the level of the lesson more appropriate to
- Subtraction number stories worksheet. her.
- large numbered dice, whiteboards and


whiteboard markers.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
 Could the students recognise the subtraction within the number story?
 Were students able to physically show or verbally show their understanding?
 Did the students take turns with each other?
 What will the students need to work on in the next lesson?
 What tasks did the students find difficult?

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

 Were the activities helpful?
 Were the students engaged in the lesson?
 What aspect did the students like or dislike?
 Did each student participate?
 Was the objective met?
 How can this be improved?
 What will the students need to work on in the next lesson?

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
12:00pm - Lesson starts after the numeracy warmup that the whole
segment where they will
class does on the matt, Mrs Papas will then send off the
be introduced.
students into their small groups for literacy activities.

- Have the table area set up with the activity worksheets, sea
creatures manipulatives, white board makers and erasers.

- Each activity will be explained and the correct group will be

sent off to the tables. Two groups will be doing the
subtraction number stories with myself and Mrs Palmer and
the other two groups will be doing the independent number
before/after activity.


Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

- Once the two selcected groups for that day is seated explain
the purpose of the activity is to practice more subtraction
number stories.

- Then explain the activity – Part part whole table for

“I have a few story cards that I will read out aloud to everyone, and I teacher at each table,
will have to represent the objects in my story using the counters on subtraction number
the part part whole table and then you need to write down the stories, Manipulatives of
breaking apart bonds in the other table.” the sea creature
- For the students who need extra help, I would help guide
their learning by scaffolding and breaking down the activity
with them.
“How many are there altogether?”
“How many do we need more?”
“Which box will you put the whole in?”
“Which number goes where?”

- For the more advanced students give them some more

challenging questions to think about if they find the activity
too easy.
“How many more sharks do you need to make 8?”
“How many are there altogether?”
“If there was one more turtle what would the total be?”

- Continue with the activity until all the number stories are
read out aloud and the students have had a go with each
one or until the time has finished.

- Next have the students then go onto the worksheet where Worksheets
the students see the representational pictures and questions


to cross off the objects to understand the answer.

- Work through the worksheets with the student and reading

out aloud the number stories altogether to help students
complete the worksheet, prompting when needed.

- Have the other two groups doing the independent activities large numbered dice
with a number focus of one before and one after. Have the and whiteboards
large numbered dice and students have whiteboards, in a
circle one students rolls one or two dice and the students
have to write the number that come before that number.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

- First ask the students what they thought of the activity.
“Did you enjoy the activity?”
“What did you learn?”
“Did you find it challenging?”

- Remind the students of the purpose to practice more

number bonds within subtraction number stories.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

- Mrs Papas will then call the students up wash their hands,
grab their lunchboxes and hats to go to lunch by one table
at a time to eliminate any misbehaviour in the transition.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be

This assessment will be done through a checklist and note take to
see if each student could achieve each of the lesson objectives and Checklist
if they couldn’t what part were they struggling in;
- Answer the number stories using manipulatives to solve
subtraction number stories on the part part whole sheet.
- Write down the correct answer for the number stories on


their worksheet.

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