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Psychological Research

DOI 10.1007/s00426-013-0537-1


Working memory and executive functions: effects of training

on academic achievement
Cora Titz • Julia Karbach

Received: 15 April 2013 / Accepted: 13 December 2013

 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract The aim of this review is to illustrate the role of academic and vocational success, income, and socioeco-
working memory and executive functions for scholastic nomic status (e.g., Jimerson, Egeland, & Teo, 1999;
achievement as an introduction to the question of whether Schmidt & Hunter, 1998; Spinath, 2012). The fact that
and how working memory and executive control training educational differences are a main source of social dis-
may improve academic abilities. The review of current parities highlights the importance of interventions sup-
research showed limited but converging evidence for posi- porting scholastic achievement. In this article, we review
tive effects of process-based complex working-memory the effects of a specific kind of intervention: We analyze
training on academic abilities, particularly in the domain of how process-based cognitive training in the domains of
reading. These benefits occurred in children suffering from working memory and executive functions may enhance
cognitive and academic deficits as well as in healthy stu- school-relevant abilities as well as academic achievement.
dents. Transfer of training to mathematical abilities seemed In this regard, we also address one of the emerging core
to be very limited and to depend on the training regime and issues in the field of cognitive training research—the
the characteristics of the study sample. A core issue in question who benefits most from cognitive interventions: Is
training research is whether high- or low-achieving children it individuals with low levels of cognitive ability or is it
benefit more from cognitive training. Individual differences those who are already doing very well?
in terms of training-related benefits suggested that process- In the first part of the review, we consider the relation of
based working memory and executive control training often working memory (WM) and executive functions (EF) and
induced compensation effects with larger benefits in low their relations to intelligence. Then we summarize the roles
performing individuals. Finally, we discuss the effects of of WM, EF, and intelligence for learning before we describe
process-based training in relation to other types of inter- the impact of WM and EF on two domains of academic
ventions aimed at improving academic achievement. outcomes: mathematics and reading. In the second part, we
present an overview of research on the transfer of WM and
EF training to these academic domains based on studies
Introduction investigating children with cognitive and academic deficits
as well as healthy children. Furthermore, we explore indi-
The present review is motivated by the high significance of vidual differences in the performance gains induced by WM
academic achievement for various life outcomes, such as and EF training. Finally, we discuss how the effects of other
training approaches compare to WM and EF training.
C. Titz (&)
DIPF Educational Research and Educational Information,
Schloßstr. 29, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Working memory, executive functions, and academic
e-mail: achievement
J. Karbach
Department of Educational Science, Saarland University, There is a variety of models describing the structure and
Campus A4 2, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany function of WM (Miyake & Shah, 1999) and EF (Miyake

Psychological Research

et al., 2000). Most researchers agree that working memory single coordinated system that serves multiple functions or
(WM) enables individuals to temporarily remember infor- a cluster of largely autonomous control processes.
mation while competitively processing information (see
Miyake & Shah, 1999). WM models differ, for example, in The relation of WM, EF, and intelligence
whether WM is seen as a limited capacity system that can
flexibly allocate resources to processing and storage (Case, When it comes to the impact of WM and EF on learning
Kurland, & Goldberg, 1982), whether WM reflects acti- and scholastic achievement, their relation to general intel-
vated portions of long-term memory driven by a limited ligence has to be considered: Crystallized intelligence, on
attentional resource (e.g., Cantor & Engle, 1993; Cowan, the one hand, is defined as acquired knowledge that is
2001; Oberauer, 2002), or whether it is seen as domain- based on cumulated information in long-term memory, and
general short-term memory plus controlled attention general fluid intelligence ‘‘Gf’’, on the other hand, is con-
(Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999). sidered as the ability to reason under novel conditions. As
The relationship between WM and executive functions Friedman et al. (2006) highlighted, initial neuropsycho-
(EF) is also discussed controversially. To illustrate the logical results did not point to a relationship between EF
diversity of processes subsumed under the umbrella term and intelligence, because frontal patients showing deficits
‘‘EF’’ in neuropsychology, (Cartwright (2012, p. 26) listed in EF had normal intelligence scores on the Wechsler Adult
11 processes, such as attentional control, planning, meta- Intelligence Scale (WAIS). Duncan, Burgess and Emslie
cognition, initiation, inhibition, or WM, to name a few. All (1995) proposed that the WAIS may be relatively insen-
in all, EF is described as a supervisory system that is sitive to frontal damages, because it partly relies on crys-
involved in the coordination and control of goal-directed tallized intelligence and that deficits in EF might rather
behavior, including WM. affect fluid intelligence. Therefore, Friedman et al. (2006)
In a cognitive developmental framework, which we examined the relation of updating, shifting, and inhibition
adopt in the current review, EF are conceptualized much to fluid intelligence (Gf), crystallized intelligence (Gc), and
narrower, often guided by a description from Miyake and the WAIS in a sample of 234 adult twins by means of a
Friedman (2012). These authors differentiate specific latent variable approach. In a first step, they fitted a con-
cognitive control processes that serve (1) to update the firmatory model with the three EF factors, Gf and Gc. In
contents of WM, (2) to flexibly shift between different that model, Gf was not significantly correlated to inhibition
tasks or representations, and (3) to inhibit irrelevant (r = .29, p = .08), and shifting (r = .13, p = .28), but to
information and action tendencies. Depending on a broad updating (r = .64, p \ .01). Surprisingly, the EF-Gc cor-
or a narrow conception of EF, WM is either subsumed relations were slightly higher and all significant, but
under EF as described above (e.g., Cartwright, 2012; Mi- updating still showed the highest correlation (r = .68
yake & Friedman, 2012; see also Willoughby, Kupersmidt, versus .31 for each shifting and inhibition). In a second
& Voegler-Lee, 2012), or EF are described as specific step, the authors estimated a structural equation model
‘‘executive aspects’’ of WM. The latter description draws (SEM) allowing for correlations between the three EF
back on a WM model proposed by Baddeley et al. (e.g., factors. This model confirmed the strong relationship of
Baddeley, 2000, 2006; Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). In their updating to both Gf and Gc. In an SEM including the three
WM model, a domain-general ‘‘central executive’’ controls EF and the WAIS, updating also was the only EF factor
domain-specific memory subsystems, such as the phono- explaining variance. Thus, Friedman et al. (2006, p. 178)
logical loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad specialized in concluded that ‘‘The strong relation between updating and
the processing of language-based and visuo-spatial infor- intelligence is consistent with numerous findings of an
mation, respectively. The subsystems can be divided into a association between intelligence and working memory
short-term memory storage component that holds verbal or capacity […].’’
visuo-spatial information for about 2 s., and a processing The mechanisms that drive the underlying association
component that refreshes the information by inner repeti- between Gf and WM, or in other words that constitute the
tion. In 2000, Baddeley added the episodic buffer, which is common underlying abilities, are not fully understood to
responsible for integrating information from the subsys- date. Whereas (Engle (2010); see also Conway and Getz
tems and long-term memory. Baddeleys (1996) description (2010) suggested that WM tasks and Gf tasks both rely on
of the central executives’ features includes the temporary attentional control abilities, such as executive functioning,
activation of long-term memory, the coordination of mul- Colom, Abad, Quiroga, Shih, & Flores-Mendoza (2008)
tiple tasks, the shifting between tasks or retrieval strategies, found that short-term memory storage largely accounted
and the capacity to attend selectively to relevant informa- for the relationship between WM tasks and Gf tasks. A
tion and to inhibit irrelevant information. According to recent study by Wang, Ren, Altmeyer and Schweizer
Baddeley (1996), the central executive may either be a (2013) indicated that both storage capacity and executive

Psychological Research

attention contributed significantly to fluid intelligence and To sum up, studies on the relation between WM and Gf
complex learning. in children mirrored findings from the literature on adults:
Swanson and Alloway (2012) pointed out that not only in it seems clear that Gf and WM are strongly related, but
individual differences research but also in developmental additional research is needed to clarify which component
research (p. 346) ‘‘the connecting mechanism between WM of WM is related to Gf in which age range and to identify
and the two types of intelligence are unclear’’. In a recent the underlying mechanisms driving this relationship.
longitudinal study, Engel de Abreu, Conway and Gathercole
(2010) addressed the question whether the attentional control The relation of WM, EF, and Gf to learning
of WM or the storage component is driving the link between and academic achievement
complex span tasks and Gf in children. To assess WM, Engel
de Abreu et al. (2010) applied two versions of complex It is well known that intelligence strongly contributes to
memory span tasks adapted from Alloway’s (2007) com- learning and academic success (e.g., Ackerman & Heg-
puter-based Automated Working Memory Assessment gestad, 1997; Farsides & Woodfield, 2003) and that mea-
(AWMA): a counting recall task and a digit span backwards. sures of intelligence predict a wide range of indicators of
To assess storage capacity, also two tasks were applied: a academic success (Lee, Lee Pe, Ang, & Stankov, 2009;
digit recall task from the AWMA and a non-word repetition Mellanby, Martin, & O’Doherty, 2000). There is also a
task. Gf was assessed using Ravens Matrices (Raven, Court, large body of evidence showing that WM and EF are
& Raven, 1986). The sample consisted of 119 children who predictors of scholastic performance (for a recent excellent
were followed over 3 years (aged from 5 to 9 years) begin- review see Swanson & Alloway, 2012). Given the strong
ning in the second year of Kindergarten. For each of the three connection between WM, EF (in particular updating), and
measurement points two sets of hierarchical regression intelligence described in the last section, one may assume
analyses were performed to examine the specific effects of that WM and/or EF are only proxies of intelligence and
the attentional control component of WM and the storage question whether they make unique contributions to aca-
component on Gf. After the effects of short-term storage demic success. Whereas some researchers state that the
were controlled, WM still explained additional variance in relationship between WM and learning is driven by intel-
Gf, accounting for 31 % in Gf in kindergarten, 32 % in 1st ligence (Nation, Adams, Bowyer-Crane, & Snowling,
grade, and 17 % in 2nd grade. Short-term storage in contrast 1999; Stothard & Hulme, 1992), others hold the reverse
did not make any specific contributions to Gf after shared view that WM accounts for the relationship between fluid
variance between WM and storage was controlled. On a intelligence and complex learning (Wang et al., 2013). To
theoretical level this suggests that the monitoring of ongoing date, it seems not feasible to reject one of the two positions
procedures, the selective activation of relevant representa- in favor of the other. Instead, process-oriented descriptions
tions, and the suppression of irrelevant or distracting infor- of how WM and EF may impact specific academic out-
mation (as represented in the WM control processes) seem to comes while taking intelligence into account are desirable.
be more relevant for reasoning than the capacity to maintain In fact, measures of WM have repeatedly been shown to
representations for ongoing processing (as reflected by the predict more variance in academic abilities than measures
storage component). of intelligence (Alloway, Bibile, & Lau, 2013; Alloway,
However, for older children (4th and 5th graders), a 2009; Andersson, 2008; Lee, Ng, Ng, & Lim, 2004;
relation between the storage component of WM and Gf has Swanson, 2004), or at least comparable portions of vari-
also been reported (Giofrè, Mammarella, Ronconi, & ance (Lu, Weber, Spinath, & Shi, 2011), contradicting the
Cornoldi, 2013). Hornung, Brunner, Reuter and Martin view that WM and EF are only proxies of Gf (but see Lee,
(2011) pointed out that previous studies on the relationship et al. 2009 for a methodological critique).
between WM and GF in children have rarely compared In the recent past, different approaches have been chosen
different structural models of children’s WM what might to address the contribution of WM and EF to academic
partly explain the differing results on the common under- achievement, such as experimental dual-task studies in
lying processes of WM and Gf. In their own study, the which in parallel WM processes are stressed (e.g., by
authors distinguished six structural models of WM differ- applying visuo-spatial span tasks) and school-relevant tasks
ing for example in whether short-term memory and WM are performed (e.g., mental arithmetic), individual differ-
were separated and how domain-specific versus domain- ences studies in children with learning disabilities, studies
general components were taken into account. The authors that relate WM performance to scholastic outcomes in
found, somewhat opposed to Engel de Abreu et al. (2010), children of different ages, or studies of WM development as
that short-term storage capacity primarily explained the a predictor of scholastic outcomes in longitudinal studies
relationship between WM and fluid intelligence in 6-year- (Raghubar, Barnes, & Hecht, 2010). All in all, these studies
old children. yielded support for a close relationship between WM, EF,

Psychological Research

and scholastic attainment (e.g., Alloway et al., 2013; Allo- Although all components of WM have been shown to be
way & Alloway, 2010; Alloway & Passolunghi, 2011; Berg, associated with math performance at school (DeStefano &
2008; Bull, Espy, & Wiebe, 2008; Cartwright, 2012; Dia- LeFevre, 2004; DeSmedt et al., 2009; Geary, Hoard, Byrd-
mond, 2012; Gathercole, Pickering, Knight, & Stegmann, Craven, Nugent, & Numtee, 2007; Zheng, Swanson, &
2004; Pickering, 2006; Swanson & Alloway, 2012; Wil- Marcoulides, 2011), this relationship is mediated by the
loughby et al., 2012; Yeniad, Malda, Mesman, van Ijzen- tasks employed and the age of the sample (see Agostino,
doorn, & Pieper, 2013), whereby the relation to WM has been Johnson, & Pascual-Leone, 2010; Alloway and Pass-
studied more extensively than the link to specific EF. olunghi 2011; DeStefano and LeFevre 2004; Krajewski &
A bulk of evidence for the role of WM and EF in aca- Schneider, 2009; Laski et al., 2013; Meyer, Salimpoor,
demic achievement comes from studies including children Wu, Geary, & Menon, 2010; Zheng et al., 2011).
with learning disabilities (Alloway, 2009; Gathercole, Al- The meaning of spatial and verbal processing in solving
loway, Willis, & Adams, et al. 2006; Hasselhorn & Mähler, calculations seems to differ between younger and older
2007; Locascio, Mahone, Eason, & Cutting, 2010; Mähler children who shift from more procedural-based (e.g.,
& Schuchardt, 2009; McLean & Hitch, 1999; Passolunghi counting) to more memory-based (e.g., fact retrieval)
& Mammarella, 2012; Schuchardt, Mähler, & Hasselhorn, strategies to solve arithmetic tasks (see Barrouillet &
2008). To name a few examples, Schuchardt et al. (2008) Lépine, 2005; Bull & Espy, 2006; Bull et al., 2008; Geary,
dissociated specific impairments in visuo-spatial process- Hoard, & Nugent, 2012; Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, &
ing for children with dyscalculia (2nd to 4th graders) from Catherine DeSoto, 2004; Holmes & Adams, 2006; Laski
deficits in executive functioning and in the phonological et al., 2013). Supporting this claim, McKenzie, Bull and
loop in children with dyslexia. A study by Mähler and Gray (2003) found in a dual-task study that 6-year-old
Schuchardt (2009) furthermore underlined that children children’s mental arithmetic was disrupted only by a visuo-
with normal intelligence but deficits in WM suffered from spatial passive interference task, whereas the performance
learning disabilities, again contradicting the view that WM of 8-year-old children was disrupted by both a visuo-spatial
might only be a proxy of Gf. and a phonological interference task. Recent studies sup-
Before we are going to present evidence that WM and port the notion that whereas younger children rely more on
EF training can improve school relevant abilities and the visuo-spatial sketchpad to solve calculations, older
academic outcomes, it makes sense to demonstrate the children make more use of the phonological loop (DeS-
specific role that WM and EF play for distinct aspects of medt et al., 2009; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009). This
scholastic performance. The following paragraph therefore pattern of results led some researchers to suggest that
serves to briefly illustrate how WM and EF are related to ‘‘spatial working memory seems to be critical for the
math and reading (for a comprehensive overview see learning and application of new mathematical skills and
Swanson & Alloway, 2012). concepts, whereas verbal working memory seems to be
more important after a skill has been learned’’ (Laski et al.,
Working memory, executive functions, 2013, p. 124; see also LeFevre et al., 2010; Raghubar et al.,
and mathematics 2010).
When it comes to mathematical problem solving, chil-
Mathematics is a complex subject, encompassing a variety dren need to comprehend the text as well as to implement a
of abilities and skills, such as solving arithmetic problems problem-solving model. Lee, Ng and Ng (2009) summa-
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), alge- rized that mathematical problem solving involves four
bra, geometrics, or word problems. Thus, which component processing phases: translation, integration, planning, and
of WM or EF is involved may depend on the type of execution. For successful problem solving it is crucial to
mathematical skill or ability that is considered, and, fur- understand the question and to transform relevant infor-
thermore on the strategies children use to solve arithmetic mation into an integrated mathematical representation.
problems; these strategies change with advancing age. In a Such representations that may have the form of an equation
process-oriented description of WM’s involvement in guide the following phases of problem solving. Some
math, the phonological loop is argued to maintain operands studies found support for the notion that children rely on
or intermediate results, whereas the visuo-spatial sketchpad the phonological loop to transform quantitative symbols
‘‘could serve as a space where the problem and its solution into a verbal code during arithmetic problem solving (e.g.,
could be visually represented’’ (DeStefano & LeFevre, Logie, Gilhooly, & Wynn, 1994; Rasmussen & Bisanz,
2004, p. 355). Since the central executive is responsible for 2005). As Zheng et al. (2011) pointed out, younger children
planning, choosing strategies, and sequencing activities, its seem to apply visuo-spatial strategies (e.g., the use of
task may be to keep track of which part of a calculation has mental number lines), whereas older children shift to verbal
already been performed (DeStefano & LeFevre, 2004). strategies. Converse evidence comes from a study by

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Rasmussen and Bisanz (2005) who found that the visuo- In sum, there is evidence of a contribution of WM and
spatial component of WM did not contribute significantly EF to mathematical achievement, but it has yet to be
to verbal problem solving among preschoolers and 1st clarified which components contribute to what mathemat-
graders. Meyer et al. (2010) examined how the contribution ical ability at what age and which role general intelligence
of specific WM processes to performance in mathematical plays in this relation.
problem solving may change from 2nd to 3rd graders. The
authors found that in younger children (2nd graders) the Working memory, executive functions, and reading
central executive and phonological components of WM
predicted mathematical reasoning. In older children (3rd When it comes to reading comprehension, the involvement
graders), however, the visuo-spatial component predicted of WM has often been demonstrated (for recent compre-
both mathematical reasoning and numerical operations. hensive overviews see Carretti, Borella, Cornoldi, & De
The authors concluded that ‘‘the central executive and Beni, 2009; Swanson & Alloway, 2012). However, the
phonological loop facilitate performance during early functional role of WM in reading comprehension has been
stages of mathematical learning whereas visuo-spatial explained in different ways. Depending on whether a WM
representations play an increasingly important role during model with domain-specific subsystems has been applied
later stages’’ (2010, p. 101; see also Holmes & Adams, (e.g., Baddeley, 2000), or domain-general aspects of WM
2006). (Engle et al., 1999) have been emphasized, the role of the
Yeniad et al. (2013) stated that although there is a phonological subsystem (processing of verbal material) or
substantial amount of research linking EF to academic the role of central executive aspects (integration, infer-
achievement, most studies have focused on the contribution ences) have been proven relevant for reading
of WM. When it comes to specific EF, the authors claimed comprehension.
that earlier confirmatory factor analyses have shown that The ability to read is composed of different processes,
EF measures loaded on two latent factors that might best be such as word decoding and the ability to combine words
called WM and set-shifting. The authors therefore exam- and draw inferences to comprehend written text. As De
ined the impact of shifting on math abilities in a meta- Jong (2006) pointed out, the cognitive and environmental
analysis including 18 studies with a total sample of 2,330 determinants of word decoding and reading comprehen-
children (age range from 48 to 163.68 months). The sion are partly different. It seems obvious that verbal
shifting tasks of the included studies varied greatly in terms WM is especially important for learning to read, whereas
of measures and their coding (e.g., difference scores in the EF might be more important for later stages of drawing
Trailmaking A and B, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, reac- inferences. To read a word, letters have to be sequen-
tion times). However, taking these differences into account, tially converted into sounds that have to be temporarily
Yeniad et al. (2013) reported a significant combined effect stored until all letters have been translated and can then
size for the relation between shifting and math (r = .26, be combined to a word. Surprisingly, in early stages of
95 % CI = .15–.35, p \ .01) in a heterogeneous set of acquiring reading skills, the role of verbal WM seems to
studies (Q = 113.31, p \ .01). Higher shifting perfor- play a subordinate role, whereas phonological awareness
mance was related to higher levels of performance on math seems more important (see e.g., De Jong, 2006; Preßler,
tests. Given that only one of the studies included in the Krajewski, & Hasselhorn, 2013). Rohl and Pratt (1995)
meta-analysis corrected for general intelligence, it was not reported on the basis of a two-year longitudinal study
possible to disentangle the contributions of shifting and with 76 initially pre-reading children that phonological
intelligence to academic outcomes. Nevertheless, in 12 of awareness consistently predicted later reading and spell-
the studies it was possible to analyze the relation between ing, whereas verbal WM did not. In contrast, (Gather-
intelligence and math (N = 1,751 children); in these cole, Brown, & Pickering, 2003; see also Alloway et al.,
studies the authors found a significant and large combined 2005; Engel de Abreu et al. 2011; Gathercole et al.,
effect size of intelligence (r = .47, 85 % CI = .41–.52). In 2004) found that children’s WM scores at school entry
11 studies the relation between shifting and intelligence (backward digit; naming recall, nonword repetition, word
was reported (N = 1 539 children); the combined effect list recall, and word list matching) were highly signifi-
size for this relation was significant (r = .30, 85 % cant predictors of children’s literacy attainment. An
CI = .18–.41, p \ .01). All in all, intelligence contributed overlap between phonological awareness and phonologi-
more strongly to academic performance than shifting, and cal WM remains, however, to be discussed (Bowey,
shifting was substantially associated with intelligence. The 1996; Metsala, 1999; Pressler et al., 2013).
question, however, of whether shifting ability predicts That verbal WM seems to play a subordinate role in
mathematical achievement beyond the effect of intelli- acquiring reading abilities might be an effect of the very
gence is still open. short, usually one-syllable words that beginning readers

Psychological Research

have to process; such short words impose a low memory Working memory training, executive control training,
load (De Jong, 2006). For languages with consistent and academic achievement
orthographies (such as German), Landerl and Wimmer
(2008) have shown in an 8-year follow-up study that One goal of many EF and WM training interventions is to
phonological WM could predict reading fluency in the 1st induce transfer, that is, to improve performance not only on
grade, but not reading abilities in higher grades or writing the trained tasks, but also in domains that have not been
skills. These results point to two central aspects that have trained. Importantly, a number of studies have not only
to be considered in the study of WM and reading abilities: indicated that EF and WM can be improved by training
(1) the impact of WM components on reading abilities (e.g., Karbach & Schubert, 2013), but they also indicated
differs for younger, less skilled and older, more skilled that these training-related benefits transferred to new tasks
readers; (2) the impact of WM components may differ for that had not been part of the training regime: WM training,
languages with consistent (e.g., German, Dutch) and for instance, benefitted episodic memory in younger and
inconsistent orthographies (e.g., English), since a graphem- older adults (e.g., Dahlin, Neely, Larsson, Bäckman, &
phonem correspondence is given in consistent orthogra- Nyberg, 2008; Richmond, Morrison, Chein, & Olson, 2011;
phies and phonological recoding is often explicitly Schmiedek, Lövdén, & Lindenberger, 2010), inhibitory
instructed. control in children suffering from ADHD (e.g., Klingberg
Besides the importance of the phonological subcompo- et al., 2005) and in young adults (e.g., Chein & Morrison,
nent of WM for reading comprehension, evidence has 2010), attention in children, younger and older adults (e.g.,
accumulated that domain-general EF are also involved in Brehmer, Westerberg, & Bäckman, 2012; Salminen, Stro-
reading (Cartwright, 2012; Yeniad et al., 2013). van der bach, & Schubert, 2012; Thorell, Lindqvist, Bergman
Sluis, Jong and van der Leij (2007), for example, examined Nutley, Bohlin, & Klingberg, 2008), as well as fluid intel-
the role of inhibition, shifting, and updating for the reading ligence (e.g., Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides, & Perrig, 2008;
performance of 4th and 5th graders (N = 172, 9–12 years). Klingberg, Forssberg, & Westerberg, 2002; Olesen, West-
The authors could extract an updating and a shifting factor erberg, & Klingberg, 2004; but see Chooi & Thompson,
related to reading, but not an inhibition factor. Due to the 2012) and even cognitive functioning in daily live (Brehmer
task-impurity problem (a task always implicates different et al., 2012). In terms of EF, training on dual tasks and task
abilities and thus also non-executive abilities such as verbal switching transferred to structurally similar tasks after the
ability, motor speed, or visuo-spatial ability), the authors training (e.g., Bherer et al., 2005, 2008; Karbach, Mang, &
controlled for non-executive aspects of their tasks and Kray, 2010; Kramer, Larish, & Strayer, 1995; Li et al.,
found that reading was mainly related to the non-executive 2010; Liepelt, Strobach, Frensch, & Schubert, 2011; Lus-
aspects of the EF tasks. However, a recent meta-analysis of sier, Gagnon, & Bherer, 2012; Minear & Shah, 2008;
Yeniad et al. (2013), concerning the relation between Strobach, Frensch, Soutschek, & Schubert, 2011). A study
shifting and reading (16 studies, N = 2 266 children), on task-switching training has also reported transfer to WM,
reported combined effect sizes for the relation between inhibition, and fluid intelligence in children, younger and
shifting and reading as moderate but significant (r = .21, older adults (Karbach & Kray, 2009). Importantly, transfer
95 % CI = .11–.31, p \ .01) and higher shifting perfor- of WM and EF training was not only present in healthy
mance was related to higher levels of performance on subjects but also in children suffering from ADHD (Holmes
reading tests. et al., 2009; Klingberg et al., 2002, 2005; Kray, Karbach,
Haenig, & Freitag, 2012), intellectual disability (Söderq-
Interim conclusion vist, Nutley, Ottersen, Grill, & Klingberg, 2012), attentional
problems (Dahlin 2011, 2013), learning difficulties (Allo-
In sum, the findings reported in the last sections support the way, 2012; Alloway et al., 2013; Holmes & Gathercole,
notion that WM and EF uniquely contribute to academic 2013) and cognitive deficits (Dunning, Holmes, Gathercole,
success beyond intelligence. In turn, low WM abilities and 2013; Holmes, Gathercole, & Dunning, 2009).
deficits in EF may be risk factors for low academic Recent evidence indicated that transfer effects might be
attainment and, consequently, for educational differences. enhanced if the training regime taps higher-level EF pro-
In the last years there have been attempts to train WM and cesses instead of focusing on basic processing commodities
EF in order to improve academic performance in different or specific strategies (Lustig, Shah, Seidler, & Reuter-
age groups. In the next section we are going to discuss Lorenz, 2009; Noack, Lövdén, Schmiedek, & Lindenber-
whether, how, and which WM and EF training may be ger, 2009). Other studies showed that transfer of training
useful to support academic success. Furthermore, the can only occur if the training task and the transfer task
effects of other training approaches are compared to the engage overlapping cognitive processing components and
effects of WM interventions. brain regions (Dahlin et al., 2008).

Psychological Research

Even though quite a number of studies have investigated additional processing demands, such as secondary tasks,
the transferability of WM and EF training, only very few of that posed strong demands on EF. For instance, participants
them included transfer tasks from the domain of academic were required to monitor current information, inhibit
abilities. Yet, considering the strong relationship between irrelevant stimuli, update relevant information for recall,
both these cognitive domains and academic success (see and manage two tasks simultaneously. Thus, according to
‘‘Working memory, executive functions, and mathematics’’ the current and well-accepted models of EF described in
and ‘‘Working memory, executive functions, and read- ‘‘Working memory, executive functions, and academic
ing’’), one may assume that even small increases in the achievement’’ (e.g., Miyake et al., 2000; Miyake &
efficacy of WM and EF have the potential to improve Friedman, 2012), these training regimes relied on multiple
achievement in the classroom. In the following section, we executive control processes. In keeping with Baddeley’s
will review the few existing studies that have addressed (2000) WM model, they can be considered training of the
this issue (for a summary, see Table 1) by means of pro- central executive as well as its subsystems.
cess-based training (i.e., training of specific cognitive
processes without explicit strategy training). Most of these Effects of WM and EF training on academic abilities
studies have focused on children with cognitive deficits or in children with cognitive and academic deficits
learning difficulties. This is not surprising, because these
children particularly need interventions designed to Studies applying Cogmed training
improve their cognitive and academic performances.
Moreover, even though all of the studies reviewed below Many training studies have applied the Cogmed training
have applied tasks that were referred to as WM training battery that has been designed to improve working memory
tasks (e.g., Cogmed, Jungle Memory, Braintwister), these and executive control (; see also
tasks did not only require storage, but also included Klingberg et al., 2005). It includes a variety of verbal and

Table 1 Overview of studies assessing the impact of process-based WM and EF training on academic achievement (AA)
References Sample Type of training Active Type of AA assessed Effects of training
control on AA

Alloway 11–14 years with learning 25 sessions of Jungle Yes Arithmetic, spelling Improvements in
(2012) disabilities Memory WM arithmetic
Alloway et al. 10.10 years (mean age) with 28 sessions of Jungle Yes Arithmetic, spelling No improvements
(2013) learning disabilities Memory WM
Dahlin (2011) 9–12 years with special 20–25 sessions of No Reading comprehension, word Improvements in
educational needs and Cogmed WM decoding, orthographic reading
attention problems training knowledge comprehension
Dahlin (2013) 9–12 years with attention 25 sessions of No Basic number skills, additions and Improvements in
deficits Cogmed WM subtractions basic number
training skills
Dunning et al. 8.5 years (mean age) with WM 20–25 sessions of Yes Reading, written expression, No improvements
(2013) deficits Cogmed WM mathematical reasoning, number
training operations
Holmes et al. 8–11 years with WM deficits 20–35 sessions of Yes Reading, mathematical reasoning No improvements
(2009) Cogmed WM
Holmes and 9–11 years with low academic 20 sessions of No Level of proficiency in English Improvements in
Gathercole performance Cogmed WM and mathematics English and
(2013) training mathematics
Karbach et al. 7–9 years 14 sessions of Yes Reading, mathematics Improvements in
(2013) Braintwister WM reading
Loosli et al. 9–11 years 10 sessions of No Reading Improvements in
(2012) Braintwister WM reading

Psychological Research

visuo-spatial short-term memory (STM) and WM tasks. In a Investigating children (9–12 years of age) with special
study on children with low WM ability (8–11 years of age), educational needs and attention problems, Dahlin (2011)
Holmes et al. (2009) applied an adaptive WM training also applied tasks from the Cogmed WM training battery.
regime based on 20–35 sessions of training on tasks drawn In her study, she tested the effect of 25 sessions of WM
from the Cogmed training battery. At pretest, posttest, and training on three measures of reading (reading compre-
6 months after the training participants performed a number hension, word decoding, and orthographical knowledge).
of transfer tasks assessing verbal and visuo-spatial STM and Compared to a passive control group, the WM training
WM as well as standardized tests for basic word reading and group improved in terms of reading comprehension and
mathematical reasoning serving as proxies for academic this benefit was retained for 6 months after the training.
achievement. Compared to an active control group per- This finding is in line with previous results pointing to the
forming non-adaptive training on the same tasks, the adap- importance of executive processing for language compre-
tive training yielded transfer to untrained memory tasks that hension (e.g., Cain, Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004; Swanson,
was retained for 6 months, especially in terms of WM and Howard, & Sáez, 2006; Yeniad et al., 2013, see also
visuo-spatial STM (cf. Holmes & Gathercole, 2013). These ‘‘Working memory, executive functions and reading’’). The
tasks, which are supported by executive control processes fact that performance did not improve on the control
controlling the allocation of attention on cognitively measures (decoding and orthographical knowledge) indi-
demanding tasks (e.g., Kane et al., 2004; Kane & Engle, cated that the benefits could not simply be attributed to
2003), are particularly predictive of learning and academic general boots in motivation. In another study, Dahlin
success (e.g., Gathercole et al., 2004) and seem to be prone to (2013) tested for transfer of daily five-week training on
training-induced improvements. Moreover, the Cogmed Cogmed WM tasks to math performance (basis number
training did not transfer to verbal STM which is considered a skills, addition, subtraction) in boys with attentional
distinct subcomponent of WM relying on prefrontal and problems aged 9–12 years. Results revealed improved
parietal neural networks and supporting language learning performance in terms of basic number skills that was
(Baddeley, Gathercole, & Papagno, 1998; Smith & Jonides, maintained across 6 months, but no benefits on the addition
1997). However, the study did not provide compelling evi- and subtraction tasks. Interestingly, the basic number skills
dence for transfer to either basic word reading or mathe- test included mostly non-verbal material that did not rely
matical reasoning abilities (cf. Dunning et al., 2013), as on automatic recall as much as the addition and subtraction
could be expected from studies on the relation between WM, tests. Thus, the lack of transfer to these arithmetic tasks is
EF, math and reading, reviewed in Sects. ‘‘Working memory, consistent with the reduced transfer to verbal memory tasks
executive functions, and mathematics’’ and ‘‘Working mem- previously reported after Cogmed training (e.g., Holmes,
ory, executive functions, and reading’’. Even though the authors et al., 2009; Holmes & Gathercole, 2013). However, since
reported improvements in terms of mathematical reasoning control and training groups were not randomized in this
6 months after the posttest in the training group, they did not study the results have to be considered with caution (also,
include the control group into these follow-up measurements. for a recent controversy on Cogmed see Shipstead, Hicks,
Therefore, the improvement in the training group cannot be & Engle, 2012).
attributed to the training and most likely reflects the typical
developmental progress over the course of 6 months. Studies applying other training regimes
In contrast, recent work from the same group showed a
different pattern of results (Holmes & Gathercole, 2013): In a In 2012, Alloway published a study assessing the effects of
field study, teachers administered the Cogmed training to a an interactive WM training regime called Jungle Memory
sample of children with low academic abilities in grades 5 on academic abilities (arithmetic, spelling). Jungle Mem-
and 6 (9–11 years of age). Transfer to academic abilities was ory included three games involving verbal and visuo-spa-
assessed based on performance improvements in English and tial WM and additional processing demands. The
maths measured by means of national standard assessment participants were young adolescents (11–14 years of age)
tests. Compared to a passive control group, the training with learning difficulties. Although the sample was very
improved English and maths across the academic year in small (15 subjects), significant between-group differences
grade 6. The younger children (grade 5) did not benefit in showed performance improvements of the training group
terms of English and a significant between-group difference on untrained WM tasks and arithmetic tasks, but also a
in terms of maths was driven by improvements in the training decline of performance in the active control condition. A
group as well as a decline in the control group. Still, these second study involving the Jungle Memory game was
findings indicate that training-induced memory improve- conducted on a larger and younger sample with learning
ments may transfer to ecologically valid measures of aca- difficulties (mean age = 10.10 years), and included both
demic achievement in low-achieving students. an active (low frequency WM training) and a passive

Psychological Research

control condition (Alloway et al., 2013). The training older. Thus, while spatial WM is particularly important for
improved performance on untrained verbal and visuo-spa- procedural-based strategies that are essential for the learning
tial WM tasks, but there were no significant between-group and application of new mathematical skills and concepts,
differences in changes from pretest to posttest (or to fol- verbal WM is more relevant when learned skills have to be
low-up 8 months later) on measures for arithmetic and applied and mathematical processing relies on memory-
spelling. The authors attributed the benefits of WM training based retrieval of solutions or facts (e.g., DeSmedt et al.,
to increased neural efficiency, resulting in improvements in 2009; Laski et al., 2013; McKenzie et al., 2003; Zheng et al.,
targeted goal-directed behavior. They also hypothesized 2011). Given that the children in this study were relatively
that WM skills may represent some kind of bottleneck in young (mean age = 8.4 years), the selection of a training
the sense that individuals with poor working memory regime that relied not only on verbal WM but also included
ability have a hard time acquiring the knowledge that is visuo-spatial WM demands or executive control demands—
required to succeed in the classroom. Widening this bot- particularly shifting (Yeniad et al., 2013)—may have
tleneck by improving WM may ultimately resulted in resulted in transfer to other academic abilities, including
improvements in the performance of academic tasks. math (Dahlin, 2013; Holmes & Gathercole, 2013). In addi-
tion, it seems appropriate to apply specific tests for different
Effects of WM and EF training on academic abilities dimensions of mathematic ability, such as arithmetic, story
in healthy children problems, and geometry, instead of general math tests that
are usually designed to capture performance on a broad range
Recently, two studies have applied tasks from the Braintw- of math abilities. These specific tests may be more effective
ister WM training battery (Buschkuehl, Jaeggi, Kobel, & in order to detect distinct training-induced benefits that are
Perrig, 2008) in order to test for transfer of WM training to confined to performance on single skills and abilities.
academic abilities. In the training task, participants had to On a more general note, the transfer of WM and EF
perform a complex span task including a verbal recall task training observed in these studies fits well with recent
(remember the sequence of animal pictures) against a sec- findings from neuroimaging studies on adults. Training on
ondary processing task (decide on the spatial orientation of updating (Dahlin et al., 2008), and switching tasks (Kar-
the animal pictures). The first study included children bach & Brieber, 2010) has been shown to reduce activity in
between the ages of 9 and 11 years that performed 10 ses- fronto-parietal networks that are typically recruited to
sions of adaptive WM training (Loosli, Buschkuehl, Perrig, perform these tasks. At the same time, both studies
& Jaeggi, 2012). Academic performance in the domain of reported an increase of neural activity in the striatum (see
reading was assessed by means of a standardized test for also Olesen et al., 2004), a structure of particular impor-
reading abilities. Compared to a passive control group, the tance for learning processes that serves as a gating mech-
WM training seemed to benefit text reading, but not word anism deciding which processes need to be worked on by
reading. This finding is consistent with the second study the frontal and parietal areas. Thus, this increased activity
applying tasks from the Braintwister WM training battery in the striatum together with the decreased fronto-parietal
(Karbach, Strobach, & Schubert, 2013). Elementary school activation indicated that the task processing was more
children (7–9 years of age) performed 14 sessions of adap- automated after the training, suggesting a shifted from a
tive WM training and standardized tests of academic broader, dispersed network to a specific and more optimal
achievement in the domains of reading and math before and circuit of neural regions that are functionally intercon-
after the training. Compared to an active control group that nected to mediate efficient executive control. Even though
performed a non-adaptive version of the WM training tasks, neuroimaging studies investigating the effects of process-
the adaptive WM training improved performance on the based training interventions on academic performance in
reading test but not on the math test. The authors of both children are still lacking, similar neural mechanisms may
studies have attributed the transfer of the Braintwister have mediated the transfer of training to academic abilities
training to two different standardized tests of reading to the that heavily rely on WM and EF functioning and the
strong relation of complex span tasks to reading ability (e.g., respective neural resources. However, more research is
Daneman & Merikle, 1996; Engel de Abreu et al., 2011) and clearly needed to explore the neural underpinnings of
memory retrieval (Unsworth & Engle, 2006). The same transfer to academic performance.
training, however, turned out to be less beneficial in terms of
math ability (Karbach et al., 2013) at least for children in this Interim conclusion
specific age group: As described in ‘‘Working memory,
executive functions and mathematics’’, children seem to Thus, even though evidence for the transferability of WM
shift from more procedural-based (e.g., counting) to more and EF training to academic abilities is still limited, recent
memory-based (e.g., fact retrieval) strategies as they grow developmental findings indicated that cognitive training

Psychological Research

might indeed support school-related abilities and academic resources to acquire and implement new strategies and
performance. Given that the interventions that have been abilities. Thus, with respect to EF and WM, which gradu-
applied in these studies greatly vary in terms of training ally develop across childhood and decline in older age
material, training intensity, and the type of transfer tasks, (e.g., Li et al., 2004), cognitive interventions should result
their comparability is certainly limited. Furthermore, it is in a magnification of age differences and individual dif-
still unknown to what extent their effects may be modu- ferences; baseline cognitive performance at pretest should
lated by age-related differences in social and emotional be positively correlated with the training-related gains. In
development or by motivational components. So far, fact, there are a number of earlier studies supporting this
training-induced benefits seem most pronounced with account, most of them from the field of memory strategy
respect to the domain of language and reading (Dahlin, training, for instance by means of the method of loci (e.g.,
2011; Holmes & Gathercole, 2013; Karbach et al., 2013; Baltes & Kliegl, 1992; Bjorklund & Douglas 1997; Breh-
Loosli et al., 2012) and less pronounced in terms of math mer, Li, Mueller, von Oertzen, & Lindenberger, 2007;
and arithmetic (Alloway, 2012; Dahlin, 2013). The fact that Lindenberger, Kliegl, & Baltes, 1992; Verhaeghen, Mar-
both of the studies reporting transfer to math ability applied coen, & Goossens, 1992).
training regimes including verbal as well as visuo-spatial Second, the compensation account assumes that high-
tasks, while training in verbal tasks did not benefit math, performing individuals will benefit less from cognitive
suggests that the visuo-spatial aspect of the training may interventions, because they are already functioning at the
have driven this effect. To confirm this hypothesis, a sys- optimal level, which leaves less room for improvement.
tematic comparison of verbal, visuo-spatial, and combined Thus, age differences and individual differences should be
training is needed. Another interpretation concerns the fact reduced after the intervention, and baseline cognitive per-
that transfer to math was only found in studies assessing formance should be negatively correlated with training
children with attention deficits and learning difficulties, gains. Evidence for the compensation account comes from
suggesting that training-induced gains may be most a number of studies focusing on EF training, indicating that
apparent in low-performing individuals and diminished in training-related benefits on task switching and dual tasks
well-performing participants. This assumption, which is were larger for children and older adults than for younger
closely linked to analyses of individual differences in the adults (e.g., Bherer et al., 2008; Cepeda, Kramer, & De
effects of cognitive interventions, is addressed in the fol- Sather, 2001; Dorbath, Hasselhorn, & Titz, (2011); Kar-
lowing section. bach & Kray, 2009; Kramer et al., 1995; Kray, Eber, &
Karbach, 2008; Kray & Lindenberger, 2000). Consistently,
WM training yielded larger training and transfer effects in
Who benefits most from cognitive training? low-performing individuals (Dahlin, 2011; Jaeggi et al.,
2008; Karbach et al., 2013; but see Holmes & Gathercole,
The findings reviewed in the preceding sections (along 2013; Loosli et al., 2012). While these studies were based
with numerous other studies from the field of cognitive on comparisons at the group level, recent work has also
training research) have shown that cognitive training analyzed individual differences in performance changes,
interventions have the potential to yield significant benefits and, most importantly, correlations between baseline cog-
in EF and WM and to transfer to academic abilities at the nitive ability and training-related benefits (cf. Karbach &
group level, but evidence on individual differences is still Spengler, 2012; Lövdén, Brehmer, Li, & Lindenberger,
limited. Lately, the question who benefits most from cog- 2012; Zinke et al., 2013). For instance, Lövdén et al.
nitive interventions has received more attention in the field (2012) tested the magnification account against the com-
of cognitive training research and an increasing number of pensation account in a study on episodic memory strategy
studies have analyzed why some individuals benefited training (method of loci), including children (9–12 years),
more than others. This question obviously is of particular younger adults (20–25 years), and older adults
importance for the adaptation of training interventions to (65–78 years). They found that strategy instructions at the
populations with specific needs, such as students with beginning of training reduced individual differences in
cognitive or academic deficits. In the literature, two dif- memory performance, while further practice after instruc-
ferent accounts have been proposed to explain individual tion ultimately magnified individual differences.
differences in training-related performance gains: First, the In contrast, process-based WM training including ver-
magnification account (also known as Matthew effect or bal, visuospatial, and executive WM training tasks resulted
scissor effect) assumes that individuals that are already in compensation effects (i.e., larger training gains in low-
performing very well will also benefit most from cognitive performing individuals) in older adults (65–95 years of
interventions. The idea is that high-performing and well- age). Moreover, participants with larger training gains also
educated participants have more efficient cognitive showed larger transfer effects. Results from task-switching

Psychological Research

training mirror these findings by showing that children reading, arithmetic, or mathematics. The authors argued
(8–10 years), younger adults (18–26 years), and older that this lack of transfer may have been related to the fact
adults (62–76 years) consistently showed a pattern of that the standardized achievement tests they chose did not
compensation effects not only in terms of performance include high enough demands on maintenance and storage
gains on the training task, but also for transfer to a new, for the training to be effective. However, it also should be
untrained switching task in all age groups (Karbach & noted that this result is very much in line with previous
Spengler, 2012). findings indicating that strategy-based memory trainings
In a similar vein, Dorbath, Hasselhorn and Titz (2013) often resulted in large gains on the trained tasks but only in
examined younger adults (19–35 years) and older adults very limited transfer to other measures (Verhaegehn, 2013;
(59–80 years) in order to assess whether the level of edu- for meta-analyses see Rebok, Carlson, & Langbaum, 2007;
cation was related to training gains in focus-switching Verhaeghen, et al. 1992).
performance. While high-educated older adults performed Other strategy-based interventions, for instance, have
better than low-educated individuals, there were no edu- applied mindfulness training in order to improve self-regu-
cation-related differences in training gains. Nevertheless, lation in childhood. Self-regulation refers to the control of
baseline performance tended to negatively correlate with actions, thoughts and emotions and has often been studied
training gains, pointing to compensation rather than mag- under the label of EF. Importantly, it has been shown to
nification effects. predict math and reading skills in preschool and elementary
In sum, research assessing the role of baseline cognitive school (e.g., Blair & Razza, 2007) as well as achievement in
ability for training-related performance gains indicated that adolescence (e.g., Eigsti et al., 2006). In mindfulness train-
magnification effects occurred more often in the domain of ing, participants are instructed to reflect on current actions or
strategy training, whereas compensation effects were more thoughts and their context clearly and objectively, resulting
likely associated with process-based training interventions in a state of sustained attention rather than automated pro-
(such as WM and EF training) (for further comments on the cessing (cf. Zelazo & Lyons, 2012). The idea is that this state
difference between strategy-based and process-based of reflection supports self-regulation because it improves
interventions see Kliegel & Bürki, 2012; Lustig et al., sustained attention and cognitive flexibility while suppress-
2009; Noack et al., 2009; Verhaegehn, 2013). ing cognitive interference (e.g., emotional reactivity).
Mindfulness training for children includes strategies like
breathing exercises, sitting mediations, and more move-
Effects of other interventions on WM, EF, ment-based relaxation activities (Kaiser-Greenland, 2010).
and academic abilities It is assumed that the training results in a repeated activation
of the prefrontal cortex (reflection training) and the limbic
Even though the focus of this review is on the specific impact system (emotion regulation training) that strengthens con-
of process-based WM and EF training on academic success, nections between these neural regions in order to facilitate
there are of course a variety of other types of interventions their interplay for self-regulation (Zelazo & Lyons, 2012).
designed to support children’s educational achievement, for Indeed, recent research has shown that mindfulness training
instance by applying strategy-based, curriculum-based, improved attention, concentration, and social-emotional
multi-domain, or physical training approaches (for recent abilities in middle childhood and early adolescence (grades
reviews see Diamond, 2012; Jolles & Crone, 2012; Zelazo & 1–7; Flook et al., 2010; Schonert-Reichl & Lawlor, 2010).
Lyons, 2012). Effects of these interventions will be briefly However, it should be noted that these findings are based on
illustrated by means of selected examples and compared to the reports of teachers and parents and that evidence for
the effects of process-based interventions. effects on behavioral measures (e.g., tests for WM and EF) or
St. Clair-Thompson, Stevens, Hunt and Bolder (2010) educational outcomes is still missing.
examined the effects of memory strategy training in ele- When it comes to curriculum-based approaches, the
mentary school children (5–8 years of age). Participants Montessori concept and the Tools of the Mind concept
were trained on the Memory Booster training battery have been shown to support children’s EF (Diamond,
designed to improve the strategies of rehearsal, visual Barnett, Thomas, & Munro, 2007; Lillard & Else-Quest,
imagery, creating stories, and grouping items. After 12–16 2006). In the study by Lillard and Else-Quest (2006),
sessions, the training yielded improvements on untrained children that were educated based on the Montessori cur-
WM tasks, especially the one relying most on executive riculum performed better on standardized tests of reading
control processing (listening recall). In addition, the and math in addition to showing more advanced social
authors reported transfer to tasks that assessed following cognition and executive control at the end of kindergarten.
instructions and mental arithmetic in the classroom, but Moreover, they displayed better writing skills and selected
there were no improvements on standardized tests of more positive responses to social dilemmas at the end of

Psychological Research

elementary school. These positive effects of the Montessori applied to single individuals or small groups, and usually
education have been attributed specific features of the target very specific cognitive functions, such as processing
curriculum that drastically differ from traditional educa- speed, Gf, WM, or EF. While transfer effects may be nar-
tional settings, such as multi-age classrooms, special edu- rower, these trainings allow disentangling the specific cogni-
cational materials, absence of grades, self-directed student tive and neural mechanisms underlying training and transfer
work, and inter-student collaboration, that seem to benefit effects. This knowledge can then be used to tailor interven-
social and academic development. tions to individual strengths and weaknesses in order to sup-
The effects of regular physical activity—particularly port individuals or groups of individuals with specific needs.
aerobic exercise —on WM and EF are well documented in
adults (for a review see Hillman, Erickson, & Kramer,
2008). Studies involving children are rarer and have yiel- Conclusion and future directions
ded mixed results (e.g., Tuckman & Hinkle, 1986; Kamijo
et al., 2011) or they focused on single boosts of physical A large body of research has confirmed an essential role of
activity (e.g., Davis et al., 2011; Zinke, Einert, Pfennig, & WM and EF for academic achievement. Considering its
Kliegel, 2012). Some have applied training regimes significance for various life outcomes, effective interven-
including both exercise and character development, such as tions that improve academic abilities are desirable. WM
martial arts. For instance, Lakes and Hoyt (2004) compared and EF training interventions have been shown to enhance
the effects of tae kwon do training to those of regular academic performance, in particular with respect to the
physical education in children between the ages of 5 and domain of language and reading. These benefits have not
11 years. Their results showed larger improvements in the only been reported for healthy children, but also for pop-
tae kwon do group on tests of cognitive inhibition, disci- ulations with cognitive deficits and learning difficulties.
pline, and emotion regulation, indicating that the training Nevertheless, further research is needed to improve our
generalized to multiple levels of cognitive and behavioral understanding of the mechanisms mediating transfer of
measures. Others have focused on exercise and relaxation, cognitive training to academic abilities and to be able to
such as yoga training, which benefitted task planning and tailor training interventions to the specific needs of certain
execution on the Tower of London task in 10–13-year-old populations or individuals. How does the transfer of pro-
girls (Manjunath & Telles, 2001). cess-based cognitive training to academic abilities vary as a
Thus, positive effects on WM, EF, and cascading ben- function of training domain and training task (e.g., verbal
efits in terms of academic development seem to be possible vs. visuo-spatial training tasks)? May it perhaps be more
after a variety of different types of interventions. One of promising to design domain-specific training regimes,
the main differences between these interventions is the specifically targeting math, language or science instead of
scale they operate on and thereby the way they can be process-based training in order to support children’s per-
tailored to individual’s needs: Curriculum-based approa- formances in multiple academic domains? Moreover, how
ches are by definition meant to target large populations, is social and emotional development related to training-
such as schools or communities. They usually aim at sup- induced improvements? To which degree are training-
porting educational development on a very general level related benefits driven by motivational components?
without focusing on single specific skills or abilities. The There is also growing evidence showing that training
Montessori approach, for example, is designed to improve gains seem to be influenced by individual differences in
cognitive, social, and motivational development. The baseline performance, with compensation effects more
advantage of this relatively general approach is that posi- often occurring in process-based training interventions,
tive effects are likely to emerge in many different domains such as WM and EF training. Although this finding needs
(e.g., Lillard & Else-Quest, 2006); the disadvantage is that to be further corroborated by future research, it has
it is impossible to determine which features of the curric- important implications for the application of training
ulum are driving these effects. The same problem may interventions that are designed to support cognitive func-
occur with respect to approaches like mindfulness or tioning and to compensate for pathological deficits.
martial arts training, although these interventions are much
more focused and designed for much smaller groups (at
least compared to curriculum-based approaches). Still, they
seem to be effective in educational settings by supporting
learning to learn and fostering the type behavior and the
discipline that is required in the classroom. Ackerman, P. L., & Heggestad, E. D. (1997). Intelligence, person-
In contrast, the process-based interventions like those ality, and interests: Evidence for overlapping traits. Psycholog-
described in this review, are oftentimes computerized, mostly ical Bulletin, 121(2), 219–245.

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