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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education
Daet, Camarines Norte

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan on Group or Panel Discussion

English 7
December 10, 2018

At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
a. define panel discussion;
b. determine the procedure and guidelines in panel discussion;
c. cite the importance of panel discussion in communication; and
d. use the phrases for panel discussion in formulating dialogue.


Topic: Group or Panel Discussion
Gonzales, C. T., 2017. Essential English: Worktext in literature
and Language. rev.ed. pg 208-211.
Materials: visual aids, marker, bond paper, speaker, folders
Values/Skills: cooperation, communication


A. Routinary Activity – 5 minutes

1. Prayer
The teacher will ask a student to lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
The teacher will greet the students.
3. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will ask the secretary of the class who are absentees and
will record it.
4. Review
The teachers will ask the students to recall the topic last meeting about
collocation, characterization and plot.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation – 2 minutes
The teachers will present pictures in class.

2. Presentation – 3 minutes
The teachers will ask the students with the following questions:
a. What have you noticed from the picture?
b. What do you think are they doing?
After soliciting ideas, the teachers will state its connection to the topic
for the day.
3. Discussion – 25 minutes

The teachers will ask the students what is panel discussion.

Every idea from the students will be analyzed by the teachers. After
soliciting ideas, the teachers will now provide the definition of panel
discussion. Then, they will divide the class into three groups for an
activity. The title of the activity is “Fix me Up”. Each group will be given
a set of broken pieces of illustration. All they have to do is to fix and
analyze it in three (3) minutes. After that, they will post it on the board.
Then, they will choose a representative to present their work by giving
insights about the picture. While a group is presenting, the other will
take down important ideas. After all the presentations, the teachers will
now solicit ideas from the students and discuss the procedure and
guidelines in panel discussion.
In making the panel discussion more polite and clear, there are
phrases panelists can use in giving opinion, clarification, asking for
opinion and the likes. For the next activity, there are strips of paper
under the chairs. The students will search for it and identify whether
they are used for asking for opinion, clarifying, expressing opinion,
defending an opinion, agreeing, disagreeing and partly agreeing. The
strips of paper will be posted on the board according to the
aforementioned categories. This activity is called “Help Me Find My
Family!” and will be performed in three (3) minutes. After the activity,
the teachers will cite some examples using these phrases and ask
some students to give their examples as well.
The following are the phrases/statements written on the strips
of paper:
Asking for opinion: a. What’s your opinion on… b. What led you to…
Clarifying: a. Are you saying that… b. If I understood you correctly, you said that…
Expressing opinion: a. As far as I’m concerned… b. Let me just say this to prove
my point:… c. If I’m not mistaken… d. Without a doubt…
Defending your opinion: a. What I’m trying to say is… b. Let me repeat what I
mean. c. As I was saying…
Agreeing with another opinion: a. That’s a good point. b. It makes sense to me.
c. So/Neither do I.
Disagreeing with another opinion: a. That might be true, but… b. I don’t buy that.
c. That’s off the point.
Partly agreeing with another opinion: a. Yes, up to a point, but… b. I can see
where you are coming from, but…

4. Generalization – 2 minutes
The teachers will ask at least three students to summarize the
discussion for the day.
5. Application – 3 minutes
The teachers will solicit ideas from the students about the
importance of panel discussion in communication?

IV. EVALUATION – 10 minutes

The teacher will give the students a worksheet. They have to complete
the sentences to form a dialogue. The students will be asked to have their
chosen partner to work on the worksheet.

Prepared by
Student Teachers

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