Activity 3.17 Reflex Action Problem: What You Need

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Activity 3.


How does reflex action occur?
What you need:
A glass with very cold water,
Cotton buds, vinegar
What you need to do:
1. Work in pairs. Pass the hand before
your classmate’s eye. Observe how
he/she reacts.
2. Using a big handkerchief, blindfold
your partner. Dip the finger of your
partner on a glass field with very
cold water. Observe his response.
3. While still blindfolded, tell your
partner to stick out his tongue. Put
cotton bud dipped in vinegar on the
surface of his/her tongue. Observe
his reaction
What have you found out:
1. What is the reaction of your
partner when you:
a. Passed your hand before his
My partner blinked his eyes.
b. Dipped his/her finger in the
glass with cold water.
She suddenly remove her finger
in the glass.
c. Placed the cotton bud in vinegar
on his tongue.
Suddenly secret saliva.
2. Do you think your classmate
prepared for his/her reaction to
the different stimuli that she
encountered? Why?
No they are not prepared because they
have sudden reaction to the different
stimuli that they encountered.
3. Which organ is responsible for
these different responses?
The spinal cord along with the brain stem.

4. How will you call this action of

These action is called the reflex action.

5. Why is reflex action important?

Reflexes perform many jobs for our central
nervous system, they protect us from
danger by providing a quick response to a
harmful stimuli, they help us move our
body, it has survival value.

Therefore, we conclude that our
body makes an involuntary
response by the nervous system
and this happens when your body
is subjected to different stimuli
such as strong light, cold, taste etc.

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