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Deepavali, or also known as Diwali, is a festival of lights celebrated by those of Hindu faith.

It is one of the
most important festivals of the year for the Hindus who celebrate by performing traditional customs at
homes. Just like most major celebrations by other communities, Deepavali is a time for family reunions.
Deepavali is an official holiday in Malaysia as well as in some Asian countries like India, Myanmar,
Mauritius and in non-Asian countries like Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname as well as Fiji.

mall clay lamps filled with oil are lighted to signify the triumph of good over evil, and the lights are kept on
during the night. Homes are cleaned prior to the festival to welcome the goddess Lakshmi. And of course,
shopping and cooking are must-dos but are most likely the most fun activities. Little India would be the
best choice to shop for saris, bangles and spices for Deepavali, as well as to soak up the festive spirit.
Decorations such as colorful paper lanterns and kolam are also put up to decorate the home. The kolam is
an intricate design on the floor made from coloured rice and colored powder. The outcome is indeed
amazing as much effort and skills are needed to create a colorful kolam. You can see beautiful kolams at
many shopping mall entrances during the weeks before Deepavali.

Over the centuries, Diwali has become a national festival that is enjoyed by most
Indians regardless of faith: Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs.

Hindus interpret the Diwali story based upon where they live:

 In northern India they celebrate the story of King Rama's return to Ayodhya after he
defeated Ravana by lighting rows of clay lamps.
 Southern India celebrates it as the day that Lord Krishna defeated the demon
 In western India the festival marks the day that Lord Vishnu, the Preserver (one of
the main gods of the Hindu trinity) sent the demon King Bali to rule the nether world.

In all interpretations, one common thread rings true—the festival marks the victory
of good over evil.

Non-Hindu communities have other reasons for celebrating the holiday:

 In Jainism, it marks the nirvana or spiritual awakening of Lord Mahavira on October

15, 527 B.C.
 In Sikhism it marks the day that Guru Hargobind Ji, the Sixth Sikh Guru was freed
from imprisonment.
Deepawali, Deepavali, or Diwali is the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu
festivals. It is the festival of lights: deep means "light" and avali "a row" to
become "a row of lights." Diwali is marked by four days of celebration, which
literally illuminates the country with its brilliance and dazzles people with its

The Diwali festival occurs in late October or early November. It falls on the
15th day of the Hindu month of Kartik, so it varies every year. Each of the four
days in the festival of Diwali is marked with a different tradition. What
remains constant is the celebration of life, its enjoyment, and a sense of

The Origins of Diwali

Historically, Diwali can be traced back to ancient India. It most likely began as
an important harvest festival. However, there are various legends pointing to
the origin of Diwali.

Some believe it to be the celebration of the marriage of Lakshmi, the goddess

of wealth, with Lord Vishnu. Others use it as a celebration of her birthday, as
Lakshmi is said to have been born on the new-moon day of Kartik.

In Bengal, the festival is dedicated to the worship of Mother Kali, the dark
goddess of strength. Lord Ganesha—the elephant-headed god and symbol of
auspiciousness and wisdom—is also worshiped in most Hindu homes on this
day. In Jainism, Deepawali has the added significance of marking the great
event of Lord Mahavira attaining the eternal bliss of nirvana.

Diwali also commemorates the return of Lord Rama (along with Ma Sita and
Lakshman) from his 14-year-long exile and vanquishing the demon-king
Ravana. In joyous celebration of the return of their king, the people of
Ayodhya, the capital of Rama, illuminated the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil
lamps) and set off firecrackers.

The Four Days of Diwali

Each day of Diwali has its own tale to tell. The first day of the festival, Naraka
Chaturdasi marks the vanquishing of the demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and
his wife Satyabhama.

Amavasya, the second day of Deepawali, marks the worship of Lakshmi when
she is in her most benevolent mood, fulfilling the wishes of her
devotees. Amavasya also tells the story of Lord Vishnu, who, in his dwarf
incarnation, vanquished the tyrant Bali and banished him to hell. Bali is
allowed to return to earth once a year to light millions of lamps and dispel
darkness and ignorance while spreading the radiance of love and wisdom.
It is on the third day of Deepawali, Kartika Shudda Padyami, that Bali steps
out of hell and rules the earth according to the boon given by Lord Vishnu. The
fourth day is referred to as Yama Dvitiya (also called Bhai Dooj), and on this
day sisters invite their brothers to their homes.

Dhanteras: The Tradition of Gambling

Some people refer to Diwali as a five-day festival because they include the
festival of Dhanteras (dhan meaning "wealth" and teras meaning "13th"). This
celebration of wealth and prosperity occurs two days before the festival of

The tradition of gambling on Diwali also has a legend behind it. It is believed
that on this day, Goddess Parvati played dice with her husband Lord Shiva.
She decreed that whosoever gambled on Diwali night would prosper
throughout the ensuing year.

The Significance of Lights and Firecrackers

All of the simple rituals of Diwali have a significance and a story behind them.
Homes are illuminated with lights, and firecrackers fill the skies as an
expression of respect to the heavens for the attainment of health, wealth,
knowledge, peace, and prosperity.

According to one belief, the sound of firecrackers indicates the joy of the
people living on earth, making the gods aware of their plentiful state. Still
another possible reason has a more scientific basis: the fumes produced by the
firecrackers kill or repel many insects, including mosquitoes, which are
plentiful after the rains.

The Spiritual Significance of Diwali

Beyond the lights, gambling, and fun, Diwali is also a time to reflect on life and
make changes for the upcoming year. With that, there are a number of
customs that revelers hold dear each year.

Give and forgive. It is common practice that people forget and forgive the
wrongs done by others during Diwali. There is an air of freedom, festivity, and
friendliness everywhere.

Rise and shine. Waking up during the Brahmamuhurta (at 4 a.m., or 1 1/2
hours before sunrise) is a great blessing from the standpoint of health, ethical
discipline, efficiency in work, and spiritual advancement. The sages who
instituted this Deepawali custom may have hoped that their descendants
would realize its benefits and make it a regular habit in their lives.
Unite and unify. Diwali is a unifying event, and it can soften even the
hardest of hearts. It is a time when people mingle about in joy and embrace
one another.

Those with keen inner spiritual ears will clearly hear the voice of the sages, "O
children of God unite, and love all." The vibrations produced by the greetings
of love, which fill the atmosphere, are powerful. When the heart has
considerably hardened, only a continuous celebration of Deepavali can
rekindle the urgent need of turning away from the ruinous path of hatred.

Prosper and progress. On this day, Hindu merchants in North India open
their new account books and pray for success and prosperity during the
coming year. People buy new clothes for the family. Employers, too, purchase
new clothes for their employees.

Homes are cleaned and decorated by day and illuminated by night with
earthen oil lamps. The best and finest illuminations can be seen in Bombay
and Amritsar. The famous Golden Temple at Amritsar is lit in the evening with
thousands of lamps.

This festival instills charity in the hearts of people, who perform good deeds.
This includes Govardhan Puja, a celebration by Vaishnavites on the fourth
day of Diwali. On this day, they feed the poor on an incredible scale.

Illuminate your inner self. The lights of Diwali also signify a time of inner
illumination. Hindus believe that the light of lights is the one that steadily
shines in the chamber of the heart. Sitting quietly and fixing the mind on this
supreme light illuminates the soul. It is an opportunity to cultivate and enjoy
eternal bliss.

From Darkness Unto Light...

In each legend, myth, and story of Deepawali lies the significance of the victory
of good over evil. It is with each Deepawali and the lights that illuminate our
homes and hearts that this simple truth finds new reason and hope.

From darkness unto light—the light empowers us to commit ourselves to good

deeds and brings us closer to divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate every
corner of India, and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, mingled with
the sounds of firecrackers, joy, togetherness, and hope.

Diwali is celebrated around the globe. Outside of India, it is more than a

Hindu festival; it's a celebration of South-Asian identities. If you are away
from the sights and sounds of Diwali, light a diya, sit quietly, shut your eyes,
withdraw the senses, concentrate on this supreme light, and illuminate the

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