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MTSS Data Dive Fall Screening Protocol

Using Screening Data to Drive Classwide Planning, Monitoring and Decision Making

Purpose: The purpose of a MTSS fall data dive is to spend time getting to know students’ academic and social emotional strengths and weaknesses, and to begin making instructional decisions
that support all students’ growth. This planning sheet provides a way to analyze screening data, determine risk categories for each student, and plan to progress monitor each tier. It is intended to
be used shortly after the administration of the universal screener, and used alongside the FAST Group Screening Report and other diagnostic data available. FAST User Guide on

Agenda: The following actions will help accomplish the purpose.

1. Compare classroom median scores to the grade level benchmark.
2. Review MCA scores from previous grade and sort. (Grades 4+)
3. Use FAST Group Screening Report to tier our students into four categories
4. Make instructional considerations for each tier
5. Plan how to monitor growth for each tier, including making a list students who need additional diagnostic assessments in order to differentiate and monitor instruction in core
6. Check attendance from previous years
7. Schedule some follow-up long term planning for math and literacy

Analyzing Your Class Median Data

Use the table below to record the expected benchmark for your grade level for the corresponding screening period, and record your class median. Expected grade level benchmarks can be found
here: earlyReading aReading and aMath. Your class median can be found at the bottom of the Group Screening Report on the FAST website.

Fall Benchmark Fall Median Winter Winter Median Spring Spring Median
Benchmark Benchmark


IF THE CLASS MEDIAN WAS MET: Plan instruction for grade level learning targets for all students, and consider which diagnostic assessments will help you plan instruction for students who
are at higher risk tiers. Check to see if your class median is above the benchmark for Exceeds.

IF THE CLASS MEDIAN WAS NOT MET: This may indicate that 50% or more of your students are performing below grade level standards. A classwide intervention or supplemental
strategies integrated as part of core instruction to be delivered to all students is recommended.
Brainstorm classwide interventions that can take place in addition to core instruction.
● What will your intervention be?
● When will your intervention be delivered? For how long?
● How will you measure student growth?

IF YOUR CLASS MEDIAN FALLS INTO THE EXCEEDS CATEGORY: This may indicate that 50% or more of your students are performing above grade level standards. Classwide
acceleration and/or tiering assignments could be beneficial. Look at vertically aligned standards for the next grade level and consider how to challenge your students.



Use MCA and FAST to tier students
Use the MCA and FAST results to identify which students fall into each achievement category. You will write each student’s name twice - once for each assessment. Use the Group Screening
Report in FAST, set filters for “Benchmarks” not “Norms,” and look at the symbol next to the score.

Math MCA (Only Grades 4+) Math FAST

Proficiency Levels # Risk Level by Benchmark #
Exceed Exceed

Meets Low Risk

Partially Meets Some Risk

Does Not Meet High Risk

Set Scaffolded Planning Groups

These groups of students will not necessarily be placed into small groups in your classroom. By sorting students this way you can make decisions about the level of scaffolding they need to be
successful, and how monitor their growth between universal screening. On the FAST Group Screening Report, determine the class percentile for each student by looking at the group percentile
rank column.

Plan the Instructional Steps you will take for each tier, and how you’ll progress monitor each tier.

● Consider Advanced Differentiation recommendations for top tier.

● Consider what additional diagnostic assessment data you might need to differentiate instruction for those below 50%.
● Consider learning progressions or learning trajectories and how core grade level learning targets may need to be modified.
● Consider how you will use staff (AE, Special Ed teachers, interventionists, etc) to support each tier.
● Consider how you will use interim assessments, unit assessments and common formative assessments to monitor the growth of each tier. By the time you bring students to MTSS
Intervention meeting you want to be able to determine if they are showing growth for the instruction you planned for core, or not.

National Plan Scaffolding Considerations Plan Progress Monitoring

Math FAST %ile How will you scaffold core instruction for each How will you check for growth?
Scaffolded Planning Groups Range tier?

Top 15% at class level

Between 50% and 84% at class


National Plan Scaffolding Considerations Plan Progress Monitoring
Math FAST %ile How will you scaffold core instruction for each How will you check for growth?
Scaffolded Planning Groups Range tier?

Between 21% and 49% at class


Bottom 20% at class level

Use MCA and FAST to tier students
Use the MCA and FAST results to identify which students fall into each achievement category. You will write each student’s name twice - once for each assessment. Use the Group Screening
Report in FAST, set filters for “Benchmarks” not “Norms,” and look at the symbol next to the score.

Reading MCA (Only Grades 4+) Reading FAST

Proficiency Levels # Risk Level by Benchmark #
Exceed Exceed

Meets Low Risk

Partially Meets Some Risk

Does Not Meet High Risk

Set Scaffolded Planning Groups
These groups of students will not necessarily be placed into small groups in your classroom. By sorting students this way you can make decisions about the level of scaffolding they need to be
successful, and how monitor their growth between universal screening. On the FAST Group Screening Report, determine the class percentile for each student by looking at the group percentile
rank column.

Plan the Instructional Steps you will take for each tier, and how you’ll progress monitor each tier.

● Consider Advanced Differentiation recommendations for top tier.

● Consider what additional diagnostic assessment data you might need to differentiate instruction for those below 50%.
● Consider learning progressions or learning trajectories and how core grade level learning targets may need to be modified.
● Consider how you will use staff (AE, Special Ed teachers, interventionists, etc) to support each tier.
● Consider how you will use interim assessments, unit assessments and common formative assessments to monitor the growth of each tier. By the time you bring students to MTSS
Intervention meeting you want to be able to determine if they are showing growth for the instruction you planned for core, or not.

National Plan Instructional Considerations Plan Progress Monitoring

Reading FAST %ile How will you scaffold core instruction for each How will you check for growth?
Scaffolded Planning Groups Range tier?

Top 15% at class level

Between 50% and 84% at class


National Plan Instructional Considerations Plan Progress Monitoring
Reading FAST %ile How will you scaffold core instruction for each How will you check for growth?
Scaffolded Planning Groups Range tier?

Between 21% and 49% at class


Bottom 20% at class level

Check Attendance
Identify students who attended school less than 90% of the time for the previous school year. Record connections you’ve made with families, and share list for school wide intervention strategies.

Name Attendance Rates Comments

Summarize Next Steps
Summarize the team discussion and record next steps. Some of the following may be addressed:

❏ Follow up date for planning guided reading groups will be ___________

❏ Follow up date for planning backwards from math standards will be _______________
❏ Report to ILT will include _______
❏ First MTSS Intervention Meeting will be _________
❏ List students and the diagnostic assessment that will be completed. Share who will complete assessment and by when.
❏ Any follow up for classwide interventions

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