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2018 Memo
Amy Kujawski

Marius Massie
Hi Amy,

CC Here is a summary of what I noticed and some thoughts.

Re Review Student Discipline – Saint Anthony Middle School

Meeting review
Behavior referrals in Infinite Campus
Perhaps “documenting the story” (or similar verbiage) rather than “writing up” a student.
Provides opportunity for both disciplinary and affirming feedback.

Proactive relationship building

What mechanisms are in place (common staff practices – shared?)

Where can we dismantle culture and shift from being reactive to proactive measures? If we
focus on fruit (behavioral concerns), you will continually see the same issues perpetually and
“wear staff out.” Proactive. Relational. Repeated.

Current staff state

They are stuck in “finding ways to control rather than finding ways to connect.” Let’s change
the language from “write up” to “documenting the story.” This is more restorative in our
approach and forms relational bridges.

Instructional practice
Classroom instruction (culturally relevant, standards, targets, progression, scaffolds, and
formative assessment) is needed and essential. If not, students have no reason to learn,
engage, or care.

Teachers are saying, “Why isn’t anything being done?” (No response to data about discipline)
What is expected to be done? What are staff doing? What interventions at the relationship level
are done? There seems to be common avoidance of personal responsibility.

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12.14.2018 Memo Pg.02

There is a culture that “kids need to know consequences—this is what you can expect when
you do x, y, z.”

Positive effects of RP
In a restorative culture, the need for repeated referrals (and associated behaviors) goes way
down. Documentation isn’t as tedious and monotonous and difficult of a task. A few here and
there versus constant—everyday.

Huge ask: How many students know you (a staff member) know their names?

Overall commentary
Still a very punitive culture. It’s what the kids need to know and what the system does…not me.

Students come to class when “in class” is more beneficial than “out of class.”

The blame and labeling of middle schoolers is very concerning. All of us are “touchy.” We need
to be accountable to the foundation elements. Then and only then should we be focused on
student behavior. Us first, students second.

What’s the common vision?

There is not a shared level of expectations between staff, families, and staff. It’s not about
more rules, but being more relational and skilled.

There is an emphasis on control. That’s not the goal, but connection, gaining respect, and
becoming attractive as an instructor, community, and school.

Refer to restorative research that says high expectations plus high support. Continually adapt
to and refer to leading research in this area.

We must respond to the needs of ALL family members (staff, students, and parents).

Identify the highest leverage infrastructure practices.

Common language, virtues, language, and team motto.

It’s not discipline only, but culture and climate…plus instructional skill (individual capacity).

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