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Descriptive : Fantastic Daughter

Being a daughter is a very easy job, but being a fantastic daughter takes a lot of time to
master.A daughter that follows her parent’s decision, a daughter that loves her parents and
siblings more than herself. A daughter that wants to become a role model to every individual.
An individual who aims to be perfect but ends up being a fantastic daughter.

Unlike any daughters out there, she honors her responsibilities, she is also respectful, she
is kind and she honors her parents name more than anything does. One must consider
everything around her. Value those who are important to her and be the best version of herself
every single day. Have some tricks laid on her table doing things that others cannot simply pull
off. Rules will become food to her that will make her grow and will make her strong. She will be
amazing to everything that she do and she sees all the positivity in everything.

Nevertheless, like any other person, a daughter will have flaws she will get hurt and she
will fall. Other people will be threaten to how she glows and will drag her down along with
them. Temptation will rise occasionally and will offer her things that might put her in trouble.
She might be tempted to do so or she will walk away. Her decision will be strategic and she will
be victorious. But not every battle will be like the others she will encounter a certain events that
will cause her to lose, to be weaken and fall down to her knees. Yet that downfall will make her
strong. She will rise like she always do and will fight until the very end.

However, what I love about being a fantastic daughter is anyone can relate anyone can be
fantastic even without trying too hard to be one. Because all you need to do is, believe and be
Persuasive : Suicide is not a Choice

It all started in deep feeling of longing, the feeling of being alone in an ocean filled with
blank stares and blank faces. It will make you feel like you are the worst person in the world that
even how hard you try things will not go easy. It will drag you down, and make you feel as if you
are drowning and in that situation, you will know that suicide is no longer a choice.

People going through stressful life events like relationship problems, job loss, or financial
or school difficulties have a higher chance of death from suicide. Other things in the
environment increase the risk too, including access to lethal means like drugs or guns and
exposure to suicides in the news or in the community.

Some thinks that those who said that they want to die is either joking or acting to seek
attention. But it’s not, in the generation wherein there is high expectations or standards that
needed to be reached it is not difficult to understand that some cannot stand being a part of the
society where there is nothing but ranking, physique, in trend, or perfect. They say that society
is not a choice but there will always be a loophole grabbing an individual with its open wide
hole; the rope. If suicide isn’t a choice then why are there so many people who chose to cut off
their breath instead of living?If suicide isn’t a choice, why do humans try to hide their pain
behind their smiles? If suicide isn’t a choice then why does everyone cry at night, praying for the
lord to just kill them for they feel as if living is the most hurtful thing that they ever feel suicide
will never be a choice it is something that most people seek in order to be free.

Argumentative: Pre-Marital Sex is Never Okay

Philippines is one of the countries that is still belong to the vast religion of Catholicism.
Every rule the religion carryout for us are strictly followed without question asked. BUT we are
in a generation that is booming with newness, a generation where being liberated and chaotic is
simply okay. Is Pre-marital sex still okay? I do not think so.

POPCOM Executive Director Juan Antonio Perez said results of the Young Adult Fertility
and Sexuality (YAFS) study from 1994 to 2013 showed a more health conscious youth
population with a high prevalence of physical exercise, but their “sexual risk behaviors have
increased over the last decade. In addition, about 6.2 million youths engaged in premarital sex,
and 4.8 million did not use any form of protection. Knowing that the statistics are high a
research has conducted to what brings the cause of this rampant and the results are shocking.
Some do it because of peer pressures while others do it because they just want to while others
do it because they love their partners. However, the real question is…. Are teenagers are
capable of the love they think they do? Is it their love that high to sacrifice that one thing they
can give to their future husbands? Does it justify how man you are? No it only makes you
irresponsible of your action especially if that action of just fun became something permanent.
Can the baby fathers handle the responsibility? The shame? The sacrifice? I do not think so.

In addition, premarital sex is a major cause of unwed pregnancies. Many women have
become single moms since they practice copulation without a caution for unintended
pregnancy. Moreover, the risk of getting STI- Sexual Transmitted Infection is much higher for
those who have sex without any kind of protections specially the fact that no one is sure if their
partner is clean or not.

So to better be sure and live a healthy lifestyle do not commit in pre-marital sex. There is
always a better time for everything. There is always the perfect time, it is better to be safe now
than sorry.

Narrative: That One Regret

Do you felt like you want to rewrite some scene of your life? Like even if you are not a
writer you want to be like one in order to change some things. Knowing that life is not a book
but you want to turn it like one. To scape the reality you're going through and make a whole
different world where everything was easy, no problem and smooth. There is no pain and
regrets. Regrets, it's a feeling of being unable to accept things .You got a lot of 'what if's ' in your
life. That maybe if you work things good and enough before , the now will be much better.
Maybe there will be no sleepless nights thinking about the past and drowning with your own
conscience. There will be no tears and anxiety on what's going to happen next. And maybe the
situation wont going to hunt you this much.Because that's what I'm going through right now.

A family with a simple life bonded together even through hardships, that's my family.
We laugh and have a happy conversation beyond eating a sweet potatoes in our table, watching
the not so clear signal of a television.We talked about school and he goes again with his line
'magaral kayo ng mabuti' . My father always value education and strive to give us one. Until one
day we migrated to Zamboanga City, my mother's hometown. I was teenager back then and
bound with ignorance in the world. I want to go out and discover new things. I want to venture
myself and satisfy my own curiousity. I'm so happy and carefree , got along with bunch of kids
like me. While I'm so busy with my own matters I didn't notice how I changed. I become
hardheaded and unobedient. I violate rules and then I forgot my father's line. I'm studying but
not serious nor trying my best. I even think that education wont do any good to me, it's just a
burden and hardship given.

And then I stop going to my classes without the notice of my parents. All they knew
is I'm in my school in one specific room learning academic stuffs and showing off some
intelligence. But I'm in my friends house eating some snacks and chatting with them.I know that
there is something wrong on what I'm doing back then but I still chose the wrong path. When
my parents found out on what I'm doing they got so angry and hysterical. They overreacted and
scold me. Days passed and I can felt how cold the treatment they're throwing up on me. I felt
the heaviness in my chest filled with pain. I got hurt on how they treat me.Instead of correcting
my mistakes I become worse. I skipped class and got boyfriends, I even try alcoholic drinks. I
hated my parents without thinking on what they feel and why they are doing some things, it's
for my own good . But my judgement and my mind were block and no one's reasoning can turn
it down.

But the blocks I build around myself goes down when I saw him lying at that cabin.
There are so many lights around him but it felt so dark. I used to like flowers but the decorations
make me sad. And then suddenly all the memories flow down into my mind . My tears are
unstoppable. I can't even eat a single spoonfull of food cause I totally lost my appetite. I start
remembering his voice and his lines. I remember how I hurt my own father through my words
and actions. I wonder how disappointed he is but one thing is for sure , he still loves me. I was
full of regrets not being a good daughter to him. Sometimes I blame myself for his death. My
conscience is eating me up and hunting me. I felt some part of me died. I want to graduate but
how can I if the person who's going to attend in that special day is gone. He will never gonna see
me in my toga and holding a diploma. With the thought of that I'm breaking.

That's the part I want to rewrite but I know that it's impossible. But maybe everything
happens for a reason because after that I found my own family, my husband and my daughter.
With them we will reach my dreams , finishing my studies, after all that's the least thing I can
do for my dad. And wherever I am is where God wants me to be and I believe in his will. The
only lesson I learned in this chapter of my life is to treasure every single moment because you
never know when will it become a memory. And ofcourse his line ' magaral kayo ng mabuti'.

The Causes and Effects of Smoking

Smoking is one of the habits that is hard to remove. It is not something you can quit
easily and definitely something you cannot just work overnight. However, the biggest question
is what do smoking have that it attracts so many users knowing what effects it has?

In some cases, smoking starts during teenage years where one curious teen is fascinated
of the taste of cigarette. Also the fact that peer pressure is openly pushed in this age and also
the fact that teenagers have a mindset that if they smoke they will look cool like those people
they are watching on the television or those adults who act so coolly about themselves.

In addition, when one has the taste of it even if the flavor does not taste good, they will
still use it repeatedly until his body get used to the taste. From a simple fascination, it will
become an addiction that is really hard to stop. Some also do smoke because it feels like it
helps them cope with negative feelings and emotions, leaving them with a heightened sense of
wellbeing. Some people with mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, might
smoke because it helps to alleviate some of the symptoms they experience.

Either way, they feel like smoking keeps their emotions under control, helping them to
cope from the society and to their personal issues. But in reality the nicotine that makes
someone feel relaxed and addicted cause a toxic smoke that poisons the lungs. It cause the
lungs to be intoxicated with the fumes causing trouble in breathing, sometimes asthma and
lung cancer. It also makes less oxygen carried by the blood pressure during exercise causing the
blood to rise and cause cardiovascular diseases or even stroke. Women who also smoke during
pregnancy will highly suffer from miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.

Giving up smoking can be hard, but you can do it. Although it may seem daunting, it can
take a few attempts to be successful. Don’t be put off – just making the decision to quit is a step
in the right direction.

Zamora Memorial College

College Department

Bacacay Albay

Submitted by: Jhazmine Kale Serrano


Submitted to: Mr. Elthon Bequio

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