Lesson Plan in SHS English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region Vl - Western Visayas
City of Roxas

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Make predictions about the text (EN7RC-III-e-2.8)
2. Express Appreciation for sensory images (EN7LT-II-d-2.2.1)
3. Compose a travelogue (EN7WC-III-f-2.2.14)

II. Learning Content:

A. Content Topic: Sensory Imagery
1. Concepts: Sensory Images
2. Skills:
Reading, Listening, Speaking, Cooperation and Critical Thinking
3. Value Focus:

B. Materials
Laptop, Projector, Visual Aids, Marker, Envelope, Manila Paper and Cartolina

C. References:
English Learner’s Material Grade 7, Department of Education. pp. 374-377

III. Learning Strategies:

A. Routine Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Review
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
B. Motivation: “I Believe”

 The teacher will ask students to think about their Students will cooperate and will look for a pair
favourite place and favourite food, and after that
students will be asked to look for a pair.
Pairing: The students will let their pair guess Students will participate
their favourite place and favourite food by
describing it using 3 adjectives. Every description
will start with the words “I Believe”, then the
other pair will also give the guess by starting it
with the words “I Believe”.
Students will participate
 The teacher will ask 3 volunteers to let the group
guess their favourite place and favourite food by
following the same mechanics.

C. Presentation

Introduce the topic


 The teacher will introduce the learning objectives. Students will read

Do you have any idea about sensory imagery? Answers may vary
What is sensory?
What is image?

 After getting the thoughts of the students about The students will read
sensory imagery, the teacher will flash the
meaning of sensory imagery for supplement and
will let students read it.

Do you have any idea what are the different sensory

Answer may vary

Sensory Imagery: a writers use of words which

connect to a reader’s sense of sight, touch, taste, smell,
or hearing in order to develop a mood, idea, character,
or theme.

 The teacher will flash the different sensory images Students will participate
and the students will be asked to give their own
ideas about it, then after getting the thoughts of the
students the teacher will give example and then the
students will be asked also to give another
Visual: A kind of sensory imagery that uses the sense
of sight.

Ex. The grass is very green. Students will give examples

Tactile: A kind of sensory imagery that uses the sense
of touch.

Ex. The shell of the coconut is rough. Students will give examples

Gustatory: A kind of sensory imagery that uses the

sense of taste.

Ex. I dreamed about ice cream it taste like strawberry.

Students will give examples
Olfactory: A kind of sensory imagery that uses the
sense of smell.

Ex. Her perfume smells like a flower. Students will give examples

Auditory: A kind of sensory imagery that uses the

sense of hearing.

Ex. The girl has a very energetic voice. Students will give examples

D. Application

The class will be divided into five groups. Each group Students will be grouped
will be categorized with different sensory images. The
group will be given an envelope where one of the
sensory images is placed. Different words and group The students will work collaboratively.
of words are also placed inside. The group should
choose only what is according to their category. They
will put their chosen words on the manila paper and
will create a sentence using those words.

One of the members of the group will present their The students will then present their work to the
work. class.

E. Generalization

1. What is sensory imagery? Student will answer

2. What are the different kinds of sensory images?
3. Why is it important to use sensory images in Answers may vary

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Make a travelogue. Write a short article about your dream travel. Use at least 5
sensory images. Make sure that all the different kind of sensory images will be seen in your
article. Afterwards, highlight the sensory images found in your travelogue.

Creativity Content Grammar Presentation

20% 30% 20% 30%

V. Assignment
Directions: Identify what kind of sensory images used in each of the sentence. Write only your
answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1.The wind is blowing through the trees .

2. A rose is as red as blood.
3. A sailing boat.
4. The ring on your telephone.
5. Petrol fumes.
6. Salty sees.
7. Lemon like water.
8. Standing barefoot on a sandy beach.
9. Running your fingertips on satin fabric.
10. Newly baked bread clings on my nose.


Teacher I - applicant

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