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Research methodology

Research methodology is a methodology for collecting all sorts of information & data
pertaining to the subject in question. The objective is to examine all the issues involved &
conduct situational analysis. The methodology includes the overall research design,
sampling procedure & fieldwork done & finally the analysis procedure. The methodology
used in the study consistent of sample survey using both primary & secondary data. The
primary data has been collected with the help of questionnaire as well as personal
observation book, magazine; journals have been referred for secondary data. The
questionnaire has been drafted & presented by the researcher himself.

 Sample Size:

Sample of 250 people was taken into study, and their data was collected

 Sampling Technique:

To study the Project, a Simple Random Sampling technique is used.

 Data Collection:

Collection of data is done by

Secondary Data & through
 Questionnaire
i.e., Primary data was collected through Questionnaire.
After data collection, I’m able to analyze customer’s views, ideas and opinions
related to Advance Product and about SBI Advance Product and from this, SBI
will come to know the customer requirements.

 Data Interpretation:

 Interpretation of data is done by using statistical tools like Pie

diagrams, Bar graphs, and also using quantitative techniques (by
using these techniques) accurate information is obtained.

 Classification & tabulation of data:

 The data thus collected were classified according to the categories,

counting sheets & the summary tables were prepared. The resultant
tables were one dimensional, two dimensional.

 Statistical tools used for analysis:

 Out of the total respondents, the respondents who responded

logically were taken into account while going into statistical details &
analysis of data. The tools that have been used for analyzing data &
inference drawing are mainly statistical tools like percentage,
ranking, averages, etc.

As per questionnaire and market surveys I have find out different responses from different
people. According to their responses I analyze the findings and draw certain remarks.

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