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The Constituent Assembly of India was elected towrite the Constitution of India. Following
India's independence from Great Britain in 1947, its members served as the nation's first
Parliament. ... Under theCabinet Mission Plan of 1946, elections were held forthe first time
for the Constituent Assembly. THE IDEA for a constituent assembly for drafting a Constituent for
india was first provided by bal gangadhar tilak in 1895. In 1934, the demand for a Constituent
assembly was raised for the first time , which later became an official demand in 1935.
This demand was accepted In august 1940 offer by the british . The Constituent Assembly was
formed in 1946. The idea of making the Constituent Assembly for framing the Constitution of India was
devised by the Cabinet Mission Plan. The Constituent Assembly consisted of the elected representatives
of varioius provinces who were eminent personalities in their own fields.

Dr.B.R Ambedkar was the person who said that indian constitution was a bag of borrowings and it's basically
true aswell as we can find that right from preamble itself everything was actually borrowed.. It is called so
because Indian Constitution has borrowed provisions from the constitutions of various other countries. ...
However, calling the Constitution a bag of borrows is unfair because it is not a result of blind copy and paste.

The Constitution of India was not prepared in haste but the process of the
evolution of the constitution began many decades before India became
independent in 1947. The process continued unabated since it originated in
the freedom struggle till a new constitution was drafted after prolonged
debates and discussions in the Constituent Assembly. The day 26th of
January, 1950 was a red-letter day in the history of India. On that day the
written constitution of India came into operation. January 26th was
purposefully chosen (as the date on which the constitution became
operative) because since 1930, the day has been celebrated as the day of
complete independence throughout India by millions of people. It is very
befitting to declare such a historic day as the day of operation of the
Constitution of Republic of India. The Constitution of India was the longest
written constitution having the best elements of all the existing
constitutions up to that date.

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