The Social Group Identities

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The social group identities (SGIs) social class, its modern classification socio-economic status

(SES) and gender in relation to the inequalities that are experienced in terms of mass education,
pedagogy, curriculum and organization has shifted my schema of effective pedagogical
schooling. Analyzing how socially just education is to these two specific SGIs, with the guidance
of functionalist, conflict and interpretivism theories. It has provided me with a rounded
approach in developing a more knowledgeable understanding of these selected SGIs and
acknowledging why/how these inequalities are occurring and ways of improving or solving
these issues. My own approach to the curriculum and pedagogical technique has been shifted
as through the breakdown of these SGIs it highlights what important factors need to be
addressed to solve the neglected inequalities of the student’s learning progress; also impacting
my previous view and understanding of social justice in relation to education.

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