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EDUC4185 Assignment 2


Standard 1- Know the students and how they learn
1.1 Physical, social and Essay writing about students’ EDUC2102
intellectual development and learning capabilities.
characteristics of students-
Demonstrates knowledge and
understanding physical, social
and intellectual development
and characteristics of students
and how these may affect
1.2 Understand how students Essay Journal about the need EDUC4749
learn- Demonstrates knowledge for focus on numeracy in
and understanding of research mathematics.
into how students learn and
implications for teaching.
1.3 Students with diverse Integrated Literacy assessment EDUC4748
linguistic, cultural, religious
and socioeconomic
Demonstrates knowledge of
teaching strategies that are
responsive to the learning
strengths & needs of students
from diverse linguistic, cultural,
religious and socioeconomic
1.4 Strategies for teaching Case Study of addressing the ABOR3500
ATSI students- Demonstrates needs of ATSI students.
a broad knowledge and
understanding of the impact of
culture, cultural identity and
linguistic background on the
education of students of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander backgrounds.
1.5 Differentiate teaching to Internship assessments EDUC4185
meet the specific learning Integrated Literacy assessment EDUC4748
needs of students across the
full range of abilities -
Demonstrates knowledge and
understanding of strategies for
differentiating teaching to meet
the specific learning needs of
students across the full range of
1.6 Strategies to support full Assignment on catering for EDUC3026
participation of students with additional needs
students with disability-
Demonstrates a broad
knowledge and understanding
of legislative requirements and
teaching strategies that support
participation and learning of
students with a disability.
Standard 2- Know the content and how to teach it
2.1 Content and teaching Internship lesson plans EDUC4185
strategies of the teaching
area-Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of the
concepts, substance and
structure of content and
teaching strategies of the
teaching area.
2.2 Content selection and Internship lesson plans. EDUC4185
organisation- Practicum unit of work. EDUC3185
Organise content into an
effective learning and teaching
2.3 Curriculum, assessment Internship lesson plans. EDUC4185
and reporting- Use curriculum,
assessment and reporting
knowledge to design learning
sequences and lesson plans.
2.4 Understand and respect Case Study of addressing the ABOR3500
Aboriginal and Torres needs of ATSI students.
Strait Islander people to
promote reconciliation
between Indigenous and non-
Indigenous Australians-
Demonstrate broad knowledge
and understanding of and
respect for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander histories,
cultures and languages.
2.5 Literacy and NAPLAN analysis. EDUC4749
Numeracy strategies- Know Literacy program. EdUC4748
and understand Literacy and
Numeracy teaching strategies
and their application in teaching
2.6 Information and SmartBoard program EDUC2744
Communication Technology- assessment. EDUC1751
Implement teaching strategies Interactive video assignment.
for using ICT to expand
curriculum learning
opportunities for students


Standard 3- Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

3.1 Establish challenging Internship lesson plans and EDUC4185
learning goals- Set learning goals Internship formative
that provide achievable challenges assessments.
for students of varying abilities and
3.2 Plan, structure and Practicum unit/lesson plans. EDUC2185, EDUC3185
sequence learning programs-
Plan lesson sequences using Internship units. EDUC 4185.
knowledge of student learning, Literacy program. EDUC4748
content and effective teaching HSIE unit. EDUC3746
3.3 Use teaching strategies- Practicum teaching EDUC2815, EDUC3185
Include a range of teaching Internship EDUC4185
3.4 Select and use resources- Internship lesson plans. EDUC4185
Demonstrate knowledge of a SmartBoard assessment. EDUC2744
range of resources, including ICT, Interactive video lesson. EDUC1751
that engage students in their
3.5 Use effective Behaviour management EDUC4185, EDUC2185,
classroom communication- strategies. EDUC3185
Demonstrate a range of verbal and
non-verbal communication
strategies to support student
3.6 Evaluate and improve Internship EDUC4185
teaching programs- Demonstrate lessons/assessments.
broad knowledge of strategies that
can be used to evaluate teaching
programs to improve student
3.7 Engage parents/carers in the Letter home to parents, EDUC4185
educative process- Describe a introducing myself.
broad range of strategies for
involving parents and carers in the
educative process.

Standard 4- Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

4.1 Support student Inclusion program of a student EDUC3026
participation- Identify with additional needs. EDUC4748
strategies to support inclusive Literacy program.
student participation and
engagement in classroom
4.2 Manage classroom Learning matrix. EDUC3185
activities- Demonstrate the
capacity to organise classroom
activities and provide clear
4.3 Manage challenging Behaviour management and EDUC4185
behaviour- Demonstrate strategies.
knowledge of practical
approaches to manage
challenging behaviour.
4.4 Maintain student safety- Ethical assignment. EDUC4185
Describe strategies that support Presentation of ODD. EDUC3026
students’ wellbeing and safety
working within school and/or
system, curriculum and
legislative requirements.
4.5 Use ICT safely, Literacy teaching program. EDUC4748
responsibly and ethically- SmartBoard assessment. EDUC2744
Demonstrate an understanding
of the relevant issues and the
strategies available to support
the safe, responsible and
ethical use of ICT in learning
and teaching.

Standard 5- Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.1 Assess student learning- Literacy teaching program. EDUC4748
Demonstrate understanding of HSIE unit. EDUC3746
assessment strategies, Practicum unit of work.
including informal and formal,
diagnostic, formative and
summative approaches to
assess student learning.
5.2 Provide feedback to Case study analysis. EDUC4749
students on their learning- Internship formative EDUC4185
Demonstrate an understanding assessments.
of the purpose of providing
timely and appropriate feedback
to students about their learning.
5.3 Make consistent and Case study analysis EDUC4749
comparable judgements-
Demonstrate understanding of
assessment moderation and its
application to support consistent
and comparable judgements of
student learning.
5.4 Interpret student data- Case study analysis. EDUC4749
Demonstrate the capacity to Student work sample. EDUC4748
interpret student assessment Internship formative EDUC4185
data to evaluate student
learning and modify teaching assessments.
5.5 Report on student Case study analysis. EDUC4749
achievement- Student work sample, EDUC4748
Demonstrate understanding of a communicating data through
range of strategies for reporting
to students and parents/carers rubric.
and the purpose of keeping
accurate and reliable records of
student achievement.


Standard 6- Engage in professional learning

6.1 Identify and plan Practicum reports and EDUC2185, EDUC3185
professional learning needs- feedback. EDUC4185
Demonstrate an understanding Internship reports and
of the role of the National
Professional Standards for feedback.
Teachers in identifying
professional learning needs.
6.2 Engage in professional Internship staff development, EDUC4185
learning– Understand the meetings, P&F meetings and
relevant and appropriate stage meetings.
sources of professional learning
for teachers.
6.3 Engage with colleagues Internship teaching in other EDUC4185
and improve practice– classrooms and provided
Seek and apply constructive feedback.
feedback from supervisors and
teachers to improve teaching
6.4 Apply professional Internship. EDUC4185
learning and improve
student learning–
Demonstrate an understanding
of rationale for continued
professional learning and the
implications for improved
student learning.

Standard 7- Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

7.1 Meet professional ethics Ethical dilemma EDUC4185
and responsibilities–
Understand and apply the key
principles described in codes of
ethics and conduct for the
teaching profession.
7.2 Comply with legislative, Ethical dilemma EDUC4185
administrative and
organisational requirements–
Understand the relevant
legislative, administrative and
organisation policies and
processes required for teachers
according to school stage.
7.3 Engage with parents and P&F meetings. EDUC4185
carers– Understand strategies Literacy plan assessment. EDUC4748
for working effectively,
sensitively and confidently with
7.4 Engage with professional Communication with school EDUC4185
teacher networks and broader Psychologist and school Priest.
communities– Understand the
role of external professionals
and community representatives
in broadening teachers’
professional knowledge and

The role of the teacher is limitless whether that is an educator, a role model or a support
network for students. I believe that besides their immediate families, I have the greatest
impact upon the students under my care. This just emphasises the importance of creating a
supportive, engaging and enjoyable aurora within my classroom; is vital for the
development of the students’ physical, mental and social well being. By creating a positive
classroom, students are more likely to want to learn and also come to school each day.

Quality teaching and pedagogy has changed and adapted to meet the needs of the students;
engaging students with the focus and guide of 21st century learning. (Hinde –McLeod,
Reynolds 2007). It is vital as a teacher to constantly reflect on my own teaching practices
and planning. I need to utilise every learning opportunity with my students to ensure that
the work is relevant, engaging, challenging and that the lessons/units flow to meet all the
outcomes of the syllabuses. As mentioned reflection is important because at the start of
each lesson, you have outlined what you want the students to learn during this time;
afterwards you reflect on whether this had been achieved or not (Hinde –McLeod, Reynolds
2007). This can influence the teaching techniques, resources or planning of the lessons.

Challenging and meeting the needs of the students structure my lessons and my teaching
techniques. This is the reasoning of incorporating the variety of teaching theories of
Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences and Blooms Revised Taxonomy. Building students’
knowledge by utilising Bloom’s and Gardner’s theories of gradually improving students’
critical/problem solving skills and by recognising the needs of students with different
learning strengths. By engaging students with a mixture of lower and higher order thinking
students are developing a base knowledge of understanding of the lesson. This is effective
because it ensures that students are experiencing progress and are challenged; however it is
not impossible for them not to achieve the outcomes of the lesson. (McLeod, Reynolds,
2007). Adjusting to the different needs of the students are necessary, especially with a
driven focus on incorporating 21st century styled learning into the classroom. Students of
this generation are more likely to become interested with work/lessons with ICT
frameworks; this is due to their familiarity to it.

P4: Assessment style (150)

P5: Learning is a continuous process, it is the role of the teacher to facilitate and encourage
the learning of their students, but also further developing and critiquing my own knowledge
and skills.


1) McLeod, J., & Reynolds, R. (2007). Quality teaching for quality learning: Planning through
reflection. Melbourne, Vic., Victoria: Cengage.



Developing from a graduate teacher to a skilled teacher will be a long process, as my
teaching will constantly change day in day out because of the changing needs of my
students. I think for myself to become a skilled teacher, I will need to constantly engage in
new learning practices that I would not have had any experience with during my four years
at University. My planning techniques will evolve from constant critiquing and adapting to
learning styles of my students. Improving the engaging and inclusivity of all students of all
different learning capabilities and continuously attempt to further their own knowledge.


Know students and how they Develop a range of activities  Use a variety of teaching
learn. that engage students of techniques that engage
Aspect 1.2 Understanding how different learning styles. students with different learning
students best learn. Ensuring that all students are strengths (physical, verbal and
fully benefitting from the written).
lesson.  Learn the students’ preferred
learning (Gardner’s)
Know the content and how Implement effective,  Implementation of ICT into
to teach it. Aspect 2.3 relevant and engaging ICT units of work
Information and resources for students; that  Encourage the use
Communication Technology will encourage students to
(ICT) participate in the learning


Plan for and implement Design programs and  Recognise the questions
effective teaching and sequences that are effective, and the problems students
learning. Aspect 3.2 Plan, challenging the students’ may have with the lesson
structure and sequence understanding and also sequences.
learning programs enjoyable for students; so  Use of different
they want to engage with multimodal resources.
the topic.  Review the effectiveness of
the programs and the
resources used.


Create and maintain Creating a respectful  Develop a range of
supportive and safe learning environment where students strategies and classroom
environments. Aspect 4.3 are courteous to their rules, that the students have
Manage challenging teacher and to each other. a say in what behaviour is
behaviour Students being responsible expected of them.
for their actions and  As a class decide the
recognise the different rewards system, so they are
between desirable and a part of the process and it is
undesirable actions within something they all want to
the classroom. win.
 Create consistency and
routine in acknowledging
different behaviours.


Assess, provide feedback Use effective, fair and  Use a variety of diagnostic,
and report on student purposeful assessment formative and summative
learning Aspect 5.1 Assess strategies to track the assessments to track and
student learning. progress of students’ analyse the student’s
learning. Adjusting teaching progress.
strategies to address the  Develop rubrics which are
needs of the learners. effective and match the
needs of the class.

STANDARD 6 GOAL Constantly learning STRATEGY

Engage in professional new practices, techniques  Engage with staff
learning Aspect 6.2 Engage and resources from fellow development days and
in professional learning and teachers/school/BOSTES. learning centres to become
improve practice familiar with newly
introduced research
findings/21st century
 Discuss with more
experienced teachers about
improving my own teaching
knowledge and skills.
Engage professionally with Create a positive rapport  Encourage communication
colleagues, parents/carers with parents and between parents and school,
and the community Aspect encouraging the bridging through meetings, emails
7.3 Engage with the parents/ between school and home and phone calls.
carers life for the student’s benefit.  Constantly keeping
parents and care givers in
the loop with the child’s
learning progress.

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