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Pilot vessel L16,5m-3

Planing Hull Resistance

Razmik Baharyan
Report Time: 08 март 2015 г., 22:41:14
Model Name: C:\Users\Razmik\Documents\My Works,07092014\Orca3D v1.3 and 1.4-WIP\Pilot
vessel\Pilot vessel L16,5m-3.3dm

Prediction Parameter Value Vessel Data Value

Method Savitsky MaxPlaningLength 14,74 m
SpeedCheck OK MaxPlaningBeam 4,0711 m
HullCheck OK DisplacementBare 25,788 tonne-f
DesignMarginPercent 10 LCGFwdTransom 5,332 m
DesignSpeed 25 kt VCGAboveBL 2,105 m
WaterType Salt ShaftAngle 11 deg
WaterDensity 1025,9 kg/m3 LCEFwdTransom 0,45498 m
WaterViscosity 1,1883E-06 m2/s VCEAboveBL 0,479 m
Propulsive Efficiency 50 %

Parameter Check Value Minimum Maximum Type

LcgBchRatio 1,3097 0,6 3 Computed
FnBchMax 2,0354 1,43 13 Computed
DeadriseMidLen 21,7 deg 0 30 Computed
CLBmax 0,17063 0 0,5 Computed

Speed (kt) Fnv Trim (deg) Rbare (N) Rtotal (N) PEtotal (hp) PPtotal (hp)
15,000 1,440 5,616 46440,0 51084,0 528,6 1057,3
16,000 1,536 6,016 46879,9 51567,9 569,2 1138,4
17,000 1,632 6,386 46914,2 51605,6 605,2 1210,5
18,000 1,728 6,704 46663,7 51330,1 637,4 1274,8
19,000 1,824 6,946 46202,8 50823,1 666,2 1332,4
20,000 1,920 7,119 45538,4 50092,3 691,2 1382,3
21,000 2,016 7,252 44379,9 48817,9 707,3 1414,5
22,000 2,112 7,313 43226,0 47548,6 721,7 1443,3
23,000 2,208 7,319 41998,8 46198,7 733,0 1466,1
24,000 2,304 7,270 40900,6 44990,6 744,9 1489,8
25,000 2,400 7,188 39769,1 43746,0 754,5 1509,0
26,000 2,496 7,073 38796,9 42676,6 765,5 1531,0
27,000 2,592 6,938 37900,9 41691,0 776,6 1553,1

Orca3D - Marine Design Plug-in for Rhinoceros Page 1 of 3

Pilot vessel L16,5m-3

Planing Hull Resistance

Razmik Baharyan
Report Time: 08 март 2015 г., 22:41:14
Model Name: C:\Users\Razmik\Documents\My Works,07092014\Orca3D v1.3 and 1.4-WIP\Pilot
vessel\Pilot vessel L16,5m-3.3dm

Speed (kt) FnBch Eff Planing Eff Deadrise Rbare/W Porpoising Prediction Check
Beam (m) (deg)
15,000 1,227 4,034 21,701 0,184 Check Check=2
16,000 1,309 4,034 21,701 0,185 Check Check=2
17,000 1,391 4,033 21,701 0,186 Check Check=2
18,000 1,473 4,033 21,701 0,185 Check Check=2
19,000 1,554 4,032 21,701 0,183 Check Check=2
20,000 1,636 4,032 21,700 0,180 Check Check=2
21,000 1,718 4,031 21,700 0,176 Check Check=2
22,000 1,800 4,031 21,700 0,171 Check Check=2
23,000 1,882 4,031 21,700 0,166 Check Check=2
24,000 1,964 4,031 21,700 0,162 Check Check=2
25,000 2,046 4,031 21,700 0,157 Check Check=2
26,000 2,127 4,031 21,700 0,153 Check Check=2
27,000 2,209 4,031 21,700 0,150 Check OK

Sensitivity Analysis Index To Reduce Drag

Eff planing beam 0,7722 Increase
Eff deadrise 0,10739 Decrease
LCG fwd transom 0,13959 Increase
Shaft angle to BL 0,099802 Increase

Prediction Checks
1. A wetted keel length greater than the boat length indicates that the boat is running at small trim and
the bow will be immersed. In this condition, the prismatic analysis of the Savitsky prediction will be
unreliable and can significantly under-predict the actual drag. However, as this condition typically occurs
at pre-planing speeds, the internal hump speed correction accounts for this in the prediction of drag.
There is no correction for trim.
2. The Froude number based on chine beam (FnBch) is a good indicator of the development of the spray
root and the magnitude of the planing lift coefficient. Results for speeds outside of the Savitsky data set
(most often for low speeds below the range) may be unreliable.
3. The lift coefficient (CLb) is a ratio of displacement to the square of speed and chine beam, with a
correction for deadrise. This coefficient is a measure of the weight loading for the given planing
geometry. We caution against using this method for hulls that produce this data range error.
4. The original testing of the models used in the Savitsky analysis were limited to a given range of trim
values. Predicted trim values that are beyond the range of the original data set may be unreliable.
A Sensitivity index with a higher value has a greater influence on drag. Sensitivity values greater than 1.0
are considered significant.
PPtotal represents the total propulsive power. Its precise definition depends on how the user specified

Orca3D - Marine Design Plug-in for Rhinoceros Page 1 of 3

Pilot vessel L16,5m-3

Planing Hull Resistance

Razmik Baharyan
Report Time: 08 март 2015 г., 22:41:14
Model Name: C:\Users\Razmik\Documents\My Works,07092014\Orca3D v1.3 and 1.4-WIP\Pilot
vessel\Pilot vessel L16,5m-3.3dm

the propulsive efficiency. If the user input the quasi-propulsive efficiency, then PPtotal is the total
delivered power. If the user specified overall propulsive efficiency then PPtotal is the brake power.

Orca3D - Marine Design Plug-in for Rhinoceros Page 1 of 3

Pilot vessel L16,5m-3

Planing Hull Resistance

Razmik Baharyan
Report Time: 08 март 2015 г., 22:41:14
Model Name: C:\Users\Razmik\Documents\My Works,07092014\Orca3D v1.3 and 1.4-WIP\Pilot
vessel\Pilot vessel L16,5m-3.3dm

Orca3D - Marine Design Plug-in for Rhinoceros Page 1 of 3

Pilot vessel L16,5m-3

Planing Hull Resistance

Razmik Baharyan
Report Time: 08 март 2015 г., 22:41:14
Model Name: C:\Users\Razmik\Documents\My Works,07092014\Orca3D v1.3 and 1.4-WIP\Pilot
vessel\Pilot vessel L16,5m-3.3dm

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