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A. Background
Language is a means of comunication among people. It is used by human beings to
express their ideas. Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or
gesture symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with
one another (Brown, 2007: 5). Communication can be a mean to order or tell something in all
condition. Since English has became the international language and is used by most people all
over the world, taught and learn in many countries either as second language or foreign
language, English should be mastered.
The English language has become a major medium for communication across
borders globally and is seen nowadays as the medium of communication not only for business
but also for academic purposes, Karahan (2007) describes English language as leading foreign
language enjoying a prestigious position in many countries.
In order to achieve mastery of a foreign language, learners must develop the four
principal language skills which are: reading, writing, listening and speaking. However, being
able to interact orally with others and using the target language effectively have become an
utmost importance nowadays. Up to the point where people who cannot speak a foreign
language cannot be considered as an effective language users, even if they can read it and
understand it.
In learning a foreign language, oral interaction is one of the most difficult competences
to develop. Indeed, oral interaction skill as the key element for maintaining social relationships,
such us interaction in dialogue, debate, and other interaction is often neglected in the classroom
environments because students’ interest to learn it on how to express their ideas spontaneously.
Therefore, there is no significant changes were seen in students’ performance through their oral
production. Otherwise, students’ dynamic role, attitude, participation and motivation, are vital
in the learning process. Without their active involvement in class activities, oral skills cannot
be properly developed, especially as the classroom which in many occasions is the only
environment that they have opportunities to use orally as the target languange.
Therefore, for effective language learning and teaching, both learner skills and learner
assumptions should be given due attention. In promoting this idea, students should be provided
with the opportunity to clarify and asses their preferences, particularly in references to
definition of objectives in general and awareness of strategies in learning. Moreover, individual
preferences will affect the performance of students in learning process because their learning
opportunities which they are exposed mostly determine their language preferences and choices.
Accordingly, these research used authentic information from the students’ preferences with the
intention of fostering student motivation toward increased oral interaction.
Based on the explanation above, this research was intended to look for students
choices and views toward their preferences to encourage learners to express their ideas
spontaneously and improve their quality of oral interaction. Therefore, the researcher interested
to arrange a descriptive research entitled “Students’ Preferences of Interactions in Oral
Production (A Descriptive Research at the Fifth Semester Student at English Department of
Makassar Muhammadiyah University)”.

B. Research Question
The researcher intended to know the students’ choices in expressing their ideas in the
classroom to enhance learners’ oral performance. Based on the problem, the research
formulated the problem statement is:
What are the students’ preferences of interaction in oral production at the fifth
semester student at English Department of Makassar Muhammadiyah University?

C. Objective of the Study

Referring to the research question above, the objective of the study was to know the
student’s preferences of interactions in oral production at the fifth semester student in English
Department of Makassar Muhammadiyah University?

D. The siginificance of the Study

This research was expected to give a contribution to the teaching and learning of
English for practical benefits. The significances of the research were as follows :
1. For the Lecturer, This research were expected to give suggestion for the lecturer in
improving the student skill and method in mastering English especially for learning
2. For the student, The researcher expected the students enhance their mastery in learning
English and they want to practice it wherever them especially in the learning process.
3. For the researcher, Theoretically, this research was expected to be useful as reference
or guidance whether in increasing knowledge or making other scientific writing about
4. For Institution, The researcher expected this research will become a recomendation for
teaching and learning English in English Education Program can creating an effective
communicative events so that the students more active in their speaking on learning
process and daily conversation, certainly can make great and profesional graduation.

E. Scope of the Study

The scope of this study was to find out the students’ preferences of interaction in oral
production at the fifth semester students of English Department at Makassar Muhammadiyah
University. The subject was intended to observe by the researcher was limited in three areas;
teaching method, students’ interest and teacher performance.

A. Research Design

In doing this research, The researcher employed a descriptive method where the

process, principal, and procedure used to approach the problems and found the answer. The

data was in form of statement, suggestion, comment, and critics. Through this descriptive

research the writer tried to understand and interpret the collected data from the behavior of

human interaction their perception without a formal measurement (Lexy, 1985:53).

B. Research Variables and Indicators

The variables of this research are the students preferences of interaction in oral

production. The kind of preferences that were observed are the perception about their views or

choices in three areas; teaching method,teacher performance,and students’ interest at the fifth

semester of English Department in Makassar Muhammadiyah University as its indicators.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population of the Research

The researcher chose the fifth semester students of English Department at Makassar

Muhammadiyah University as the population of this research. There were ten classes which

consists of thirty five students for each classes. So, the total number of population is 350


2. Sample of the Research

The subject of the research or sample used purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with special considerations that deserve to be

sampled. This technique is usually performed on descriptive research (Doni, 2012: 6). In

purposive sampling, the researcher employed maximum variation sampling to look at a subject
from all available angles, thereby achieving a greater understanding. Also known as

"Heterogeneous Sampling", it involved selecting candidates across a broad spectrum relating

to the topic of study.

Therefore, the researcher chose one class of ten classes to be the sample of this

research. So, the total number of sample were twenty four students.

D. Reserach Instrument

In doing this research, the researcher collected the data through questionnaire. The

data of this study collected through 3 items questionnaire. The questions include 6 statements

for each item. So, the total questions was 18 questions . The options in the quesionnaire consist

of 5 options, those are strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree to

describe the students’ preferences in three aspect categories; teaching method, teacher

performance, and student’s interest.

E. Data Collection

In conducting this research, the researcher used the data collected through

questionnaires then the data were analyzed by calculating the number of students’respond to

find out the frequency and percentage of students’preferences based on the analysis result of

the questionnaire. These produres were choosen as the most suitable means of collecting,

analyzing, and evaluating the amounts and types of students’preferences in the classroom. The

data collection procedures gathered as follows :

1. Questionarrie , the respondents answered some questions regarding the topic in

particular items. The students were given 20 minutes to answer the questionnaire in

the classroom.

2. Analyzing , the reseacher collected and analyzed the information from the

respondents to obtain the data related to the all categories.

3. Calculating, the researcher calculating the answers which have been obtained through


4. Concluding, the researcher concluded the answer which drawn in the options have

majority of being chosen.

5. Making the table percentage of the answer.

6. Elaborating the answer descriptively

F. Data Analysis

In analysing the data, the researcher calculating the percentage of the students’respond

by using this following formula:

P= x 100 %

P = percentage
F = Frequency
N = Total number of errors

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