Class: VIII Subject: English 1. Read The Following Passage Carefully

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Class: VIII Subject: English Assignment No. 1

1. Read the following passage carefully:

Hillary Clinton is certainly the incarnation of the dreams of many American women of her generation.
She has got "everything": a family, a fine career, and a husband who not only supports her and approves
of what she does, but also allows her to use her talents to the full. Hillary Rodham was born in Chicago in
1947, the daughter of a textile manufacturer. Her family was comfortably off, but not rich; she had two
brothers, and her mother did not work.

At school, she was always a brilliant student, though not the kind of girl who spent all her time in her
books. On the contrary, she spent a lot of time on outside activities, something which is always greatly
appreciated in American schools. It was while she was still at high school that Hillary began to take an
interest in social issues, working in the poorer districts of town among immigrant families, and helping
them to participate in elections. After graduating from high school, she went on to study at Wellesley
College, one of the best universities on the East Coast, where she was elected President of the Students'
Union. Looking smart was not one of her major concerns. It was at Yale Law School that Hillary first
met Bill Clinton, a good looking young man who, in spite of his reputation as a dilettante, was actually
one of the brightest students in his year. The legend says that Bill finally "noticed" Hillary because she
spoke so well. At the time, Hillary was actively involved in the Women's Liberation movement, and
seemed to be much more interested in her career than in marriage. When, several years later, she was
asked how it was that, she finally ended up marrying Bill Clinton, she answered: "Because he was the
only person who wasn't afraid of me!"

Meanwhile, while Bill had gone back to his native Arkansas, intending to follow a career in politics,
Hillary became a brilliant lawyer in Washington, where she took part in the famous Watergate hearings.
Though several major firms of lawyers asked her to join them, she decided in 1973 to leave Washington
and join Bill in Arkansas. They got married in 1975, and Hillary joined a firm of lawyers in Little Rock
(the capital of Arkansas). In 1979, at the age of 32, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas,
becoming the youngest state Governor in the U.S.A. A year later, Hillary gave birth to their daughter
Chelsea, named after a favourite hit song of the 1960's. During Bill's twelve years in office as Governor
of Arkansas, Hillary helped him to radically reform the state's public school system, and establish a
school medical welfare system that had no equivalent anywhere else in the United States.

As a solitary concession to the powerful conservative lobby in the Deep South, who were not accustomed
to seeing wives working in partnership with their husbands, she agreed to add her husband's name to her
own, and be called Hillary Rodham Clinton just to show that she really was married. She also changed
her look, began to dress much more smartly, got a new hair style and replaced her glasses with contact
lenses. She was ready for Washington.
1. Answer the following questions:
a. How was Hillary Clinton the incarnation of the dreams of American women?
b. When did Hillary Clinton start taking interest in social issues? How did she contribute to those
c. How was Bill Clinton as a student? Which quality of Hillary drew his attention?
d. How did Hillary prove to be an exception?
e. Find words from the passage that mean the same as:
(i) Opposite ( para. – 2) (ii) habituated ( para. – 4 )
2. Reading is an excellent pastime. It not only instils the habit of voracious reading but also adds to
the vocabulary and general intelligence of a person. But with technological advancement students
are getting deviated from reading and exploring. Write a paragraph on the importance of reading
books and periodicals for the enhancement of our skills. Put a suitable title.
3. Examinations have always been a cause of fear, frustration and anxiety amongst students. Write
an article highlighting the fact that lack of proper preparation and sincerity towards the curriculum
is the reason behind examination phobia, in the majority of cases.
4. Edit the following passage by writing the errors and the corrections in the respective
Error Correction
Creation is the revelation of truth through the rhythmic of e.g. rhythmic rhythm
forms. It has a dualism consist of the expression and the a. ______ _______
material. Of this two wedded companions the material b._______ _______
must be keep in the background, continually offering c. _______ ______
itself as a sacrifice to proof its loyalty to the expression. d. _______ _______
The laws of grammar are necessary to the construction e._______ _______
of a poem but they must not dictate their structure. f. ________ ________
5. Rearrange the words and phrases to form sentences:

e.g. literature/ played / role / has / always /a significant / human society / in

literature has always played a significant role in human society.
a. source / for ages /the only / literature / of written / had been / information
b. amalgamation / the narrative / is an / fiction / facts and / of /
c. catered to / human intellect / it not only / creative zeal / but also / his
d. examples / ancient scriptures / are the / of it / best / mythology / and
e. moral / it has / our society / the / strengthened / backbone of
6. Imagining yourself to be Vera, write a diary entry on the way you frightened Mr.
Framton Nuttel even though there was nothing to be frightened of.
7. The poet William Wordsworth reminds us that man is the only person who has ruined
mankind. Explain with reference to the poem: “Lines Written in Early Spring”.


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