No Doubt About It: 1. We Should Not Use Private Cars Anymore

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We should not use private cars anymore

No doubt about it
I think we should not use private car anymore. Firstly, the increase in the number of
private cars leads to traffic jams specially during the rush hours. Another worrying
issue is increasing air pollution. The higher the rate of cars operates, the higher the
amount of residual fume producted by motor activities is. This can elevate the
amount of Cacbon dioxide in the air which contributes major pollutant in air
pollution and damage people’s health. In conclusion, people should use more public
bus instead of private cars.
2. Everyone must say no to plastic bags
I couldn’s agree more
Everyone must say no to plastic bags because of some reasons. Firstly, plastic bags
are one of the main cause of water, soil and air pollution in all around the world.
Plastic is a non- biodegradable material, therefore, using them creates disposable
problem as they never get decompose. Gradually, it created huge landfills. Another
worrying issue is that plastic bags are harmful to human health. Production of plastic
bag releases toxic chemicals so people living near plastic bag production factories
often suffer from breathing disorders. To sum up, people should use reusable bags
like fabric or paper bags instead.
3. It is very difficult to protect the environment.
I don’t feel the same.
Going green is easier than you think. There are little things we can do every day to
help reduce our impact on the environment. Pay attention to how you use water.
Every time you turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth, you're doing
something good. Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You
can reduce greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health.
If you can't walk or bike, use bus. Turn off lights when you're not in the room and
unplug appliances when you're not using them.
4. We cannot grow plants in our house
That’s not the way i see it
There are things to remember to take care of your indoor plants. Every plant has a
different watering requirement, so make sure to check how much water your plant
needs to avoid over or under watering. Sunlight is required for every plant, even if
kept indoor. Make sure to keep then plant near the window or in a sunny spot for a
while to let it back in the sunlight. Keep your plants in quality potting soil with good
drainage. ot and planters are an important choice to keep your plants glowing.

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