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Diabetologia (1981) 2 1 : 1 7 2 - 1 7 7 Diabetologia

9 Springer-Verlag 1981

Haemostatic Changes in Diabetic Coma
R. C. P a t o n
Department of Medicine, University of Aberdeen, UK

Summary. Diabetic coma is frequently associated m a y b e responsible for up to one-third of deaths in

with t h r o m b o e m b o l i c complications. A prospective patients with diabetic ketoacidosis [4], and is a fre-
study was undertaken of the haemostatic changes quent occurrence in non-ketotic h y p e r o s m o l a r coma
occurring in 15 patients (12 with ketoacidosis, three [5]. In addition, Timperley et al. have shown that
with the h y p e r o s m o l a r syndrome) during diabetic localized deposition of fibrin m a y occur in fatal cases
coma. W h e n c o m p a r e d with the results after stabili- of ketoacidosis, particularly in the cerebral capillaries
zation of the diabetes, ketoacidosis was associated [6]. O v e r the past decade, a n u m b e r of authors have
with significantly higher levels of factor V I I I coagu- described the association of disseminated intravascu-
lant activity, factor V I i i - r e l a t e d antigen and fibrin lar coagulation and diabetic c o m a [6-8]. However,
degradation products, a shorter partial t h r o m b o p l a s - such case reports have been sporadic, and laboratory
tin time and reduced concentrations of antithrom- studies have generally b e e n u n d e r t a k e n only after
bin III. T h e s e results suggest that in uncomplicated clinical signs were apparent. A prospective study was
ketoacidosis, haematological changes occur which therefore designed to determine the nature of
m a y reflect vascular endothelial d a m a g e and intra- haemostatic changes in unselected cases of diabetic
vascular fibrin deposition. Out of three deaths, two ketoacidosis and the non-ketotic h y p e r o s m o l a r syn-
patients (both with the h y p e r o s m o l a r syndrome) had drome.
evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
T o reduce further the mortality and morbidity f r o m
diabetic coma, controlled clinical trials of anticoagu- Subjects and Methods
lant and antiplatelet drugs m a y b e indicated.
Key words: Diabetic coma, factor V I I I , disseminated
intravascular coagulation. Fifteen diabetic patients, admitted to the Aberdeen Teaching Hos-
pitals with ketoacidosis or the hyperosmolar syndrome over a
period of 12 months, were included in the study. Diabetic
ketoacidosis was arbitrarily defined as a plasma glucose
>14mmol/1 and a serum bicarbonate of 11 mmol/1 or less in
association with ketonuria. The non-ketotic hyperosmolar syn-
M a n y abnormalities of haemostatic function have drome was defined as a plasma glucose >30 mmol/1 with a serum
osmolarity of >350 mOsmol/1 [9], serum bicarbonate >20 retool/1
b e e n described in diabetes mellitus. T h e s e include and with no more than a trace of ketonuria.
increased platelet retention and aggregation [1], Where possible, a second, "convalescent" sample was obtained
increased levels of coagulation factors [2] and from the patients at a subsequent outpatient visit when the diabetic
diminished fibrinolytic activity [3]. W h e t h e r these state was stable (non-fasting plasma glucose <10 mmol/1 and ab-
sence of ketonuria).
abnormalities are related to the metabolic disturb-
ances of diabetes is unclear.
W h a t e v e r the relationship b e t w e e n metabolic Methods
control and haemostatic dysfunction, it is increasingly Venous blood was removed from the patients as soon as possible
realized that t h r o m b o e m b o l i c disease is a frequent after arrival at hospital (mean 2.2 h, range 0.1-5 h) for biochemi-
complication of diabetic coma. Arterial thrombosis cal and haematological studies. Blood for assays of the coagulation

R. C. Paton: H a e m o s t a t i c C h a n g e s in Diabetic C o m a

Table 1. Clinical details of patients with diabetic coma

Patient Sex Age Duration Previous Possible Additional D e p t h of Outcome

no. (years) of diabetes diabetic precipitating drugs coma
(years) treatment factors

1 M 18 4 insulin tonsillitis erythromycin 3 recovery

2 F 52 new none breast abcess amoxycillin, 1
bendrofluazide K + recovery
3 F 65 46 insulin unknown -- 4 death
4 F 21 10 insulin unstable diabetes - 3 recovery
5 M 17 new none unknown - 4 recovery
6 F 15 6 insulin unstable diabetes - 2 recovery
7 F 13 1 insulin dental abcess -- 2 recovery
8 M 33 13 insulin ischiorectal abcess - 2 recovery
9 F 16 1 insulin unstable diabetes -- 2 recovery
10 M 17 new insulin stopped insulin - 3 recovery
11 F 33 new none unknown -- 2 recovery
12 M 42 16 insulin unknown - 3 recovery
13 M 65 new none unknown - 3 recovery
14 M 73 new none unknown frusemide, digoxin, 3 death
inositol nicotinate
15 F 81 17 chlorpropamide stopped sulphonylurea - 3 death

Table 2. Biochemical data of patients with diabetic coma

Patient Plasma Serum Serum Serum Serum Serum Urinary

no. glucose urea sodium potassium bicarbonate osmolarity ketones
(mmol/1) (mmol/l) (mmol/1) (retool/l) (mmol/1) (mOsmol/1)

1 32.4 9.4 128 5.4 5 309 + + +

2 21.4 8.0 151 2.4 8 336 + + +
3 54.9 14.7 132 7.2 5 348 + + +
4 14.2 5.5 153 6.5 5 339 +++
5 78.5 38.0 146 4.4 11 417 + + +
6 39.3 6.8 136 5.5 5 329 + + +
7 25.0 4.0 133 3.7 5 302 + + +
8 34.6 8.3 134 6.6 5 324 + + +
9 17.1 8.2 142 4.6 11 318 + +
10 20.9 5.6 136 3.5 5 305 + + +
11 42.9 7.0 138 2.5 5 331 +++
12 69.0 39.0 143 6.5 11 407 + +
13 31.1 18.2 161 4.1 24 380 --
14 56.1 35.2 145 5.7 22 393 trace
15 48.4 28.1 163 4.0 24 410 --

system was immediately placed on ice and centrifuged at 1500 • g [16] of the m e t h o d of Ratnoff and Menzie, and plasma plasmino-
and 4 ~ within 30 min of venepuncture. Prothrombin and partial gen by the m e t h o d of Alkjaersig et al. [17]. Fibrin degradation
thromboplastin times were m e a s u r e d on fresh samples and the products were m e a s u r e d using the kit supplied by Wellcome R e a -
remaining plasma stored at - - 7 0 ~ until required. gents (Beckenham, Kent, U K ) Packed cell volume was estimated
T h e whole blood platelet count was m e a s u r e d microscopically using a microhaematocrit centrifuge (Hawksley & Sons, Lancing,
[10]. Partial thromboplastin time was m e a s u r e d by the m e t h o d of Sussex, UK). Since dehydration occurs during diabetic coma, con-
Langdell et al. [11] and t h e p r o t h r o m b i n time by the m e t h o d of centrations of haemostatic factors were adjusted for changes in
Quick [12]. Factor V a n d factor VIII coagulant activity (VIII: C) haematocrit [18]: Corrected concentration = m e a s u r e d concen-
were assayed by one-stage techniques based on the correction of
the prolonged clotting times of specific factor deficient plasmas tration x H1 (100 -- H2)
[13, 14]. Factor VIII-related antigen (VIII R: Ag) was m e a s u r e d H 2 (100 -- HI)
by immuno-electrophoresis using antibody to factor V I I I R : A g Where: H 1 = haematocrit after coma
produced by Behringwerke (Marburg, F R G ) [15]. A n o r m a l pool H 2 = haematocrit during coma
of plasma obtained from 20 healthy male medical students was
used as a control. Plasma antithrombin III was m e a s u r e d by a This formula is based on' the assumption that the red cell mass
radial diffusion technique, using plates and standards supplied by remains relatively constant during diabetic coma, and that changes
Behringwerke. P l a s m a fibrinogen was m e a s u r e d by a modification in haematocrit reflect changes in plasma volume. Results are pre-
174 R.C. Paton: Haemostatic Changes in Diabetic Coma

Table 3. Mean • SEM values of haemostatic factors of 11 diabetics during ketoacidosis, ketoacidosis with the values corrected for
dehydration and during convalescence

Test Ketoacidosis Ketoacidosis Convalescence Normal controls a

(measured values) (corrected values)

Haematocrit (%) 45.6• 1.8 d 40.7 • 1.5

Prothrombin time (ratio) 1.00_+0.03 0.96+0.04
Partial thromboptastin time (ratio) 0.90+0.04 c 0.99_+0.03
Platelet count (x 109/1) 406+43 c 331• 299_+17
Factor V (%) t10 +-10 90• 118• 15
Factor VIII: C (%) 350+36 b 278• a 189•
Factor VIIIR: Ag (%) 535• b 511-+226 b 125•
Fibrinogen (g/l) 6.35_+0.63 5.63_+1.02 5.19_+0.32 3.92•
Plasminogen (casein U/ml) 4.19-+0.16 3.51• 4.09+0.17 3.56•
Antithrombin III (mg/dl) 32.2_+ 1.4b 26.4• 1,0 b 36.3 +0.3 46.5+1.0
Fibrin degradation products (gg/ml) 17.7+4.5 d 15.4• 8.7_+0.9 <5

a Mean • SEM values for 34 healthy non-diabetic subjects.

b p <0.01, c p <0.02, d p <0.05 compared with convalescent values

Table 4. Haemostatic tests of the fatal case of ketoacidosis (patient 3) and the three diabetics with the hyperosmolar syndrome (patients 13,
14, 15)

Test Patient 3 Patient 13 Patient 14 Patient 15 Normal control a

Haematocrit (%) 40 40 49 39
Prothrombin time (ratio) 1.01 1.01 1.41 0.88
Partial thromboplastin time (ratio) 1.33 0.60 0.98 0.83
Platelet count (x 109/1) 540 311 82 184
Factor V (%) 104 102 42 104
Factor VIII: C (%) 240 570 184 760
Factor VIIR: Ag (%) 248 280 352 1200
Fibrinogen (g/l) 5.20 10.15 10.32 4.25 3.92• 1.35
Plasminogen (casein U/ml) 3.31 4.34 2.75 1.76 3.56+0.07
Antithrombin III (mg/dl) 27.2 27.2 26.0 27.7 46.5_+1.0
Fibrin degradation products 0xg/ml) 20 10 160 80 <5

a Mean • SEM values for 34 healthy non-diabetic subjects

sented both as measured and corrected concentrations. Plasma are discussed separately from the three patients with
glucose was measured by the glucose oxidase method and serum the hyperosmolar syndrome.
urea and electrolytes by autoanalyzer. Urinary ketones were meas-
ured by Ketostix (Ames). Serum osmolarity was calculated using
the formula of ,Gordon and Kabadi [9], and depth of coma on Patients with Ketoacidosis
admission was assessed clinically, using a score of 1-4 (1 = nor-
mal, 2 = drowsy, but responding to verbal commands, 3 = Patient 3 died 3 h after admission following a cardiac
responding only to painful stimuli, 4 = unrousable).
arrest. The results of the haemostatic tests of the sur-
v i v i n g 11 p a t i e n t s a r e s u m m a r i z e d in T a b l e 3. T h e
Statistics normal values for fibrinogen, plasminogen, anti-
Comparison between results during and after diabetic coma was thrombin III and fibrin degradation products shown
made using the Wilcoxon rank sign test for paired samples. in T a b l e s 3 a n d 4 w e r e o b t a i n e d f r o m 3 4 h e a l t h y
n o n - d i a b e t i c c o n t r o l s ( 2 2 m e n , 12 w o m e n ) w i t h a
mean age of 39.1 years (range 26-65 years). Com-
pared with convalescent values, platelet count, factor
V I I I : C, V I I I R : A g a n d f i b r i n d e g r a d a t i o n p r o d u c t s
were significantly increased. Antithrombin III con-
Fifteen diabetics were admitted to the study. Clinical centrations were significantly lower and there was a
d e t a i l s a r e s h o w n in T a b l e 1 a n d b i o c h e m i c a l d a t a in significant shortening of the partial thromboplastin
T a b l e 2. F i n d i n g s in t h e 12 p a t i e n t s w i t h k e t o a c i d o s i s time during ketoacidosis.
R. C. Paton: HaemostaticChangesin DiabeticComa 175

When the results were corrected for the effect of Discussion

dehydration, factor VIII: C and VIIIR: Ag were still
significantly higher and antithrombin III concentra- This study shows that characteristic changes occur in
tions lower, during ketoacidosis. The differences in the haemostatic system during diabetic ketoacidosis,
platelet count and fibrin degradation products were the most striking abnormality being a rise in factor
no longer significant, though seven out of the 11 VIII: C and VIIIR: Ag. Increased levels of the factor
patients had corrected concentrations of fibrin degra- VIII complex are found in a variety of inflammatory,
dation products greater than 10 ~g/ml compared with thromboembolic and neoplastic conditions [19]. On
only one out of 11 convalescent samples. In addition, the other hand, high factor VIII: C and particularly
corrected mean plasminogen concentrations were VIIIR: Ag concentrations have frequently been ob-
significantly lower during ketoacidosis. The mean served in stable diabetics [20, 21]. Recent evidence
(+ SEM) factor VIIIR: Ag/VIII: C ratio was 1.44 + suggests that factor VIII l~.istocetin cofactor activity
0.27 during ketoacidosis, which was significantly (which tends to parallel the VIIIR: Ag level) can be
higher than the convalescent value of 0.73 + 0.08 reduced by strict metabolic control of the diabetes
(p < 0.01). There was no correlation between the [22]. The present study lends additional support to
levels of the various haemostatic factors and the the view that poor diabetic control produces raised
depth of coma, the presence of overt infection, factor VIII levels. Since factor VIII R: Ag is syn-
plasma glucose, serum bicarbonate and the serum os- thetized by vascular endothelial cells [23], the high
molarity. Neither the two patients with severe hypo- concentrations of this antigen found in diabetics with
kalaemia (patients 2 and 11) nor the two with a blood ketoacidosis may indicate the degree of insult sus-
urea greater than 30 mmol/l (patients 5 and 12) had tained by the endothelium. Exposure of the vascular
haemostatic values strikingly different from the subendothelium is the first stage in the initiation of
remaining ketoacidotic patients. thrombus formation [24], so that endothelial cell
damage with resulting de-endothelialization could be
Patients with the Hyperosmolar Syndrome a major contributing factor to the high incidence of
Out of the three diabetics with the hyperosmolar syn- arterial thrombosis in fatal cases of diabetic ketoaci-
drome, two died (patients 14 and 15). The haemo- dosis [4].
static results on admission are shown in Table 4, The cause of raised factor VIII: C activity during
together with the fatal case with ketoacidosis (pa- ketoacidosis is not known, but could be a non-
tient 3). Results are reported as uncorrected values. specific response to acute stress [19]. Though raised
Patients 3 and 13 showed results similar to the sur- levels of individual coagulation factors do not neces-
viving patients with ketoacidosis shown in Table 3. In sarily lead to an increased tendency to thrombosis
contrast, the two fatal hyperosmolar cases (patients [25], the finding of a significantly shortened partial
14 and 15) had thrombocytopenia, low concentra- thromboplastin time during ketoacidosis suggests
tions of plasminogen and raised levels of fibrin degra- that there is an increased activity of the intrinsic co-
dation products. agulation system, which might be expected to favour
Patient 14 had a past history of ischaemic heart intravascular clotting. A slight, but significant, rise in
disease and intermittent claudication. On admission, the ratio of factor VIIIR: Ag/VIII: C was observed
he was found to have impalpable pu!ses from the left during ketoacidosis. Denson has shown that a pro-
femoral downwards. The hyperosmolar state was portionate decrease in factor VIII: C in relation to
rapidly corrected with fluid and insulin therapy, but VIIIR: Ag can indicate intravascular coagulation
perfusion of the left leg did not improve, below-knee [26]. However, since factor VIII: C activity is rela-
amputation being required six days later, followed by tively labile, the possibility that coagulant activity
death after a further eight days. The severe throm- was lost during blood collection or storage of the
bocytopenia present on admission persisted through- plasma cannot be excluded.
out his final illness. Post-mortem was not performed. A fall in the concentration of antithrombin III
Patient 15 was admitted in hyperosmolar coma. appears to be an early and sensitive indicator of
On examination she had minimal abdominal tender- intravascular coagulation [27]. In the present study, a
ness and absent bowel sounds. Death occurred 12 h significant fall in antithrombin III together with a
after admissidn. At autopsy she was found to have modest rise in fibrin degradation products provides
80 cm of infarcted small intestine and when sections evidence that even in relatively uncomplicated cases
were stained with Martius yellow, Crystal scarlet and of ketoacidosis, a degree of fibrin generation occurs,
soluble blue, fibrin was observed in capillaries, ven- and could contribute to the cerebral dysfunction
ules and arterioles of lungs, mesentry, renal glom- often seen in this condition [6]. No correlation was
eruli and cerebral cortex. found between the magnitude of the individual
176 R. C. Paton: Haemostatic Changes in Diabetic Coma

haemostatic factor abnormalities and clinical and may reflect endothelial damage and also suggest
biochemical variables such as presence of overt infec- intravascular fibrin deposition. In two fatal cases of
tion, depth of coma, extent of hyperglycaemia, osmo- the hyperosmolar syndrome, evidence of dissemi-
larity or uraemia. Since levels of both haemostatic nated intravascular coagulation was found. In view of
and metabolic factors can change rapidly, future the high incidence of thromboembolic complications
studies with more frequent blood sampling during associated with diabetic ketoacidosis and the hy-
recovery from ketoacidosis are required for clearer perosmolar syndrome, and the disturbances of the
understanding of the relationships between clinical, haemostatic system reported in this paper, controlled
metabolic and haemostatic parameters. clinical trials of anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs
Two of the three patients with the hyperosmolar would appear to be justified in the management of
syndrome died during their admission to hospital. these two conditions.
Both deaths occurred in elderly patients and illus-
trated the considerably higher mortality rate due to Acknowledgements. This work was supported by grant 75/569
the hyperosmolar syndrome compared with that from from the Medical Research Council. I thank Professor A. S. Doug-
las for help and encouragement throughout the study, and Profes-
ketoacidosis [9]. Both patients had laboratory, and in sor J. M. Stowers and Dr. M. J. Williams for permission to study
one case, pathological evidence of disseminated their patients.
intravascular coagulation. The majority of patients
with disseminated intravascular coagulation have
reduced levels of fibrinogen and plasminogen,
thrombocytopenia and diminished factor V and
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